    copyright            : (C) 2001-2002 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *

#include "pmtexturemapedit.h"
#include "pmtexturemap.h"

#include "pmxmlhelper.h"
#include "pmmapmemento.h"

#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <klocale.h>

class PMValueProperty : public PMPropertyBase
   PMValueProperty( )
         : PMPropertyBase( "mapValues", PMVariant::Double )
      m_index = 0;
   virtual int dimensions( ) const { return 1; }
   virtual void setIndex( int /*dimension*/, int index )
      m_index = index;
   virtual int size( PMObject* object, int /*dimension*/ ) const
      return ( ( PMTextureMapBase* ) object )->mapEntries( );
   virtual bool setProtected( PMObject* obj, const PMVariant& var )
      PMTextureMapBase* m = ( PMTextureMapBase* ) obj;
      TQValueList<double> list = m->mapValues( );
      TQValueList<double>::Iterator it = list.at( m_index );

      if( it == list.end( ) )
         kdError( PMArea ) << "Range error in PMTextureMapBase::ValueProperty::set" << endl;
         return false;

      *it = var.doubleData( );

      m->setMapValues( list );
      return true;
   virtual PMVariant getProtected( const PMObject* obj )
      PMTextureMapBase* m = ( PMTextureMapBase* ) obj;
      TQValueList<double> list = m->mapValues( );
      TQValueList<double>::ConstIterator it = list.at( m_index );

      if( it == list.end( ) )
         kdError( PMArea ) << "Range error in PMTextureMapBase::ValueProperty::get" << endl;
         return PMVariant( );

      return PMVariant( *it );

   int m_index;

PMMetaObject* PMTextureMapBase::s_pMetaObject = 0;

PMTextureMapBase::PMTextureMapBase( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMTextureMapBase::PMTextureMapBase( const PMTextureMapBase& m )
      : Base( m )

PMTextureMapBase::~PMTextureMapBase( )

void PMTextureMapBase::serialize( TQDomElement& e, TQDomDocument& doc ) const
   e.setAttribute( "map_values", valuesToString( ) );
   Base::serialize( e, doc );

void PMTextureMapBase::readAttributes( const PMXMLHelper& h )
   stringToValues( h.stringAttribute( "map_values", "" ) );
   Base::readAttributes( h );

TQString PMTextureMapBase::valuesToString( ) const
   TQString str;
   TQValueList<double>::ConstIterator it;

   it = m_mapValues.begin( );
   if( it != m_mapValues.end( ) )
      str.setNum( *it );
      for( ; it != m_mapValues.end( ); ++it )
         str += TQString( " %1" ).arg( *it );
   return str;

void PMTextureMapBase::stringToValues( const TQString& str )
   m_mapValues.clear( );
   TQString tstr = str;
   TQTextIStream s( &tstr );
   double d;

   while( !s.atEnd( ) )
      s >> d;
      m_mapValues.append( d );

PMMetaObject* PMTextureMapBase::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "TextureMapBase", Base::metaObject( ) );
      s_pMetaObject->addProperty( new PMValueProperty( ) );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMTextureMapBase::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

PMDialogEditBase* PMTextureMapBase::editWidget( TQWidget* parent ) const
   return new PMTextureMapEdit( parent );

void PMTextureMapBase::restoreMemento( PMMemento* s )
   PMMapMemento* m = ( PMMapMemento* ) s;
   if( m->mapValuesSaved( ) )
      if( m_pMemento )
         ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setMapValues( m_mapValues );
      m_mapValues = m->mapValues( );
   if( m->removedValuesSaved( ) )
      if( m_pMemento )
         ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setRemovedValues( m_removedValues );
      m_removedValues = m->removedValues( );

   Base::restoreMemento( s );

void PMTextureMapBase::createMemento( )
   if( m_pMemento )
      delete m_pMemento;
   m_pMemento = new PMMapMemento( this );

TQValueList<double>::Iterator PMTextureMapBase::valueForChild( PMObject* obj )
   PMObject* o = firstChild( );
   TQValueList<double>::Iterator it = m_mapValues.begin( );

   while( o && ( o != obj ) )
      if( o->type( ) == mapType( ) )
      o = o->nextSibling( );
   return it;

double PMTextureMapBase::mapValue( const PMObject* obj ) const
   PMObject* o = firstChild( );
   TQValueList<double>::ConstIterator it = m_mapValues.begin( );

   while( o && ( o != obj ) )
      if( o->type( ) == mapType( ) )
      o = o->nextSibling( );
   return *it;

void PMTextureMapBase::childAdded( PMObject* ao )
   if( ( unsigned ) countChildren( ) <= m_mapValues.count( ) )

   if( m_pMemento )
      ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setMapValues( m_mapValues );
   if( m_removedValues.isEmpty( ) )
      TQValueList<double>::Iterator it = valueForChild( ao );
      if( it == m_mapValues.end( ) )
         if( it == m_mapValues.end( ) )
            m_mapValues.append( 0.0 );
            double v = *it + 0.1;
            if( v > 1.0 )
               v = 1.0;
            m_mapValues.append( v );
      else if( it == m_mapValues.begin( ) )
         m_mapValues.prepend( 0.0 );
         double va = *it;
         double vb = *( --it );
         m_mapValues.insert( ++it, ( va + vb ) / 2.0 );
      if( m_pMemento )
         ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setRemovedValues( m_removedValues );

