/* Raw Photo Parser Copyright 2004 by Dave Coffin, dcoffin a cybercom o net This program extracts thumbnail images (preferably JPEGs) from any raw digital camera formats that have them, and shows table contents. $Revision: 1.36 $ $Date: 2005/05/10 21:43:10 $ */ /* Hacked for thumbnail extraction in KDE by Steffen Hansen <hansen@kde.org> Based on parse.c and parts of dcraw.c by Dave Coffin */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <winsock2.h> typedef __int64 INT64; #else #include <netinet/in.h> typedef long long INT64; #endif /* TIFF and CIFF data blocks can be quite large. Display only the first DLEN bytes. */ #ifndef DLEN #define DLEN 768 #endif typedef unsigned char uchar; /*typedef unsigned short ushort;*/ FILE *ifp; short order; char *fname; char make[128], model[128], model2[128], thumb_head[128]; int width, height, offset, length, bps, is_dng; int thumb_offset, thumb_length, thumb_layers; float cam_mul[4], pre_mul[4], coeff[3][4]; #define camera_red cam_mul[0] #define camera_blue cam_mul[2] /*float flash_used, canon_5814;*/ time_t timestamp; /*int data_offset, meta_offset*/ int raw_height, raw_width, top_margin, left_margin; static int flip = 0; struct decode { struct decode *branch[2]; int leaf; } first_decode[640], *free_decode; #define CLASS #define FORC3 for (c=0; c < 3; c++) #define FORC4 for (c=0; c < 4; c++) #define FORCC for (c=0; c < colors; c++) /* Get a 2-byte integer, making no assumptions about CPU byte order. Nor should we assume that the compiler evaluates left-to-right. */ ushort get2() { uchar a, b; a = fgetc(ifp); b = fgetc(ifp); if (order == 0x4949) /* "II" means little-endian */ return a | b << 8; else /* "MM" means big-endian */ return a << 8 | b; } /* Same for a 4-byte integer. */ int get4() { uchar a, b, c, d; a = fgetc(ifp); b = fgetc(ifp); c = fgetc(ifp); d = fgetc(ifp); if (order == 0x4949) return a | b << 8 | c << 16 | d << 24; else return a << 24 | b << 16 | c << 8 | d; } void tiff_dump(int base, int tag, int type, int count, int level) { int save, j, num, den; uchar c; int size[] = { 1,1,1,2,4,8,1,1,2,4,8,4,8 }; if (count * size[type < 13 ? type:0] > 4) fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET); save = ftell(ifp); fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET); } void nikon_decrypt (uchar ci, uchar cj, int tag, int i, int size, uchar *buf) { } int parse_tiff_ifd (int base, int level); void nef_parse_makernote (base) { int offset=0, entries, tag, type, count, val, save; unsigned serial=0, key=0; uchar buf91[630], buf97[608], buf98[31]; short sorder; char buf[10]; /* The MakerNote might have its own TIFF header (possibly with its own byte-order!), or it might just be a table. */ sorder = order; fread (buf, 1, 10, ifp); if (!strcmp (buf,"Nikon")) { /* starts with "Nikon\0\2\0\0\0" ? */ base = ftell(ifp); order = get2(); /* might differ from file-wide byteorder */ val = get2(); /* should be 42 decimal */ offset = get4(); fseek (ifp, offset-8, SEEK_CUR); } else if (!strncmp (buf,"FUJIFILM",8) || !strcmp (buf,"Panasonic")) { order = 0x4949; fseek (ifp, 2, SEEK_CUR); } else if (!strcmp (buf,"OLYMP") || !strcmp (buf,"LEICA") || !strcmp (buf,"EPSON")) fseek (ifp, -2, SEEK_CUR); else if (!strcmp (buf,"AOC")) fseek (ifp, -4, SEEK_CUR); else fseek (ifp, -10, SEEK_CUR); entries = get2(); if (entries > 100) return; while (entries--) { save = ftell(ifp); tag = get2(); type = get2(); count= get4(); tiff_dump (base, tag, type, count, 2); if (tag == 0x1d) fscanf (ifp, "%d", &serial); if (tag == 0x91) fread (buf91, sizeof buf91, 1, ifp); if (tag == 0x97) fread (buf97, sizeof buf97, 1, ifp); if (tag == 0x98) fread (buf98, sizeof buf98, 1, ifp); if (tag == 