//C- -*- C++ -*- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 //C- Copyright (c) 2002 Leon Bottou and Yann Le Cun. //C- Copyright (c) 2001 AT&T //C- //C- This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- //C- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //C- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //C- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the //C- GNU General Public License for more details. //C- //C- DjVuLibre-3.5 is derived from the DjVu(r) Reference Library //C- distributed by Lizardtech Software. On July 19th 2002, Lizardtech //C- Software authorized us to replace the original DjVu(r) Reference //C- Library notice by the following text (see doc/lizard2002.djvu): //C- //C- ------------------------------------------------------------------ //C- | DjVu (r) Reference Library (v. 3.5) //C- | Copyright (c) 1999-2001 LizardTech, Inc. All Rights Reserved. //C- | The DjVu Reference Library is protected by U.S. Pat. No. //C- | 6,058,214 and patents pending. //C- | //C- | This software is subject to, and may be distributed under, the //C- | GNU General Public License, Version 2. The license should have //C- | accompanied the software or you may obtain a copy of the license //C- | from the Free Software Foundation at http://www.fsf.org . //C- | //C- | The computer code originally released by LizardTech under this //C- | license and unmodified by other parties is deemed "the LIZARDTECH //C- | ORIGINAL CODE." Subject to any third party intellectual property //C- | claims, LizardTech grants recipient a worldwide, royalty-free, //C- | non-exclusive license to make, use, sell, or otherwise dispose of //C- | the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE or of programs derived from the //C- | LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE in compliance with the terms of the GNU //C- | General Public License. This grant only confers the right to //C- | infringe patent claims underlying the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE to //C- | the extent such infringement is reasonably necessary to enable //C- | recipient to make, have made, practice, sell, or otherwise dispose //C- | of the LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE (or portions thereof) and not to //C- | any greater extent that may be necessary to utilize further //C- | modifications or combinations. //C- | //C- | The LIZARDTECH ORIGINAL CODE is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY //C- | OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED //C- | TO ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF //C- | MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. //C- +------------------------------------------------------------------ // // $Id: IW44Image.cpp,v 1.11 2004/08/06 15:11:29 leonb Exp $ // $Name: release_3_5_15 $ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #if NEED_GNUG_PRAGMAS # pragma implementation #endif // - Author: Leon Bottou, 08/1998 // From: Leon Bottou, 1/31/2002 // Lizardtech has split this file into a decoder and an encoder. // Only superficial changes. The meat is mine. #define IW44IMAGE_IMPLIMENTATION /* */ // -------------------^ not my spelling mistake (Leon Bottou) #include "IW44Image.h" #include "ZPCodec.h" #include "GBitmap.h" #include "GPixmap.h" #include "IFFByteStream.h" #include "GRect.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "MMX.h" #undef IWTRANSFORM_TIMER #ifdef IWTRANSFORM_TIMER #include "GOS.h" #endif #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES namespace DJVU { # ifdef NOT_DEFINED // Just to fool emacs c++ mode } #endif #endif #define IWALLOCSIZE 4080 #define IWCODEC_MAJOR 1 #define IWCODEC_MINOR 2 #define DECIBEL_PRUNE 5.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WAVELET DECOMPOSITION CONSTANTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Parameters for IW44 wavelet. // - iw_quant: quantization for all 16 sub-bands // - iw_norm: norm of all wavelets (for db estimation) // - iw_border: pixel border required to run filters // - iw_shift: scale applied before decomposition static const int iw_quant[16] = { 0x004000, 0x008000, 0x008000, 0x010000, 0x010000, 0x010000, 0x020000, 0x020000, 0x020000, 0x040000, 0x040000, 0x040000, 0x080000, 0x040000, 0x040000, 0x080000 }; static const float iw_norm[16] = { 2.627989e+03F, 1.832893e+02F, 1.832959e+02F, 5.114690e+01F, 4.583344e+01F, 4.583462e+01F, 1.279225e+01F, 1.149671e+01F, 1.149712e+01F, 3.218888e+00F, 2.999281e+00F, 2.999476e+00F, 8.733161e-01F, 1.074451e+00F, 1.074511e+00F, 4.289318e-01F }; static const int iw_border = 3; static const int iw_shift = 6; static const int iw_round = (1<<(iw_shift-1)); class IW44Image::Codec::Decode : public IW44Image::Codec { public: // Construction Decode(IW44Image::Map &map) : Codec(map) {} // Coding virtual int code_slice(ZPCodec &zp); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MMX IMPLEMENTATION HELPERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: // MMX implementation for vertical transforms only. // Speedup is basically related to faster memory transfer // The IW44 transform is not CPU bound, it is memory bound. #ifdef MMX static const short w9[] = {9,9,9,9}; static const short w1[] = {1,1,1,1}; static const int d8[] = {8,8}; static const int d16[] = {16,16}; static void mmx_bv_1 ( short* &q, short* e, int s, int s3 ) { while (q<e && (((long)q)&0x7)) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (int)q[s]; int b = (int)q[-s3] + (int)q[s3]; *q -= (((a<<3)+a-b+16)>>5); q ++; } while (q+3 < e) { MMXar( movq, q-s,mm0); // MM0=[ b3, b2, b1, b0 ] MMXar( movq, q+s,mm2); // MM2=[ c3, c2, c1, c0 ] MMXrr( movq, mm0,mm1); MMXrr( punpcklwd, mm2,mm0); // MM0=[ c1, b1, c0, b0 ] MMXrr( punpckhwd, mm2,mm1); // MM1=[ c3, b3, c2, b2 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w9,mm0); // MM0=[ (c1+b1)*9, (c0+b0)*9 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w9,mm1); // MM1=[ (c3+b3)*9, (c2+b2)*9 ] MMXar( movq, q-s3,mm2); MMXar( movq, q+s3,mm4); MMXrr( movq, mm2,mm3); MMXrr( punpcklwd, mm4,mm2); // MM2=[ d1, a1, d0, a0 ] MMXrr( punpckhwd, mm4,mm3); // MM3=[ d3, a3, d2, a2 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w1,mm2); // MM2=[ (a1+d1)*1, (a0+d0)*1 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w1,mm3); // MM3=[ (a3+d3)*1, (a2+d2)*1 ] MMXar( paddd, d16,mm0); MMXar( paddd, d16,mm1); MMXrr( psubd, mm2,mm0); // MM0=[ (c1+b1)*9-a1-d1+8, ... MMXrr( psubd, mm3,mm1); // MM1=[ (c3+b3)*9-a3-d3+8, ... MMXir( psrad, 5,mm0); MMXar( movq, q,mm7); // MM7=[ p3,p2,p1,p0 ] MMXir( psrad, 5,mm1); MMXrr( packssdw, mm1,mm0); // MM0=[ x3,x2,x1,x0 ] MMXrr( psubw, mm0,mm7); // MM7=[ p3-x3, p2-x2, ... ] MMXra( movq, mm7,q); #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) MMXemms; #endif q += 4; } } static void mmx_bv_2 ( short* &q, short* e, int s, int s3 ) { while (q<e && (((long)q)&0x7)) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (int)q[s]; int b = (int)q[-s3] + (int)q[s3]; *q += (((a<<3)+a-b+8)>>4); q ++; } while (q+3 < e) { MMXar( movq, q-s,mm0); // MM0=[ b3, b2, b1, b0 ] MMXar( movq, q+s,mm2); // MM2=[ c3, c2, c1, c0 ] MMXrr( movq, mm0,mm1); MMXrr( punpcklwd, mm2,mm0); // MM0=[ c1, b1, c0, b0 ] MMXrr( punpckhwd, mm2,mm1); // MM1=[ c3, b3, c2, b2 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w9,mm0); // MM0=[ (c1+b1)*9, (c0+b0)*9 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w9,mm1); // MM1=[ (c3+b3)*9, (c2+b2)*9 ] MMXar( movq, q-s3,mm2); MMXar( movq, q+s3,mm4); MMXrr( movq, mm2,mm3); MMXrr( punpcklwd, mm4,mm2); // MM2=[ d1, a1, d0, a0 ] MMXrr( punpckhwd, mm4,mm3); // MM3=[ d3, a3, d2, a2 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w1,mm2); // MM2=[ (a1+d1)*1, (a0+d0)*1 ] MMXar( pmaddwd, w1,mm3); // MM3=[ (a3+d3)*1, (a2+d2)*1 ] MMXar( paddd, d8,mm0); MMXar( paddd, d8,mm1); MMXrr( psubd, mm2,mm0); // MM0=[ (c1+b1)*9-a1-d1+8, ... MMXrr( psubd, mm3,mm1); // MM1=[ (c3+b3)*9-a3-d3+8, ... MMXir( psrad, 4,mm0); MMXar( movq, q,mm7); // MM7=[ p3,p2,p1,p0 ] MMXir( psrad, 4,mm1); MMXrr( packssdw, mm1,mm0); // MM0=[ x3,x2,x1,x0 ] MMXrr( paddw, mm0,mm7); // MM7=[ p3+x3, p2+x2, ... ] MMXra( movq, mm7,q); #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) MMXemms; #endif q += 4; } } #endif /* MMX */ static void filter_bv(short *p, int w, int h, int rowsize, int scale) { int y = 0; int s = scale*rowsize; int s3 = s+s+s; h = ((h-1)/scale)+1; while (y-3 < h) { // 1-Lifting { short *q = p; short *e = q+w; if (y>=3 && y+3<h) { // Generic case #ifdef MMX if (scale==1 && MMXControl::mmxflag>0) mmx_bv_1(q, e, s, s3); #endif while (q<e) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (int)q[s]; int b = (int)q[-s3] + (int)q[s3]; *q -= (((a<<3)+a-b+16)>>5); q += scale; } } else if (y<h) { // Special cases short *q1 = (y+1<h ? q+s : 0); short *q3 = (y+3<h ? q+s3 : 0); if (y>=3) { while (q<e) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (q1 ? (int)(*q1) : 0); int b = (int)q[-s3] + (q3 ? (int)(*q3) : 0); *q -= (((a<<3)+a-b+16)>>5); q += scale; if (q1) q1 += scale; if (q3) q3 += scale; } } else if (y>=1) { while (q<e) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (q1 ? (int)(*q1) : 0); int b = (q3 ? (int)(*q3) : 0); *q -= (((a<<3)+a-b+16)>>5); q += scale; if (q1) q1 += scale; if (q3) q3 += scale; } } else { while (q<e) { int a = (q1 ? (int)(*q1) : 0); int b = (q3 ? (int)(*q3) : 0); *q -= (((a<<3)+a-b+16)>>5); q += scale; if (q1) q1 += scale; if (q3) q3 += scale; } } } } // 2-Interpolation { short *q = p-s3; short *e = q+w; if (y>=6 && y<h) { // Generic case #ifdef MMX if (scale==1 && MMXControl::mmxflag>0) mmx_bv_2(q, e, s, s3); #endif while (q<e) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (int)q[s]; int b = (int)q[-s3] + (int)q[s3]; *q += (((a<<3)+a-b+8)>>4); q += scale; } } else if (y>=3) { // Special cases short *q1 = (y-2<h ? q+s : q-s); while (q<e) { int a = (int)q[-s] + (int)(*q1); *q += ((a+1)>>1); q += scale; q1 += scale; } } } y += 2; p += s+s; } } static void filter_bh(short *p, int w, int h, int rowsize, int scale) { int y = 0; int s = scale; int s3 = s+s+s; rowsize *= scale; while (y<h) { short *q = p; short *e = p+w; int a0=0, a1=0, a2=0, a3=0; int b0=0, b1=0, b2=0, b3=0; if (q<e) { // Special case: x=0 if (q+s < e) a2 = q[s]; if (q+s3 < e) a3 = q[s3]; b2 = b3 = q[0] - ((((a1+a2)<<3)+(a1+a2)-a0-a3+16) >> 5); q[0] = b3; q += s+s; } if (q<e) { // Special case: x=2 a0 = a1; a1 = a2; a2 = a3; if (q+s3 < e) a3 = q[s3]; b3 = q[0] - ((((a1+a2)<<3)+(a1+a2)-a0-a3+16) >> 5); q[0] = b3; q += s+s; } if (q<e) { // Special case: x=4 b1 = b2; b2 = b3; a0 = a1; a1 = a2; a2 = a3; if (q+s3 < e) a3 = q[s3]; b3 = q[0] - ((((a1+a2)<<3)+(a1+a2)-a0-a3+16) >> 5); q[0] = b3; q[-s3] = q[-s3] + ((b1+b2+1)>>1); q += s+s; } while (q+s3 < e) { // Generic case a0=a1; a1=a2; a2=a3; a3=q[s3]; b0=b1; b1=b2; b2=b3; b3 = q[0] - ((((a1+a2)<<3)+(a1+a2)-a0-a3+16) >> 5); q[0] = b3; q[-s3] = q[-s3] + ((((b1+b2)<<3)+(b1+b2)-b0-b3+8) >> 4); q += s+s; } while (q < e) { // Special case: w-3 <= x < w a0=a1; a1=a2; a2=a3; a3=0; b0=b1; b1=b2; b2=b3; b3 = q[0] - ((((a1+a2)<<3)+(a1+a2)-a0-a3+16) >> 5); q[0] = b3; q[-s3] = q[-s3] + ((((b1+b2)<<3)+(b1+b2)-b0-b3+8) >> 