/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Carsten Pfeiffer <pfeiffer@kde.org>

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqdesktopwidget.h>
#include <tqdialog.h>
#include <tqglobal.h>
#include <tqkeycode.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqsize.h>
#include <tqstring.h>

#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
#include <tdeaccel.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdecmdlineargs.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kcursor.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
#include <tdefilemetainfo.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <khelpmenu.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemenubar.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kpropertiesdialog.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <tdestartupinfo.h>
#include <tdetoolbar.h>
#include <kurlcombobox.h>
#include <kurlcompletion.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <twin.h>
#include <kstdguiitem.h>

#include <kdebug.h>

#include "aboutwidget.h"
#include "filewidget.h"
#include "filecache.h"
#include "imdata.h"
#include "imagewindow.h"
#include "imlibwidget.h"
#include "kuick.h"
#include "kuickfile.h"

#ifdef index
#undef index

#include "kuickconfigdlg.h"
#include "kuickdata.h"
#include "kuickshow.h"
#include "version.h"

#ifdef KeyPress
#undef KeyPress

KuickData* kdata;

static const int URL_ITEM  = 0;
static const int META_ITEM = 1;

TQValueList<ImageWindow*> KuickShow::s_viewers;

KuickShow::KuickShow( const char *name )
    : TDEMainWindow( 0L, name ),
      m_slideshowCycle( 1 ),
      fileWidget( 0L ),
      dialog( 0L ),
      id( 0L ),
      m_viewer( 0L ),
      oneWindowAction( 0L ),
      m_accel( 0L ),
      m_delayedRepeatItem( 0L ),
    aboutWidget = 0L;
    kdata = new KuickData;

    resize( 400, 500 );

    m_slideTimer = new TQTimer( this );
    connect( m_slideTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), TQT_SLOT( nextSlide() ));

    TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config();

    bool isDir = false; // true if we get a directory on the commandline

    // parse commandline options
    TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();

    // files to display
    // either a directory to display, an absolute path, a relative path, or a URL
    KURL startDir;
    startDir.setPath( TQDir::currentDirPath() + '/' );

    int numArgs = args->count();
    if ( numArgs >= 10 )
        // Even though the 1st i18n string will never be used, it needs to exist for plural handling - mhunter
        if ( KMessageBox::warningYesNo(
                 i18n("Do you really want to display this 1 image at the same time? This might be quite resource intensive and could overload your computer.<br>If you choose %1, only the first image will be shown.", 
                      "Do you really want to display these %n images at the same time? This might be quite resource intensive and could overload your computer.<br>If you choose %1, only the first image will be shown.", numArgs).arg(KStdGuiItem::no().plainText()),
                 i18n("Display Multiple Images?"))
             != KMessageBox::Yes )
            numArgs = 1;

    for ( int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++ ) {
        KURL url = args->url( i );
        KFileItem item( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, url, false );

        // for remote URLs, we don't know if it's a file or directory, but
        // FileWidget::isImage() should correct in most cases.
        // For non-local non-images, we just assume directory.

        if ( FileWidget::isImage( &item ) )
            showImage( &item, true, false, true ); // show in new window, not fullscreen-forced and move to 0,0
//    showImage( &item, true, false, false ); // show in new window, not fullscreen-forced and not moving to 0,0
        else if ( item.isDir() )
            startDir = url;
            isDir = true;

        // need to check remote files
        else if ( !url.isLocalFile() )
            KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL( url );
            TQString name = mime->name();
            if ( name == "application/octet-stream" ) // unknown -> stat()
                name = TDEIO::NetAccess::mimetype( url, this );

	    // text/* is a hack for bugs.kde.org-attached-images urls.
	    // The real problem here is that NetAccess::mimetype does a HTTP HEAD, which doesn't
	    // always return the right mimetype. The rest of KDE start a get() instead....
            if ( name.startsWith( "image/" ) || name.startsWith( "text/" ) )
                FileWidget::setImage( item, true );
                showImage( &item, true, false, true );
            else // assume directory, KDirLister will tell us if we can't list
                startDir = url;
                isDir = true;
        // else // we don't handle local non-images

    if ( (kdata->startInLastDir && args->count() == 0) || args->isSet( "lastfolder" )) {
        kc->setGroup( "SessionSettings");
        startDir = kc->readPathEntry( "CurrentDirectory", startDir.url() );

    if ( s_viewers.isEmpty() || isDir ) {
        initGUI( startDir );
	if (!kapp->isRestored()) // during session management, readProperties() will show()

    else { // don't show browser, when image on commandline


    if ( m_viewer )
        m_viewer->close( true );

    free( id );

    delete kdata;

// TODO convert to use xmlui file
void KuickShow::initGUI( const KURL& startDir )
	KURL startURL( startDir );
	if ( !KProtocolInfo::supportsListing( startURL ) )
		startURL = KURL();

    fileWidget = new FileWidget( startURL, this, "MainWidget" );
    setFocusProxy( fileWidget );

