//-*-C++-*- /* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2000-2003 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #ifndef PMOBJECT_H #define PMOBJECT_H #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tqdom.h> #include "pmmatrix.h" #include "pmcontrolpoint.h" #include "pmmetaobject.h" #include "pmdebug.h" class PMDialogEditBase; class PMMemento; class PMViewStructure; class PMXMLHelper; class PMDeclare; class PMObjectAction; class PMPart; class PMObject; typedef TQPtrList<PMObject> PMObjectList; typedef TQPtrListIterator<PMObject> PMObjectListIterator; /** * Base class for all povray objects * * Used pattern: Composite * * All list/child functionality is disabled in this class. Objects that * can have children has to be inherited from @ref PMCompositeObject. */ class PMObject { friend class PMCompositeObject; public: /** * Creates an empty PMObject without parent. */ PMObject( PMPart* part ); /** * Copy constructor. All object pointers (parent, siblings) are set to 0! */ PMObject( const PMObject& o ); /** * Deletes the object and all children. */ virtual ~PMObject( ); /** * Returns a new object of that type */ PMObject* newObject( ) const; /** * Returns a deep copy of the object */ virtual PMObject* copy( ) const = 0; /** * Returns the meta object for the class */ virtual PMMetaObject* metaObject( ) const; /** * Returns true if the object is of type t or inherits the object * class with type t */ bool isA( const TQString& className ) const; /** * Returns the class name (not i18n'ed, without the PM prefix) */ TQString type( ) const; /** * same as @ref type( ) */ TQString className( ) const { return type( ); } /** * Returns the class name of the object (povray name). * This is the name that is showed in dialogs and menus. */ virtual TQString description( ) const = 0; /** * Returns the name of the object. This is the name that helps * the user to identify a object (like "south wall", "floor" ...) */ virtual TQString name( ) const { return TQString(); } /** * Returns true if the object can have a name */ virtual bool canHaveName( ) const { return false; } /** * Returns true if the object should be exported for rendering */ virtual bool exportPovray( ) const { return true; } /** * Returns a pointer to the parent object. */ PMObject* parent( ) const { return m_pParent; } /** * Returns a pointer to the corresponding part */ PMPart* part( ) const { return m_pPart; } /** * Returns true if an object with type className can be inserted * as child after the object after. * * The parser uses the third parameter for top level objects. These objects * have to be treated as if they are inserted after the object after. */ bool canInsert( const TQString& className, const PMObject* after, const PMObjectList* objectsBetween = 0 ) const; /** * Returns true if the object o can be inserted as child after the object * after. * * The parser uses the third parameter for top level objects. These objects * have to be treated as if they are inserted after the object after. */ bool canInsert( const PMObject* o, const PMObject* after, const PMObjectList* objectsBetween = 0 ) const; /** * Returns the number of objects that can be inserted at that position */ int canInsert( const PMObjectList& list, const PMObject* after ) const; /** * Returns the number of objects that can be inserted at that position */ int canInsert( const TQStringList& classes, const PMObject* after ) const; /** * Returns true if an insert or remove operation of children will * change data inside this class */ virtual bool dataChangeOnInsertRemove( ) const { return false; } /** * Returns a pointer to the first child. Null for this class */ virtual PMObject* firstChild( ) const { return 0; } /** * Returns a pointer to the last child. Null for this class */ virtual PMObject* lastChild( ) const { return 0; } /** * Returns a pointer to the child object at position index, * or null if the index is out of range. */ virtual PMObject* childAt( uint ) const { return 0; } /** * Returns the next sibling of that item */ PMObject* nextSibling( ) const { return m_pNextSibling; } /** * Returns the previous sibling of that item */ PMObject* prevSibling( ) const { return m_pPrevSibling; } /** * Returns true if the object contains the child object o */ virtual bool containsChild( PMObject* ) const { return false; } /** * Returns the index of the child or -1 if not found */ virtual int findChild( PMObject* ) { return -1; } /** * Inserts the object as child at index index. * If i is -1, the object is appended. * Returns true if successful */ virtual bool insertChild( PMObject*, int ) { kdError( PMArea ) << "Tried to insert object into a non composite object" << "\n"; return false; } /** * Inserts the object as child after the child object after */ virtual bool insertChildAfter( PMObject* object, PMObject* after ); /** * Inserts the object as child before the child object before */ virtual bool insertChildBefore( PMObject* object, PMObject* before ); /** * Appends the object as last child. Returns true if successful */ virtual bool appendChild( PMObject* ) { kdError( PMArea ) << "Tried to insert object into a non composite object" << "\n"; return false; } /** * Returns the number of children. 0 in this class */ virtual int countChildren( ) const { return 0; } /** * Removes a child object. Does not delete it! * Returns true if successful */ virtual bool takeChild( PMObject* ); /** * Removes a child object at index i. Does not delete it! * Returns true if successful */ virtual bool takeChild( uint ); /** * Called when a child was removed. For classes that have to be informed * when children are removed */ virtual void childRemoved( PMObject* ) { }; /** * Called when a child was added. For classes that have to be informed * when children are added */ virtual void childAdded( PMObject* ) { }; /** * Returns true if the object needs auxiliary files. */ virtual bool needsAuxiliaryFiles( ) const { return false; } /** * Returns a list of auxiliary files */ virtual TQStringList auxiliaryFiles( ) const { return TQStringList( ); } /** * Returns true if the object has a (povray) transformation matrix. * True for transformation objects. */ virtual bool hasTransformationMatrix( ) const { return false; } /** * Returns the (povray) transformation of the object, if it has one, * otherwise an identity matrix */ virtual PMMatrix transformationMatrix( ) const { kdError( PMArea ) << "This object has no transformation matrix" << "\n"; return