			kooka.cpp  -  Main program class
    begin                : Sun Jan 16 2000
    copyright            : (C) 2000 by Klaas Freitag
    email                : freitag@suse.de

 *                                                                         *
 *  This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the    *
 *  GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software *
 *  Foundation and appearing in the file COPYING included in the           *
 *  packaging of this file.                                                *
 *  As a special exception, permission is given to link this program       *
 *  with any version of the KADMOS ocr/icr engine of reRecognition GmbH,   *
 *  Kreuzlingen and distribute the resulting executable without            *
 *  including the source code for KADMOS in the source distribution.       *
 *  As a special exception, permission is given to link this program       *
 *  with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,       *
 *  without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.   *
 *                                                                         *
#include "kooka.h"
#include "kookaview.h"
#include "resource.h"

#include "kookapref.h"
#include "imgprintdialog.h"

#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqprinter.h>
#include <tqprintdialog.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqpaintdevicemetrics.h>

#include <kglobal.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmenubar.h>
#include <kaccel.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kprinter.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kurlrequesterdlg.h>
#include <tqstrlist.h>
#include <kedittoolbar.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kdockwidget.h>
#include <kparts/partmanager.h>
#include <kstdaccel.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <tqiconset.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>

#define DOCK_SIZES "DockSizes"

Kooka::Kooka( const TQCString& deviceToUse)
   : KParts::DockMainWindow( 0, "Kooka" ),
    /* Start to create the main view framework */
    m_view = new KookaView( this, deviceToUse);

    /* Call createGUI on the ocr-result view */
    setXMLFile( "kookaui.rc", true );

    setAcceptDrops(false); // Waba: Not (yet?) supported
    KConfig *konf = KGlobal::config ();
    readDockConfig ( konf, DOCK_SIZES );

    // then, setup our actions

    createGUI(0L); // m_view->ocrResultPart());
    // and a status bar
    statusBar()->insertItem( TQString(), KookaView::StatusTemp );

    // allow the view to change the statusbar and caption
    connect(m_view, TQT_SIGNAL(signalChangeStatusbar(const TQString&)),
            this,   TQT_SLOT(changeStatusbar(const TQString&)));
    connect(m_view, TQT_SIGNAL(signalCleanStatusbar(void)),
            this, TQT_SLOT(cleanStatusbar()));
    connect(m_view, TQT_SIGNAL(signalChangeCaption(const TQString&)),
            this,   TQT_SLOT(changeCaption(const TQString&)));

    changeCaption( i18n( "KDE Scanning" ));

    setAutoSaveSettings(  TQString::tqfromLatin1("General Options"),
                          true );

void Kooka::createMyGUI( KParts::Part *part )
    kdDebug(28000) << "Part changed, Creating gui" << endl;


   KConfig *konf = KGlobal::config ();
   writeDockConfig ( konf, DOCK_SIZES );
   delete m_printer;

void Kooka::startup( void )
   kdDebug(29000) << "Starting startup !" << endl;
   if( m_view ) m_view->loadStartupImage();

void Kooka::setupActions()

    KStdAction::print(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(filePrint()), actionCollection());
    KStdAction::quit(TQT_TQOBJECT(this) , TQT_SLOT(close()), actionCollection());

    KStdAction::keyBindings(guiFactory(), TQT_SLOT(configureShortcuts()), 
    KStdAction::configureToolbars(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(optionsConfigureToolbars()),
    KStdAction::preferences(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(optionsPreferences()), actionCollection());

    m_view->createDockMenu(actionCollection(), this, "settings_show_docks" );

    /* Image Viewer action Toolbar - OCR, Scaling etc. */
    (void) new KAction(i18n("&OCR Image..."), "ocr", CTRL+Key_O,
		       m_view, TQT_SLOT(doOCR()),
		       actionCollection(), "ocrImage" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("O&CR on Selection..."), "ocr-select", CTRL+Key_C,
		       m_view, TQT_SLOT(doOCRonSelection()),
		       actionCollection(), "ocrImageSelect" );

    KAction *act;
    act =  new KAction(i18n("Scale to W&idth"), "scaletowidth", CTRL+Key_I,
		       m_view, TQT_SLOT( slIVScaleToWidth()),
		       actionCollection(), "scaleToWidth" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("Scale to &Height"), "scaletoheight", CTRL+Key_H,
		       m_view, TQT_SLOT( slIVScaleToHeight()),
		       actionCollection(), "scaleToHeight" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("Original &Size"), "scaleorig", CTRL+Key_S,
                      m_view, TQT_SLOT( slIVScaleOriginal()),
                      actionCollection(), "scaleOriginal" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    /* The Toggleaction does not seem to handle the on/off icon from TQIconSet */
    TQIconSet lockSet;
    lockSet.setPixmap(BarIcon("lock")  , TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::On );
    lockSet.setPixmap(BarIcon("unlock"), TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Normal, TQIconSet::Off);
    act = new KToggleAction ( i18n("Keep &Zoom Setting"), lockSet, CTRL+Key_Z,
                              actionCollection(), "keepZoom" );
    act = new KToggleAction( i18n("Keep &Zoom Setting"), BarIcon("lockzoom"), CTRL+Key_Z,
                             actionCollection(), "keepZoom" );

    connect( act, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), m_view->getImageViewer(),

