/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2003 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmpovray35serialization.h" #include "pmoutputdevice.h" #include "pmisosurface.h" #include "pmlight.h" #include "pmprojectedthrough.h" #include "pmglobalsettings.h" #include "pmradiosity.h" #include "pmglobalphotons.h" #include "pmphotons.h" #include "pminterior.h" #include "pmlightgroup.h" #include "pmpattern.h" #include "pmnormal.h" #include "pminteriortexture.h" #include "pmwarp.h" #include "pmspheresweep.h" #include "pmfinish.h" #include "pmmesh.h" #include "pmmedia.h" #include "pmgraphicalobject.h" #include "pmpigment.h" #include "pmtexture.h" #include "pmbicubicpatch.h" #include "pmtriangle.h" const PMIsoSurface::ContainedByType c_defaultIsoContainedBy = PMIsoSurface::Box; const PMVector c_defaultIsoCorner1 = PMVector( -1, -1, -1 ); const PMVector c_defaultIsoCorner2 = PMVector( 1, 1, 1 ); const PMVector c_defaultIsoCenter = PMVector( 0, 0, 0 ); const double c_defaultIsoRadius = 1; const double c_defaultIsoThreshold = 0.0; const double c_defaultIsoAccuracy = 0.001; const double c_defaultIsoMaxGradient = 1.1; const bool c_defaultIsoEvaluate = false; const double c_defaultIsoEvaluate0 = 5; const double c_defaultIsoEvaluate1 = 1.2; const double c_defaultIsoEvaluate2 = 0.95; const double c_defaultIsoOpen = false; const int c_defaultIsoMaxTrace = 1; const bool c_defaultIsoAllIntersections = false; void PMPov35SerIsoSurface( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMIsoSurface* o = ( PMIsoSurface* ) object; TQString str; dev->objectBegin( "isosurface" ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); if( o->containedBy( ) == PMIsoSurface::Box ) { dev->writeLine( TQString( "function { " ) + o->function( ) + " }" ); if( o->corner1( ) != c_defaultIsoCorner1 || o->corner2( ) != c_defaultIsoCorner2 ) { dev->writeLine( TQString( "contained_by { box { " ) + o->corner1( ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->corner2( ).serialize( ) + " } }" ); } } else { str.setNum( o->radius( ) ); dev->writeLine( TQString( "contained_by { sphere { " ) + o->center( ).serialize( ) + ", " + str + " } }" ); } if( !approx( o->threshold( ), c_defaultIsoThreshold ) ) { str.setNum( o->threshold( ) ); dev->writeLine( "threshold " + str ); } if( !approx( o->accuracy( ), c_defaultIsoAccuracy ) ) { str.setNum( o->accuracy( ) ); dev->writeLine( "accuracy " + str ); } if( !approx( o->maxGradient( ), c_defaultIsoMaxGradient ) ) { str.setNum( o->maxGradient( ) ); dev->writeLine( "max_gradient " + str ); } if( o->evaluate( ) ) { str = TQString( "%1, %2, %3" ).arg( o->evaluateValue( 0 ) ) .arg( o->evaluateValue( 1 ) ).arg( o->evaluateValue( 2 ) ); dev->writeLine( "evaluate " + str ); } if( o->allIntersections( ) ) dev->writeLine( "all_intersections" ); else { str.setNum( o->maxTrace( ) ); dev->writeLine( "max_trace " + str ); } if( o->open( ) ) dev->writeLine( "open" ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } const double c_defaultLightTightness = 10; const int c_defaultLightAdaptive = 0; void PMPov35SerLight( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMLight* o = ( PMLight* ) object; dev->objectBegin( TQString( "light_source" ) ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); dev->writeLine( o->location( ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->color( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->lightType( ) == PMLight::SpotLight ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "spotlight" ) ); else if( o->lightType( ) == PMLight::CylinderLight ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "cylinder" ) ); else if( o->lightType( ) == PMLight::ShadowlessLight ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "shadowless" ) ); if( o->parallel( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "parallel" ) ); if( ( o->lightType( ) == PMLight::SpotLight ) || ( o->lightType( ) == PMLight::CylinderLight ) ) { dev->writeLine( TQString( "radius %1" ).arg( o->radius( ) ) ); dev->writeLine( TQString( "falloff %1" ).arg( o->falloff( ) ) ); if( o->tightness( ) != c_defaultLightTightness ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "tightness %1" ).arg( o->tightness( ) ) ); dev->writeLine( TQString( "point_at " ) + o->pointAt( ).serialize( ) ); } if( o->isAreaLight( ) ) { dev->writeLine( TQString( "area_light " ) + o->axis1( ).serialize( ) + TQString( ", " ) + o->axis2( ).serialize( ) + TQString( ", %1, %2" ).arg( o->size1( ) ).arg( o->size2( ) ) ); if( o->adaptive( ) != c_defaultLightAdaptive ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "adaptive %1" ).arg( o->adaptive( ) ) ); if( o->jitter( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "jitter" ) ); if ( o->areaType( ) == PMLight::Circular ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "circular" ) ); if ( o->orient( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "orient" ) ); } if( o->fading( ) ) { dev->writeLine( TQString( "fade_distance %1" ).arg( o->fadeDistance( ) ) ); dev->writeLine( TQString( "fade_power %1" ).arg( o->fadePower( ) ) ); } if( !o->mediaInteraction( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "media_interaction