4); q += s+s; } while (q-s3 < e) { // Special case w <= x < w+3 b0=b1; b1=b2; b2=b3; if (q-s3 >= p) q[-s3] = q[-s3] + ((b1+b2+1)>>1); q += s+s; } y += scale; p += rowsize; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // REPRESENTATION OF WAVELET DECOMPOSED IMAGES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------------------------------------------------- // Zig zag location in a 1024 liftblock. // These numbers have been generated with the following program: // // int x=0, y=0; // for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { // x = (x<<1) | (n&1); n >>= 1; // y = (y<<1) | (n&1); n >>= 1; // } static int zigzagloc[1024] = { 0, 16, 512, 528, 8, 24, 520, 536, 256, 272, 768, 784, 264, 280, 776, 792, 4, 20, 516, 532, 12, 28, 524, 540, 260, 276, 772, 788, 268, 284, 780, 796, 128, 144, 640, 656, 136, 152, 648, 664, 384, 400, 896, 912, 392, 408, 904, 920, 132, 148, 644, 660, 140, 156, 652, 668, 388, 404, 900, 916, 396, 412, 908, 924, 2, 18, 514, 530, 10, 26, 522, 538, 258, 274, 770, 786, 266, 282, 778, 794, 6, 22, 518, 534, 14, 30, 526, 542, 262, 278, 774, 790, 270, 286, 782, 798, 130, 146, 642, 658, 138, 154, 650, 666, 386, 402, 898, 914, 394, 410, 906, 922, 134, 150, 646, 662, 142, 158, 654, 670, 390, 406, 902, 918, 398, 414, 910, 926, 64, 80, 576, 592, 72, 88, 584, 600, 320, 336, 832, 848, 328, 344, 840, 856, 68, 84, 580, 596, 76, 92, 588, 604, 324, 340, 836, 852, 332, 348, 844, 860, 192, 208, 704, 720, 200, 216, 712, 728, 448, 464, 960, 976, 456, 472, 968, 984, 196, 212, 708, 724, 204, 220, 716, 732, 452, 468, 964, 980, 460, 476, 972, 988, 66, 82, 578, 594, 74, 90, 586, 602, 322, 338, 834, 850, 330, 346, 842, 858, 70, 86, 582, 598, 78, 94, 590, 606, 326, 342, 838, 854, 334, 350, 846, 862, 194, 210, 706, 722, 202, 218, 714, 730, 450, 466, 962, 978, 458, 474, 970, 986, 198, 214, 710, 726, 206, 222, 718, 734, 454, 470, 966, 982, 462, 478, 974, 990, // 255 1, 17, 513, 529, 9, 25, 521, 537, 257, 273, 769, 785, 265, 281, 777, 793, 5, 21, 517, 533, 13, 29, 525, 541, 261, 277, 773, 789, 269, 285, 781, 797, 129, 145, 641, 657, 137, 153, 649, 665, 385, 401, 897, 913, 393, 409, 905, 921, 133, 149, 645, 661, 141, 157, 653, 669, 389, 405, 901, 917, 397, 413, 909, 925, 3, 19, 515, 531, 11, 27, 523, 539, 259, 275, 771, 787, 267, 283, 779, 795, 7, 23, 519, 535, 15, 31, 527, 543, 263, 279, 775, 791, 271, 287, 783, 799, 131, 147, 643, 659, 139, 155, 651, 667, 387, 403, 899, 915, 395, 411, 907, 923, 135, 151, 647, 663, 143, 159, 655, 671, 391, 407, 903, 919, 399, 415, 911, 927, 65, 81, 577, 593, 73, 89, 585, 601, 321, 337, 833, 849, 329, 345, 841, 857, 69, 85, 581, 597, 77, 93, 589, 605, 325, 341, 837, 853, 333, 349, 845, 861, 193, 209, 705, 721, 201, 217, 713, 729, 449, 465, 961, 977, 457, 473, 969, 985, 197, 213, 709, 725, 205, 221, 717, 733, 453, 469, 965, 981, 461, 477, 973, 989, 67, 83, 579, 595, 75, 91, 587, 603, 323, 339, 835, 851, 331, 347, 843, 859, 71, 87, 583, 599, 79, 95, 591, 607, 327, 343, 839, 855, 335, 351, 847, 863, 195, 211, 707, 723, 203, 219, 715, 731, 451, 467, 963, 979, 459, 475, 971, 987, 199, 215, 711, 727, 207, 223, 719, 735, 455, 471, 967, 983, 463, 479, 975, 991, // 511 32, 48, 544, 560, 40, 56, 552, 568, 288, 304, 800, 816, 296, 312, 808, 824, 36, 52, 548, 564, 44, 60, 556, 572, 292, 308, 804, 820, 300, 316, 812, 828, 160, 176, 672, 688, 168, 184, 680, 696, 416, 432, 928, 944, 424, 440, 936, 952, 164, 180, 676, 692, 172, 188, 684, 700, 420, 436, 932, 948, 428, 444, 940, 956, 34, 50, 546, 562, 42, 58, 554, 570, 290, 306, 802, 818, 298, 314, 810, 826, 38, 54, 550, 566, 46, 62, 558, 574, 294, 310, 806, 822, 302, 318, 814, 830, 162, 178, 674, 690, 170, 186, 682, 698, 418, 434, 930, 946, 426, 442, 938, 954, 166, 182, 678, 694, 174, 190, 686, 702, 422, 438, 934, 950, 430, 446, 942, 958, 96, 112, 608, 624, 104, 120, 616, 632, 352, 368, 864, 880, 360, 376, 872, 888, 100, 116, 612, 628, 108, 124, 620, 636, 356, 372, 868, 884, 364, 380, 876, 892, 224, 240, 736, 752, 232, 248, 744, 760, 480, 496, 992,1008, 488, 504,1000,1016, 228, 244, 740, 756, 236, 252, 748, 764, 484, 500, 996,1012, 492, 508,1004,1020, 98, 114, 610, 626, 106, 122, 618, 634, 354, 370, 866, 882, 362, 378, 874, 890, 102, 118, 614, 630, 110, 126, 622, 638, 358, 374, 870, 886, 366, 382, 878, 894, 226, 242, 738, 754, 234, 250, 746, 762, 482, 498, 994,1010, 490, 506,1002,1018, 230, 246, 742, 758, 238, 254, 750, 766, 486, 502, 998,1014, 494, 510,1006,1022, // 767 33, 49, 545, 561, 41, 57, 553, 569, 289, 305, 801, 817, 297, 313, 809, 825, 37, 53, 549, 565, 45, 61, 557, 573, 293, 309, 805, 821, 301, 317, 813, 829, 161, 177, 673, 689, 169, 185, 681, 697, 417, 433, 929, 945, 425, 441, 937, 953, 165, 181, 677, 693, 173, 189, 685, 701, 421, 437, 933, 949, 429, 445, 941, 957, 35, 51, 547, 563, 43, 59, 555, 571, 291, 307, 803, 819, 299, 315, 811, 827, 39, 55, 551, 567, 47, 63, 559, 575, 295, 311, 807, 823, 303, 319, 815, 831, 163, 179, 675, 691, 171, 187, 683, 699, 419, 435, 931, 947, 427, 443, 939, 955, 167, 183, 679, 695, 175, 191, 687, 703, 423, 439, 935, 951, 431, 447, 943, 959, 97, 113, 609, 625, 105, 121, 617, 633, 353, 369, 865, 881, 361, 377, 873, 889, 101, 117, 613, 629, 109, 125, 621, 637, 357, 373, 869, 885, 365, 381, 877, 893, 225, 241, 737, 753, 233, 249, 745, 761, 481, 497, 993,1009, 489, 505,1001,1017, 229, 245, 741, 757, 237, 253, 749, 765, 485, 501, 997,1013, 493, 509,1005,1021, 99, 115, 611, 627, 107, 123, 619, 635, 355, 371, 867, 883, 363, 379, 875, 891, 103, 119, 615, 631, 111, 127, 623, 639, 359, 375, 871, 887, 367, 383, 879, 895, 227, 243, 739, 755, 235, 251, 747, 763, 