    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include <kstaticdeleter.h>

#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>

class PMPart;

 * Plugin info for one plugin
class PMPluginInfo
    * Default constructor
   PMPluginInfo( const TQString& name, const TQString& description,
                 bool enabled )
      m_name = name;
      m_description = description;
      m_enabled = enabled;
    * Returns the plugin name
   TQString name( ) const { return m_name; }
    * Returns the plugin description (i18n'ed)
   TQString description( ) const { return m_description; }
    * Returns true if the plugin is enabled
   bool enabled( ) const { return m_enabled; }
    * Enables/disables the plugin
   void enable( bool en ) { m_enabled = en; }
   TQString m_name, m_description;
   bool m_enabled;

 * Manager class for plugins.
 * Stores a list of available plugins and loads and unloads plugins.
class PMPluginManager
    * Destructor
   ~PMPluginManager( );
    * Returns the instance (singleton)
   static PMPluginManager* theManager( );

    * Registers a part instance and loads the plugins for that part
   void registerPart( PMPart* p );
    * Removes a part instance
   void removePart( PMPart* p );

    * Returns a list of available plugins
   TQPtrList<PMPluginInfo> plugins( ) const { return m_plugins; }
    * Loads and unloads plugins for all parts when plugins were activated or
    * deactivated
   void updatePlugins( );
    * Constructor
   PMPluginManager( );

   TQPtrList<PMPluginInfo> m_plugins;
   TQPtrList<PMPart> m_parts;

   static PMPluginManager* s_pInstance;
   static KStaticDeleter<PMPluginManager> s_staticDeleter;
