/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2002 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmdocumentationmap.h" #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqdom.h> #include "pmdebug.h" PMDocumentationMap* PMDocumentationMap::s_pInstance = 0; KStaticDeleter<PMDocumentationMap> PMDocumentationMap::s_staticDeleter; TQString PMDocumentationVersion::documentation( const TQString& className ) const { if( m_map.contains( className ) ) return m_map[className]; return m_index; } void PMDocumentationVersion::loadData( TQDomElement& e ) { TQString className; TQString target; m_version = e.attribute( "number", "3.1" ); m_index = e.attribute( "index", "index.htm" ); TQDomNode m = e.firstChild( ); while( !m.isNull( ) ) { if( m.isElement( ) ) { TQDomElement me = m.toElement( ); className = me.attribute( "className", "" ); target = me.attribute( "target", "" ); if( !className.isEmpty( ) && !target.isEmpty( ) ) m_map.insert( className, target ); } m = m.nextSibling( ); } } PMDocumentationMap::PMDocumentationMap( ) { m_pCurrentVersion = 0; m_mapLoaded = false; } PMDocumentationMap::~PMDocumentationMap( ) { m_maps.setAutoDelete( true ); m_maps.clear( ); } void PMDocumentationMap::saveConfig( TDEConfig* cfg ) { cfg->setGroup( "Povray" ); cfg->writePathEntry( "DocumentationPath", m_documentationPath ); cfg->writeEntry( "DocumentationVersion", m_currentVersion ); } void PMDocumentationMap::restoreConfig( TDEConfig* cfg ) { cfg->setGroup( "Povray" ); m_documentationPath = cfg->readPathEntry( "DocumentationPath" ); m_currentVersion = cfg->readEntry( "DocumentationVersion", "3.1" ); } void PMDocumentationMap::setDocumentationVersion( const TQString& v ) { m_currentVersion = v; if( m_mapLoaded ) findVersion( ); } TQValueList<TQString> PMDocumentationMap::availableVersions( ) { if( !m_mapLoaded ) loadMap( ); TQValueList<TQString> result; TQPtrListIterator<PMDocumentationVersion> it( m_maps ); for( ; it.current( ); ++it ) result.push_back( it.current( )->version( ) ); return result; } TQString PMDocumentationMap::documentation( const TQString& objectName ) { if( !m_mapLoaded ) loadMap( ); TQString url; if( !m_documentationPath.isEmpty( ) ) if( !m_documentationPath.endsWith( TQString( "/" ) ) ) m_documentationPath += "/"; if( !m_documentationPath.isEmpty( ) && m_pCurrentVersion ) url = m_documentationPath + m_pCurrentVersion->documentation( objectName ); return url; } void PMDocumentationMap::loadMap( ) { if( !m_mapLoaded ) { m_mapLoaded = true; TQString fileName = locate( "data", "kpovmodeler/povraydocmap.xml" ); if( fileName.isEmpty( ) ) { kdError( PMArea ) << "Povray documentation map not found" << endl; return; } TQFile file( fileName ); if( !file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { kdError( PMArea ) << "Could not open the povray documentation map file" << endl; return; } TQDomDocument doc( "DOCMAP" ); doc.setContent( &file ); TQDomElement e = doc.documentElement( ); TQDomNode c = e.firstChild( ); TQString str; while( !c.isNull( ) ) { if( c.isElement( ) ) { TQDomElement ce = c.toElement( ); PMDocumentationVersion* v = new PMDocumentationVersion( ); m_maps.append( v ); v->loadData( ce ); } c = c.nextSibling( ); } findVersion( ); } } void PMDocumentationMap::findVersion( ) { TQPtrListIterator< PMDocumentationVersion > it( m_maps ); bool found = false; m_pCurrentVersion = 0; for( ; it.current( ) && !found; ++it ) { if( it.current( )->version( ) == m_currentVersion ) { found = true; m_pCurrentVersion = it.current( ); } } } PMDocumentationMap* PMDocumentationMap::theMap( ) { if( !s_pInstance ) s_staticDeleter.setObject( s_pInstance, new PMDocumentationMap( ) ); return s_pInstance; }