/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Max Judin <novaprint@mtu-net.ru> Modified 2002 Andreas Zehender <zehender@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "pmdockwidget.h" #include "pmdockwidget_private.h" #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqobjectlist.h> #include <tqstrlist.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqwidgetlist.h> #include <tqtabwidget.h> #include <tqstyle.h> #ifndef NO_KDE2 #include <kconfig.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <ktoolbar.h> #include <kpopupmenu.h> #include <twin.h> #include <kdebug.h> #ifdef TQ_WS_X11 #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xlib.h> #endif #else #include <tqapplication.h> #include <tqtoolbar.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #endif #include "pmdebug.h" #include <kparts/event.h> #include <kparts/part.h> #include <kaccel.h> #include <kparts/plugin.h> #include <kstatusbar.h> #include <kinstance.h> #include <khelpmenu.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kxmlguifactory.h> #include <assert.h> #define DOCK_CONFIG_VERSION "0.0.5" static const char* const close_xpm[]={ "7 7 2 1", "# c black", ". c None", ".......", "##..##.", ".####..", "..##...", ".####..", "##..##.", "......."}; static const char* const todesktop_xpm[]={ "5 5 2 1", "# c black", ". c None", "####.", "##...", "#.#..", "#..#.", "....#"}; static const char* const dockback_xpm[]={ "5 5 2 1", "# c black", ". c None", "#....", ".#..#", "..#.#", "...##", ".####"}; static const char* const not_close_xpm[]={ "5 5 2 1", "# c black", ". c None", "#####", "#...#", "#...#", "#...#", "#####"}; class PMDockMainWindowPrivate { public: PMDockMainWindowPrivate() { m_activePart = 0; m_bShellGUIActivated = false; m_helpMenu = 0; } ~PMDockMainWindowPrivate() { } TQGuardedPtr<Part> m_activePart; bool m_bShellGUIActivated; KHelpMenu *m_helpMenu; }; /** * A special kind of KMainWindow that is able to have dockwidget child widgets. * * The main widget should be a dockwidget where other dockwidgets can be docked to * the left, right, top, bottom or to the middle. * Furthermore, the PMDockMainWindow has got the KDocManager and some data about the dock states. * * @author Max Judin. */ PMDockMainWindow::PMDockMainWindow( TQWidget* parent, const char *name, WFlags f) :KMainWindow( parent, name, f ) { TQString new_name = TQString(name) + TQString("_DockManager"); dockManager = new PMDockManager( this, new_name.latin1() ); mainDockWidget = 0L; d = new PMDockMainWindowPrivate( ); PartBase::setPartObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); } PMDockMainWindow::~PMDockMainWindow() { delete dockManager; delete d; } // kparts/dockmainwindow stuff void PMDockMainWindow::createGUI( Part * part ) { kdDebug(1000) << TQString("DockMainWindow::createGUI for %1").tqarg(part?part->name():"0L") << endl; KXMLGUIFactory *factory = guiFactory(); setUpdatesEnabled( false ); TQPtrList<Plugin> plugins; if ( d->m_activePart ) { kdDebug(1000) << TQString("deactivating GUI for %1").tqarg(d->m_activePart->name()) << endl; GUIActivateEvent ev( false ); TQApplication::sendEvent( d->m_activePart, &ev ); factory->removeClient( d->m_activePart ); disconnect( d->m_activePart, TQT_SIGNAL( setWindowCaption( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setCaption( const TQString & ) ) ); disconnect( d->m_activePart, TQT_SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetStatusBarText( const TQString & ) ) ); } if( !d->m_bShellGUIActivated ) { loadPlugins( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), this, KGlobal::instance() ); createShellGUI(); d->m_bShellGUIActivated = true; } if ( part ) { // do this before sending the activate event connect( part, TQT_SIGNAL( setWindowCaption( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( setCaption( const TQString & ) ) ); connect( part, TQT_SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetStatusBarText( const TQString & ) ) ); factory->addClient( part ); GUIActivateEvent ev( true ); TQApplication::sendEvent( part, &ev ); } setUpdatesEnabled( true ); d->m_activePart = part; } void PMDockMainWindow::slotSetStatusBarText( const TQString & text ) { statusBar()->message( text ); } void PMDockMainWindow::createShellGUI( bool create ) { bool bAccelAutoUpdate = accel()->setAutoUpdate( false ); assert( d->m_bShellGUIActivated != create ); d->m_bShellGUIActivated = create; if ( create ) { if ( isHelpMenuEnabled() && !d->m_helpMenu ) d->m_helpMenu = new KHelpMenu( this, instance()->aboutData(), true, actionCollection() ); TQString f = xmlFile(); setXMLFile( locate( "config", "ui/ui_standards.rc", instance() ) ); if ( !f.isEmpty() ) setXMLFile( f, true ); else { TQString auto_file( instance()->instanceName() + "ui.rc" ); setXMLFile( auto_file, true ); } GUIActivateEvent ev( true ); TQApplication::sendEvent( this, &ev ); guiFactory()->addClient( this ); } else { GUIActivateEvent ev( false ); TQApplication::sendEvent( this, &ev ); guiFactory()->removeClient( this ); } accel()->setAutoUpdate( bAccelAutoUpdate ); } // end kparts/dockmainwindow void PMDockMainWindow::setMainDockWidget( PMDockWidget* mdw ) { if ( mainDockWidget == mdw ) return; mainDockWidget = mdw; } void PMDockMainWindow::setView( TQWidget *view ) { if ( view->isA("PMDockWidget") ){ if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(view->parent()) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(this) ) ((PMDockWidget*)view)->applyToWidget( this ); } #ifndef NO_KDE2 KMainWindow::setCentralWidget(view); #else TQMainWindow::setCentralWidget(view); #endif } PMDockWidget* PMDockMainWindow::createDockWidget( const TQString& name, const TQPixmap &pixmap, TQWidget* parent, const TQString& strCaption, const TQString& strTabPageLabel) { return new PMDockWidget( dockManager, name.latin1(), pixmap, parent, strCaption, strTabPageLabel ); } void PMDockMainWindow::makeDockVisible( PMDockWidget* dock ) { if ( dock != 0L) dock->makeDockVisible(); } void PMDockMainWindow::makeDockInvisible( PMDockWidget* dock ) { if ( dock != 0L) dock->undock(); } void PMDockMainWindow::makeWidgetDockVisible( TQWidget* widget ) { makeDockVisible( dockManager->findWidgetParentDock(widget) ); } void PMDockMainWindow::writeDockConfig(TQDomElement &base) { dockManager->writeConfig(base); } void PMDockMainWindow::readDockConfig(TQDomElement &base) { dockManager->readConfig(base); } #ifndef NO_KDE2 void PMDockMainWindow::writeDockConfig( KConfig* c, TQString group ) { dockManager->writeConfig( c, group ); } void PMDockMainWindow::readDockConfig( KConfig* c, TQString group ) { dockManager->readConfig( c, group ); } #endif void PMDockMainWindow::slotDockWidgetUndocked() { TQObject* pSender = (TQObject*) sender(); if (!pSender->inherits("PMDockWidget")) return; PMDockWidget* pDW = (PMDockWidget*) pSender; emit dockWidgetHasUndocked( pDW); } /*************************************************************************/ PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag::PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag( PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader* parent, PMDockWidget* dock, const char* name ) :TQFrame( parent, name ) { dw = dock; installEventFilter( dock->dockManager() ); } /*************************************************************************/ PMDockWidgetHeaderDrag::PMDockWidgetHeaderDrag( PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader* parent, PMDockWidget* dock, const char* name ) :PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag( parent, dock, name ) { } void PMDockWidgetHeaderDrag::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* ) { TQPainter paint; paint.begin( this ); tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive (TQStyle::PE_DockWindowHandle, &paint, TQRect(0,0,width(), height()), tqcolorGroup()); paint.end(); } /*************************************************************************/ PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader::PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader( PMDockWidget* parent, const char* name ) :TQFrame( parent, name ) { } /*************************************************************************/ PMDockWidgetHeader::PMDockWidgetHeader( PMDockWidget* parent, const char* name ) :PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader( parent, name ) { tqlayout = new TQHBoxLayout( this ); tqlayout->setResizeMode( TQLayout::Minimum ); drag = new PMDockWidgetHeaderDrag( this, parent ); closeButton = new PMDockButton_Private( this, "DockCloseButton" ); closeButton->setPixmap( const_cast< const char** >(close_xpm) ); int buttonWidth = 9, buttonHeight = 9; closeButton->setFixedSize(buttonWidth,buttonHeight); connect( closeButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, TQT_SIGNAL(headerCloseButtonClicked())); // MODIFICATION (zehender) // The