/* poppler-document.cc: qt interface to poppler
 * Copyright (C) 2005, Net Integration Technologies, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Albert Astals Cid <aacid@kde.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2006, Stefan Kebekus <stefan.kebekus@math.uni-koeln.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2006, Wilfried Huss <Wilfried.Huss@gmx.at>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 * any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <config.h>
#include <poppler-qt.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <GlobalParams.h>
#include <Outline.h>
#include <PDFDoc.h>
#include <PSOutputDev.h>
#include <Catalog.h>
#include <ErrorCodes.h>
#include <SplashOutputDev.h>
#include <splash/SplashBitmap.h>
#include <DateInfo.h>
#include "poppler-private.h"

#undef bool

namespace Poppler {

Document *Document::load(const TQString &filePath)
  if (!globalParams) {
    globalParams = new GlobalParams();

  DocumentData *doc = new DocumentData(new GooString(TQFile::encodeName(filePath)), NULL);
  Document *pdoc;
  if (doc->doc.isOk() || doc->doc.getErrorCode() == errEncrypted) {
    pdoc = new Document(doc);
    if (doc->doc.getErrorCode() == errEncrypted)
      pdoc->data->locked = true;
      pdoc->data->locked = false;
    pdoc->data->m_fontInfoScanner = new FontInfoScanner(&(doc->doc));
    return pdoc;
    return NULL;

Document::Document(DocumentData *dataA)
  data = dataA;

  delete data;

bool Document::isLocked() const
  return data->locked;

bool Document::unlock(const TQCString &password)
  if (data->locked) {
    /* racier then it needs to be */
    GooString *filename = new GooString(data->doc.getFileName());
    GooString *pwd = new GooString(password.data());
    DocumentData *doc2 = new DocumentData(filename, pwd);
    delete pwd;
    if (!doc2->doc.isOk()) {
      delete doc2;
    } else {
      delete data;
      data = doc2;
      data->locked = false;
      data->m_fontInfoScanner = new FontInfoScanner(&(data->doc));
  return data->locked;

Document::PageMode Document::getPageMode(void) const
  switch (data->doc.getCatalog()->getPageMode()) {
    case Catalog::pageModeNone:
      return UseNone;
    case Catalog::pageModeOutlines:
      return UseOutlines;
    case Catalog::pageModeThumbs:
      return UseThumbs;
    case Catalog::pageModeFullScreen:
      return FullScreen;
    case Catalog::pageModeOC:
      return UseOC;
      return UseNone;

int Document::getNumPages() const
  return data->doc.getNumPages();

TQValueList<FontInfo> Document::fonts() const
  TQValueList<FontInfo> ourList;
  scanForFonts(getNumPages(), &ourList);
  return ourList;

bool Document::scanForFonts( int numPages, TQValueList<FontInfo> *fontList ) const
  GooList *items = data->m_fontInfoScanner->scan( numPages );

  if ( NULL == items )
    return false;

  for ( int i = 0; i < items->getLength(); ++i ) {
    TQString fontName;
    if (((::FontInfo*)items->get(i))->getName())
      fontName = ((::FontInfo*)items->get(i))->getName()->getCString();

    FontInfo font(fontName,
  deleteGooList(items, ::FontInfo);
  return true;

/* borrowed from kpdf */
TQString Document::getInfo( const TQString & type ) const
  // [Albert] Code adapted from pdfinfo.cc on xpdf
  Object info;
  if ( data->locked )
    return NULL;

# if defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
  info = data->doc.getDocInfo();
# else
  data->doc.getDocInfo( &info );
# endif
  if ( !info.isDict() )
    return NULL;

  TQString result;
  Object obj;
  CONST_064 GooString *s1;
  GBool isUnicode;
  Unicode u;
  int i;
  Dict *infoDict = info.getDict();

#if defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
  obj = infoDict->lookup( (char*)type.latin1() );
  infoDict->lookup( (char*)type.latin1(), &obj );
  if (!obj.isNull() && obj.isString())
    s1 = obj.getString();
    if ( ( s1->getChar(0) & 0xff ) == 0xfe && ( s1->getChar(1) & 0xff ) == 0xff )
      isUnicode = gTrue;
      i = 2;
      isUnicode = gFalse;
      i = 0;
    while ( i < obj.getString()->getLength() )
      if ( isUnicode )
	u = ( ( s1->getChar(i) & 0xff ) << 8 ) | ( s1->getChar(i+1) & 0xff );
	i += 2;
	u = s1->getChar(i) & 0xff;
      result += unicodeToTQString( &u, 1 );
#   if !defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
#   endif
    return result;
# if !defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
# endif
  return NULL;

