    copyright            : (C) 2000-2003 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *

#ifndef PMGLVIEW_H
#define PMGLVIEW_H

#include <config.h>

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqpixmap.h>

#include "pmviewbase.h"
#include "pmviewfactory.h"
#include "pmcontrolpoint.h"
#include "pmvector.h"
#include "pmmatrix.h"
#include "pmobjectaction.h"

const int controlPointSize = 7;

class PMObject;
class PMPart;
class PMCamera;
class TDEConfig;
class TQComboBox;

 * Widget for rendering the scene with OpenGL
class PMGLView : public PMViewBase
    * Type of the view
   enum PMViewType { PMViewPosX, PMViewNegX, PMViewPosY, PMViewNegY,
                     PMViewPosZ, PMViewNegZ, PMViewCamera };
    * Constructor
   PMGLView( PMPart* part, PMViewType t,
             TQWidget* parent = 0, const char* name = 0, WFlags f = 0 );
    * Destructor
   ~PMGLView( );

   /** */
   virtual TQString viewType( ) const { return TQString( "glview" ); }
   /** */
   virtual TQString description( ) const;
   /** */
   virtual void restoreViewConfig( PMViewOptions* );
   /** */
   virtual void saveViewConfig( PMViewOptions* ) const;

    * Enables/disables translating the view with the mouse
   void enableTranslateMode( bool yes = true );
    * Enables/disables scaling the view with the mouse
   void enableScaleMode( bool yes = true );

    * Returns true if the opengl projection is up to date
   bool isProjectionUpToDate( ) const { return m_projectionUpToDate; }
    * Sets the projection up to date flag
   void setProjectionUpToDate( bool yes ) { m_projectionUpToDate = yes; }

    * Sets the scale
   void setScale( double scale );
    * Returns the scale
   double scale( ) const { return m_dScale; }
    * Sets the views translation in x direction
   void setTranslationX( double d );
    * Returns the views translation in x direction
   double translationX( ) const { return m_dTransX; }
    * Sets the views translation in y direction
   void setTranslationY( double d );
    * Returns the views translation in y direction
   double translationY( ) const { return m_dTransY; }

    * Returns the 2D control points position in the view
   const TQPtrList<PMVector>& controlPointsPosition( ) const
      return m_controlPointsPosition;
    * Returns the last right mouse click position
   PMVector contextClickPosition( ) const { return m_contextClickPosition; }

    * Returns the view type
   PMViewType type( ) const { return m_type; }
    * Sets the view type
   void setType( PMViewType t );
    * Sets the camera
   void setCamera( PMCamera* c );
    * Returns the camera
   PMCamera* camera( ) const { return m_pCamera; }

    * Saves the configuration
   static void saveConfig( TDEConfig* cfg );
    * Restores the configuration
   static void restoreConfig( TDEConfig* cfg );

    * Returns true if the glx stuff was initialized successfully
   bool isValid( ) const;
    * Sets this view as the current rendering view
   void makeCurrent( );
    * Swaps the opengl buffers
   void swapBuffers( );

    * Returns the view type as string
   static TQString viewTypeAsString( PMViewType t );
    * Sets the direct rendering flag
   static void enableDirectRendering( bool yes ) { s_bDirect = yes; }
    * Returns the direct rendering flag
   static bool isDirectRenderingEnabled( ) { return s_bDirect; }
public slots:
    * Sets the view normal vector to the positive x-axes
   void slotSetTypePosX( ) { setType( PMViewPosX ); }
    * Sets the view normal vector to the negative x-axes
   void slotSetTypeNegX( ) { setType( PMViewNegX ); }
    * Sets the view normal vector to the positive y-axes
   void slotSetTypePosY( ) { setType( PMViewPosY ); }
    * Sets the view normal vector to the negative y-axes
   void slotSetTypeNegY( ) { setType( PMViewNegY ); }
    * Sets the view normal vector to the positive z-axes
   void slotSetTypePosZ( ) { setType( PMViewPosZ ); }
    * Sets the view normal vector to the negative z-axes
   void slotSetTypeNegZ( ) { setType( PMViewNegZ ); }

