    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Luis Carvalho
    email                : lpassos@oninetspeed.pt

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include <config.h>

#include <kiconview.h>

class PMLibraryHandle;

 * This class is the drag and drop object for the icon view
class PMLibraryIconDrag : public TQIconDrag
   /** Constructor */
   PMLibraryIconDrag( TQWidget * dragSource, const char* name = 0 ) : TQIconDrag( dragSource, name ) {}

   /** @return The ith format, or NULL. */
   const char* format( int i ) const;
   /** @return The encoded payload of this object, in the specified MIME format. */
   TQByteArray tqencodedData( const char* mime ) const;
   /** @return True if the information in e can be decoded */
   static bool canDecode( TQMimeSource* e );
    * Attempts to decode the data in e
    * @return True if successful otherwise returns false
   static bool decode( TQMimeSource* e, TQStringList& StrList, TQValueList<bool>& subLibList );
   /** Adds a item to the object */
   void append( const TQIconDragItem &item, const TQRect &pr, const TQRect &tr, const TQString &path, bool subLib );

   TQStringList m_paths;
   TQValueList<bool> m_subLibs;

 * This class provides a view to browse objects, showing their previews.
class PMLibraryIconView: public KIconView
   PMLibraryIconView( TQWidget *tqparent, const char* name = NULL );

    * Set the library base path
   void setLibrary( PMLibraryHandle* h );
    * Returns the library in view
   PMLibraryHandle* library( ) const { return m_pLibrary; }

public slots:
    * refresh the icon view
   void refresh( );

   /** called when an Item is dropped onto the view */
   void slotDropped( TQDropEvent *e, const TQValueList<TQIconDragItem>& );

   /** @return a TQDragObject for drag and drop */
   virtual TQDragObject* dragObject( );

   PMLibraryHandle *m_pLibrary;
   PMLibraryHandle *m_pCurrentLibrary;

 * This class holds a library object's icon. It also remembers the path
 * where the file is.
class PMLibraryIconViewItem: public KIconViewItem
   PMLibraryIconViewItem( TQIconView *tqparent, const TQString& text, const TQString& path, bool isSubLibrary );
   PMLibraryIconViewItem( TQIconView *tqparent, const TQString& text, const TQImage& image, const TQString& path, bool isSubLibrary );

   /** Get the path of the entry */
   TQString path( ) const { return m_path; }
   /** Is the entry a sublib library? */
   bool isSubLibrary( ) const { return m_isSubLibrary; }
   /** Reimplement accept drop to take items */
   virtual bool acceptDrop( const TQMimeSource *mime ) const;

   /** Tokes a dropped item */
   void dropped( TQDropEvent *evt, const TQValueList<TQIconDragItem>& );
   /** Checks for the existance of oldpath and generates a new path as required */
   TQString newPath( const TQString oldPath, bool subLib );

   TQString m_path;
   bool    m_isSubLibrary;
