    copyright            : (C) 2000-2002 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *

#ifndef PMPART_H
#define PMPART_H

#include <config.h>

#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeaccel.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <tdeparts/part.h>
#include <tdeparts/browserextension.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>

#include "pmobject.h"
#include "pmcommandmanager.h"
#include "pmpartiface.h"

class PMView;
class PMShell;
class PMObjectDrag;
class PMScene;
class PMCamera;
class PMPovrayWidget;
class PMParser;

class PMBrowserExtension;
class PMSymbolTable;
class PMDeclare;

class PMPrototypeManager;
class PMInsertRuleSystem;
class PMIOManager;

class TQMimeSource;
class TDEAction;
class TDESelectAction;
class PMComboAction;
class PMSpinBoxAction;
class PMLabelAction;
class TDEProcess;

 * The part for kpovmodeler (povray document)
class PMPart : public KParts::ReadWritePart, virtual public PMPartIface
    * construtor of PMPart, calls all init functions to create the
    * application.
   PMPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char* widgetName,
           TQObject* parent, const char* name, bool readWrite,
           PMShell* shell = 0 );

    * construtor of PMPart, calls all init functions to create the
    * application. It does not create the main widget.
   PMPart( TQWidget* parentWidget, const char* widgetName,
           TQObject* parent, const char* name, bool readWrite,
           bool onlyCutPaste, PMShell* shell = 0 );

    * Destructor
   ~PMPart( );
    * deletes the document's contents
   void deleteContents( );
    * initializes the document generally
   bool newDocument( );
    * closes the actual document
   void closeDocument( );
    * Exports the scene as povray code
   bool exportPovray( const KURL& url );

    * returns the toplevel object
   PMScene* scene( ) const { return m_pScene; }
    * Returns a pointer to the shell if there is one
   PMShell* shell( ) const { return m_pShell; }
    * saves settings
   void saveConfig( TDEConfig* cfg );
    * loads settings
   void restoreConfig( TDEConfig* cfg );

    * Updates the sorted list of selected objects if necessary and
    * returns a reference to the list.
   const PMObjectList& selectedObjects( );

    * Executes the command cmd.
    * All changes to the document have to be made
    * with @ref PMCommand objects for undo/redo. Each slot that changes the
    * document creates a PMCommand object and calls this function.
    * If this function returns false, the command was not executed
    * and the command object was deleted.
   bool executeCommand( PMCommand* cmd );
    * Checks, where the objects in list can be inserted, as child
    * or as sibling of obj and asks the user if there is more than one
    * possibility
    * Returns PMIFirstChild, PMILastChild, PMISibling or 0, if the objects
    * should not be inserted.*/
   int whereToInsert( PMObject* obj, const PMObjectList& list );
    * Checks, where the objects in list can be inserted, as child
    * or as sibling of obj and asks the user if there is more than one
    * possibility
    * Returns PMIFirstChild, PMILastChild, PMISibling or 0, if the objects
    * should not be inserted.*/
   int whereToInsert( PMObject* obj, const TQStringList& list );
    * Asks the user, where to insert new objects.
    * Returns PMIFirstChild, PMILastChild, PMISibling or 0, if the objects
    * should not be inserted.*/
   int whereToInsert( PMObject* obj );

    * Returns the symbol table of this document
   PMSymbolTable* symbolTable( ) const { return m_pSymbolTable; }
    * Returns the first camera
   PMCamera* firstCamera( );
    * Returns an iterator to the list of cameras
   TQPtrListIterator<PMCamera> cameras( );
    * The active object
   PMObject* activeObject( ) const { return m_pActiveObject; }
    * The active object's name
   virtual TQString activeObjectName( );
    * Set the active object
   virtual bool setActiveObject( const TQString& name );
    * Get the valid properties of the currently active object
   virtual TQStringList getProperties( );
    * set a property on the active object
   virtual bool setProperty( const TQString& name, const PMVariant& value );
    * set a property on the active object
   virtual bool setProperty( const TQString& name, const TQString& value );
    * get a property on the active object
   virtual const PMVariant getProperty( const TQString& name );
    * get a property on the active object
   virtual const TQString getPropertyStr( const TQString& name );
    * List of control points of the active object
   PMControlPointList activeControlPoints( ) const { return m_controlPoints; }

