/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 KSVG Team This file is part of the KDE project Additional copyright: (C) 2001 Peter Kelly <pmk@post.com> (C) 2001 Tobias Anton <anton@stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef SVGEventImpl_H #define SVGEventImpl_H #include <tqevent.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <dom/dom_misc.h> #include <dom/dom_node.h> #include <dom/dom2_views.h> #include <dom/dom_string.h> #include "SVGEvent.h" #include "SVGElementImpl.h" #include "ksvg_lookup.h" namespace KSVG { // @ecma-checked 07/07/02@ class SVGEventImpl : public DOM::DomShared { public: SVGEventImpl(); SVGEventImpl(SVGEvent::EventId _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg); virtual ~SVGEventImpl(); SVGEvent::EventId id() { return m_id; } DOM::DOMString type() const; SVGElementImpl *target() const; void setTarget(SVGElementImpl *_target); SVGElementImpl *currentTarget() const; void setCurrentTarget(SVGElementImpl *_currentTarget); unsigned short eventPhase() const; void setEventPhase(unsigned short _eventPhase); bool bubbles() const; bool cancelable() const; DOM::DOMTimeStamp timeStamp(); void stopPropagation(); void preventDefault(); void initEvent(const DOM::DOMString &eventTypeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg); virtual bool isUIEvent() { return false; } virtual bool isMouseEvent() { return false; } virtual bool isMutationEvent() { return false; } virtual bool isKeyEvent() { return false; } virtual DOM::DOMString eventModuleName() { return ""; } virtual bool propagationStopped() { return m_propagationStopped; } virtual bool defaultPrevented() { return m_defaultPrevented; } void setDefaultHandled(); bool defaultHandled() const { return m_defaultHandled; } protected: DOM::DOMString m_type; bool m_canBubble; bool m_cancelable; bool m_propagationStopped; bool m_defaultPrevented; bool m_defaultHandled; SVGEvent::EventId m_id; SVGElementImpl *m_currentTarget; SVGElementImpl *m_target; unsigned short m_eventPhase; TQDateTime m_createTime; public: KSVG_BASECLASS_GET enum { // Properties Type, Target, CurrentTarget, EventPhase, Bubbles, Cancelable, TimeStamp, // Functions GetType, GetTarget, GetCurrentTarget, GetEventPhase, GetBubbles, GetCancelable, GetTimeStamp, StopPropagation, PreventDefault, InitEvent, GetCurrentNode // Out-Of-Spec }; KJS::Value getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState *exec, int token) const; }; class SVGEventListener : public DOM::DomShared { public: SVGEventListener() { } virtual ~SVGEventListener() { } virtual void handleEvent(SVGEventImpl *) { } virtual DOM::DOMString eventListenerType() { return ""; } }; // @ecma-checked 07/07/02@ class SVGUIEventImpl : public SVGEventImpl { public: SVGUIEventImpl(); SVGUIEventImpl(SVGEvent::EventId _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, DOM::AbstractView &viewArg, long detailArg); virtual ~SVGUIEventImpl(); DOM::AbstractView view() const; long detail() const; void initUIEvent(const DOM::DOMString &typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, const DOM::AbstractView &viewArg, long detailArg); virtual bool isUIEvent() { return true; } virtual DOM::DOMString eventModuleName() { return "UIEvents"; } protected: DOM::AbstractView m_view; long m_detail; public: KSVG_GET enum { // Properties View, Detail, // Functions GetView, GetDetail, InitUIEvent }; KJS::Value getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState *exec, int token) const; }; // @ecma-checked 07/07/02@ // Introduced in DOM Level 2: - internal class SVGMouseEventImpl : public SVGUIEventImpl { public: SVGMouseEventImpl(); SVGMouseEventImpl(SVGEvent::EventId _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, DOM::AbstractView &viewArg, long detailArg, long screenXArg, long screenYArg, long clientXArg, long clientYArg, bool ctrlKeyArg, bool altKeyArg, bool shiftKeyArg, bool metaKeyArg, unsigned short buttonArg, SVGElementImpl *relatedTargetArg); virtual ~SVGMouseEventImpl(); long screenX() const; long screenY() const; long clientX() const; long clientY() const; bool ctrlKey() const; bool shiftKey() const; bool altKey() const; bool metaKey() const; unsigned short button() const; SVGElementImpl *relatedTarget() const; void initMouseEvent(const DOM::DOMString &typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, const DOM::AbstractView &viewArg, long detailArg, long screenXArg, long screenYArg, long clientXArg, long clientYArg, bool ctrlKeyArg, bool altKeyArg, bool shiftKeyArg, bool metaKeyArg, unsigned short buttonArg, SVGElementImpl *relatedTargetArg); virtual bool isMouseEvent() { return true; } virtual DOM::DOMString eventModuleName() { return "MouseEvents"; } // KSVG extensions DOM::DOMString url() const; void setURL(DOM::DOMString url); protected: long m_screenX; long m_screenY; long m_clientX; long m_clientY; bool m_ctrlKey; bool m_altKey; bool m_shiftKey; bool m_metaKey; unsigned short m_button; SVGElementImpl *m_relatedTarget; // KSVG extension DOM::DOMString m_url; public: KSVG_GET enum { // Properties ScreenX, ScreenY, ClientX, ClientY, CtrlKey, ShiftKey, AltKey, MetaKey, Button, RelatedTarget, // Functions GetScreenX, GetScreenY, GetClientX, GetClientY, GetCtrlKey, GetShiftKey, GetAltKey, GetMetaKey, GetButton, GetRelatedTarget, InitMouseEvent }; KJS::Value getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState *exec, int token) const; }; class SVGKeyEventImpl : public SVGUIEventImpl { public: SVGKeyEventImpl(); SVGKeyEventImpl(SVGEvent::EventId _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, DOM::AbstractView &viewArg, unsigned short detailArg, DOM::DOMString &outputStringArg, unsigned long keyValArg, unsigned long virtKeyValArg, bool inputGeneratedArg, bool numPadArg); SVGKeyEventImpl(TQKeyEvent *key, DOM::AbstractView &view, SVGEvent::EventId _id); virtual bool isKeyEvent() { return true; } virtual ~SVGKeyEventImpl(); enum KeyCodes { DOM_VK_UNDEFINED = 0x0, DOM_VK_RIGHT_ALT = 0x01, DOM_VK_LEFT_ALT = 0x02, DOM_VK_LEFT_CONTROL = 0x03, DOM_VK_RIGHT_CONTROL = 0x04, DOM_VK_LEFT_SHIFT = 0x05, DOM_VK_RIGHT_SHIFT = 0x06, DOM_VK_LEFT_META = 0x07, DOM_VK_RIGHT_META = 0x08, DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK = 0x09, DOM_VK_DELETE = 0x0A, DOM_VK_END = 0x0B, DOM_VK_ENTER = 0x0C, DOM_VK_ESCAPE = 0x0D, DOM_VK_HOME = 0x0E, DOM_VK_INSERT = 0x0F, DOM_VK_NUM_LOCK = 0x10, DOM_VK_PAUSE = 0x11, DOM_VK_PRINTSCREEN = 0x12, DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK = 0x13, DOM_VK_LEFT = 0x14, DOM_VK_RIGHT = 0x15, DOM_VK_UP = 0x16, DOM_VK_DOWN = 0x17, DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN = 0x18, DOM_VK_PAGE_UP = 0x19, DOM_VK_F1 = 0x1A, DOM_VK_F2 = 0x1B, DOM_VK_F3 = 0x1C, DOM_VK_F4 = 0x1D, DOM_VK_F5 = 0x1E, DOM_VK_F6 = 0x1F, DOM_VK_F7 = 0x20, DOM_VK_F8 = 0x21, DOM_VK_F9 = 0x22, DOM_VK_F10 = 0x23, DOM_VK_F11 = 0x24, DOM_VK_F12 = 0x25, DOM_VK_F13 = 0x26, DOM_VK_F14 = 0x27, DOM_VK_F15 = 0x28, DOM_VK_F16 = 0x29, DOM_VK_F17 = 0x2A, DOM_VK_F18 = 0x2B, DOM_VK_F19 = 0x2C, DOM_VK_F20 = 0x2D, DOM_VK_F21 = 0x2E, DOM_VK_F22 = 0x2F, DOM_VK_F23 = 0x30, DOM_VK_F24 = 0x31 }; bool checkModifier(unsigned long modiferArg); void initKeyEvent(DOM::DOMString &typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, const DOM::AbstractView &viewArg, long detailArg, DOM::DOMString &outputStringArg, unsigned long keyValArg, unsigned long virtKeyValArg, bool inputGeneratedArg, bool numPadArg); void initModifier(unsigned long modifierArg, bool valueArg); bool inputGenerated() const; unsigned long keyVal() const; bool numPad() const { return m_numPad; } DOM::DOMString outputString() const; unsigned long virtKeyVal() const { return m_virtKeyVal; } TQKeyEvent *qKeyEvent; private: unsigned long m_keyVal; unsigned long m_virtKeyVal; bool m_inputGenerated; DOM::DOMString m_outputString; bool m_numPad; // bitfield containing state of modifiers. not part of the dom. unsigned long m_modifier; public: KSVG_GET enum { // Properties KeyVal, VirtKeyVal, OutputString, // Functions CheckModifier, GetKeyVal, GetCharCode }; KJS::Value getValueProperty(KJS::ExecState *exec, int token) const; }; class SVGMutationEventImpl : public SVGEventImpl { public: SVGMutationEventImpl(); SVGMutationEventImpl(SVGEvent::EventId _id, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, SVGElementImpl *relatedNodeArg, const DOM::DOMString &prevValueArg, const DOM::DOMString &newValueArg, const DOM::DOMString &attrNameArg, unsigned short attrChangeArg); ~SVGMutationEventImpl(); SVGElementImpl *relatedNode() const; DOM::DOMString prevValue() const; DOM::DOMString newValue() const; DOM::DOMString attrName() const; unsigned short attrChange() const; void initMutationEvent(const DOM::DOMString &typeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, SVGElementImpl *relatedNodeArg, const DOM::DOMString &prevValueArg, const DOM::DOMString &newValueArg, const DOM::DOMString &attrNameArg, unsigned short attrChangeArg); virtual bool isMutationEvent() { return true; } virtual DOM::DOMString eventModuleName() { return "MutationEvents"; } protected: SVGElementImpl *m_relatedNode; DOM::DOMString m_prevValue; DOM::DOMString m_newValue; DOM::DOMString m_attrName; unsigned short m_attrChange; public: KSVG_FORWARDGET }; class SVGRegisteredEventListener { public: SVGRegisteredEventListener(SVGEvent::EventId _id, SVGEventListener *_listener, bool _useCapture); ~SVGRegisteredEventListener(); bool operator==(const SVGRegisteredEventListener &other); SVGEvent::EventId id; SVGEventListener *listener; bool useCapture; private: SVGRegisteredEventListener(const SVGRegisteredEventListener &); SVGRegisteredEventListener &operator=(const SVGRegisteredEventListener &); }; } KSVG_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE(SVGEventImplProto) KSVG_IMPLEMENT_PROTOFUNC(SVGEventImplProtoFunc, SVGEventImpl) KSVG_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE(SVGUIEventImplProto) KSVG_IMPLEMENT_PROTOFUNC(SVGUIEventImplProtoFunc, SVGUIEventImpl) KSVG_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE(SVGMouseEventImplProto) KSVG_IMPLEMENT_PROTOFUNC(SVGMouseEventImplProtoFunc, SVGMouseEventImpl) KSVG_DEFINE_PROTOTYPE(SVGKeyEventImplProto) KSVG_IMPLEMENT_PROTOFUNC(SVGKeyEventImplProtoFunc, SVGKeyEventImpl) #endif // vim:ts=4:noet