    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Leon Pennington
    email                : leon@leonscape.co.uk

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *

#include "pmmesh.h"

#include <tdelocale.h>
#include "pmxmlhelper.h"
#include "pmmeshedit.h"
#include "pmmemento.h"
#include "pmtriangle.h"
#include "pm3dcontrolpoint.h"
#include "pmvectorcontrolpoint.h"

const PMVector insideVectorDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );

PMDefinePropertyClass( PMMesh, PMMeshProperty );

class PMMeshMemento : public PMMemento
    * Creates a memento for the object originator
   PMMeshMemento( PMObject* originator ) : PMMemento( originator )
      m_bTriangleMementosSaved = false;
      m_triangleMementos.setAutoDelete( true );
    * Deletes the memento
   virtual ~PMMeshMemento( )
      m_triangleMementos.clear( );

    * Saves the triangles memento data
   void setTriangleMementos( const TQPtrList<PMMemento>& list )
      if ( !m_bTriangleMementosSaved )
         TQPtrListIterator<PMMemento> Itr( list );
         PMMemento* m;
         while( ( m = Itr.current( ) ) != 0 )
            m_triangleMementos.append( m );

         m_bTriangleMementosSaved = true;
         addChange( PMCData );
    * Returns the triangles memento data
   TQPtrList<PMMemento> triangleMementos( ) const
      if ( !m_bTriangleMementosSaved )
         kdError( PMArea ) << "Triangles mementos not saved in PMMeshMemento::triangleMementos\n";
      return m_triangleMementos;
    * Returns true if the triangle mementos have been saved
   bool triangleMementosSaved( ) const { return m_bTriangleMementosSaved; }
   TQPtrList<PMMemento> m_triangleMementos;
   bool m_bTriangleMementosSaved;

PMMetaObject* PMMesh::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewMesh( PMPart* part )
   return new PMMesh( part );

PMMesh::PMMesh( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )
   m_hierarchy = true;
   m_enableInsideVector = false;
   m_insideVector = insideVectorDefault;

PMMesh::PMMesh( const PMMesh& m )
      : Base( m )
   m_hierarchy = m.m_hierarchy;
   m_enableInsideVector = m.m_enableInsideVector;
   m_insideVector = m.m_insideVector;

PMMesh::~PMMesh( )

TQString PMMesh::description( ) const
   return i18n( "mesh" );

void PMMesh::serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const
   e.setAttribute( "hierarchy", m_hierarchy );
   e.setAttribute( "enable_inside_vector", m_enableInsideVector );
   e.setAttribute( "inside_vector", m_insideVector.serializeXML( ) );
   Base::serialize( e, doc );

void PMMesh::readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h )
   m_hierarchy = h.boolAttribute( "hierarchy", true );
   m_enableInsideVector = h.boolAttribute( "enable_inside_vector", false );
   m_insideVector = h.vectorAttribute( "inside_vector", insideVectorDefault );
   Base::readAttributes( h );

PMMetaObject* PMMesh::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "Mesh", Base::metaObject( ), createNewMesh );

         new PMMeshProperty( "hierarchy", &PMMesh::setHierarchy, &PMMesh::hierarchy ) );
         new PMMeshProperty( "insideVectorEnabled", &PMMesh::enableInsideVector, &PMMesh::isInsideVectorEnabled ) );
         new PMMeshProperty( "insideVector", &PMMesh::setInsideVector, &PMMesh::insideVector ) );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMMesh::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

void PMMesh::setHierarchy( bool h )
   if( h != m_hierarchy )
      if( m_pMemento )
         m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMHierarchyID, m_hierarchy );
      m_hierarchy = h;

void PMMesh::enableInsideVector( bool eiv )
   if( eiv != m_enableInsideVector )
      if( m_pMemento )
         m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMEnableInsideVectorID, m_enableInsideVector );
      m_enableInsideVector = eiv;

void PMMesh::setInsideVector( const PMVector& iv )
   if( iv != m_insideVector )
      if( m_pMemento )
         m_pMemento->addData( s_pMetaObject, PMInsideVectorID, m_insideVector );
      m_insideVector = iv;

