/* Copyright (c) 2003,2004,2005 Clarence Dang <dang@kde.org> All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT 0 #include <kptooltext.h> #include <tqvaluevector.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kpcommandhistory.h> #include <kpdocument.h> #include <kpmainwindow.h> #include <kpselection.h> #include <kptoolwidgetopaqueortransparent.h> #include <kpviewmanager.h> kpToolText::kpToolText (kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpToolSelection (Text, i18n ("Text"), i18n ("Writes text"), TQt::Key_T, mainWindow, "tool_text"), m_isIMStarted (false), m_IMStartCursorRow (0), m_IMStartCursorCol (0), m_IMPreeditStr (0) { } kpToolText::~kpToolText () { } // public virtual [base kpToolSelection] void kpToolText::begin () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolText::begin()" << endl; #endif mainWindow ()->enableTextToolBarActions (true); viewManager ()->setTextCursorEnabled (true); m_insertCommand = 0; m_enterCommand = 0; m_backspaceCommand = 0; m_deleteCommand = 0; kpToolSelection::begin (); } // public virtual [base kpToolSelection] void kpToolText::end () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolText::end()" << endl; #endif kpToolSelection::end (); viewManager ()->setTextCursorEnabled (false); mainWindow ()->enableTextToolBarActions (false); } // public bool kpToolText::hasBegunText () const { return (m_insertCommand || m_enterCommand || m_backspaceCommand || m_deleteCommand); } // public virtual [base kpTool] bool kpToolText::hasBegunShape () const { return (hasBegunDraw () || hasBegunText ()); } // public virtual [base kpToolSelection] void kpToolText::cancelShape () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::cancelShape()" << endl; #endif if (m_dragType != Unknown) kpToolSelection::cancelShape (); else if (hasBegunText ()) { m_insertCommand = 0; m_enterCommand = 0; m_backspaceCommand = 0; m_deleteCommand = 0; commandHistory ()->undo (); } else kpToolSelection::cancelShape (); } // public virtual [base kpTool] void kpToolText::endShape (const TQPoint &thisPoint, const TQRect &normalizedRect) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::endShape()" << endl; #endif if (m_dragType != Unknown) kpToolSelection::endDraw (thisPoint, normalizedRect); else if (hasBegunText ()) { m_insertCommand = 0; m_enterCommand = 0; m_backspaceCommand = 0; m_deleteCommand = 0; } else kpToolSelection::endDraw (thisPoint, normalizedRect); } // protected virtual [base kpTool] void kpToolText::keyPressEvent (TQKeyEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::keyPressEvent(e->text='" << e->text () << "')" << endl; #endif e->ignore (); if (hasBegunDraw ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\talready began draw with mouse - passing on event to kpTool" << endl; #endif kpToolSelection::keyPressEvent (e); return; } kpSelection *sel = document ()->selection (); if (!sel || !sel->isText ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tno text sel - passing on event to kpTool" << endl; #endif //if (hasBegunShape ()) // endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); kpToolSelection::keyPressEvent (e); return; } const TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = sel->textLines (); int cursorRow = viewManager ()->textCursorRow (); int cursorCol = viewManager ()->textCursorCol (); #define IS_SPACE(c) ((c).isSpace () || (c).isNull ()) if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Enter || e->key () == TQt::Key_Return) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tenter pressed" << endl; #endif if (!m_enterCommand) { // TODO: why not endShapeInternal(); ditto for everywhere else in this file? if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_enterCommand = new kpToolTextEnterCommand (i18n ("Text: New Line"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_enterCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_enterCommand->addEnter (); e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Backspace) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tbackspace pressed" << endl; #endif if (!m_backspaceCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_backspaceCommand = new kpToolTextBackspaceCommand (i18n ("Text: Backspace"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_backspaceCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_backspaceCommand->addBackspace (); e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Delete) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tdelete pressed" << endl; #endif if (!m_deleteCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_deleteCommand = new kpToolTextDeleteCommand (i18n ("Text: Delete"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_deleteCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_deleteCommand->addDelete (); e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Up) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tup pressed" << endl; #endif if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if (cursorRow > 0) { cursorRow--; cursorCol = TQMIN (cursorCol, (int) textLines [cursorRow].length ()); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); } e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Down) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tdown pressed" << endl; #endif if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if (cursorRow < (int) textLines.size () - 1) { cursorRow++; cursorCol = TQMIN (cursorCol, (int) textLines [cursorRow].length ()); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); } e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Left) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tleft pressed" << endl; #endif #define MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT() \ { \ cursorCol--; \ \ if (cursorCol < 0) \ { \ cursorRow--; \ if (cursorRow < 0) \ { \ cursorRow = 0; \ cursorCol = 0; \ } \ else \ cursorCol = textLines [cursorRow].length (); \ } \ } if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if ((e->state () & TQt::ControlButton) == 0) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tmove single char" << endl; #endif MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT (); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tmove to start of word" << endl; #endif // (these comments will exclude the row=0,col=0 boundary case) #define IS_ON_ANCHOR() (!IS_SPACE (textLines [cursorRow][cursorCol]) && \ (cursorCol == 0 || IS_SPACE (textLines [cursorRow][cursorCol - 1]))) if (IS_ON_ANCHOR ()) MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT (); // --- now we're not on an anchor point (start of word) --- // End up on a letter... while (!(cursorRow == 0 && cursorCol == 0) && (IS_SPACE (textLines [cursorRow][cursorCol]))) { MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT (); } // --- now we're on a letter --- // Find anchor point while (!(cursorRow == 0 && cursorCol == 0) && !IS_ON_ANCHOR ()) { MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT (); } #undef IS_ON_ANCHOR viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); } #undef MOVE_CURSOR_LEFT e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Right) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tright pressed" << endl; #endif #define MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT() \ { \ cursorCol++; \ \ if (cursorCol > (int) textLines [cursorRow].length ()) \ { \ cursorRow++; \ if (cursorRow > (int) textLines.size () - 1) \ { \ cursorRow = textLines.size () - 1; \ cursorCol = textLines [cursorRow].length (); \ } \ else \ cursorCol = 0; \ } \ } if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if ((e->state () & TQt::ControlButton) == 0) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tmove single char" << endl; #endif MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT (); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tmove to start of word" << endl; #endif // (these comments will exclude the last row,end col boundary case) #define IS_AT_END() (cursorRow == (int) textLines.size () - 1 && \ cursorCol == (int) textLines [cursorRow].length ()) // Find space while (!IS_AT_END () && !IS_SPACE (textLines [cursorRow][cursorCol])) { MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT (); } // --- now we're on a space --- // Find letter while (!IS_AT_END () && IS_SPACE (textLines [cursorRow][cursorCol])) { MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT (); } // --- now we're on a letter --- viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); #undef IS_AT_END } #undef MOVE_CURSOR_RIGHT e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_Home) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\thome pressed" << endl; #endif if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if (e->state () & TQt::ControlButton) cursorRow = 0; cursorCol = 0; viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); e->accept (); } else if (e->key () == TQt::Key_End) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tend pressed" << endl; #endif if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); if (e->state () & TQt::ControlButton) cursorRow = textLines.size () - 1; cursorCol = textLines [cursorRow].length (); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (cursorRow, cursorCol); e->accept (); } else { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\ttext='" << e->text () << "'" << endl; #endif TQString usableText; for (int i = 0; i < (int) e->text ().length (); i++) { if (e->text ().at (i).isPrint ()) usableText += e->text ().at (i); } #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tusableText='" << usableText << "'" << endl; #endif if (usableText.length () > 0) { if (!m_insertCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_insertCommand = new kpToolTextInsertCommand (i18n ("Text: Write"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), usableText, mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_insertCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_insertCommand->addText (usableText); e->accept (); } } #undef IS_SPACE if (!e->isAccepted ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tkey processing did not accept (text was '" << e->text () << "') - passing on event to kpToolSelection" << endl; #endif //if (hasBegunShape ()) // endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); kpToolSelection::keyPressEvent (e); return; } } void kpToolText::imStartEvent (TQIMEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolText::imStartEvent() text='" << e->text () << " cursorPos=" << e->cursorPos () << " selectionLength=" << e->selectionLength () << endl; #endif kpSelection *sel = document ()->selection (); if (hasBegunDraw() || !sel || !sel->isText ()) { e->ignore(); return; } m_IMStartCursorRow = viewManager ()->textCursorRow (); m_IMStartCursorCol = viewManager ()->textCursorCol (); m_IMPreeditStr = TQString(); } void kpToolText::imComposeEvent (TQIMEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolText::imComposeEvent() text='" << e->text () << " cursorPos=" << e->cursorPos () << " selectionLength=" << e->selectionLength () << endl; #endif kpSelection *sel = document ()->selection (); if (hasBegunDraw() || !sel || !sel->isText ()) { e->ignore(); return; } // remove old preedit if (m_IMPreeditStr.length() > 0 ) { // set cursor at the start input point viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_IMStartCursorRow, m_IMStartCursorCol); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_IMPreeditStr.length(); i++) { if (!m_deleteCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_deleteCommand = new kpToolTextDeleteCommand (i18n ("Text: Delete"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_deleteCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_deleteCommand->addDelete (); } } // insert new preedit m_IMPreeditStr = e->text(); if (m_IMPreeditStr.length() > 0) { if (!m_insertCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_insertCommand = new kpToolTextInsertCommand (i18n ("Text: Write"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), m_IMPreeditStr, mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_insertCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_insertCommand->addText (m_IMPreeditStr); } // set cursor pos if (m_IMStartCursorRow >= 0) { int row = m_IMStartCursorRow; int col = m_IMStartCursorCol + e->cursorPos () /* + e->selectionLength()*/; viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (row, col, true /* update MicroFocusHint */); } } void kpToolText::imEndEvent (TQIMEvent *e) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolText::imEndEvent() text='" << e->text () << " cursorPos=" << e->cursorPos () << " selectionLength=" << e->selectionLength () << endl; #endif kpSelection *sel = document ()->selection (); if (hasBegunDraw() || !sel || !sel->isText ()) { e->ignore(); return; } // remove old preedit if (m_IMPreeditStr.length() > 0 ) { // set cursor at the start input point viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_IMStartCursorRow, m_IMStartCursorCol); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_IMPreeditStr.length(); i++) { if (!m_deleteCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_deleteCommand = new kpToolTextDeleteCommand (i18n ("Text: Delete"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_deleteCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_deleteCommand->addDelete (); } } m_IMPreeditStr = TQString(); // commit string TQString inputStr = e->text(); if (inputStr.length() > 0) { if (!m_insertCommand) { if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); m_insertCommand = new kpToolTextInsertCommand (i18n ("Text: Write"), viewManager ()->textCursorRow (), viewManager ()->textCursorCol (), inputStr, mainWindow ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand (m_insertCommand, false/*no exec*/); } else m_insertCommand->addText (inputStr); } } // protected bool kpToolText::shouldChangeTextStyle () const { if (mainWindow ()->settingTextStyle ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\trecursion - abort setting text style: " << mainWindow ()->settingTextStyle () << endl; #endif return false; } if (!document ()->selection () || !document ()->selection ()->isText ()) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "\tno text selection - abort setting text style" << endl; #endif return false; } return true; } // protected void kpToolText::changeTextStyle (const TQString &name, const kpTextStyle &newTextStyle, const kpTextStyle &oldTextStyle) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::changeTextStyle(" << name << ")" << endl; #endif if (hasBegunShape ()) endShape (m_currentPoint, TQRect (m_startPoint, m_currentPoint).normalize ()); commandHistory ()->addCommand ( new kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand ( name, newTextStyle, oldTextStyle, mainWindow ())); } // protected slot virtual [base kpToolSelection] void kpToolText::slotIsOpaqueChanged () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotIsOpaqueChanged()" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setBackgroundOpaque (!m_toolWidgetOpaqueOrTransparent->isOpaque ()); changeTextStyle (newTextStyle.isBackgroundOpaque () ? i18n ("Text: Opaque Background") : i18n ("Text: Transparent Background"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // protected slot virtual [base kpTool] void kpToolText::slotColorsSwapped (const kpColor &newForegroundColor, const kpColor &newBackgroundColor) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotColorsSwapped()" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setForegroundColor (newBackgroundColor); oldTextStyle.setBackgroundColor (newForegroundColor); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Swap Colors"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // protected slot virtual [base kpTool] void kpToolText::slotForegroundColorChanged (const kpColor & /*color*/) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotForegroundColorChanged()" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setForegroundColor (oldForegroundColor ()); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Foreground Color"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // protected slot virtual [base kpToolSelection] void kpToolText::slotBackgroundColorChanged (const kpColor & /*color*/) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotBackgroundColorChanged()" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setBackgroundColor (oldBackgroundColor ()); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Background Color"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // protected slot virtual [base kpToolSelection] void kpToolText::slotColorSimilarityChanged (double, int) { // --- don't pass on event to kpToolSelection which would have set the // SelectionTransparency - not relevant to the Text Tool --- } // public slot void kpToolText::slotFontFamilyChanged (const TQString &fontFamily, const TQString &oldFontFamily) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotFontFamilyChanged() new=" << fontFamily << " old=" << oldFontFamily << endl; #else (void) fontFamily; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setFontFamily (oldFontFamily); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Font"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // public slot void kpToolText::slotFontSizeChanged (int fontSize, int oldFontSize) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotFontSizeChanged() new=" << fontSize << " old=" << oldFontSize << endl; #else (void) fontSize; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setFontSize (oldFontSize); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Font Size"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // public slot void kpToolText::slotBoldChanged (bool isBold) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotBoldChanged(" << isBold << ")" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setBold (!isBold); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Bold"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // public slot void kpToolText::slotItalicChanged (bool isItalic) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotItalicChanged(" << isItalic << ")" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setItalic (!isItalic); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Italic"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // public slot void kpToolText::slotUnderlineChanged (bool isUnderline) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotUnderlineChanged(" << isUnderline << ")" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setUnderline (!isUnderline); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Underline"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } // public slot void kpToolText::slotStrikeThruChanged (bool isStrikeThru) { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT kdDebug () << "kpToolText::slotStrikeThruChanged(" << isStrikeThru << ")" << endl; #endif if (!shouldChangeTextStyle ()) return; kpTextStyle newTextStyle = mainWindow ()->textStyle (); kpTextStyle oldTextStyle = newTextStyle; oldTextStyle.setStrikeThru (!isStrikeThru); changeTextStyle (i18n ("Text: Strike Through"), newTextStyle, oldTextStyle); } /* * kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand */ kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand (const TQString &name, const kpTextStyle &newTextStyle, const kpTextStyle &oldTextStyle, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name, mainWindow), m_newTextStyle (newTextStyle), m_oldTextStyle (oldTextStyle) { } kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::~kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand () { } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::size () const { return 0; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::execute () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::execute()" << " font=" << m_newTextStyle.fontFamily () << " fontSize=" << m_newTextStyle.fontSize () << " isBold=" << m_newTextStyle.isBold () << " isItalic=" << m_newTextStyle.isItalic () << " isUnderline=" << m_newTextStyle.isUnderline () << " isStrikeThru=" << m_newTextStyle.isStrikeThru () << endl; #endif m_mainWindow->setTextStyle (m_newTextStyle); if (selection ()) selection ()->setTextStyle (m_newTextStyle); else kdError () << "kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::execute() without sel" << endl; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::unexecute () { #if DEBUG_KP_TOOL_TEXT && 1 kdDebug () << "kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::unexecute()" << " font=" << m_newTextStyle.fontFamily () << " fontSize=" << m_newTextStyle.fontSize () << " isBold=" << m_newTextStyle.isBold () << " isItalic=" << m_newTextStyle.isItalic () << " isUnderline=" << m_newTextStyle.isUnderline () << " isStrikeThru=" << m_newTextStyle.isStrikeThru () << endl; #endif m_mainWindow->setTextStyle (m_oldTextStyle); if (selection ()) selection ()->setTextStyle (m_oldTextStyle); else kdError () << "kpToolTextChangeStyleCommand::unexecute() without sel" << endl; } /* * kpToolTextInsertCommand */ kpToolTextInsertCommand::kpToolTextInsertCommand (const TQString &name, int row, int col, TQString newText, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name, mainWindow), m_row (row), m_col (col) { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); addText (newText); } kpToolTextInsertCommand::~kpToolTextInsertCommand () { } // public void kpToolTextInsertCommand::addText (const TQString &moreText) { if (moreText.isEmpty ()) return; TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); const TQString leftHalf = textLines [m_row].left (m_col); const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row] = leftHalf + moreText + rightHalf; selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); m_newText += moreText; m_col += moreText.length (); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolTextInsertCommand::size () const { return m_newText.length () * sizeof (TQChar); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextInsertCommand::execute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); TQString text = m_newText; m_newText = TQString(); addText (text); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextInsertCommand::unexecute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); const TQString leftHalf = textLines [m_row].left (m_col - m_newText.length ()); const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row] = leftHalf + rightHalf; selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); m_col -= m_newText.length (); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); } /* * kpToolTextEnterCommand */ kpToolTextEnterCommand::kpToolTextEnterCommand (const TQString &name, int row, int col, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name, mainWindow), m_row (row), m_col (col), m_numEnters (0) { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); addEnter (); } kpToolTextEnterCommand::~kpToolTextEnterCommand () { } // public void kpToolTextEnterCommand::addEnter () { TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row].truncate (m_col); textLines.insert (textLines.begin () + m_row + 1, rightHalf); selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); m_row++; m_col = 0; viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); m_numEnters++; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolTextEnterCommand::size () const { return 0; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextEnterCommand::execute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); int oldNumEnters = m_numEnters; m_numEnters = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldNumEnters; i++) addEnter (); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextEnterCommand::unexecute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); for (int i = 0; i < m_numEnters; i++) { if (m_col != 0) { kdError () << "kpToolTextEnterCommand::unexecute() col=" << m_col << endl; break; } if (m_row <= 0) break; int newRow = m_row - 1; int newCol = textLines [newRow].length (); textLines [newRow] += textLines [m_row]; textLines.erase (textLines.begin () + m_row); m_row = newRow; m_col = newCol; } selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); } /* * kpToolTextBackspaceCommand */ kpToolTextBackspaceCommand::kpToolTextBackspaceCommand (const TQString &name, int row, int col, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name, mainWindow), m_row (row), m_col (col), m_numBackspaces (0) { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); addBackspace (); } kpToolTextBackspaceCommand::~kpToolTextBackspaceCommand () { } // public void kpToolTextBackspaceCommand::addBackspace () { TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); if (m_col > 0) { m_deletedText.prepend (textLines [m_row][m_col - 1]); textLines [m_row] = textLines [m_row].left (m_col - 1) + textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); m_col--; } else { if (m_row > 0) { int newCursorRow = m_row - 1; int newCursorCol = textLines [newCursorRow].length (); m_deletedText.prepend ('\n'); textLines [newCursorRow] += textLines [m_row]; textLines.erase (textLines.begin () + m_row); m_row = newCursorRow; m_col = newCursorCol; } } selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); m_numBackspaces++; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolTextBackspaceCommand::size () const { return m_deletedText.length () * sizeof (TQChar); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextBackspaceCommand::execute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); m_deletedText = TQString(); int oldNumBackspaces = m_numBackspaces; m_numBackspaces = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldNumBackspaces; i++) addBackspace (); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextBackspaceCommand::unexecute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); for (int i = 0; i < (int) m_deletedText.length (); i++) { if (m_deletedText [i] == '\n') { const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row].truncate (m_col); textLines.insert (textLines.begin () + m_row + 1, rightHalf); m_row++; m_col = 0; } else { const TQString leftHalf = textLines [m_row].left (m_col); const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row] = leftHalf + m_deletedText [i] + rightHalf; m_col++; } } m_deletedText = TQString(); selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); } /* * kpToolTextDeleteCommand */ kpToolTextDeleteCommand::kpToolTextDeleteCommand (const TQString &name, int row, int col, kpMainWindow *mainWindow) : kpNamedCommand (name, mainWindow), m_row (row), m_col (col), m_numDeletes (0) { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); addDelete (); } kpToolTextDeleteCommand::~kpToolTextDeleteCommand () { } // public void kpToolTextDeleteCommand::addDelete () { TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); if (m_col < (int) textLines [m_row].length ()) { m_deletedText.prepend (textLines [m_row][m_col]); textLines [m_row] = textLines [m_row].left (m_col) + textLines [m_row].mid (m_col + 1); } else { if (m_row < (int) textLines.size () - 1) { m_deletedText.prepend ('\n'); textLines [m_row] += textLines [m_row + 1]; textLines.erase (textLines.begin () + m_row + 1); } } selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); m_numDeletes++; } // public virtual [base kpCommand] int kpToolTextDeleteCommand::size () const { return m_deletedText.length () * sizeof (TQChar); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextDeleteCommand::execute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); m_deletedText = TQString(); int oldNumDeletes = m_numDeletes; m_numDeletes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < oldNumDeletes; i++) addDelete (); } // public virtual [base kpCommand] void kpToolTextDeleteCommand::unexecute () { viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); TQValueVector <TQString> textLines = selection ()->textLines (); for (int i = 0; i < (int) m_deletedText.length (); i++) { if (m_deletedText [i] == '\n') { const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row].truncate (m_col); textLines.insert (textLines.begin () + m_row + 1, rightHalf); } else { const TQString leftHalf = textLines [m_row].left (m_col); const TQString rightHalf = textLines [m_row].mid (m_col); textLines [m_row] = leftHalf + m_deletedText [i] + rightHalf; } } m_deletedText = TQString(); selection ()->setTextLines (textLines); viewManager ()->setTextCursorPosition (m_row, m_col); } #include <kptooltext.moc>