/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2002 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmlight.h" #include "pmxmlhelper.h" #include "pmlightedit.h" #include "pmmemento.h" #include "pmviewstructure.h" #include "pm3dcontrolpoint.h" #include "pmmath.h" #include "pmmatrix.h" #include "pmenumproperty.h" #include <tdelocale.h> const PMVector locationDefault = PMVector( 0, 0, 0 ); const PMColor colorDefault = PMColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); const double radiusDefault = 70.0; const double falloffDefault = 70.0; const double tightnessDefault = 10; const PMVector pointAtDefault = PMVector( 0, 0, 1 ); const bool parallelDefault = false; const PMVector areaAxis1Default = PMVector( 1, 0, 0 ); const PMVector areaAxis2Default = PMVector( 0, 1, 0 ); const int areaSize1Default = 3; const int areaSize2Default = 3; const int adaptiveDefault = 0; const bool orientDefault = false; const bool jitterDefault = false; const int fadePowerDefault = 1; const double fadeDistanceDefault = 10.0; PMViewStructure* PMLight::s_pDefaultPointStructure = 0; PMViewStructure* PMLight::s_pDefaultSpotStructure = 0; PMViewStructure* PMLight::s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure = 0; double PMLight::s_pointLightSize = 0.25; int PMLight::s_nCylinderLines = 8; int PMLight::s_nSpotLines = 8; double PMLight::s_length = 1.0; PMDefinePropertyClass( PMLight, PMLightProperty ); PMDefineEnumPropertyClass( PMLight, PMLight::PMLightType, PMTypeProperty ); PMDefineEnumPropertyClass( PMLight, PMLight::PMAreaType, PMAreaProperty ); PMMetaObject* PMLight::s_pMetaObject = 0; PMObject* createNewLight( PMPart* part ) { return new PMLight( part ); } PMLight::PMLight( PMPart* part ) : Base( part ) { m_location = locationDefault; m_color = colorDefault; m_type = PointLight; m_radius = radiusDefault; m_falloff = falloffDefault; m_tightness = tightnessDefault; m_pointAt = pointAtDefault; m_parallel = parallelDefault; m_bAreaLight = false; m_areaType = Rectangular; m_areaAxis1 = areaAxis1Default; m_areaAxis2 = areaAxis2Default; m_areaSize1 = areaSize1Default; m_areaSize2 = areaSize2Default; m_adaptive = adaptiveDefault; m_orient = orientDefault; m_jitter = jitterDefault; m_bFading = false; m_fadeDistance = fadeDistanceDefault; m_fadePower = fadePowerDefault; m_bMediaInteraction = true; m_bMediaAttenuation = true; } PMLight::PMLight( const PMLight& l ) : Base( l ) { m_location = l.m_location; m_color = l.m_color; m_type = l.m_type; m_radius = l.m_radius; m_falloff = l.m_falloff; m_tightness = l.m_tightness; m_pointAt = l.m_pointAt; m_parallel = l.m_parallel; m_bAreaLight = l.m_bAreaLight; m_areaType = l.m_areaType; m_areaAxis1 = l.m_areaAxis1; m_areaAxis2 = l.m_areaAxis2; m_areaSize1 = l.m_areaSize1; m_areaSize2 = l.m_areaSize2; m_adaptive = l.m_adaptive; m_orient = l.m_orient; m_jitter = l.m_jitter; m_bFading = l.m_bFading; m_fadeDistance = l.m_fadeDistance; m_fadePower = l.m_fadePower; m_bMediaInteraction = l.m_bMediaInteraction; m_bMediaAttenuation = l.m_bMediaAttenuation; } PMLight::~PMLight( ) { } TQString PMLight::description( ) const { return i18n( "light" ); } void PMLight::serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const { e.setAttribute( "location", m_location.serializeXML( ) ); e.setAttribute( "color", m_color.serializeXML( ) ); switch( m_type ) { case SpotLight: e.setAttribute( "lighttype", "spotlight" ); break; case CylinderLight: e.setAttribute( "lighttype", "cylinder" ); break; case ShadowlessLight: e.setAttribute( "lighttype", "shadowless" ); break; case PointLight: e.setAttribute( "lighttype", "point" ); break; } if( ( m_type == SpotLight ) || ( m_type == CylinderLight ) ) { e.setAttribute( "radius", m_radius ); e.setAttribute( "falloff", m_falloff ); e.setAttribute( "tightness", m_tightness ); e.setAttribute( "point_at", m_pointAt.serializeXML( ) ); } if ( m_parallel ) e.setAttribute( "parallel", "1" ); else e.setAttribute( "parallel", "0" ); if( m_bAreaLight ) { if ( m_areaType == Rectangular ) e.setAttribute( "areatype", "rectangular" ); else e.setAttribute( "areatype", "circular" ); e.setAttribute( "area_light", "1" ); e.setAttribute( "area_light_a", m_areaAxis1.serializeXML( ) ); e.setAttribute( "area_light_b", m_areaAxis2.serializeXML( ) ); e.setAttribute( "area_size_a", m_areaSize1 ); e.setAttribute( "area_size_b", m_areaSize2 ); e.setAttribute( "adaptive", m_adaptive ); if( m_orient ) e.setAttribute( "orient", "1" ); else e.setAttribute( "orient", "0" ); if( m_jitter ) e.setAttribute( "jitter", "1" ); else e.setAttribute( "jitter", "0" ); } else e.setAttribute( "area_light", "0" ); if( m_bFading ) { e.setAttribute( "fading", "1" ); e.setAttribute( "fade_distance" , m_fadeDistance ); e.setAttribute( "fade_power", m_fadePower ); } else e.setAttribute( "fading", "0" ); if( m_bMediaInteraction ) e.setAttribute( "media_interaction", "1" ); else e.setAttribute( "media_interaction", "0" ); if( m_bMediaAttenuation ) e.setAttribute( "media_attenuation", "1" ); else e.setAttribute( "media_attenuation", "0" ); Base::serialize( e, doc ); } void PMLight::readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h ) { TQString str; m_location = h.vectorAttribute( "location", locationDefault ); m_color = h.colorAttribute( "color", colorDefault ); str = h.stringAttribute( "lighttype", "point" ); if( str == "point" ) m_type = PointLight; else if( str == "spotlight" ) m_type = SpotLight; else if( str == "cylinder" ) m_type = CylinderLight; else if( str == "shadowless" ) m_type = ShadowlessLight; else m_type = PointLight; if( ( m_type == SpotLight ) || ( m_type == CylinderLight ) ) { m_radius = h.doubleAttribute( "radius", radiusDefault ); m_falloff = h.doubleAttribute( "falloff", falloffDefault ); m_tightness = h.doubleAttribute( "tightness", tightnessDefault ); m_pointAt = h.vectorAttribute( "point_at", pointAtDefault ); } m_parallel = h.boolAttribute( "parallel", parallelDefault ); m_bAreaLight = h.boolAttribute( "area_light", false ); if( m_bAreaLight ) { str = h.stringAttribute( "areatype", "rectangular" ); if ( str == "circular" ) m_areaType = Circular; else m_areaType = Rectangular; m_areaAxis1 = h.vectorAttribute( "area_light_a", areaAxis1Default ); m_areaAxis2 = h.vectorAttribute( "area_light_b", areaAxis2Default ); m_areaSize1 = h.intAttribute( "area_size_a", areaSize1Default ); m_areaSize2 = h.intAttribute( "area_size_b", areaSize2Default ); m_adaptive = h.intAttribute( "adaptive", adaptiveDefault ); m_orient = h.boolAttribute( "orient", orientDefault ); m_jitter = h.boolAttribute( "jitter", jitterDefault ); } m_bFading = h.boolAttribute( "fading", false ); if( m_bFading ) { m_fadeDistance = h.doubleAttribute( "fade_distance", fadeDistanceDefault ); m_fadePower = h.intAttribute( "fade_power", m_fadePower ); } m_bMediaInteraction = h.boolAttribute( "media_interaction", true ); m_bMediaAttenuation = h.boolAttribute( "media_attenuation", true ); Base::readAttributes( h ); } PMMetaObject* PMLight::metaObject( ) const { if( !s_pMetaObject ) { s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "Light", Base::metaObject( ), createNewLight ); PMTypeProperty* p = new PMTypeProperty( "lightType", &PMLight::setLightType, &PMLight::lightType ); p->addEnumValue( "PointLight", PointLight ); p->addEnumValue( "SpotLight", SpotLight ); p->addEnumValue( "CylinderLight", CylinderLight ); p->addEnumValue( "ShadowlessLight", ShadowlessLight ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( p ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "location", &PMLight::setLocation, &PMLight::location ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "color", &PMLight::setColor, &PMLight::color ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "radius", &PMLight::setRadius, &PMLight::radius ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "falloff", &PMLight::setFalloff, &PMLight::falloff ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "tightness", &PMLight::setTightness, &PMLight::tightness ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "pointAt", &PMLight::setPointAt, &PMLight::pointAt ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "parallel", &PMLight::setParallel, &PMLight::parallel ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "areaLight", &PMLight::setAreaLight, &PMLight::isAreaLight ) ); PMAreaProperty* p2 = new PMAreaProperty( "areaType", &PMLight::setAreaType, &PMLight::areaType ); p2->addEnumValue( "Rectangular", Rectangular ); p2->addEnumValue( "Circular", Circular ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( p2 ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "axis1", &PMLight::setAxis1, &PMLight::axis1 ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "axis2", &PMLight::setAxis2, &PMLight::axis2 ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "adaptive", &PMLight::setAdaptive, &PMLight::adaptive ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "orient", &PMLight::setOrient, &PMLight::orient ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "jitter", &PMLight::setJitter, &PMLight::jitter ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "fading", &PMLight::setFading, &PMLight::fading ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "fadeDistance", &PMLight::setFadeDistance, &PMLight::fadeDistance ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "fadePower", &PMLight::setFadePower, &PMLight::fadePower ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "mediaInteraction", &PMLight::setMediaInteraction, &PMLight::mediaInteraction ) ); s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMLightProperty( "mediaAttenuation", &PMLight::setMediaAttenuation, &PMLight::mediaAttenuation ) ); } return s_pMetaObject; } void PMLight::setLocation( const PMVector& p ) { if( p != m_location ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMLocationID, m_location ); m_location = p; m_location.resize( 3 ); setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setColor( const PMColor& c ) { if( c != m_color ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMColorID, m_color ); m_color = c; } } void PMLight::setLightType( PMLightType t ) { if( t != m_type ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMTypeID, m_type ); m_type = t; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setRadius( double r ) { if( !approx( r, m_radius ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMRadiusID, m_radius ); m_radius = r; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setFalloff( double f ) { if( !approx( f, m_falloff ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMFalloffID, m_falloff ); m_falloff = f; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setTightness( double t ) { if( !approx( t, m_tightness ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMTightnessID, m_tightness ); m_tightness = t; } } void PMLight::setPointAt( const PMVector& v ) { if( !m_pointAt.approxEqual( v ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMPointAtID, m_pointAt ); m_pointAt = v; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setParallel( bool p ) { if ( p != m_parallel ) { if ( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMParallelID, m_parallel ); m_parallel = p; } } void PMLight::setAreaLight( bool yes ) { if( yes != m_bAreaLight ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAreaLightID, m_bAreaLight ); m_bAreaLight = yes; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setAreaType( PMAreaType at ) { if ( at != m_areaType ) { if ( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAreaTypeID, m_areaType ); m_areaType = at; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setAxis1( const PMVector& v ) { if( !m_areaAxis1.approxEqual( v ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAreaAxis1ID, m_areaAxis1 ); m_areaAxis1 = v; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setAxis2( const PMVector& v ) { if( !m_areaAxis2.approxEqual( v ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAreaAxis2ID, m_areaAxis2 ); m_areaAxis2 = v; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setSize1( int s ) { if( s != m_areaSize1 ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAreaSize1ID, m_areaSize1 ); m_areaSize1 = s; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setSize2( int s ) { if( s != m_areaSize2 ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAreaSize2ID, m_areaSize2 ); m_areaSize2 = s; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setAdaptive( int a ) { if( a != m_adaptive ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAdaptiveID, m_adaptive ); m_adaptive = a; } } void PMLight::setOrient( bool o ) { if( o != m_orient ) { if ( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMOrientID, m_orient ); m_orient = o; setViewStructureChanged( ); } } void PMLight::setJitter( bool j ) { if( j != m_jitter ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMJitterID, m_jitter ); m_jitter = j; } } void PMLight::setFading( bool y ) { if( y != m_bFading ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMFadingID, m_bFading ); m_bFading = y; } } void PMLight::setFadeDistance( double d ) { if( !approx( d, m_fadeDistance ) ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMFadeDistanceID, m_fadeDistance ); m_fadeDistance = d; } } void PMLight::setFadePower( int p ) { if( p != m_fadePower ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMFadePowerID, m_fadePower ); m_fadePower = p; } } void PMLight::setMediaInteraction( bool y ) { if( y != m_bMediaInteraction ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMInteractionID, m_bMediaInteraction ); m_bMediaInteraction = y; } } void PMLight::setMediaAttenuation( bool y ) { if( y != m_bMediaAttenuation ) { if( m_pMemento ) m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMAttenuationID, m_bMediaAttenuation ); m_bMediaAttenuation = y; } } PMDialogEditBase* PMLight::editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const { return new PMLightEdit( parent ); } void PMLight::restoreMemento( PMMemento* s ) { PMMementoDataIterator it( s ); PMMementoData* data; for( ; it.current( ); ++it ) { data = it.current( ); if( data->objectType( ) == s_pMetaObject ) { switch( data->valueID( ) ) { case PMLocationID: setLocation( data->vectorData( ) ); break; case PMColorID: setColor( data->colorData( ) ); break; case PMTypeID: setLightType( ( PMLightType ) ( data->intData( ) ) ); break; case PMRadiusID: setRadius( data->doubleData( ) ); break; case PMFalloffID: setFalloff( data->doubleData( ) ); break; case PMTightnessID: setTightness( data->doubleData( ) ); break; case PMPointAtID: setPointAt( data->vectorData( ) ); break; case PMParallelID: setParallel( data->boolData( ) ); break; case PMAreaLightID: setAreaLight( data->boolData( ) ); break; case PMAreaTypeID: setAreaType( ( PMAreaType ) ( data->intData( ) ) ); break; case PMAreaAxis1ID: setAxis1( data->vectorData( ) ); break; case PMAreaAxis2ID: setAxis2( data->vectorData( ) ); break; case PMAreaSize1ID: setSize1( data->intData( ) ); break; case PMAreaSize2ID: setSize2( data->intData( ) ); break; case PMAdaptiveID: setAdaptive( data->intData( ) ); break; case PMOrientID: setOrient( data->boolData( ) ); break; case PMJitterID: setJitter( data->boolData( ) ); break; case PMFadingID: setFading( data->boolData( ) ); break; case PMFadeDistanceID: setFadeDistance( data->doubleData( ) ); break; case PMFadePowerID: setFadePower( data->intData( ) ); break; case PMInteractionID: setMediaInteraction( data->boolData( ) ); break; case PMAttenuationID: setMediaAttenuation( data->boolData( ) ); break; default: kdError( PMArea ) << "Wrong ID in PMLight::restoreMemento\n"; break; } } } Base::restoreMemento( s ); } void PMLight::createViewStructure( ) { if( ( m_type == PointLight ) || ( m_type == ShadowlessLight ) ) { if( !m_pViewStructure ) { m_pViewStructure = new PMViewStructure( defaultPointStructure( ) ); m_pViewStructure->points( ).detach( ); } else { m_pViewStructure->points( ).resize( defaultPointStructure( )->points( ).size( ) ); m_pViewStructure->lines( ) = defaultPointStructure( )->lines( ); } PMPointArray& points = m_pViewStructure->points( ); int i; double c = s_pointLightSize / sqrt( 3.0 ); for( i = 0; i < 14; i++ ) points[i] = PMPoint( m_location ); points[0][0] += s_pointLightSize; points[1][0] -= s_pointLightSize; points[2][1] += s_pointLightSize; points[3][1] -= s_pointLightSize; points[4][2] += s_pointLightSize; points[5][2] -= s_pointLightSize; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { points[6+2*i][0] += c; points[6+2*i][1] += ( i & 1 ? c : -c ); points[6+2*i][2] += ( i & 2 ? c : -c ); points[7+2*i][0] -= c; points[7+2*i][1] -= ( i & 1 ? c : -c ); points[7+2*i][2] -= ( i & 2 ? c : -c ); } } else if( m_type == SpotLight ) { if( !m_pViewStructure ) { m_pViewStructure = new PMViewStructure( defaultSpotStructure( ) ); m_pViewStructure->points( ).detach( ); } else { m_pViewStructure->points( ).resize( defaultSpotStructure( )->points( ).size( ) ); m_pViewStructure->lines( ) = defaultSpotStructure( )->lines( ); } PMPointArray& points = m_pViewStructure->points( ); points[0] = PMPoint( m_location ); PMVector pointAtVector = m_pointAt - m_location; double pl = pointAtVector.abs( ); if( approxZero( pl ) ) pointAtVector = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); else pointAtVector /= pl; PMVector endPoint = pointAtVector.orthogonal( ); PMMatrix rotation = PMMatrix::rotation( pointAtVector, 2 * M_PI / s_nSpotLines ); double length, r1, r2, a1, a2; length = s_length; a1 = m_radius; a2 = m_falloff; if( a1 < 0 ) a1 = 0; if( a2 < 0 ) a2 = 0; if( a1 > a2 ) a1 = a2; if( a1 >= 89.9 ) a1 = 89.9; if( a2 >= 89.9 ) a2 = 89.9; a1 *= M_PI / 180; a2 *= M_PI / 180; r1 = tan( a1 ) * length; r2 = tan( a2 ) * length; if( r2 > length ) { double d = length / r2; r1 *= d; r2 *= d; length *= d; } endPoint *= r2; double r; if( approxZero( r2 ) ) r = 1; else r = r1 / r2; PMVector circleCenter = m_location + length * pointAtVector; points[1] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint ); points[s_nSpotLines + 1] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint * r ); int i; for( i = 2; i < ( s_nSpotLines + 1 ); i++ ) { endPoint = rotation * endPoint; points[i] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint ); points[s_nSpotLines + i] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint * r ); } points[s_nSpotLines*2+1] = m_pointAt; } else if( m_type == CylinderLight ) { if( !m_pViewStructure ) { m_pViewStructure = new PMViewStructure( defaultCylindricalStructure( ) ); m_pViewStructure->points( ).detach( ); } else { m_pViewStructure->points( ).resize( defaultCylindricalStructure( )->points( ).size( ) ); m_pViewStructure->lines( ) = defaultCylindricalStructure( )->lines( ); } PMPointArray& points = m_pViewStructure->points( ); points[s_nCylinderLines*4] = PMPoint( m_location ); points[s_nCylinderLines*4+1] = PMPoint( m_pointAt ); PMVector pointAtVector = m_pointAt - m_location; double pl = pointAtVector.abs( ); if( approxZero( pl ) ) pointAtVector = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); else pointAtVector /= pl; PMVector endPoint = pointAtVector.orthogonal( ); PMMatrix rotation = PMMatrix::rotation( pointAtVector, 2 * M_PI / s_nCylinderLines ); double r1, r2; r1 = m_radius / 100; r2 = m_falloff / 100; if( r1 < 0 ) r1 = 0; if( r2 < 0 ) r2 = 0; if( r1 > r2 ) r1 = r2; endPoint *= r2; double r; if( approxZero( r2 ) ) r = 1; else r = r1 / r2; PMVector circleCenter = m_location + s_length * pointAtVector; points[0] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint ); points[s_nCylinderLines] = PMPoint( m_location + endPoint ); points[2*s_nCylinderLines] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint * r ); points[3*s_nCylinderLines] = PMPoint( m_location + endPoint * r ); int i; for( i = 1; i < s_nCylinderLines; i++ ) { endPoint = rotation * endPoint; points[i] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint ); points[s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMPoint( m_location + endPoint ); points[2*s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMPoint( circleCenter + endPoint * r ); points[3*s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMPoint( m_location + endPoint * r ); } } if( m_bAreaLight ) { int s1, s2; s1 = m_areaSize1; s2 = m_areaSize2; if( s1 < 1 ) s1 = 1; if( s2 < 1 ) s2 = 1; if( ( s1 > 1 ) || ( s2 > 1 ) ) { int x, y, h; int ps, ls; PMVector bp; PMPointArray& points = m_pViewStructure->points( ); PMLineArray& lines = m_pViewStructure->lines( ); points.detach( ); lines.detach( ); ps = points.size( ); ls = lines.size( ); points.resize( ps + s1*s2 ); lines.resize( ls + s1*(s2-1) + s2*(s1-1) ); if( s1 == 1 ) { bp = m_location - m_areaAxis2/2; for( y = 0; y < s2; y++ ) points[ps + y] = PMPoint( bp + m_areaAxis2 * ( (double)y/(double)(s2-1) ) ); for( y = 0; y < ( s2-1 ); y++ ) lines[ls+y] = PMLine( ps + y, ps + y+1 ); } else if( s2 == 1 ) { bp = m_location - m_areaAxis1/2; for( x = 0; x < s1; x++ ) points[ps + x] = PMPoint( bp + m_areaAxis1 * ( (double)x/(double)(s1-1) ) ); for( x = 0; x < ( s1-1 ); x++ ) lines[ls+x] = PMLine( ps + x, ps + x+1 ); } else { bp = m_location - m_areaAxis1/2 - m_areaAxis2/2; if ( m_areaType == Rectangular || s1 < 2 || s2 < 2 ) { for( x = 0; x < s1; x++ ) for( y = 0; y < s2; y++ ) points[ps + y*s1 + x] = PMPoint( bp + m_areaAxis1 * ( (double)x/(double)(s1-1) ) + m_areaAxis2 * ( (double)y/(double)(s2-1) ) ); } else { double stepX = ( 2.0 / (double)(s1-1) ); double stepY = ( 2.0 / (double)(s2-1) ); double doubleX, doubleY, xSqr, scaleFactor; for ( x = 0; x < s1; ++x ) { doubleX = ( (double)x * stepX ) - 1.0; xSqr = doubleX * doubleX; for ( y = 0; y < s2; ++y ) { doubleY = ( (double)y * stepY ) - 1.0; if ( doubleX == 0.0 && doubleY == 0.0 ) scaleFactor = 1.0; else { if ( fabs( doubleX ) > fabs( doubleY ) ) scaleFactor = fabs( doubleX ); else scaleFactor = fabs( doubleY ); scaleFactor /= sqrt( xSqr + doubleY * doubleY ); } points[ps + y*s1 + x] = PMPoint( bp + m_areaAxis1 * ( ( ( doubleX * scaleFactor ) / 2.0 ) + 0.5 ) + m_areaAxis2 * ( ( ( doubleY * scaleFactor ) / 2.0 ) + 0.5 ) ); } } } for( x = 0; x < s1; x++ ) { for( y = 0; y < (s2-1); y++ ) { h = ps + x + s1*y; lines[ls + x*(s2-1) + y] = PMLine( h, h+s1 ); } } ls += s1*(s2-1); for( y = 0; y < s2; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < (s1-1); x++ ) { h = ps + x + s1*y; lines[ls + y*(s1-1) + x] = PMLine( h, h+1 ); } } } } } } PMViewStructure* PMLight::defaultPointStructure( ) const { if( !s_pDefaultPointStructure ) { s_pDefaultPointStructure = new