    * Called when an object is changed.
    * @see PMPart::objectChanged( )
   void slotObjectChanged( PMObject* obj, const int mode, TQObject* sender );
    * Restarts rendering
   void slotRefresh( );
    * Clears all data
   void slotClear( );
    * Stops rendering
   void slotStopRendering( );
    * Repaints the view if it is a camera view
   void slotActiveRenderModeChanged( );

    * Connected to the render manager
   void slotRenderingStarted( PMGLView* view );
    * Connected to the render manager
   void slotAboutToUpdate( PMGLView* view );
    * Connected to the render manager
   void slotRenderingFinished( PMGLView* view );

protected slots:
    * Sets the view type to camera view
   void slotCameraView( int id );
    * Called when an object action was selected in the context menu
   void slotObjectAction( int id );
    * Called when a control point was selected in the context menu
   void slotControlPoint( int id );
    * Aligns the selected control points to the grid
   void slotSnapToGrid( );

   void slotMouseChangeTimer( );
   void slotAutoScroll( );

    * Emitted when rendering has to be restarted
   void refresh( PMGLView* w );
    * Emitted when an object is changed
   void objectChanged( PMObject* obj, const int mode, TQObject* sender );
    * Emitted when the mouse is over a control point
   void controlPointMessage( const TQString& msg );
    * Emitted in the destructor
   void destroyed( PMGLView* v );
    * Emitted when the view type changes
   void viewTypeChanged( const TQString& str );

    * Initializes the glx stuff
   virtual void initializeGL( );
   /** */
   virtual void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* e );
   /** */
   virtual void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent* e );
   /** */
   virtual void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e );
   /** */
   virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* e );
   /** */
   virtual void mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* e );
   /** */
   virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent* e );
    * Event to zoom in / zoom out the viewport by mouse wheel
   virtual void wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* e );

    * Updates the control points
   void updateControlPoints( );
    * Recalculates the position of the control points on the screen
   void recalculateControlPointPosition( );
    * Recalculates m_controlPointsTransformation and
    * m_inversePointsTransformation
   void recalculateTransformations( );
    * Returns the mouse 3D position, when the control point cp is selected
    * x and y are the screen coordinates of the mouse.
   PMVector mousePosition( PMControlPoint* cp, int x, int y );
    * Checks if a control point is under the mouse
   void checkUnderMouse( int x, int y );
    * Repaints the view
   void repaint( bool graphicalChange = false );
    * Starts a graphical change
   void startChange( const TQPoint& mousePos );
    * Graphical Change
   void graphicalChange( const TQPoint& mousePos );
    * Selects/deselecs the control point. If cp is 0, all control points are
    * selected/deselected.
   void selectControlPoint( PMControlPoint* cp, bool select, bool deselectOthers = true );
    * Invalidates the projection and repaints the view
   void invalidateProjection( bool graphicaChange = false );

    * Starts multiple selection mode
   void startSelection( );
    * Restores the widget under the selection rect
   void restoreSelectionBox( );
    * Saves the widget under the selection rect
   void saveSelectionBox( );
    * Paints the selection box
   void paintSelectionBox( );
    * Calculates the selection box
   void calculateSelectionBox( int& sx, int& sy, int& ex, int& ey, int& w, int& h );

   double screenToInternalX( int x ) const;
   double screenToInternalY( int y ) const;

    * Returns the top level object for rendering (a declaration or the scene)
   PMObject* topLevelRenderingObject( PMObject* obj ) const;
    * Displays the context menu
   void contextMenu( );

    * Type of the view (camera, xy, ... )
   PMViewType m_type;
    * Pointer to the part
   PMPart* m_pPart;
    * True if "scale view" is active
   bool m_bScaleMode;
   double m_scaleIntX, m_scaleIntY;
    * true if "translate view" is active
   bool m_bTranslateMode;
     * True if "scale view" or "translate view" is active and the left
     * mouse button is pressed.
   bool m_bMousePressed;
    * MidButton pressed
   bool m_bMidMousePressed;
    * True if a graphical change is active
   bool m_bGraphicalChangeMode;
   bool m_bMementoCreated;
    * The old mouse position
   TQPoint m_mousePos;
   TQPoint m_changeStartPos;
   TQPoint m_currentMousePos;
   TQTimer m_startTimer;
   TQTime m_changeStartTime;
   bool m_bDeselectUnderMouse;
   bool m_bSelectUnderMouse;

