//C- -*- C++ -*- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 //C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. //C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- //C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //C- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //C- GNU General Public License for more details. //C- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library //C- distributed by Lizardtech Software. On July 19th 2002, Lizardtech //C- Software authorized us to replace the original DjVu(r) Reference //C- Library notice by the following text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu): //C- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------ //C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5) //C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No. //C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending. //C- | //C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- | GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- | from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- | //C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- | modifications or combinations. //C- | //C- | The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- | OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- | TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- | MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- +------------------------------------------------------------------ // // $Id: DjVuImage.cpp,v 1.10 2005/04/27 16:34:13 leonb Exp $ // $Name: release_3_5_15 $ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #if NEED_GNUG_PRAGMAS # pragma implementation #endif #include "DjVuImage.h" #include "GScaler.h" #include "DjVuDocument.h" #include "DjVuPalette.h" #include "GContainer.h" #include "GSmartPointer.h" #include "JB2Image.h" #include "IW44Image.h" #include "DataPool.h" #include "ByteStream.h" #include "GMapAreas.h" #include "DjVuText.h" #include "IFFByteStream.h" #include "BSByteStream.h" #include "debug.h" #include <stdarg.h> #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES namespace DJVU { # ifdef NOT_DEFINED // Just to fool emacs c++ mode } #endif #endif //// DJVUIMAGE: CONSTRUCTION DjVuImage::DjVuImage(void) : rotate_count(-1),relayout_sent(false) { } void DjVuImage::connect(const GP<DjVuFile> & xfile) { file=xfile; DjVuPort::get_portcaster()->add_route(file, this); } //// DJVUIMAGE: DATA COLLECTORS GP<DjVuInfo> DjVuImage::get_info(const GP<DjVuFile> & file) const { if (file->info) { if(rotate_count<0) { const_cast<DjVuImage *>(this)->init_rotate(*(file->info)); } return file->info; } GPList<DjVuFile> list=file->get_included_files(); for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(list[pos]); if (info) { if(rotate_count<0) { const_cast<DjVuImage *>(this)->init_rotate(*(file->info)); } return info; } } return 0; } GP<IW44Image> DjVuImage::get_bg44(const GP<DjVuFile> & file) const { if (file->bg44) return file->bg44; GPList<DjVuFile> list=file->get_included_files(); for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { GP<IW44Image> bg44=get_bg44(list[pos]); if (bg44) return bg44; } return 0; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_bgpm(const GP<DjVuFile> & file) const { if (file->bgpm) return file->bgpm; GPList<DjVuFile> list=file->get_included_files(); for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { GP<GPixmap> bgpm=get_bgpm(list[pos]); if (bgpm) return bgpm; } return 0; } GP<JB2Image> DjVuImage::get_fgjb(const GP<DjVuFile> & file) const { if (file->fgjb) return file->fgjb; GPList<DjVuFile> list=file->get_included_files(); for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { GP<JB2Image> fgjb=get_fgjb(list[pos]); if (fgjb) return fgjb; } return 0; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_fgpm(const GP<DjVuFile> & file) const { if (file->fgpm) return file->fgpm; GPList<DjVuFile> list=file->get_included_files(); for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { GP<GPixmap> fgpm=get_fgpm(list[pos]); if (fgpm) return fgpm; } return 0; } GP<DjVuPalette> DjVuImage::get_fgbc(const