    TDEActionCollection *coll = fileWidget->actionCollection();


    connect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( fileSelected( const KFileItem * ) ),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotSelected( const KFileItem * ) ));

    connect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( fileHighlighted( const KFileItem * )),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotHighlighted( const KFileItem * ) ));

    connect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( urlEntered( const KURL&  )),
             this, TQT_SLOT( dirSelected( const KURL& )) );

    connect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( dropped( const KFileItem *, TQDropEvent *, const KURL::List & )),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotDropped( const KFileItem *, TQDropEvent *, const KURL::List &)) );

    // setup actions
    TDEAction *open = KStdAction::open( this, TQT_SLOT( slotOpenURL() ),
                                      coll, "openURL" );

    TDEAction *print = KStdAction::print( this, TQT_SLOT( slotPrint() ),
                                        coll, "kuick_print" );
    print->setText( i18n("Print Image...") );

    TDEAction *configure = new TDEAction( i18n("Configure %1...").arg( TDEGlobal::instance()->aboutData()->programName() ), "configure",
                                      this, TQT_SLOT( configuration() ),
                                      coll, "kuick_configure" );
    TDEAction *slide = new TDEAction( i18n("Start Slideshow" ), "ksslide",
                                  TDEShortcut( Key_F2 ),
                                  this, TQT_SLOT( startSlideShow() ),
                                  coll, "kuick_slideshow" );
    TDEAction *about = new TDEAction( i18n( "About KuickShow" ), "about",
                                  this, TQT_SLOT( about() ), coll, "about" );

    oneWindowAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Open Only One Image Window"),
                                         TDEShortcut( CTRL+Key_N ), coll,
                                         "kuick_one window" );

    m_toggleBrowserAction = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Show File Browser"), TDEShortcut( Key_Space ), coll, "toggleBrowser" );
    m_toggleBrowserAction->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide File Browser"));
    connect( m_toggleBrowserAction, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
             TQT_SLOT( toggleBrowser() ));

    TDEAction *showInOther = new TDEAction( i18n("Show Image"), TDEShortcut(),
                                        this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowInOtherWindow() ),
                                        coll, "kuick_showInOtherWindow" );
    TDEAction *showInSame = new TDEAction( i18n("Show Image in Active Window"),
                                       this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowInSameWindow() ),
                                       coll, "kuick_showInSameWindow" );
    TDEAction *showFullscreen = new TDEAction( i18n("Show Image in Fullscreen Mode"),
					   TDEShortcut(), this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowFullscreen() ),
					   coll, "kuick_showFullscreen" );

    TDEAction *quit = KStdAction::quit( this, TQT_SLOT(slotQuit()), coll, "quit");

    // remove TQString() parameter -- ellis
    coll->readShortcutSettings( TQString() );
    m_accel = coll->accel();

    // menubar
    KMenuBar *mBar = menuBar();
    TQPopupMenu *fileMenu = new TQPopupMenu( mBar, "file" );
    open->plug( fileMenu );
    showInOther->plug( fileMenu );
    showInSame->plug( fileMenu );
    showFullscreen->plug( fileMenu );
    slide->plug( fileMenu );
    print->plug( fileMenu );
    quit->plug( fileMenu );

    TQPopupMenu *editMenu = new TQPopupMenu( mBar, "edit" );
    coll->action("mkdir")->plug( editMenu );
    coll->action("delete")->plug( editMenu );
    coll->action("properties")->plug( editMenu );

    // remove the Sorting submenu (and the separator below)
    // from the main contextmenu
    TDEActionMenu *sortingMenu = static_cast<TDEActionMenu*>( coll->action("sorting menu"));
    TDEActionMenu *mainActionMenu = static_cast<TDEActionMenu*>( coll->action("popupMenu"));
    TQPopupMenu *mainPopup = mainActionMenu->popupMenu();
    int sortingIndex = mainPopup->indexOf( sortingMenu->itemId( 0 ) );
    int separatorId = mainPopup->idAt( sortingIndex + 1 );
    TQMenuItem *separatorItem = mainPopup->findItem( separatorId );
    if ( separatorItem && separatorItem->isSeparator() )
        mainPopup->removeItem( separatorId );
    mainActionMenu->remove( sortingMenu );

    // add the sorting menu and a separator into the View menu
    TDEActionMenu *viewActionMenu = static_cast<TDEActionMenu*>( coll->action("view menu"));
    viewActionMenu->popupMenu()->insertSeparator( 0 );
    sortingMenu->plug( viewActionMenu->popupMenu(), 0 ); // on top of the menu

    TQPopupMenu *settingsMenu = new TQPopupMenu( mBar, "settings" );
    configure->plug( settingsMenu );

    mBar->insertItem( i18n("&File"), fileMenu );
    mBar->insertItem( i18n("&Edit"), editMenu );
    viewActionMenu->plug( mBar );
    mBar->insertItem( i18n("&Settings"), settingsMenu );

