//-*-C++-*- /* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2001 by Luis Carvalho email : lpassos@mail.telepac.pt ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef PMFINISH_H #define PMFINISH_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include "pmtexturebase.h" #include "pmcolor.h" /** * Class for povray finishs */ class PMFinish : public PMTextureBase { typedef PMTextureBase Base; public: /** * Creates an PMFinish */ PMFinish( PMPart* part ); /** * Copy constructor */ PMFinish( const PMFinish& f ); /** * Deletes the object */ virtual ~PMFinish( ); /** */ virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMFinish( *this ); } /** */ virtual TQString description( ) const; /** */ virtual PMMetaObject* metaObject( ) const; /** */ virtual void cleanUp( ) const; /** */ virtual void serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const; /** */ virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h ); /** * Returns a new @ref PMFinishEdit */ virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const; /** */ virtual TQString pixmap( ) const { return TQString( "pmfinish" ); } /** */ virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s ); PMColor ambientColor( ) const { return m_ambientColor; } double phong( ) const { return m_phong; } double phongSize( ) const { return m_phongSize; } double diffuse( ) const { return m_diffuse; } double brilliance( ) const { return m_brilliance; } double crand( ) const { return m_crand; } bool conserveEnergy( ) const { return m_conserveEnergy; } double specular( ) const { return m_specular; } double roughness( ) const { return m_roughness; } double metallic( ) const { return m_metallic; } bool irid( ) const { return m_irid; } double iridAmount( ) const { return m_iridAmount; } double iridThickness( ) const { return m_iridThickness; } double iridTurbulence( ) const { return m_iridTurbulence; } PMColor reflectionColor( ) const { return m_reflectionColor; } PMColor reflectionMinColor( ) const { return m_reflectionMinColor;} bool reflectionFresnel( ) const { return m_reflectionFresnel; } double reflectionFalloff( ) const { return m_reflectionFalloff; } double reflectionExponent( ) const { return m_reflectionExponent; } double reflectionMetallic( ) const { return m_reflectionMetallic; } bool isAmbientEnabled( ) const { return m_enableAmbient; } bool isPhongEnabled( ) const { return m_enablePhong; } bool isPhongSizeEnabled( ) const { return m_enablePhongSize; } bool isDiffuseEnabled( ) const { return m_enableDiffuse; } bool isBrillianceEnabled( ) const { return m_enableBrilliance; } bool isCrandEnabled( ) const { return m_enableCrand; } bool isSpecularEnabled( ) const { return m_enableSpecular; } bool isRoughnessEnabled( ) const { return m_enableRoughness; } bool isMetallicEnabled( ) const { return m_enableMetallic; } bool isReflectionEnabled( ) const { return m_enableReflection; } bool isReflectionMinEnabled( ) const { return m_enableReflectionMin; } bool isRefFalloffEnabled( ) const { return m_enableRefFalloff; } bool isRefExponentEnabled( ) const { return m_enableRefExponent; } bool isRefMetallicEnabled( ) const { return m_enableRefMetallic; } //This is here for povrat31serialization (It won't compile otherwise) bool isExponentEnabled( ) const { return m_enableRefExponent; } void setAmbientColor( const PMColor& c ); void setPhong( double c ); void setPhongSize( double c ); void setDiffuse( double c ); void setBrilliance( double c ); void setCrand( double c ); void setConserveEnergy( bool c ); void setSpecular( double c ); void setRoughness( double c ); void setMetallic( double c ); void setIrid( bool c ); void setIridAmount( double c ); void setIridThickness( double c ); void setIridTurbulence( double c ); void setReflectionColor( const PMColor& c ); void setReflectionMinColor( const PMColor& c ); void setReflectionFresnel( bool c ); void setReflectionFalloff( double c ); void setReflectionExponent( double c ); void setReflectionMetallic( double c ); void enableAmbient( bool c ); void enablePhong( bool c ); void enablePhongSize( bool c ); void enableDiffuse( bool c ); void enableBrilliance( bool c ); void enableCrand( bool c ); void enableSpecular( bool c ); void enableRoughness( bool c ); void enableMetallic( bool c ); void enableReflection( bool c ); void enableReflectionMin( bool c ); void enableRefFalloff( bool c ); void enableRefExponent( bool c ); void enableRefMetallic( bool c ); private: /** * IDs for @ref PMMementoData */ enum PMFinishMementoID { PMAmbientColorID, PMPhongID, PMPhongSizeID, PMMetallicID, PMDiffuseID, PMBrillianceID, PMCrandID, PMConserveEnergyID, PMSpecularID, PMRoughnessID, PMIridID, PMIridAmountID, PMIridThicknessID, PMReflectionColorID, PMReflectionMinColorID, PMReflectionFresnelID, PMReflectionFalloffID, PMReflectionExponentID, PMReflectionMetallicID, PMIridTurbulenceID, PMEnableAmbientID, PMEnablePhongID, PMEnablePhongSizeID, PMEnableMetallicID, PMEnableDiffuseID, PMEnableBrillianceID, PMEnableCrandID, PMEnableSpecularID, PMEnableRoughnessID, PMEnableReflectionID, PMEnableReflectionMinID, PMEnableRefFalloffID, PMEnableRefExponentID, PMEnableRefMetallicID }; PMColor m_ambientColor; double m_phong; double m_phongSize; double m_diffuse; double m_brilliance; double m_crand; bool m_conserveEnergy; double m_specular; double m_roughness; double m_metallic; bool m_irid; double m_iridAmount; double m_iridThickness; double m_iridTurbulence; PMColor m_reflectionColor; PMColor m_reflectionMinColor; bool m_reflectionFresnel; double m_reflectionFalloff; double m_reflectionExponent; double m_reflectionMetallic; bool m_enableAmbient; bool m_enableDiffuse; bool m_enableBrilliance; bool m_enableCrand; bool m_enablePhong; bool m_enablePhongSize; bool m_enableMetallic; bool m_enableSpecular; bool m_enableRoughness; bool m_enableReflection; bool m_enableReflectionMin; bool m_enableRefFalloff; bool m_enableRefExponent; bool m_enableRefMetallic; static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject; }; #endif