GP<DjVuFile> & file) const { if (file->fgbc) return file->fgbc; GPList<DjVuFile> list=file->get_included_files(); for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { GP<DjVuPalette> fgbc=get_fgbc(list[pos]); if (fgbc) return fgbc; } return 0; } GP<DjVuInfo> DjVuImage::get_info() const { if (file) { return get_info(file); }else { return 0; } } GP<ByteStream> DjVuImage::get_anno() const { GP<ByteStream> out = ByteStream::create(); ByteStream &mbs = *out; if (file) { file->merge_anno(mbs); } mbs.seek(0); if(!mbs.size()) { out=0; } return out; } GP<ByteStream> DjVuImage::get_text() const { GP<ByteStream> out = ByteStream::create(); ByteStream &mbs = *out; if (file) { file->get_text(mbs); } mbs.seek(0); if(!mbs.size()) { out=0; } return out; } GP<ByteStream> DjVuImage::get_meta() const { GP<ByteStream> out = ByteStream::create(); ByteStream &mbs = *out; if (file) { file->get_meta(mbs); } mbs.seek(0); if(!mbs.size()) { out=0; } return out; } GP<IW44Image> DjVuImage::get_bg44() const { if (file) return get_bg44(file); else return 0; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_bgpm() const { if (file) return get_bgpm(file); else return 0; } GP<JB2Image> DjVuImage::get_fgjb() const { if (file) return get_fgjb(file); else return 0; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_fgpm() const { if (file) return get_fgpm(file); else return 0; } GP<DjVuPalette> DjVuImage::get_fgbc() const { if (file) return get_fgbc(file); else return 0; } int DjVuImage::get_width() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info?((rotate_count&1)?(info->height):(info->width)):0; } int DjVuImage::get_height() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info?((rotate_count&1)?(info->width):(info->height)):0; } int DjVuImage::get_real_width() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info ? info->width : 0; } int DjVuImage::get_real_height() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info ? info->height : 0; } int DjVuImage::get_version() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info ? info->version : DJVUVERSION; } int DjVuImage::get_dpi() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info ? info->dpi : 300; } int DjVuImage::get_rounded_dpi() const { return (get_dpi()+5)/10*10; #if 0 /* This code used to round the reported dpi to 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 300, and 600. Now we just round the dpi to 10ths and return it */ int dpi=get_dpi(); if (dpi>700) return dpi; const int std_dpi[]={ 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 300, 600 }; const int std_dpis=sizeof(std_dpi)/sizeof(std_dpi[0]); int min_dist=abs(dpi-std_dpi[0]); int min_idx=0; for(int i=1;i<std_dpis;i++) if (abs(std_dpi[i]-dpi)<min_dist) { min_dist=abs(std_dpi[i]-dpi); min_idx=i; }; return std_dpi[min_idx]; #endif } double DjVuImage::get_gamma() const { GP<DjVuInfo> info=get_info(); return info ? info->gamma : 2.2; } GUTF8String DjVuImage::get_mimetype() const { return file ? file->mimetype : GUTF8String(); } //// DJVUIMAGE: UTILITIES GUTF8String DjVuImage::get_short_description() const { GUTF8String msg = "Empty"; int width = get_width(); int height = get_height(); if (width && height) if (file && file->file_size>100) //msg.format("%dx%d in %0.1f Kb", width, height, file->file_size/1024.0); msg.format( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.short1") "\t%d\t%d\t%0.1f", width, height, file->file_size/1024.0 ); else //msg.format("%dx%d", width, height); msg.format( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.short2") "\t%d\t%d", width, height ); return msg; } GUTF8String DjVuImage::get_long_description() const { return file?