    copyright            : (C) 2003 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include <config.h>

class TQIODevice;

#include "pmobject.h"
#include "pmerrordialog.h"

#include <tqdict.h>

 * Class to serialize an object or a list of objects.
 * Normally you don't have to create instances of this type or subclasses,
 * the class @ref PMIOFormat has factory methods to create them.
 * There is one sub class for each format.
 * During serialization, errors can occur. These are returned
 * by the method @ref errors.
class PMSerializer
    * Default constructor
    * The serialized data will be written to the io device
   PMSerializer( TQIODevice* dev );
    * Destructor
   virtual ~PMSerializer( );
    * Returns the translated description of the format. Should return
    * the same string as description( ) of the corresponding
    * IO format.
   virtual TQString description( ) const = 0;

    * Serializes one object to the device
   virtual void serialize( PMObject* o ) = 0;
    * Serializes a list of objects. The default
    * implementation will call serialize( PMObject* ) for each object.
   virtual void serializeList( const PMObjectList& objects );
    * Closes the serializer
   virtual void close( ) = 0;

    * Returns the messages of the serializer
   PMMessageList messages( ) const { return m_messages; }
    * Returns true if there were errors during serializing
   bool errors( ) const { return m_errors > 0; }
    * Returns true if there were warnings during serializing
   bool warnings( ) const { return m_warnings > 0; }
    * Returns true, if a fatal error occurred
    * and it doesn't make sense to continue
   bool fatal( ) const { return m_bFatalError; }
    * Returns a bitwise combination of @ref PMErrorFlags constants
   int errorFlags( ) const;

    * Adds an error to the message string
   void printError( const TQString& msg );
    * Adds a warning to the message string
   void printWarning( const TQString& msg );
    * Adds an info to the message string
   void printInfo( const TQString& msg );
    * Adds the message to the message string. Type is "error", "warning",
    * "info"
   void printMessage( const TQString& type, const TQString& msg );

    * Sets the fatal error flag
   void setFatalError( ) { m_bFatalError = true; }

    * returns the maximum number of errors
   static unsigned maxErrors( ) { return s_maxErrors; }
    * sets the maximum number of errors to m
   static void setMaxErrors( unsigned m ) { s_maxErrors = m; }
    * returns the maximum number of warnings
   static unsigned maxWarnings( ) { return s_maxWarnings; }
    * sets the maximum number of warnings to m
   static void setMaxWarnings( unsigned m ) { s_maxWarnings = m; }

    * The assigned IO device for serialization
   TQIODevice* m_pDev;

    * The serializer output (errors, warnings...)
   PMMessageList m_messages;
    * A dictionary object -> message
   TQPtrDict< TQPtrList<PMMessage> > m_messageDict;
    * Number of warnings during parsing
   unsigned int m_warnings;
    * Number of errors during parsing
   unsigned int m_errors;
    * Flag for fatal errors
   bool m_bFatalError;

    * maximum number of errors
   static unsigned int s_maxErrors;
    * maximum number of warnings
   static unsigned int s_maxWarnings;