483, 499, 995,1011, 491, 507,1003,1019, 231, 247, 743, 759, 239, 255, 751, 767, 487, 503, 999,1015, 495, 511,1007,1023, // 1023 }; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // *** Class IW44Image::Alloc [declaration] struct IW44Image::Alloc // DJVU_CLASS { Alloc *next; short data[IWALLOCSIZE]; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // *** Class IW44Image::Block [implementation] IW44Image::Block::Block(void) { pdata[0] = pdata[1] = pdata[2] = pdata[3] = 0; } void IW44Image::Block::zero(int n) { if (pdata[n>>4]) pdata[n>>4][n&15] = 0; } void IW44Image::Block::read_liftblock(const short *coeff, IW44Image::Map *map) { int n=0; for (int n1=0; n1<64; n1++) { short *d = data(n1,map); for (int n2=0; n2<16; n2++,n++) d[n2] = coeff[zigzagloc[n]]; } } void IW44Image::Block::write_liftblock(short *coeff, int bmin, int bmax) const { int n = bmin<<4; memset(coeff, 0, 1024*sizeof(short)); for (int n1=bmin; n1<bmax; n1++) { const short *d = data(n1); if (d == 0) n += 16; else for (int n2=0; n2<16; n2++,n++) coeff[zigzagloc[n]] = d[n2]; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------- // *** Class IW44Image::Map [implementation] IW44Image::Map::Map(int w, int h) : blocks(0), iw(w), ih(h), chain(0) { bw = (w+0x20-1) & ~0x1f; bh = (h+0x20-1) & ~0x1f; nb = (bw * bh) / (32 * 32); blocks = new IW44Image::Block[nb]; top = IWALLOCSIZE; } IW44Image::Map::~Map() { while (chain) { IW44Image::Alloc *next = chain->next; delete chain; chain = next; } delete [] blocks; } short * IW44Image::Map::alloc(int n) { if (top+n > IWALLOCSIZE) { IW44Image::Alloc *n = new IW44Image::Alloc; n->next = chain; chain = n; top = 0; } short *ans = chain->data + top; top += n; memset((void*)ans, 0, sizeof(short)*n); return ans; } short ** IW44Image::Map::allocp(int n) { // Allocate enough room for pointers plus alignment short *p = alloc( (n+1) * sizeof(short*) / sizeof(short) ); // Align on pointer size while ( ((long)p) & (sizeof(short*)-1) ) p += 1; // Cast and return return (short**)p; } int IW44Image::Map::get_bucket_count(void) const { int buckets = 0; for (int blockno=0; blockno<nb; blockno++) for (int buckno=0; buckno<64; buckno++) if (blocks[blockno].data(buckno)) buckets += 1; return buckets; } unsigned int IW44Image::Map::get_memory_usage(void) const { unsigned int usage = sizeof(Map); usage += sizeof(IW44Image::Block) * nb; for (IW44Image::Alloc *n = chain; n; n=n->next) usage += sizeof(IW44Image::Alloc); return usage; } void IW44Image::Map::image(signed char *img8, int rowsize, int pixsep, int fast) { // Allocate reconstruction buffer short *data16; GPBuffer<short> gdata16(data16,bw*bh); // Copy coefficients int i; short *p = data16; const IW44Image::Block *block = blocks; for (i=0; i<bh; i+=32) { for (int j=0; j<bw; j+=32) { short liftblock[1024]; // transfer into IW44Image::Block (apply zigzag and scaling) block->write_liftblock(liftblock); block++; // transfer into coefficient matrix at (p+j) short *pp = p + j; short *pl = liftblock; for (int ii=0; ii<32; ii++, pp+=bw,pl+=32) memcpy((void*)pp, (void*)pl, 32*sizeof(short)); } // next row of blocks p += 32*bw; } // Reconstruction if (fast) { IW44Image::Transform::Decode::backward(data16, iw, ih, bw, 32, 2); p = data16; for (i=0; i<bh; i+=2,p+=bw) for (int jj=0; jj<bw; jj+=2,p+=2) p[bw] = p[bw+1] = p[1] = p[0]; } else { IW44Image::Transform::Decode::backward(data16, iw, ih, bw, 32, 1); } // Copy result into image p = data16; signed char *row = img8; for (i=0; i<ih; i++) { signed char *pix = row; for (int j=0; j<iw; j+=1,pix+=pixsep) { int x = (p[j] + iw_round) >> iw_shift; if (x < -128) x = -128; else if (x > 127) x = 127; *pix = x; } row += rowsize; p += bw; } } void IW44Image::Map::image(int subsample, const GRect &rect, signed char *img8, int rowsize, int pixsep, int fast) { int i; // Compute number of decomposition levels int nlevel = 0; while (nlevel<5 && (32>>nlevel)>subsample) nlevel += 1; int boxsize = 1<<nlevel; // Parameter check if (subsample!=(32>>nlevel)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.sample_factor") ); if (rect.isempty()) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.empty_rect") ); GRect irect(0,0,(iw+subsample-1)/subsample,(ih+subsample-1)/subsample); if (rect.xmin<0 || rect.ymin<0 || rect.xmax>irect.xmax || rect.ymax>irect.ymax) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.bad_rect") ); // Multiresolution rectangles // -- needed[i] tells which coeffs are required for the next step // -- recomp[i] tells which coeffs need to be computed at this level GRect needed[8]; GRect recomp[8]; int r = 1; needed[nlevel] = rect; recomp[nlevel] = rect; for (i=nlevel-1; i>=0; i--) { needed[i] = recomp[i+1]; needed[i].inflate(iw_border*r, iw_border*r); needed[i].intersect(needed[i], irect); r += r; recomp[i].xmin = (needed[i].xmin + r-1) & ~(r-1); recomp[i].xmax = (needed[i].xmax) & ~(r-1); recomp[i].ymin = (needed[i].ymin + r-1) & ~(r-1); recomp[i].ymax = (needed[i].ymax) & ~(r-1); } // Working rectangle // -- a rectangle large enough to hold all the data GRect work; work.xmin = (needed[0].xmin) & ~(boxsize-1); work.ymin = (needed[0].ymin) & ~(boxsize-1); work.xmax = ((needed[0].xmax-1) & ~(boxsize-1) ) + boxsize; work.ymax = ((needed[0].ymax-1) & ~(boxsize-1) ) + boxsize; // -- allocate work buffer int dataw = work.xmax - work.xmin; // Note: cannot use inline width() or height() int datah = work.ymax - work.ymin; // because Intel C++ compiler optimizes it wrong ! short *data; GPBuffer<short> gdata(data,dataw*datah); // Fill working rectangle // -- loop over liftblocks rows short *ldata = data; int blkw = (bw>>5); const IW44Image::Block *lblock = blocks + (work.ymin>>nlevel)*blkw + (work.xmin>>nlevel); for (int by=work.ymin; by<work.ymax; by+=boxsize) { // -- loop over liftblocks in row const IW44Image::Block *block = lblock; short *rdata = ldata; for (int bx=work.xmin; bx<work.xmax; bx+=boxsize) { // -- decide how much to load int mlevel = nlevel; if (nlevel>2) if (bx+31<needed[2].xmin || bx>needed[2].xmax || by+31<needed[2].ymin || by>needed[2].ymax ) mlevel = 2; int bmax = ((1<<(mlevel+mlevel))+15)>>4; int ppinc = (1<<(nlevel-mlevel)); int ppmod1 = (dataw<<(nlevel-mlevel)); int ttmod0 = (32 >> mlevel); int ttmod1 = (ttmod0 << 5); // -- get current block short liftblock[1024]; block->write_liftblock(liftblock, 0, bmax ); // -- copy liftblock into image short *tt = liftblock; short *pp = rdata; for (int ii=0; ii<boxsize; ii+=ppinc,pp+=ppmod1,tt+=ttmod1-32) for (int jj=0; jj<boxsize; jj+=ppinc,tt+=ttmod0) pp[jj] = *tt; // -- next block in row rdata += boxsize; block += 1; } // -- next row of blocks ldata += dataw << nlevel; lblock += blkw; } // Perform reconstruction r = boxsize; for (i=0; i<nlevel; i++) { GRect comp = needed[i]; comp.xmin = comp.xmin & ~(r-1); comp.ymin = comp.ymin & ~(r-1); comp.translate(-work.xmin, -work.ymin); // Fast mode shortcuts finer resolution if (fast && i>=4) { short *pp = data + comp.ymin*dataw; for (int ii=comp.ymin; ii<comp.ymax; ii+=2, pp+=dataw+dataw) for (int jj=comp.xmin; jj<comp.xmax; jj+=2) pp[jj+dataw] = pp[jj+dataw+1] = pp[jj+1] = pp[jj]; break; } else { short *pp = data + comp.ymin*dataw + comp.xmin; IW44Image::Transform::Decode::backward(pp, comp.width(), comp.height(), dataw, r, r>>1); } r = r>>1; } // Copy result into image GRect nrect = rect; nrect.translate(-work.xmin, -work.ymin); short *p = data + nrect.ymin*dataw; signed char *row = img8; for (i=nrect.ymin; i<nrect.ymax; i++) { int j; signed char *pix = row; for (j=nrect.xmin; j<nrect.xmax; j+=1,pix+=pixsep) { int x = (p[j] + iw_round) >> iw_shift; if (x < -128) x = -128; else if (x > 127) x = 127; *pix = x; } row += rowsize; p += dataw; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ENCODING/DECODING WAVELET COEFFICIENTS // USING HIERARCHICAL SET DIFFERENCE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //----------------------------------------------- // Class IW44Image::Codec [implementation] // Maintains information shared while encoding or decoding // Constant static const struct { int start; int size; } bandbuckets[] = { // Code first bucket and number of buckets in each band { 0, 1 }, // -- band zero contains all lores info { 1, 1 }, { 2, 1 }, { 3, 1 }, { 4, 4 }, { 8, 4 }, { 12,4 }, { 16,16 }, { 32,16 }, { 48,16 }, }; // IW44Image::Codec constructor IW44Image::Codec::Codec(IW44Image::Map &xmap) : map(xmap), curband(0), curbit(1) { // Initialize quantification int j; int i = 0; const int *q = iw_quant; // -- lo coefficients for (j=0; i<4; j++) quant_lo[i++] = *q++; for (j=0; j<4; j++) quant_lo[i++] = *q; q += 1; for (j=0; j<4; j++) quant_lo[i++] = *q; q += 1; for (j=0; j<4; j++) quant_lo[i++] = *q; q += 1; // -- hi coefficients quant_hi[0] = 0; for (j=1; j<10; j++) quant_hi[j] = *q++; // Initialize coding contexts memset((void*)ctxStart, 0, sizeof(ctxStart)); memset((void*)ctxBucket, 0, sizeof(ctxBucket)); ctxMant = 0; ctxRoot = 0; } // IW44Image::Codec destructor IW44Image::Codec::~Codec() {} // is_null_slice // -- check if data can be produced for this band/mask // -- also fills the sure_zero array int IW44Image::Codec::is_null_slice(int bit, int band) { if (band == 0) { int is_null = 1; for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { int threshold = quant_lo[i]; coeffstate[i] = ZERO; if (threshold>0 && threshold<0x8000) { coeffstate[i] = UNK; is_null = 0; } } return is_null; } else { int threshold = quant_hi[band]; return (! (threshold>0 && threshold<0x8000)); } } // code_slice // -- read/write a slice of datafile int IW44Image::Codec::Decode::code_slice(ZPCodec &zp) { // Check that code_slice can still run if (curbit < 0) return 0; // Perform coding if (! is_null_slice(curbit, curband)) { for (int blockno=0; blockno<map.nb; blockno++) { int fbucket = bandbuckets[curband].start; int nbucket = bandbuckets[curband].size; decode_buckets(zp, curbit, curband, map.blocks[blockno], fbucket, nbucket); } } return finish_code_slice(zp); } // code_slice // -- read/write a slice of datafile int IW44Image::Codec::finish_code_slice(ZPCodec &zp) { // Reduce quantization threshold quant_hi[curband] = quant_hi[curband] >> 1; if (curband == 0) for (int i=0; i<16; i++) quant_lo[i] = quant_lo[i] >> 1; // Proceed to the next slice if (++curband >= (int)(sizeof(bandbuckets)/sizeof(bandbuckets[0]))) { curband = 0; curbit += 1; if (quant_hi[(sizeof(bandbuckets)/sizeof(bandbuckets[0]))-1] == 0) { // All quantization thresholds are null curbit = -1; return 0; } } return 1; } // decode_prepare // -- prepare the states before decoding buckets int IW44Image::Codec::decode_prepare(int fbucket, int nbucket, IW44Image::Block &blk) { int bbstate = 0; char *cstate = coeffstate; if (fbucket) { // Band other than zero for (int buckno=0; buckno<nbucket; buckno++, cstate+=16) { int bstatetmp = 0; const short *pcoeff = blk.data(fbucket+buckno); if (! pcoeff) { // cstate[0..15] will be filled later bstatetmp = UNK; } else { for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { int cstatetmp = UNK; if (pcoeff[i]) cstatetmp = ACTIVE; cstate[i] = cstatetmp; bstatetmp |= cstatetmp; } } bucketstate[buckno] = bstatetmp; bbstate |= bstatetmp; } } else { // Band