(file->description):GUTF8String(); } void DjVuImage::notify_chunk_done(const DjVuPort *, const GUTF8String & name) { if (!relayout_sent && ( !name.cmp("INFO", 4) || !name.cmp("PMxx", 2) || !name.cmp("BMxx", 2) ) ) { DjVuPort::get_portcaster()->notify_relayout(this); relayout_sent=true; } else if (!name.cmp("Sxxx", 1) || !name.cmp("BGxx", 2) || !name.cmp("FGxx", 2) || !name.cmp("BMxx", 2) || !name.cmp("PMxx", 2) ) DjVuPort::get_portcaster()->notify_redisplay(this); } //// DJVUIMAGE: OLD-STYLE DECODING DjVuInterface::~DjVuInterface() { } class DjVuImageNotifier : public DjVuPort { friend class DjVuImage; DjVuInterface *notifier; GP<DataPool> stream_pool; GURL stream_url; public: DjVuImageNotifier(DjVuInterface *notifier); GP<DataPool> request_data(const DjVuPort *src, const GURL & url); void notify_chunk_done(const DjVuPort *, const GUTF8String &name); void notify_redisplay(const class DjVuImage * source); void notify_relayout(const class DjVuImage * source); }; DjVuImageNotifier::DjVuImageNotifier(DjVuInterface *notifier) : notifier(notifier) { } GP<DataPool> DjVuImageNotifier::request_data(const DjVuPort *src, const GURL & url) { if (url!=stream_url) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.not_decode") ); return stream_pool; } void DjVuImageNotifier::notify_redisplay(const class DjVuImage * source) { if (notifier) notifier->notify_redisplay(); } void DjVuImageNotifier::notify_relayout(const class DjVuImage * source) { if (notifier) notifier->notify_relayout(); } void DjVuImageNotifier::notify_chunk_done(const DjVuPort *, const GUTF8String &name) { if (notifier) notifier->notify_chunk(name, "" ); } void DjVuImage::decode(ByteStream & str, DjVuInterface *notifier) { DEBUG_MSG("DjVuImage::decode(): decoding old way...\n"); DEBUG_MAKE_INDENT(3); if (file) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.bad_call") ); GP<DjVuImageNotifier> pport = new DjVuImageNotifier(notifier); pport->stream_url=GURL::UTF8("internal://fake/fake.djvu"); pport->stream_pool=DataPool::create(); // Get all the data first int length; char buffer[1024]; while((length=str.read(buffer, 1024))) pport->stream_pool->add_data(buffer, length); pport->stream_pool->set_eof(); GP<DjVuDocument> doc = DjVuDocument::create_wait(pport->stream_url, (DjVuImageNotifier*)pport); GP<DjVuImage> dimg=doc->get_page(-1, true, (DjVuImageNotifier*)pport); file=dimg->get_djvu_file(); if (file->is_decode_stopped()) G_THROW( DataPool::Stop ); if (file->is_decode_failed()) G_THROW( ByteStream::EndOfFile ); // guess if (!file->is_decode_ok()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.mult_error") ); DEBUG_MSG("decode DONE\n"); } //// DJVUIMAGE: CHECKING static int compute_red(int w, int h, int rw, int rh) { for (int red=1; red<16; red++) if (((w+red-1)/red==rw) && ((h+red-1)/red==rh)) return red; return 16; } int DjVuImage::is_legal_bilevel() const { // Components GP<DjVuInfo> info = get_info(); GP<JB2Image> fgjb = get_fgjb(); GP<IW44Image> bg44 = get_bg44(); GP<GPixmap> bgpm = get_bgpm(); GP<GPixmap> fgpm = get_fgpm(); // Check info if (! info) return 0; int width = info->width; int height = info->height; if (! (width>0 && height>0)) return 0; // Check fgjb if (!fgjb) return 0; if (fgjb->get_width()!=width || fgjb->get_height()!=height) return 0; // Check that color information is not present. if (bg44 || bgpm || fgpm) return 0; // Ok. return 1; } int DjVuImage::is_legal_photo() const { // Components GP<DjVuInfo> info = get_info(); GP<JB2Image> fgjb = get_fgjb(); GP<IW44Image> bg44 = get_bg44(); GP<GPixmap> bgpm = get_bgpm(); GP<GPixmap> fgpm = get_fgpm(); // Check info if (! info) return 0; int width = info->width; int height = info->height; if (! (width>0 && height>0)) return 0; // Check that extra information is not present. if (fgjb || fgpm) return 0; // Check bg44 if (bg44 && bg44->get_width()==width && bg44->get_height()==height) return 1; // Check bgpm if (bgpm && (int)bgpm->columns()==width && (int)bgpm->rows()==height) return 1; // Ok. return 0; } int DjVuImage::is_legal_compound() const { // Components GP<DjVuInfo> info = get_info(); GP<JB2Image> fgjb = get_fgjb(); GP<IW44Image> bg44 = get_bg44(); GP<GPixmap> bgpm = get_bgpm(); GP<GPixmap> fgpm = get_fgpm(); GP<DjVuPalette> fgbc = get_fgbc(); // Check size if (! info) return 0; int width = info->width; int height = info->height; if (! (width>0 && height>0)) return 0; // Check fgjb if (!fgjb) return 0; if (fgjb->get_width()!=width || fgjb->get_height()!