0xa7) key = fgetc(ifp)^fgetc(ifp)^fgetc(ifp)^fgetc(ifp); if (tag == 0x100 && type == 7 && !strncmp(make,"OLYMPUS",7)) { thumb_offset = ftell(ifp); thumb_length = count; } if (tag == 0x280 && type == 1) { /* EPSON */ strncpy (thumb_head, "\xff", sizeof(thumb_head) ); thumb_offset = ftell(ifp)+1; thumb_length = count-1; } if (strstr(make,"Minolta") || strstr(make,"MINOLTA")) { switch (tag) { case 0x81: thumb_offset = ftell(ifp); thumb_length = count; break; case 0x88: thumb_offset = get4() + base; break; case 0x89: thumb_length = get4(); } } if (!strcmp (buf,"OLYMP") && tag >> 8 == 0x20) parse_tiff_ifd (base, 3); fseek (ifp, save+12, SEEK_SET); } nikon_decrypt (serial, key, 0x91, 4, sizeof buf91, buf91); nikon_decrypt (serial, key, 0x97, 284, sizeof buf97, buf97); nikon_decrypt (serial, key, 0x98, 4, sizeof buf98, buf98); order = sorder; } void nef_parse_exif(int base) { int entries, tag, type, count, save; entries = get2(); while (entries--) { save = ftell(ifp); tag = get2(); type = get2(); count= get4(); tiff_dump (base, tag, type, count, 1); if (tag == 0x927c) nef_parse_makernote (base); fseek (ifp, save+12, SEEK_SET); } } int parse_tiff_ifd (int base, int level) { int entries, tag, type, count, slen, save, save2, val, i; int comp=0; static const int flip_map[] = { 0,1,3,2,4,6,7,5 }; entries = get2(); if (entries > 255) return 1; while (entries--) { save = ftell(ifp); tag = get2(); type = get2(); count= get4(); slen = count; if (slen > 128) slen = 128; tiff_dump (base, tag, type, count, level); save2 = ftell(ifp); if (type == 3) /* short int */ val = get2(); else val = get4(); fseek (ifp, save2, SEEK_SET); if (tag > 50700 && tag < 50800) is_dng = 1; if (level == 3) { /* Olympus E-1 and E-300 */ if (type == 4) { if (tag == 0x101) thumb_offset = val; else if (tag == 0x102) thumb_length = val; } goto cont; } switch (tag) { case 0x100: /* ImageWidth */ if (!width) width = val; break; case 0x101: /* ImageHeight */ if (!height) height = val; break; case 0x102: /* Bits per sample */ if (bps) break; bps = val; if (count == 1) thumb_layers = 1; break; case 0x103: /* Compression */ comp = val; break; case 0x10f: /* Make tag */ fgets (make, slen, ifp); break; case 0x110: /* Model tag */ fgets (model, slen, ifp); break; case 33405: /* Model2 tag */ fgets (model2, slen, ifp); break; case 0x111: /* StripOffset */ if (!offset || is_dng) offset = val; break; case 0x112: /* Qt::Orientation */ flip = flip_map[(val-1) & 7]; break; case 0x117: /* StripByteCounts */ if (!length || is_dng) length = val; if (offset > val && !strncmp(make,"KODAK",5) && !is_dng) offset -= val; break; case 0x14a: /* SubIFD tag */ save2 = ftell(ifp); for (i=0; i < count; i++) { fseek (ifp, save2 + i*4, SEEK_SET); fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET); parse_tiff_ifd (base, level+1); } break; case 0x201: if (strncmp(make,"OLYMPUS",7) || !thumb_offset) thumb_offset = val; break; case 0x202: if (strncmp(make,"OLYMPUS",7) || !thumb_length) thumb_length = val; break; case 34665: fseek (ifp, get4()+base, SEEK_SET); nef_parse_exif (base); break; case 50706: is_dng = 1; } cont: fseek (ifp, save+12, SEEK_SET); } if ((comp == 6 && !strcmp(make,"Canon")) || (comp == 7 && is_dng)) { thumb_offset = offset; thumb_length = length; } return 0; } /* Parse a TIFF file looking for camera model and decompress offsets. */ void parse_tiff (int base) { int doff, spp=3, ifd=0; width = height = offset = length = bps = is_dng = 0; fseek (ifp, base, SEEK_SET); order = get2(); if (order != 0x4949 && order != 0x4d4d) return; get2(); while ((doff = get4())) { fseek (ifp, doff+base, SEEK_SET); printf ("IFD #%d:\n", ifd++); if (parse_tiff_ifd (base, 0)) break; } if (is_dng) return; if (strncmp(make,"KODAK",5)) thumb_layers = 0; if (!strncmp(make,"Kodak",5)) { fseek (ifp, 12+base, SEEK_SET); puts ("\nSpecial Kodak image directory:"); parse_tiff_ifd (base, 0); } if (!strncmp(model,"DCS460A",7)) { spp = 1; thumb_layers = 0; } if (!thumb_length && offset) { thumb_offset = offset; sprintf (thumb_head, "P%d %d %d %d\n", spp > 1 ? 