/* Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN 0 #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqbitmap.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN #include <tqdatetime.h> #endif #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kpcolor.h> #include <kpcommandhistory.h> #include <kpcursorprovider.h> #include <kptoolpen.h> #include <kpdefs.h> #include <kpdocument.h> #include <kpmainwindow.h> #include <kppixmapfx.h> #include <kptemppixmap.h> #include <kptoolclear.h> #include <kptooltoolbar.h> #include <kptoolwidgetbrush.h> #include <kptoolwidgeterasersize.h> #include <kpviewmanager.h> /* * kpToolPen */ kpToolPen::kpToolPen (Mode mode, const TQString &text, const TQString &description, int key, kpMainWindow *mainWindow, const char *name) : kpTool (text, description, key, mainWindow, name), m_mode (mode), m_toolWidgetBrush (0), m_toolWidgetEraserSize (0), m_currentCommand (0) { } kpToolPen::kpToolPen (kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpTool (i18n ("Pen"), i18n ("Draws dots and freehand strokes"), TQt::Key_P, mainWindow, "tool_pen"), m_mode (Pen), m_toolWidgetBrush (0), m_toolWidgetEraserSize (0), m_currentCommand (0) { } void kpToolPen::setMode (Mode mode) { int usesPixmaps = (mode & (DrawsPixmaps | WashesPixmaps)); int usesBrushes = (mode & (SquareBrushes | DiverseBrushes)); if ((usesPixmaps && !usesBrushes) || (usesBrushes && !usesPixmaps)) { kdError () << "kpToolPen::setMode() passed invalid mode" << endl; return; } m_mode = mode; } kpToolPen::~kpToolPen () { } // private TQString kpToolPen::haventBegunDrawUserMessage () const { switch (m_mode) { case Pen: case Brush: return i18n ("Click to draw dots or drag to draw strokes."); return i18n ("Click to draw dots or drag to draw strokes."); case Eraser: return i18n ("Click or drag to erase."); case ColorWasher: return i18n ("Click or drag to erase pixels of the foreground color."); default: return TQString(); } } // virtual void kpToolPen::begin () { m_toolWidgetBrush = 0; m_brushIsDiagonalLine = false; kpToolToolBar *tb = toolToolBar (); if (!tb) return; if (m_mode & SquareBrushes) { m_toolWidgetEraserSize = tb->toolWidgetEraserSize (); connect (m_toolWidgetEraserSize, TQT_SIGNAL (eraserSizeChanged (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotEraserSizeChanged (int))); m_toolWidgetEraserSize->show (); slotEraserSizeChanged (m_toolWidgetEraserSize->eraserSize ()); viewManager ()->setCursor (kpCursorProvider::lightCross ()); } if (m_mode & DiverseBrushes) { m_toolWidgetBrush = tb->toolWidgetBrush (); connect (m_toolWidgetBrush, TQT_SIGNAL (brushChanged (const TQPixmap &, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotBrushChanged (const TQPixmap &, bool))); m_toolWidgetBrush->show (); slotBrushChanged (m_toolWidgetBrush->brush (), m_toolWidgetBrush->brushIsDiagonalLine ()); viewManager ()->setCursor (kpCursorProvider::lightCross ()); } setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ()); } // virtual void kpToolPen::end () { if (m_toolWidgetEraserSize) { disconnect (m_toolWidgetEraserSize, TQT_SIGNAL (eraserSizeChanged (int)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotEraserSizeChanged (int))); m_toolWidgetEraserSize = 0; } if (m_toolWidgetBrush) { disconnect (m_toolWidgetBrush, TQT_SIGNAL (brushChanged (const TQPixmap &, bool)), this, TQT_SLOT (slotBrushChanged (const TQPixmap &, bool))); m_toolWidgetBrush = 0; } kpViewManager *vm = viewManager (); if (vm) { if (vm->tempPixmap () && vm->tempPixmap ()->isBrush ()) vm->tqinvalidateTempPixmap (); if (m_mode & (SquareBrushes | DiverseBrushes)) vm->unsetCursor (); } // save memory for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) m_brushPixmap [i].resize (0, 0); m_cursorPixmap.resize (0, 0); } // virtual void kpToolPen::beginDraw () { switch (m_mode) { case Pen: m_currentCommand = new kpToolPenCommand (i18n ("Pen"), mainWindow ()); break; case Brush: m_currentCommand = new kpToolPenCommand (i18n ("Brush"), mainWindow ()); break; case Eraser: m_currentCommand = new kpToolPenCommand (i18n ("Eraser"), mainWindow ()); break; case ColorWasher: m_currentCommand = new kpToolPenCommand (i18n ("Color