/* Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // TODO: Color Similarity is obviously useful in Autocrop but it isn't // obvious as to how to implement it. The current heuristic, // for each side, chooses an arbitrary reference color for which // all other candidate pixels in that side are tested against // for similarity. But if the reference color happens to be at // one extreme of the range of colors in that side, then pixels // at the other extreme would not be deemed similar enough. The // key is to find the median color as the reference but how do // you do this if you don't know which pixels to sample in the first // place (that's what you're trying to find)? Chicken and egg situation. // // The other heuristic that is in doubt is the use of the average // color in determining the similarity of sides (it is possible // to get vastly differently colors in both sides yet they will be // considered similar). #define DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP 0 #include <kptoolautocrop.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqbitmap.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <tdemessagebox.h> #include <kpcolortoolbar.h> #include <kpcommandhistory.h> #include <kpdocument.h> #include <kpmainwindow.h> #include <kppixmapfx.h> #include <kpselection.h> #include <kptool.h> #include <kpviewmanager.h> kpToolAutoCropBorder::kpToolAutoCropBorder (const TQPixmap *pixmapPtr, int processedColorSimilarity) : m_pixmapPtr (pixmapPtr), m_processedColorSimilarity (processedColorSimilarity) { invalidate (); } // public int kpToolAutoCropBorder::size () const { return sizeof (kpToolAutoCropBorder); } // public const TQPixmap *kpToolAutoCropBorder::pixmap () const { return m_pixmapPtr; } // public int kpToolAutoCropBorder::processedColorSimilarity () const { return m_processedColorSimilarity; } // public TQRect kpToolAutoCropBorder::rect () const { return m_rect; } // public int kpToolAutoCropBorder::left () const { return m_rect.left (); } // public int kpToolAutoCropBorder::right () const { return m_rect.right (); } // public int kpToolAutoCropBorder::top () const { return m_rect.top (); } // public int kpToolAutoCropBorder::bottom () const { return m_rect.bottom (); } // public kpColor kpToolAutoCropBorder::referenceColor () const { return m_referenceColor; } // public kpColor kpToolAutoCropBorder::averageColor () const { if (!m_rect.isValid ()) return kpColor::invalid; if (m_referenceColor.isTransparent ()) return kpColor::transparent; else if (m_processedColorSimilarity == 0) return m_referenceColor; else { int numPixels = (m_rect.width () * m_rect.height ()); if (numPixels <= 0) { kdError () << "kpToolAutoCropBorder::averageColor() rect=" << m_rect << endl; return kpColor::invalid; } return kpColor (m_redSum / numPixels, m_greenSum / numPixels, m_blueSum / numPixels); } } bool kpToolAutoCropBorder::isSingleColor () const { return m_isSingleColor; } // public bool kpToolAutoCropBorder::calculate (int isX, int dir) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolAutoCropBorder::calculate() CALLED!" << endl; #endif int maxX = m_pixmapPtr->width () - 1; int maxY = m_pixmapPtr->height () - 1; TQImage image = kpPixmapFX::convertToImage (*m_pixmapPtr); if (image.isNull ()) { kdError () << "Border::calculate() could not convert to TQImage" << endl; return false; } // (sync both branches) if (isX) { int numCols = 0; int startX = (dir > 0) ? 0 : maxX; kpColor col = kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, startX, 0); for (int x = startX; x >= 0 && x <= maxX; x += dir) { int y; for (y = 0; y <= maxY; y++) { if (!kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, x, y).isSimilarTo (col, m_processedColorSimilarity)) break; } if (y <= maxY) break; else numCols++; } if (numCols) { m_rect = TQRect (TQPoint (startX, 0), TQPoint (startX + (numCols - 1) * dir, maxY)).normalize (); m_referenceColor = col; } } else { int numRows = 0; int startY = (dir > 0) ? 