    * Called when the user moves some objects in the tree view.
    * If obj is 0, the user moved the objects to another document (remove)
    * Returns true if successful.
   bool dragMoveSelectionTo( PMObject* obj );
    * Called when the user drags some objects onto the tree view
    * Returns true if successful.
   bool drop( PMObject* obj, TQMimeSource* e );
    * Tries to parse the data and insert the parsed objects
    * as child or siblings of object obj
    * Type is the actions description for the undo/redo menu.
   bool insertFromParser( const TQString& type, PMParser* parser, PMObject* obj );

    * Returns a pointer to the prototype manager
   PMPrototypeManager* prototypeManager( ) const { return m_pPrototypeManager; }
    * Returns a pointer to the insert rules system
   PMInsertRuleSystem* insertRuleSystem( ) const { return m_pInsertRuleSystem; }
    * Returns a pointer to the IO formats manager for this part
   PMIOManager* ioManager( ) const { return m_pIOManager; }

public slots:
    * Opens the import file dialog
   void slotFileImport( );
    * Opens the export file dialog
   void slotFileExport( );

    * puts the marked text/object into the clipboard and removes the objects
   void slotEditCut( );
    * removes the selected object
   void slotEditDelete( );
    * puts the marked text/object into the clipboard
   void slotEditCopy( );
    * paste the clipboard into the document
   void slotEditPaste( );
    * undoes the last change
   void slotEditUndo( );
    * redoes the last undone command
   void slotEditRedo( );

    * Called when an object is changed.
    * Mode is a bit combination of @ref PMChange constants
   void slotObjectChanged( PMObject* obj, const int mode, TQObject* sender );
    * Called when an id is changed
   void slotIDChanged( PMObject* obj, const TQString& oldID );

    * Inserts a new PMObject of type type
   void slotNewObject( const TQString& type );
    * Inserts a new PMObject of type type at position pos.
    * pos can be one of:
    *     FirstChild
    *     LastChild
    *     Sibling
   void slotNewObject( const TQString& type, const TQString& pos );
    * Inserts the new PMObject. The object will be deleted if it can't be
    * inserted or the user aborts the action
   void slotNewObject( PMObject* newObject, int insertAs = 0 );

    * List the known object types
   virtual TQStringList getObjectTypes( );

    * Adds transformations to the object and calls slotNewObject
    * for it
   void slotNewTransformedObject( PMObject* o );

    * Inserts a new PMGlobalSettings
   void slotNewGlobalSettings( );
    * Inserts a new PMSkySphere
   void slotNewSkySphere( );
    * Inserts a new PMRainbow
   void slotNewRainbow( );
    * Inserts a new PMFog
   void slotNewFog( );
    * Inserts a new PMInterior
   void slotNewInterior( );
    * Inserts a new PMMedia
   void slotNewMedia( );
    * Inserts a new PMDensity
   void slotNewDensity( );
    * Inserts a new PMMaterial
   void slotNewMaterial( );
    * Inserts a new PMBox
   void slotNewBox( );
    * Inserts a new PMSphere
   void slotNewSphere( );
    * Inserts a new PMCylinder
   void slotNewCylinder( );
    * Inserts a new PMCone
   void slotNewCone( );
    * Inserts a new PMTorus
   void slotNewTorus( );
    * Inserts a new PMLathe
   void slotNewLathe( );
    * Inserts a new PMPrism
   void slotNewPrism( );
    * Inserts a new PMSurfaceOfRevolution
   void slotNewSurfaceOfRevolution( );
    * Inserts a new PMSuperquadricEllipsoid
   void slotNewSuperquadricEllipsoid( );
    * Inserts a new PMJuliaFractal
   void slotNewJuliaFractal( );
    * Inserts a new PMHeightField
   void slotNewHeightField( );
    * Inserts a new text object
   void slotNewText( );

