/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 KSVG Team This file is part of the KDE project This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KSVGCanvas.h" #include "KSVGHelper.h" #include "KSVGTextChunk.h" #include "CanvasItems.h" #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h" #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h" #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h" #include "SVGPathElementImpl.h" #include "SVGMarkerElementImpl.h" #include "SVGTSpanElementImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLengthImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedStringImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLengthListImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl.h" #include <Glyph.h> #include <Converter.h> #include <Font.h> #include <kdebug.h> using namespace KSVG; CanvasText::CanvasText(SVGTextElementImpl *text) : CanvasItem(), m_text(text) { } CanvasText::~CanvasText() { } void CanvasText::handleTSpan(KSVGCanvas *canvas, const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM, int &curx, int &cury, int &endx, int &endy, SVGElementImpl *element, KSVGTextChunk *textChunk, T2P::BezierPath *bpath) { SVGTSpanElementImpl *tspan = dynamic_cast<SVGTSpanElementImpl *>(element); if(!tspan) return; if(!tspan->text().isEmpty() || element->nodeName() == "tref") { if((KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED_ELEMENT(SVGTextPositioningElementImpl::X, tspan) && KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED_ELEMENT(SVGTextPositioningElementImpl::Y, tspan)))// && !bpath) textChunk->addText(tspan->text(), tspan); else { // new absolute value for next textChunk, render old one if(textChunk->count() > 0) { createGlyphs(textChunk, canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, curx, cury, bpath); textChunk->clear(); } int usex, usey; bool bMultipleX = false; bool bMultipleY = false; if(tspan->x()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() == 0) { usex = curx; if(tspan->dx()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 0) usex += int(tspan->dx()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value()); } else { if(tspan->x()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 1) bMultipleX = true; usex = int(tspan->x()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value()); } if(tspan->y()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() == 0) { usey = cury; if(tspan->dy()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 0) usey += int(tspan->dy()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value()); } else { if(tspan->y()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 1) bMultipleY = true; usey = int(tspan->y()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value()); } TQString text = tspan->text(); if(!text.isEmpty()) { T2P::GlyphLayoutParams *params = tspan->layoutParams(); if(bMultipleX || bMultipleY) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if(bMultipleX && i < tspan->x()->baseVal()->numberOfItems()) usex = int(tspan->x()->baseVal()->getItem(i)->value()); if(bMultipleY && i < tspan->y()->baseVal()->numberOfItems()) usey = int(tspan->y()->baseVal()->getItem(i)->value()); textChunk->addText(TQString(text.at(i)), tspan); createGlyphs(textChunk, canvas, screenCTM, usex, usey, endx, endy, bpath); textChunk->clear(); if(!params->tb()) usex += endx; else usey += endy; } } else { textChunk->addText(text, tspan); //createGlyphs(textChunk, canvas, screenCTM, usex, usey, endx, endy, bpath); //textChunk->clear(); } curx = usex; cury = usey; if(!params->tb()) curx += endx; else cury += endy; delete params; } } } DOM::Node node = (tspan->getTextDirection() == LTR) ? tspan->firstChild() : tspan->lastChild(); bool tspanFound = false; for(; !node.isNull(); node = ((tspan->getTextDirection() == LTR) ? node.nextSibling() : node.previousSibling())) { SVGElementImpl *element = m_text->ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); if(node.nodeType() == DOM::Node::TEXT_NODE) { if(tspanFound) { DOM::Text text = node; TQString temp = text.data().string(); textChunk->addText(temp, tspan); } } else if(element->nodeName() == "tspan" || element->nodeName() == "tref") { tspanFound = true; handleTSpan(canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, endx, endy, element, textChunk, 0); } } } KSVGTextChunk *CanvasText::createTextChunk(KSVGCanvas *canvas, const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM, int &curx, int &cury, int &endx, int &endy) { KSVGTextChunk *textChunk = new KSVGTextChunk(); SVGLengthImpl *length = m_text->x()->baseVal()->getItem(0); if(length) curx = int(length->value()); length = m_text->y()->baseVal()->getItem(0); if(length) cury = int(length->value()); // Otherwhise some js scripts which require a child, don't work (Niko) if(!m_text->hasChildNodes()) { DOM::Text impl = static_cast<DOM::Document *>(m_text->ownerDoc())->createTextNode(DOM::DOMString("")); m_text->appendChild(impl); } else { DOM::Node node = (m_text->getTextDirection() == LTR) ? m_text->firstChild() : m_text->lastChild(); for(; !node.isNull(); node = ((m_text->getTextDirection() == LTR) ? node.nextSibling() : node.previousSibling())) { if(node.nodeType() == DOM::Node::TEXT_NODE) { DOM::Text text = node; TQString temp = text.data().string(); if(!temp.isEmpty()) { if(m_text->getTextDirection() != LTR) { TQString convert = temp; for(int i = temp.length(); i > 0; i--) convert[temp.length() - i] = temp[i - 1]; temp = convert; } textChunk->addText(temp, m_text); } } else { SVGElementImpl *element = m_text->ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); if(element->nodeName() == "textPath") { // new absolute value for next textChunk, render old one if(textChunk->count() > 0) { createGlyphs(textChunk, canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, curx, cury); textChunk->clear(); } SVGTextPathElementImpl *tpath = dynamic_cast<SVGTextPathElementImpl *>(element); TQString target = SVGURIReferenceImpl::getTarget(tpath->href()->baseVal().string()); SVGPathElementImpl *path = dynamic_cast<SVGPathElementImpl *>(tpath->ownerSVGElement()->getElementById(target)); T2P::BezierPath *bpath = 0; if(path && path->item()) bpath = tpath->ownerDoc()->canvas()->toBezierPath(path->item()); DOM::Node iterate = tpath->firstChild(); for(; !iterate.isNull(); iterate = iterate.nextSibling()) { if(iterate.nodeType() == DOM::Node::TEXT_NODE) { DOM::Text text = iterate; TQString temp = text.data().string(); if(!temp.isEmpty()) textChunk->addText(temp, tpath); } else { kdDebug() << "FOUND TSPAN IN TEXTPATH! BPATH:" << bpath <<endl; SVGElementImpl *itelement = m_text->ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(iterate.handle()); handleTSpan(canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, endx, endy, itelement, textChunk, bpath); } } if(textChunk->count() > 0) { int usex = 0, usey = 0; createGlyphs(textChunk, canvas, screenCTM, usex, usey, endx, endy, bpath); textChunk->clear(); curx = usex; cury = usey; T2P::GlyphLayoutParams *params = tpath->layoutParams(); if(!params->tb()) curx += endx; else cury += endy; delete params; } } else if(element->nodeName() == "tspan" || element->nodeName() == "tref") handleTSpan(canvas, screenCTM, curx, cury, endx, endy, element, textChunk, 0); } } } return textChunk; } void CanvasText::createGlyphs(KSVGTextChunk *textChunk, KSVGCanvas *canvas, const SVGMatrixImpl *screenCTM, int curx, int cury, int &endx, int &endy, T2P::BezierPath *bpath) const { double _curx = double(curx); TQMemArray<double> _cury(1); _cury[0] = double(cury); T2P::GlyphLayoutParams *params = m_text->layoutParams(); SVGTextPositioningElementImpl *tp = textChunk->getTextElement(0); SVGTextContentElementImpl *tc = textChunk->getTextContentElement(0); SVGTextContentElementImpl *tc0 = tc; T2P::SharedFont font; TQString text; TQPtrList<T2P::GlyphSet> glyphs; glyphs.setAutoDelete(true); double pathAdvance = 0; SVGTextPathElementImpl *tpath = dynamic_cast<SVGTextPathElementImpl *>(tc0); if(tpath) pathAdvance = tpath->startOffset()->baseVal()->value(); double pathLength = bpath ? bpath->length() : 0; double pathDy = 0; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < textChunk->count(); i++) { tp = textChunk->getTextElement(i); tc = textChunk->getTextContentElement(i); if(tp && tp->dx()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 0) if(bpath) pathAdvance += tp->dx()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value() / pathLength; else _curx += tp->dx()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value(); _cury[i] += (tp && tp->dy()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 0) ? tp->dy()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value() : 0; SVGMatrixImpl *tempMatrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); tempMatrix->translate(_curx, _cury[i]); text = textChunk->getText(i); if(i != textChunk->count() - 1) text += TQChar(' '); if(!canvas->fontContext()->ready()) canvas->fontContext()->init(); font = canvas->fontContext()->requestFont(canvas->fontVisualParams(tc)); if(!font) break; double addLetterSpacing = 0; // Apply affine corrections, through lengthAdjust + textLength if(tp && tp->textLength()->baseVal()->value() != -1) { // #1 Measure text SVGTextElementImpl *textElement = dynamic_cast<SVGTextElementImpl *>(tp); const SVGMatrixImpl *ctm = textElement->screenCTM(); T2P::Affine affine; { SVGMatrixImpl *temp = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); temp->multiply(ctm); temp->translate(_curx, _cury[0]); KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(temp, affine); temp->deref(); } T2P::GlyphSet *measure = canvas->fontContext()->calcString(font.get(), text.ucs2(), text.length(), affine, params, bpath); // Free bpath's measure->set().clear(); // #2 Calculate textLength double textLength = tp->textLength()->baseVal()->value(); // #3 Apply the spacing if(tp->lengthAdjust()->baseVal() == LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS) tempMatrix->scaleNonUniform((textLength * ctm->a()) / measure->width(), 1); else if(tp->lengthAdjust()->baseVal() == LENGTHADJUST_SPACING) addLetterSpacing = ((textLength - (measure->width() / ctm->a())) / text.length()); // #4 cleanup delete measure; } { T2P::GlyphLayoutParams *params = tc->layoutParams(); params->setLetterSpacing(params->letterSpacing() + addLetterSpacing); if(bpath) { params->setTextPathStartOffset(pathAdvance); if(tp && tp->dy()->baseVal()->numberOfItems() > 0) pathDy += tp->dy()->baseVal()->getItem(0)->value(); TQString shift = TQString("%1%%").arg((pathDy / font->fontParams()->size()) * -100.0); params->setBaselineShift(shift.latin1()); } T2P::Affine affine; KSVGHelper::matrixToAffine(tempMatrix, affine); tempMatrix->deref(); T2P::GlyphSet *glyph = canvas->fontContext()->calcString(font.get(), text.ucs2(), text.length(), affine, params, bpath); if(bpath) pathAdvance += double(glyph->width()) / pathLength; _curx += (params->tb() ? 0 : glyph->xpen()); _cury.resize(i + 2); _cury[i + 1] = _cury[i] + (params->tb() ? glyph->ypen() : 0); if(!glyph) break; else glyphs.append(glyph); delete params; } } // Calculate text-anchor double anchor = 0; // anchor == "start" is the default here (Rob) if(tc->getTextAnchor() == TAMIDDLE) { if(!params->tb()) anchor = ((_curx - curx) + 1) / 2; else anchor = ((_cury[textChunk->count()] - cury) + 1) / 2; } else if(tc->getTextAnchor() == TAEND) { if(!params->tb()) anchor = (_curx - curx); else anchor = (_cury[textChunk->count()] - cury); } // Render all glyphs of the text chunk // Take first glyphset T2P::GlyphSet *glyph = glyphs.at(0); if(!glyph) return; // Draw 'text-decoration' // TODO: Currently just ignore text-decoration on vertical layouts, is that correct? // Underline and overline have to be drawn before the glyphs are rendered if(tc0->getTextDecoration() & UNDERLINE && !params->tb()) addTextDecoration(tc0, (curx - anchor), (cury + (glyph->underlinePosition() - glyph->pixelBaseline())), _curx - curx, glyph->underlineThickness()); if(tc0->getTextDecoration() & OVERLINE && !params->tb()) addTextDecoration(tc0, (curx - anchor), (cury + (glyph->overlinePosition() - glyph->pixelBaseline())), _curx - curx, glyph->underlineThickness()); for(unsigned int j = 0; j < glyphs.count(); j++) { glyph = glyphs.at(j); SVGTextContentElementImpl *style = textChunk->getTextContentElement(j); // Draw 'text-decoration' // TODO: Currently just ignore text-decoration on vertical layouts, is that correct? // Underline and overline have to be drawn before the glyphs are rendered if(style->getAttribute("text-decoration") == "underline" && !params->tb()) addTextDecoration(style, glyph->bboxX() - anchor, (cury + (glyph->underlinePosition() - glyph->pixelBaseline())), glyph->width(), glyph->underlineThickness()); else if(style->getAttribute("text-decoration") == "overline" && !params->tb()) addTextDecoration(style, glyph->bboxX() - anchor, (cury + (glyph->overlinePosition() - glyph->pixelBaseline())), glyph->width(), glyph->underlineThickness()); renderCallback(style, screenCTM, glyph, params, anchor); // Clear GlyphAffinePair's for(std::vector<T2P::GlyphAffinePair *>::iterator it = glyph->set().begin(); it != glyph->set().end(); ++it) { T2P::GlyphAffinePair *glyphAffine = *it; delete glyphAffine; } glyph->set().clear(); // Draw 'line-through' text decoration // Line-through has to be drawn after the glyphs are rendered if(style->getAttribute("text-decoration") == "line-through" && !params->tb()) addTextDecoration(style, glyph->bboxX() - anchor, (cury + (glyph->strikeThroughPosition() - glyph->pixelBaseline())), glyph->width(), glyph->underlineThickness()); } endx = glyph->bboxX() + glyph->width(); endy = int(_cury[glyphs.count() - 1]); // Draw 'line-through' text decoration // Line-through has to be drawn after the glyphs are rendered if(tc0->getTextDecoration() & LINE_THROUGH && !params->tb()) addTextDecoration(tc0, (curx - anchor), (cury + (glyph->strikeThroughPosition() - glyph->pixelBaseline())), _curx - curx, glyph->underlineThickness()); delete params; } // ##### void MarkerHelper::doMarker(SVGShapeImpl *shape, SVGStylableImpl *style, double x, double y, double angle, const TQString &markerId) { SVGMarkerElementImpl *marker = dynamic_cast<SVGMarkerElementImpl *>(shape->ownerSVGElement()->getElementById(markerId)); if(marker) marker->draw(shape, x, y, style->getStrokeWidth()->baseVal()->value(), angle); } void MarkerHelper::doStartMarker(SVGShapeImpl *shape, SVGStylableImpl *style, double x, double y, double angle) { doMarker(shape, style, x, y, angle, style->getStartMarker()); } void MarkerHelper::doMidMarker(SVGShapeImpl *shape, SVGStylableImpl *style, double x, double y, double angle) { doMarker(shape, style, x, y, angle, style->getMidMarker()); } void MarkerHelper::doEndMarker(SVGShapeImpl *shape, SVGStylableImpl *style, double x, double y, double angle) { doMarker(shape, style, x, y, angle, style->getEndMarker()); } // vim:ts=4:noet