Presenter Plugin:
- Features:
	- a playlist with image infos:
		- possibly get info from KFileMetaInfo
		- image infos are readable for the user
		- image infos for the program
	- keeps track of images that were opened
	- new action to load multiple files into the 'playlist'
	- shuffle functions:
		- shuffle the playlist
		- load a random picture from the list (don't show the same image
		  again, though)
	- order the items in the list via DnD
	- order items alphabetically
	- slideshow:
		- configurable interval between images (in msecs)
		- blending effects (put those effects in the imagecanvas)
		- optionally keep image size <= canvas size
	- preload next image (optionally)

- Implementation:
	- Playlist:
		- KListView
		- Items:
			- derived from KListViewItem
			- load Info in the background
			- keep local copy of downloaded files
			- delete local copy on destruction
			- API:
				QImage * image();
				KURL url();
				QString file(); //returns local filename or QString::null
		- when loading an item from the playlist first ask for a
		  QImage, if that's not available ask for a local file, if
		  that's also not available take the url.
		- API:
			QImage * image();
			QString file();
			KURL url();
			void setRandom(bool);
			void randomizeList();
			void orderAlphabetically();