    // toolbar
    TDEToolBar *tBar = toolBar();
    tBar->setText( i18n( "Main Toolbar" ) );

    coll->action("up")->plug( tBar );
    coll->action("back")->plug( tBar );
    coll->action("forward")->plug( tBar );
    coll->action("home")->plug( tBar );
    coll->action("reload")->plug( tBar );


    coll->action( "short view" )->plug( tBar );
    coll->action( "detailed view" )->plug( tBar );
    coll->action( "preview")->plug( tBar );

    configure->plug( tBar );
    slide->plug( tBar );
    oneWindowAction->plug( tBar );
    print->plug( tBar );
    about->plug( tBar );

    TQPopupMenu *help = helpMenu( TQString(), false );
    mBar->insertItem( KStdGuiItem::help().text() , help );

    KStatusBar* sBar = statusBar();
    sBar->insertItem( "           ", URL_ITEM, 10 );
    sBar->insertItem( "                          ", META_ITEM, 2 );
    sBar->setItemAlignment(URL_ITEM, TQLabel::AlignVCenter | TQLabel::AlignLeft);


    TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config();
    bool oneWindow = kc->readBoolEntry("OpenImagesInActiveWindow", true );
    oneWindowAction->setChecked( oneWindow );


    // Address box in address tool bar
    TDEToolBar *addressToolBar = toolBar( "address_bar" );
    const int ID_ADDRESSBAR = 1;

    cmbPath = new KURLComboBox( KURLComboBox::Directories,
                                true, addressToolBar, "address_combo_box" );
    KURLCompletion *cmpl = new KURLCompletion( KURLCompletion::DirCompletion );
    cmbPath->setCompletionObject( cmpl );
    cmbPath->setAutoDeleteCompletionObject( true );

    addressToolBar->insertWidget( ID_ADDRESSBAR, 1, cmbPath);
    addressToolBar->setItemAutoSized( ID_ADDRESSBAR );

    connect( cmbPath, TQT_SIGNAL( urlActivated( const KURL& )),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetURL( const KURL& )));
    connect( cmbPath, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed()),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotURLComboReturnPressed()));

    dirSelected( fileWidget->url() );

    setCentralWidget( fileWidget );
    setupGUI( TDEMainWindow::Save );

    coll->action( "reload" )->setShortcut( TDEStdAccel::reload() );
    coll->action( "short view" )->setShortcut(Key_F6);
    coll->action( "detailed view" )->setShortcut(Key_F7);
    coll->action( "show hidden" )->setShortcut(Key_F8);
    coll->action( "mkdir" )->setShortcut(Key_F10);
    coll->action( "preview" )->setShortcut(Key_F11);
    coll->action( "separate dirs" )->setShortcut(Key_F12);

void KuickShow::redirectDeleteAndTrashActions(TDEActionCollection *coll)
    TDEAction *action = coll->action("delete");
    if (action)
        connect(action, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDeleteCurrentImage()));

    action = coll->action("trash");
    if (action)
        connect(action, TQT_SIGNAL(activated()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTrashCurrentImage()));

void KuickShow::slotSetURL( const KURL& url )
    fileWidget->setURL( url, true );

void KuickShow::slotURLComboReturnPressed()
    KURL where = KURL::fromPathOrURL( cmbPath->currentText() );
    slotSetURL( where );

void KuickShow::viewerDeleted()
    ImageWindow *viewer = (ImageWindow*) sender();
    s_viewers.remove( viewer );
    if ( viewer == m_viewer )
        m_viewer = 0L;

    if ( !haveBrowser() && s_viewers.isEmpty() ) {

    else if ( haveBrowser() ) {
        // This setFocus() call causes problems in the combiview (always the
        // directory view on the left gets the focus, which is not desired)
        // fileWidget->setFocus();

    if ( fileWidget )
        // maybe a slideshow was stopped --> enable the action again
        fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_slideshow")->setEnabled( true );


void KuickShow::slotHighlighted( const KFileItem *fi )
    KFileItem *item = const_cast<KFileItem *>( fi );
    statusBar()->changeItem( item->getStatusBarInfo(), URL_ITEM );
    bool image = FileWidget::isImage( fi );

    TQString meta;
    if ( image )
        KFileMetaInfo info = item->metaInfo();
        if ( info.isValid() )
            meta = info.item( KFileMimeTypeInfo::Size ).string();
            KFileMetaInfoGroup group = info.group( "Technical" );
            if ( group.isValid() )
                TQString bpp = group.item( "BitDepth" ).string();
                if ( !bpp.isEmpty() )
                    meta.append( ", " ).append( bpp );
    statusBar()->changeItem( meta, META_ITEM );

    fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_print")->setEnabled( image );
    fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_showInSameWindow")->setEnabled( image );
    fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_showInOtherWindow")->setEnabled( image );
    fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_showFullscreen")->setEnabled( image );

void KuickShow::dirSelected( const KURL& url )
    if ( url.isLocalFile() )
        setCaption( url.path() );
        setCaption( url.prettyURL() );

    cmbPath->setURL( url );
    statusBar()->changeItem( url.prettyURL(), URL_ITEM );

void KuickShow::slotSelected( const KFileItem *item )
    showImage( item, !oneWindowAction->isChecked() );