    * Inserts a new PMBlob
   void slotNewBlob( );
    * Inserts a new PMBlobSphere
   void slotNewBlobSphere( );
    * Inserts a new PMBlobCylinder
   void slotNewBlobCylinder( );

    * Inserts a new PMPlane
   void slotNewPlane( );
    * Inserts a new PMPolynom
   void slotNewPolynom( );
    * Inserts a new PMDeclare
   void slotNewDeclare( );
    * Inserts a new PMObjectLink
   void slotNewObjectLink( );

    * Inserts a new PMCSG ( union )
   void slotNewUnion( );
    * Inserts a new PMCSG ( intersection )
   void slotNewIntersection( );
    * Inserts a new PMCSG ( difference )
   void slotNewDifference( );
    * Inserts a new PMCSG ( merge )
   void slotNewMerge( );

    * Inserts a new PMDisc
   void slotNewDisc( );
    * Inserts a new PMBicubicPatch
   void slotNewBicubicPatch( );
    * Inserts a new PMTriangle
   void slotNewTriangle( );

    * Inserts a new PMBoundedBy
   void slotNewBoundedBy( );
    * Inserts a new PMClippedBy
   void slotNewClippedBy( );

    * Inserts a new PMLight object
   void slotNewLight( );
    * Inserts a new PMLooksLike object
   void slotNewLooksLike( );
    * Inserts a new PMProjectedThrough object
   void slotNewProjectedThrough( );

    * Inserts a new PMCamera
   void slotNewCamera( );

    * Inserts a new PMTexture
   void slotNewTexture( );
    * Inserts a new PMPigment
   void slotNewPigment( );
    * Inserts a new PMNormal
   void slotNewNormal( );
    * Inserts a new PMSolidColor
   void slotNewSolidColor( );
    * Inserts a new PMTextureList
   void slotNewTextureList( );
    * Inserts a new PMColorList
   void slotNewColorList( );
    * Inserts a new PMPigmentList
   void slotNewPigmentList( );
    * Inserts a new PMNormalList
   void slotNewNormalList( );
    * Inserts a new PMDensityList
   void slotNewDensityList( );
    * Inserts a new PMFinish
   void slotNewFinish( );
    * Inserts a new PMPattern
   void slotNewPattern( );
    * Inserts a new PMBlendMapModifiers
   void slotNewBlendMapModifiers( );
    * Inserts a new PMTextureMap
   void slotNewTextureMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMMaterialMap
   void slotNewMaterialMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMColorMap
   void slotNewColorMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMPigmentMap
   void slotNewPigmentMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMNormalMap
   void slotNewNormalMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMBumpMap
   void slotNewBumpMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMSlopeMap
   void slotNewSlopeMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMDensityMap
   void slotNewDensityMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMSlope
   void slotNewSlope( );
    * Inserts a new PMWarp
   void slotNewWarp( );
    * Inserts a new PMImageMap
   void slotNewImageMap( );
    * Inserts a new PMQuickColor
   void slotNewQuickColor( );

    * Inserts a new PMTranslate
   void slotNewTranslate( );
    * Inserts a new PMRotate
   void slotNewRotate( );
    * Inserts a new PMScale
   void slotNewScale( );
    * Inserts a new PMPovrayMatrix
   void slotNewMatrix( );
    * Inserts a new PMComment
   void slotNewComment( );
    * Inserts a new PMRaw
   void slotNewRaw( );

   // POV-Ray 3.5 objects
    * Inserts a new PMIsoSurfate
   void slotNewIsoSurface( );
    * Inserts a new PMRadiosity
   void slotNewRadiosity( );
    * Inserts a new PMGlobalPhotons
   void slotNewGlobalPhotons( );
    * Inserts a new PMPhotons
   void slotNewPhotons( );
    * Inserts a new PMLightGroup
   void slotNewLightGroup( );
    * Inserts a new PMInteriorTexture
   void slotNewInteriorTexture( );
    * Inserts a new PMSphereSweep
   void slotNewSphereSweep( );
    * Inserts a new PMMesh
   void slotNewMesh( );