zero ( fbucket==0 implies band==zero and nbucket==1 ) const short *pcoeff = blk.data(0); if (! pcoeff) { // cstate[0..15] will be filled later bbstate = UNK; } else { for (int i=0; i<16; i++) { int cstatetmp = cstate[i]; if (cstatetmp != ZERO) { cstatetmp = UNK; if (pcoeff[i]) cstatetmp = ACTIVE; } cstate[i] = cstatetmp; bbstate |= cstatetmp; } } bucketstate[0] = bbstate; } return bbstate; } // decode_buckets // -- code a sequence of buckets in a given block void IW44Image::Codec::decode_buckets(ZPCodec &zp, int bit, int band, IW44Image::Block &blk, int fbucket, int nbucket) { // compute state of all coefficients in all buckets int bbstate = decode_prepare(fbucket, nbucket, blk); // code root bit if ((nbucket<16) || (bbstate&ACTIVE)) { bbstate |= NEW; } else if (bbstate & UNK) { if (zp.decoder(ctxRoot)) bbstate |= NEW; #ifdef TRACE DjVuPrintMessage("bbstate[bit=%d,band=%d] = %d\n", bit, band, bbstate); #endif } // code bucket bits if (bbstate & NEW) for (int buckno=0; buckno<nbucket; buckno++) { // Code bucket bit if (bucketstate[buckno] & UNK) { // Context int ctx = 0; #ifndef NOCTX_BUCKET_UPPER if (band>0) { int k = (fbucket+buckno)<<2; const short *b = blk.data(k>>4); if (b) { k = k & 0xf; if (b[k]) ctx += 1; if (b[k+1]) ctx += 1; if (b[k+2]) ctx += 1; if (ctx<3 && b[k+3]) ctx += 1; } } #endif // NOCTX_BUCKET_UPPER #ifndef NOCTX_BUCKET_ACTIVE if (bbstate & ACTIVE) ctx |= 4; #endif // Code if (zp.decoder( ctxBucket[band][ctx] )) bucketstate[buckno] |= NEW; #ifdef TRACE DjVuPrintMessage(" bucketstate[bit=%d,band=%d,buck=%d] = %d\n", bit, band, buckno, bucketstate[buckno]); #endif } } // code new active coefficient (with their sign) if (bbstate & NEW) { int thres = quant_hi[band]; char *cstate = coeffstate; for (int buckno=0; buckno<nbucket; buckno++, cstate+=16) if (bucketstate[buckno] & NEW) { int i; short *pcoeff = (short*)blk.data(fbucket+buckno); if (!pcoeff) { pcoeff = blk.data(fbucket+buckno, &map); // time to fill cstate[0..15] if (fbucket == 0) // band zero { for (i=0; i<16; i++) if (cstate[i] != ZERO) cstate[i] = UNK; } else { for (i=0; i<16; i++) cstate[i] = UNK; } } #ifndef NOCTX_EXPECT int gotcha = 0; const int maxgotcha = 7; for (i=0; i<16; i++) if (cstate[i] & UNK) gotcha += 1; #endif for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if (cstate[i] & UNK) { // find lores threshold if (band == 0) thres = quant_lo[i]; // prepare context int ctx = 0; #ifndef NOCTX_EXPECT if (gotcha>=maxgotcha) ctx = maxgotcha; else ctx = gotcha; #endif #ifndef NOCTX_ACTIVE if (bucketstate[buckno] & ACTIVE) ctx |= 8; #endif // code difference bit if (zp.decoder( ctxStart[ctx] )) { cstate[i] |= NEW; int halfthres = thres>>1; int coeff = thres+halfthres-(halfthres>>2); if (zp.IWdecoder()) pcoeff[i] = -coeff; else pcoeff[i] = coeff; } #ifndef NOCTX_EXPECT if (cstate[i] & NEW) gotcha = 0; else if (gotcha > 0) gotcha -= 1; #endif #ifdef TRACE DjVuPrintMessage(" coeffstate[bit=%d,band=%d,buck=%d,c=%d] = %d\n", bit, band, buckno, i, cstate[i]); #endif } } } } // code mantissa bits if (bbstate & ACTIVE) { int thres = quant_hi[band]; char *cstate = coeffstate; for (int buckno=0; buckno<nbucket; buckno++, cstate+=16) if (bucketstate[buckno] & ACTIVE) { short *pcoeff = (short*)blk.data(fbucket+buckno); for (int i=0; i<16; i++) if (cstate[i] & ACTIVE) { int coeff = pcoeff[i]; if (coeff < 0) coeff = -coeff; // find lores threshold if (band == 0) thres = quant_lo[i]; // adjust coefficient if (coeff <= 3*thres) { // second mantissa bit coeff = coeff + (thres>>2); if (zp.decoder(ctxMant)) coeff = coeff + (thres>>1); else coeff = coeff - thres + (thres>>1); } else { if (zp.IWdecoder()) coeff = coeff + (thres>>1); else coeff = coeff - thres + (thres>>1); } // store coefficient if (pcoeff[i] > 0) pcoeff[i] = coeff; else pcoeff[i] = -coeff; } } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UTILITIES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef min #undef min #endif static inline int min(const int x, const int y) { return (x <= y) ? x : y; } #ifdef max #undef max #endif static inline int max(const int x, const int y) { return (y <= x) ? x : y; } void IW44Image::PrimaryHeader::decode(GP<ByteStream> gbs) { serial = gbs->read8(); slices = gbs->read8(); } void IW44Image::SecondaryHeader::decode(GP<ByteStream> gbs) { major = gbs->read8(); minor = gbs->read8(); } void IW44Image::TertiaryHeader::decode(GP<ByteStream> gbs, int major, int minor) { xhi = gbs->read8(); xlo = gbs->read8(); yhi = gbs->read8(); ylo = gbs->read8(); crcbdelay = 0; if (major== 1 && minor>=2) crcbdelay = gbs->read8(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS IW44Image ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IW44Image::IW44Image(void) : db_frac(1.0), ymap(0), cbmap(0), crmap(0), cslice(0), cserial(0), cbytes(0) {} IW44Image::~IW44Image() { delete ymap; delete cbmap; delete crmap; } GP<IW44Image> IW44Image::create_decode(const ImageType itype) { switch(itype) { case COLOR: return new IWPixmap(); case GRAY: return new IWBitmap(); default: return 0; } } int IW44Image::encode_chunk(GP<ByteStream>, const IWEncoderParms &) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.codec_open2") ); return 0; } void IW44Image::encode_iff(IFFByteStream &, int nchunks, const IWEncoderParms *) { G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.codec_open2") ); } void IWBitmap::close_codec(void) { delete ycodec; ycodec = 0; cslice = cbytes = cserial = 0; } void IWPixmap::close_codec(void) { delete ycodec; delete cbcodec; delete crcodec; ycodec = crcodec = cbcodec = 0; cslice = cbytes = cserial = 0; } int IW44Image::get_width(void) const { return (ymap)?