Kooka is a raster image scan program for the KDE system.  

It uses the SANE-lib (http://www.sane-project.org/) and the the
KScan-library which is a KDE module for scanner access.

KScan and Kooka are under construction. Don't expect everything to work
fine. If you want to help, please send patches to freitag@suse.de.


Kooka's main features are:

Scanner Support using SANE:
- Scanner support using SANE. Kooka _DOES_NOT_ support all features that SANE
  and its backends offer. It takes a small subset of the available options.
- Kooka offers a GUI to change the most important scanner options like resolution,
  mode, threshold etc. These options are generated on the fly,  depending on the 
  scanner capabilities.
- Kooka offers a preview-function and the user can select the scan area interactively
  or automatically.

Image Storage:
- Kooka provides an assistant to save your acquired images.
- Filenames are generated automatically to support multiple scans.
- Kooka manages the scanned images in a tree view where the user can delete and
  export images.

Image Manipulation: 
- Kooka provides basic image manipulation functions like rotation, mirroring.
- Cut images to fit size.
Image Viewing:
- Scanned images can be viewed by clicking them in the tree view.
- The viewer has a zoom function.

- Kooka supports Joerg Schulenburg's gocr, an open source program
  for optical character recognition (OCR). Kooka starts the OCR program
  and displays its output. Best results with bw-images scanned with ~150 DPI
- Support for the commercial OCR/ICR package KADMOS of the reRecognition
  GmbH Kreuzlingen. Please read README.KADMOS for more information.


* Kooka does not yet support all options SANE offers. That will
improve in the future. However, I don't know if it makes sense to
support all, even not very common options, some scanners offer. Lets
see what is necessary and makes sense for the purpose of Kooka.

* Kooka does not yet have a strategy for very large images :(. It uses
the Qt QImage/QPixmap as is. On some displays, that causes problems.

* Automatic document feeder (ADF) support is not yet working correctly.

Klaas Freitag <freitag@suse.de>