off" ) ); if( !o->mediaAttenuation( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "media_attenuation off" ) ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerProjectedThrough( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { dev->objectBegin( "projected_through" ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsAdcBailout = 1.0 / 255.0; const PMColor c_defaultGlobalSettingsAmbientLight = PMColor( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsAssumedGamma = 0.0; const bool c_defaultGlobalSettingsHfGray16 = false; const PMColor c_defaultGlobalSettingsIridWaveLength = PMColor( 0.25, 0.18, 0.14, 0.0, 0.0 ); const int c_defaultGlobalSettingsMaxIntersections = 0; // ??? const int c_defaultGlobalSettingsMaxTraceLevel = 0; // ??? const int c_defaultGlobalSettingsNumberWaves = 10; const bool c_defaultGlobalSettingsRadiosity = false; const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsBrightness = 1.0; const int c_defaultGlobalSettingsCount = 35; const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsDistanceMaximum = 0; // ??? const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsErrorBound = 1.8; const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsGrayThreshold = 0.0; const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsLowErrorFactor = 0.5; const double c_defaultGlobalSettingsMinimumReuse = 0.015; const int c_defaultGlobalSettingsNearestCount = 5; const int c_defaultGlobalSettingsRecursionLimit = 2; void PMPov35SerGlobalSettings( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMGlobalSettings* o = ( PMGlobalSettings* ) object; TQString str1; dev->objectBegin( "global_settings" ); if( o->adcBailout( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsAdcBailout ) { str1.setNum( o->adcBailout( ) ); dev->writeLine( "adc_bailout " + str1 ); } if( o->ambientLight( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsAmbientLight ) dev->writeLine( "ambient_light " + o->ambientLight( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->assumedGamma( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsAssumedGamma ) { str1.setNum( o->assumedGamma( ) ); dev->writeLine( "assumed_gamma " + str1 ); } if( o->hfGray16( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsHfGray16 ) { if( o->hfGray16( ) ) dev->writeLine( "hf_gray_16 on" ); else dev->writeLine( "hf_gray_16 off" ); } if( o->iridWaveLength( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsIridWaveLength ) dev->writeLine( "irid_wavelength " + o->iridWaveLength( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->maxTraceLevel( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsMaxTraceLevel ) { str1.setNum( o->maxTraceLevel( ) ); dev->writeLine( "max_trace_level " + str1 ); } if( o->maxIntersections( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsMaxIntersections ) { str1.setNum( o->maxIntersections( ) ); dev->writeLine( "max_intersections " + str1 ); } if( o->numberWaves( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsNumberWaves ) { str1.setNum( o->numberWaves( ) ); dev->writeLine( "number_of_waves " + str1 ); } if ( o->noiseGenerator( ) == PMGlobalSettings::Original ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "noise_generator 1" ) ); else if ( o->noiseGenerator( ) == PMGlobalSettings::RangeCorrected ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "noise_generator 2" ) ); else dev->writeLine( TQString( "noise_generator 3" ) ); if( o->isRadiosityEnabled( ) ) { dev->objectBegin( "radiosity" ); if( o->brightness( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsBrightness ) { str1.setNum( o->brightness( ) ); dev->writeLine( "brightness " + str1 ); } if( o->count( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsCount ) { str1.setNum( o->count( ) ); dev->writeLine( "count " + str1 ); } if( o->distanceMaximum( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsDistanceMaximum ) { str1.setNum( o->distanceMaximum( ) ); dev->writeLine( "distance_maximum " + str1 ); } if( o->errorBound( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsErrorBound ) { str1.setNum( o->errorBound( ) ); dev->writeLine( "error_bound " + str1 ); } if( o->grayThreshold( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsGrayThreshold ) { str1.setNum( o->grayThreshold( ) ); dev->writeLine( "gray_threshold " + str1 ); } if( o->lowErrorFactor( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsLowErrorFactor ) { str1.setNum( o->lowErrorFactor( ) ); dev->writeLine( "low_error_factor " + str1 ); } if( o->minimumReuse( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsMinimumReuse ) { str1.setNum( o->minimumReuse( ) ); dev->writeLine( "minimuo->reuse( ) " + str1 ); } if( o->nearestCount( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsNearestCount ) { str1.setNum( o->nearestCount( ) ); dev->writeLine( "nearest_count " + str1 ); } if( o->recursionLimit( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsRecursionLimit ) { str1.setNum( o->recursionLimit( ) ); dev->writeLine( "recursion_limit " + str1 ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } else dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } const double