shell will delete the widget // undock is unnecessary // connect( closeButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, TQT_SLOT(undock())); stayButton = new PMDockButton_Private( this, "DockStayButton" ); stayButton->setToggleButton( true ); stayButton->setPixmap( const_cast< const char** >(not_close_xpm) ); stayButton->setFixedSize(buttonWidth,buttonHeight); connect( stayButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotStayClicked())); stayButton->hide( ); dockbackButton = new PMDockButton_Private( this, "DockbackButton" ); dockbackButton->setPixmap( const_cast< const char** >(dockback_xpm)); dockbackButton->setFixedSize(buttonWidth,buttonHeight); connect( dockbackButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, TQT_SIGNAL(headerDockbackButtonClicked())); connect( dockbackButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, TQT_SLOT(dockBack())); // MODIFICATION (zehender) // Add a button to undock the widget and dock it as top level // widget to the desktop toDesktopButton = new PMDockButton_Private( this, "ToDesktopButton" ); toDesktopButton->setPixmap( const_cast< const char** >(todesktop_xpm)); toDesktopButton->setFixedSize(buttonWidth,buttonHeight); connect( toDesktopButton, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), parent, TQT_SLOT(toDesktop())); tqlayout->addWidget( drag ); tqlayout->addWidget( dockbackButton ); tqlayout->addWidget( toDesktopButton ); tqlayout->addWidget( stayButton ); tqlayout->addWidget( closeButton ); tqlayout->activate(); drag->setFixedHeight( tqlayout->tqminimumSize().height() ); } void PMDockWidgetHeader::setTopLevel( bool isTopLevel ) { if ( isTopLevel ){ PMDockWidget* par = (PMDockWidget*)parent(); if( par) { if( par->isDockBackPossible()) dockbackButton->show(); else dockbackButton->hide(); } stayButton->hide(); closeButton->hide(); toDesktopButton->hide(); drag->setEnabled( true ); } else { dockbackButton->hide(); stayButton->hide(); closeButton->show(); toDesktopButton->show(); } tqlayout->activate(); updateGeometry(); } void PMDockWidgetHeader::setDragPanel( PMDockWidgetHeaderDrag* nd ) { if ( !nd ) return; delete tqlayout; tqlayout = new TQHBoxLayout( this ); tqlayout->setResizeMode( TQLayout::Minimum ); delete drag; drag = nd; tqlayout->addWidget( drag ); tqlayout->addWidget( dockbackButton ); tqlayout->addWidget( toDesktopButton ); tqlayout->addWidget( stayButton ); tqlayout->addWidget( closeButton ); tqlayout->activate(); drag->setFixedHeight( tqlayout->tqminimumSize().height() ); } void PMDockWidgetHeader::slotStayClicked() { setDragEnabled(!stayButton->isOn()); } bool PMDockWidgetHeader::dragEnabled() const { return drag->isEnabled(); } void PMDockWidgetHeader::setDragEnabled(bool b) { stayButton->setOn(!b); closeButton->setEnabled(b); drag->setEnabled(b); } #ifndef NO_KDE2 void PMDockWidgetHeader::saveConfig( KConfig* c ) { c->writeEntry( TQString("%1%2").tqarg(parent()->name()).tqarg(":stayButton"), stayButton->isOn() ); } void PMDockWidgetHeader::loadConfig( KConfig* c ) { setDragEnabled( !c->readBoolEntry( TQString("%1%2").tqarg(parent()->name()).tqarg(":stayButton"), false ) ); } #endif /*************************************************************************/ PMDockWidget::PMDockWidget( PMDockManager* dockManager, const char* name, const TQPixmap &pixmap, TQWidget* parent, const TQString& strCaption, const TQString& strTabPageLabel, WFlags f) : TQWidget( parent, name, f ) ,formerBrotherDockWidget(0L) ,currentDockPos(DockNone) ,formerDockPos(DockNone) ,pix(new TQPixmap(pixmap)) ,prevSideDockPosBeforeDrag(DockNone) { d = new PMDockWidgetPrivate(); // create private data d->_parent = parent; tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); tqlayout->setResizeMode( TQLayout::Minimum ); manager = dockManager; manager->childDock->append( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); installEventFilter( manager ); header = 0L; setHeader( new PMDockWidgetHeader( this, "AutoCreatedDockHeader" ) ); if( strCaption == 0L) setCaption( name ); else setCaption( strCaption); if( strTabPageLabel == " ") setTabPageLabel( caption()); else setTabPageLabel( strTabPageLabel); eDocking = DockFullDocking; sDocking = DockFullSite; isGroup = false; isTabGroup = false; setIcon( pixmap); widget = 0L; TQObject::connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(hasUndocked()), manager->main, TQT_SLOT(slotDockWidgetUndocked()) ); applyToWidget( parent, TQPoint(0,0) ); } void PMDockWidget::slotSetCaption( const TQString& str ) { setTabPageLabel( str ); setCaption( str ); } PMDockWidget::~PMDockWidget() { if ( !manager->undockProcess ){ d->blockHasUndockedSignal = true; undock(); d->blockHasUndockedSignal = false; } emit iMBeingClosed(); manager->childDock->remove( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); delete pix; delete d; // destroy private data } void PMDockWidget::setHeader( PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader* h ) { if ( !h ) return; if ( header ){ delete header; delete tqlayout; header = h; tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); tqlayout->setResizeMode( TQLayout::Minimum ); tqlayout->addWidget( header ); setWidget( widget ); } else { header = h; tqlayout->addWidget( header ); } } void PMDockWidget::setEnableDocking( int pos ) { eDocking = pos; updateHeader(); } void PMDockWidget::updateHeader() { if ( parent() ){ if ( (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(parent()) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(manager->main)) || isGroup || (eDocking == PMDockWidget::DockNone) ){ header->hide(); } else { header->setTopLevel( false ); header->show(); } } else { header->setTopLevel( true ); header->show(); } } void PMDockWidget::applyToWidget( TQWidget* s, const TQPoint& p ) { if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(parent()) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(s) ) { hide(); reparent(s, 0, TQPoint(0,0), false); } if ( s && s->inherits("PMDockMainWindow") ){ ((PMDockMainWindow*)s)->setView( this ); } if ( s == manager->main ){ setGeometry( TQRect(TQPoint(0,0), manager->main->tqgeometry().size()) ); } if ( !s ) { move(p); #ifndef NO_KDE2 #ifdef TQ_WS_X11 if (d->transient && d->_parent) XSetTransientForHint( qt_xdisplay(), winId(), d->_parent->winId() ); KWin::setType( winId(), d->windowType ); #endif #endif } updateHeader(); setIcon(*pix); } void PMDockWidget::show() { if ( parent() || manager->main->isVisible() ) if ( !parent() ){ emit manager->setDockDefaultPos( this ); emit setDockDefaultPos(); if ( parent() ){ makeDockVisible(); } else { TQWidget::show(); } } else { TQWidget::show(); } } #ifndef NO_KDE2 void PMDockWidget::setDockWindowType (NET::WindowType windowType) { d->windowType = windowType; applyToWidget( parentWidget(), TQPoint(0,0) ); } #endif void PMDockWidget::setDockWindowTransient (TQWidget *parent, bool transientEnabled) { d->_parent = parent; d->transient = transientEnabled; applyToWidget( parentWidget(), TQPoint(0,0) ); } bool PMDockWidget::event( TQEvent* pevent ) { switch ( pevent->type() ) { #undef FocusIn case TQEvent::FocusIn: if (widget && !d->pendingFocusInEvent) { d->pendingFocusInEvent = true; widget->setFocus(); } d->pendingFocusInEvent = false; break; case TQEvent::ChildRemoved: if ( widget == ((TQChildEvent*)pevent)->child() ) widget = 0L; break; case TQEvent::Show: if ( widget ) widget->show(); emit manager->change(); break; case TQEvent::Hide: if ( widget ) widget->hide(); emit manager->change(); break; case TQEvent::CaptionChange: if ( parentWidget() ){ if ( parent()->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ){ ((PMDockSplitter*)(parent()))->updateName(); } if ( parentDockTabGroup() ){ setDockTabName( parentDockTabGroup() ); parentDockTabGroup()->setTabLabel( this, tabPageLabel() ); } } break; case TQEvent::Close: // MODIFICATION (zehender) // Top level widget is closed // emit same signal as if the widget is docked and closed with // the header button emit headerCloseButtonClicked( ); // emit iMBeingClosed(); break; default: break; } #undef KeyPress bool processed = TQWidget::event( pevent ); if( pevent->type( ) == TQEvent::AccelOverride && !processed && !parent( ) ){ // MODIFICATION (zehender) // floating widget, post event to main window processed = tqApp->sendEvent( manager->dockMainWidget( ), pevent ); } return processed; } PMDockWidget* PMDockWidget::manualDock( PMDockWidget* target, DockPosition dockPos, int spliPos, TQPoint pos, bool check, int tabIndex ) { if (this == target) return 0L; // docking to itself not possible bool succes = true; // tested flag // do not dock into a floating widget if( target && !target->parent( ) ) target = 0; // check allowed this dock submit this operations if ( !(eDocking & (int)dockPos) ){ succes = false; } // check allowed target submit this operations if ( target && !