/* borrowed from kpdf */
TQDateTime Document::getDate( const TQString & type ) const
  // [Albert] Code adapted from pdfinfo.cc on xpdf
  if ( data->locked )
    return TQDateTime();

  Object info;
# if defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
  info = data->doc.getDocInfo();
# else
  data->doc.getDocInfo( &info );
# endif
  if ( !info.isDict() ) {
#   if !defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
#   endif
    return TQDateTime();

  Object obj;
  int year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, tz_hour, tz_minute;
  char tz;
  Dict *infoDict = info.getDict();
  TQString result;

#if defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
  obj = infoDict->lookup( (char*)type.latin1() );
  infoDict->lookup( (char*)type.latin1(), &obj );
  if (!obj.isNull() && obj.isString())
    TQString s = UnicodeParsedString(obj.getString());
    // TODO do something with the timezone information
    if ( parseDateString( s.latin1(), &year, &mon, &day, &hour, &min, &sec, &tz, &tz_hour, &tz_minute ) )
      TQDate d( year, mon, day );  //CHECK: it was mon-1, Jan->0 (??)
      TQTime t( hour, min, sec );
      if ( d.isValid() && t.isValid() ) {
#	if !defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
#	endif
	return TQDateTime( d, t );
# if !defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058)
# endif
  return TQDateTime();

bool Document::isEncrypted() const
  return data->doc.isEncrypted();

bool Document::isLinearized() const
  return data->doc.isLinearized();

bool Document::okToPrint() const
  return data->doc.okToPrint();

bool Document::okToChange() const
  return data->doc.okToChange();

bool Document::okToCopy() const
  return data->doc.okToCopy();

bool Document::okToAddNotes() const
  return data->doc.okToAddNotes();

double Document::getPDFVersion() const
  return data->doc.getPDFMajorVersion () + data->doc.getPDFMinorVersion() / 10.0;

void Document::getPdfVersion(int *major, int *minor) const
  if (major)
    *major = data->doc.getPDFMajorVersion();
  if (minor)
    *minor = data->doc.getPDFMinorVersion();

TQDomDocument *Document::toc() const
  Outline * outline = data->doc.getOutline();
  if ( !outline )
    return NULL;

  CONST_064 GooList * items = outline->getItems();
  if ( !items || items->getLength() < 1 )
    return NULL;

  TQDomDocument *toc = new TQDomDocument();
  if ( items->getLength() > 0 )
    data->addTocChildren( toc, toc, items );

  return toc;

LinkDestination *Document::linkDestination( const TQString &name )
  GooString * namedDest = TQStringToGooString( name );
  LinkDestinationData ldd(NULL, namedDest, data);
  LinkDestination *ld = new LinkDestination(ldd);
  delete namedDest;
  return ld;

bool Document::print(const TQString &fileName, TQValueList<int> pageList, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate)
  return print(fileName, pageList, hDPI, vDPI, rotate, -1, -1);

bool Document::print(const TQString &file, TQValueList<int> pageList, double hDPI, double vDPI, int rotate, int paperWidth, int paperHeight)
#if defined(HAVE_POPPLER_058) || defined(HAVE_POPPLER_030)
  std::vector<int> pages;
  TQValueList<int>::iterator it;
  for (it = pageList.begin();  it != pageList.end();  ++it ) {
  PSOutputDev *psOut = new PSOutputDev(file.latin1(), &(data->doc), NULL, pages, psModePS, paperWidth, paperHeight);
#elif defined(HAVE_POPPLER_020)
  PSOutputDev *psOut = new PSOutputDev(file.latin1(), &(data->doc), NULL, 1, data->doc.getNumPages(), psModePS, paperWidth, paperHeight);
#elif defined(HAVE_POPPLER_016)
  PSOutputDev *psOut = new PSOutputDev(file.latin1(), &(data->doc), data->doc.getXRef(), data->doc.getCatalog(), NULL, 1, data->doc.getNumPages(), psModePS, paperWidth, paperHeight);
  PSOutputDev *psOut = new PSOutputDev(file.latin1(), data->doc.getXRef(), data->doc.getCatalog(), NULL, 1, data->doc.getNumPages(), psModePS, paperWidth, paperHeight);

  if (psOut->isOk()) {
    TQValueList<int>::iterator it;
    for (it = pageList.begin(); it != pageList.end(); ++it )
      data->doc.displayPage(psOut, *it, hDPI, vDPI, rotate, gFalse, gTrue, gTrue);

    delete psOut;
    return true;
  } else {
    delete psOut;
    return false;