    * Called when the clipboard contents changed
   void slotClipboardDataChanged( );
    * updates the undo/redo menu items
   void slotUpdateUndoRedo( const TQString& undo, const TQString& redo );

    * Starts rendering with povray
   virtual void slotRender( );
    * Opens the render settings
   void slotRenderSettings( );
    * Called when a render mode is selected
   void slotRenderMode( int index );
    * Called when the render modes combo action is plugged into the toolbar
   void slotRenderModeActionPlugged( );
    * Shows the render window
   void slotViewRenderWindow( );
    * Called when the visibility level has changed
   void slotVisibilityLevelChanged( int );
    * Called when the visibility level action is plugged into the toolbar
   void slotVisibilityActionPlugged( );
    * Called when the global detail level has changed
   void slotGlobalDetailLevelChanged( int level );

    * Opens the search library object dialog
   void slotSearchLibraryObject( );

   /** */
   virtual void setModified( );
   /** */
   virtual void setModified( bool modified );

   /** Set the scene object. Must be used with extreme care. */
   void setScene( PMScene* scene );

	 * Emits the aboutToSave signal
	void slotAboutToSave( );

    * Signal that is emitted when an object is changed.
    * Mode is a bit combination of @ref PMChange constants.
   void objectChanged( PMObject* obj, const int mode, TQObject* sender );
    * Signal that is emitted when the views have to be refreshed.
    * Usually on newDocument or openDocument
   void refresh( );
    * Emitted when all views should delete all data
   void clear( );
    * Emitted, when the modified flag changes
   void modified( );
    * Emitted when the mouse is over a control point
   void controlPointMessage( const TQString& msg );
    * Emitted when the active render mode has changed
   void activeRenderModeChanged( );
    * Emitted before the scene is rendered.
    * Views should ask the user to save pending changes.
   void aboutToRender( );
    * Emitted before the scene is saved or exported
    * Views should ask the user to save pending changes.
   void aboutToSave( );

    * reimplemented from @ref KParts::ReadOnlyPart
   virtual bool openFile( );
    * reimplemented from @ref KParts::ReadOnlyPart
   virtual bool saveFile( );
    * Inits all actions
   void initActions( );
    * Inits only actions related to copy&paste.
    * Required by the library browser.
   void initCopyPasteActions( );

    * creates the widget of the part instance and sets
    * it as the view
   void initView( TQWidget* parent, const char* name );
    * initializes the documents contents
   void initDocument( );
    * clears the selection
   void clearSelection( );

    * Disables all actions, that modify the part
   void disableReadWriteActions( );
    * Updates all "new object" actions
   void updateNewObjectActions( );
    * Finds a free id of the format <prefix><number>.
    * Adds the object to the symbol table.
    * Returns the number.
   unsigned int findNewID( const TQString& prefix, unsigned int firstNumber,
                           PMDeclare* obj );
    * Updates the list of cameras
   void updateCameraList( );

    * Generic drop/paste function
   bool pasteOrDrop( const TQString& type, TQMimeSource* mime, PMObject* obj );
    * Generic cut/delete/remove function
   bool removeSelection( const TQString& type );
    * Updates the render mode combo action
   void updateRenderModes( );
    * Updates the visibility level action
   void updateVisibilityLevel( );
    * Updates the control point list
   void updateControlPoints( PMObject* oldActive );

   PMView* m_pView;
   PMShell* m_pShell;
   PMBrowserExtension* m_pExtension;

