/* Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER 0 #include <kpviewscrollablecontainer.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqpen.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kpdefs.h> #include <kppixmapfx.h> #include <kpview.h> #include <kpwidgetmapper.h> // (Pulled from out of Thurston's hat) static const int DragScrollLeftTopMargin = 0; static const int DragScrollRightBottomMargin = 16; // scrollbarish static const int DragScrollInterval = 1000 / 10; static const int DragScrollInitialInterval = DragScrollInterval * 2; static const int DragScrollNumPixels = 5; static const int DragDistanceFromRectMaxFor1stMultiplier = 50; static const int DragDistanceFromRectMaxFor2ndMultiplier = 100; static const int GripSize = 7; static const int GripHandleSize = 7; kpGrip::kpGrip (GripType type, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget (parent, name), m_type (type), m_startPoint (KP_INVALID_POINT), m_currentPoint (KP_INVALID_POINT), m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons (false) { setCursor (cursorForType (m_type)); setMouseTracking (true); // mouseMoveEvent's even when no mousebtn down updatePixmap (); } kpGrip::~kpGrip () { } // public kpGrip::GripType kpGrip::type () const { return m_type; } // public static const TQCursor &kpGrip::cursorForType (GripType type) { switch (type) { case Bottom: return TQt::sizeVerCursor; break; // one day you'll forget case Right: return TQt::sizeHorCursor; break; // one day you'll forget case BottomRight: return TQt::sizeFDiagCursor; break; // one day you'll forget } return TQt::arrowCursor; } // public TQRect kpGrip::hotRect (bool toGlobal) const { TQRect ret; switch (m_type) { case Bottom: { const int handleX = (width () - GripHandleSize) / 2; ret = TQRect (handleX, 0, GripHandleSize, height ()); break; } case Right: { const int handleY = (height () - GripHandleSize) / 2; ret = TQRect (0, handleY, width (), GripHandleSize); break; } case BottomRight: // pixmap all opaque ret = rect (); break; default: return TQRect (); } return (toGlobal ? TQRect (mapToGlobal (ret.topLeft ()), mapToGlobal (ret.bottomRight ())) : ret); } // public bool kpGrip::isDrawing () const { return (m_startPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT); } // public TQString kpGrip::haventBegunDrawUserMessage () const { return i18n ("Left drag the handle to resize the image."); } // public TQString kpGrip::userMessage () const { return m_userMessage; } // public void kpGrip::setUserMessage (const TQString &message) { // Don't do NOP checking here since another grip might have changed // the message so an apparent NOP for this grip is not a NOP in the // global sense (kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripStatusMessageChanged()). m_userMessage = message; emit statusMessageChanged (message); } // protected void kpGrip::updatePixmap () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::updatePixmap() rect=" << rect () << endl; #endif if (width () <= 0 || height () <= 0) return; TQPixmap pixmap (width (), height ()); pixmap.fill (colorGroup ().highlight ()); kpPixmapFX::ensureTransparentAt (&pixmap, pixmap.rect ()); const TQRect hr = hotRect (); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "\thotRect=" << hr << endl; #endif if (hr.isValid ()) kpPixmapFX::ensureOpaqueAt (&pixmap, hr); setBackgroundPixmap (pixmap); if (pixmap.mask ()) setMask (*pixmap.mask ()); } // protected void kpGrip::cancel () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::cancel()" << endl; #endif if (m_currentPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT) return; m_startPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_currentPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; setUserMessage (i18n ("Resize Image: Let go of all the mouse buttons.")); setCursor (TQt::arrowCursor); m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons = true; releaseKeyboard (); emit cancelledDraw (); } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::keyReleaseEvent (TQKeyEvent *e) { if (m_startPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT && e->key () == TQt::Key_Escape) { cancel (); } } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::mousePressEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { if (m_startPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT && (e->stateAfter () & Qt::MouseButtonMask) == Qt::LeftButton) { m_startPoint = e->pos (); m_currentPoint = e->pos (); emit beganDraw (); grabKeyboard (); setUserMessage (i18n ("Resize Image: Right