    copyright            : (C) 2002 by Luis Carvalho
    email                : lpassos@mail.telepac.pt

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include <config.h>

#include "pmcompositeobject.h"
#include "pmcolor.h"

 * Class for global settings.

class PMGlobalSettings : public PMCompositeObject
   typedef PMCompositeObject Base;
   enum PMNoiseType { Original = 0, RangeCorrected = 1, Perlin = 2 };

    * Creates a PMGlobalSettings
   PMGlobalSettings( PMPart* part );
    * Copy constructor
   PMGlobalSettings( const PMGlobalSettings& s );
    * deletes the PMGlobalSettings
   virtual ~PMGlobalSettings( );

   /** */
   virtual PMObject* copy( ) const { return new PMGlobalSettings( *this ); }
   /** */
   virtual TQString description( ) const;

   /** */
   virtual PMMetaObject* tqmetaObject( ) const;
   /** */
   virtual void cleanUp( ) const;

   /** */
   virtual void serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const;
   /** */
   virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h );

    * Returns a new @ref PMGlobalSettingsEdit
   virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const;
    * Returns the name of the pixmap that is displayed in the tree view
    * and dialog view
   virtual TQString pixmap( ) const { return TQString( "pmglobalsettings" ); }

    * Returns the adc bailout
   double adcBailout( ) const { return m_adcBailout; }
    * Sets the adc bailout
   void setAdcBailout( double c );
    * Returns the ambient color
   PMColor ambientLight( ) const { return m_ambientLight; }
    * Sets the ambient color
   void setAmbientLight( const PMColor& c );
    * Returns the assumed gamma
   double assumedGamma( ) const { return m_assumedGamma; }
    * Sets the assumed gamma
   void setAssumedGamma( double c );
    * Returns the hf gray 16
   bool hfGray16( ) const { return m_hfGray16; }
    * Sets the hf gray 16
   void setHfGray16( bool c );
    * Returns the iridiscence wavelength
   PMColor iridWaveLength( ) const { return m_iridWaveLength; }
    * Sets the iridiscence wavelength
   void setIridWaveLength( const PMColor& c );
    * Returns the maximum number of intersections
   int maxIntersections( ) const { return m_maxIntersections; }
    * Sets the maximum number of intersections
   void setMaxIntersections( int c );
    * Returns the maximum trace level
   int maxTraceLevel( ) const { return m_maxTraceLevel; }
    * Sets the maximum trace level
   void setMaxTraceLevel( int c );
    * Returns the number of waves
   int numberWaves( ) const { return m_numberWaves; }
    * Sets the number of waves
   void setNumberWaves( int c );
    * Returns the current noise generator
   PMNoiseType noiseGenerator( ) const { return m_noiseGenerator; }
    * Sets the noise generator
   void setNoiseGenerator( PMNoiseType c );
    * Returns true if radiosity is enabled
   bool isRadiosityEnabled( ) const { return m_radiosityEnabled; }
    * Enables/Disables radiosity
   void enableRadiosity( bool c );
    * Returns brightness
   double brightness( ) const { return m_brightness; }
    * Sets the brightness
   void setBrightness( double c );
    * Returns count
   int count( ) const { return m_count; }
    * Sets the count
   void setCount( int c );
    * Returns maximum distance
   double distanceMaximum( ) const { return m_distanceMaximum; }
    * Sets the maximum distance
   void setDistanceMaximum( double c );
    * Returns error boundary
   double errorBound( ) const { return m_errorBound; }
    * Sets the error boundary
   void setErrorBound( double c );
    * Returns gray threshold
   double grayThreshold( ) const { return m_grayThreshold; }
    * Sets the gray threshold
   void setGrayThreshold( double c );
    * Returns low error factor
   double lowErrorFactor( ) const { return m_lowErrorFactor; }
    * Sets the low error factor
   void setLowErrorFactor( double c );
    * Returns minimum reuse
   double minimumReuse( ) const { return m_minimumReuse; }
    * Sets the minimum reuse
   void setMinimumReuse( double c );
    * Returns nearest count
   int nearestCount( ) const { return m_nearestCount; }
    * Sets the nearest count
   void setNearestCount( int c );
    * Returns recursion limit
   int recursionLimit( ) const { return m_recursionLimit; }
    * Sets the recursion limit
   void setRecursionLimit( int c );

   /** */
   virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s );
    * IDs for @ref PMMementoData
   enum PMGlobalSettingsMementoID { PMAdcBailoutID, PMAmbientLightID, PMAssumedGammaID,
                                    PMHfGray16ID, PMIridWaveLengthID, PMMaxIntersectionsID,
                                    PMMaxTraceLevelID, PMNumberWavesID, PMNoiseGeneratorID,
                                    PMRadiosityEnabledID, PMBrightnessID, PMCountID,
                                    PMDistanceMaximumID, PMErrorBoundID, PMGrayThresholdID,
                                    PMLowErrorFactorID, PMMinimumReuseID, PMNearestCountID,
                                    PMRecursionLimitID };

   double      m_adcBailout;
   PMColor     m_ambientLight;
   double      m_assumedGamma;
   bool        m_hfGray16;
   PMColor     m_iridWaveLength;
   int         m_maxIntersections;
   int         m_maxTraceLevel;
   int         m_numberWaves;
   PMNoiseType m_noiseGenerator;
   bool        m_radiosityEnabled;
   double      m_brightness;
   int         m_count;
   double      m_distanceMaximum;
   double      m_errorBound;
   double      m_grayThreshold;
   double      m_lowErrorFactor;
   double      m_minimumReuse;
   int         m_nearestCount;
   int         m_recursionLimit;

   static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject;
