/* This file is part of the KDE Project
   Copyright (C) 2000 Klaas Freitag <freitag@suse.de>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqasciidict.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqdict.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kconfig.h>

#include "kscandevice.h"
#include "kscanoption.h"
#include "kscanoptset.h"

KScanOptSet::KScanOptSet( const TQCString& setName )
  name = setName;

  setAutoDelete( false );

  description = "";

  strayCatsList.setAutoDelete( true );

   /* removes all deep copies from backupOption */

KScanOption *KScanOptSet::get( const TQCString name ) const
  KScanOption *ret = 0;

  ret = (*this) [name];

  return( ret );

TQCString KScanOptSet::getValue( const TQCString name ) const
   KScanOption *re = get( name );
   TQCString retStr = "";

   if( re )
      retStr = re->get();
      kdDebug(29000) << "option " << name << " from OptionSet is not available" << endl;
   return( retStr );

bool KScanOptSet::backupOption( const KScanOption& opt )
  bool retval = true;

  /** Allocate a new option and store it **/
  const TQCString& optName = opt.getName();
  if( optName.isNull() )
    retval = false;

  if( retval )
     KScanOption *newopt = find( optName );

     if( newopt )
	/** The option already exists **/
	/* Copy the new one into the old one. TODO: checken Zuweisungoperatoren OK ? */
	*newopt = opt;
	const TQCString& qq = opt.get();
	kdDebug(29000) << "Value is now: <" << qq << ">" << endl;
	const KScanOption *newopt = new KScanOption( opt );

	strayCatsList.append( newopt );

	if( newopt )
	   insert( optName, newopt );
	} else {
	   retval = false;

  return( retval );


TQString KScanOptSet::getDescription() const
   return description;

void KScanOptSet::slSetDescription( const TQString& str )
   description = str;

void KScanOptSet::backupOptionDict( const TQAsciiDict<KScanOption>& optDict )
   TQAsciiDictIterator<KScanOption> it( optDict );

   while ( it.current() )
      kdDebug(29000) << "Dict-Backup of Option <" << it.currentKey() << ">" << endl;
      backupOption( *(it.current()));


/* */
void KScanOptSet::saveConfig( const TQString& scannerName, const TQString& configName,
			      const TQString& descr )
   TQString confFile = SCANNER_DB_FILE;
   kdDebug( 29000) << "Creating scan configuration file <" << confFile << ">" << endl;

   KConfig *scanConfig = new KConfig( confFile );
   TQString cfgName = configName;

   if( configName.isNull() || configName.isEmpty() )
      cfgName = "default";

   scanConfig->setGroup( cfgName );

   scanConfig->writeEntry( "description", descr );
   scanConfig->writeEntry( "scannerName", scannerName );
   TQAsciiDictIterator<KScanOption> it( *this);

    while ( it.current() )
       const TQString line = it.current() -> configLine();
       const TQString name = it.current()->getName();

       kdDebug(29000) << "writing " << name << " = <" << line << ">" << endl;

       scanConfig->writeEntry( name, line );


    delete( scanConfig );

bool KScanOptSet::load( const TQString& /*scannerName*/ )
   TQString confFile = SCANNER_DB_FILE;
   kdDebug( 29000) << "** Reading from scan configuration file <" << confFile << ">" << endl;
   bool ret = true;

   KConfig *scanConfig = new KConfig( confFile, true );
   TQString cfgName = name; /* of the KScanOptSet, given in constructor */

   if( cfgName.isNull() || cfgName.isEmpty() )
      cfgName = "default";

   if( ! scanConfig->hasGroup( name ) )
      kdDebug(29000) << "Group " << name << " does not exist in configuration !" << endl;
      ret = false;
      scanConfig->setGroup( name );

      typedef TQMap<TQString, TQString> StringMap;

      StringMap strMap = scanConfig->entryMap( name );

      StringMap::Iterator it;
      for( it = strMap.begin(); it != strMap.end(); ++it )
	 TQCString optName = it.key().latin1();
	 KScanOption optset( optName );

	 TQCString val = it.data().latin1();
	 kdDebug(29000) << "Reading for " << optName << " value " << val << endl;

	 optset.set( val );

	 backupOption( optset );
   delete( scanConfig );

   return( ret );

/* END */