click to cancel.")); setCursor (cursorForType (m_type)); } else { if (m_startPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT) cancel (); } } // public TQPoint kpGrip::viewDeltaPoint () const { if (m_startPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT) return KP_INVALID_POINT; const TQPoint point = mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()); // TODO: this is getting out of sync with m_currentPoint return TQPoint (((m_type & Right) ? point.x () - m_startPoint.x () : 0), ((m_type & Bottom) ? point.y () - m_startPoint.y () : 0)); } // public void kpGrip::mouseMovedTo (const TQPoint &point, bool dueToDragScroll) { if (m_startPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT) return; m_currentPoint = point; emit continuedDraw (((m_type & Right) ? point.x () - m_startPoint.x () : 0), ((m_type & Bottom) ? point.y () - m_startPoint.y () : 0), dueToDragScroll); } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::mouseMoveEvent() m_startPoint=" << m_startPoint << " stateAfter=" << e->stateAfter () << endl; #endif if (m_startPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT) { if ((e->stateAfter () & Qt::MouseButtonMask) == 0) setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ()); return; } mouseMovedTo (e->pos (), false/*not due to drag scroll*/); } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::mouseReleaseEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::mouseReleaseEvent() m_startPoint=" << m_startPoint << " stateAfter=" << e->stateAfter () << endl; #endif if (m_startPoint != KP_INVALID_POINT) { const int dx = m_currentPoint.x () - m_startPoint.x (), dy = m_currentPoint.y () - m_startPoint.y (); m_currentPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; m_startPoint = KP_INVALID_POINT; releaseKeyboard (); emit endedDraw ((m_type & Right) ? dx : 0, (m_type & Bottom) ? dy : 0); } if ((e->stateAfter () & Qt::MouseButtonMask) == 0) { m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons = false; setUserMessage (TQString()); setCursor (cursorForType (m_type)); releaseKeyboard (); emit releasedAllButtons (); } } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::resizeEvent (TQResizeEvent *) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::resizeEvent()" << endl; #endif updatePixmap (); } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::enterEvent (TQEvent * /*e*/) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::enterEvent()" << " m_startPoint=" << m_startPoint << " shouldReleaseMouseButtons=" << m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons << endl; #endif if (m_startPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT && !m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "\tsending message" << endl; #endif setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ()); } } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::leaveEvent (TQEvent * /*e*/) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpGrip::leaveEvent()" << " m_startPoint=" << m_startPoint << " shouldReleaseMouseButtons=" << m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons << endl; #endif if (m_startPoint == KP_INVALID_POINT && !m_shouldReleaseMouseButtons) { setUserMessage (TQString()); } } // protected virtual [base TQWidget] void kpGrip::paintEvent (TQPaintEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 0 kdDebug () << "kpGrip::paintEvent(" << e->rect () << ")" << endl; #endif TQWidget::paintEvent (e); } // TODO: Are we checking for m_view == 0 often enough? kpViewScrollableContainer::kpViewScrollableContainer (kpMainWindow *parent, const char *name) : TQScrollView ((TQWidget *) parent, name, TQt::WStaticContents | TQt::WNoAutoErase), m_mainWindow (parent), m_contentsXSoon (-1), m_contentsYSoon (-1), m_view (0), m_bottomGrip (new kpGrip (kpGrip::Bottom, viewport (), "Bottom Grip")), m_rightGrip (new kpGrip (kpGrip::Right, viewport (), "Right Grip")), m_bottomRightGrip (new kpGrip (kpGrip::BottomRight, viewport (), "BottomRight Grip")), m_docResizingGrip (0), m_dragScrollTimer (new TQTimer (this)), m_zoomLevel (100), m_scrollTimerRunOnce (false), m_resizeRoundedLastViewX (-1), m_resizeRoundedLastViewY (-1), m_resizeRoundedLastViewDX (0), m_resizeRoundedLastViewDY (0), m_haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize (false) { m_bottomGrip->setFixedHeight (GripSize); m_bottomGrip->hide (); addChild (m_bottomGrip); connectGripSignals (m_bottomGrip); m_rightGrip->setFixedWidth (GripSize); m_rightGrip->hide (); addChild (m_rightGrip); connectGripSignals (m_rightGrip); m_bottomRightGrip->setFixedSize (GripSize, GripSize); m_bottomRightGrip->hide (); addChild (m_bottomRightGrip); connectGripSignals (m_bottomRightGrip); connect (this, TQT_SIGNAL (contentsMoving (int, int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotContentsMoving (int, int))); connect (m_dragScrollTimer, TQT_SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotDragScroll ())); } kpViewScrollableContainer::~kpViewScrollableContainer () { } // public int kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsXSoon () { if (m_contentsXSoon < 0) return contentsX (); else return m_contentsXSoon; } // public int kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsYSoon () { if (m_contentsYSoon < 0) return contentsY (); else return m_contentsYSoon; } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::connectGripSignals (kpGrip *grip) { connect (grip, TQT_SIGNAL (beganDraw ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotGripBeganDraw ())); connect (grip, TQT_SIGNAL (continuedDraw (int, int, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotGripContinuedDraw (int, int, bool))); connect (grip, TQT_SIGNAL (cancelledDraw ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotGripCancelledDraw ())); connect (grip, TQT_SIGNAL (endedDraw (int, int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotGripEndedDraw (int, int))); connect (grip, TQT_SIGNAL (statusMessageChanged (const TQString &)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotGripStatusMessageChanged (const TQString &))); connect (grip, TQT_SIGNAL (releasedAllButtons ()), this, TQT_SLOT (recalculateStatusMessage ())); } // public TQSize kpViewScrollableContainer::newDocSize () const { return newDocSize (m_resizeRoundedLastViewDX, m_resizeRoundedLastViewDY); } // public bool kpViewScrollableContainer::haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize () const { return m_haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize; } // public TQString kpViewScrollableContainer::statusMessage () const { return m_gripStatusMessage; } // public void kpViewScrollableContainer::clearStatusMessage () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 1 kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::clearStatusMessage()" << endl; #endif m_bottomRightGrip->setUserMessage (TQString()); m_bottomGrip->setUserMessage (TQString()); m_rightGrip->setUserMessage (TQString()); } // protected TQSize kpViewScrollableContainer::newDocSize (int viewDX, int viewDY) const { if (!m_view) return TQSize (); if (!docResizingGrip ()) return TQSize (); const int docX = (int) m_view->transformViewToDocX (m_view->width () + viewDX); const int docY = (int) m_view->transformViewToDocY (m_view->height () + viewDY); return TQSize (TQMAX (1, docX), TQMAX (1, docY)); } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::calculateDocResizingGrip () { if (m_bottomRightGrip->isDrawing ()) m_docResizingGrip = m_bottomRightGrip; else if (m_bottomGrip->isDrawing ()) m_docResizingGrip = m_bottomGrip; else if (m_rightGrip->isDrawing ()) m_docResizingGrip = m_rightGrip; else m_docResizingGrip = 0; } // protected kpGrip *kpViewScrollableContainer::docResizingGrip () const { return m_docResizingGrip; } // protected int kpViewScrollableContainer::bottomResizeLineWidth () const { if (!docResizingGrip ()) return -1; if (!m_view) return -1; if (docResizingGrip ()->type () & kpGrip::Bottom) return TQMAX (m_view->zoomLevelY () / 100, 1); else return 1; } // protected int kpViewScrollableContainer::rightResizeLineWidth () const { if (!docResizingGrip ()) return -1; if (!m_view) return -1; if (docResizingGrip ()->type () & kpGrip::Right) return TQMAX (m_view->zoomLevelX () / 100, 1); else return 1; } // protected TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::bottomResizeLineRect () const { if (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX < 0 || m_resizeRoundedLastViewY < 0) return TQRect (); return TQRect (TQPoint (0, m_resizeRoundedLastViewY), TQPoint (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX - 1, m_resizeRoundedLastViewY + bottomResizeLineWidth () - 1)); } // protected TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::rightResizeLineRect () const { if (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX < 0 || m_resizeRoundedLastViewY < 0) return TQRect (); return TQRect (TQPoint (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX, 0), TQPoint (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX + rightResizeLineWidth () - 1, m_resizeRoundedLastViewY - 