/* This file is part of the KDE Project Copyright (C) 2000 Klaas Freitag <freitag@suse.de> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqobject.h> #include <tqasciidict.h> #include <tqcombobox.h> #include <tqslider.h> #include <tqcheckbox.h> #include <tqlineedit.h> #include <tqlabel.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "kgammatable.h" #include "kscandevice.h" #include "kscanslider.h" #include "kscanoptset.h" // #define MIN_PREVIEW_DPI 20 // this is nowhere used!? Additionally, it's defined to 75 in kscandevice.cpp /* switch to show some from time to time useful alloc-messages */ #undef MEM_DEBUG #undef APPLY_IN_SITU /** inline-access to the option descriptor, object to changes with global vars. **/ inline const SANE_Option_Descriptor *getOptionDesc( const TQCString& name ) { int *idx = (*KScanDevice::option_dic)[ name ]; const SANE_Option_Descriptor *d = 0; // debug( "<< for option %s >>", name ); if ( idx && *idx > 0 ) { d = sane_get_option_descriptor( KScanDevice::scanner_handle, *idx ); // debug( "retrieving Option %s", d->name ); } else { kdDebug(29000) << "no option descriptor for <" << name << ">" << endl; // debug( "Name survived !" ); } // debug( "<< leaving option %s >>", name ); return( d ); } /* ************************************************************************ */ /* KScan Option */ /* ************************************************************************ */ KScanOption::KScanOption( const TQCString& new_name ) : TQObject() { if( initOption( new_name ) ) { int *num = (*KScanDevice::option_dic)[ getName() ]; if( !num || !buffer ) return; SANE_Status sane_stat = sane_control_option( KScanDevice::scanner_handle, *num, SANE_ACTION_GET_VALUE, buffer, 0 ); if( sane_stat == SANE_STATUS_GOOD ) { buffer_untouched = false; } } else { kdDebug(29000) << "Had problems to create KScanOption - initOption failed !" << endl; } } bool KScanOption::initOption( const TQCString& new_name ) { desc = 0; if( new_name.isEmpty() ) return( false ); name = new_name; desc = getOptionDesc( name ); buffer = 0; internal_widget = 0; buffer_untouched = true; buffer_size = 0; if( desc ) { /* Gamma-Table - initial values */ gamma = 0; /* marks as unvalid */ brightness = 0; contrast = 0; gamma = 100; // allocate memory switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_INT: case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_STRING: buffer = allocBuffer( desc->size ); break; case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: buffer = allocBuffer( sizeof( SANE_Word ) ); break; default: buffer_size = 0; buffer = 0; } KScanOption *gtOption = (*KScanDevice::gammaTables)[ new_name ]; if( gtOption ) { kdDebug(29000) << "Is older GammaTable!" << endl; KGammaTable gt; gtOption->get( > ); gamma = gt.getGamma(); contrast = gt.getContrast(); brightness = gt.getBrightness(); } else { // kdDebug(29000) << "Is NOT older GammaTable!" << endl; } } return desc; } KScanOption::KScanOption( const KScanOption &so ) : TQObject() { /* desc is stored by sane-lib and may be copied */ desc = so.desc; name = so.name; buffer_untouched = so.buffer_untouched; gamma = so.gamma; brightness = so.brightness; contrast = so.contrast; /* intialise */ buffer = 0; buffer_size = 0; /* the widget is not copied ! */ internal_widget = 0; if ( ! ( desc && !name.isNull() ) ) { kdWarning( 29000) << "Trying to copy a not healthy option (no name nor desc)" << endl; return; } if( so.buffer_untouched ) kdDebug(29000) << "Buffer of source is untouched!" << endl; switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_INT: case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_STRING: buffer = allocBuffer( desc->size ); // desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ) memcpy( buffer, so.buffer, buffer_size ); break; case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: buffer = allocBuffer( sizeof( SANE_Word ) ); memcpy( buffer, so.buffer, buffer_size ); break; default: kdWarning( 29000 ) << "unknown option type in copy constructor" << endl; break; } } const TQString KScanOption::configLine( void ) { TQCString strval = this->get(); kdDebug(29000) << "configLine returns <" << strval << ">" << endl; return( strval ); } const KScanOption& KScanOption::operator= (const