=height) return 0; // Check background int bgred = 0; if (bg44) bgred = compute_red(width, height, bg44->get_width(), bg44->get_height()); else if (bgpm) bgred = compute_red(width, height, bgpm->columns(), bgpm->rows()); if (bgred<1 || bgred>12) return 0; // Check foreground colors int fgred = 0; if (fgbc) fgred = 1; else if (fgpm) fgred = compute_red(width, height, fgpm->columns(), fgpm->rows()); if (fgred<1 || fgred>12) return 0; // Check that all components are present if (fgjb && bgred && fgred) return 1; // Unrecognized return 0; } //// DJVUIMAGE: LOW LEVEL RENDERING GP<GBitmap> DjVuImage::get_bitmap(const GRect &rect, int subsample, int align) const { // Access image size int width = get_real_width(); int height = get_real_height(); GP<JB2Image> fgjb = get_fgjb(); if ( width && height && fgjb && (fgjb->get_width() == width) && (fgjb->get_height() == height) ) { return fgjb->get_bitmap(rect, subsample, align); } return 0; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_bg_pixmap(const GRect &rect, int subsample, double gamma) const { GP<GPixmap> pm = 0; // Access image size GP<DjVuInfo> info = get_info(); int width = get_real_width(); int height = get_real_height(); if (width<=0 || height<=0 || !info) return 0; // Compute gamma_correction double gamma_correction = 1.0; if (gamma > 0) gamma_correction = gamma / info->gamma; if (gamma_correction < 0.1) gamma_correction = 0.1; else if (gamma_correction > 10) gamma_correction = 10; // CASE1: Incremental BG IW44Image GP<IW44Image> bg44 = get_bg44(); if (bg44) { int w = bg44->get_width(); int h = bg44->get_height(); // Avoid silly cases if (w==0 || h==0 || width==0 || height==0) return 0; // Determine how much bg44 is reduced int red = compute_red(width,height,w,h); if (red<1 || red>12) return 0; // Handle pure downsampling cases if (subsample == red) pm = bg44->get_pixmap(1,rect); else if (subsample == 2*red) pm = bg44->get_pixmap(2,rect); else if (subsample == 4*red) pm = bg44->get_pixmap(4,rect); else if (subsample == 8*red) pm = bg44->get_pixmap(8,rect); // Handle fractional downsampling case else if (red*4 == subsample*3) { GRect nrect = rect; GRect xrect = rect; xrect.xmin = (xrect.xmin/3)*4; xrect.ymin = (xrect.ymin/3)*4; xrect.xmax = ((xrect.xmax+2)/3)*4; xrect.ymax = ((xrect.ymax+2)/3)*4; nrect.translate(-xrect.xmin*3/4, -xrect.ymin*3/4); if (xrect.xmax > w) xrect.xmax = w; if (xrect.ymax > h) xrect.ymax = h; GP<GPixmap> ipm = bg44->get_pixmap(1,xrect); pm = GPixmap::create(); pm->downsample43(ipm, &nrect); } // Handle all other cases with pixmapscaler else { // find suitable power of two int po2 = 16; while (po2>1 && subsample<po2*red) po2 >>= 1; // setup pixmap scaler int inw = (w+po2-1)/po2; int inh = (h+po2-1)/po2; int outw = (width+subsample-1)/subsample; int outh = (height+subsample-1)/subsample; GP<GPixmapScaler> gps=GPixmapScaler::create(inw, inh, outw, outh); GPixmapScaler &ps=*gps; ps.set_horz_ratio(red*po2, subsample); ps.set_vert_ratio(red*po2, subsample); // run pixmap scaler GRect xrect; ps.get_input_rect(rect,xrect); GP<GPixmap> ipm = bg44->get_pixmap(po2,xrect); pm = GPixmap::create(); ps.scale(xrect, *ipm, rect, *pm); } // Apply gamma correction if (pm && gamma_correction!=1.0) pm->color_correct(gamma_correction); return pm; } // CASE 2: Raw background pixmap GP<GPixmap> bgpm = get_bgpm(); if (bgpm) { int w = bgpm->columns(); int h = bgpm->rows(); // Avoid silly cases if (w==0 || h==0 || width==0 || height==0) return 0; // Determine how much bgpm is reduced int red = compute_red(width,height,w,h); if (red<1 || red>12) return 0; // Handle pure downsampling cases int ratio = subsample/red; if (subsample==ratio*red && ratio>=1) { pm = GPixmap::create(); if (ratio == 1) pm->init(*bgpm, rect); else if (ratio > 1) pm->downsample(bgpm, ratio, &rect); } // Handle all other cases with pixmapscaler else { // setup pixmap scaler int outw = (width+subsample-1)/subsample; int outh = (height+subsample-1)/subsample; GP<GPixmapScaler> gps=GPixmapScaler::create(w, h, outw, outh); GPixmapScaler &ps=*gps; ps.set_horz_ratio(red, subsample); ps.set_vert_ratio(red, subsample); // run pixmap scaler pm = GPixmap::create(); GRect xrect(0,0,w,h); ps.scale(xrect, *bgpm, rect, *pm); } // Apply gamma correction if (pm && gamma_correction!