/* Copyright (C) 2001-2003 KSVG Team This file is part of the KDE project This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <cfloat> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include "SVGMaskElement.h" #include "SVGRectImpl.h" #include "SVGDocumentImpl.h" #include "SVGSVGElementImpl.h" #include "SVGMaskElementImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedLengthImpl.h" #include "SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl.h" #include "SVGUnitConverter.h" #include "SVGShapeImpl.h" #include "SVGMatrixImpl.h" #include "KSVGCanvas.h" #include "CanvasItems.h" #include "CanvasFactory.h" #include "KSVGHelper.h" #include <X11/Xos.h> using namespace KSVG; #include "SVGMaskElementImpl.lut.h" #include "ksvg_scriptinterpreter.h" #include "ksvg_ecma.h" SVGMaskElementImpl::SVGMaskElementImpl(DOM::ElementImpl *impl) : SVGElementImpl(impl), SVGTestsImpl(), SVGLangSpaceImpl(), SVGExternalResourcesRequiredImpl(), SVGStylableImpl(this), SVGBBoxTarget() { KSVG_EMPTY_FLAGS m_x = new SVGAnimatedLengthImpl(LENGTHMODE_WIDTH, this); m_x->ref(); m_y = new SVGAnimatedLengthImpl(LENGTHMODE_HEIGHT, this); m_y->ref(); m_width = new SVGAnimatedLengthImpl(LENGTHMODE_WIDTH, this); m_width->ref(); m_height = new SVGAnimatedLengthImpl(LENGTHMODE_HEIGHT, this); m_height->ref(); m_maskUnits = new SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl(); m_maskUnits->ref(); m_maskContentUnits = new SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl(); m_maskContentUnits->ref(); m_converter = new SVGUnitConverter(); m_converter->add(m_x); m_converter->add(m_y); m_converter->add(m_width); m_converter->add(m_height); m_canvas = 0; m_maskCache.setMaxTotalCost(1024 * 1024); } SVGMaskElementImpl::~SVGMaskElementImpl() { if(m_x) m_x->deref(); if(m_y) m_y->deref(); if(m_width) m_width->deref(); if(m_height) m_height->deref(); if(m_maskUnits) m_maskContentUnits->deref(); if(m_maskUnits) m_maskContentUnits->deref(); delete m_converter; if(m_canvas) delete m_canvas; } SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::maskUnits() const { return m_maskUnits; } SVGAnimatedEnumerationImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::maskContentUnits() const { return m_maskContentUnits; } SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::x() const { return m_x; } SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::y() const { return m_y; } SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::width() const { return m_width; } SVGAnimatedLengthImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::height() const { return m_height; } /* @namespace KSVG @begin SVGMaskElementImpl::s_hashTable 7 maskUnits SVGMaskElementImpl::MaskUnits DontDelete|ReadOnly maskContentUnits SVGMaskElementImpl::MaskContentUnits DontDelete|ReadOnly x SVGMaskElementImpl::X DontDelete|ReadOnly y SVGMaskElementImpl::Y DontDelete|ReadOnly width SVGMaskElementImpl::Width DontDelete|ReadOnly height SVGMaskElementImpl::Height DontDelete|ReadOnly @end */ Value SVGMaskElementImpl::getValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token) const { KSVG_CHECK_ATTRIBUTE switch(token) { case MaskUnits: if(!attributeMode) return m_maskUnits->cache(exec); else return Number(m_maskUnits->baseVal()); case MaskContentUnits: if(!attributeMode) return m_maskContentUnits->cache(exec); else return Number(m_maskContentUnits->baseVal()); case X: if(!attributeMode) return m_x->cache(exec); else return Number(m_x->baseVal()->value()); case Y: if(!attributeMode) return m_y->cache(exec); else return Number(m_y->baseVal()->value()); case Width: if(!attributeMode) return m_width->cache(exec); else return Number(m_width->baseVal()->value()); case Height: if(!attributeMode) return m_height->cache(exec); else return Number(m_height->baseVal()->value()); default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled token in " << k_funcinfo << " : " << token << endl; return Undefined(); } } void SVGMaskElementImpl::putValueProperty(ExecState *exec, int token, const Value &value, int attr) { // This class has just ReadOnly properties, only with the Internal flag set // it's allowed to modify those. if(!