    * the selected objects, unsorted!
   PMObjectList m_selectedObjects;
    * the selected objects, sorted. This list is only created if necessary.
   PMObjectList m_sortedSelectedObjects;
    * true if the list m_sortedSelectedObjects is up to date
   bool m_sortedListUpToDate;
    * the active object
   PMObject* m_pActiveObject;
    * the new selection after a command was executed
   PMObject* m_pNewSelection;
    * List of all cameras
   TQPtrList<PMCamera> m_cameras;
    * true if the m_cameras list is up to date
   bool m_bCameraListUpToDate;
    * true if the clipboard data can be decoded
   bool m_canDecode;
    * Commands stack for undo and redo
   PMCommandManager m_commandManager;
    * The povray scene, top level object
   PMScene* m_pScene;
    * Number of added objects during the last executed command
   unsigned int m_numAddedObjects;
    * Number of insert errors during the last executed command
   unsigned int m_numInsertErrors;
    * Details of insert errors
   TQStringList m_insertErrorDetails;
    * The symbol table for this document
   PMSymbolTable* m_pSymbolTable;
    * The povray render window
   PMPovrayWidget* m_pPovrayWidget;
    * true if the new object actions have to be updated
   bool m_updateNewObjectActions;
    * Control points of the active object
   PMControlPointList m_controlPoints;
    * true if only copy'n'paste actions are available
   bool m_onlyCopyPaste;

   // the actions
   TDEAction* m_pImportAction;
   TDEAction* m_pExportAction;

   TDEAction* m_pCutAction;
   TDEAction* m_pCopyAction;
   TDEAction* m_pPasteAction;
   TDEAction* m_pUndoAction;
   TDEAction* m_pRedoAction;
   TDEAction* m_pDeleteAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewGlobalSettingsAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSkySphereAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewRainbowAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewFogAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewInteriorAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewMediaAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewDensityAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewMaterialAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewBoxAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSphereAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewCylinderAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewConeAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewTorusAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewLatheAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPrismAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSurfaceOfRevolutionAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSuperquadricEllipsoidAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewJuliaFractalAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewHeightFieldAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewTextAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewBlobAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewBlobSphereAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewBlobCylinderAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewPlaneAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPolynomAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewDeclareAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewObjectLinkAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewUnionAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewDifferenceAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewIntersectionAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewMergeAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewBoundedByAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewClippedByAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewBicubicPatchAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewDiscAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewTriangleAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewLightAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewLooksLikeAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewProjectedThroughAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewCameraAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewTextureAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPigmentAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewNormalAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSolidColorAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewTextureListAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewColorListAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPigmentListAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewNormalListAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewDensityListAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewFinishAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPatternAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewBlendMapModifiersAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewTextureMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewMaterialMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPigmentMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewColorMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewNormalMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewBumpMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSlopeMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewDensityMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSlopeAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewWarpAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewImageMapAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewQuickColorAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewTranslateAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewScaleAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewRotateAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewMatrixAction;

   TDEAction* m_pNewCommentAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewRawAction;

   // POV-Ray 3.5 objects
   TDEAction* m_pNewIsoSurfaceAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewRadiosityAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewGlobalPhotonsAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewPhotonsAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewLightGroupAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewInteriorTextureAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewSphereSweepAction;
   TDEAction* m_pNewMeshAction;

   TDEAction* m_pSearchLibraryObjectAction;

   PMComboAction* m_pRenderComboAction;
   TDEAction* m_pRenderSettingsAction;
   TDEAction* m_pViewRenderWindowAction;
   TDEAction* m_pRenderAction;
   PMSpinBoxAction* m_pVisibilityLevelAction;
   PMLabelAction* m_pVisibilityLabelAction;
   TDESelectAction* m_pGlobalDetailAction;
   PMLabelAction* m_pGlobalDetailLabelAction;

   TQPtrList<TDEAction> m_readWriteActions;

   PMPrototypeManager* m_pPrototypeManager;
   PMInsertRuleSystem* m_pInsertRuleSystem;
   PMIOManager* m_pIOManager;

class PMBrowserExtension : public KParts::BrowserExtension
   friend class PMPart;
   PMBrowserExtension( PMPart* parent )
      : KParts::BrowserExtension( parent, "PMBrowserExtension" )

   virtual ~PMBrowserExtension( )