KScanOption& so ) { /* desc is stored by sane-lib and may be copied */ if( this == &so ) return( *this ); desc = so.desc; name = so.name; buffer_untouched = so.buffer_untouched; gamma = so.gamma; brightness = so.brightness; contrast = so.contrast; delete internal_widget; internal_widget = so.internal_widget; if( buffer ) { delete [] buffer; buffer = 0; } switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_INT: case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_STRING: buffer = allocBuffer( desc->size ); memcpy( buffer, so.buffer, buffer_size ); break; case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: buffer = allocBuffer( sizeof( SANE_Word ) ); memcpy( buffer, so.buffer, buffer_size ); break; default: buffer = 0; buffer_size = 0; } return( *this ); } void KScanOption::slWidgetChange( const TQCString& t ) { kdDebug(29000) << "Received WidgetChange for " << getName() << " (const TQCString&)" << endl; set( t ); emit( guiChange( this ) ); // emit( optionChanged( this )); } void KScanOption::slWidgetChange( void ) { kdDebug(29000) << "Received WidgetChange for " << getName() << " (void)" << endl; /* If Type is bool, the widget is a checkbox. */ if( type() == BOOL ) { bool b = ((TQCheckBox*) internal_widget)->isChecked(); kdDebug(29000) << "Setting bool: " << b << endl; set( b ); } emit( guiChange( this ) ); // emit( optionChanged( this )); } void KScanOption::slWidgetChange( int i ) { kdDebug(29000) << "Received WidgetChange for " << getName() << " (int)" << endl; set( i ); emit( guiChange( this ) ); // emit( optionChanged( this )); } /* this slot is called on a widget change, if a widget was created. * In normal case, it is internally connected, so the param so and * this are equal ! */ void KScanOption::slRedrawWidget( KScanOption *so ) { // qDebug( "Checking widget %s", (const char*) so->getName()); int help = 0; TQString string; TQWidget *w = so->widget(); if( so->valid() && w && so->getBuffer() ) { switch( so->type( ) ) { case BOOL: if( so->get( &help )) ((TQCheckBox*) w)->setChecked( (bool) help ); /* Widget Type is ToggleButton */ break; case SINGLE_VAL: /* Widget Type is Entry-Field - not implemented yet */ break; case RANGE: /* Widget Type is Slider */ if( so->get( &help )) ((KScanSlider*)w)->slSetSlider( help ); break; case GAMMA_TABLE: /* Widget Type is GammaTable */ // w = new TQSlider( parent, "AUTO_GAMMA" ); break; case STR_LIST: // w = comboBox( parent, text ); ((KScanCombo*)w)->slSetEntry( so->get() ); /* Widget Type is Selection Box */ break; case STRING: // w = entryField( parent, text ); ((KScanEntry*)w)->slSetEntry( so->get() ); /* Widget Type is Selection Box */ break; default: // w = 0; break; } } } /* In this slot, the option queries the scanner for current values. */ void KScanOption::slReload( void ) { int *num = (*KScanDevice::option_dic)[ getName() ]; desc = getOptionDesc( getName() ); if( !desc || !num ) return; if( widget() ) { kdDebug(29000) << "constraint is " << desc->cap << endl; if( !active() ) kdDebug(29000) << desc->name << " is not active now" << endl; if( !softwareSetable() ) kdDebug(29000) << desc->name << " is not software setable" << endl; if( !active() || !softwareSetable() ) { kdDebug(29000) << "Disabling widget " << getName() << " !" << endl; widget()->setEnabled( false ); } else widget()->setEnabled( true ); } /* first get mem if nothing is approbiate */ if( !buffer ) { kdDebug(29000) << " *********** getting without space **********" << endl; // allocate memory switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_INT: case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: case SANE_TYPE_STRING: buffer = allocBuffer( desc->size ); break; case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: buffer = allocBuffer( sizeof( SANE_Word ) ); break; default: if( desc->size > 0 ) { buffer = allocBuffer( desc->size ); } } } if( active()) { if( (size_t) desc->size > buffer_size ) { kdDebug(29000) << "ERROR: Buffer to small" << endl; } else { SANE_Status sane_stat = sane_control_option( KScanDevice::scanner_handle, *num, SANE_ACTION_GET_VALUE, buffer, 0 ); if( sane_stat != SANE_STATUS_GOOD ) { kdDebug(29000) << "ERROR: Cant get value for " << getName() << ": " << sane_strstatus( sane_stat ) << endl; } else { buffer_untouched = false; kdDebug(29000) << "Setting buffer untouched to FALSE" << endl; } } } } KScanOption::~KScanOption() { #ifdef MEM_DEBUG qDebug( "M: FREEing %d byte of option <%s>", buffer_size, (const char*) getName()); #endif } bool KScanOption::valid( void ) const { return( desc && 1 ); } bool KScanOption::autoSetable( void ) { /* Refresh description */ desc = getOptionDesc( name ); return( desc && ((desc->cap & SANE_CAP_AUTOMATIC) > 0 ) ); } bool KScanOption::commonOption( void ) { /* Refresh description */ desc = getOptionDesc( name ); return( desc && ((desc->cap & SANE_CAP_ADVANCED) == 0) ); } bool KScanOption::active( void ) { bool ret = false; /* Refresh description */ desc = getOptionDesc( name ); if( desc ) ret = SANE_OPTION_IS_ACTIVE( desc->cap ); return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::softwareSetable( void ) { /* Refresh description */ desc = getOptionDesc( name ); if( desc ) { if( SANE_OPTION_IS_SETTABLE(desc->cap) == SANE_TRUE ) return( true ); } return( false ); } KSANE_Type KScanOption::type( void ) const { KSANE_Type ret = INVALID_TYPE; if( valid() ) { switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: ret = BOOL; break; case SANE_TYPE_INT: case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE ) { /* FIXME ! Dies scheint nicht wirklich so zu sein */ if( desc->size == sizeof( SANE_Word )) ret = RANGE; else ret = GAMMA_TABLE; } else if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_NONE ) { ret = SINGLE_VAL; } else if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST ) { ret = STR_LIST; // ret = GAMMA_TABLE; } else { ret = INVALID_TYPE; } break; case SANE_TYPE_STRING: if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST ) ret = STR_LIST; else ret = STRING; break; default: ret = INVALID_TYPE; break; } } return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::set( int val ) { if( ! desc ) return( false ); bool ret = false; int word_size = 0; TQMemArray<SANE_Word> qa; SANE_Word sw = SANE_TRUE; const SANE_Word sw1 = val; const SANE_Word sw2 = SANE_FIX( (double) val ); switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: if( ! val ) sw = SANE_FALSE; if( buffer ) { memcpy( buffer, &sw, sizeof( SANE_Word )); ret = true; } break; // Type int: Fill the whole buffer with that value case SANE_TYPE_INT: word_size = desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ); qa.resize( word_size ); qa.fill( sw1 ); if( buffer ) { memcpy( buffer, qa.data(), desc->size ); ret = true; } break; // Type fixed: Fill the whole buffer with that value case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: word_size = desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ); qa.resize( word_size ); qa.fill( sw2 ); if( buffer ) { memcpy( buffer, qa.data(), desc->size ); ret = true; } break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Cant set " << name << " with type int" << endl; } if( ret ) { buffer_untouched = false; #ifdef APPLY_IN_SITU applyVal(); #endif #if 0 emit( optionChanged( this )); #endif } return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::set( double val ) { if( ! desc ) return( false ); bool ret = false; int word_size = 0; TQMemArray<SANE_Word> qa; SANE_Word sw = SANE_FALSE; switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: if( val > 0 ) sw = SANE_TRUE; if( buffer ) { memcpy( buffer, &sw, sizeof( SANE_Word )); ret = true; } break; // Type int: Fill the whole buffer with that value case SANE_TYPE_INT: sw = (SANE_Word) val; word_size = desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ); qa.resize( word_size ); qa.fill( sw ); if( buffer ) { memcpy( buffer, qa.data(), desc->size ); ret = true; } break; // Type fixed: Fill the whole buffer with that value case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: sw = SANE_FIX( val ); word_size = desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ); qa.resize( word_size ); qa.fill( sw ); if( buffer ) { memcpy( buffer, qa.data(), desc->size ); ret = true; } break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Cant set " << name << " with type double" << endl; } if( ret ) { buffer_untouched = false; #ifdef APPLY_IN_SITU applyVal(); #endif #if 0 