// downloads item if necessary
void KuickShow::showFileItem( ImageWindow * /*view*/,
                              const KFileItem * /*item*/ )


bool KuickShow::showImage( const KFileItem *fi,
                           bool newWindow, bool fullscreen, bool moveToTopLeft )
    newWindow  |= !m_viewer;
    fullscreen |= (newWindow && kdata->fullScreen);
    if ( FileWidget::isImage( fi ) ) {

        if ( newWindow ) {
            m_viewer = new ImageWindow( kdata->idata, id, 0L, "image window" );
            m_viewer->setFullscreen( fullscreen );
            s_viewers.append( m_viewer );

            connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), TQT_SLOT( viewerDeleted() ));
            connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL( sigFocusWindow( ImageWindow *) ),
                     this, TQT_SLOT( slotSetActiveViewer( ImageWindow * ) ));
            connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL( sigImageError(const KuickFile *, const TQString& ) ),
                     this, TQT_SLOT( messageCantLoadImage(const KuickFile *, const TQString &) ));
            connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL( requestImage( ImageWindow *, int )),
                     this, TQT_SLOT( slotAdvanceImage( ImageWindow *, int )));
	    connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL( pauseSlideShowSignal() ),
		     this, TQT_SLOT( pauseSlideShow() ) );
            connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL (deleteImage (ImageWindow *)),
                     this, TQT_SLOT (slotDeleteCurrentImage (ImageWindow *)));
            connect( m_viewer, TQT_SIGNAL (trashImage (ImageWindow *)),
                     this, TQT_SLOT (slotTrashCurrentImage (ImageWindow *)));
            if ( s_viewers.count() == 1 && moveToTopLeft ) {
                // we have to move to 0x0 before showing _and_
                // after showing, otherwise we get some bogus geometry()
                m_viewer->move( Kuick::workArea().topLeft() );

            m_viewer->installEventFilter( this );

        // for some strange reason, m_viewer sometimes changes during the
        // next few lines of code, so as a workaround, we use safeViewer here.
        // This happens when calling KuickShow with two or more remote-url
        // arguments on the commandline, where the first one is loaded properly
        // and the second isn't (e.g. because it is a pdf or something else,
        // Imlib can't load).
        ImageWindow *safeViewer = m_viewer;

//        file->waitForDownload( this );
//        TQString filename;
//        TDEIO::NetAccess::download(fi->url(), filename, this);

        if ( !safeViewer->showNextImage( fi->url() ) ) {
            m_viewer = safeViewer;
            safeViewer->close( true ); // couldn't load image, close window
        else {
//            safeViewer->setFullscreen( fullscreen );

            if ( newWindow ) {
//                safeViewer->show();

                if ( !fullscreen && s_viewers.count() == 1 && moveToTopLeft ) {
                    // the WM might have moved us after showing -> strike back!
                    // move the first image to 0x0 workarea coord
                    safeViewer->move( Kuick::workArea().topLeft() );

            if ( kdata->preloadImage && fileWidget ) {
                KFileItem *item = 0L;                 // don't move cursor
                item = fileWidget->getItem( FileWidget::Next, true );
                if ( item )
                    safeViewer->cacheImage( item->url() );

            m_viewer = safeViewer;
	    return true;
        } // m_viewer created successfully
    } // isImage

    return false;

void KuickShow::slotDeleteCurrentImage()

void KuickShow::slotTrashCurrentImage()

void KuickShow::slotDeleteCurrentImage(ImageWindow *viewer)
    if (!fileWidget) {
        delayAction(new DelayedRepeatEvent(viewer, DelayedRepeatEvent::DeleteCurrentFile, 0L));

void KuickShow::slotTrashCurrentImage(ImageWindow *viewer)
    if (!fileWidget) {
        delayAction(new DelayedRepeatEvent(viewer, DelayedRepeatEvent::TrashCurrentFile, 0L));

void KuickShow::performDeleteCurrentImage(TQWidget *parent)
    assert(fileWidget != 0L);

    KFileItemList list;
    KFileItem *item = fileWidget->getCurrentItem(false);
    list.append (item);

    if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(
            i18n("<qt>Do you really want to delete\n <b>'%1'</b>?</qt>").arg(item->url().pathOrURL()),
            i18n("Delete File"),
        != KMessageBox::Continue)

    fileWidget->del(list, false, false);

void KuickShow::performTrashCurrentImage(TQWidget *parent)
    assert(fileWidget != 0L);

    KFileItemList list;
    KFileItem *item = fileWidget->getCurrentItem(false);
    if (!item) return;

    list.append (item);

    if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(
            i18n("<qt>Do you really want to trash\n <b>'%1'</b>?</qt>").arg(item->url().pathOrURL()),
            i18n("Trash File"),
            KGuiItem(i18n("to trash", "&Trash"),"edittrash"),
        != KMessageBox::Continue)

    fileWidget->trash(list, parent, false, false);

void KuickShow::tryShowNextImage()
    // move to next file item even if we have no viewer
    KFileItem *next = fileWidget->getNext(true);
    if (!next)
        next = fileWidget->getPrevious(true);