      TQValueList<double>::Iterator it = m_mapValues.begin( );
      bool stop = false;
      double v = m_removedValues.last( );
      m_removedValues.remove( m_removedValues.fromLast( ) );

      while( ( it != m_mapValues.end( ) ) && !stop )
         if( ( *it ) > v )
            stop = true;
      m_mapValues.insert( it, v );

bool PMTextureMapBase::takeChild( PMObject* o )
   if( m_pMemento )
      ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setMapValues( m_mapValues );
      ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setRemovedValues( m_removedValues );

   TQValueList<double>::Iterator it = valueForChild( o );
   if( it != m_mapValues.end( ) )
      m_removedValues.append( *it );
      m_mapValues.remove( it );

   return Base::takeChild( o );

void PMTextureMapBase::setMapValues( const TQValueList<double>& v )
   if( m_pMemento )
      ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setMapValues( m_mapValues );
      ( ( PMMapMemento* ) m_pMemento )->setRemovedValues( m_removedValues );
   m_removedValues.clear( );
   m_mapValues = v;

PMObject* PMTextureMapBase::nextMapEntry( PMObject* o )
   bool stop = false;
   PMObject* result = o;

      if( result == 0 )
         result = firstChild( );
         result = result->nextSibling( );

      if( !result )
         stop = true;
      else if( result->type( ) == mapType( ) )
         stop = true;
   while( !stop );

   return result;

PMMetaObject* PMTextureMap::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewTextureMap( PMPart* part )
   return new PMTextureMap( part );

PMTextureMap::PMTextureMap( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMTextureMap::PMTextureMap( const PMTextureMap& m )
      : Base( m )

PMTextureMap::~PMTextureMap( )

PMMetaObject* PMTextureMap::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "TextureMap", Base::metaObject( ),
                                        createNewTextureMap );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMTextureMap::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

TQString PMTextureMap::description( ) const
   return i18n( "texture map" );

PMMetaObject* PMPigmentMap::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewPigmentMap( PMPart* part )
   return new PMPigmentMap( part );

PMPigmentMap::PMPigmentMap( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMPigmentMap::PMPigmentMap( const PMPigmentMap& m )
      : Base( m )

PMPigmentMap::~PMPigmentMap( )

PMMetaObject* PMPigmentMap::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "PigmentMap", Base::metaObject( ),
                                        createNewPigmentMap );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMPigmentMap::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

TQString PMPigmentMap::description( ) const
   return i18n( "pigment map" );

PMMetaObject* PMColorMap::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewColorMap( PMPart* part )
   return new PMColorMap( part );

PMColorMap::PMColorMap( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMColorMap::PMColorMap( const PMColorMap& m )
      : Base( m )

PMColorMap::~PMColorMap( )

PMMetaObject* PMColorMap::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "ColorMap", Base::metaObject( ),
                                        createNewColorMap );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMColorMap::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

TQString PMColorMap::description( ) const
   return i18n( "color map" );

PMMetaObject* PMNormalMap::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewNormalMap( PMPart* part )
   return new PMNormalMap( part );

PMNormalMap::PMNormalMap( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMNormalMap::PMNormalMap( const PMNormalMap& m )
      : Base( m )

PMNormalMap::~PMNormalMap( )

PMMetaObject* PMNormalMap::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "NormalMap", Base::metaObject( ),
                                        createNewNormalMap );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMNormalMap::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

TQString PMNormalMap::description( ) const
   return i18n( "normal map" );

PMMetaObject* PMSlopeMap::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewSlopeMap( PMPart* part )
   return new PMSlopeMap( part );

PMSlopeMap::PMSlopeMap( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMSlopeMap::PMSlopeMap( const PMSlopeMap& m )
      : Base( m )

PMSlopeMap::~PMSlopeMap( )

PMMetaObject* PMSlopeMap::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "SlopeMap", Base::metaObject( ),
                                        createNewSlopeMap );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMSlopeMap::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

TQString PMSlopeMap::description( ) const
   return i18n( "slope map" );

PMMetaObject* PMDensityMap::s_pMetaObject = 0;
PMObject* createNewDensityMap( PMPart* part )
   return new PMDensityMap( part );

PMDensityMap::PMDensityMap( PMPart* part )
      : Base( part )

PMDensityMap::PMDensityMap( const PMDensityMap& m )
      : Base( m )

PMDensityMap::~PMDensityMap( )

PMMetaObject* PMDensityMap::metaObject( ) const
   if( !s_pMetaObject )
      s_pMetaObject = new PMMetaObject( "DensityMap", Base::metaObject( ),
                                        createNewDensityMap );
   return s_pMetaObject;

void PMDensityMap::cleanUp( ) const
   if( s_pMetaObject )
      delete s_pMetaObject;
      s_pMetaObject = 0;
   Base::cleanUp( );

TQString PMDensityMap::description( ) const
   return i18n( "density map" );