emit( optionChanged( this )); #endif } return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::set( int *val, int size ) { if( ! desc || ! val ) return( false ); bool ret = false; int offset = 0; int word_size = desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ); /* add 1 in case offset is needed */ TQMemArray<SANE_Word> qa( 1+word_size ); #if 0 if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST ) { /* That means that the first entry must contain the size */ kdDebug(29000) << "Size: " << size << ", word_size: " << word_size << ", descr-size: "<< desc->size << endl; qa[0] = (SANE_Word) 1+size; kdDebug(29000) << "set length field to " << qa[0] <<endl; offset = 1; } #endif switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_INT: for( int i = 0; i < word_size; i++ ) { if( i < size ) qa[offset+i] = (SANE_Word) *(val++); else qa[offset+i] = (SANE_Word) *val; } ret = true; break; // Type fixed: Fill the whole buffer with that value case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: for( int i = 0; i < word_size; i++ ) { if( i < size ) qa[offset+i] = SANE_FIX((double)*(val++)); else qa[offset+i] = SANE_FIX((double) *val ); } ret = true; break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Cant set " << name << " with type int*" << endl; } if( ret && buffer ) { int copybyte = desc->size; if( offset ) copybyte += sizeof( SANE_Word ); kdDebug(29000) << "Copying " << copybyte << " byte to options buffer" << endl; memcpy( buffer, qa.data(), copybyte ); } if( ret ) { buffer_untouched = false; #ifdef APPLY_IN_SITU applyVal(); #endif #if 0 emit( optionChanged( this )); #endif } return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::set( const TQCString& c_string ) { bool ret = false; int val = 0; if( ! desc ) return( false ); /* Check if it is a gammatable. If it is, convert to KGammaTable and call * the approbiate set method. */ TQRegExp re( "\\d+, \\d+, \\d+" ); re.setMinimal(true); if( TQString(c_string).contains( re )) { TQStringList relist = TQStringList::split( ", ", TQString(c_string) ); int brig = (relist[0]).toInt(); int contr = (relist[1]).toInt(); int gamm = (relist[2]).toInt(); KGammaTable gt( brig, contr, gamm ); ret = set( > ); kdDebug(29000) << "Setting GammaTable with int vals " << brig << "|" << contr << "|" << gamm << endl; return( ret ); } /* On String-type the buffer gets malloced in Constructor */ switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_STRING: kdDebug(29000) << "Setting " << c_string << " as String" << endl; if( buffer_size >= c_string.length() ) { memset( buffer, 0, buffer_size ); qstrncpy( (char*) buffer, (const char*) c_string, buffer_size ); ret = true; } else { kdDebug(29000) << "ERROR: Buffer for String " << c_string << " too small: " << buffer_size << " < " << c_string.length() << endl; } break; case SANE_TYPE_INT: case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: kdDebug(29000) << "Type is INT or FIXED, try to set value <" << c_string << ">" << endl; val = c_string.toInt( &ret ); if( ret ) set( &val, 1 ); else kdDebug(29000) << "Conversion of string value failed!" << endl; break; case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: kdDebug(29000) << "Type is BOOL, setting value <" << c_string << ">" << endl; val = 0; if( c_string == "true" ) val = 1; set( val ); break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Type of " << name << " is " << desc->type << endl; kdDebug(29000) << "Cant set " << name << " with type string" << endl; break; } if( ret ) { buffer_untouched = false; #ifdef APPLY_IN_SITU applyVal(); #endif #if 0 emit( optionChanged( this )); #endif } kdDebug(29000) << "Returning " << ret << endl; return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::set( KGammaTable *gt ) { if( ! desc ) return( false ); bool ret = true; int size = gt->tableSize(); SANE_Word *run = gt->getTable(); int word_size = desc->size / sizeof( SANE_Word ); TQMemArray<SANE_Word> qa( word_size ); kdDebug(29000) << "KScanOption::set for Gammatable !" << endl; switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_INT: for( int i = 0; i < word_size; i++ ){ if( i < size ) qa[i] = *run++; else qa[i] = *run; } break; // Type fixed: Fill the whole buffer with that