    // ### why is this necessary at all? Why does KDirOperator suddenly re-read the
    // entire directory after a file was deleted/trashed!? (KDirNotify is the reason)
    if (!m_viewer)

    if (next)
        showImage(next, false);
        if (!haveBrowser())
            // ### when simply calling toggleBrowser(), this main window is completely messed up
            TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(toggleBrowser()));

void KuickShow::startSlideShow()
    KFileItem *item = kdata->slideshowStartAtFirst ?
                      fileWidget->gotoFirstImage() :

    if ( item ) {
        m_slideshowCycle = 1;
        fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_slideshow")->setEnabled( false );
        showImage( item, !oneWindowAction->isChecked(),
                   kdata->slideshowFullscreen );
            m_slideTimer->start( kdata->slideDelay );

void KuickShow::pauseSlideShow()
    if(m_slideShowStopped) {
	    m_slideTimer->start( kdata->slideDelay );
	m_slideShowStopped = false;
    else {
	m_slideShowStopped = true;

void KuickShow::nextSlide()
    if ( !m_viewer ) {
        m_slideshowCycle = 1;
        fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_slideshow")->setEnabled( true );

    KFileItem *item = fileWidget->getNext( true );
    if ( !item ) { // last image
        if ( m_slideshowCycle < kdata->slideshowCycles
             || kdata->slideshowCycles == 0 ) {
            item = fileWidget->gotoFirstImage();
            if ( item ) {
                nextSlide( item );

        m_viewer->close( true );
        fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("kuick_slideshow")->setEnabled( true );

    nextSlide( item );

void KuickShow::nextSlide( KFileItem *item )
    m_viewer->showNextImage( item->url() );
        m_slideTimer->start( kdata->slideDelay );

// prints the selected files in the filebrowser
void KuickShow::slotPrint()
    const KFileItemList *items = fileWidget->selectedItems();
    if ( !items )

    KFileItemListIterator it( *items );

    // don't show the image, just print
    ImageWindow *iw = new ImageWindow( 0, id, this, "printing image" );
    KFileItem *item;
    while ( (item = it.current()) ) {
        if (FileWidget::isImage( item ) && iw->loadImage( item->url() ))

    iw->close( true );

void KuickShow::slotShowInOtherWindow()
    showImage( fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false ), true );

void KuickShow::slotShowInSameWindow()
    showImage( fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false ), false );

void KuickShow::slotShowFullscreen()
    showImage( fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false ), false, true );

void KuickShow::slotDropped( const KFileItem *, TQDropEvent *, const KURL::List &urls)
    KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin();
    for ( ; it != urls.end(); ++it )
        KFileItem item( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, *it );
        if ( FileWidget::isImage( &item ) )
            showImage( &item, true );
            fileWidget->setURL( *it, true );

// try to init the WM border as it is 0,0 when the window is not shown yet.
void KuickShow::show()
    (void) Kuick::frameSize( winId() );

void KuickShow::slotAdvanceImage( ImageWindow *view, int steps )
    KFileItem *item      = 0L; // to be shown
    KFileItem *item_next = 0L; // to be cached

    if ( steps == 0 )

    // the viewer might not be available yet. Factor this out somewhen.
    if ( !fileWidget ) {
        if ( m_delayedRepeatItem )

        delayAction(new DelayedRepeatEvent( view, DelayedRepeatEvent::AdvanceViewer, new int(steps) ));

    if ( steps > 0 ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < steps; i++ )
            item = fileWidget->getNext( true );
        item_next = fileWidget->getNext( false );

    else if ( steps < 0 ) {
        for ( int i = steps; i < 0; i++ )
            item = fileWidget->getPrevious( true );
        item_next = fileWidget->getPrevious( false );

    if ( FileWidget::isImage( item ) ) {
//        TQString filename;
//        TDEIO::NetAccess::download(item->url(), filename, this);
        view->showNextImage( item->url() );
        if (m_slideTimer->isActive() && kdata->slideDelay)
            m_slideTimer->start( kdata->slideDelay );

        if ( kdata->preloadImage && item_next ) { // preload next image
            if ( FileWidget::isImage( item_next ) )
                view->cacheImage( item_next->url() );

bool KuickShow::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
    if ( m_delayedRepeatItem ) // we probably need to install an eventFilter over
        return true;    // kapp, to make it really safe

    bool ret = false;
    int eventType = e->type();
    TQKeyEvent *k = 0L;
    if ( eventType == TQEvent::KeyPress )
        k = static_cast<TQKeyEvent*>( e );

    if ( k ) {
        if ( TDEStdAccel::quit().contains( KKey( k ) ) ) {
        else if ( TDEStdAccel::help().contains( KKey( k ) ) ) {
            return true;

    ImageWindow *window = dynamic_cast<ImageWindow*>( o );

    if ( window ) {
        // The XWindow used to display Imlib's image is being resized when
        // switching images, causing enter- and leaveevents for this
        // ImageWindow, leading to the cursor being unhidden. So we simply
        // don't pass those events to KCursor to prevent that.
        if ( eventType != TQEvent::Leave && eventType != TQEvent::Enter )
            KCursor::autoHideEventFilter( o, e );

        m_viewer = window;
        TQString img;
        KFileItem *item = 0L;      // the image to be shown
        KFileItem *item_next = 0L; // the image to be cached

        if ( k ) { // keypress
            ret = true;
            int key = k->key();