=1.0) pm->color_correct(gamma_correction); return pm; } // FAILURE return 0; } int DjVuImage::stencil(GPixmap *pm, const GRect &rect, int subsample, double gamma) const { // Warping and blending. if (!pm) return 0; // Access components GP<DjVuInfo> info = get_info(); int width = get_real_width(); int height = get_real_height(); if (width<=0 || height<=0 || !info) return 0; GP<JB2Image> fgjb = get_fgjb(); GP<GPixmap> fgpm = get_fgpm(); GP<DjVuPalette> fgbc = get_fgbc(); // Compute gamma_correction double gamma_correction = 1.0; if (gamma > 0) gamma_correction = gamma / info->gamma; if (gamma_correction < 0.1) gamma_correction = 0.1; else if (gamma_correction > 10) gamma_correction = 10; // Compute alpha map and relevant JB2Image components GList<int> components; GP<GBitmap> bm; if (fgjb) { JB2Image *jimg = fgjb; if (! (width && height && jimg->get_width() == width && jimg->get_height() == height ) ) return 0; // Decode bitmap bm = GBitmap::create(rect.height(), rect.width()); bm->set_grays(1+subsample*subsample); int rxmin = rect.xmin * subsample; int rymin = rect.ymin * subsample; for (int blitno = 0; blitno < jimg->get_blit_count(); blitno++) { const JB2Blit *pblit = jimg->get_blit(blitno); const JB2Shape &pshape = jimg->get_shape(pblit->shapeno); if (pshape.bits && pblit->left <= rect.xmax * subsample && pblit->bottom <= rect.ymax * subsample && pblit->left + (int)pshape.bits->columns() >= rect.xmin * subsample && pblit->bottom + (int)pshape.bits->rows() >= rect.ymin * subsample ) { // Record component list if (fgbc) components.append(blitno); // Blit bm->blit(pshape.bits, pblit->left - rxmin, pblit->bottom - rymin, subsample); } } } // TWO LAYER MODEL if (bm && fgbc) { // Perform attenuation from scratch pm->attenuate(bm, 0, 0); // Check that fgbc has the correct size JB2Image *jimg = fgjb; DjVuPalette *fg = fgbc; if (jimg->get_blit_count() != fg->colordata.size()) return 0; // Copy and color correct palette int palettesize = fg->size(); GTArray<GPixel> colors(0,palettesize-1); for (int i=0; i<palettesize; i++) fg->index_to_color(i, colors[i]); GPixmap::color_correct(gamma_correction, colors, palettesize); // Blit all components (one color at a time) while (components.size() > 0) { GPosition nullpos; GPosition pos = components; int lastx = 0; int colorindex = fg->colordata[components[pos]]; if (colorindex >= palettesize) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.corrupted") ); // Gather relevant components and relevant rectangle GList<int> compset; GRect comprect; while (pos) { int blitno = components[pos]; const JB2Blit *pblit = jimg->get_blit(blitno); if (pblit->left < lastx) break; lastx = pblit->left; if (fg->colordata[blitno] == colorindex) { const JB2Shape &pshape = jimg->get_shape(pblit->shapeno); GRect rect(pblit->left, pblit->bottom, pshape.bits->columns(), pshape.bits->rows()); comprect.recthull(comprect, rect); compset.insert_before(nullpos, components, pos); continue; } ++pos; } // Round alpha map rectangle comprect.xmin = comprect.xmin / subsample; comprect.ymin = comprect.ymin / subsample; comprect.xmax = (comprect.xmax+subsample-1) / subsample; comprect.ymax = (comprect.ymax+subsample-1) / subsample; comprect.intersect(comprect, rect); // Compute alpha map for that color bm = 0; bm = GBitmap::create(comprect.height(), comprect.width()); bm->set_grays(1+subsample*subsample); int rxmin = comprect.xmin * subsample; int rymin = comprect.ymin * subsample; for (pos=compset; pos; ++pos) { int blitno = compset[pos]; const JB2Blit *pblit = jimg->get_blit(blitno); const JB2Shape &pshape = jimg->get_shape(pblit->shapeno); bm->blit(pshape.bits, pblit->left - rxmin, pblit->bottom - rymin, subsample); } // Blend color into background pixmap pm->blit(bm, comprect.xmin-rect.xmin, comprect.ymin-rect.ymin, &colors[colorindex]); } return 1; } // THREE LAYER MODEL if (bm && fgpm) { // This follows fig. 4 in Adelson "Layered representations for image // coding" (1991) http://www-bcs.mit.edu/people/adelson/papers.html. // The properly warped background is already in PM. The properly warped // alpha map is already in BM. We just have to warp the foreground and // perform