value case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: for( int i = 0; i < word_size; i++ ){ if( i < size ) qa[i] = SANE_FIX((double)*(run++)); else qa[i] = SANE_FIX((double) *run ); } break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Cant set " << name << " with type GammaTable" << endl; ret = false; } if( ret && buffer ) { /* remember raw vals */ gamma = gt->getGamma(); brightness = gt->getBrightness(); contrast = gt->getContrast(); memcpy( buffer, qa.data(), desc->size ); buffer_untouched = false; #ifdef APPLY_IN_SITU applyVal(); #endif #if 0 emit( optionChanged( this )); #endif } return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::get( int *val ) const { SANE_Word sane_word; double d; if( !valid() || !getBuffer()) return( false ); switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: /* Buffer has a SANE_Word */ sane_word = *((SANE_Word*)buffer); if( sane_word == SANE_TRUE ) *val = 1; else *val = 0; break; /* Type int: Fill the whole buffer with that value */ /* reading the first is OK */ case SANE_TYPE_INT: sane_word = *((SANE_Word*)buffer); *val = sane_word; break; // Type fixed: whole buffer filled with the same value case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: d = SANE_UNFIX(*(SANE_Word*)buffer); *val = (int)d; break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Cant get " << name << " to type int" << endl; return( false ); } // qDebug( "option::get returns %d", *val ); return( true ); } TQCString KScanOption::get( void ) const { TQCString retstr; SANE_Word sane_word; if( !valid() || !getBuffer()) return( "parametererror" ); switch( desc->type ) { case SANE_TYPE_BOOL: sane_word = *((SANE_Word*)buffer); if( sane_word == SANE_TRUE ) retstr = "true"; else retstr = "false"; break; case SANE_TYPE_STRING: retstr = (const char*) getBuffer(); // retstr.sprintf( "%s", cc ); break; case SANE_TYPE_INT: sane_word = *((SANE_Word*)buffer); retstr.setNum( sane_word ); break; case SANE_TYPE_FIXED: sane_word = (SANE_Word) SANE_UNFIX(*(SANE_Word*)buffer); retstr.setNum( sane_word ); break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "Cant get " << getName() << " to type String !" << endl; retstr = "unknown"; } /* Handle gamma-table correctly */ ; if( type() == GAMMA_TABLE ) { retstr.sprintf( "%d, %d, %d", gamma, brightness, contrast ); } kdDebug(29000) << "option::get returns " << retstr << endl; return( retstr ); } /* Caller needs to have the space ;) */ bool KScanOption::get( KGammaTable *gt ) const { if( gt ) { gt->setAll( gamma, brightness, contrast ); // gt->calcTable(); return( true ); } return( false ); } TQStrList KScanOption::getList( ) const { if( ! desc ) return( false ); const char **sstring = 0; TQStrList strList; if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_STRING_LIST ) { sstring = (const char**) desc->constraint.string_list; while( *sstring ) { // qDebug( "This is in the stringlist: %s", *sstring ); strList.append( *sstring ); sstring++; } } if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST ) { const SANE_Int *sint = desc->constraint.word_list; int amount_vals = *sint; sint ++; TQString s; for( int i=0; i < amount_vals; i++ ) { if( desc->type == SANE_TYPE_FIXED ) s.sprintf( "%f", SANE_UNFIX(*sint) ); else s.sprintf( "%d", *sint ); sint++; strList.append( s.local8Bit() ); } } return( strList ); } bool KScanOption::getRangeFromList( double *min, double *max, double *q ) const { if( !desc ) return( false ); bool ret = true; if ( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST ) { // Try to read resolutions from word list kdDebug(29000) << "Resolutions are in a word list" << endl; const SANE_Int *sint = desc->constraint.word_list; int amount_vals = *sint; sint ++; double value; *min = 0; *max = 0; *q = -1; // What is q? for( int i=0; i < amount_vals; i++ ) { if( desc->type == SANE_TYPE_FIXED ) { value = (double) SANE_UNFIX( *sint ); } else { value = *sint; } if ((*min > value) || (*min == 0)) *min = value; if ((*max < value) || (*max == 0)) *max = value; if( min != 0 && max != 0 && max > min ) { double newq = max - min; *q = newq; } sint++; } } else { kdDebug(29000) << "getRangeFromList: No list type " << desc->name << endl; ret = false; } return( ret ); } bool