/* ************************************************************************** description -------------------- copyright : (C) 2001 by Andreas Zehender email : zehender@kde.org ************************************************************************** ************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * **************************************************************************/ #include "pmtexturemapedit.h" #include "pmtexturemap.h" #include "pmlineedits.h" #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> PMTextureMapEdit::PMTextureMapEdit( TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) : Base( parent, name ) { m_pDisplayedObject = 0; m_numValues = 0; } void PMTextureMapEdit::createTopWidgets( ) { Base::createTopWidgets( ); topLayout( )->addWidget( new TQLabel( i18n( "Map values:" ), this ) ); m_pNoChildLabel = new TQLabel( i18n( "(No Child Objects)" ), this ); m_pPureLinkLabel = new TQLabel( i18n( "(Pure Link)" ), this ); topLayout( )->addWidget( m_pNoChildLabel ); topLayout( )->addWidget( m_pPureLinkLabel ); TQHBoxLayout* hl = new TQHBoxLayout( topLayout( ) ); m_pEditLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( hl ); hl->addStretch( 1 ); } void PMTextureMapEdit::displayObject( PMObject* o ) { TQString str; if( o->isA( "TextureMapBase" ) ) { bool readOnly = o->isReadOnly( ); m_pDisplayedObject = ( PMTextureMapBase* ) o; TQValueList<double> mv = m_pDisplayedObject->mapValues( ); TQValueList<double>::Iterator vit = mv.begin( ); TQPtrListIterator<PMFloatEdit> eit( m_edits ); PMFloatEdit* edit; m_numValues = 0; for( ; vit != mv.end( ); ++vit ) { if( eit.current( ) ) { eit.current( )->setValue( *vit ); eit.current( )->show( ); eit.current( )->setReadOnly( readOnly ); ++eit; } else { edit = new PMFloatEdit( this ); m_pEditLayout->addWidget( edit ); m_edits.append( edit ); edit->setValue( *vit ); edit->setValidation( true, 0.0, true, 1.0 ); edit->setReadOnly( readOnly ); connect( edit, TQT_SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ), TQT_SIGNAL( dataChanged( ) ) ); } m_numValues++; } for( ; eit.current( ); ++eit ) eit.current( )->hide( ); if( m_numValues == 0 ) { if( o->linkedObject( ) ) { m_pPureLinkLabel->show( ); m_pNoChildLabel->hide( ); } else { m_pPureLinkLabel->hide( ); m_pNoChildLabel->show( ); } } else { m_pNoChildLabel->hide( ); m_pPureLinkLabel->hide( ); } } else kdError( PMArea ) << "PMTextureMapEdit: Can't display object\n"; Base::displayObject( o ); enableLinkEdit( m_numValues == 0 ); } void PMTextureMapEdit::saveContents( ) { if( m_pDisplayedObject ) { if( m_numValues > 0 ) { TQPtrListIterator<PMFloatEdit> it( m_edits ); int i = 0; TQValueList<double> values; for( ; ( i < m_numValues ) && it.current( ); ++i, ++it ) values.append( it.current( )->value( ) ); m_pDisplayedObject->setMapValues( values ); } Base::saveContents( ); } } bool PMTextureMapEdit::isDataValid( ) { TQPtrListIterator<PMFloatEdit> it( m_edits ); int i = 0; double last = 0.0; for( ; ( i < m_numValues ) && it.current( ); ++i, ++it ) { if( !it.current( )->isDataValid( ) ) return false; if( it.current( )->value( ) < last ) { KMessageBox::error( this, i18n( "The map values have to be increasing." ), i18n( "Error" ) ); it.current( )->setFocus( ); return false; } last = it.current( )->value( ); } return Base::isDataValid( ); } #include "pmtexturemapedit.moc"