alpha blending. #ifdef SIMPLE_THREE_LAYER_RENDERING int w = fgpm->columns(); int h = fgpm->rows(); // Determine foreground reduction int red = compute_red(width,height, w, h); if (red<1 || red>12) return 0; // Warp foreground pixmap GPixmapScaler ps(w,h,width/subsample+1,height/subsample+1); ps.set_horz_ratio(red,subsample); ps.set_vert_ratio(red,subsample); GP<GPixmap> nfg = new GPixmap; GRect provided(0,0,w,h); ps.scale(provided, *fgpm, rect, *nfg); // Attenuate background and blit nfg->color_correct(gamma_correction); pm->blend(bm, 0, 0, nfg); // blend == attenuate + blit return 1; #else // Things are now a little bit more complex because the convenient // function GPixmap::stencil() simultaneously upsamples the foreground // by an integer factor and performs the alpha blending. We have // to determine how and when this facility can be used. int w = fgpm->columns(); int h = fgpm->rows(); // Determine foreground reduction int red = compute_red(width,height,w,h); if (red<1 || red>12) return 0; // Try supersampling foreground pixmap by an integer factor int supersample = ( red>subsample ? red/subsample : 1); int wantedred = supersample*subsample; // Try simple foreground upsampling if (red == wantedred) { // Simple foreground upsampling is enough. pm->stencil(bm, fgpm, supersample, &rect, gamma_correction); return 1; } else { // Must pre-warp foreground pixmap GP<GPixmap> nfg; int desw = (w*red+wantedred-1)/wantedred; int desh = (h*red+wantedred-1)/wantedred; // Cache rescaled fgpm for speed static const DjVuImage *tagimage = 0; static const GPixmap *tagfgpm = 0; static GP<GPixmap> cachednfg = 0; // Check whether cached fgpm applies. if ( cachednfg && this==tagimage && fgpm==tagfgpm && desw==(int)cachednfg->columns() && desh==(int)cachednfg->rows() ) { nfg = cachednfg; } else { GP<GPixmapScaler> gps=GPixmapScaler::create(w,h,desw,desh); GPixmapScaler &ps=*gps; ps.set_horz_ratio(red, wantedred); ps.set_vert_ratio(red, wantedred); nfg = GPixmap::create(); GRect provided(0,0,w,h); GRect desired(0,0,desw,desh); ps.scale(provided, *fgpm, desired, *nfg); } // Use combined warp+blend function pm->stencil(bm, nfg, supersample, &rect, gamma_correction); // Cache tagimage = this; tagfgpm = fgpm; cachednfg = nfg; return 1; } #endif } // FAILURE return 0; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_fg_pixmap(const GRect &rect, int subsample, double gamma) const { // Obtain white background pixmap GP<GPixmap> pm; // Access components const int width = get_real_width(); const int height = get_real_height(); if (width && height) { pm = GPixmap::create(rect.height(),rect.width(), &GPixel::WHITE); if (!stencil(pm, rect, subsample, gamma)) pm=0; } return pm; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_pixmap(const GRect &rect, int subsample, double gamma) const { // Get background GP<GPixmap> pm = get_bg_pixmap(rect, subsample, gamma); // Superpose foreground if (! stencil(pm, rect, subsample, gamma)) // Avoid ugly progressive display (hack) if (get_fgjb()) return 0; // Return return pm; } //// DJVUIMAGE: RENDERING (ARBITRARY SCALE) typedef GP<GBitmap>(DjVuImage::*BImager)(const GRect &, int, int) const; typedef GP<GPixmap>(DjVuImage::*PImager)(const GRect &, int, double) const; static GP<GBitmap> do_bitmap(const DjVuImage &dimg, BImager get, const GRect &inrect, const GRect &inall, int align ) { GRect rect=inrect; GRect all=inall; ///* rotate code if( dimg.get_rotate()%4 ) { GRectMapper mapper; mapper.rotate((4-dimg.get_rotate())%4); mapper.map(rect); mapper.map(all); } ///* rotate code ends // Sanity if (! ( all.contains(rect.xmin, rect.ymin) && all.contains(rect.xmax-1, rect.ymax-1) )) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.bad_rect") ); // Check for integral reduction int red; int w = dimg.get_real_width(); int h = dimg.get_real_height(); int rw = all.width(); int rh = all.height(); GRect zrect = rect; zrect.translate(-all.xmin, -all.ymin); for (red=1; red<=15; red++) if (rw*red>w-red && rw*red<w+red && rh*red>h-red && rh*red<h+red) { GP<GBitmap> bm=(dimg.