    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    /* thumbview and gallery actions */
    act = new KAction(i18n("Set Zoom..."), "viewmag", 0,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view), TQT_SLOT( slIVShowZoomDialog()),
		       actionCollection(), "showZoomDialog" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("Create From Selectio&n"), "crop", CTRL+Key_N,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view), TQT_SLOT( slCreateNewImgFromSelection() ),
		       actionCollection(), "createFromSelection" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("Mirror Image &Vertically"), "mirror-vert", CTRL+Key_V,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slMirrorVertical() ),
		       actionCollection(), "mirrorVertical" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("&Mirror ImageQt::Horizontally"), "mirror-horiz", CTRL+Key_M,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slMirrorHorizontal() ),
		       actionCollection(), "mirrorHorizontal" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("Mirror Image &Both Directions"), "mirror-both", CTRL+Key_B,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slMirrorBoth() ),
		       actionCollection(), "mirrorBoth" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("Open Image in &Graphic Application..."), "fileopen", CTRL+Key_G,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view), TQT_SLOT( slOpenCurrInGraphApp() ),
		       actionCollection(), "openInGraphApp" );

    act = new KAction(i18n("&Rotate Image Clockwise"), "rotate_cw", CTRL+Key_R,
		      TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slRotateClockWise() ),
		       actionCollection(), "rotateClockwise" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("Rotate Image Counter-Clock&wise"), "rotate_ccw", CTRL+Key_W,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slRotateCounterClockWise() ),
		       actionCollection(), "rotateCounterClockwise" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("Rotate Image 180 &Degrees"), "rotate", CTRL+Key_D,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slRotate180() ),
		       actionCollection(), "upsitedown" );
    m_view->connectViewerAction( act );

    /* Gallery actions */
    act = new KAction(i18n("&Create Folder..."), "folder_new", 0,
		      TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view->gallery()),TQT_SLOT( slotCreateFolder() ),
		       actionCollection(), "foldernew" );
    m_view->connectGalleryAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("&Save Image..."), "filesave", 0,
		      TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view->gallery()),TQT_SLOT( slotExportFile() ),
		       actionCollection(), "saveImage" );
    m_view->connectGalleryAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("&Import Image..."), "inline_image", 0,
		      TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view->gallery()),TQT_SLOT( slotImportFile() ),
		       actionCollection(), "importImage" );
    m_view->connectGalleryAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("&Delete Image"), "edittrash", 0,
		      TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view->gallery()),TQT_SLOT( slotDeleteItems() ),
		       actionCollection(), "deleteImage" );
    m_view->connectGalleryAction( act );

    act = new KAction(i18n("&Unload Image"), "fileclose", 0,
		      TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view->gallery()),TQT_SLOT( slotUnloadItems() ),
		       actionCollection(), "unloadImage" );
    m_view->connectGalleryAction( act );

#if 0
    /* not yet supported actions - coming post 3.1 */
    (void) new KAction(i18n("&Load Scan Parameters"), "bookmark_add", CTRL+Key_L,
                       m_view, TQT_SLOT(slLoadScanParams()),
                       actionCollection(), "loadscanparam" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("Save &Scan Parameters"), "bookmark_add", CTRL+Key_S,
		       m_view, TQT_SLOT(slSaveScanParams()),
		       actionCollection(), "savescanparam" );

    (void) new KAction(i18n("Select Scan Device"), "scanner", 0,
		       TQT_TQOBJECT(m_view), TQT_SLOT( slSelectDevice()),
		       actionCollection(), "selectsource" );

    (void) new KAction( i18n("Enable All Warnings && Messages"), 0,
			TQT_TQOBJECT(this),  TQT_SLOT(slEnableWarnings()),
			actionCollection(), "enable_msgs");

    m_saveOCRTextAction = new KAction( i18n("Save OCR Res&ult Text"), "filesaveas", CTRL+Key_U,
                                       m_view, TQT_SLOT(slSaveOCRResult()),
                                       actionCollection(), "saveOCRResult");

void Kooka::saveProperties(KConfig *config)
    // the 'config' object points to the session managed
    // config file.  anything you write here will be available
    // later when this app is restored

