/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2003 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmpluginmanager.h" #include "pmpart.h" #include "pmshell.h" #include "pmfactory.h" #include "pmdebug.h" #include <tqmap.h> #include <tqapplication.h> #include <kparts/plugin.h> #include <kxmlguifactory.h> #include <kconfig.h> PMPluginManager* PMPluginManager::s_pInstance = 0; KStaticDeleter<PMPluginManager> PMPluginManager::s_staticDeleter; using namespace KParts; // workaround for protected Plugin::pluginInfos class PMPluginWorkaround : public Plugin { public: PMPluginWorkaround( ) : Plugin( 0, 0 ) { }; static TQValueList<Plugin::PluginInfo> installedPlugins( const KInstance* instance ) { return pluginInfos( instance ); } }; PMPluginManager::PMPluginManager( ) { // find installed plugins KConfigGroup cfgGroup( PMFactory::instance( )->config( ), "KParts Plugins" ); TQValueList<Plugin::PluginInfo> plugins = PMPluginWorkaround::installedPlugins( PMFactory::instance( ) ); TQValueList<Plugin::PluginInfo>::ConstIterator pIt = plugins.begin( ); TQValueList<Plugin::PluginInfo>::ConstIterator pEnd = plugins.end( ); for( ; pIt != pEnd; ++pIt ) { TQDomElement docElem = ( *pIt ).m_document.documentElement( ); TQString name = docElem.attribute( "name" ); TQString description = docElem.attribute( "description" ); if( !description.isEmpty( ) ) description = i18n( description.latin1( ) ); bool enabled = cfgGroup.readBoolEntry( name + "Enabled", false ); m_plugins.append( new PMPluginInfo( name, description, enabled ) ); } } PMPluginManager::~PMPluginManager( ) { m_plugins.setAutoDelete( true ); m_plugins.clear( ); } PMPluginManager* PMPluginManager::theManager( ) { if( !s_pInstance ) s_staticDeleter.setObject( s_pInstance, new PMPluginManager( ) ); return s_pInstance; } void PMPluginManager::registerPart( PMPart* p ) { if( !m_parts.containsRef( p ) ) { m_parts.append( p ); Plugin::loadPlugins( p, p, PMFactory::instance( ), false ); } } void PMPluginManager::removePart( PMPart* p ) { m_parts.removeRef( p ); } void PMPluginManager::updatePlugins( ) { KConfigGroup cfgGroup( PMFactory::instance( )->config( ), "KParts Plugins" ); TQPtrListIterator<PMPluginInfo> pit( m_plugins ); for( ; *pit; ++pit ) cfgGroup.writeEntry( ( *pit )->name( ) + "Enabled", ( *pit )->enabled( ) ); cfgGroup.sync( ); TQPtrListIterator<PMPart> it( m_parts ); for( ; *it; ++it ) { Plugin::loadPlugins( *it, *it, PMFactory::instance( ), false ); PMShell* shell = ( *it )->shell( ); if( shell ) shell->updateGUI( ); // TODO find a solution to update the gui without using the shell } }