*get)(zrect, red, align); if(bm) return bm->rotate((4-dimg.get_rotate())%4); else return NULL; } // Find best reduction for (red=15; red>1; red--) if ( (rw*red < w && rh*red < h) || (rw*red*3 < w || rh*red*3 < h) ) break; // Setup bitmap scaler if (! (w && h)) return 0; GP<GBitmapScaler> gbs=GBitmapScaler::create(); GBitmapScaler &bs=*gbs; bs.set_input_size( (w+red-1)/red, (h+red-1)/red ); bs.set_output_size( rw, rh ); bs.set_horz_ratio( rw*red, w ); bs.set_vert_ratio( rh*red, h ); // Scale GRect srect; bs.get_input_rect(zrect, srect); GP<GBitmap> sbm = (dimg.*get)(srect, red, 1); if (!sbm) return 0; int border = ((zrect.width() + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)) - zrect.width(); GP<GBitmap> bm = GBitmap::create(zrect.height(), zrect.width(), border); bs.scale(srect, *sbm, zrect, *bm); if( bm ) return bm->rotate((4-dimg.get_rotate())%4); else return NULL; } static GP<GPixmap> do_pixmap(const DjVuImage &dimg, PImager get, const GRect &inrect, const GRect &inall, double gamma ) { GRect rect=inrect; GRect all=inall; ///* rotate code if( dimg.get_rotate()%4 ) { GRectMapper mapper; mapper.rotate((4-dimg.get_rotate())%4); mapper.map(rect); mapper.map(all); } ///* rotate code ends // Sanity if (! ( all.contains(rect.xmin, rect.ymin) && all.contains(rect.xmax-1, rect.ymax-1) )) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("DjVuImage.bad_rect2") ); // Check for integral reduction int red, w=0, h=0, rw=0, rh=0; w = dimg.get_real_width(); h = dimg.get_real_height(); rw = all.width(); rh = all.height(); GRect zrect = rect; zrect.translate(-all.xmin, -all.ymin); for (red=1; red<=15; red++) if (rw*red>w-red && rw*red<w+red && rh*red>h-red && rh*red<h+red) { GP<GPixmap> pm = (dimg.*get)(zrect, red, gamma); if( pm ) return pm->rotate((4-dimg.get_rotate())%4); else return NULL; } // These reductions usually go faster (improve!) static int fastred[] = { 12,6,4,3,2,1 }; // Find best reduction for (int i=0; (red=fastred[i])>1; i++) if ( (rw*red < w && rh*red < h) || (rw*red*3 < w || rh*red*3 < h) ) break; // Setup pixmap scaler if (w<0 || h<0) return 0; GP<GPixmapScaler> gps=GPixmapScaler::create(); GPixmapScaler &ps=*gps; ps.set_input_size( (w+red-1)/red, (h+red-1)/red ); ps.set_output_size( rw, rh ); ps.set_horz_ratio( rw*red, w ); ps.set_vert_ratio( rh*red, h ); // Scale GRect srect; ps.get_input_rect(zrect, srect); GP<GPixmap> spm = (dimg.*get)(srect, red, gamma); if (!spm) return 0; GP<GPixmap> pm = GPixmap::create(); ps.scale(srect, *spm, zrect, *pm); if(pm) return pm->rotate((4-dimg.get_rotate())%4); else return NULL; } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_pixmap(const GRect &rect, const GRect &all, double gamma) const { return do_pixmap(*this, & DjVuImage::get_pixmap, rect, all, gamma); } GP<GBitmap> DjVuImage::get_bitmap(const GRect &rect, const GRect &all, int align) const { return do_bitmap(*this, & DjVuImage::get_bitmap, rect, all, align); } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_bg_pixmap(const GRect &rect, const GRect &all, double gamma) const { return do_pixmap(*this, & DjVuImage::get_bg_pixmap, rect, all, gamma); } GP<GPixmap> DjVuImage::get_fg_pixmap(const GRect &rect, const GRect &all, double gamma) const { return do_pixmap(*this, & DjVuImage::get_fg_pixmap, rect, all, gamma); } int DjVuImage::get_rotate() const { return (rotate_count<0)?0:rotate_count; } void DjVuImage::init_rotate(const DjVuInfo &info) { rotate_count=((360-GRect::findangle(info.orientation))/90)%4; } void DjVuImage::set_rotate(int count) { rotate_count=((count%4)+4)%4; } GP<DjVuAnno> DjVuImage::get_decoded_anno() { GP<DjVuAnno> djvuanno = DjVuAnno::create(); GP<ByteStream> bs=get_anno(); if( bs ) { djvuanno->decode(bs); const int rotate_count=get_rotate(); if( rotate_count % 4 ) { ///map hyperlinks correctly for rotation GRect input, output; input = GRect(0,0,get_width(), get_height()); output = GRect(0,0, get_real_width(), get_real_height()); GRectMapper mapper; mapper.clear(); mapper.set_input(input); mapper.set_output(output); mapper.rotate((4-rotate_count)%4); GPList<GMapArea> &list=djvuanno->ant->map_areas; for(GPosition pos=list;pos;++pos) { list[pos]->unmap(mapper); } } return djvuanno; } else return NULL; } void