1)); } // protected TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::bottomRightResizeLineRect () const { if (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX < 0 || m_resizeRoundedLastViewY < 0) return TQRect (); return TQRect (TQPoint (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX, m_resizeRoundedLastViewY), TQPoint (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX + rightResizeLineWidth () - 1, m_resizeRoundedLastViewY + bottomResizeLineWidth () - 1)); } // TODO: are these 2 correct? Remember that viewport()->x() == 1, viewport()->y() == 1 // protected TQPoint kpViewScrollableContainer::mapViewToViewport (const TQPoint &viewPoint) { return viewPoint - TQPoint (contentsX (), contentsY ()); } // protected TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::mapViewToViewport (const TQRect &viewRect) { if (!viewRect.isValid ()) return TQRect (); TQRect ret = viewRect; ret.moveBy (-contentsX (), -contentsY ()); return ret; } // protected TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::mapViewportToGlobal (const TQRect &viewportRect) { return kpWidgetMapper::toGlobal (viewport (), viewportRect); } // protected TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::mapViewToGlobal (const TQRect &viewRect) { return mapViewportToGlobal (mapViewToViewport (viewRect)); } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::repaintWidgetAtResizeLineViewRect ( TQWidget *widget, const TQRect &resizeLineViewRect) { const TQRect resizeLineGlobalRect = mapViewToGlobal (resizeLineViewRect); const TQRect widgetGlobalRect = kpWidgetMapper::toGlobal (widget, widget->rect ()); const TQRect redrawGlobalRect = resizeLineGlobalRect.intersect (widgetGlobalRect); const TQRect redrawWidgetRect = kpWidgetMapper::fromGlobal (widget, redrawGlobalRect); if (redrawWidgetRect.isValid ()) { // TODO: should be "!widget->testWFlags (TQt::WRepaintNoErase)" // but for some reason, doesn't work for viewport(). const bool erase = !dynamic_cast <kpView *> (widget); widget->repaint (redrawWidgetRect, erase); } } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::repaintWidgetAtResizeLines (TQWidget *widget) { repaintWidgetAtResizeLineViewRect (widget, rightResizeLineRect ()); repaintWidgetAtResizeLineViewRect (widget, bottomResizeLineRect ()); repaintWidgetAtResizeLineViewRect (widget, bottomRightResizeLineRect ()); } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::eraseResizeLines () { if (m_resizeRoundedLastViewX >= 0 && m_resizeRoundedLastViewY >= 0) { repaintWidgetAtResizeLines (viewport ()); repaintWidgetAtResizeLines (m_view); repaintWidgetAtResizeLines (m_bottomGrip); repaintWidgetAtResizeLines (m_rightGrip); repaintWidgetAtResizeLines (m_bottomRightGrip); } } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::drawResizeLines () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 0 kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::drawResizeLines()" << " lastViewX=" << m_resizeRoundedLastViewX << " lastViewY=" << m_resizeRoundedLastViewY << endl; #endif TQPainter p (viewport (), true/*unclipped*/); p.setRasterOp (TQt::NotROP); const TQRect rightRect = rightResizeLineRect (); if (rightRect.isValid ()) p.fillRect (mapViewToViewport (rightRect), TQt::white); const TQRect bottomRect = bottomResizeLineRect (); if (bottomRect.isValid ()) p.fillRect (mapViewToViewport (bottomRect), TQt::white); const TQRect bottomRightRect = bottomRightResizeLineRect (); if (bottomRightRect.isValid ()) p.fillRect (mapViewToViewport (bottomRightRect), TQt::white); p.end (); } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::updateResizeLines (int viewX, int viewY, int viewDX, int viewDY) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 0 kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::updateResizeLines(" << viewX << "," << viewY << ")" << " oldViewX=" << m_resizeRoundedLastViewX << " oldViewY=" << m_resizeRoundedLastViewY << " viewDX=" << viewDX << " viewDY=" << viewDY << endl; #endif eraseResizeLines (); if (viewX >= 0 && viewY >= 0) { m_resizeRoundedLastViewX = (int) m_view->transformDocToViewX ((int) m_view->transformViewToDocX (viewX)); m_resizeRoundedLastViewY = (int) m_view->transformDocToViewY ((int) m_view->transformViewToDocY (viewY)); m_resizeRoundedLastViewDX = viewDX; m_resizeRoundedLastViewDY = viewDY; } else { m_resizeRoundedLastViewX = -1; m_resizeRoundedLastViewY = -1; m_resizeRoundedLastViewDX = 0; m_resizeRoundedLastViewDY = 0; } // TODO: This is suboptimal since if another window pops up on top of // KolourPaint then disappears, the