PMDialogEditBase* PMMesh::editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
   return new PMMeshEdit( parent );

void PMMesh::createMemento( )
   delete m_pMemento;
   m_pMemento = new PMMeshMemento( this );

void PMMesh::restoreMemento( PMMemento* s )
   PMMeshMemento* m = ( PMMeshMemento * ) s;
   PMMementoDataIterator it( s );
   PMMementoData* data;

   for( ; it.current( ); ++it )
      data = it.current( );
      if( data->objectType( ) == s_pMetaObject )
         switch( data->valueID( ) )
            case PMHierarchyID:
               setHierarchy( data->boolData( ) );
            case PMEnableInsideVectorID:
               enableInsideVector( data->boolData( ) );
            case PMInsideVectorID:
               setInsideVector( data->vectorData( ) );
               kdError( PMArea ) << "Wrong ID in PMMesh::restoreMemento\n";

   if ( m->triangleMementosSaved( ) )
      int numChildren = countChildren( );
      PMMemento* tm;
      TQPtrList<PMMemento> list = m->triangleMementos( );
      TQPtrListIterator<PMMemento> Itr( list );
      for ( int i = 0; i < numChildren && ( tm = Itr.current( ) ) != 0; ++i, ++Itr )
         childAt( i )->restoreMemento( tm );

   Base::restoreMemento( s );

void PMMesh::controlPoints( PMControlPointList& list )
   unsigned numChildren = countChildren();
   PMTriangle *obj;
   pointToPoint ptp;
   bool found;
   PMVector point, normal;
   PMControlPoint* listP;
   PM3DControlPoint* cp;
   PMVectorControlPoint* vp;
   int currentPoint = 0;
   int firstNormal = numChildren * 3;
   int currentNormal = firstNormal;

   m_pointToPointList.clear( );
   for ( unsigned i = 0; i < numChildren; ++i )
      if ( childAt( i )->isA( "Triangle" ) )

         obj = ( PMTriangle * ) childAt( i );
         ptp.object = obj;
         for ( unsigned j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
            found = false;
            ptp.pointID = j;
            point = obj->point( j );

            for( listP = list.first( ); listP; listP = list.next( ) )
               if ( listP->id( ) < firstNormal && point == listP->position( ) )
                  found = true;
                  ptp.listID = listP->id( );

            if ( !found )
               cp = new PM3DControlPoint( point, currentPoint,
                     i18n( "Mesh Point " + currentPoint ) );
               list.append( cp );
               ptp.listID = currentPoint++;

            m_pointToPointList.append( ptp );

            if ( obj->isSmoothTriangle( ) )
               found = false;
               ptp.pointID = j + 3;
               normal = obj->normal( j );

               for ( listP = list.first( ); listP; listP = list.next( ) )
                  if ( listP->id( ) >= firstNormal )
                     vp = ( PMVectorControlPoint* ) listP;
                     if ( vp->basePoint( ) == point &&
                          vp->vector( ) == normal )
                        found = true;
                        ptp.listID = listP->id( );

               if ( !found )
                  vp = new PMVectorControlPoint( point, normal, currentNormal,
                        i18n( "Mesh Normal " + currentNormal ) );
                  list.append( vp );
                  ptp.listID = currentNormal++;

               m_pointToPointList.append( ptp );


void PMMesh::controlPointsChangedList( PMControlPointList& list, PMObjectList& objList )
   int numChildren = countChildren( );
   PMControlPoint* p;
   TQValueList<pointToPoint>::ConstIterator ptpItr = m_pointToPointList.begin( );
   TQPtrList<PMMemento> mementoList;
   PMTriangle *obj;
   PMVector p0, p1, p2;
   PM3DControlPoint* cp0, * cp1, * cp2;
   bool bp0, bp1, bp2;
   PMVector n0, n1, n2;
   PMVectorControlPoint* cn0, * cn1, * cn2;
   bool bn0, bn1, bn2;
   PMVector triangleNormal;
   double d, normalDirection = 1.0;
   bool found, validNormal, validTriangles = true;
   int listID, pointID, numCP;

   // have to cache changed values because checking once changes them to false
   TQMemArray<bool> changed( list.count( ) );
   p = list.first( );
   for ( int i = 0; p; ++i, p = list.next( ) )
      changed[i] = p->changed( );

   for ( int i = 0; i < numChildren && validTriangles; ++i )
      if ( childAt( i )->isA( "Triangle" ) )
         obj = ( PMTriangle* )childAt( i );
         obj->createMemento( );
         objList.append( obj );
         validNormal = false;

         if ( obj->isSmoothTriangle( ) )
            numCP = 6;
            numCP = 3;

         cp0 = cp1 = cp2 = 0;
         cn0 = cn1 = cn2 = 0;

         bp0 = bp1 = bp2 = bn0 = bn1 = bn2 = false;

         for ( int j = 0; j < numCP; ++j, ++ptpItr )