Eraser"), mainWindow ()); break; default: m_currentCommand = new kpToolPenCommand (i18n ("Custom Pen or Brush"), mainWindow ()); break; } // we normally show the Brush pix in the foreground colour but if the // user starts drawing in the background color, we don't want to leave // the cursor in the foreground colour -- just hide it in all cases // to avoid confusion viewManager ()->tqinvalidateTempPixmap (); setUserMessage (cancelUserMessage ()); } // virtual void kpToolPen::hover (const TQPoint &point) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::hover(" << point << ")" << " hasBegun=" << hasBegun () << " hasBegunDraw=" << hasBegunDraw () << " cursorPixmap.isNull=" << m_cursorPixmap.isNull () << endl; #endif if (point != KP_INVALID_POINT && !m_cursorPixmap.isNull ()) { // (for hotPoint() as m_mouseButton is not normally defined in hover()) m_mouseButton = 0; kpTempPixmap::RenderMode renderMode; TQPixmap cursorPixmapForTempPixmap = m_cursorPixmap; if (m_mode & SquareBrushes) renderMode = kpTempPixmap::SetPixmap; else if (m_mode & DiverseBrushes) { if (color (0).isOpaque ()) renderMode = kpTempPixmap::PaintPixmap; else { renderMode = kpTempPixmap::PaintMaskTransparentWithBrush; cursorPixmapForTempPixmap = kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (m_cursorPixmap); } } viewManager ()->setFastUpdates (); viewManager ()->setTempPixmap ( kpTempPixmap (true/*brush*/, renderMode, hotPoint (), cursorPixmapForTempPixmap)); viewManager ()->restoreFastUpdates (); } #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 if (document ()->rect ().tqcontains (point)) { TQImage image = kpPixmapFX::convertToImage (*document ()->pixmap ()); TQRgb v = image.pixel (point.x (), point.y ()); kdDebug () << "(" << point << "): r=" << tqRed (v) << " g=" << tqGreen (v) << " b=" << tqBlue (v) << " a=" << tqAlpha (v) << endl; } #endif setUserShapePoints (point); } bool kpToolPen::wash (TQPainter *painter, TQPainter *tqmaskPainter, const TQImage &image, const kpColor &colorToReplace, const TQRect &imageRect, int plotx, int ploty) { return wash (painter, tqmaskPainter, image, colorToReplace, imageRect, hotRect (plotx, ploty)); } bool kpToolPen::wash (TQPainter *painter, TQPainter *tqmaskPainter, const TQImage &image, const kpColor &colorToReplace, const TQRect &imageRect, const TQRect &drawRect) { bool didSomething = false; #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::wash(imageRect=" << imageRect << ",drawRect=" << drawRect << ")" << endl; #endif // make use of scanline coherence #define FLUSH_LINE() \ { \ if (painter && painter->isActive ()) \ painter->drawLine (startDrawX, y, x - 1, y); \ if (tqmaskPainter && tqmaskPainter->isActive ()) \ tqmaskPainter->drawLine (startDrawX, y, x - 1, y); \ didSomething = true; \ startDrawX = -1; \ } const int maxY = drawRect.bottom () - imageRect.top (); const int minX = drawRect.left () - imageRect.left (); const int maxX = drawRect.right () - imageRect.left (); for (int y = drawRect.top () - imageRect.top (); y <= maxY; y++) { int startDrawX = -1; int x; // for FLUSH_LINE() for (x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 fprintf (stderr, "y=%i x=%i colorAtPixel=%08X colorToReplace=%08X ... ", y, x, kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, TQPoint (x, y)).toTQRgb (), colorToReplace.toTQRgb ()); #endif if (kpPixmapFX::getColorAtPixel (image, TQPoint (x, y)).isSimilarTo (colorToReplace, processedColorSimilarity ())) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 fprintf (stderr, "similar\n"); #endif if (startDrawX < 0) startDrawX = x; } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 fprintf (stderr, "different\n"); #endif if (startDrawX >= 0) FLUSH_LINE (); } } if (startDrawX >= 0) FLUSH_LINE (); } #undef FLUSH_LINE return didSomething; } // virtual void kpToolPen::globalDraw () { // it's easiest to reimplement globalDraw() here rather than in // all the relevant subclasses if (m_mode == Eraser) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::globalDraw() eraser" << endl; #endif mainWindow ()->commandHistory ()->addCommand ( new kpToolClearCommand (false/*act on doc, not sel*/, mainWindow ())); } else if (m_mode == ColorWasher) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::globalDraw() colour eraser" << endl; #endif if (foregroundColor () == backgroundColor () && processedColorSimilarity () == 0) return; TQApplication::setOverrideCursor (TQt::waitCursor); kpToolPenCommand *cmd = new kpToolPenCommand ( i18n ("Color Eraser"), mainWindow ()); TQPainter painter, tqmaskPainter; TQBitmap tqmaskBitmap; if (backgroundColor ().isOpaque ()) { painter.begin (document ()->pixmap ()); painter.setPen (backgroundColor ().toTQColor ()); } if (backgroundColor ().isTransparent () || document ()->pixmap ()->tqmask ()) { tqmaskBitmap = kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (*document ()->pixmap ()); tqmaskPainter.begin (&tqmaskBitmap); tqmaskPainter.setPen (backgroundColor ().tqmaskColor ()); } const TQImage image = kpPixmapFX::convertToImage (*document ()->pixmap ()); TQRect rect = document ()->rect (); const bool didSomething = wash (&painter, &tqmaskPainter, image, foregroundColor ()/*replace foreground*/, rect, rect); // flush if (painter.isActive ()) painter.end (); if (tqmaskPainter.isActive ()) tqmaskPainter.end (); if (didSomething) { if (!tqmaskBitmap.isNull ()) document ()->pixmap ()->setMask (tqmaskBitmap); document ()->slotContentsChanged (rect); cmd->updateBoundingRect (rect); cmd->finalize (); mainWindow ()->commandHistory ()->addCommand (cmd, false /* don't exec */); // don't delete - it's up to the commandHistory cmd = 0; } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "\tisNOP" << endl; #endif delete cmd; cmd = 0; } TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor (); } } // virtual // TODO: refactor! void kpToolPen::draw (const TQPoint &thisPoint, const TQPoint &lastPoint, const TQRect &) { if ((m_mode & WashesPixmaps) && (foregroundColor () == backgroundColor ()) && processedColorSimilarity () == 0) return; // sync: remember to restoreFastUpdates() in all exit paths viewManager ()->setFastUpdates (); if (m_brushIsDiagonalLine ? currentPointCardinallyNextToLast () : currentPointNextToLast ()) { if (m_mode & DrawsPixels) { TQPixmap pixmap (1, 1); const kpColor c = color (m_mouseButton); // OPT: this seems hopelessly inefficient if (c.isOpaque ()) { pixmap.fill (c.toTQColor ()); } else { TQBitmap tqmask (1, 1); tqmask.fill (TQt::color0/*transparent*/); pixmap.setMask (tqmask); } // draw onto doc document ()->setPixmapAt (pixmap, thisPoint); m_currentCommand->updateBoundingRect (thisPoint); } // Brush & Eraser else if (m_mode & DrawsPixmaps) { if (color (m_mouseButton).isOpaque ()) document ()->paintPixmapAt (m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton], hotPoint ()); else { kpPixmapFX::paintMaskTransparentWithBrush (document ()->pixmap (), hotPoint (), kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton])); document ()->slotContentsChanged (hotRect ()); } m_currentCommand->updateBoundingRect (hotRect ()); } else if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "Washing pixmap (immediate)" << endl; TQTime timer; #endif TQRect rect = hotRect (); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN timer.start (); #endif TQPixmap pixmap = document ()->getPixmapAt (rect); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "\tget from doc: " << timer.restart () << "ms" << endl; #endif const TQImage image = kpPixmapFX::convertToImage (pixmap); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "\tconvert to image: " << timer.restart () << "ms" << endl; #endif TQPainter painter, tqmaskPainter; TQBitmap tqmaskBitmap; if (color (m_mouseButton).isOpaque ()) { painter.begin (&pixmap); painter.setPen (color (m_mouseButton).toTQColor ()); } if (color (m_mouseButton).isTransparent () || pixmap.tqmask ()) { tqmaskBitmap = kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (pixmap); tqmaskPainter.begin (&tqmaskBitmap); tqmaskPainter.setPen (color (m_mouseButton).tqmaskColor ()); } bool didSomething = wash (&painter, &tqmaskPainter, image, color (1 - m_mouseButton)/*color to tqreplace*/, rect, rect); if (painter.isActive ()) painter.end (); if (tqmaskPainter.isActive ()) tqmaskPainter.end (); if (didSomething) { if (!tqmaskBitmap.isNull ()) pixmap.setMask (tqmaskBitmap); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "\twashed: " << timer.restart () << "ms" << endl; #endif document ()->setPixmapAt (pixmap, hotPoint ()); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "\tset doc: " << timer.restart () << "ms" << endl; #endif m_currentCommand->updateBoundingRect (hotRect ()); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "\tupdate boundingRect: " << timer.restart () << "ms" << endl; kdDebug () << "\tdone" << endl; #endif } #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 1 kdDebug () << endl; #endif } } // in reality, the system is too slow to give us all the MouseMove events // so we "interpolate" the missing points :) else { // find bounding rectangle TQRect rect = TQRect (thisPoint, lastPoint).normalize (); if (m_mode != DrawsPixels) rect = neededRect (rect, m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton].width ()); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { kdDebug () << "Washing pixmap (w=" << rect.width () << ",h=" << rect.height () << ")" << endl; } TQTime timer; int convAndWashTime; #endif const kpColor c = color (m_mouseButton); bool transparent = c.isTransparent (); TQPixmap pixmap = document ()->getPixmapAt (rect); TQBitmap tqmaskBitmap; TQPainter painter, tqmaskPainter; if (m_mode & (DrawsPixels | WashesPixmaps)) { if (!transparent) { painter.begin (&pixmap); painter.setPen (c.toTQColor ()); } if (transparent || pixmap.tqmask ()) { tqmaskBitmap = kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (pixmap); tqmaskPainter.begin (&tqmaskBitmap); tqmaskPainter.setPen (c.tqmaskColor ()); } } TQImage image; if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN timer.start (); #endif image = kpPixmapFX::convertToImage (pixmap); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN convAndWashTime = timer.restart (); kdDebug () << "\tconvert to image: " << convAndWashTime << " ms" << endl; #endif } bool didSomething = false; if (m_mode & DrawsPixels) { TQPoint sp = lastPoint - rect.topLeft (), ep = thisPoint - rect.topLeft (); if (painter.isActive ()) painter.drawLine (sp, ep); if (tqmaskPainter.isActive ()) tqmaskPainter.drawLine (sp, ep); didSomething = true; } // Brush & Eraser else if (m_mode & (DrawsPixmaps | WashesPixmaps)) { kpColor colorToReplace; if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) colorToReplace = color (1 - m_mouseButton); // Sweeps a pixmap along a line (modified Bresenham's line algorithm, // see MODIFIED comment below). // // Derived from the zSprite2 Graphics Engine const int x1 = (thisPoint - rect.topLeft ()).x (), y1 = (thisPoint - rect.topLeft ()).y (), x2 = (lastPoint - rect.topLeft ()).x (), y2 = (lastPoint - rect.topLeft ()).y (); // Difference of x and y values int dx = x2 - x1; int dy = y2 - y1; // Absolute values of differences int ix = kAbs (dx); int iy = kAbs (dy); // Larger of the x and y differences int inc = ix > iy ? ix : iy; // Plot location int plotx = x1; int ploty = y1; int x = 0; int y = 0; if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { if (wash (&painter, &tqmaskPainter, image, colorToReplace, rect, plotx + rect.left (), ploty + rect.top ())) { didSomething = true; } } else { if (!transparent) { kpPixmapFX::paintPixmapAt (&pixmap, hotPoint (plotx, ploty), m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton]); } else { kpPixmapFX::paintMaskTransparentWithBrush (&pixmap, hotPoint (plotx, ploty), kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton])); } didSomething = true; } for (int i = 0; i <= inc; i++) { // oldplotx is equally as valid but would look different // (but nobody will notice which one it is) int oldploty = ploty; int plot = 0; x += ix; y += iy; if (x > inc) { plot++; x -= inc; if (dx < 0) plotx--; else plotx++; } if (y > inc) { plot++; y -= inc; if (dy < 0) ploty--; else ploty++; } if (plot) { if (m_brushIsDiagonalLine && plot == 2) { // MODIFIED: every point is // horizontally or vertically adjacent to another point (if there // is more than 1 point, of course). This is in contrast to the // ordinary line algorithm which can create diagonal adjacencies. if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { if (wash (&painter, &tqmaskPainter, image, colorToReplace, rect, plotx + rect.left (), oldploty + rect.top ())) { didSomething = true; } } else { if (!transparent) { kpPixmapFX::paintPixmapAt (&pixmap, hotPoint (plotx, oldploty), m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton]); } else { kpPixmapFX::paintMaskTransparentWithBrush (&pixmap, hotPoint (plotx, oldploty), kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton])); } didSomething = true; } } if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { if (wash (&painter, &tqmaskPainter, image, colorToReplace, rect, plotx + rect.left (), ploty + rect.top ())) { didSomething = true; } } else { if (!transparent) { kpPixmapFX::paintPixmapAt (&pixmap, hotPoint (plotx, ploty), m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton]); } else { kpPixmapFX::paintMaskTransparentWithBrush (&pixmap, hotPoint (plotx, ploty), kpPixmapFX::getNonNullMask (m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton])); } didSomething = true; } } } } if (painter.isActive ()) painter.end (); if (tqmaskPainter.isActive ()) tqmaskPainter.end (); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { int ms = timer.restart (); kdDebug () << "\ttried to wash: " << ms << "ms" << " (" << (ms ? (rect.width () * rect.height () / ms) : -1234) << " pixels/ms)" << endl; convAndWashTime += ms; } #endif if (didSomething) { if (!tqmaskBitmap.isNull ()) pixmap.setMask (tqmaskBitmap); // draw onto doc document ()->setPixmapAt (pixmap, rect.topLeft ()); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { int ms = timer.restart (); kdDebug () << "\tset doc: " << ms << "ms" << endl; convAndWashTime += ms; } #endif m_currentCommand->updateBoundingRect (rect); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) { int ms = timer.restart (); kdDebug () << "\tupdate boundingRect: " << ms << "ms" << endl; convAndWashTime += ms; kdDebug () << "\tdone (" << (convAndWashTime ? (rect.width () * rect.height () / convAndWashTime) : -1234) << " pixels/ms)" << endl; } #endif } #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN if (m_mode & WashesPixmaps) kdDebug () << endl; #endif } viewManager ()->restoreFastUpdates (); setUserShapePoints (thisPoint); } // virtual void kpToolPen::cancelShape () { m_currentCommand->finalize (); m_currentCommand->cancel (); delete m_currentCommand; m_currentCommand = 0; updateBrushCursor (false/*no recalc*/); setUserMessage (i18n ("Let go of all the mouse buttons.")); } void kpToolPen::releasedAllButtons () { setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ()); } // virtual void kpToolPen::endDraw (const TQPoint &, const TQRect &) { m_currentCommand->finalize (); mainWindow ()->commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_currentCommand, false /* don't exec */); // don't delete - it's up to the commandHistory m_currentCommand = 0; updateBrushCursor (false/*no recalc*/); setUserMessage (haventBegunDrawUserMessage ()); } // TODO: maybe the base should be virtual? kpColor kpToolPen::color (int which) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 0 kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::color (" << which << ")" << endl; #endif // Pen & Brush if ((m_mode & SwappedColors) == 0) return kpTool::color (which); // only the (Color) Eraser uses the opposite color else return kpTool::color (which ? 0 : 1); // don't trust !0 == 1 } // virtual private slot void kpToolPen::slotForegroundColorChanged (const kpColor &col) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::slotForegroundColorChanged()" << endl; #endif if (col.isOpaque ()) m_brushPixmap [(m_mode & SwappedColors) ? 1 : 0].fill (col.toTQColor ()); updateBrushCursor (); } // virtual private slot void kpToolPen::slotBackgroundColorChanged (const kpColor &col) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::slotBackgroundColorChanged()" << endl; #endif if (col.isOpaque ()) m_brushPixmap [(m_mode & SwappedColors) ? 