    copyright            : (C) 2000-2001 by Andreas Zehender
    email                : zehender@kde.org

*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*  (at your option) any later version.                                   *
*                                                                        *


#include "pmface.h"
#include "pmpoint.h"
#include "pmline.h"
#include "pmmatrix.h"
#include "pmobject.h"
#include "pmvector.h"

 * Represents the view structure (points, lines, faces) of an object
 * Faces are not implemented yet but are needed later to calculate the view
 * structure of csg objects

class PMViewStructure
   friend class PMObject;
    * Creates an empty view structure
   PMViewStructure( );
    * Creates a view structure with n points, l lines and f faces.
   PMViewStructure( unsigned int n, unsigned int l, unsigned int f = 0 );
    * Creates a copy of the view structure. m_points, m_lines and m_faces are shared
   PMViewStructure( const PMViewStructure& vs );
    * Creates a copy of the view structure. m_points, m_lines anf m_faces are shared
   PMViewStructure( const PMViewStructure* vs );

    * Returns a reference to the array of points
   PMPointArray& points( ) { return m_points; }
    * Returns a reference to the array of lines
   PMLineArray& lines( ) { return m_lines; }
    * Returns a refrence to the array of faces
   PMFaceArray& faces( ) { return m_faces; }
    * Returns the parameter key
   int parameterKey( ) const { return m_parameterKey; }
    * Sets the parameter key
   void setParameterKey( int k ) { m_parameterKey = k; }

    * Assigns the view structure to this view structure.
    * The points and lines are shared
   PMViewStructure& operator = ( const PMViewStructure& vs );
    * Returns true if the view structures share the same points and lines
   bool operator == ( const PMViewStructure& vs ) const;
    * Returns false if the view structures share the same points and lines
   bool operator != ( const PMViewStructure& vs ) const;
    * Not transformed points, can be shared between PMObjects
    * of the same type. m_points.data( ) can be used as vertex array.
    * Optimized for fast rendering.
   PMPointArray m_points;
    * Lines to display. m_lines.data( ) can be used by glDrawElements.
    * Optimized for fast rendering.
   PMLineArray m_lines;
    * Faces to display.
   PMFaceArray m_faces;
    * View structure parameter key.
    * Each class can have parameters that modifies the number of lines and
    * points of a view structure (detail level).
    * The framework determines if the view structure is up to date by
    * comparing the key with the parameter key of the corresponding class.
   int m_parameterKey;

 * Class for bounding boxes of PMObjects
class PMBoundingBox
    * Creates a bounding box with min and max vectors
   PMBoundingBox( const PMVector& min, const PMVector& max );
    * Creates an invalid bounding box. @ref PMObject::boundingBox() returns
    * an invalid bounding box, if the object has none.
   PMBoundingBox( );

    * Returns the minimum coordinates
   PMVector min( ) const { return m_min; }
    * Returns the maximum coordinates
   PMVector max( ) const { return m_max; }
    * Returns the minumum x coordinate
   double minX( ) const { return m_min.x( ); }
    * Returns the minumum y coordinate
   double minY( ) const { return m_min.y( ); }
    * Returns the minumum z coordinate
   double minZ( ) const { return m_min.z( ); }
    * Returns the maximum x coordinate
   double maxX( ) const { return m_max.x( ); }
    * Returns the maximum y coordinate
   double maxY( ) const { return m_max.y( ); }
    * Returns the maximum z coordinate
   double maxZ( ) const { return m_max.z( ); }
    * Sets the minimum coordinates
   void setMin( const PMVector& min ) { m_min = min; }
    * Sets the maximum coordinates
   void setMax( const PMVector& max ) { m_max = max; }
    * Sets the minimum x coordinate
   void setMinX( const double c ) { m_min.setX( c ); }
    * Sets the minimum y coordinate
   void setMinY( const double c ) { m_min.setY( c ); }
    * Sets the minimum z coordinate
   void setMinZ( const double c ) { m_min.setZ( c ); }
    * Sets the maximum x coordinate
   void setMaxX( const double c ) { m_max.setX( c ); }
    * Sets the maximum y coordinate
   void setMaxY( const double c ) { m_max.setY( c ); }
    * Sets the maximum z coordinate
   void setMaxZ( const double c ) { m_max.setZ( c ); }

    * Returns true, if the bounding box is valid
   bool isValid( ) const { return m_bValid; }
    * Sets the valid flag to v
   void setValid( bool v ) { m_bValid = v; }

    * Merges the two bounding boxes
   void mergeWith( const PMBoundingBox& box );

   bool m_bValid;
   PMVector m_min, m_max;