KScanOption::getRange( double *min, double *max, double *q ) const { if( !desc ) return( false ); bool ret = true; if( desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_RANGE || desc->constraint_type == SANE_CONSTRAINT_WORD_LIST ) { const SANE_Range *r = desc->constraint.range; if( desc->type == SANE_TYPE_FIXED ) { *min = (double) SANE_UNFIX( r->min ); *max = (double) SANE_UNFIX( r->max ); *q = (double) SANE_UNFIX( r->quant ); } else { *min = r->min ; *max = r->max ; *q = r->quant ; } } else { kdDebug(29000) << "getRange: No range type " << desc->name << endl; ret = false; } return( ret ); } TQWidget *KScanOption::createWidget( TQWidget *parent, const TQString& w_desc, const TQString& tooltip ) { TQStrList list; if( ! valid() ) { kdDebug(29000) << "The option is not valid!" << endl; return( 0 ); } TQWidget *w = 0; /* free the old widget */ delete internal_widget; internal_widget = 0; /* check for text */ TQString text = w_desc; if( text.isEmpty() && desc ) { text = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( desc->title ); } switch( type( ) ) { case BOOL: /* Widget Type is ToggleButton */ w = new TQCheckBox( text, parent, "AUTO_TOGGLE_BUTTON" ); connect( w, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slWidgetChange())); break; case SINGLE_VAL: /* Widget Type is Entry-Field */ w = 0; // new TQEntryField( kdDebug(29000) << "can not create widget for SINGLE_VAL!" << endl; break; case RANGE: /* Widget Type is Slider */ w = KSaneSlider( parent, text ); break; case GAMMA_TABLE: /* Widget Type is Slider */ // w = KSaneSlider( parent, text ); kdDebug(29000) << "can not create widget for GAMMA_TABLE!" << endl; w = 0; // No widget, needs to be a set ! break; case STR_LIST: w = comboBox( parent, text ); /* Widget Type is Selection Box */ break; case STRING: w = entryField( parent, text ); /* Widget Type is Selection Box */ break; default: kdDebug(29000) << "returning zero for default widget creation!" << endl; w = 0; break; } if( w ) { internal_widget = w; connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( optionChanged( KScanOption*)), TQT_SLOT( slRedrawWidget( KScanOption* ))); TQString tt = tooltip; if( tt.isEmpty() && desc ) tt = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( desc->desc ); if( !tt.isEmpty() ) TQToolTip::add( internal_widget, tt ); } /* Check if option is active, setEnabled etc. */ slReload(); if( w ) slRedrawWidget( this ); return( w ); } TQWidget *KScanOption::comboBox( TQWidget *parent, const TQString& text ) { TQStrList list = getList(); KScanCombo *cb = new KScanCombo( parent, text, list); connect( cb, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( const TQCString& )), this, TQT_SLOT( slWidgetChange( const TQCString& ))); return( cb ); } TQWidget *KScanOption::entryField( TQWidget *parent, const TQString& text ) { KScanEntry *ent = new KScanEntry( parent, text ); connect( ent, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( TQCString )), this, TQT_SLOT( slWidgetChange( TQCString ))); return( ent ); } TQWidget *KScanOption::KSaneSlider( TQWidget *parent, const TQString& text ) { double min, max, quant; getRange( &min, &max, &quant ); KScanSlider *slider = new KScanSlider( parent, text, min, max ); /* Connect to the options change Slot */ connect( slider, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged(int)), this, TQT_SLOT( slWidgetChange(int))); return( slider ); } void *KScanOption::allocBuffer( long size ) { if( size < 1 ) return( 0 ); #ifdef MEM_DEBUG qDebug( "M: Reserving %ld bytes of mem for <%s>", size, (const char*) getName() ); #endif void *r = new char[ size ]; buffer_size = size; if( r ) memset( r, 0, size ); return( r ); } bool KScanOption::applyVal( void ) { bool res = true; int *idx = (*KScanDevice::option_dic)[ name ]; if( *idx == 0 ) return( false ); if( ! buffer ) return( false ); SANE_Status stat = sane_control_option ( KScanDevice::scanner_handle, *idx, SANE_ACTION_SET_VALUE, buffer, 0 ); if( stat != SANE_STATUS_GOOD ) { kdDebug(29000) << "Error in in situ appliance " << getName() << ": " << sane_strstatus( stat ) << endl; res = false; } else { kdDebug(29000) << "IN SITU appliance " << getName() << ": OK" << endl; } return( res ); } #include "kscanoption.moc"