PMViewStructure( 14, 7 ); // PMPointArray& points = s_pDefaultPointStructure->points( ); PMLineArray& lines = s_pDefaultPointStructure->lines( ); lines[0] = PMLine( 0, 1 ); lines[1] = PMLine( 2, 3 ); lines[2] = PMLine( 4, 5 ); lines[3] = PMLine( 6, 7 ); lines[4] = PMLine( 8, 9 ); lines[5] = PMLine( 10, 11 ); lines[6] = PMLine( 12, 13 ); } return s_pDefaultPointStructure; } PMViewStructure* PMLight::defaultSpotStructure( ) const { if( !s_pDefaultSpotStructure ) { s_pDefaultSpotStructure = new PMViewStructure( s_nSpotLines * 2 + 2, s_nSpotLines * 3 + 1 ); // PMPointArray& points = s_pDefaultSpotStructure->points( ); PMLineArray& lines = s_pDefaultSpotStructure->lines( ); int i; for( i = 0; i < s_nSpotLines; i++ ) { lines[i] = PMLine( 0, i+1 ); lines[s_nSpotLines + i] = PMLine( i+1, i+2 ); lines[2*s_nSpotLines + i] = PMLine( s_nSpotLines + i+1, s_nSpotLines + i+2 ); } // fix for the last line lines[2*s_nSpotLines - 1] = PMLine( 1, s_nSpotLines ); lines[3*s_nSpotLines - 1] = PMLine( s_nSpotLines + 1, s_nSpotLines*2 ); lines[3*s_nSpotLines] = PMLine( 0, s_nSpotLines*2 + 1 ); } return s_pDefaultSpotStructure; } PMViewStructure* PMLight::defaultCylindricalStructure( ) const { if( !s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure ) { s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure = new PMViewStructure( s_nCylinderLines * 4 + 2, s_nCylinderLines * 5 + 1 ); // PMPointArray& points = s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure->points( ); PMLineArray& lines = s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure->lines( ); int i; for( i = 0; i < s_nCylinderLines; i++ ) { lines[i] = PMLine( i, i+1 ); lines[s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMLine( i + s_nCylinderLines, i + s_nCylinderLines + 1 ); lines[2*s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMLine( i + 2*s_nCylinderLines, i + 2*s_nCylinderLines + 1 ); lines[3*s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMLine( i + 3*s_nCylinderLines, i + 3*s_nCylinderLines + 1 ); lines[4*s_nCylinderLines + i] = PMLine( i, i + s_nCylinderLines ); } // fix for some lines lines[s_nCylinderLines-1] = PMLine( 0, s_nCylinderLines - 1 ); lines[2*s_nCylinderLines-1] = PMLine( s_nCylinderLines, 2*s_nCylinderLines - 1 ); lines[3*s_nCylinderLines-1] = PMLine( 2*s_nCylinderLines, 3*s_nCylinderLines - 1 ); lines[4*s_nCylinderLines-1] = PMLine( 3*s_nCylinderLines, 4*s_nCylinderLines - 1 ); lines[5*s_nCylinderLines] = PMLine( 4*s_nCylinderLines, 4*s_nCylinderLines + 1 ); } return s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure; } void PMLight::controlPoints( PMControlPointList& list ) { list.append( new PM3DControlPoint( m_location, PMLocationID, i18n( "Location" ) ) ); if( ( m_type == SpotLight ) || ( m_type == CylinderLight ) ) list.append( new PM3DControlPoint( m_pointAt, PMPointAtID, i18n( "Point at" ) ) ); } void PMLight::controlPointsChanged( PMControlPointList& list ) { PMControlPoint* p; for( p = list.first( ); p; p = list.next( ) ) { if( p->changed( ) ) { switch( p->id( ) ) { case PMLocationID: setLocation( ( ( PM3DControlPoint* ) p )->point( ) ); break; case PMPointAtID: setPointAt( ( ( PM3DControlPoint* ) p )->point( ) ); break; default: kdError( PMArea ) << "Wrong ID in PMLight::controlPointsChanged\n"; break; } } } } void PMLight::cleanUp( ) const { if( s_pDefaultPointStructure ) delete s_pDefaultPointStructure; s_pDefaultPointStructure = 0; if( s_pDefaultSpotStructure ) delete s_pDefaultSpotStructure; s_pDefaultSpotStructure = 0; if( s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure ) delete s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure; s_pDefaultCylindricalStructure = 0; if( s_pMetaObject ) { delete s_pMetaObject; s_pMetaObject = 0; } Base::cleanUp( ); }