lines are not redrawn // (although this doesn't happen very frequently since we grab the // keyboard and mouse when resizing): // // e.g. sleep 5 && gedit & sleep 10 && killall gedit // // Should be done in the paintEvent's of every child of the // scrollview. drawResizeLines (); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripBeganDraw () { if (!m_view) return; calculateDocResizingGrip (); m_haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize = false; updateResizeLines (m_view->width (), m_view->height (), 0/*viewDX*/, 0/*viewDY*/); emit beganDocResize (); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripContinuedDraw (int inViewDX, int inViewDY, bool dueToDragScroll) { int viewDX = inViewDX, viewDY = inViewDY; #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripContinuedDraw(" << viewDX << "," << viewDY << ") size=" << newDocSize (viewDX, viewDY) << " dueToDragScroll=" << dueToDragScroll << endl; #endif if (!m_view) return; if (!dueToDragScroll && beginDragScroll (TQPoint (), TQPoint (), m_view->zoomLevelX ())) { const TQPoint newViewDeltaPoint = docResizingGrip ()->viewDeltaPoint (); viewDX = newViewDeltaPoint.x (); viewDY = newViewDeltaPoint.y (); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "\tdrag scrolled - new view delta point=" << newViewDeltaPoint << endl; #endif } m_haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize = true; updateResizeLines (TQMAX (1, TQMAX (m_view->width () + viewDX, (int) m_view->transformDocToViewX (1))), TQMAX (1, TQMAX (m_view->height () + viewDY, (int) m_view->transformDocToViewY (1))), viewDX, viewDY); emit continuedDocResize (newDocSize ()); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripCancelledDraw () { m_haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize = false; updateResizeLines (-1, -1, 0, 0); calculateDocResizingGrip (); emit cancelledDocResize (); endDragScroll (); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripEndedDraw (int viewDX, int viewDY) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripEndedDraw(" << viewDX << "," << viewDY << ") size=" << newDocSize (viewDX, viewDY) << endl; #endif if (!m_view) return; const TQSize newSize = newDocSize (viewDX, viewDY); m_haveMovedFromOriginalDocSize = false; // must erase lines before view size changes updateResizeLines (-1, -1, 0, 0); calculateDocResizingGrip (); emit endedDocResize (newSize); endDragScroll (); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotGripStatusMessageChanged (const TQString &string) { if (string == m_gripStatusMessage) return; m_gripStatusMessage = string; emit statusMessageChanged (string); } // public slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::recalculateStatusMessage () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollabelContainer::recalculateStatusMessage()" << endl; kdDebug () << "\tTQCursor::pos=" << TQCursor::pos () << " global visibleRect=" << kpWidgetMapper::toGlobal (this, TQRect (0, 0, visibleWidth (), visibleHeight ())) << " brGrip.hotRect=" << m_bottomRightGrip->hotRect (true) << " bGrip.hotRect=" << m_bottomGrip->hotRect (true) << " rGrip.hotRect=" << m_rightGrip->hotRect (true) << endl; #endif // HACK: After dragging to a new size, handles move so that they are now // under the mouse pointer but no mouseMoveEvent() is generated for // any grip. This also handles the case of cancelling over any // grip. // if (kpWidgetMapper::toGlobal (this, TQRect (0, 0, visibleWidth (), visibleHeight ())) .contains (TQCursor::pos ())) { if (m_bottomRightGrip->isShown () && m_bottomRightGrip->hotRect (true/*to global*/) .contains (TQCursor::pos ())) { m_bottomRightGrip->setUserMessage (i18n ("Left drag the handle to resize the image.")); } else if (m_bottomGrip->isShown () && m_bottomGrip->hotRect (true/*to global*/) .contains (TQCursor::pos ())) { m_bottomGrip->setUserMessage (i18n ("Left drag the handle to resize the image.")); } else if (m_rightGrip->isShown () && m_rightGrip->hotRect (true/*to global*/) .contains (TQCursor::pos ())) { m_rightGrip->setUserMessage (i18n ("Left drag the handle to resize the image.")); } else { clearStatusMessage (); } } else { clearStatusMessage (); } } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotContentsMoving (int x, int y) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotContentsMoving(" << x << "," << y << ")" << " contentsX=" << contentsX () << " contentsY=" << contentsY () << endl; #endif m_contentsXSoon = x, m_contentsYSoon = y; emit contentsMovingSoon (m_contentsXSoon, m_contentsYSoon); // Reduce