            // Key_Shift shouldn't load the browser in nobrowser mode, it
            // is used for zooming in the imagewindow
            // Key_Alt shouldn't either - otherwise Alt+F4 doesn't work, the
            // F4 gets eaten (by NetAccess' modal dialog maybe?)

            if ( !fileWidget )
                if ( key != Key_Escape && key != Key_Shift && key != Key_Alt )
                    KuickFile *file = m_viewer->currentFile();
//                    TQFileInfo fi( m_viewer->filename() );
//                    start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) );
                    initGUI( file->url().upURL() );

                    // the fileBrowser will list the start-directory
                    // asynchronously so we can't immediately continue. There
                    // is no current-item and no next-item (actually no item
                    // at all). So we tell the browser the initial
                    // current-item and wait for it to tell us when it's ready.
                    // Then we will replay this KeyEvent.
                    delayedRepeatEvent( m_viewer, k );

                    // OK, once again, we have a problem with the now async and
                    // sync KDirLister :( If the startDir is already cached by
                    // KDirLister, we won't ever get that finished() signal
                    // because it is emitted before we can connect(). So if
                    // our dirlister has a rootFileItem, we assume the
                    // directory is read already and simply call
                    // slotReplayEvent() without the need for the finished()
                    // signal.

                    // see slotAdvanceImage() for similar code
                    if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->isFinished() )
                        if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->rootItem() )
                            fileWidget->setCurrentItem( file->url().fileName() );
                            TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( slotReplayEvent()));
                        else // finished, but no root-item -- probably an error, kill repeat-item!
                    else // not finished yet
                        fileWidget->setInitialItem( file->url().fileName() );
                        connect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ),
                                 TQT_SLOT( slotReplayEvent() ));

                    return true;

                return TDEMainWindow::eventFilter( o, e );

            // we definitely have a fileWidget here!

            KKey kkey( k );
            if ( key == Key_Home || TDEStdAccel::home().contains( kkey ) )
                item = fileWidget->gotoFirstImage();
                item_next = fileWidget->getNext( false );

            else if ( key == Key_End || TDEStdAccel::end().contains( kkey ) )
                item = fileWidget->gotoLastImage();
                item_next = fileWidget->getPrevious( false );

            else if ( fileWidget->actionCollection()->action("delete")->shortcut().contains( key ))
                kdDebug() << "WOW, deletion happens here!" << endl;
//      KFileItem *cur = fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false );
                (void) fileWidget->getCurrentItem( false );
                item = fileWidget->getNext( false ); // don't move
                if ( !item )
                    item = fileWidget->getPrevious( false );
                KFileItem it( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown,
                              m_viewer->url() );
                KFileItemList list;
                list.append( &it );
                if ( fileWidget->del(list, window,
                                     (k->state() & ShiftButton) == 0) == 0L )
                    return true; // aborted deletion

                // ### check failure asynchronously and restore old item?
                fileWidget->setCurrentItem( item );

            else if ( m_toggleBrowserAction->shortcut().contains( key ) )
                return true; // don't pass keyEvent

                ret = false;

            if ( FileWidget::isImage( item ) ) {
//                TQString filename;
//                TDEIO::NetAccess::download(item->url(), filename, this);
                m_viewer->showNextImage( item->url() );

                if ( kdata->preloadImage && item_next ) { // preload next image
                    if ( FileWidget::isImage( item_next ) )
                        m_viewer->cacheImage( item_next->url() );

                ret = true; // don't pass keyEvent
        } // keyPressEvent on ImageWindow

        // doubleclick closes image window
        // and shows browser when last window closed via doubleclick
        else if ( eventType == TQEvent::MouseButtonDblClick )
            TQMouseEvent *ev = static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>( e );
            if ( ev->button() == TQt::LeftButton )
                if ( s_viewers.count() == 1 )
                    if ( !fileWidget )
//                        KURL start;
//                        TQFileInfo fi( window->filename() );
//                        start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) );
                        initGUI( window->currentFile()->url().fileName() );

                window->close( true );

                ret = true;

    } // isA ImageWindow

    if ( ret )
        return true;

    return TDEMainWindow::eventFilter( o, e );

void KuickShow::configuration()
    if ( !m_accel ) {
        KURL start;
        start.setPath( TQDir::homeDirPath() );
        initGUI( KURL::fromPathOrURL( TQDir::homeDirPath() ) );

    dialog = new KuickConfigDialog( fileWidget->actionCollection(), 0L,
                                    "dialog", false );
    dialog->resize( 540, 510 );
    dialog->setIcon( kapp->miniIcon() );

    connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( okClicked() ),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigApplied() ) );
    connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( applyClicked() ),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigApplied() ) );
    connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ),
             this, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigClosed() ) );

    fileWidget->actionCollection()->action( "kuick_configure" )->setEnabled( false );

void KuickShow::slotConfigApplied()