   //if (!m_view->currentURL().isNull())
   //     config->writePathEntry("lastURL", m_view->currentURL());
   kdDebug(28000) << "In kooka's saveProperties !" << endl;
   config->setGroup( KOOKA_STATE_GROUP );
   config->writeEntry( PREFERENCE_DIA_TAB, m_prefDialogIndex );
   m_view->saveProperties( config );

void Kooka::readProperties(KConfig *config)
   (void) config;
    // the 'config' object points to the session managed
    // config file.  this function is automatically called whenever
    // the app is being restored.  read in here whatever you wrote
    // in 'saveProperties'
   config->setGroup( KOOKA_STATE_GROUP );
   m_prefDialogIndex = config->readNumEntry( PREFERENCE_DIA_TAB, 0 );
   // TQString url = config->readPathEntry("lastURL");


void Kooka::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent *event)
    // accept uri drops only

#if 0
void Kooka::dropEvent(TQDropEvent *event)
    // this is a very simplistic implementation of a drop event.  we
    // will only accept a dropped URL.  the TQt dnd code can do *much*
    // much more, so please read the docs there
    KURL::List uri;

    // see if we can decode a URI.. if not, just ignore it
    if (KURLDrag::decode(event, uri) && !uri.isEmpty())
        // okay, we have a URI.. process it
        const KURL &url = uri.first();
	kdDebug(29000) << "Importing URI " << url.url() << endl;

        // TODO: Do something with url
        // Waba: See also setAcceptDrops() above

void Kooka::fileNew()
    // this slot is called whenever the File->New menu is selected,
    // the New shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+N) or the New toolbar
    // button is clicked

    // create a new window
    (new Kooka)->show();

void Kooka::fileOpen()
    // this slot is called whenever the File->Open menu is selected,
    // the Open shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+O) or the Open toolbar
    // button is clicked

void Kooka::fileSave()
    // this slot is called whenever the File->Save menu is selected,
    // the Save shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+S) or the Save toolbar
    // button is clicked

    // save the current file

void Kooka::fileSaveAs()
    // this slot is called whenever the File->Save As menu is selected,
   TQStrList strlist;
   strlist.append( "BMP" );
   strlist.append( "JPEG" );
   FormatDialog fd( 0, "FormatDialog", &strlist );


void Kooka::filePrint()
    // this slot is called whenever the File->Print menu is selected,
    // the Print shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+P) or the Print toolbar
    // button is clicked


void Kooka::optionsShowScanParams()
   m_view->slSetScanParamsVisible( m_scanParamsAction->isChecked() );

void Kooka::optionsShowPreviewer()
   m_view->slSetTabWVisible( m_previewerAction->isChecked());

void Kooka::optionsConfigureToolbars()
    // use the standard toolbar editor
    saveMainWindowSettings(KGlobal::config(), autoSaveGroup());
    KEditToolbar dlg(factory());
    connect(&dlg, TQT_SIGNAL(newToolbarConfig()), TQT_SLOT(newToolbarConfig()));

void Kooka::newToolbarConfig()
    // OK/Apply pressed in the toolbar editor
    applyMainWindowSettings(KGlobal::config(), autoSaveGroup());

void Kooka::optionsPreferences()
    // popup some sort of preference dialog, here
    KookaPreferences dlg;
    dlg.showPage( m_prefDialogIndex );
    connect( &dlg, TQT_SIGNAL( dataSaved() ), m_view, TQT_SLOT(slFreshUpThumbView()));

    if (dlg.exec())
        // redo your settings
       m_prefDialogIndex = dlg.activePageIndex();
       // m_view->slFreshUpThumbView();

void Kooka::changeStatusbar(const TQString& text)
    // display the text on the statusbar
    statusBar()->changeItem( text, KookaView::StatusTemp );

void Kooka::changeCaption(const TQString& text)
    // display the text on the caption

void Kooka::slMirrorVertical( void )
   m_view->slMirrorImage( KookaView::MirrorVertical );

void Kooka::slMirrorHorizontal( void )
    m_view->slMirrorImage( KookaView::MirrorHorizontal );

void Kooka::slMirrorBoth( void )
    m_view->slMirrorImage( KookaView::MirrorBoth );

void Kooka::slRotateClockWise( void )
   m_view->slRotateImage( 90 );

void Kooka::slRotateCounterClockWise( void )
   m_view->slRotateImage( -90 );


void Kooka::slRotate180( void )
   m_view->slRotateImage( 180 );

void Kooka::slEnableWarnings( )
   KMessageBox::information (this, i18n("All messages and warnings will now be shown."));

#include "kooka.moc"