0 : 1].fill (col.toTQColor ()); updateBrushCursor (); } // private slot void kpToolPen::slotBrushChanged (const TQPixmap &pixmap, bool isDiagonalLine) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::slotBrushChanged()" << endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { m_brushPixmap [i] = pixmap; if (color (i).isOpaque ()) m_brushPixmap [i].fill (color (i).toTQColor ()); } m_brushIsDiagonalLine = isDiagonalLine; updateBrushCursor (); } // private slot void kpToolPen::slotEraserSizeChanged (int size) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN kdDebug () << "KpToolPen::slotEraserSizeChanged(size=" << size << ")" << endl; #endif for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Note: No matter what, the eraser's brush pixmap is never given // a tqmask. // // With a transparent color, since we don't fill anything, the // resize by itself will leave us with garbage pixels. This // doesn't matter because: // // 1. The hover cursor will ask kpToolWidgetEraserSize for a proper // cursor pixmap. // 2. We will draw using kpPixmapFX::paintMaskTransparentWithBrush() // which only cares about the opaqueness. m_brushPixmap [i].resize (size, size); if (color (i).isOpaque ()) m_brushPixmap [i].fill (color (i).toTQColor ()); } updateBrushCursor (); } TQPoint kpToolPen::hotPoint () const { return hotPoint (m_currentPoint); } TQPoint kpToolPen::hotPoint (int x, int y) const { return hotPoint (TQPoint (x, y)); } TQPoint kpToolPen::hotPoint (const TQPoint &point) const { /* * e.g. * Width 5: * 0 1 2 3 4 * ^ * | * Center */ return point - TQPoint (m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton].width () / 2, m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton].height () / 2); } TQRect kpToolPen::hotRect () const { return hotRect (m_currentPoint); } TQRect kpToolPen::hotRect (int x, int y) const { return hotRect (TQPoint (x, y)); } TQRect kpToolPen::hotRect (const TQPoint &point) const { TQPoint topLeft = hotPoint (point); return TQRect (topLeft.x (), topLeft.y (), m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton].width (), m_brushPixmap [m_mouseButton].height ()); } // private void kpToolPen::updateBrushCursor (bool recalc) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolPen::updateBrushCursor(recalc=" << recalc << ")" << endl; #endif if (recalc) { if (m_mode & SquareBrushes) m_cursorPixmap = m_toolWidgetEraserSize->cursorPixmap (color (0)); else if (m_mode & DiverseBrushes) m_cursorPixmap = m_brushPixmap [0]; } hover (hasBegun () ? m_currentPoint : currentPoint ()); } /* * kpToolPenCommand */ kpToolPenCommand::kpToolPenCommand (const TQString &name, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name, mainWindow), m_pixmap (*document ()->pixmap ()) { } kpToolPenCommand::~kpToolPenCommand () { } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolPenCommand::size () const { return kpPixmapFX::pixmapSize (m_pixmap); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolPenCommand::execute () { swapOldAndNew (); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolPenCommand::unexecute () { swapOldAndNew (); } // private void kpToolPenCommand::swapOldAndNew () { if (m_boundingRect.isValid ()) { TQPixmap oldPixmap = document ()->getPixmapAt (m_boundingRect); document ()->setPixmapAt (m_pixmap, m_boundingRect.topLeft ()); m_pixmap = oldPixmap; } } // public void kpToolPenCommand::updateBoundingRect (const TQPoint &point) { updateBoundingRect (TQRect (point, point)); } // public void kpToolPenCommand::updateBoundingRect (const TQRect &rect) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN & 0 kdDebug () << "kpToolPenCommand::updateBoundingRect() existing=" << m_boundingRect << " plus=" << rect << endl; #endif m_boundingRect = m_boundingRect.unite (rect); #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_PEN & 0 kdDebug () << "\tresult=" << m_boundingRect << endl; #endif } // public void kpToolPenCommand::finalize () { if (m_boundingRect.isValid ()) { // store only needed part of doc pixmap m_pixmap = kpTool::neededPixmap (m_pixmap, m_boundingRect); } else { m_pixmap.resize (0, 0); } } // public void kpToolPenCommand::cancel () { if (m_boundingRect.isValid ()) { viewManager ()->setFastUpdates (); document ()->setPixmapAt (m_pixmap, m_boundingRect.topLeft ()); viewManager ()->restoreFastUpdates (); } } #include <kptoolpen.moc>