0 : maxY; kpColor col = kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, 0, startY); for (int y = startY; y >= 0 && y <= maxY; y += dir) { int x; for (x = 0; x <= maxX; x++) { if (!kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, x, y).isSimilarTo (col, m_processedColorSimilarity)) break; } if (x <= maxX) break; else numRows++; } if (numRows) { m_rect = TQRect (TQPoint (0, startY), TQPoint (maxX, startY + (numRows - 1) * dir)).normalize (); m_referenceColor = col; } } if (m_rect.isValid ()) { m_isSingleColor = true; if (m_referenceColor.isOpaque () && m_processedColorSimilarity != 0) { for (int y = m_rect.top (); y <= m_rect.bottom (); y++) { for (int x = m_rect.left (); x <= m_rect.right (); x++) { kpColor colAtPixel = kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, x, y); if (m_isSingleColor && colAtPixel != m_referenceColor) m_isSingleColor = false; m_redSum += colAtPixel.red (); m_greenSum += colAtPixel.green (); m_blueSum += colAtPixel.blue (); } } } } return true; } // public bool kpToolAutoCropBorder::fillsEntirePixmap () const { return (m_rect == m_pixmapPtr->rect ()); } // public bool kpToolAutoCropBorder::exists () const { // (will use in an addition so make sure returns 1 or 0) return (m_rect.isValid () ? 1 : 0); } // public void kpToolAutoCropBorder::invalidate () { m_rect = TQRect (); m_referenceColor = kpColor::invalid; m_redSum = m_greenSum = m_blueSum = 0; m_isSingleColor = false; } class kpSetOverrideCursorSaver { public: kpSetOverrideCursorSaver (const TQCursor &cursor) { TQApplication::setOverrideCursor (cursor); } ~kpSetOverrideCursorSaver () { TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor (); } }; void showNothingToAutocropMessage (kpMainWindow *mainWindow, bool actOnSelection) { kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (TQt::arrowCursor); if (actOnSelection) { KMessageBox::information (mainWindow, i18n ("KolourPaint cannot remove the selection's internal border as it" " could not be located."), i18n ("Cannot Remove Internal Border"), "NothingToAutoCrop"); } else { KMessageBox::information (mainWindow, i18n ("KolourPaint cannot automatically crop the image as its" " border could not be located."), i18n ("Cannot Autocrop"), "NothingToAutoCrop"); } } bool kpToolAutoCrop (kpMainWindow *mainWindow) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP kdDebug () << "kpToolAutoCrop() CALLED!" << endl; #endif if (!mainWindow) { kdError () << "kpToolAutoCrop() passed NULL mainWindow" << endl; return false; } kpDocument *doc = mainWindow->document (); if (!doc) { kdError () << "kpToolAutoCrop() passed NULL document" << endl; return false; } // OPT: if already pulled selection pixmap, no need to do it again here TQPixmap pixmap = doc->selection () ? doc->getSelectedPixmap () : *doc->pixmap (); if (pixmap.isNull ()) { kdError () << "kptoolAutoCrop() pased NULL pixmap" << endl; return false; } kpViewManager *vm = mainWindow->viewManager (); if (!vm) { kdError () << "kpToolAutoCrop() passed NULL vm" << endl; return false; } int processedColorSimilarity = mainWindow->colorToolBar ()->processedColorSimilarity (); kpToolAutoCropBorder leftBorder (&pixmap, processedColorSimilarity), rightBorder (&pixmap, processedColorSimilarity), topBorder (&pixmap, processedColorSimilarity), botBorder (&pixmap, processedColorSimilarity); kpSetOverrideCursorSaver cursorSaver (TQt::waitCursor); // TODO: With Colour Similarity, a lot of weird (and wonderful) things can // happen resulting in a huge number of code paths. Needs refactoring // and regression testing. // // TODO: e.g. When the top fills entire rect but bot doesn't we could // invalidate top and continue autocrop. int numRegions = 0; if (!leftBorder.calculate (true/*x*/, +1/*going right*/) || leftBorder.fillsEntirePixmap () || !rightBorder.calculate (true/*x*/, -1/*going left*/) || rightBorder.fillsEntirePixmap () || !topBorder.calculate (false/*y*/, +1/*going down*/) || topBorder.fillsEntirePixmap () || !botBorder.calculate (false/*y*/, -1/*going up*/) || botBorder.fillsEntirePixmap () || ((numRegions = leftBorder.exists () + rightBorder.exists () + topBorder.exists () + botBorder.exists ()) == 0)) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP kdDebug () << "\tcan't find border; leftBorder.rect=" << leftBorder.rect () << " rightBorder.rect=" << rightBorder.rect () << " topBorder.rect=" << topBorder.rect () << " botBorder.rect=" << botBorder.rect () << endl; #endif ::showNothingToAutocropMessage (mainWindow, (bool) doc->selection ()); return false; } #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP kdDebug () << "\tnumRegions=" << numRegions << endl; kdDebug () << "\t\tleft=" << leftBorder.rect () << " refCol=" << (leftBorder.exists () ? (int *) leftBorder.referenceColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << " avgCol=" << (leftBorder.exists () ? (int *) leftBorder.averageColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << endl; kdDebug () << "\t\tright=" << rightBorder.rect () << " refCol=" << (rightBorder.exists () ? (int *) rightBorder.referenceColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << " avgCol=" << (rightBorder.exists () ? (int *) rightBorder.averageColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << endl; kdDebug () << "\t\ttop=" << topBorder.rect () << " refCol=" << (topBorder.exists () ? (int *) topBorder.referenceColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << " avgCol=" << (topBorder.exists () ? (int *) topBorder.averageColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << endl; kdDebug () << "\t\tbot=" << botBorder.rect () << " refCol=" << (botBorder.exists () ? (int *) botBorder.referenceColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << " avgCol=" << (botBorder.exists () ? (int *) botBorder.averageColor ().toTQRgb () : 0) << endl; #endif // In case e.g. the user pastes a solid, coloured-in rectangle, // we favour killing the bottom and right regions // (these regions probably contain the unwanted whitespace due // to the doc being bigger than the pasted selection to start with). // // We also kill if they kiss or even overlap. if (leftBorder.exists () && rightBorder.exists ()) { const kpColor leftCol = leftBorder.averageColor (); const kpColor rightCol = rightBorder.averageColor (); if ((numRegions == 2 && !leftCol.isSimilarTo (rightCol, processedColorSimilarity)) || leftBorder.right () >= rightBorder.left () - 1) // kissing or overlapping { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP kdDebug () << "\tignoring left border" << endl; #endif leftBorder.invalidate (); } } if (topBorder.exists () && botBorder.exists ()) { const kpColor topCol = topBorder.averageColor (); const kpColor botCol = botBorder.averageColor (); if ((numRegions == 2 && !topCol.isSimilarTo (botCol, processedColorSimilarity)) || topBorder.bottom () >= botBorder.top () - 1) // kissing or overlapping { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP kdDebug () << "\tignoring top border" << endl; #endif topBorder.invalidate (); } } mainWindow->addImageOrSelectionCommand ( new kpToolAutoCropCommand ( (bool) doc->selection (), leftBorder, rightBorder, topBorder, botBorder, mainWindow)); return true; } kpToolAutoCropCommand::kpToolAutoCropCommand (bool actOnSelection, const kpToolAutoCropBorder &leftBorder, const kpToolAutoCropBorder &rightBorder, const kpToolAutoCropBorder &topBorder, const kpToolAutoCropBorder &botBorder, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name (actOnSelection, DontShowAccel), mainWindow), m_actOnSelection (actOnSelection), m_leftBorder (leftBorder), m_rightBorder (rightBorder), m_topBorder (topBorder), m_botBorder (botBorder), m_leftPixmap (0), m_rightPixmap (0), m_topPixmap (0), m_botPixmap (0) { kpDocument *doc = document (); if (!doc) { kdError () << "kpToolAutoCropCommand::<ctor>() without doc" << endl; m_oldWidth = 0; m_oldHeight = 0; return; } m_oldWidth = doc->width (m_actOnSelection); m_oldHeight = doc->height (m_actOnSelection); } kpToolAutoCropCommand::~kpToolAutoCropCommand () { deleteUndoPixmaps (); } // public static TQString kpToolAutoCropCommand::name (bool actOnSelection, int options) { if (actOnSelection) { if (options & ShowAccel) return i18n ("Remove Internal B&order"); else return i18n ("Remove Internal Border"); } else { if (options & ShowAccel) return i18n ("Autocr&op"); else return i18n ("Autocrop"); } } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolAutoCropCommand::size () const { return m_leftBorder.size () + m_rightBorder.size () + m_topBorder.size () + m_botBorder.size () + kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (m_leftPixmap) + kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (m_rightPixmap) + kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (m_topPixmap) + kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (m_botPixmap) + m_oldSelection.size (); } // private void kpToolAutoCropCommand::getUndoPixmap (const kpToolAutoCropBorder &border, TQPixmap **pixmap) { kpDocument *doc = document (); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolAutoCropCommand::getUndoPixmap()" << endl; kdDebug () << "\tpixmap=" << pixmap << " border: rect=" << border.rect () << " isSingleColor=" << border.isSingleColor () << endl; #endif if (!doc) return; if (pixmap && border.exists () && !border.isSingleColor ()) { if (*pixmap) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "\talready have *pixmap - delete it" << endl; #endif delete *pixmap; } *pixmap = new