(target->dockSite( ) & (int)dockPos) ){ succes = false; } if ( parent() && !parent()->inherits("PMDockSplitter") && !parentDockTabGroup() ){ succes = false; } // if docking to a tab group, and position is not center // dock to the parent of the tab group if( target && ( dockPos != PMDockWidget::DockCenter ) && ( dockPos != PMDockWidget::DockNone ) ) { TQWidget* pdt = target->parentDockTabGroup( ); if( pdt ) return manualDock( ( PMDockWidget* ) ( pdt->parent( ) ), dockPos, spliPos, pos, check, tabIndex ); } if ( !succes ){ // try to make another manualDock PMDockWidget* dock_result = 0L; if ( target && !check ){ PMDockWidget::DockPosition another__dockPos = PMDockWidget::DockNone; switch ( dockPos ){ case PMDockWidget::DockLeft : another__dockPos = PMDockWidget::DockRight ; break; case PMDockWidget::DockRight : another__dockPos = PMDockWidget::DockLeft ; break; case PMDockWidget::DockTop : another__dockPos = PMDockWidget::DockBottom; break; case PMDockWidget::DockBottom: another__dockPos = PMDockWidget::DockTop ; break; default: break; } dock_result = target->manualDock( this, another__dockPos, spliPos, pos, true, tabIndex ); } return dock_result; } // end check block d->blockHasUndockedSignal = true; undock(); d->blockHasUndockedSignal = false; if ( !target ){ move( pos ); show(); emit manager->change(); return this; } PMDockTabGroup* parentTab = target->parentDockTabGroup(); if ( parentTab ){ // add to existing TabGroup applyToWidget( parentTab ); parentTab->insertTab( this, icon() ? *icon() : TQPixmap(), tabPageLabel(), tabIndex ); setDockTabName( parentTab ); if( !toolTipStr.isEmpty()) parentTab->setTabToolTip( this, toolTipStr); currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockCenter; emit manager->change(); return (PMDockWidget*)parentTab->parent(); } // MODIFICATION (Zehender): // If DockPosition is DockLeft or DockRight, add the widget // left or right of the target, so that a new vertical splitter // (a splitter with horizontal widget tqlayout :-) is created // that spawns the full height of the main view if( ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockLeft ) || ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockRight ) ) { PMDockWidget* newTarget = target; bool found = false; TQWidget* wtarget = target; while( wtarget && !found ) { if( wtarget->inherits( "PMDockWidget" ) ) { PMDockWidget* dw = ( PMDockWidget* ) wtarget; newTarget = dw; TQWidget* pw = wtarget->parentWidget( ); if( pw ) { if( pw->inherits( "PMDockSplitter" ) ) { PMDockSplitter* ds = ( PMDockSplitter* ) pw; if( ds->splitterOrientation( ) ==Qt::Vertical ) found = true; } } } wtarget = wtarget->parentWidget( ); } if( newTarget != target ) return manualDock( newTarget, dockPos, spliPos, pos, check, tabIndex ); } // END MODIFICATION // create a new dockwidget that will contain the target and this TQWidget* parentDock = target->parentWidget(); PMDockWidget* newDock = new PMDockWidget( manager, "tempName", TQPixmap(TQString("")), parentDock ); newDock->currentDockPos = target->currentDockPos; if ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockCenter ){ newDock->isTabGroup = true; } else { newDock->isGroup = true; } newDock->eDocking = (target->eDocking & eDocking) & (~(int)PMDockWidget::DockCenter); newDock->applyToWidget( parentDock ); if ( !parentDock ){ // dock to a toplevel dockwidget means newDock is toplevel now newDock->move( target->frameGeometry().topLeft() ); newDock->resize( target->tqgeometry().size() ); if ( target->isVisibleToTLW() ) newDock->show(); } // redirect the dockback button to the new dockwidget if( target->formerBrotherDockWidget != 0L) { newDock->formerBrotherDockWidget = target->formerBrotherDockWidget; if( formerBrotherDockWidget != 0L) TQObject::connect( newDock->formerBrotherDockWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(iMBeingClosed()), newDock, TQT_SLOT(loseFormerBrotherDockWidget()) ); target->loseFormerBrotherDockWidget(); } newDock->formerDockPos = target->formerDockPos; if ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockCenter ) { PMDockTabGroup* tab = new PMDockTabGroup( newDock, "_dock_tab"); TQObject::connect(tab, TQT_SIGNAL(currentChanged(TQWidget*)), d, TQT_SLOT(slotFocusEmbeddedWidget(TQWidget*))); newDock->setWidget( tab ); target->applyToWidget( tab ); applyToWidget( tab ); tab->insertTab( target, target->icon() ? *(target->icon()) : TQPixmap(), target->tabPageLabel() ); if( !target->toolTipString().isEmpty()) tab->setTabToolTip( target, target->toolTipString()); tab->insertTab( this, icon() ? *icon() : TQPixmap(), tabPageLabel(), tabIndex ); if( !toolTipString().isEmpty()) tab->setTabToolTip( this, toolTipString()); setDockTabName( tab ); tab->show(); currentDockPos = DockCenter; target->formerDockPos = target->currentDockPos; target->currentDockPos = DockCenter; } else { // if to dock not to the center of the target dockwidget, // dock to newDock PMDockSplitter* panner = 0L; if ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockTop || dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockBottom ) panner = new PMDockSplitter( newDock, "_dock_split_",Qt::Horizontal, spliPos, manager->splitterHighResolution() ); if ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockLeft || dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockRight ) panner = new PMDockSplitter( newDock, "_dock_split_",Qt::Vertical , spliPos, manager->splitterHighResolution() ); newDock->setWidget( panner ); panner->setOpaqueResize(manager->splitterOpaqueResize()); panner->setKeepSize(manager->splitterKeepSize()); panner->setFocusPolicy( TQ_NoFocus ); target->applyToWidget( panner ); applyToWidget( panner ); target->formerDockPos = target->currentDockPos; if ( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockRight) { panner->activate( target, this ); currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockRight; target->currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockLeft; } else if( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockBottom) { panner->activate( target, this ); currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockBottom; target->currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockTop; } else if( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockTop) { panner->activate( this, target ); currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockTop; target->currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockBottom; } else if( dockPos == PMDockWidget::DockLeft) { panner->activate( this, target ); currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockLeft; target->currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockRight; } target->show(); show(); panner->show(); } if ( parentDock ){ if ( parentDock->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ){ PMDockSplitter* sp = (PMDockSplitter*)parentDock; sp->deactivate(); if ( sp->getFirst() == target ) sp->activate( newDock, 0L ); else sp->activate( 0L, newDock ); } } newDock->show(); emit target->docking( this, dockPos ); emit manager->replaceDock( target, newDock ); emit manager->change(); return newDock; } PMDockTabGroup* PMDockWidget::parentDockTabGroup() const { if ( !parent() ) return 0L; TQWidget* candidate = parentWidget()->parentWidget(); if ( candidate && candidate->inherits("PMDockTabGroup") ) return (PMDockTabGroup*)candidate; return 0L; } void PMDockWidget::toDesktop() { TQPoint p = mapToGlobal( TQPoint( -30, -30 ) ); if( p.x( ) < 0 ) p.setX( 0 ); if( p.y( ) < 0 ) p.setY( 0 ); manualDock( 0, DockDesktop, 50, p ); } void PMDockWidget::undock() { TQWidget* parentW = parentWidget(); if ( !parentW ){ hide(); if (!d->blockHasUndockedSignal) emit hasUndocked(); return; } formerDockPos = currentDockPos; currentDockPos = PMDockWidget::DockDesktop; manager->blockSignals(true); manager->undockProcess = true; bool isV = parentW->isVisibleToTLW(); PMDockTabGroup* parentTab = parentDockTabGroup(); if ( parentTab ){ d->index = parentTab->indexOf( this); // memorize the page position in the tab widget parentTab->removePage( this ); formerBrotherDockWidget = (PMDockWidget*)parentTab->page(0); TQObject::connect( formerBrotherDockWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(iMBeingClosed()), this, TQT_SLOT(loseFormerBrotherDockWidget()) ); applyToWidget( 0L ); if ( parentTab->count() == 1 ){ // last subdock widget in the tab control PMDockWidget* lastTab = (PMDockWidget*)parentTab->page(0); parentTab->removePage( lastTab ); lastTab->applyToWidget( 0L ); lastTab->move( parentTab->mapToGlobal(parentTab->frameGeometry().topLeft()) ); // PMDockTabGroup always have a parent that is a PMDockWidget PMDockWidget* parentOfTab = (PMDockWidget*)parentTab->parent(); delete parentTab; // PMDockTabGroup TQWidget* parentOfDockWidget = parentOfTab->parentWidget(); if ( parentOfDockWidget == 0L ){ if ( isV ) lastTab->show(); } else { if ( parentOfDockWidget->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ){ PMDockSplitter* split = (PMDockSplitter*)parentOfDockWidget; lastTab->applyToWidget( split ); split->deactivate(); if ( split->getFirst() == parentOfTab ){ split->activate( lastTab ); if ( ((PMDockWidget*)split->parent())->splitterOrientation ==Qt::Vertical ) emit ((PMDockWidget*)split->getAnother(parentOfTab))->docking( parentOfTab, PMDockWidget::DockLeft ); else emit ((PMDockWidget*)split->getAnother(parentOfTab))->docking( parentOfTab, PMDockWidget::DockTop ); } else { split->activate( 0L, lastTab ); if ( ((PMDockWidget*)split->parent())->splitterOrientation ==Qt::Vertical ) emit ((PMDockWidget*)split->getAnother(parentOfTab))->docking( parentOfTab, PMDockWidget::DockRight ); else emit ((PMDockWidget*)split->getAnother(parentOfTab))->docking( parentOfTab, PMDockWidget::DockBottom ); } split->show(); } else { lastTab->applyToWidget( parentOfDockWidget ); } lastTab->show(); } manager->blockSignals(false); emit manager->replaceDock( parentOfTab, lastTab ); lastTab->currentDockPos = parentOfTab->currentDockPos; emit parentOfTab->iMBeingClosed(); manager->blockSignals(true); delete parentOfTab; } else { setDockTabName( parentTab ); } } else { /*********************************************************************************************/ if ( parentW->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ){ PMDockSplitter* parentSplitterOfDockWidget = (PMDockSplitter*)parentW; d->splitPosInPercent = parentSplitterOfDockWidget->separatorPos(); PMDockWidget* secondWidget = (PMDockWidget*)parentSplitterOfDockWidget->getAnother( this ); PMDockWidget* group = (PMDockWidget*)parentSplitterOfDockWidget->parentWidget(); formerBrotherDockWidget = secondWidget; applyToWidget( 0L ); group->hide(); if( formerBrotherDockWidget != 0L) TQObject::connect( formerBrotherDockWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(iMBeingClosed()), this, TQT_SLOT(loseFormerBrotherDockWidget()) ); if ( !group->parentWidget() ){ secondWidget->applyToWidget( 0L, group->frameGeometry().topLeft() ); secondWidget->resize( group->width(), group->height() ); } else { TQWidget* obj = group->parentWidget(); secondWidget->applyToWidget( obj ); if ( obj->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ){ PMDockSplitter* parentOfGroup = (PMDockSplitter*)obj; parentOfGroup->deactivate(); if ( parentOfGroup->getFirst() == group ) parentOfGroup->activate( secondWidget ); else parentOfGroup->activate( 0L, secondWidget ); } } secondWidget->currentDockPos = group->currentDockPos; secondWidget->formerDockPos = group->formerDockPos; delete parentSplitterOfDockWidget; manager->blockSignals(false); emit manager->replaceDock( group, secondWidget ); emit group->iMBeingClosed(); manager->blockSignals(true); delete group; if ( isV ) secondWidget->show(); } else { applyToWidget( 0L ); } /*********************************************************************************************/ } manager->blockSignals(false); if (!d->blockHasUndockedSignal) emit manager->change(); manager->undockProcess = false; if (!d->blockHasUndockedSignal) emit hasUndocked(); } void PMDockWidget::setWidget( TQWidget* mw ) { if ( !mw ) return; if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(mw->parent()) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(this) ){ mw->reparent(this, 0, TQPoint(0,0), false); } widget = mw; delete tqlayout; tqlayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); tqlayout->setResizeMode( TQLayout::Minimum ); tqlayout->addWidget( header ); tqlayout->addWidget( widget,1 ); } void PMDockWidget::setDockTabName( PMDockTabGroup* tab ) { TQString listOfName; TQString listOfCaption; for ( int i = 0; i < tab->count(); ++i ) { TQWidget *w = tab->page( i ); listOfCaption.append( w->caption() ).append(","); listOfName.append( w->name() ).append(","); } listOfCaption.remove( listOfCaption.length()-1, 1 ); listOfName.remove( listOfName.length()-1, 1 ); tab->parentWidget()->setName( listOfName.utf8() ); tab->parentWidget()->setCaption( listOfCaption ); tab->parentWidget()->tqrepaint( false ); // PMDockWidget->tqrepaint if ( tab->parentWidget()->parent() ) if ( tab->parentWidget()->parent()->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ) ((PMDockSplitter*)(tab->parentWidget()->parent()))->updateName(); } bool PMDockWidget::mayBeHide() const { bool f = (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(parent()) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(manager->main)); return ( !isGroup && !isTabGroup && f && isVisible() && ( eDocking != (int)PMDockWidget::DockNone ) ); } bool PMDockWidget::mayBeShow() const { bool f = (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(parent()) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(manager->main)); return ( !isGroup && !isTabGroup && f && !isVisible() ); } void PMDockWidget::changeHideShowState() { if ( mayBeHide() ){ undock(); return; } if ( mayBeShow() ){ if ( manager->main->inherits("PMDockMainWindow") ){ ((PMDockMainWindow*)manager->main)->makeDockVisible(this); } else { makeDockVisible(); } } } void PMDockWidget::makeDockVisible() { if ( parentDockTabGroup() ){ parentDockTabGroup()->showPage( this ); } if ( isVisible() ) return; TQWidget* p = parentWidget(); while ( p ){ if ( !p->isVisible() ) p->show(); p = p->parentWidget(); } if( parent() == 0L) // is undocked dockBack(); show(); } void PMDockWidget::loseFormerBrotherDockWidget() { if( formerBrotherDockWidget != 0L) TQObject::disconnect( formerBrotherDockWidget, TQT_SIGNAL(iMBeingClosed()), this, TQT_SLOT(loseFormerBrotherDockWidget()) ); formerBrotherDockWidget = 0L; tqrepaint(); } void PMDockWidget::dockBack() { if( formerBrotherDockWidget) { // search all tqchildren if it tries to dock back to a child bool found = false; TQObjectList* cl = queryList("PMDockWidget"); TQObjectListIt it( *cl ); TQObject * obj; while ( !found && (obj=it.current()) != 0 ) { ++it; TQWidget* widg = (TQWidget*)obj; if( widg == formerBrotherDockWidget) found = true; } delete cl; if( !found) { // can dock back to the former brother dockwidget manualDock( formerBrotherDockWidget, formerDockPos, d->splitPosInPercent, TQPoint(0,0), false, d->index); formerBrotherDockWidget = 0L; makeDockVisible(); return; } } // else dockback to the dockmainwindow (default behaviour) manualDock( ((PMDockMainWindow*)manager->main)->getMainDockWidget(), formerDockPos, d->splitPosInPercent, TQPoint(0,0), false, d->index); formerBrotherDockWidget = 0L; if (parent()) makeDockVisible(); } bool PMDockWidget::isDockBackPossible() const { if( (formerBrotherDockWidget == 0L) || !(formerBrotherDockWidget->dockSite() & formerDockPos)) return false; else return true; } /**************************************************************************************/ class PMDockManager::PMDockManagerPrivate { public: /** * This rectangle is used to highlight the current dockposition. It stores global screen coordinates. */ TQRect dragRect; /** * This rectangle is used to erase the previously highlighted dockposition. It stores global screen coordinates. */ TQRect oldDragRect; /** * This flag stores the information if dragging is ready to start. Used between mousePress and mouseMove event. */ bool readyToDrag; /** * This variable stores the offset of the mouse cursor to the upper left edge of the current drag widget. */ TQPoint dragOffset; /** * These flags store information about the splitter behaviour */ bool splitterOpaqueResize; bool splitterKeepSize; bool splitterHighResolution; }; PMDockManager::PMDockManager( TQWidget* mainWindow , const char* name ) :TQObject( mainWindow, name ) ,main(mainWindow) ,currentDragWidget(0L) ,currentMoveWidget(0L) ,childDockWidgetList(0L) ,autoCreateDock(0L) ,storeW(0) ,storeH(0) ,draging(false) ,undockProcess(false) ,dropCancel(true) { d = new PMDockManagerPrivate; d->splitterOpaqueResize = false; d->splitterKeepSize = false; d->splitterHighResolution = false; main->installEventFilter( this ); undockProcess = false; menuData = new TQPtrList<MenuDockData>; menuData->setAutoDelete( true ); menuData->setAutoDelete( true ); #ifndef NO_KDE2 menu = new KPopupMenu(); #else menu = new TQPopupMenu(); #endif connect( menu, TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), TQT_SLOT(slotMenuPopup()) ); connect( menu, TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)), TQT_SLOT(slotMenuActivated(int)) ); childDock = new TQObjectList(); childDock->setAutoDelete( false ); } PMDockManager::~PMDockManager() { delete menuData; delete menu; TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * obj; while ( (obj=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { delete obj; } delete childDock; delete d; } void PMDockManager::activate() { TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * obj; while ( (obj=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { ++it; if ( obj->widget ) obj->widget->show(); if ( !obj->parentDockTabGroup() ){ obj->show(); } } if ( !main->inherits(TQDIALOG_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) ) main->show(); } bool PMDockManager::eventFilter( TQObject *obj, TQEvent *event ) { /* This doesn't seem to fullfill any sense, other than breaking TQMainWindow's tqlayout all over the place The first child of the mainwindow is not necessarily a meaningful content widget but in TQt3's TQMainWindow it can easily be a TQToolBar. In short: TQMainWindow knows how to tqlayout its tqchildren, no need to mess that up. >>>>>I need this in the PMDockArea at the moment (JoWenn) if ( obj == main && event->type() == TQEvent::Resize && dynamic_cast<PMDockArea*>(main) && main->tqchildren() ){ #ifndef NO_KDE2 kdDebug()<<"PMDockManager::eventFilter(): main is a PMDockArea and there are tqchildren"<<endl; #endif TQWidget* fc = (TQWidget*)main->tqchildren()->getFirst(); if ( fc ) fc->setGeometry( TQRect(TQPoint(0,0), main->tqgeometry().size()) ); } */ if ( obj->inherits("PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag") ){ PMDockWidget* pDockWdgAtCursor = 0L; PMDockWidget* curdw = ((PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag*)obj)->dockWidget(); switch ( event->type() ){ case TQEvent::MouseButtonDblClick: if (curdw->currentDockPos == PMDockWidget::DockDesktop) curdw->dockBack(); else curdw->toDesktop( ); break; case TQEvent::MouseButtonPress: if ( ((TQMouseEvent*)event)->button() == Qt::LeftButton ){ if ( curdw->eDocking != (int)PMDockWidget::DockNone ){ dropCancel = true; curdw->setFocus(); tqApp->processOneEvent(); currentDragWidget = curdw; currentMoveWidget = 0L; childDockWidgetList = new TQWidgetList(); childDockWidgetList->append( curdw ); findChildDockWidget( curdw, *childDockWidgetList ); d->oldDragRect = TQRect(); d->dragRect = TQRect(curdw->tqgeometry()); TQPoint p = curdw->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0,0)); d->dragRect.moveTopLeft(p); drawDragRectangle(); d->readyToDrag = true; d->dragOffset = TQCursor::pos()-currentDragWidget->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0,0)); } } break; case TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease: if ( ((TQMouseEvent*)event)->button() == Qt::LeftButton ){ if ( draging ){ if ( !dropCancel ) drop(); else cancelDrop(); } if (d->readyToDrag) { d->readyToDrag = false; d->oldDragRect = TQRect(); d->dragRect = TQRect(curdw->tqgeometry()); TQPoint p = curdw->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0,0)); d->dragRect.moveTopLeft(p); drawDragRectangle(); currentDragWidget = 0L; delete childDockWidgetList; childDockWidgetList = 0L; } draging = false; dropCancel = true; } break; case TQEvent::MouseMove: if ( draging ) { pDockWdgAtCursor = findDockWidgetAt( TQCursor::pos() ); PMDockWidget* oldMoveWidget = currentMoveWidget; if ( currentMoveWidget && pDockWdgAtCursor == currentMoveWidget ) { //move dragMove( currentMoveWidget, currentMoveWidget->mapFromGlobal( TQCursor::pos() ) ); break; } else { if (dropCancel && curdw) { d->dragRect = TQRect(curdw->tqgeometry()); TQPoint p = curdw->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0,0)); d->dragRect.moveTopLeft(p); }else d->dragRect = TQRect(); drawDragRectangle(); } if ( !pDockWdgAtCursor && (curdw->eDocking & (int)PMDockWidget::DockDesktop) == 0 ){ // just moving at the desktop currentMoveWidget = pDockWdgAtCursor; curPos = PMDockWidget::DockDesktop; } else { if ( oldMoveWidget && pDockWdgAtCursor != currentMoveWidget ) { //leave currentMoveWidget = pDockWdgAtCursor; curPos = PMDockWidget::DockDesktop; } } if ( oldMoveWidget != pDockWdgAtCursor && pDockWdgAtCursor ) { //enter pDockWdgAtCursor currentMoveWidget = pDockWdgAtCursor; curPos = PMDockWidget::DockDesktop; } } else { if (d->readyToDrag) { d->readyToDrag = false; } if ( (((TQMouseEvent*)event)->state() == Qt::LeftButton) && (curdw->eDocking != (int)PMDockWidget::DockNone) ) { startDrag( curdw); } } break; default: break; } } return TQObject::eventFilter( obj, event ); } PMDockWidget* PMDockManager::findDockWidgetAt( const TQPoint& pos ) { dropCancel = true; if (!currentDragWidget) return 0L; // pointer access safety if (currentDragWidget->eDocking == (int)PMDockWidget::DockNone ) return 0L; TQWidget* p = TQApplication::widgetAt( pos ); if ( !p ) { dropCancel = false; return 0L; } #if defined(_OS_WIN32_) || defined(Q_OS_WIN32) p = p->tqtopLevelWidget(); #endif TQWidget* w = 0L; findChildDockWidget( w, p, p->mapFromGlobal(pos) ); if ( !w ){ if ( !p->inherits("PMDockWidget") ) { return 0L; } w = p; } if ( qt_find_obj_child( TQT_TQOBJECT(w), "PMDockSplitter", "_dock_split_" ) ) return 0L; if ( qt_find_obj_child( TQT_TQOBJECT(w), "PMDockTabGroup", "_dock_tab" ) ) return 0L; if (!childDockWidgetList) return 0L; if ( childDockWidgetList->find(w) != -1 ) return 0L; if ( currentDragWidget->isGroup && ((PMDockWidget*)w)->parentDockTabGroup() ) return 0L; PMDockWidget* www = (PMDockWidget*)w; if ( www->dockSite( ) == (int)PMDockWidget::DockNone ) return 0L; PMDockWidget::DockPosition curPos = PMDockWidget::DockDesktop; TQPoint cpos = www->mapFromGlobal( pos ); int ww = www->widget->width() / 3; int hh = www->widget->height() / 3; if ( cpos.y() <= hh ){ curPos = PMDockWidget::DockTop; } else if ( cpos.y() >= 2*hh ){ curPos = PMDockWidget::DockBottom; } else if ( cpos.x() <= ww ){ curPos = PMDockWidget::DockLeft; } else if ( cpos.x() >= 2*ww ){ curPos = PMDockWidget::DockRight; } else curPos = PMDockWidget::DockCenter; if ( !(www->dockSite( ) & (int)curPos) ) return 0L; if ( !(currentDragWidget->eDocking & (int)curPos) ) return 0L; if ( www->manager != this ) return 0L; dropCancel = false; return www; } void PMDockManager::findChildDockWidget( TQWidget*& ww, const TQWidget* p, const TQPoint& pos ) { TQObjectList clo = p->childrenListObject(); if ( !clo.isEmpty() ) { TQWidget *w; TQObjectListIt it( clo ); it.toLast(); while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->isWidgetType() ) { w = (TQWidget*)it.current(); if ( w->isVisible() && w->tqgeometry().contains(pos) ) { if ( w->inherits("PMDockWidget") ) ww = w; findChildDockWidget( ww, w, w->mapFromParent(pos) ); return; } } --it; } } return; } void PMDockManager::findChildDockWidget( const TQWidget* p, TQWidgetList& list ) { TQObjectList clo = p->childrenListObject(); if ( !clo.isEmpty() ) { TQWidget *w; TQObjectListIt it( clo ); it.toLast(); while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->isWidgetType() ) { w = (TQWidget*)it.current(); if ( w->isVisible() ) { if ( w->inherits("PMDockWidget") ) list.append( w ); findChildDockWidget( w, list ); } } --it; } } return; } void PMDockManager::findFloatingWidgets( TQPtrList<PMDockWidget>& l ) { TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); for( ; it.current( ); ++it ) if( it.current( )->inherits( "PMDockWidget" ) && !it.current( )->parent( ) ) l.append( ( PMDockWidget* ) it.current( ) ); } void PMDockManager::startDrag( PMDockWidget* w ) { if(( w->currentDockPos == PMDockWidget::DockLeft) || ( w->currentDockPos == PMDockWidget::DockRight) || ( w->currentDockPos == PMDockWidget::DockTop) || ( w->currentDockPos == PMDockWidget::DockBottom)) { w->prevSideDockPosBeforeDrag = w->currentDockPos; if ( w->parentWidget()->inherits("PMDockSplitter") ){ PMDockSplitter* parentSplitterOfDockWidget = (PMDockSplitter*)(w->parentWidget()); w->d->splitPosInPercent = parentSplitterOfDockWidget->separatorPos(); } } curPos = PMDockWidget::DockDesktop; draging = true; TQApplication::setOverrideCursor(TQCursor(sizeAllCursor)); } void PMDockManager::dragMove( PMDockWidget* dw, TQPoint pos ) { TQPoint p = dw->mapToGlobal( dw->widget->pos() ); PMDockWidget::DockPosition oldPos = curPos; TQSize r = dw->widget->size(); if ( dw->parentDockTabGroup() ){ curPos = PMDockWidget::DockCenter; if ( oldPos != curPos ) { d->dragRect.setRect( p.x()+2, p.y()+2, r.width()-4, r.height()-4 ); } return; } int w = r.width() / 3; int h = r.height() / 3; PMDockMainWindow* mw = ( PMDockMainWindow* ) parent( ); TQWidget* cw = mw->centralWidget( ); TQPoint cwp = cw->mapToGlobal( TQPoint( 0, 0 ) ); int cwh = cw->height( ); if ( pos.y() <= h ) { curPos = PMDockWidget::DockTop; w = r.width(); } else if ( pos.y() >= 2*h ) { curPos = PMDockWidget::DockBottom; p.setY( p.y() + 2*h ); w = r.width(); } else if ( pos.x() <= w ) { curPos = PMDockWidget::DockLeft; h = r.height(); p.setY( cwp.y( ) ); h = cwh; } else if ( pos.x() >= 2*w ) { curPos = PMDockWidget::DockRight; p.setX( p.x() + 2*w ); p.setY( cwp.y( ) ); h = cwh; } else { curPos = PMDockWidget::DockCenter; p.setX( p.x() + w ); p.setY( p.y() + h ); } if ( oldPos != curPos ) { d->dragRect.setRect( p.x(), p.y(), w, h ); drawDragRectangle(); } } void