    * Member variables for multiple selection mode
   TQPixmap m_selectionPixmap[4];
   TQPoint m_selectionStart, m_selectionEnd;
   bool m_bMultipleSelectionMode;
   bool m_bSelectionStarted;

    * Member variables for autoscroll
   bool m_bAutoScroll;
   double m_autoScrollSpeed;
   TQTimer m_autoScrollTimer;
   TQTime m_lastAutoScrollUpdate;
   int m_autoScrollDirectionX, m_autoScrollDirectionY;
    * Rendering
   bool m_bAboutToUpdate;

    * Scale of the view
   double m_dScale;
    * X-translation of the view
   double m_dTransX;
    * Y-translation of the view
   double m_dTransY;

    * Control points of the active object
   PMControlPointList m_controlPoints;
    * Control point under the mouse
   PMControlPoint* m_pUnderMouse;
    * Position of the control points on the screen
   TQPtrList<PMVector> m_controlPointsPosition;
    * Position of the last right mouse click
   PMVector m_contextClickPosition;
    * Transformation of the control points
    * Always m_viewTransformation * m_objectsTransformation.
   PMMatrix m_controlPointsTransformation;
    * Inverse of m_controlPointsTransformation
   PMMatrix m_inversePointsTransformation;
    * True if m_inversePointsTransformation is valid
   bool m_bInverseValid;
    * Normal vector of the view
   PMVector m_normal;
    * Transformation of the view (scale and translation)
   PMMatrix m_viewTransformation;
    * Transformation of the active object
   PMMatrix m_objectsTransformation;
    * The camera
   PMCamera* m_pCamera;
   PMObject* m_pActiveObject;
    * true if the opengl projection is up to date
   bool m_projectionUpToDate;
   int m_visibilityLevel;
    * The current object actions
   TQPtrList<PMObjectAction> m_objectActions;
   static bool s_bDirect;

 * Options class for the opengl view
class PMGLViewOptions : public PMViewOptions
   PMGLViewOptions( )
      m_glViewType = PMGLView::PMViewPosX;
   PMGLViewOptions( PMGLView::PMViewType t )
      m_glViewType = t;
   virtual PMViewOptions* copy( ) const { return new PMGLViewOptions( *this ); }
   virtual TQString viewType( ) const { return TQString( "glview" ); }
   PMGLView::PMViewType glViewType( ) const { return m_glViewType; }
   void setGLViewType( PMGLView::PMViewType t ) { m_glViewType = t; }
   virtual void loadData( TQDomElement& e );
   virtual void saveData( TQDomElement& e );

   PMGLView::PMViewType m_glViewType;

 * Factory class for 3d views
class PMGLViewFactory : public PMViewTypeFactory
   PMGLViewFactory( ) { }
   virtual TQString viewType( ) const { return TQString( "glview" ); }
   virtual TQString description( ) const;
   virtual TQString description( PMViewOptions* ) const;
   virtual TQString iconName( ) const { return TQString( "pmglview" ); }
   virtual PMViewBase* newInstance( TQWidget* parent, PMPart* part ) const
      return new PMGLView( part, PMGLView::PMViewPosX, parent );
   virtual PMViewOptions* newOptionsInstance( ) const;
   virtual PMViewOptionsWidget* newOptionsWidget( TQWidget*, PMViewOptions* );

 * Configuration widget for the view layout settings dialog
class PMGLViewOptionsWidget : public PMViewOptionsWidget
    * Default constructor
   PMGLViewOptionsWidget( TQWidget* parent, PMViewOptions* o );

protected slots:
   void slotGLViewTypeChanged( int );

   PMGLViewOptions* m_pOptions;
   TQComboBox* m_pGLViewType;