    ImageWindow *viewer;
    TQValueListIterator<ImageWindow*> it = s_viewers.begin();
    while ( it != s_viewers.end() ) {
        viewer = *it;


void KuickShow::slotConfigClosed()
    fileWidget->actionCollection()->action( "kuick_configure" )->setEnabled( true );

void KuickShow::about()
    if ( !aboutWidget )
        aboutWidget = new AboutWidget( 0L, "about" );


#if TDE_VERSION >= 310
    KDialog::centerOnScreen( aboutWidget );
// Not fixed because it must be dead code now.
    TQDesktopWidget *desktop = TQApplication::desktop();
    int screen = desktop->screenNumber( aboutWidget );
    if ( screen == -1 )
        screen = desktop->primaryScreen();

    TQRect r = desktop->screenGeometry( screen );
    aboutWidget->move( r.center().x() - aboutWidget->width()/2,
                       r.center().y() - aboutWidget->height()/2 );


// ------ sessionmanagement - load / save current directory -----
void KuickShow::readProperties( TDEConfig *kc )
    assert( fileWidget ); // from SM, we should always have initGUI on startup
    TQString dir = kc->readPathEntry( "CurrentDirectory" );
    if ( !dir.isEmpty() ) {
        fileWidget->setURL( KURL::fromPathOrURL( dir ), true );

    const KURL& listedURL = fileWidget->url();
    TQStringList images = kc->readPathListEntry( "Images shown" );
    TQStringList::Iterator it;
    bool hasCurrentURL = false;

    for ( it = images.begin(); it != images.end(); ++it ) {
        KFileItem item( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, KURL::fromPathOrURL( *it ), false );
        if ( item.isReadable() )
            if ( showImage( &item, true ) ) {
	        // Set the current URL in the file widget, if possible
                if ( !hasCurrentURL && listedURL.isParentOf( item.url() ))
                    fileWidget->setInitialItem( item.url().fileName() );
		    hasCurrentURL = true;

    bool visible = kc->readBoolEntry( "Browser visible", false );
    if ( visible || s_viewers.isEmpty() )

void KuickShow::saveProperties( TDEConfig *kc )
    kc->writeEntry( "Browser visible", fileWidget && fileWidget->isVisible() );
    if (fileWidget)
        kc->writePathEntry( "CurrentDirectory", fileWidget->url().url() );

    TQStringList urls;
    TQValueListIterator<ImageWindow*> it;
    for ( it = s_viewers.begin(); it != s_viewers.end(); ++it )
        const KURL& url = (*it)->currentFile()->url();
        if ( url.isLocalFile() )
            urls.append( url.path() );
            urls.append( url.prettyURL() ); // ### check if writePathEntry( prettyURL ) works!

    kc->writePathEntry( "Images shown", urls );

// --------------------------------------------------------------

void KuickShow::saveSettings()
    TDEConfig *kc = TDEGlobal::config();

    if ( oneWindowAction )
        kc->writeEntry( "OpenImagesInActiveWindow", oneWindowAction->isChecked() );

    if ( fileWidget ) {
        kc->writePathEntry( "CurrentDirectory", fileWidget->url().prettyURL() ); // ### was url().url()
        fileWidget->writeConfig( kc, "Filebrowser" );


void KuickShow::messageCantLoadImage( const KuickFile *, const TQString& message )
    KMessageBox::information( m_viewer, message, i18n("Error"), "kuick_cant_load_image" );

void KuickShow::initImlib()
    ImData *idata = kdata->idata;
    ImlibInitParams par;
    initImlibParams( idata, &par );

    id = Imlib_init_with_params( x11Display(), &par );
    if ( !id ) {
        initImlibParams( idata, &par );

        tqWarning("*** KuickShow: Whoops, can't initialize imlib, trying my own palettefile now.");
        TQString paletteFile = locate( "data", "kuickshow/im_palette.pal" );
        // ### - does the tqstrdup() cure the segfault in imlib eventually?
        char *file = tqstrdup( paletteFile.local8Bit() );
        par.palettefile = file;
        par.flags |= PARAMS_PALETTEFILE;

        tqWarning("Palettefile: %s", par.palettefile );

        id = Imlib_init_with_params( x11Display(), &par );

        if ( !id ) {
            TQString tmp = i18n("Unable to initialize \"Imlib\".\n"
                               "Start kuickshow from the command line "
                               "and look for error messages.\n"
                               "The program will now quit.");
            KMessageBox::error( this, tmp, i18n("Fatal Imlib Error") );


void KuickShow::initImlibParams( ImData *idata, ImlibInitParams *par )

    Visual* defaultvis = DefaultVisual(x11Display(), x11Screen());

    par->paletteoverride = idata->ownPalette  ? 1 : 0;
    par->remap           = idata->fastRemap   ? 1 : 0;
    par->fastrender      = idata->fastRender  ? 1 : 0;
    par->hiquality       = idata->dither16bit ? 1 : 0;
    par->dither          = idata->dither8bit  ? 1 : 0;
    par->sharedmem       = 1;
    par->sharedpixmaps   = 1;
    par->visualid	 = defaultvis->visualid;
    uint maxcache        = idata->maxCache;