DjVuImage::map(GRect &rect) const { GRect input, output; const int rotate_count=get_rotate(); if(rotate_count%4) { input = GRect(0,0,get_width(), get_height()); output = GRect(0,0, get_real_width(), get_real_height()); GRectMapper mapper; mapper.clear(); mapper.set_input(input); mapper.set_output(output); mapper.rotate((4-rotate_count)%4); mapper.map(rect); } } void DjVuImage::unmap(GRect &rect) const { GRect input, output; const int rotate_count=get_rotate(); if(rotate_count%4) { input = GRect(0,0,get_width(), get_height()); output = GRect(0,0, get_real_width(), get_real_height()); GRectMapper mapper; mapper.clear(); mapper.set_input(input); mapper.set_output(output); mapper.rotate((4-rotate_count)%4); mapper.unmap(rect); } } void DjVuImage::map(int &x, int &y) const { GRect input, output; const int rotate_count=get_rotate(); if(rotate_count%4) { input = GRect(0,0,get_width(), get_height()); output = GRect(0,0, get_real_width(), get_real_height()); GRectMapper mapper; mapper.clear(); mapper.set_input(input); mapper.set_output(output); mapper.rotate((4-rotate_count)%4); mapper.map(x, y); } } void DjVuImage::unmap(int &x, int &y) const { GRect input, output; const int rotate_count=get_rotate(); if(rotate_count%4) { input = GRect(0,0,get_width(), get_height()); output = GRect(0,0, get_real_width(), get_real_height()); GRectMapper mapper; mapper.clear(); mapper.set_input(input); mapper.set_output(output); mapper.rotate((4-rotate_count)%4); mapper.unmap(x, y); } } bool DjVuImage::wait_for_complete_decode(void) { if (file) { file->resume_decode(true); return file->is_decode_ok(); } return 0; } // Write out a DjVuXML object tag and map tag. void DjVuImage::writeXML(ByteStream &str_out,const GURL &doc_url,const int flags) const { const int height=get_height(); static const char *Object="<OBJECT data=\""; const GURL url(get_djvu_file()->get_url()); const GUTF8String pagename(url.fname()); GUTF8String page_param; if(doc_url.is_valid() && !doc_url.is_empty() && (doc_url != url)) { str_out.writestring(Object+doc_url.get_string()); page_param="<PARAM name=\"PAGE\" value=\""+pagename+"\" />\n"; }else { str_out.writestring(Object+doc_url.get_string()); } str_out.writestring("\" type=\""+get_mimetype()+"\" height=\"" +GUTF8String(height)+"\" width=\""+GUTF8String(get_width()) +"\" usemap=\""+pagename.toEscaped()+"\" >\n"); if(!(flags & NOINFO)) { const GP<DjVuInfo> info(get_info()); if(info) { info->writeParam(str_out); } } str_out.writestring(page_param); const GP<DjVuAnno> anno(DjVuAnno::create()); if(!(flags & NOINFO)||!(flags&NOMAP)) { const GP<ByteStream> anno_str(get_anno()); if(anno_str) { anno->decode(anno_str); } if(!(flags & NOINFO)) { anno->writeParam(str_out); } } if(!(flags & NOTEXT)) { const GP<DjVuText> text(DjVuText::create()); { const GP<ByteStream> text_str(get_text()); if(text_str) { text->decode(text_str); } text->writeText(str_out,height); } } if(!(flags & NOMETA)) { const GP<ByteStream> meta_str(get_meta()); if(meta_str) { GP<IFFByteStream> giff=IFFByteStream::create(meta_str); IFFByteStream &iff=*giff; GUTF8String chkid; while( iff.get_chunk(chkid)) { GP<ByteStream> gbs(iff.get_bytestream()); if(chkid == "METa") { str_out.copy(*gbs); //str_out.writestring(gbs->getAsUTF8()); }else if(chkid == "METz") { gbs=BSByteStream::create(gbs); str_out.copy(*gbs); //str_out.writestring(gbs->getAsUTF8()); } iff.close_chunk(); } } } str_out.writestring(GUTF8String("</OBJECT>\n")); if(!(flags & NOMAP)) { anno->writeMap(str_out,pagename,height); } } // Write out a DjVuXML object tag and map tag. void DjVuImage::writeXML(ByteStream &str_out) const { writeXML(str_out,GURL()); } // Write out a DjVuXML object tag and map tag. GUTF8String DjVuImage::get_XML(const GURL &doc_url,const int flags) const { GP<ByteStream> gbs(ByteStream::create()); ByteStream &bs=*gbs; writeXML(bs,doc_url); bs.seek(0L); return bs.getAsUTF8(); } // Write out a DjVuXML object tag and map tag. GUTF8String DjVuImage::get_XML(void) const { return get_XML(GURL()); } #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES } # ifndef NOT_USING_DJVU_NAMESPACE using namespace DJVU; # endif #endif