(ymap->iw):0; } int IW44Image::get_height(void) const { return (ymap)?(ymap->ih):0; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS IWBITMAP ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IWBitmap::IWBitmap(void ) : IW44Image(), ycodec(0) {} IWBitmap::~IWBitmap() { close_codec(); } int IWBitmap::get_percent_memory(void) const { int buckets = 0; int maximum = 0; if (ymap) { buckets += ymap->get_bucket_count(); maximum += 64 * ymap->nb; } return 100*buckets/ (maximum ? maximum : 1); } unsigned int IWBitmap::get_memory_usage(void) const { unsigned int usage = sizeof(GBitmap); if (ymap) usage += ymap->get_memory_usage(); return usage; } GP<GBitmap> IWBitmap::get_bitmap(void) { // Check presence of data if (ymap == 0) return 0; // Perform wavelet reconstruction int w = ymap->iw; int h = ymap->ih; GP<GBitmap> pbm = GBitmap::create(h, w); ymap->image((signed char*)(*pbm)[0],pbm->rowsize()); // Shift image data for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { unsigned char *urow = (*pbm)[i]; signed char *srow = (signed char*)urow; for (int j=0; j<w; j++) urow[j] = (int)(srow[j]) + 128; } pbm->set_grays(256); return pbm; } GP<GBitmap> IWBitmap::get_bitmap(int subsample, const GRect &rect) { if (ymap == 0) return 0; // Allocate bitmap int w = rect.width(); int h = rect.height(); GP<GBitmap> pbm = GBitmap::create(h,w); ymap->image(subsample, rect, (signed char*)(*pbm)[0],pbm->rowsize()); // Shift image data for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { unsigned char *urow = (*pbm)[i]; signed char *srow = (signed char*)urow; for (int j=0; j<w; j++) urow[j] = (int)(srow[j]) + 128; } pbm->set_grays(256); return pbm; } int IWBitmap::decode_chunk(GP<ByteStream> gbs) { // Open if (! ycodec) { cslice = cserial = 0; delete ymap; ymap = 0; } // Read primary header struct IW44Image::PrimaryHeader primary; primary.decode(gbs); if (primary.serial != cserial) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.wrong_serial") ); int nslices = cslice + primary.slices; // Read auxilliary headers if (cserial == 0) { struct IW44Image::SecondaryHeader secondary; secondary.decode(gbs); if ((secondary.major & 0x7f) != IWCODEC_MAJOR) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.incompat_codec") ); if (secondary.minor > IWCODEC_MINOR) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.recent_codec") ); // Read tertiary header struct IW44Image::TertiaryHeader tertiary; tertiary.decode(gbs, secondary.major & 0x7f, secondary.minor); if (! (secondary.major & 0x80)) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.has_color") ); // Create ymap and ycodec int w = (tertiary.xhi << 8) | tertiary.xlo; int h = (tertiary.yhi << 8) | tertiary.ylo; assert(! ymap); ymap = new Map(w, h); assert(! ycodec); ycodec = new Codec::Decode(*ymap); } // Read data assert(ymap); assert(ycodec); GP<ZPCodec> gzp=ZPCodec::create(gbs, false, true); ZPCodec &zp=*gzp; int flag = 1; while (flag && cslice<nslices) { flag = ycodec->code_slice(zp); cslice++; } // Return cserial += 1; return nslices; } void IWBitmap::parm_dbfrac(float frac) { if (frac>0 && frac<=1) db_frac = frac; else G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.param_range") ); } int IWBitmap::get_serial(void) { return cserial; } void IWBitmap::decode_iff(IFFByteStream &iff, int maxchunks) { if (ycodec) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.left_open2") ); GUTF8String chkid; iff.get_chunk(chkid); if (chkid != "FORM:BM44") G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.corrupt_BM44") ); while (--maxchunks>=0 && iff.get_chunk(chkid)) { if (chkid == "BM44") decode_chunk(iff.get_bytestream()); iff.close_chunk(); } iff.close_chunk(); close_codec(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS IWENCODERPARMS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IWEncoderParms::IWEncoderParms(void) { // Zero represent default values memset((void*)this, 0, sizeof(IWEncoderParms)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLASS IWPIXMAP ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// IWPixmap::IWPixmap(void) : IW44Image(), crcb_delay(10), crcb_half(0), ycodec(0), cbcodec(0), crcodec(0) {} IWPixmap::~IWPixmap() { close_codec(); } int IWPixmap::get_percent_memory(void) const { int buckets = 0; int maximum = 0; if (ymap) { buckets += ymap->get_bucket_count(); maximum += 64*ymap->nb; } if (cbmap) { buckets += cbmap->get_bucket_count(); maximum += 64*cbmap->nb; } if (crmap) { buckets += crmap->get_bucket_count(); maximum += 64*crmap->nb; } return 100*buckets/ (maximum ? maximum : 1); } unsigned int IWPixmap::get_memory_usage(void) const { unsigned int usage = sizeof(GPixmap); if (ymap) usage += ymap->get_memory_usage(); if (cbmap) usage += cbmap->get_memory_usage(); if (crmap) usage += crmap->get_memory_usage(); return usage; } GP<GPixmap> IWPixmap::get_pixmap(void) { // Check presence of data if (ymap == 0) return 0; // Allocate pixmap int w = ymap->iw; int h = ymap->ih; GP<GPixmap> ppm = GPixmap::create(h, w); // Perform wavelet reconstruction signed char *ptr = (signed char*) (*ppm)[0]; int rowsep = ppm->rowsize() * sizeof(GPixel); int pixsep = sizeof(GPixel); ymap->image(ptr, rowsep, pixsep); if (crmap && cbmap && crcb_delay >= 0) { cbmap->image(ptr+1, rowsep, pixsep, crcb_half); crmap->image(ptr+2, rowsep, pixsep, crcb_half); } // Convert image data to RGB if (crmap && cbmap && crcb_delay >= 0) { Transform::Decode::YCbCr_to_RGB((*ppm)[0], w, h, ppm->rowsize()); } else { for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { GPixel *pixrow = (*ppm)[i]; for (int j=0; j<w; j++, pixrow++) pixrow->b = pixrow->g = pixrow->r = 127 - (int)(((signed char*)pixrow)[0]); } } // Return return ppm; } GP<GPixmap> IWPixmap::get_pixmap(int subsample, const GRect &rect) { if (ymap == 0) return 0; // Allocate int w = rect.width(); int h = rect.height(); GP<GPixmap> ppm = GPixmap::create(h,w); // Perform wavelet reconstruction signed char *ptr = (signed char*) (*ppm)[0]; int rowsep = ppm->rowsize() * sizeof(GPixel); int pixsep = sizeof(GPixel); ymap->image(subsample, rect, ptr, rowsep, pixsep); if (crmap && cbmap && crcb_delay >= 0) { cbmap->image(subsample, rect, ptr+1, rowsep, pixsep, crcb_half); crmap->image(subsample, rect, ptr+2, rowsep, pixsep, crcb_half); } // Convert image data to RGB if (crmap && cbmap && crcb_delay >= 0) { Transform::Decode::YCbCr_to_RGB((*ppm)[0], w, h, ppm->rowsize()); } else { for (int i=0; i<h; i++) { GPixel *pixrow = (*ppm)[i]; for (int j=0; j<w; j++, pixrow++) pixrow->b = pixrow->g = pixrow->r = 127 - (int)(((signed char*)pixrow)[0]); } } // Return return ppm; } int IWPixmap::decode_chunk(GP<ByteStream> gbs) { // Open if (! ycodec) { cslice = cserial = 0; delete ymap; ymap = 0; } // Read primary header struct IW44Image::PrimaryHeader primary; primary.decode(gbs); if (primary.serial != cserial) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.wrong_serial2") ); int nslices = cslice + primary.slices; // Read secondary header if (cserial == 0) { struct IW44Image::SecondaryHeader secondary; secondary.decode(gbs); if ((secondary.major & 0x7f) != IWCODEC_MAJOR) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.incompat_codec2") ); if (secondary.minor > IWCODEC_MINOR) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.recent_codec2") ); // Read tertiary header struct IW44Image::TertiaryHeader tertiary; tertiary.decode(gbs, secondary.major & 0x7f, secondary.minor); // Handle header information int w = (tertiary.xhi << 8) | tertiary.xlo; int h = (tertiary.yhi << 8) | tertiary.ylo; crcb_delay = 0; crcb_half = 0; if (secondary.minor>=2) crcb_delay = tertiary.crcbdelay & 0x7f; if (secondary.minor>=2) crcb_half = (tertiary.crcbdelay & 0x80 ? 0 : 1); if (secondary.major & 0x80) crcb_delay = -1; // Create ymap and ycodec assert(! ymap); assert(! ycodec); ymap = new Map(w, h); ycodec = new Codec::Decode(*ymap); if (crcb_delay >= 0) { cbmap = new Map(w, h); crmap = new Map(w, h); cbcodec = new Codec::Decode(*cbmap); crcodec = new Codec::Decode(*crmap); } } // Read data assert(ymap); assert(ycodec); GP<ZPCodec> gzp=ZPCodec::create(gbs, false, true); ZPCodec &zp=*gzp; int flag = 1; while (flag && cslice<nslices) { flag = ycodec->code_slice(zp); if (crcodec && cbcodec && crcb_delay<=cslice) { flag |= cbcodec->code_slice(zp); flag |= crcodec->code_slice(zp); } cslice++; } // Return cserial += 1; return nslices; } int IWPixmap::parm_crcbdelay(const int parm) { if (parm >= 0) crcb_delay = parm; return crcb_delay; } void IWPixmap::parm_dbfrac(float frac) { if (frac>0 && frac<=1) db_frac = frac; else G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.param_range2") ); } int IWPixmap::get_serial(void) { return cserial; } void IWPixmap::decode_iff(IFFByteStream &iff, int maxchunks) { if (ycodec) G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.left_open4") ); GUTF8String chkid; iff.get_chunk(chkid); if (chkid!="FORM:PM44" && chkid!="FORM:BM44") G_THROW( ERR_MSG("IW44Image.corrupt_BM44_2") ); while (--maxchunks>=0 && iff.get_chunk(chkid)) { if (chkid=="PM44" || chkid=="BM44") decode_chunk(iff.get_bytestream()); iff.close_chunk(); } iff.close_chunk(); close_codec(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NEW FILTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void IW44Image::Transform::filter_begin(int w, int h) { if (MMXControl::mmxflag < 0) MMXControl::enable_mmx(); } void IW44Image::Transform::filter_end(void) { #ifdef MMX if (MMXControl::mmxflag > 0) MMXemms; #endif } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WAVELET TRANSFORM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //---------------------------------------------------- // Function for applying bidimensional IW44 between // scale intervals begin(inclusive) and end(exclusive) void IW44Image::Transform::Decode::backward(short *p, int w, int h, int rowsize, int begin, int end) { // PREPARATION filter_begin(w,h); // LOOP ON SCALES for (int scale=begin>>1; scale>=end; scale>>=1) { #ifdef IWTRANSFORM_TIMER int tv,th; th = tv = GOS::ticks(); #endif filter_bv(p, w, h, rowsize, scale); #ifdef IWTRANSFORM_TIMER th = GOS::ticks(); tv = th - tv; #endif filter_bh(p, w, h, rowsize, scale); #ifdef IWTRANSFORM_TIMER th = GOS::ticks()-th; DjVuPrintErrorUTF8("back%d\tv=%dms h=%dms\n", scale,tv,th); #endif } // TERMINATE filter_end(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COLOR TRANSFORM ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* Converts YCbCr to RGB. */ void IW44Image::Transform::Decode::YCbCr_to_RGB(GPixel *p, int w, int h, int rowsize) { for (int i=0; i<h; i++,p+=rowsize) { GPixel *q = p; for (int j=0; j<w; j++,q++) { signed char y = ((signed char*)q)[0]; signed char b = ((signed char*)q)[1]; signed char r = ((signed char*)q)[2]; // This is the Pigeon transform int t1 = b >> 2 ; int t2 = r + (r >> 1); int t3 = y + 128 - t1; int tr = y + 128 + t2; int tg = t3 - (t2 >> 1); int tb = t3 + (b << 1); q->r = max(0,min(255,tr)); q->g = max(0,min(255,tg)); q->b = max(0,min(255,tb)); } } } #ifdef HAVE_NAMESPACES } # ifndef NOT_USING_DJVU_NAMESPACE using namespace DJVU; # endif #endif