PMDockManager::cancelDrop() { TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); delete childDockWidgetList; childDockWidgetList = 0L; d->dragRect = TQRect(); // cancel drawing drawDragRectangle(); // only the old rect will be deleted } void PMDockManager::drop() { d->dragRect = TQRect(); // cancel drawing drawDragRectangle(); // only the old rect will be deleted TQApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); delete childDockWidgetList; childDockWidgetList = 0L; if ( dropCancel ) return; if ( !currentMoveWidget && ((currentDragWidget->eDocking & (int)PMDockWidget::DockDesktop) == 0) ) { d->dragRect = TQRect(); // cancel drawing drawDragRectangle(); // only the old rect will be deleted return; } if ( !currentMoveWidget && !currentDragWidget->parent() ) { currentDragWidget->move( TQCursor::pos() - d->dragOffset ); } else { int splitPos = currentDragWidget->d->splitPosInPercent; // do we have to calculate 100%-splitPosInPercent? if( (curPos != currentDragWidget->prevSideDockPosBeforeDrag) && (curPos != PMDockWidget::DockCenter) && (curPos != PMDockWidget::DockDesktop)) { switch( currentDragWidget->prevSideDockPosBeforeDrag) { case PMDockWidget::DockLeft: if(curPos != PMDockWidget::DockTop) splitPos = 100-splitPos; break; case PMDockWidget::DockRight: if(curPos != PMDockWidget::DockBottom) splitPos = 100-splitPos; break; case PMDockWidget::DockTop: if(curPos != PMDockWidget::DockLeft) splitPos = 100-splitPos; break; case PMDockWidget::DockBottom: if(curPos != PMDockWidget::DockRight) splitPos = 100-splitPos; break; default: break; } } currentDragWidget->manualDock( currentMoveWidget, curPos , splitPos, TQCursor::pos() - d->dragOffset ); currentDragWidget->makeDockVisible(); } } static TQDomElement createStringEntry(TQDomDocument &doc, const TQString &tagName, const TQString &str) { TQDomElement el = doc.createElement(tagName); el.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(str)); return el; } static TQDomElement createBoolEntry(TQDomDocument &doc, const TQString &tagName, bool b) { return createStringEntry(doc, tagName, TQString::tqfromLatin1(b? "true" : "false")); } static TQDomElement createNumberEntry(TQDomDocument &doc, const TQString &tagName, int n) { return createStringEntry(doc, tagName, TQString::number(n)); } static TQDomElement createRectEntry(TQDomDocument &doc, const TQString &tagName, const TQRect &rect) { TQDomElement el = doc.createElement(tagName); TQDomElement xel = doc.createElement("x"); xel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(TQString::number(rect.x()))); el.appendChild(xel); TQDomElement yel = doc.createElement("y"); yel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(TQString::number(rect.y()))); el.appendChild(yel); TQDomElement wel = doc.createElement("width"); wel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(TQString::number(rect.width()))); el.appendChild(wel); TQDomElement hel = doc.createElement("height"); hel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(TQString::number(rect.height()))); el.appendChild(hel); return el; } static TQDomElement createListEntry(TQDomDocument &doc, const TQString &tagName, const TQString &subTagName, const TQStrList &list) { TQDomElement el = doc.createElement(tagName); TQStrListIterator it(list); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQDomElement subel = doc.createElement(subTagName); subel.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(TQString::tqfromLatin1(it.current()))); el.appendChild(subel); } return el; } static TQString stringEntry(TQDomElement &base, const TQString &tagName) { return base.namedItem(tagName).firstChild().toText().data(); } static bool boolEntry(TQDomElement &base, const TQString &tagName) { return base.namedItem(tagName).firstChild().toText().data() == "true"; } static int numberEntry(TQDomElement &base, const TQString &tagName) { return stringEntry(base, tagName).toInt(); } static TQRect rectEntry(TQDomElement &base, const TQString &tagName) { TQDomElement el = base.namedItem(tagName).toElement(); int x = numberEntry(el, "x"); int y = numberEntry(el, "y"); int width = numberEntry(el, "width"); int height = numberEntry(el, "height"); return TQRect(x, y, width, height); } static TQStrList listEntry(TQDomElement &base, const TQString &tagName, const TQString &subTagName) { TQStrList list; TQDomElement subel = base.namedItem(tagName).firstChild().toElement(); while (!subel.isNull()) { if (subel.tagName() == subTagName) list.append(subel.firstChild().toText().data().latin1()); subel = subel.nextSibling().toElement(); } return list; } void PMDockManager::writeConfig(TQDomElement &base) { // First of all, clear the tree under base while (!base.firstChild().isNull()) base.removeChild(base.firstChild()); TQDomDocument doc = base.ownerDocument(); TQStrList nameList; TQString mainWidgetStr; // collect widget names TQStrList nList; TQObjectListIt it(*childDock); PMDockWidget *obj1; while ( (obj1=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(obj1->parent()) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(main) ) mainWidgetStr = TQString::tqfromLatin1(obj1->name()); nList.append(obj1->name()); ++it; } nList.first(); while ( nList.current() ) { PMDockWidget *obj = getDockWidgetFromName( nList.current() ); if (obj->isGroup && (nameList.find( obj->firstName.latin1() ) == -1 || nameList.find(obj->lastName.latin1()) == -1)) { // Skip until tqchildren are saved (why?) nList.next(); if ( !nList.current() ) nList.first(); continue; } TQDomElement groupEl; if (obj->isGroup) { //// Save a group groupEl = doc.createElement("splitGroup"); groupEl.appendChild(createStringEntry(doc, "firstName", obj->firstName)); groupEl.appendChild(createStringEntry(doc, "secondName", obj->lastName)); groupEl.appendChild(createNumberEntry(doc, "orientation", (int)obj->splitterOrientation)); groupEl.appendChild(createNumberEntry(doc, "separatorPos", ((PMDockSplitter*)obj->widget)->separatorPos())); } else if (obj->isTabGroup) { //// Save a tab group groupEl = doc.createElement("tabGroup"); TQStrList list; for ( int i = 0; i < ((PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget)->count(); ++i ) list.append( ((PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget)->page( i )->name() ); groupEl.appendChild(createListEntry(doc, "tabs", "tab", list)); groupEl.appendChild(createNumberEntry(doc, "currentTab", ((PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget)->currentPageIndex())); } else { //// Save an ordinary dock widget groupEl = doc.createElement("dock"); } groupEl.appendChild(createStringEntry(doc, "name", TQString::tqfromLatin1(obj->name()))); groupEl.appendChild(createBoolEntry(doc, "hasParent", obj->parent())); if ( !obj->parent() ) { groupEl.appendChild(createRectEntry(doc, "geometry", TQRect(main->frameGeometry().topLeft(), main->size()))); groupEl.appendChild(createBoolEntry(doc, "visible", obj->isVisible())); } if (obj->header && obj->header->inherits("PMDockWidgetHeader")) { PMDockWidgetHeader *h = static_cast<PMDockWidgetHeader*>(obj->header); groupEl.appendChild(createBoolEntry(doc, "dragEnabled", h->dragEnabled())); } base.appendChild(groupEl); nameList.append(obj->name()); nList.remove(); nList.first(); } if (main->inherits("PMDockMainWindow")) { PMDockMainWindow *dmain = (PMDockMainWindow*)main; TQString centralWidgetStr = TQString(dmain->centralWidget()? dmain->centralWidget()->name() : ""); base.appendChild(createStringEntry(doc, "centralWidget", centralWidgetStr)); TQString mainDockWidgetStr = TQString(dmain->getMainDockWidget()? dmain->getMainDockWidget()->name() : ""); base.appendChild(createStringEntry(doc, "mainDockWidget", mainDockWidgetStr)); } else { base.appendChild(createStringEntry(doc, "mainWidget", mainWidgetStr)); } base.appendChild(createRectEntry(doc, "geometry", TQRect(main->frameGeometry().topLeft(), main->size()))); } void PMDockManager::readConfig(TQDomElement &base) { if (base.namedItem("group").isNull() && base.namedItem("tabgroup").isNull() && base.namedItem("dock").isNull()) { activate(); return; } autoCreateDock = new TQObjectList(); autoCreateDock->setAutoDelete( true ); bool isMainVisible = main->isVisible(); main->hide(); TQObjectListIt it(*childDock); PMDockWidget *obj1; while ( (obj1=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { if ( !obj1->isGroup && !obj1->isTabGroup ) { if ( obj1->parent() ) obj1->undock(); else obj1->hide(); } ++it; } TQDomElement childEl = base.firstChild().toElement(); while (!childEl.isNull() ) { PMDockWidget *obj = 0; if (childEl.tagName() == "splitGroup") { // Read a group TQString name = stringEntry(childEl, "name"); TQString firstName = stringEntry(childEl, "firstName"); TQString secondName = stringEntry(childEl, "secondName"); int orientation = numberEntry(childEl, "orientation"); int separatorPos = numberEntry(childEl, "separatorPos"); PMDockWidget *first = getDockWidgetFromName(firstName); PMDockWidget *second = getDockWidgetFromName(secondName); if (first && second) { obj = first->manualDock(second, (orientation == (int)Qt::Vertical)? PMDockWidget::DockLeft : PMDockWidget::DockTop, separatorPos); if (obj) obj->setName(name.latin1()); } } else if (childEl.tagName() == "tabGroup") { // Read a tab group TQString name = stringEntry(childEl, "name"); TQStrList list = listEntry(childEl, "tabs", "tab"); PMDockWidget *d1 = getDockWidgetFromName( list.first() ); list.next(); PMDockWidget *d2 = getDockWidgetFromName( list.current() ); PMDockWidget *obj = d2->manualDock( d1, PMDockWidget::DockCenter ); if (obj) { PMDockTabGroup *tab = (PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget; list.next(); while (list.current() && obj) { PMDockWidget *tabDock = getDockWidgetFromName(list.current()); obj = tabDock->manualDock(d1, PMDockWidget::DockCenter); list.next(); } if (obj) { obj->setName(name.latin1()); tab->showPage(tab->page(numberEntry(childEl, "currentTab"))); } } } else if (childEl.tagName() == "dock") { // Read an ordinary dock widget obj = getDockWidgetFromName(stringEntry(childEl, "name")); } if (!boolEntry(childEl, "hasParent")) { TQRect r = rectEntry(childEl, "geometry"); obj = getDockWidgetFromName(stringEntry(childEl, "name")); obj->applyToWidget(0); obj->setGeometry(r); if (boolEntry(childEl, "visible")) obj->TQWidget::show(); } if (obj && obj->header && obj->header->inherits("PMDockWidgetHeader")) { PMDockWidgetHeader *h = static_cast<PMDockWidgetHeader*>(obj->header); h->setDragEnabled(boolEntry(childEl, "dragEnabled")); } childEl = childEl.nextSibling().toElement(); } if (main->inherits("PMDockMainWindow")) { PMDockMainWindow *dmain = (PMDockMainWindow*)main; TQString mv = stringEntry(base, "centralWidget"); if (!mv.isEmpty() && getDockWidgetFromName(mv) ) { PMDockWidget *mvd = getDockWidgetFromName(mv); mvd->applyToWidget(dmain); mvd->show(); dmain->setCentralWidget(mvd); } TQString md = stringEntry(base, "mainDockWidget"); if (!md.isEmpty() && getDockWidgetFromName(md)) { PMDockWidget *mvd = getDockWidgetFromName(md); dmain->setMainDockWidget(mvd); } } else { TQString mv = stringEntry(base, "mainWidget"); if (!mv.isEmpty() && getDockWidgetFromName(mv)) { PMDockWidget *mvd = getDockWidgetFromName(mv); mvd->applyToWidget(main); mvd->show(); } } TQRect mr = rectEntry(base, "geometry"); main->setGeometry(mr); if (isMainVisible) main->show(); delete autoCreateDock; autoCreateDock = 0; } #ifndef NO_KDE2 void PMDockManager::writeConfig( KConfig* c, TQString group ) { //debug("BEGIN Write Config"); if ( !c ) c = KGlobal::config(); if ( group.isEmpty() ) group = "dock_setting_default"; c->setGroup( group ); c->writeEntry( "Version", DOCK_CONFIG_VERSION ); TQStrList nameList; TQStrList findList; TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * obj; // collect PMDockWidget's name TQStrList nList; while ( (obj=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { ++it; //debug(" +Add subdock %s", obj->name()); nList.append( obj->name() ); if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(obj->parent()) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(main) ) c->writeEntry( "Main:view", obj->name() ); } nList.first(); while ( nList.current() ){ //debug(" -Try to save %s", nList.current()); obj = getDockWidgetFromName( nList.current() ); TQString cname = obj->name(); if ( obj->header ){ obj->header->saveConfig( c ); } /*************************************************************************************************/ if ( obj->isGroup ){ if ( findList.find( obj->firstName.latin1() ) != -1 && findList.find( obj->lastName.latin1() ) != -1 ){ c->writeEntry( cname+":type", "GROUP"); if ( !obj->parent() ){ c->writeEntry( cname+":parent", "___null___"); c->writeEntry( cname+":tqgeometry", TQRect(obj->frameGeometry().topLeft(), obj->size()) ); c->writeEntry( cname+":visible", obj->isVisible()); } else { c->writeEntry( cname+":parent", "yes"); } c->writeEntry( cname+":first_name", obj->firstName ); c->writeEntry( cname+":last_name", obj->lastName ); c->writeEntry( cname+":orientation", (int)obj->splitterOrientation ); c->writeEntry( cname+":sepPos", ((PMDockSplitter*)obj->widget)->separatorPos() ); nameList.append( obj->name() ); findList.append( obj->name() ); //debug(" Save %s", nList.current()); nList.remove(); nList.first(); } else { /*************************************************************************************************/ //debug(" Skip %s", nList.current()); //if ( findList.find( obj->firstName ) == -1 ) // debug(" ? Not found %s", obj->firstName); //if ( findList.find( obj->lastName ) == -1 ) // debug(" ? Not found %s", obj->lastName); nList.next(); if ( !nList.current() ) nList.first(); } } else { /*************************************************************************************************/ if ( obj->isTabGroup){ c->writeEntry( cname+":type", "TAB_GROUP"); if ( !obj->parent() ){ c->writeEntry( cname+":parent", "___null___"); c->writeEntry( cname+":tqgeometry", TQRect(obj->frameGeometry().topLeft(), obj->size()) ); c->writeEntry( cname+":visible", obj->isVisible()); } else { c->writeEntry( cname+":parent", "yes"); } TQStrList list; for ( int i = 0; i < ((PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget)->count(); ++i ) list.append( ((PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget)->page( i )->name() ); c->writeEntry( cname+":tabNames", list ); c->writeEntry( cname+":curTab", ((PMDockTabGroup*)obj->widget)->currentPageIndex() ); nameList.append( obj->name() ); findList.append( obj->name() ); // not really need !!! //debug(" Save %s", nList.current()); nList.remove(); nList.first(); } else { /*************************************************************************************************/ if ( !obj->parent() ){ c->writeEntry( cname+":type", "NULL_DOCK"); c->writeEntry( cname+":tqgeometry", TQRect(obj->frameGeometry().topLeft(), obj->size()) ); c->writeEntry( cname+":visible", obj->isVisible()); } else { c->writeEntry( cname+":type", "DOCK"); } nameList.append( cname.latin1() ); //debug(" Save %s", nList.current()); findList.append( obj->name() ); nList.remove(); nList.first(); } } } c->writeEntry( "NameList", nameList ); c->writeEntry( "Main:Geometry", TQRect(main->frameGeometry().topLeft(), main->size()) ); c->writeEntry( "Main:visible", main->isVisible()); // curently nou use if ( main->inherits("PMDockMainWindow") ){ PMDockMainWindow* dmain = (PMDockMainWindow*)main; // for PMDockMainWindow->setView() in readConfig() c->writeEntry( "Main:view", dmain->centralWidget() ? dmain->centralWidget()->name():"" ); c->writeEntry( "Main:dock", dmain->getMainDockWidget() ? dmain->getMainDockWidget()->name() :"" ); } c->sync(); //debug("END Write Config"); } #include <tqmessagebox.h> void PMDockManager::readConfig( KConfig* c, TQString group ) { if ( !c ) c = KGlobal::config(); if ( group.isEmpty() ) group = "dock_setting_default"; c->setGroup( group ); TQStrList nameList; c->readListEntry( "NameList", nameList ); TQString ver = c->readEntry( "Version", "0.0.1" ); nameList.first(); if ( !nameList.current() || ver != DOCK_CONFIG_VERSION ){ activate(); return; } autoCreateDock = new TQObjectList(); autoCreateDock->setAutoDelete( true ); bool isMainVisible = main->isVisible(); // if (isMainVisible) // CCC //TQMessageBox::information(0,"","hallo"); //COMMENTED4TESTING main->hide(); TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * obj; while ( (obj=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ){ ++it; if ( !obj->isGroup && !obj->isTabGroup ) { if ( obj->parent() ) obj->undock(); else obj->hide(); } } nameList.first(); while ( nameList.current() ){ TQString oname = nameList.current(); c->setGroup( group ); TQString type = c->readEntry( oname + ":type" ); obj = 0L; if ( type == "GROUP" ){ PMDockWidget* first = getDockWidgetFromName( c->readEntry( oname + ":first_name" ) ); PMDockWidget* last = getDockWidgetFromName( c->readEntry( oname + ":last_name" ) ); int sepPos = c->readNumEntry( oname + ":sepPos" ); Qt::Orientation p = (Qt::Orientation)c->readNumEntry( oname + ":orientation" ); if ( first && last ){ obj = first->manualDock( last, ( p ==Qt::Vertical ) ? PMDockWidget::DockLeft : PMDockWidget::DockTop, sepPos ); if (obj){ obj->setName( oname.latin1() ); } } } if ( type == "TAB_GROUP" ){ TQStrList list; PMDockWidget* tabDockGroup = 0L; c->readListEntry( oname+":tabNames", list ); PMDockWidget* d1 = getDockWidgetFromName( list.first() ); list.next(); PMDockWidget* d2 = getDockWidgetFromName( list.current() ); tabDockGroup = d2->manualDock( d1, PMDockWidget::DockCenter ); if ( tabDockGroup ){ PMDockTabGroup* tab = (PMDockTabGroup*)tabDockGroup->widget; list.next(); while ( list.current() && tabDockGroup ){ PMDockWidget* tabDock = getDockWidgetFromName( list.current() ); tabDockGroup = tabDock->manualDock( d1, PMDockWidget::DockCenter ); list.next(); } if ( tabDockGroup ){ tabDockGroup->setName( oname.latin1() ); c->setGroup( group ); tab->showPage( tab->page( c->readNumEntry( oname+":curTab" ) ) ); } } obj = tabDockGroup; } if ( type == "NULL_DOCK" || c->readEntry( oname + ":parent") == "___null___" ){ TQRect r = c->readRectEntry( oname + ":tqgeometry" ); obj = getDockWidgetFromName( oname ); obj->applyToWidget( 0L ); obj->setGeometry(r); c->setGroup( group ); if ( c->readBoolEntry( oname + ":visible" ) ){ obj->TQWidget::show(); } } if ( type == "DOCK" ){ obj = getDockWidgetFromName( oname ); } if ( obj && obj->header){ obj->header->loadConfig( c ); } nameList.next(); } if ( main->inherits("PMDockMainWindow") ){ PMDockMainWindow* dmain = (PMDockMainWindow*)main; c->setGroup( group ); TQString mv = c->readEntry( "Main:view" ); if ( !mv.isEmpty() && getDockWidgetFromName( mv ) ){ PMDockWidget* mvd = getDockWidgetFromName( mv ); mvd->applyToWidget( dmain ); mvd->show(); dmain->setView( mvd ); } c->setGroup( group ); TQString md = c->readEntry( "Main:dock" ); if ( !md.isEmpty() && getDockWidgetFromName( md ) ){ PMDockWidget* mvd = getDockWidgetFromName( md ); dmain->setMainDockWidget( mvd ); } } else { c->setGroup( group ); TQString mv = c->readEntry( "Main:view" ); if ( !mv.isEmpty() && getDockWidgetFromName( mv ) ){ PMDockWidget* mvd = getDockWidgetFromName( mv ); mvd->applyToWidget( main ); mvd->show(); } } // delete all autocreate dock delete autoCreateDock; autoCreateDock = 0L; c->setGroup( group ); TQRect mr = c->readRectEntry("Main:Geometry"); main->setGeometry(mr); if ( isMainVisible ) main->show(); } #endif PMDockWidget* PMDockManager::getDockWidgetFromName( const TQString& dockName ) { TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * obj; while ( (obj=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { ++it; if ( TQString(obj->name()) == dockName ) return obj; } PMDockWidget* autoCreate = 0L; if ( autoCreateDock ){ autoCreate = new PMDockWidget( this, dockName.latin1(), TQPixmap(TQString("")) ); autoCreateDock->append( TQT_TQOBJECT(autoCreate) ); } return autoCreate; } void PMDockManager::setSplitterOpaqueResize(bool b) { d->splitterOpaqueResize = b; } bool PMDockManager::splitterOpaqueResize() const { return d->splitterOpaqueResize; } void PMDockManager::setSplitterKeepSize(bool b) { d->splitterKeepSize = b; } bool PMDockManager::splitterKeepSize() const { return d->splitterKeepSize; } void PMDockManager::setSplitterHighResolution(bool b) { d->splitterHighResolution = b; } bool PMDockManager::splitterHighResolution() const { return d->splitterHighResolution; } void PMDockManager::slotMenuPopup() { menu->clear(); menuData->clear(); TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * obj; int numerator = 0; while ( (obj=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { ++it; if ( obj->mayBeHide() ) { menu->insertItem( obj->icon() ? *(obj->icon()) : TQPixmap(), TQString("Hide ") + obj->caption(), numerator++ ); menuData->append( new MenuDockData( obj, true ) ); } if ( obj->mayBeShow() ) { menu->insertItem( obj->icon() ? *(obj->icon()) : TQPixmap(), TQString("Show ") + obj->caption(), numerator++ ); menuData->append( new MenuDockData( obj, false ) ); } } } void PMDockManager::slotMenuActivated( int id ) { MenuDockData* data = menuData->at( id ); data->dock->changeHideShowState(); } PMDockWidget* PMDockManager::findWidgetParentDock( TQWidget* w ) const { TQObjectListIt it( *childDock ); PMDockWidget * dock; PMDockWidget * found = 0L; while ( (dock=(PMDockWidget*)it.current()) ) { ++it; if ( dock->widget == w ){ found = dock; break; } } return found; } void PMDockManager::drawDragRectangle() { if (d->oldDragRect == d->dragRect) return; int i; TQRect oldAndNewDragRect[2]; oldAndNewDragRect[0] = d->oldDragRect; oldAndNewDragRect[1] = d->dragRect; // 2 calls, one for the old and one for the new drag rectangle for (i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { if (oldAndNewDragRect[i].isEmpty()) continue; PMDockWidget* pDockWdgAtRect = (PMDockWidget*) TQApplication::widgetAt( oldAndNewDragRect[i].topLeft(), true ); if (!pDockWdgAtRect) continue; bool isOverMainWdg = false; bool unclipped; PMDockMainWindow* pMain = 0L; PMDockWidget* pTLDockWdg = 0L; TQWidget* topWdg; if (pDockWdgAtRect->tqtopLevelWidget() == main) { isOverMainWdg = true; topWdg = pMain = (PMDockMainWindow*) main; unclipped = pMain->testWFlags( WPaintUnclipped ); pMain->setWFlags( WPaintUnclipped ); } else { topWdg = pTLDockWdg = (PMDockWidget*) pDockWdgAtRect->tqtopLevelWidget(); unclipped = pTLDockWdg->testWFlags( WPaintUnclipped ); pTLDockWdg->setWFlags( WPaintUnclipped ); } // draw the rectangle unclipped over the main dock window TQPainter p; p.begin( topWdg ); if ( !unclipped ) { if (isOverMainWdg) pMain->clearWFlags(WPaintUnclipped); else pTLDockWdg->clearWFlags(WPaintUnclipped); } // draw the rectangle p.setRasterOp(TQt::NotXorROP); TQRect r = oldAndNewDragRect[i]; r.moveTopLeft( r.topLeft() - topWdg->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0,0)) ); p.drawRect(r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); p.end(); } // memorize the current rectangle for later removing d->oldDragRect = d->dragRect; } #ifdef _JOWENN_EXPERIMENTAL_ PMDockArea::PMDockArea( TQWidget* parent, const char *name) :TQWidget( parent, name) { TQString new_name = TQString(name) + TQString("_DockManager"); dockManager = new PMDockManager( this, new_name.latin1() ); mainDockWidget = 0L; } PMDockArea::~PMDockArea() { delete dockManager; } PMDockWidget* PMDockArea::createDockWidget( const TQString& name, const TQPixmap &pixmap, TQWidget* parent, const TQString& strCaption, const TQString& strTabPageLabel) { return new PMDockWidget( dockManager, name.latin1(), pixmap, parent, strCaption, strTabPageLabel ); } void PMDockArea::makeDockVisible( PMDockWidget* dock ) { if ( dock != 0L) dock->makeDockVisible(); } void PMDockArea::makeDockInvisible( PMDockWidget* dock ) { if ( dock != 0L) dock->undock(); } void PMDockArea::makeWidgetDockVisible( TQWidget* widget ) { makeDockVisible( dockManager->findWidgetParentDock(widget) ); } void PMDockArea::writeDockConfig(TQDomElement &base) { dockManager->writeConfig(base); } void PMDockArea::readDockConfig(TQDomElement &base) { dockManager->readConfig(base); } void PMDockArea::slotDockWidgetUndocked() { TQObject* pSender = (TQObject*) sender(); if (!pSender->inherits("PMDockWidget")) return; PMDockWidget* pDW = (PMDockWidget*) pSender; emit dockWidgetHasUndocked( pDW); } void PMDockArea::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *rsize) { TQWidget::resizeEvent(rsize); if (!childrenListObject().isEmpty()){ #ifndef NO_KDE2 kdDebug()<<"PMDockArea::resize"<<endl; #endif TQObjectList *list=queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING,0,false); TQObjectListIt it( *list ); // iterate over the buttons TQObject *obj; while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) { // for each found object... ((TQWidget*)obj)->setGeometry(TQRect(TQPoint(0,0),size())); break; } delete list; #if 0 PMDockSplitter *split; // for (unsigned int i=0;i<tqchildren()->count();i++) { // TQPtrList<TQObject> list(tqchildren()); // TQObject *obj=((TQPtrList<TQObject*>)tqchildren())->at(i); TQObject *obj=tqchildren()->getFirst(); if (split=dynamic_cast<PMDockSplitter*>(obj)) { split->setGeometry( TQRect(TQPoint(0,0), size() )); // break; } } #endif } } #ifndef NO_KDE2 void PMDockArea::writeDockConfig( KConfig* c, TQString group ) { dockManager->writeConfig( c, group ); } void PMDockArea::readDockConfig( KConfig* c, TQString group ) { dockManager->readConfig( c, group ); } void PMDockArea::setMainDockWidget( PMDockWidget* mdw ) { if ( mainDockWidget == mdw ) return; mainDockWidget = mdw; mdw->applyToWidget(this); } #endif #endif void PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void PMDockWidgetHeaderDrag::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) { PMDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag::virtual_hook( id, data ); } void PMDockWidgetHeader::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) { PMDockWidgetAbstractHeader::virtual_hook( id, data ); } void PMDockTabGroup::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void PMDockWidget::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void PMDockManager::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } void PMDockMainWindow::virtual_hook( int id, void* data ) { KMainWindow::virtual_hook( id, data ); } void PMDockArea::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*KMainWindow::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } #ifndef NO_INCLUDE_TQMOCFILES // for TQt-only projects, because tmake doesn't take this name #include "pmdockwidget.moc" #endif