TQPixmap ( kpPixmapFX::getPixmapAt (*doc->pixmap (m_actOnSelection), border.rect ())); } } // private void kpToolAutoCropCommand::getUndoPixmaps () { getUndoPixmap (m_leftBorder, &m_leftPixmap); getUndoPixmap (m_rightBorder, &m_rightPixmap); getUndoPixmap (m_topBorder, &m_topPixmap); getUndoPixmap (m_botBorder, &m_botPixmap); } // private void kpToolAutoCropCommand::deleteUndoPixmaps () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolAutoCropCommand::deleteUndoPixmaps()" << endl; #endif delete m_leftPixmap; m_leftPixmap = 0; delete m_rightPixmap; m_rightPixmap = 0; delete m_topPixmap; m_topPixmap = 0; delete m_botPixmap; m_botPixmap = 0; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolAutoCropCommand::execute () { if (!m_contentsRect.isValid ()) m_contentsRect = contentsRect (); getUndoPixmaps (); kpDocument *doc = document (); if (!doc) return; TQPixmap pixmapWithoutBorder = kpTool::neededPixmap (*doc->pixmap (m_actOnSelection), m_contentsRect); if (!m_actOnSelection) doc->setPixmap (pixmapWithoutBorder); else { m_oldSelection = *doc->selection (); m_oldSelection.setPixmap (TQPixmap ()); // m_contentsRect is relative to the top of the sel // while sel is relative to the top of the doc TQRect rect = m_contentsRect; rect.moveBy (m_oldSelection.x (), m_oldSelection.y ()); kpSelection sel (kpSelection::Rectangle, rect, pixmapWithoutBorder, m_oldSelection.transparency ()); doc->setSelection (sel); if (m_mainWindow->tool ()) m_mainWindow->tool ()->somethingBelowTheCursorChanged (); } } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolAutoCropCommand::unexecute () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolAutoCropCommand::unexecute()" << endl; #endif kpDocument *doc = document (); if (!doc) return; TQPixmap pixmap (m_oldWidth, m_oldHeight); TQBitmap maskBitmap; // restore the position of the centre image kpPixmapFX::setPixmapAt (&pixmap, m_contentsRect, *doc->pixmap (m_actOnSelection)); // draw the borders TQPainter painter (&pixmap); TQPainter maskPainter; const kpToolAutoCropBorder *borders [] = { &m_leftBorder, &m_rightBorder, &m_topBorder, &m_botBorder, 0 }; const TQPixmap *pixmaps [] = { m_leftPixmap, m_rightPixmap, m_topPixmap, m_botPixmap, 0 }; const TQPixmap **p = pixmaps; for (const kpToolAutoCropBorder **b = borders; *b; b++, p++) { if (!(*b)->exists ()) continue; if ((*b)->isSingleColor ()) { kpColor col = (*b)->referenceColor (); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "\tdrawing border " << (*b)->rect () << " rgb=" << (int *) col.toTQRgb () /* %X hack */ << endl; #endif if (col.isOpaque ()) { painter.fillRect ((*b)->rect (), col.toTQColor ()); } else { if (maskBitmap.isNull ()) { // TODO: dangerous when a painter is active on pixmap? maskBitmap = kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (pixmap); maskPainter.begin (&maskBitmap); } maskPainter.fillRect ((*b)->rect (), TQt::color0/*transparent*/); } } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_AUTO_CROP && 1 kdDebug () << "\trestoring border pixmap " << (*b)->rect () << endl; #endif // **p cannot contain a single transparent pixel because // if it did, all other pixels must be transparent (only // transparent pixels are similar to transparent pixels) // and the other branch would execute. if (*p) { // TODO: We should really edit the mask here. Due to good // luck (if "maskBitmap" is initialized above, this region // will be marked as opaque in the mask; if it's not // initialized, we will be opaque by default), we // don't actually have to edit the mask but this is // highly error-prone. painter.drawPixmap ((*b)->rect (), **p); } } } if (maskPainter.isActive ()) maskPainter.end (); painter.end (); if (!maskBitmap.isNull ()) pixmap.setMask (maskBitmap); if (!m_actOnSelection) doc->setPixmap (pixmap); else { kpSelection sel = m_oldSelection; sel.setPixmap (pixmap); doc->setSelection (sel); if (m_mainWindow->tool ()) m_mainWindow->tool ()->somethingBelowTheCursorChanged (); } deleteUndoPixmaps (); } // private TQRect kpToolAutoCropCommand::contentsRect () const { const TQPixmap *pixmap = document ()->pixmap (m_actOnSelection); TQPoint topLeft (m_leftBorder.exists () ? m_leftBorder.rect ().right () + 1 : 0, m_topBorder.exists () ? m_topBorder.rect ().bottom () + 1 : 0); TQPoint botRight (m_rightBorder.exists () ? m_rightBorder.rect ().left () - 1 : pixmap->width () - 1, m_botBorder.exists () ? m_botBorder.rect ().top () - 1 : pixmap->height () - 1); return TQRect (topLeft, botRight); }