//-*-C++-*- /* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2001 by Leonardo Skorianez email : lsk@if.ufrj.br copyright : (C) 2002 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef PMDISC_H #define PMDISC_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "pmgraphicalobject.h" #include "pmvector.h" #include "pmviewstructure.h" /** * Class for povray disc */ class PMDisc : public PMGraphicalObject { typedef PMGraphicalObject Base; public: /** * Creates a disc */ PMDisc( PMPart* part ); /** * Copy constructor */ PMDisc( const PMDisc& d ); /** * Deletes the disc */ virtual ~PMDisc( ); /** */ virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMDisc( *this ); } /** */ virtual TQString description( ) const; /** */ virtual PMMetaObject* metaObject( ) const; /** */ virtual void serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const; /** */ virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h ); /** * Returns a new @ref PMDiscEdit */ virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const; /** * Returns the name of the pixmap that is displayed in the tree view and dialog view */ virtual TQString pixmap( ) const { return TQString( "pmdisc" ); } /** * Return the center */ PMVector center( ) const { return m_center; } /** * Sets center */ void setCenter( const PMVector& c ); /** * Return the normal */ PMVector normal( ) const { return m_normal; } /** * Sets normal */ void setNormal( const PMVector& p ); /** * Return the radius */ double radius( ) const { return m_radius; } /** * Sets the radius */ void setRadius( double radius ); /** * Return the hole radius */ double holeRadius( ) const { return m_hradius; } /** * Sets the hole radius */ void setHoleRadius( double hradius ); /** */ virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s ); /** */ virtual void controlPoints( PMControlPointList& list ); /** */ virtual void controlPointsChanged( PMControlPointList& list ); /** */ virtual bool hasDisplayDetail( ) const { return true; } /** * Returns the number of lines for rendering */ static int steps( ) { return s_numSteps; } /** * Sets the number of lines for rendering */ static void setSteps( int s ); /** */ virtual void cleanUp( ) const; protected: /** */ virtual bool isDefault( ); /** */ virtual void createViewStructure( ); /** */ virtual PMViewStructure* defaultViewStructure( ) const; /** */ virtual int viewStructureParameterKey( ) const { return s_parameterKey+ globalDetailKey(); } private: /** * Creates the lines for the view structure */ static void createLines( PMLineArray& lines, int steps ); /** * Creates the points for the view structure */ static void createPoints( PMPointArray& points, const PMVector& center, const PMVector& normal, double radius , double hradius, int steps ); /** * IDs for @ref PMMementoData */ enum PMPlaneMementoID { PMCenterID, PMNormalID, PMRadiusID, PMHRadiusID }; /** * center of disc */ PMVector m_center; /** * normal of disc */ PMVector m_normal; /** * radius of disc */ double m_radius; /** * hole radius of disc */ double m_hradius; /** * The default view structure. It can be shared between planes */ static PMViewStructure* s_pDefaultViewStructure; static int s_numSteps; static int s_parameterKey; static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject; }; #endif