flicker - don't let TQScrollView scroll to-be-erased lines eraseResizeLines (); TQTimer::singleShot (0, this, TQT_SLOT (slotContentsMoved ())); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotContentsMoved () { m_contentsXSoon = m_contentsYSoon = -1; kpGrip *grip = docResizingGrip (); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotContentsMoved()" << " grip=" << grip << " contentsX=" << contentsX () << " contentsY=" << contentsY () << endl; #endif if (!grip) return; grip->mouseMovedTo (grip->mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()), true/*moved due to drag scroll*/); } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::disconnectViewSignals () { disconnect (m_view, TQT_SIGNAL (sizeChanged (const TQSize &)), this, TQT_SLOT (updateGrips ())); disconnect (m_view, TQT_SIGNAL (destroyed ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotViewDestroyed ())); } // protected void kpViewScrollableContainer::connectViewSignals () { connect (m_view, TQT_SIGNAL (sizeChanged (const TQSize &)), this, TQT_SLOT (updateGrips ())); connect (m_view, TQT_SIGNAL (destroyed ()), this, TQT_SLOT (slotViewDestroyed ())); } // public virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::addChild (TQWidget *widget, int x, int y) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::addChild(" << widget << "," << x << "," << y << endl; #endif TQScrollView::addChild (widget, x, y); kpView *view = dynamic_cast <kpView *> (widget); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "\tcast to kpView: " << view << endl; #endif if (view) { setView (view); } } // public kpView *kpViewScrollableContainer::view () const { return m_view; } // public void kpViewScrollableContainer::setView (kpView *view) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::setView(" << view << ")" << endl; #endif if (m_view == view) return; if (m_view) { disconnectViewSignals (); } m_view = view; updateGrips (); if (m_view) { connectViewSignals (); } } // public slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::updateGrips () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::updateGrips() m_view=" << m_view << endl; #endif if (m_view) { m_bottomGrip->setFixedWidth (m_view->width ()); moveChild (m_bottomGrip, 0, m_view->height ()); m_rightGrip->setFixedHeight (m_view->height ()); moveChild (m_rightGrip, m_view->width (), 0); moveChild (m_bottomRightGrip, m_view->width (), m_view->height ()); } m_bottomGrip->setShown (bool (m_view)); m_rightGrip->setShown (bool (m_view)); m_bottomRightGrip->setShown (bool (m_view)); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "\tcontentsRect=" << contentsRect () << " visibleRect=" << visibleRect () << " viewportRect=" << viewport ()->rect () << endl; #endif if (m_view) { resizeContents (m_view->width () + m_rightGrip->width (), m_view->height () + m_bottomGrip->height ()); } else { resizeContents (0, 0); } recalculateStatusMessage (); } // protected slot void kpViewScrollableContainer::slotViewDestroyed () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotViewDestroyed() m_view=" << m_view << endl; #endif m_view = 0; updateGrips (); } // public slot bool kpViewScrollableContainer::beginDragScroll (const TQPoint &/*docPoint*/, const TQPoint &/*lastDocPoint*/, int zoomLevel, bool *didSomething) { if (didSomething) *didSomething = false; m_zoomLevel = zoomLevel; const TQPoint p = mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::beginDragScroll() p=" << p << " dragScrollTimerRunOnce=" << m_scrollTimerRunOnce << endl; #endif bool stopDragScroll = true; bool scrolled = false; if (!noDragScrollRect ().contains (p)) { if (m_dragScrollTimer->isActive ()) { if (m_scrollTimerRunOnce) { scrolled = slotDragScroll (); } } else { m_scrollTimerRunOnce = false; m_dragScrollTimer->start (DragScrollInitialInterval); } stopDragScroll = false; } if (stopDragScroll) m_dragScrollTimer->stop (); if (didSomething) *didSomething = scrolled; return scrolled; } // public slot bool kpViewScrollableContainer::beginDragScroll (const TQPoint &docPoint, const TQPoint &lastDocPoint, int zoomLevel) { return beginDragScroll (docPoint, lastDocPoint, zoomLevel, 0/*don't want scrolled notification*/); } // public slot bool kpViewScrollableContainer::endDragScroll () { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::endDragScroll()" << endl; #endif if (m_dragScrollTimer->isActive ()) { m_dragScrollTimer->stop (); return true; } else { return false; } } static const int distanceFromRectToMultiplier (int dist) { if (dist < 0) return 0; else