            listID = (*ptpItr).listID;
            pointID = (*ptpItr).pointID;
            found = false;
            p = list.first( );
            for ( int k = 0; p && !found; p = list.next( ), ++k )
               if( listID == p->id( ) )
                  switch( pointID )
                     case 0:
                        cp0 = ( PM3DControlPoint* ) p;
                        p0 = cp0->point( );
                        bp0 = changed[ k ];
                     case 1:
                        cp1 = ( PM3DControlPoint* ) p;
                        p1 = cp1->point( );
                        bp1 = changed[ k ];
                     case 2:
                        cp2 = ( PM3DControlPoint* ) p;
                        p2 = cp2->point( );
                        bp2 = changed[ k ];
                     case 3:
                        cn0 = ( PMVectorControlPoint* ) p;
                        n0 = cn0->vector( );
                        bn0 = changed[ k ];
                     case 4:
                        cn1 = ( PMVectorControlPoint* ) p;
                        n1 = cn1->vector( );
                        bn1 = changed[ k ];
                     case 5:
                        cn2 = ( PMVectorControlPoint* ) p;
                        n2 = cn2->vector( );
                        bn2 = changed[ k ];
                  found = true;

         if ( obj->isSmoothTriangle( ) )
            triangleNormal = PMVector::cross( obj->point( 1 ) - obj->point( 0 ),
                                                obj->point( 2 ) - obj->point( 0 ) );
            normalDirection = PMVector::dot( triangleNormal, obj->normal( 0 ) );
            if( approxZero( normalDirection  ) )
               normalDirection = PMVector::dot( triangleNormal, obj->normal( 1 ) );
            if( approxZero( normalDirection  ) )
               normalDirection = PMVector::dot( triangleNormal, obj->normal( 2 ) );
            if( normalDirection < 0 )
               triangleNormal = -triangleNormal;
            if( !approxZero( triangleNormal.abs( ) ) )
               validNormal = true;
               triangleNormal /= triangleNormal.abs( );

         if ( bp0 )
            if ( !( p0.approxEqual( p1 ) || p0.approxEqual( p2 ) ) )
               obj->setPoint( 0, p0 );
               validTriangles = false;
               cp0->setPoint( obj->point( 0 ) );

         if ( bp1 )
            if ( !( p1.approxEqual( p0 ) || p1.approxEqual( p2 ) ) )
               obj->setPoint( 1, p1 );
               validTriangles = false;
               cp1->setPoint( obj->point( 1 ) );

         if ( bp2 )
            if ( !( p2.approxEqual( p0 ) || p2.approxEqual( p1 ) ) )
               obj->setPoint( 2, p2 );
               validTriangles = false;
               cp2->setPoint( obj->point( 2 ) );

         if ( obj->isSmoothTriangle( ) )
            if ( bn0 )
               if( validNormal )
                  d = PMVector::dot( triangleNormal, n0 );
                  if( d > 0 )
                     obj->setNormal( 0, n0 );
                     obj->setNormal( 0, n0 - ( d - 1e-5 ) * triangleNormal );
                     cn0->setVector( obj->normal( 0 ) );
                  cn0->setVector( obj->normal( 0 ) );

            if ( bn1 )
               if( validNormal )
                  d = PMVector::dot( triangleNormal, n1 );
                  if( d > 0 )
                     obj->setNormal( 1, n1 );
                     obj->setNormal( 1, n1 - ( d - 1e-5 ) * triangleNormal );
                     cn1->setVector( obj->normal( 1 ) );
                  cn1->setVector( obj->normal( 1 ) );

            if ( bn2 )
               if( validNormal )
                  d = PMVector::dot( triangleNormal, n2 );
                  if( d > 0 )
                     obj->setNormal( 2, n2 );
                     obj->setNormal( 2, n2 - ( d - 1e-5 ) * triangleNormal );
                     cn2->setVector( obj->normal( 2 ) );
                  cn2->setVector( obj->normal( 2 ) );

         mementoList.append( obj->takeMemento( ) );

         if ( !validTriangles )
            PMMemento *tm;
            for ( int j = i; j >= 0; --j )
               if ( ( tm = mementoList.getLast( ) ) )
                  childAt( j )->restoreMemento( tm );
                  delete tm;
                  mementoList.removeLast( );

   if ( validTriangles )
      if ( m_pMemento )
         ( ( PMMeshMemento * ) m_pMemento )->setTriangleMementos( mementoList );
      objList.append( this );
      setViewStructureChanged( );