(attr & KJS::Internal)) return; switch(token) { case MaskUnits: if(value.toString(exec).qstring() == "objectBoundingBox") m_maskUnits->setBaseVal(SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX); else m_maskUnits->setBaseVal(SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE); break; case MaskContentUnits: if(value.toString(exec).qstring() == "objectBoundingBox") m_maskContentUnits->setBaseVal(SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX); else m_maskContentUnits->setBaseVal(SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE); break; case X: converter()->modify(x(), value.toString(exec).qstring()); break; case Y: converter()->modify(y(), value.toString(exec).qstring()); break; case Width: converter()->modify(width(), value.toString(exec).qstring()); break; case Height: converter()->modify(height(), value.toString(exec).qstring()); break; default: kdWarning() << "Unhandled token in " << k_funcinfo << " : " << token << endl; } } SVGRectImpl *SVGMaskElementImpl::getBBox() { SVGRectImpl *ret = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGRect(); ret->setX(m_x->baseVal()->value()); ret->setY(m_y->baseVal()->value()); ret->setWidth(m_width->baseVal()->value()); ret->setHeight(m_height->baseVal()->value()); return ret; } void SVGMaskElementImpl::setAttributes() { SVGElementImpl::setAttributes(); // Spec: if attribute not specified, use objectBoundingBox if(KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED(MaskUnits)) KSVG_SET_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(MaskUnits, "objectBoundingBox") // Spec: if attribute not specified, use userSpaceOnUse if(KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED(MaskContentUnits)) KSVG_SET_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(MaskContentUnits, "userSpaceOnUse") // Spec: if attribute not specified, use "-10%" if(KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED(X)) KSVG_SET_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(X, "-10%"); // Spec: if attribute not specified, use "-10%" if(KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED(Y)) KSVG_SET_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(Y, "-10%"); // Spec: if attribute not specified, use "120%" if(KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED(Width)) KSVG_SET_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(Width, "120%"); // Spec: if attribute not specified, use "120%" if(KSVG_TOKEN_NOT_PARSED(Height)) KSVG_SET_ALT_ATTRIBUTE(Height, "120%"); } SVGMaskElementImpl::Mask SVGMaskElementImpl::createMask(SVGShapeImpl *referencingElement, int imageWidth, int imageHeight) { converter()->finalize(referencingElement, ownerSVGElement(), maskUnits()->baseVal()); TQ_UINT32 *imageBits = new TQ_UINT32[imageWidth * imageHeight]; if(m_canvas == 0) m_canvas = CanvasFactory::self()->loadCanvas(imageWidth, imageHeight); m_canvas->setup(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(imageBits), imageWidth, imageHeight); m_canvas->setBackgroundColor(tqRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); SVGMatrixImpl *baseMatrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); // Set the scale to map the mask onto the image double xScale = static_cast<double>(imageWidth) / width()->baseVal()->value(); double yScale = static_cast<double>(imageHeight) / height()->baseVal()->value(); baseMatrix->scaleNonUniform(xScale, yScale); SVGRectImpl *bbox = referencingElement->getBBox(); if(maskUnits()->baseVal() == SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) baseMatrix->translate(-(bbox->x() + x()->baseVal()->value()), -(bbox->y() + y()->baseVal()->value())); else baseMatrix->translate(-x()->baseVal()->value(), -y()->baseVal()->value()); if(maskContentUnits()->baseVal() == SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { baseMatrix->translate(bbox->x(), bbox->y()); baseMatrix->scaleNonUniform(bbox->width(), bbox->height()); } for(DOM::Node node = firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *element = ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); SVGShapeImpl *tqshape = dynamic_cast<SVGShapeImpl *>(element); SVGTestsImpl *tests = dynamic_cast<SVGTestsImpl *>(element); SVGStylableImpl *style = dynamic_cast<SVGStylableImpl *>(element); bool ok = tests ? tests->ok() : true; if(element && tqshape && style && ok && style->getVisible() && style->getDisplay()) { SVGLocatableImpl *locatable = dynamic_cast<SVGLocatableImpl *>(element); if(locatable) locatable->updateCachedScreenCTM(baseMatrix); element->createItem(m_canvas); if(tqshape->item()) { tqshape->item()->setReferenced(true); m_canvas->tqinvalidate(tqshape->item(), true); } } } m_canvas->update(float(1)); for(DOM::Node node = firstChild(); !node.isNull(); node = node.nextSibling()) { SVGElementImpl *element = ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(node.handle()); SVGShapeImpl *tqshape = dynamic_cast<SVGShapeImpl *>(element); SVGTestsImpl *tests = dynamic_cast<SVGTestsImpl *>(element); SVGStylableImpl *style = dynamic_cast<SVGStylableImpl *>(element); bool ok = tests ? tests->ok() : true; if(element && tqshape && style && ok && style->getVisible() && style->getDisplay()) { if(tqshape) tqshape->removeItem(m_canvas); } } { // Note: r and b reversed //TQImage maskImage(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(imageBits), imageWidth, imageHeight, 32, 0, 0, TQImage::IgnoreEndian); //maskImage.setAlphaBuffer(true); //maskImage.save("mask.png", "PNG"); } TQByteArray maskData(imageWidth * imageHeight); const double epsilon = DBL_EPSILON; // Convert the rgba image into an 8-bit