if (dist < DragDistanceFromRectMaxFor1stMultiplier) return 1; else if (dist < DragDistanceFromRectMaxFor2ndMultiplier) return 2; else return 4; } // protected slot bool kpViewScrollableContainer::slotDragScroll (bool *didSomething) { bool scrolled = false; if (didSomething) *didSomething = false; const TQRect rect = noDragScrollRect (); const TQPoint pos = mapFromGlobal (TQCursor::pos ()); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotDragScroll()" << " noDragScrollRect=" << rect << " pos=" << pos << " contentsX=" << contentsX () << " contentsY=" << contentsY () << endl; #endif int dx = 0, dy = 0; int dxMultiplier = 0, dyMultiplier = 0; if (pos.x () < rect.left ()) { dx = -DragScrollNumPixels; dxMultiplier = distanceFromRectToMultiplier (rect.left () - pos.x ()); } else if (pos.x () > rect.right ()) { dx = +DragScrollNumPixels; dxMultiplier = distanceFromRectToMultiplier (pos.x () - rect.right ()); } if (pos.y () < rect.top ()) { dy = -DragScrollNumPixels; dyMultiplier = distanceFromRectToMultiplier (rect.top () - pos.y ()); } else if (pos.y () > rect.bottom ()) { dy = +DragScrollNumPixels; dyMultiplier = distanceFromRectToMultiplier (pos.y () - rect.bottom ()); } #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 0 kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::slotDragScroll()" << " dx=" << dx << " * " << dxMultiplier << " dy=" << dy << " * " << dyMultiplier << " zoomLevel=" << m_zoomLevel << endl; #endif dx *= dxMultiplier;// * TQMAX (1, m_zoomLevel / 100); dy *= dyMultiplier;// * TQMAX (1, m_zoomLevel / 100); if (dx || dy) { const int oldContentsX = contentsX (), oldContentsY = contentsY (); scrollBy (dx, dy); #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 1 kdDebug () << "\tafter scrollBy():" << " contentsX=" << contentsX () << " contentsY=" << contentsY () << endl; #endif scrolled = (oldContentsX != contentsX () || oldContentsY != contentsY ()); if (scrolled) { TQRegion region = TQRect (contentsX (), contentsY (), visibleWidth (), visibleHeight ()); region -= TQRect (oldContentsX, oldContentsY, visibleWidth (), visibleHeight ()); // Repaint newly exposed region immediately to reduce tearing // of scrollView. m_view->repaint (region, false/*no erase*/); } } m_dragScrollTimer->changeInterval (DragScrollInterval); m_scrollTimerRunOnce = true; if (didSomething) *didSomething = scrolled; return scrolled; } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsDragMoveEvent (TQDragMoveEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsDragMoveEvent" << e->pos () << endl; #endif TQScrollView::contentsDragMoveEvent (e); } // protected slot bool kpViewScrollableContainer::slotDragScroll () { return slotDragScroll (0/*don't want scrolled notification*/); } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsMouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsMouseMoveEvent" << e->pos () << endl; #endif TQScrollView::contentsMouseMoveEvent (e); } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::mouseMoveEvent (TQMouseEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::mouseMoveEvent" << e->pos () << endl; #endif TQScrollView::mouseMoveEvent (e); } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::contentsWheelEvent (TQWheelEvent *e) { e->ignore (); if (m_view) m_view->wheelEvent (e); if (!e->isAccepted ()) TQScrollView::contentsWheelEvent (e); } TQRect kpViewScrollableContainer::noDragScrollRect () const { return TQRect (DragScrollLeftTopMargin, DragScrollLeftTopMargin, width () - DragScrollLeftTopMargin - DragScrollRightBottomMargin, height () - DragScrollLeftTopMargin - DragScrollRightBottomMargin); } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] bool kpViewScrollableContainer::eventFilter (TQObject *watchedObject, TQEvent *event) { return TQScrollView::eventFilter (watchedObject, event); } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::viewportPaintEvent (TQPaintEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::viewportPaintEvent(" << e->rect () << ")" << endl; #endif TQScrollView::viewportPaintEvent (e); } // protected virtual [base TQFrame] void kpViewScrollableContainer::paintEvent (TQPaintEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_VIEW_SCROLLABLE_CONTAINER && 0 kdDebug () << "kpViewScrollableContainer::paintEvent(" << e->rect () << ")" << endl; #endif TQScrollView::paintEvent (e); } // protected virtual [base TQScrollView] void kpViewScrollableContainer::resizeEvent (TQResizeEvent *e) { TQScrollView::resizeEvent (e); emit resized (); } #include <kpviewscrollablecontainer.moc>