    // 0 == no cache
    par->imagecachesize  = maxcache * 1024;
    par->pixmapcachesize = maxcache * 1024;

bool KuickShow::haveBrowser() const
    return fileWidget && fileWidget->isVisible();

void KuickShow::delayedRepeatEvent( ImageWindow *w, TQKeyEvent *e )
    m_delayedRepeatItem = new DelayedRepeatEvent( w, new TQKeyEvent( *e ) );

void KuickShow::abortDelayedEvent()
    delete m_delayedRepeatItem;
    m_delayedRepeatItem = 0L;

void KuickShow::slotReplayEvent()
    disconnect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ),
                this, TQT_SLOT( slotReplayEvent() ));

    DelayedRepeatEvent *e = m_delayedRepeatItem;
    m_delayedRepeatItem = 0L; // otherwise, eventFilter aborts

    eventFilter( e->viewer, static_cast<TQEvent*>(e->event) );
    delete e;

    // ### WORKAROUND for TQIconView bug in TQt <= 3.0.3 at least
    if ( fileWidget && fileWidget->view() ) {
        TQWidget *widget = fileWidget->view()->widget();
        if ( widget->inherits( "TQIconView" ) || widget->child(0, "TQIconView" ) ){
            fileWidget->setSorting( fileWidget->sorting() );
    // --------------------------------------------------------------

void KuickShow::replayAdvance(DelayedRepeatEvent *event)
    // ### WORKAROUND for TQIconView bug in TQt <= 3.0.3 at least
    // Sigh. According to qt-bugs, they won't fix this bug ever. So you can't
    // rely on sorting to be correct before the TQIconView has been show()n.
    if ( fileWidget && fileWidget->view() ) {
        TQWidget *widget = fileWidget->view()->widget();
        if ( widget->inherits( "TQIconView" ) || widget->child(0, "TQIconView" ) ){
            fileWidget->setSorting( fileWidget->sorting() );
    // --------------------------------------------------------------

    slotAdvanceImage( event->viewer, *(int *) (event->data) );

void KuickShow::delayAction(DelayedRepeatEvent *event)
    if (m_delayedRepeatItem)

    m_delayedRepeatItem = event;

    KURL url = event->viewer->currentFile()->url();
//    TQFileInfo fi( event->viewer->filename() );
//    start.setPath( fi.dirPath( true ) );
    initGUI( url.upURL() );

    // see eventFilter() for explanation and similar code
    if ( fileWidget->dirLister()->isFinished() &&
         fileWidget->dirLister()->rootItem() )
        fileWidget->setCurrentItem( url.fileName() );
        TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( doReplay()));
        fileWidget->setInitialItem( url.fileName() );
        connect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ),
                 TQT_SLOT( doReplay() ));

void KuickShow::doReplay()
    if (!m_delayedRepeatItem)

    disconnect( fileWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( finished() ),
                this, TQT_SLOT( doReplay() ));

    switch (m_delayedRepeatItem->action)
        case DelayedRepeatEvent::DeleteCurrentFile:
            performDeleteCurrentImage((TQWidget *) m_delayedRepeatItem->data);
        case DelayedRepeatEvent::TrashCurrentFile:
            performTrashCurrentImage((TQWidget *) m_delayedRepeatItem->data);
        case DelayedRepeatEvent::AdvanceViewer:
            kdWarning() << "doReplay: unknown action -- ignoring: " << m_delayedRepeatItem->action << endl;

    delete m_delayedRepeatItem;
    m_delayedRepeatItem = 0L;

void KuickShow::toggleBrowser()
    if ( !haveBrowser() ) {
        if ( m_viewer && m_viewer->isFullscreen() )
            m_viewer->setFullscreen( false );
        fileWidget->resize( size() ); // ### somehow fileWidget isn't resized!?
        KWin::activateWindow( winId() ); // ### this should not be necessary
//         setFocus();
    else if ( !s_viewers.isEmpty() )

void KuickShow::slotOpenURL()
    KFileDialog dlg(TQString(), kdata->fileFilter, this, "filedialog", true);
    dlg.setMode( KFile::Files | KFile::Directory );
    dlg.setCaption( i18n("Select Files or Folder to Open") );

    if ( dlg.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
        KURL::List urls = dlg.selectedURLs();
        KURL::List::ConstIterator it = urls.begin();
        for ( ; it != urls.end(); ++it )
            KFileItem item( KFileItem::Unknown, KFileItem::Unknown, *it );
            if ( FileWidget::isImage( &item ) )
                showImage( &item, true );
                fileWidget->setURL( *it, true );

void KuickShow::deleteAllViewers()
    TQValueListIterator<ImageWindow*> it = s_viewers.begin();
    for ( ; it != s_viewers.end(); ++it ) {
        (*it)->disconnect( TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( viewerDeleted() ));
        (*it)->close( true );

    m_viewer = 0L;

TDEActionCollection * KuickShow::actionCollection() const
    if ( fileWidget )
        return fileWidget->actionCollection();

    return TDEMainWindow::actionCollection();

#include "kuickshow.moc"