mask, according to the specs. for(int i = 0; i < imageWidth * imageHeight; i++) { TQ_UINT32 rgba = imageBits[i]; #if X_BYTE_ORDER == X_LITTLE_ENDIAN double r = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; double g = ((rgba >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0; double b = ((rgba >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; double a = ((rgba >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0; #else double a = (rgba & 0xff) / 255.0; double b = ((rgba >> 8) & 0xff) / 255.0; double g = ((rgba >> 16) & 0xff) / 255.0; double r = ((rgba >> 24) & 0xff) / 255.0; #endif // Remove pre-multiplication by alpha. if(a > epsilon) { r /= a; g /= a; b /= a; } // Convert to linear RGB r = KSVGHelper::linearRGBFromsRGB(int(r * 255 + 0.5)) / 255.0; g = KSVGHelper::linearRGBFromsRGB(int(g * 255 + 0.5)) / 255.0; b = KSVGHelper::linearRGBFromsRGB(int(b * 255 + 0.5)) / 255.0; // Convert 'luminance to alpha' double luminanceAlpha = 0.2125 * r + 0.7154 * g + 0.0721 * b; // Multiply by alpha. double maskValue = luminanceAlpha * a; maskData[i] = static_cast<unsigned char>(maskValue * 255 + 0.5); } delete [] imageBits; baseMatrix->deref(); bbox->deref(); // The screenToMask matrix is calculated each time the mask is used so we don't // need to set it here. TQWMatrix tempMatrix; return Mask(maskData, tempMatrix, imageWidth, imageHeight); } SVGMaskElementImpl::Mask SVGMaskElementImpl::createMask(SVGShapeImpl *referencingElement) { converter()->finalize(referencingElement, ownerSVGElement(), maskUnits()->baseVal()); SVGMatrixImpl *refCTM = 0; SVGLocatableImpl *locatableRef = dynamic_cast<SVGLocatableImpl *>(referencingElement); if(locatableRef) refCTM = locatableRef->getScreenCTM(); else refCTM = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); double xScale, yScale; refCTM->removeScale(&xScale, &yScale); refCTM->deref(); int imageWidth = static_cast<int>(width()->baseVal()->value() * xScale + 0.5); int imageHeight = static_cast<int>(height()->baseVal()->value() * yScale + 0.5); Mask mask; if(imageWidth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) { CacheKey key(referencingElement, imageWidth, imageHeight); if(!m_maskCache.find(key, mask)) { mask = createMask(referencingElement, imageWidth, imageHeight); m_maskCache.insert(key, mask, imageWidth * imageHeight); } // Generate a mask-coordinates to screen-coordinates matrix SVGMatrixImpl *matrix = 0; if(locatableRef) matrix = locatableRef->getScreenCTM(); else matrix = SVGSVGElementImpl::createSVGMatrix(); if(maskUnits()->baseVal() == SVGMaskElement::SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX) { SVGRectImpl *bbox = referencingElement->getBBox(); matrix->translate(bbox->x() + x()->baseVal()->value(), bbox->y() + y()->baseVal()->value()); bbox->deref(); } else matrix->translate(x()->baseVal()->value(), y()->baseVal()->value()); matrix->scaleNonUniform(1 / xScale, 1 / yScale); TQWMatrix screenToMask = matrix->qmatrix().invert(); matrix->deref(); mask.setScreenToMask(screenToMask); } return mask; } TQByteArray SVGMaskElementImpl::maskRectangle(SVGShapeImpl *tqshape, const TQRect& screenRectangle) { TQByteArray cumulativeMask; do { SVGStylableImpl *style = dynamic_cast<SVGStylableImpl *>(tqshape); if(style && style->hasMask()) { SVGElementImpl *element = tqshape->ownerDoc()->rootElement()->getElementById(style->getMask()); if(element) { SVGMaskElementImpl *maskElement = dynamic_cast<SVGMaskElementImpl *>(element); if(maskElement) { SVGMaskElementImpl::Mask mask = maskElement->createMask(tqshape); if(!mask.isEmpty()) { TQByteArray maskData = mask.rectangle(screenRectangle); if(cumulativeMask.size() == 0) cumulativeMask = maskData; else { int size = cumulativeMask.size(); // Multiply into the cumulative mask (using fast divide by 255) for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { int tmp = maskData[i] * cumulativeMask[i] + 0x80; cumulativeMask[i] = (tmp + (tmp >> 8)) >> 8; } } } } } } DOM::Node parentNode = tqshape->parentNode(); if(!parentNode.isNull()) { SVGElementImpl *parent = tqshape->ownerDoc()->getElementFromHandle(parentNode.handle()); if(parent) tqshape = dynamic_cast<SVGShapeImpl *>(parent); else tqshape = 0; } else tqshape = 0; } while(tqshape); return cumulativeMask; } SVGMaskElementImpl::Mask::Mask(const TQByteArray& mask, const TQWMatrix& screenToMask, int width, int height) : m_width(width), m_height(height), m_mask(mask), m_screenToMask(screenToMask) { } TQByteArray SVGMaskElementImpl::Mask::rectangle(int screenX, int screenY, int width, int height) { TQByteArray rect(width * height); for(int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) { rect[x + y * width] = value(screenX + x, screenY + y); } } return rect; } TQByteArray SVGMaskElementImpl::Mask::rectangle(const TQRect& rect) { return rectangle(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } // vim:ts=4:noet