PMMatrix::identity( ); } /** * Returns the matrix, the object is transformed with */ PMMatrix transformedWith( ) const; /** * Returns the view structure ( see @ref PMViewStructure ) of the object * or 0, if it has none. * * The view structure will be created or updated if necessary. */ virtual PMViewStructure* viewStructure( ) { return 0; } /** * Creates the control points and appends them to the list. * * The caller becomes the owner of the control points and has * to delete them. * * Control points are the interface between the graphical views and the * PMObject for graphical changes. */ virtual void controlPoints( PMControlPointList& ) { } /** * Tells the object that the control points have changed */ virtual void controlPointsChanged( PMControlPointList& ) { } /** * Tells the object that the control points have changed * * The object can add objects to the second parameter, if * additional objects were changed during the graphical change, * not only this object. * * If you leave the list empty, only this object was changed. * If you add children or other objects to the list, add this object * to the list, too, if it was changed! * * IMPORTANT: When you change additional objects, make sure that * a memento is created for these objects (@ref mementoCreated, * @ref createMemento) before changing data. * * Calls @ref controlPointsChanged by default. */ virtual void controlPointsChangedList( PMControlPointList& list, PMObjectList& /*changedObjects*/ ) { controlPointsChanged( list ); } /** * Returns true if multiple control points can be selected */ virtual bool multipleSelectControlPoints( ) const { return false; } /** * Each object can add actions to the context menu of the @ref PMGLView. * * Each time the user opens the context menu, this function is called. * Add all supported actions to this list and call the base class. * * The default implementation adds no action. * * @see PMObjectAction */ virtual void addObjectActions( const PMControlPointList&, TQPtrList<PMObjectAction>& ) { } /** * This member is called when the user selects an object action * in the context menu. * * The arguments are the selected action, the list of control points, * the 3D (!) positions of the control points (screen-x, screen-y and depth) * in the active opengl view and the 2D mouse position. */ virtual void objectActionCalled( const PMObjectAction*, const PMControlPointList&, const TQPtrList<PMVector>&, const PMVector& ) { }; /** * Saves the object as kpovmodeler xml code. */ TQDomElement serialize( TQDomDocument& doc ) const; /** * Adds the objects attributes and child objects to the element */ virtual void serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const = 0; /** * Reads the attributes from the TQDomElement */ virtual void readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h ); /** * Returns the list of known properties */ TQStringList properties( ) const; /** * Sets a property and returns true if successful */ bool setProperty( const TQString&, const PMVariant& v ); /** * Returns a property */ PMVariant property( const TQString& ) const; /** * Returns true if the object is selected */ bool isSelected( ) { return m_selected; } /** * Sets this object to be selected if s is true and to not be selected if s is false */ void setSelected( bool s ); /** * Returns true if this item can be selected. An item cannot be selected * if a parent object is selected */ bool isSelectable( ); /** * Returns the number of selected child items. All selected items in * any depth are counted */ virtual int selectedChildren( ) const { return 0; } /** * Deselects recursively all child objects */ virtual void deselectChildren( ) { }; /** * Returns true if this object is read only */ bool isReadOnly( ) const; /** * Makes this object read only, if yes == true. All children will * be read only, too */ void setReadOnly( bool yes = true ) { m_readOnly = yes; } /** * Creates a new edit widget that can display this object and * returns a pointer to it. * * The widget will be created as a child of parent. */ virtual PMDialogEditBase* editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const; /** * Returns the name of the pixmap that is displayed in the tree view * and dialog view */ virtual TQString pixmap( ) const = 0; /** * Returns a pointer to the @ref PMDeclare object, that is linked to * that object, or 0, if this object contains no link */ virtual PMDeclare* linkedObject( ) const { return 0; } /** * Tells the object to create a memento object. * * By default a simple @ref PMMemento will be created. * If the memento doesn't provide enough functionality, subclass the memento * and reimplement this function. * * NOTE: The new memento has to inherit the memento used in the base class! * * If a memento was created, the object saves all changes its * state. The memento is then used for undo/redo. * * First call this function, change attributes and then take the mementos * with @ref takeMemento * * If you want to restore the old state, call @ref restoreMemento with * the memento. */ virtual void createMemento( ); /** * Returns true if a memento was created */ bool mementoCreated( ) const { return m_pMemento != 0; } /** * Takes the memento. The caller is responsible to delete the memento */ PMMemento* takeMemento( ); /** * Restores the state s */ virtual void restoreMemento( PMMemento* s ); /** * This function is called before the part is unloaded. * * Delete static pointer variables to clean up the memory. * * This method can be called multiple times when there are subclasses. * Set the pointer to 0 after deleting an object! */ virtual void cleanUp( ) const; protected: /** * Adds num to the number of selected objects in this object and all * parent objects. num can be negative. */ virtual void adjustSelectedChildren( int /*num*/ ) { }; /** * The memento where the old status of the object should be stored */ PMMemento* m_pMemento; private: /** * Pointer to the parent object. 0 if the object has no parent. */ PMObject* m_pParent; /** * Pointer to the prev sibling. 0 if the object has no prev sibling. */ PMObject* m_pPrevSibling; /** * Pointer to the next sibling. 0 if the object has no next sibling. */ PMObject* m_pNextSibling; /** * true if this object is selected */ bool m_selected; /** * true if this object is read only. All children will be read only, too */ bool m_readOnly; /** * The meta object */ static PMMetaObject* s_pMetaObject; /** * The corresponding part */ PMPart* m_pPart; }; #endif