c_defaultRadiosityAdcBailout = 0.01; const double c_defaultRadiosityBrightness = 1.0; const int c_defaultRadiosityCount = 35; const double c_defaultRadiosityErrorBound = 1.8; const double c_defaultRadiosityGrayThreshold = 0.0; const double c_defaultRadiosityLowErrorFactor = 0.5; const double c_defaultRadiosityMaxSample = -1.0; const double c_defaultRadiosityMinimumReuse = 0.015; const int c_defaultRadiosityNearestCount = 5; const double c_defaultRadiosityPretraceStart = 0.08; const double c_defaultRadiosityPretraceEnd = 0.04; const int c_defaultRadiosityRecursionLimit = 2; void PMPov35SerRadiosity( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject*, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMRadiosity* o = ( PMRadiosity* ) object; TQString str1; dev->objectBegin( "radiosity" ); if( o->adcBailout( ) != c_defaultRadiosityAdcBailout ) { str1.setNum( o->adcBailout( ) ); dev->writeLine( "adc_bailout " + str1 ); } if( !o->alwaysSample( ) ) dev->writeLine( "always_sample off" ); if( o->brightness( ) != c_defaultRadiosityBrightness ) { str1.setNum( o->brightness( ) ); dev->writeLine( "brightness " + str1 ); } if( o->count( ) != c_defaultRadiosityCount ) { str1.setNum( o->count( ) ); dev->writeLine( "count " + str1 ); } if( o->errorBound( ) != c_defaultRadiosityErrorBound ) { str1.setNum( o->errorBound( ) ); dev->writeLine( "error_bound " + str1 ); } if( o->grayThreshold( ) != c_defaultRadiosityGrayThreshold ) { str1.setNum( o->grayThreshold( ) ); dev->writeLine( "gray_threshold " + str1 ); } if( o->lowErrorFactor( ) != c_defaultRadiosityLowErrorFactor ) { str1.setNum( o->lowErrorFactor( ) ); dev->writeLine( "low_error_factor " + str1 ); } if( o->maxSample( ) != c_defaultRadiosityMaxSample ) { str1.setNum( o->maxSample( ) ); dev->writeLine( "max_sample " + str1 ); } if( o->media( ) ) dev->writeLine( "media on" ); if( o->minimumReuse( ) != c_defaultRadiosityMinimumReuse ) { str1.setNum( o->minimumReuse( ) ); dev->writeLine( "minimum_reuse " + str1 ); } if( o->nearestCount( ) != c_defaultRadiosityNearestCount ) { str1.setNum( o->nearestCount( ) ); dev->writeLine( "nearest_count " + str1 ); } if( o->normal( ) ) dev->writeLine( "normal on" ); if( o->pretraceStart( ) != c_defaultRadiosityPretraceStart ) { str1.setNum( o->pretraceStart( ) ); dev->writeLine( "pretrace_start " + str1 ); } if( o->pretraceEnd( ) != c_defaultRadiosityPretraceEnd ) { str1.setNum( o->pretraceEnd( ) ); dev->writeLine( "pretrace_end " + str1 ); } if( o->recursionLimit( ) != c_defaultGlobalSettingsRecursionLimit ) { str1.setNum( o->recursionLimit( ) ); dev->writeLine( "recursion_limit " + str1 ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } const int c_defaultGlobalPhotonsGatherMin = 20; const int c_defaultGlobalPhotonsGatherMax = 100; const int c_defaultGlobalPhotonsMediaMaxSteps = 0; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsMediaFactor = 1.0; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsJitter = 0.4; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsAutostop = 0.0; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsExpandIncrease = 0.2; const int c_defaultGlobalPhotonsExpandMin = 40; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusGather = 0.0; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusGatherMulti = 1.0; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusMedia = 0.0; const double c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusMediaMulti = 1.0; void PMPov35SerGlobalPhotons( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject*, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMGlobalPhotons* o = ( PMGlobalPhotons* ) object; TQString str1, str2; dev->objectBegin( "photons" ); if ( o->numberType( ) == PMGlobalPhotons::Spacing ) { str1.setNum( o->spacing( ) ); dev->writeLine( "spacing " + str1 ); } else { str1.setNum( o->count( ) ); dev->writeLine( "count " + str1 ); } if ( o->gatherMin( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsGatherMin || o->gatherMax( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsGatherMax ) { str1.setNum( o->gatherMin( ) ); str2.setNum( o->gatherMax( ) ); dev->writeLine( "gather " + str1 + ", " + str2 ); } if ( o->mediaMaxSteps( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsMediaMaxSteps ) { str1.setNum( o->mediaMaxSteps( ) ); if ( o->mediaFactor( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsMediaFactor ) { str2.setNum( o->mediaFactor( ) ); dev->writeLine( "media " + str1 + ", " + str2 ); } else dev->writeLine( "media " + str1 ); } if ( o->jitter( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsJitter ) { str1.setNum( o->jitter( ) ); dev->writeLine( "jitter " + str1 ); } if ( !o->maxTraceLevelGlobal( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->maxTraceLevel( ) ); dev->writeLine( "max_trace_level " + str1 ); } if ( !o->adcBailoutGlobal( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->adcBailout( ) ); dev->writeLine( "adc_bailout " + str1 ); } if ( o->autostop( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsAutostop ) { str1.setNum( o->autostop( ) ); dev->writeLine( "autostop " + str1 ); } if ( o->expandIncrease( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsExpandIncrease || o->expandMin( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsExpandMin ) { str1.setNum( o->expandIncrease( ) ); str2.setNum( o->expandMin( ) ); dev->writeLine( "expand_thresholds " + str1 + ", " + str2 ); } if ( o->radiusGather( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusGather || o->radiusGatherMulti( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusGatherMulti || o->radiusMedia( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusMedia || o->radiusMediaMulti( ) != c_defaultGlobalPhotonsRadiusMediaMulti ) { TQString str3, str4; str1.setNum( o->radiusGather( ) ); str2.setNum( o->radiusGatherMulti( ) ); str3.setNum( o->radiusMedia( ) ); str4.setNum( o->radiusMediaMulti( ) ); dev->writeLine( "radius " + str1 + ", " + str2 + ", " + str3 + ", " + str4 ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } const double c_defaultPhotonsSpacingMulti = 1.0; void PMPov35SerPhotons( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject*, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMPhotons* o = ( PMPhotons* ) object; TQString str1; dev->objectBegin( "photons" ); if( o->parent( ) && ( o->parent( )->type( ) == "Light" ) ) { if( o->refraction( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "refraction on" ) ); if( o->reflection( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "reflection on" ) ); if( o->areaLight( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "area_light" ) ); } else { if( o->target( ) ) { if( o->spacingMulti( ) != c_defaultPhotonsSpacingMulti ) { str1.setNum( o->spacingMulti( ) ); dev->writeLine( "target " + str1 ); } else dev->writeLine( TQString( "target" ) ); } if( o->refraction( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "refraction on" ) ); if( o->reflection( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "reflection on" ) ); if( !o->collect( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "collect off" ) ); if( o->passThrough( ) ) dev->writeLine( TQString( "pass_through" ) ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerInterior( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMInterior* o = ( PMInterior* ) object; TQString str1; dev->objectBegin( "interior" ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( o->isIorEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->ior( ) ); dev->writeLine( "ior " + str1 ); } if( o->isCausticsEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->caustics( ) ); dev->writeLine( "caustics " + str1 ); } if ( o->isDispersionEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->dispersion( ) ); dev->writeLine( "dispersion " + str1 ); } if ( o->isDispSamplesEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->dispSamples( ) ); dev->writeLine( "dispersion_samples " + str1 ); } if( o->isFadeDistanceEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->fadeDistance( ) ); dev->writeLine( "fade_distance " + str1 ); } if( o->isFadePowerEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->fadePower( ) ); dev->writeLine( "fade_power " + str1 ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerLightGroup( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMLightGroup* o = ( PMLightGroup* ) object; dev->objectBegin( "light_group" ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if ( o->globalLights( ) ) dev->writeLine( "global_lights on" ); else dev->writeLine( "global_lights off" ); dev->objectEnd( ); } const PMVector c_defaultPatternCrackleForm = PMVector( -1.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); const int c_defaultPatternCrackleMetric = 2; const double c_defaultPatternCrackleOffset = 0.0; const bool c_defaultPatternCrackleSolid = false; const int c_defaultPatternFractalExponent = 2; const int c_defaultPatternFractalExtType = 1; const double c_defaultPatternFractalExtFactor = 1.0; const int c_defaultPatternFractalIntType = 0; const double c_defaultPatternFractalIntFactor = 1.0; const double c_defaultPatternSlopeLoSlope = 0.0; const double c_defaultPatternSlopeHiSlope = 1.0; const double c_defaultPatternSlopeLoAlt = 0.0; const double c_defaultPatternSlopeHiAlt = 1.0; const int c_defaultPatternOctaves = 6; const double c_defaultPatternOmega = 0.5; const double c_defaultPatternLambda = 2.0; void PMPov35SerPattern( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject*, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMPattern* o = ( PMPattern* ) object; TQString str, str2; // pattern type switch( o->patternType( ) ) { case PMPattern::PatternAgate: dev->writeLine( "agate" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternAverage: dev->writeLine( "average" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternBoxed: dev->writeLine( "boxed" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternBozo: dev->writeLine( "bozo" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternBumps: dev->writeLine( "bumps" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternCells: dev->writeLine( "cells" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternCrackle: dev->writeLine( "crackle" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternCylindrical: dev->writeLine( "cylindrical" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternDensity: dev->writeLine( "density_file df3 \"" + o->densityFile( ) + "\""); break; case PMPattern::PatternDents: dev->writeLine( "dents" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternGradient: dev->writeLine( "gradient " + o->gradient( ).serialize( ) ); break; case PMPattern::PatternGranite: dev->writeLine( "granite" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternJulia: if( o->fractalMagnet( ) ) { str.setNum( o->fractalMagnetType( ) ); str = "magnet " + str + " "; } else str = ""; str2.setNum( o->maxIterations( ) ); str = str + "julia " + o->juliaComplex( ).serialize( ) + ", " + str2; dev->writeLine( str ); break; case PMPattern::PatternLeopard: dev->writeLine( "leopard" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternMandel: if( o->fractalMagnet( ) ) { str.setNum( o->fractalMagnetType( ) ); str = "magnet " + str + " "; } else str = ""; str2.setNum( o->maxIterations( ) ); dev->writeLine( str + "mandel " + str2 ); break; case PMPattern::PatternMarble: dev->writeLine( "marble" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternOnion: dev->writeLine( "onion" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternPlanar: dev->writeLine( "planar" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternQuilted: dev->writeLine( "quilted" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternRadial: dev->writeLine( "radial" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternRipples: dev->writeLine( "ripples" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternSlope: dev->objectBegin( "slope" ); dev->write( o->slopeDirection( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->slopeLoSlope( ) != c_defaultPatternSlopeLoSlope || o->slopeHiSlope( ) != c_defaultPatternSlopeHiSlope ) { str.setNum( o->slopeLoSlope( ) ); str2.setNum( o->slopeHiSlope( ) ); dev->writeLine( ", " + str + ", " + str2 ); } else dev->writeLine( "" ); if ( o->slopeAltFlag( ) ) { dev->write( "altitude " + o->slopeAltitude( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->slopeLoAltitude( ) != c_defaultPatternSlopeLoAlt || o->slopeHiAltitude( ) != c_defaultPatternSlopeHiAlt ) { str.setNum( o->slopeLoAltitude( ) ); str2.setNum( o->slopeHiAltitude( ) ); dev->writeLine( ", " + str + ", " + str2 ); } else dev->writeLine( "" ); } dev->objectEnd( ); break; case PMPattern::PatternSpherical: dev->writeLine( "spherical" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternSpiral1: str.setNum( o->spiralNumberArms( ) ); dev->writeLine( "spiral1 " + str ); break; case PMPattern::PatternSpiral2: str.setNum( o->spiralNumberArms( ) ); dev->writeLine( "spiral2 " + str ); break; case PMPattern::PatternSpotted: dev->writeLine( "spotted" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternWaves: dev->writeLine( "waves" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternWood: dev->writeLine( "wood" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternWrinkles: dev->writeLine( "wrinkles" ); break; } // depth if( o->parent( ) ) { if( o->depth( ) && o->parent( )->type( ) == "Normal" ) { str.setNum( o->depth( ) ); dev->writeLine( str ); } } // modifiers switch( o->patternType( ) ) { case PMPattern::PatternAgate: str.setNum( o->agateTurbulence( ) ); dev->writeLine( "agate_turb " + str ); break; case PMPattern::PatternCrackle: if ( o->crackleForm( ) != c_defaultPatternCrackleForm ) dev->writeLine( "form " + o->crackleForm( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->crackleMetric( ) != c_defaultPatternCrackleMetric ) { str.setNum( o->crackleMetric( ) ); dev->writeLine( "metric " + str ); } if ( o->crackleOffset( ) != c_defaultPatternCrackleOffset ) { str.setNum( o->crackleOffset( ) ); dev->writeLine( "offset " + str ); } if ( o->crackleSolid( ) ) dev->writeLine( "solid" ); break; case PMPattern::PatternDensity: str.setNum( o->densityInterpolate( ) ); dev->writeLine( "interpolate " + str ); break; case PMPattern::PatternJulia: case PMPattern::PatternMandel: if ( !o->fractalMagnet( ) && o->fractalExponent( ) != c_defaultPatternFractalExponent ) { str.setNum( o->fractalExponent( ) ); dev->writeLine( "exponent " + str ); } if ( o->fractalExtType( ) != c_defaultPatternFractalExtType || o->fractalExtFactor( ) != c_defaultPatternFractalExtFactor ) { str.setNum( o->fractalExtType( ) ); str2.setNum( o->fractalExtFactor( ) ); dev->writeLine( "exterior " + str + ", " + str2 ); } if ( o->fractalIntType( ) != c_defaultPatternFractalIntType || o->fractalIntFactor( ) != c_defaultPatternFractalIntFactor ) { str.setNum( o->fractalIntType( ) ); str2.setNum( o->fractalIntFactor( ) ); dev->writeLine( "interior " + str + ", " + str2 ); } break; case PMPattern::PatternQuilted: str.setNum( o->quiltControl0( ) ); dev->writeLine( "control0 " + str ); str.setNum( o->quiltControl1( ) ); dev->writeLine( "control1 " + str ); break; case PMPattern::PatternBozo: case PMPattern::PatternBumps: case PMPattern::PatternGranite: case PMPattern::PatternWrinkles: switch( o->noiseGenerator( ) ) { case PMPattern::Original: dev->writeLine( TQString( "noise_generator 1" ) ); break; case PMPattern::RangeCorrected: dev->writeLine( TQString( "noise_generator 2" ) ); break; case PMPattern::Perlin: dev->writeLine( TQString( "noise_generator 3" ) ); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } if( o->isTurbulenceEnabled( ) ) { dev->writeLine( "turbulence " + o->valueVector( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->octaves( ) != c_defaultPatternOctaves ) { str.setNum( o->octaves( ) ); dev->writeLine( "octaves " + str ); } if( o->omega( ) != c_defaultPatternOmega ) { str.setNum( o->omega( ) ); dev->writeLine( "omega " + str ); } if( o->lambda( ) != c_defaultPatternLambda ) { str.setNum( o->lambda( ) ); dev->writeLine( "lambda " + str ); } } } const double c_defaultNormalAccuracy = 0.02; void PMPov35SerNormal( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMNormal* o = ( PMNormal* ) object; TQString str1; bool bObject = true; if( o->parent( ) ) { if( o->parent( )->type( ) == "NormalMap" ) bObject = false; } if( bObject ) { dev->objectBegin( "normal" ); if ( o->uvMapping() ) dev->writeLine( "uv_mapping" ); } dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( o->isBumpSizeEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->bumpSize( ) ); dev->writeLine( "bump_size " + str1 ); } if( o->accuracy( ) != c_defaultNormalAccuracy ) { str1.setNum( o->accuracy( ) ); dev->writeLine( "accuracy " + str1 ); } if( bObject ) dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerInteriorTexture( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { dev->objectBegin( "interior_texture" ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } const PMVector c_warpDirectionDefault = PMVector( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const PMVector c_warpOffsetDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const PMVector c_warpFlipDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const PMVector c_warpLocationDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const double c_warpRadiusDefault = 0; const double c_warpStrengthDefault = 0; const double c_warpFalloffDefault = 0; const bool c_warpInverseDefault = false; const PMVector c_warpRepeatDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const PMVector c_warpTurbulenceDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const PMVector c_warpValueVectorDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); const int c_warpOctavesDefault = 6; const double c_warpOmegaDefault = 0.5; const double c_warpLambdaDefault = 2.0; const PMVector c_warpOrientationDefault = PMVector( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); const double c_warpDistExpDefault = 0.0; const double c_warpMajorRadiusDefault = 1.0; void PMPov35SerWarp( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* , PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMWarp* o = ( PMWarp* ) object; TQString str1, str2; dev->objectBegin( "warp" ); switch( o->warpType( ) ) { case PMWarp::Repeat: dev->writeLine( "repeat" ); dev->writeLine( o->direction( ).serialize( ) ); dev->writeLine( "offset " + o->offset( ).serialize( ) ); dev->writeLine( "flip " + o->flip( ).serialize( ) ); break; case PMWarp::BlackHole: dev->writeLine( "black_hole" ); dev->writeLine( o->location( ).serialize( ) ); str1.setNum(o->radius( )); dev->writeLine( ", " + str1 ); if( o->strength( ) != c_warpStrengthDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->strength( )); dev->writeLine( "strength " + str1 ); } if( o->falloff( ) != c_warpFalloffDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->falloff( )); dev->writeLine( "falloff " + str1 ); } if( o->inverse( ) != c_warpInverseDefault ) { if( o->inverse( ) ) dev->writeLine( "inverse" ); } if( o->repeat( ) != c_warpRepeatDefault ) { dev->writeLine( "repeat " + o->repeat( ).serialize( ) ); } if( o->turbulence( ) != c_warpTurbulenceDefault ) { dev->writeLine( "turbulence " + o->turbulence( ).serialize( ) ); } break; case PMWarp::Turbulence: dev->writeLine( "turbulence " + o->valueVector( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->octaves( ) != c_warpOctavesDefault ) { str1.setNum(o->octaves( )); dev->writeLine( "octaves " + str1 ); } if( o->omega( ) != c_warpOmegaDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->omega( ) ); dev->writeLine( "omega " + str1 ); } if( o->lambda( ) != c_warpLambdaDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->lambda( ) ); dev->writeLine( "lambda " + str1 ); } break; case PMWarp::Cylindrical: dev->writeLine( "cylindrical " + o->orientation( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->distExp( ) != c_warpDistExpDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->distExp( ) ); dev->writeLine( "dist_exp " + str1 ); } break; case PMWarp::Spherical: dev->writeLine( "spherical " + o->orientation( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->distExp( ) != c_warpDistExpDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->distExp( ) ); dev->writeLine( "dist_exp " + str1 ); } break; case PMWarp::Toroidal: dev->writeLine( "torodial " + o->orientation( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->distExp( ) != c_warpDistExpDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->distExp( ) ); dev->writeLine( "dist_exp " + str1 ); } if ( o->majorRadius( ) != c_warpMajorRadiusDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->majorRadius( ) ); dev->writeLine( "major_radius " + str1 ); } break; case PMWarp::Planar: str1 = "planar " + o->orientation( ).serialize( ); if ( o->distExp( ) != c_warpDistExpDefault ) { str2.setNum( o->distExp( ) ); dev->writeLine( str1 + ", " + str2 ); } else dev->writeLine( str1 ); break; } dev->objectEnd( ); } const double c_sphereSweepToleranceDefault = 1e-6; void PMPov35SerSphereSweep( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMSphereSweep* o = ( PMSphereSweep* ) object; TQString str1; int numSpheres; TQValueList<PMVector> points; TQValueList<double> radii; dev->objectBegin( "sphere_sweep" ); switch( o->splineType( ) ) { case PMSphereSweep::LinearSpline: dev->writeLine( TQString( "linear_spline," ) ); break; case PMSphereSweep::BSpline: dev->writeLine( TQString( "b_spline," ) ); break; case PMSphereSweep::CubicSpline: dev->writeLine( TQString( "cubic_spline," ) ); break; } numSpheres = o->numberOfPoints( ); str1.setNum( numSpheres ); dev->writeLine( str1 + "," ); points = o->points( ); radii = o->radii( ); for ( int i = 0; i < numSpheres; ++i ) { str1.setNum( radii[i] ); dev->writeLine( points[i].serialize( ) + "," + str1 ); } if ( o->tolerance( ) != c_sphereSweepToleranceDefault ) { str1.setNum( o->tolerance( ) ); dev->writeLine( "tolerance " + str1 ); } dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerFinish( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMFinish* o = ( PMFinish* ) object; TQString str1; dev->objectBegin( "finish" ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( o->isAmbientEnabled( ) ) dev->writeLine( "ambient " + o->ambientColor( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->isDiffuseEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->diffuse( ) ); dev->writeLine( "diffuse " + str1 ); } if( o->isBrillianceEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->brilliance( ) ); dev->writeLine( "brilliance " + str1 ); } if( o->isPhongEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->phong( ) ); dev->writeLine( "phong " + str1 ); } if( o->isPhongSizeEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->phongSize( ) ); dev->writeLine( "phong_size " + str1 ); } if( o->isMetallicEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->metallic( ) ); dev->writeLine( "metallic " + str1 ); } if( o->isSpecularEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->specular( ) ); dev->writeLine( "specular " + str1 ); } if( o->isRoughnessEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->roughness( ) ); dev->writeLine( "roughness " + str1 ); } if( o->isCrandEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->crand( ) ); dev->writeLine( "crand " + str1 ); } if( o->conserveEnergy( ) ) dev->writeLine( "conserve_energy" ); if( o->irid( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->iridAmount( ) ); dev->writeLine( "irid { " + str1 ); str1.setNum( o->iridThickness( ) ); dev->writeLine( "thickness " + str1 ); str1.setNum( o->iridTurbulence( ) ); dev->writeLine( "turbulence " + str1 + " } " ); } if( o->isReflectionEnabled( ) ) { dev->objectBegin( "reflection" ); if ( o->isReflectionMinEnabled( ) ) { dev->writeLine( o->reflectionMinColor( ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->reflectionColor( ).serialize( ) ); } else dev->writeLine( o->reflectionColor( ).serialize( ) ); if ( o->reflectionFresnel( ) ) dev->writeLine( "fresnel" ); if ( o->isRefFalloffEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->reflectionFalloff( ) ); dev->writeLine( "falloff " + str1 ); } if ( o->isRefExponentEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->reflectionExponent( ) ); dev->writeLine( "exponent " + str1 ); } if ( o->isRefMetallicEnabled( ) ) { str1.setNum( o->reflectionMetallic( ) ); dev->writeLine( "metallic " + str1 ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerMesh( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMMesh* o = ( PMMesh* ) object; dev->objectBegin( "mesh" ); if( o->isInsideVectorEnabled( ) ) dev->writeLine( "inside_vector " + o->insideVector( ).serialize( ) ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( !o->hierarchy( ) ) dev->writeLine( "hierarchy off" ); dev->objectEnd( ); } const int c_defaultMediaMethod = 1; const int c_defaultMediaIntervals = 10; const int c_defaultMediaSamplesMin = 1; const int c_defaultMediaSamplesMax = 1; const double c_defaultMediaConfidence = 0.9; const double c_defaultMediaVariance = 0.0078125; const double c_defaultMediaRatio = 0.9; const int c_defaultMediaAALevel = 4; const double c_defaultMediaAAThreshold = 0.1; const double c_defaultMediaScatteringEccentricity = 0; const double c_defaultMediaScatteringExtinction = 1.0; void PMPov35SerMedia( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMMedia* o = ( PMMedia* ) object; TQString str1; TQString str2; dev->objectBegin( "media" ); dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( o->method( ) != c_defaultMediaMethod ) { str1.setNum( o->method( ) ); dev->writeLine( "method " + str1 ); } if( o->intervals( ) != c_defaultMediaIntervals ) { str1.setNum( o->intervals( ) ); dev->writeLine( "intervals " + str1 ); } if( o->samplesMin( ) != c_defaultMediaSamplesMin || o->samplesMax( ) != c_defaultMediaSamplesMax ) { str1.setNum( o->samplesMin( ) ); str2.setNum( o->samplesMax( ) ); if ( o->method( ) < 3 ) dev->writeLine( "samples " + str1 + "," + str2 ); else dev->writeLine( "samples " + str1 ); } if( o->confidence( ) != c_defaultMediaConfidence ) { str1.setNum( o->confidence( ) ); dev->writeLine( "confidence " + str1 ); } if( o->variance( ) != c_defaultMediaVariance ) { str1.setNum( o->variance( ) ); dev->writeLine( "variance " + str1 ); } if( o->ratio( ) != c_defaultMediaRatio ) { str1.setNum( o->ratio( ) ); dev->writeLine( "ratio " + str1 ); } if ( o->method( ) == 3 ) { if ( o->aaLevel( ) != c_defaultMediaAALevel ) { str1.setNum( o->aaLevel( ) ); dev->writeLine( "aa_level " + str1 ); } if ( o->aaThreshold( ) != c_defaultMediaAAThreshold ) { str1.setNum( o->aaThreshold( ) ); dev->writeLine( "aa_threshold " + str1 ); } } if( o->isAbsorptionEnabled( ) ) { dev->writeLine( "absorption " + o->absorption( ).serialize( ) ); } if( o->isEmissionEnabled( ) ) { dev->writeLine( "emission " + o->emission( ).serialize( ) ); } if( o->isScatteringEnabled( ) ) { dev->objectBegin( "scattering" ); str1.setNum( o->scatteringType( ) ); dev->writeLine( str1 + ", " + o->scatteringColor( ).serialize( ) ); if( o->scatteringType( ) == 5 && o->scatteringEccentricity( ) != c_defaultMediaScatteringEccentricity ) { str1.setNum( o->scatteringEccentricity( ) ); dev->writeLine( "eccentricity " + str1 ); } if( o->scatteringExtinction( ) != c_defaultMediaScatteringExtinction ) { str1.setNum( o->scatteringExtinction( ) ); dev->writeLine( "extinction " + str1 ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerGraphicalObject( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMGraphicalObject* o = ( PMGraphicalObject* ) object; dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( o->noShadow( ) ) dev->writeLine( "no_shadow" ); if( o->noImage( ) ) dev->writeLine( "no_image" ); if( o->noReflection( ) ) dev->writeLine( "no_reflection" ); if( o->doubleIlluminate( ) ) dev->writeLine( "double_illuminate" ); } void PMPov35SerPigment( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMPigment* o = ( PMPigment* ) object; bool bObject = true; if( o->parent( ) ) if( o->parent( )->type( ) == "PigmentMap" ) bObject = false; if( bObject ) { dev->objectBegin( "pigment" ); if ( o->uvMapping() ) dev->writeLine( "uv_mapping" ); } dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( bObject ) dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerTexture( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMTexture* o = ( PMTexture* ) object; bool bObject = true; if( o->parent( ) ) if( o->parent( )->type( ) == "TextureMap" ) bObject = false; if( bObject ) { dev->objectBegin( "texture" ); if ( o->uvMapping() ) dev->writeLine( "uv_mapping" ); } dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); if( bObject ) dev->objectEnd( ); } const double c_defaultPatchFlatness = 0; void PMPov35SerBicubicPatch( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMBicubicPatch* o = ( PMBicubicPatch* ) object; int u, v; TQString str, line; dev->objectBegin( "bicubic_patch" ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); str.setNum( o->patchType( ) ); dev->writeLine( "type " + str ); if( !approx( o->flatness( ), c_defaultPatchFlatness ) ) { str.setNum( o->flatness( ) ); dev->writeLine( "flatness " + str ); } str.setNum( o->uSteps( ) ); dev->writeLine( "u_steps " + str ); str.setNum( o->vSteps( ) ); dev->writeLine( "v_steps " + str ); if( o->isUVEnabled( ) ) { dev->writeLine( "uv_vectors " + o->uvVector( 0 ).serialize( ) + " " + o->uvVector( 1 ).serialize( ) + " " + o->uvVector( 2 ).serialize( ) + " " + o->uvVector( 3 ).serialize( ) ); } for( v = 0; v < 4; v++ ) { line = o->controlPoint( v*4 ).serialize( ); for( u = 1; u < 4; u++ ) line += TQString( ", " ) + o->controlPoint( u+4*v ).serialize( ); if( v != 3 ) line += ","; dev->writeLine( line ); } dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); } void PMPov35SerTriangle( const PMObject* object, const PMMetaObject* metaObject, PMOutputDevice* dev ) { PMTriangle* o = ( PMTriangle* ) object; if( o->isSmoothTriangle( ) ) { dev->objectBegin( "smooth_triangle" ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); dev->writeLine( o->point( 0 ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->normal( 0 ).serialize( ) + "," ); dev->writeLine( o->point( 1 ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->normal( 1 ).serialize( ) + "," ); dev->writeLine( o->point( 2 ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->normal( 2 ).serialize( ) ); } else { dev->objectBegin( "triangle" ); dev->writeName( object->name( ) ); dev->writeLine( o->point( 0 ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->point( 1 ).serialize( ) + ", " + o->point( 2 ).serialize( ) ); } if( o->isUVEnabled( ) ) { dev->writeLine( "uv_vectors " + o->uvVector( 0 ).serialize( ) + " " + o->uvVector( 1 ).serialize( ) + " " + o->uvVector( 2 ).serialize( ) ); } dev->callSerialization( object, metaObject->superClass( ) ); dev->objectEnd( ); }