6:5, width, height, (1 << bps) - 1); thumb_length = width * height * spp * ((bps+7)/8); } } void parse_minolta() { int data_offset, save, tag, len; fseek (ifp, 4, SEEK_SET); data_offset = get4() + 8; while ((save=ftell(ifp)) < data_offset) { tag = get4(); len = get4(); printf ("Tag %c%c%c offset %06x length %06x\n", tag>>16, tag>>8, tag, save, len); switch (tag) { case 0x545457: /* TTW */ parse_tiff (ftell(ifp)); } fseek (ifp, save+len+8, SEEK_SET); } strncpy (thumb_head, "\xff", sizeof(thumb_head) ); thumb_offset++; thumb_length--; } /* Parse a CIFF file, better known as Canon CRW format. */ void parse_ciff (int offset, int length, int level /*unused*/) { int tboff, nrecs, i, c, type, len, roff, aoff, save, wbi=-1; static const int remap[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,1 }; static const int remap_10d[] = { 0,1,3,4,5,6,0,0,2,8 }; static const int remap_s70[] = { 0,1,2,9,4,3,6,7,8,9,10,0,0,0,7,0,0,8 }; ushort key[] = { 0x410, 0x45f3 }; if (strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot G6") && strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot S60") && strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot S70") && strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot Pro1")) key[0] = key[1] = 0; fseek (ifp, offset+length-4, SEEK_SET); tboff = get4() + offset; fseek (ifp, tboff, SEEK_SET); nrecs = get2(); if (nrecs > 100) return; for (i = 0; i < nrecs; i++) { type = get2(); len = get4(); roff = get4(); aoff = offset + roff; save = ftell(ifp); if (type == 0x080a) { /* Get the camera make and model */ fseek (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET); fread (make, 64, 1, ifp); fseek (ifp, aoff+strlen(make)+1, SEEK_SET); fread (model, 64, 1, ifp); } if (type == 0x102a) { /* Find the White Balance index */ fseek (ifp, aoff+14, SEEK_SET); /* 0=auto, 1=daylight, 2=cloudy ... */ wbi = get2(); if (((!strcmp(model,"Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL") || !strcmp(model,"Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL"))) && wbi == 6) wbi++; } if (type == 0x102c) { /* Get white balance (G2) */ if (!strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot G1") || !strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot Pro90 IS")) { fseek (ifp, aoff+120, SEEK_SET); FORC4 cam_mul[c ^ 2] = get2(); } else { fseek (ifp, aoff+100, SEEK_SET); goto common; } } if (type == 0x0032) { /* Get white balance (D30 & G3) */ if (!strcmp(model,"Canon EOS D30")) { fseek (ifp, aoff+72, SEEK_SET); common: camera_red = get2() ^ key[0]; camera_red =(get2() ^ key[1]) / camera_red; camera_blue = get2() ^ key[0]; camera_blue /= get2() ^ key[1]; } else if (!strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot G6") || !strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot S60") || !strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot S70")) { fseek (ifp, aoff+96 + remap_s70[wbi]*8, SEEK_SET); goto common; } else if (!strcmp(model,"Canon PowerShot Pro1")) { fseek (ifp, aoff+96 + wbi*8, SEEK_SET); goto common; } else { fseek (ifp, aoff+80 + (wbi < 6 ? remap[wbi]*8 : 0), SEEK_SET); if (!camera_red) goto common; } } if (type == 0x10a9) { /* Get white balance (D60) */ if (!strcmp(model,"Canon EOS 10D")) wbi = remap_10d[wbi]; fseek (ifp, aoff+2 + wbi*8, SEEK_SET); camera_red = get2(); camera_red /= get2(); camera_blue = get2(); camera_blue = get2() / camera_blue; } /* Skip this for now /steffen */ #if 0 if (type == 0x1030 && (wbi == 6 || wbi == 15)) { fseek (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET); /* Get white sample */ ciff_block_1030(); } #endif if (type == 0x1031) { /* Get the raw width and height */ fseek (ifp, aoff+2, SEEK_SET); raw_width = get2(); raw_height = get2(); } if (type == 0x180e) { /* Get the timestamp */ fseek (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET); timestamp = get4(); } if (type == 0x580e) timestamp = len; #if 0 if (type == 0x5813) flash_used = *((float *) &len); if (type == 0x5814) canon_5814 = *((float *) &len); #endif if (type == 0x1810) { /* Get the rotation */ fseek (ifp, aoff+12, SEEK_SET); flip = get4(); } /* Skip this for now /steffen */ #if 0 if (type == 0x1835) { /* Get the decoder table */ fseek (ifp, aoff, SEEK_SET); crw_init_tables (get4()); } #endif if (type == 0x2007) { /* Found the JPEG thumbnail */ thumb_offset = aoff; thumb_length = len; } if (type >> 8 == 0x28 || type >> 8 == 0x30) /* Get sub-tables */ parse_ciff(aoff, len, level+1); fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET); } if (wbi == 0 && !strcmp(model,"Canon EOS D30")) camera_red = -1; /* Use my auto WB for this photo */ } void parse_mos(int level) { uchar data[256]; int i, j, skip, save; char *cp; save = ftell(ifp); while (1) { fread (data, 1, 8, ifp); if (strcmp(data,"PKTS")) break; strcpy (model, "Valeo"); fread (data, 1, 40, ifp); skip = get4(); if (!strcmp(data,"icc_camera_to_tone_matrix")) { for (i=0; i < skip/4; i++) { j = get4(); } continue; } if (!strcmp(data,"JPEG_preview_data")) { thumb_head[0] = 0; thumb_offset = ftell(ifp); thumb_length = skip; } fread (data, 1, sizeof data, ifp); fseek (ifp, -sizeof data, SEEK_CUR); data[sizeof data - 1] = 0; while ((cp=index(data,'\n'))) *cp = ' '; parse_mos(level+2); fseek (ifp, skip, SEEK_CUR); } fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET); } void parse_rollei() { char line[128], *val; fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET); do { fgets (line, 128, ifp); fputs (line, stdout); if ((val = strchr(line,'='))) *val++ = 0; else val = line + strlen(line); if (!strcmp(line,"HDR")) thumb_offset = atoi(val); if (!strcmp(line,"TX ")) width = atoi(val); if (!strcmp(line,"TY ")) height = atoi(val); } while (strncmp(line,"EOHD",4)); strcpy (make, "Rollei"); strcpy (model, "d530flex"); thumb_length = width*height*2; } void rollei_decode (FILE *tfp) { ushort data; int row, col; fseek (ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET); fprintf (tfp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height); for (row=0; row < height; row++) for (col=0; col < width; col++) { fread (&data, 2, 1, ifp); data = ntohs(data); putc (data << 3, tfp); putc (data >> 5 << 2, tfp); putc (data >> 11 << 3, tfp); } } void get_utf8 (int offset, char *buf, int len) { ushort c; char *cp; fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET); for (cp=buf; (c = get2()) && cp+3 < buf+len; ) { if (c < 0x80) *cp++ = c; else if (c < 0x800) { *cp++ = 0xc0 + (c >> 6); *cp++ = 0x80 + (c & 0x3f); } else { *cp++ = 0xe0 + (c >> 12); *cp++ = 0x80 + (c >> 6 & 0x3f); *cp++ = 0x80 + (c & 0x3f); } } *cp = 0; } ushort sget2 (uchar *s) { return s[0] + (s[1]<<8); } int sget4 (uchar *s) { return s[0] + (s[1]<<8) + (s[2]<<16) + (s[3]<<24); } void parse_foveon() { int entries, img=0, off, len, tag, save, i, j, k, pent, poff[256][2]; char name[128], value[128], camf[0x20000], *pos, *cp, *dp; unsigned val, key, type, num, ndim, dim[3]; order = 0x4949; /* Little-endian */ fseek (ifp, -4, SEEK_END); fseek (ifp, get4(), SEEK_SET); if (get4() != 0x64434553) { /* SECd */ printf ("Bad Section identifier at %6x\n", (int)ftell(ifp)-4); return; } get4(); entries = get4(); while (entries--) { off = get4(); len = get4(); tag = get4(); save = ftell(ifp); fseek (ifp, off, SEEK_SET); if (get4() != (0x20434553 | (tag << 24))) { printf ("Bad Section identifier at %6x\n", off); goto next; } val = get4(); switch (tag) { case 0x32414d49: /* IMA2 */ case 0x47414d49: /* IMAG */ if (++img == 2) { /* second image */ thumb_offset = off; thumb_length = 1; } printf ("type %d, " , get4()); printf ("format %2d, " , get4()); printf ("columns %4d, " , get4()); printf ("rows %4d, " , get4()); printf ("rowsize %d\n" , get4()); break; case 0x464d4143: /* CAMF */ printf ("type %d, ", get4()); get4(); for (i=0; i < 4; i++) putchar(fgetc(ifp)); val = get4(); printf (" version %d.%d:\n",val >> 16, val & 0xffff); key = get4(); if ((len -= 28) > 0x20000) len = 0x20000; fread (camf, 1, len, ifp); for (i=0; i < len; i++) { key = (key * 1597 + 51749) % 244944; val = key * (INT64) 301593171 >> 24; camf[i] ^= ((((key << 8) - val) >> 1) + val) >> 17; } for (pos=camf; (unsigned) (pos-camf) < len; pos += sget4(pos+8)) { if (strncmp (pos, "CMb", 3)) { printf("Bad CAMF tag \"%.4s\"\n", pos); break; } val = sget4(pos+4); printf (" %4.4s version %d.%d: ", pos, val >> 16, val & 0xffff); switch (pos[3]) { case 'M': cp = pos + sget4(pos+16); type = sget4(cp); ndim = sget4(cp+4); dim[0] = dim[1] = dim[2] = 1; printf ("%d-dimensonal array %s of type %d:\n Key: (", ndim, pos+sget4(pos+12), sget4(cp)); dp = pos + sget4(cp+8); for (i=ndim; i--; ) { cp += 12; dim[i] = sget4(cp); printf ("%s %d%s", pos+sget4(cp+4), dim[i], i ? ", ":")\n"); } for (i=0; i < dim[2]; i++) { for (j=0; j < dim[1]; j++) { printf (" "); for (k=0; k < dim[0]; k++) switch (type) { case 0: case 6: printf ("%7d", sget2(dp)); dp += 2; break; case 1: case 2: printf (" %d", sget4(dp)); dp += 4; break; case 3: { union { int ival; float fval; } __t; __t.ival = sget4(dp); printf (" %9f", __t.fval); dp += 4; } } printf ("\n"); } printf ("\n"); } break; case 'P': val = sget4(pos+16); num = sget4(pos+val); printf ("%s, %d parameters:\n", pos+sget4(pos+12), num); cp = pos+val+8 + num*8; for (i=0; i < num; i++) { val += 8; printf (" %s = %s\n", cp+sget4(pos+val), cp+sget4(pos+val+4)); } break; case 'T': cp = pos + sget4(pos+16); printf ("%s = %.*s\n", pos+sget4(pos+12), sget4(cp), cp+4); break; default: printf ("\n"); } } break; case 0x504f5250: /* PROP */ printf ("entries %d, ", pent=get4()); printf ("charset %d, ", get4()); get4(); printf ("nchars %d\n", get4()); off += pent*8 + 24; if (pent > 256) pent=256; for (i=0; i < pent*2; i++) poff[0][i] = off + get4()*2; for (i=0; i < pent; i++) { get_utf8 (poff[i][0], name, 128); get_utf8 (poff[i][1], value, 128); printf (" %s = %s\n", name, value); if (!strcmp (name,"CAMMANUF")) strncpy (make, value, sizeof(make)); if (!strcmp (name,"CAMMODEL")) strncpy (model, value, sizeof(value)); } } next: fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET); } } void foveon_tree (unsigned huff[1024], unsigned code) { struct decode *cur; int i, len; cur = free_decode++; if (code) { for (i=0; i < 1024; i++) if (huff[i] == code) { cur->leaf = i; return; } } if ((len = code >> 27) > 26) return; code = (len+1) << 27 | (code & 0x3ffffff) << 1; cur->branch[0] = free_decode; foveon_tree (huff, code); cur->branch[1] = free_decode; foveon_tree (huff, code+1); } void foveon_decode (FILE *tfp) { int bwide, row, col, bit=-1, c, i; char *buf; struct decode *dindex; short pred[3]; unsigned huff[1024], bitbuf=0; fseek (ifp, thumb_offset+16, SEEK_SET); width = get4(); height = get4(); bwide = get4(); fprintf (tfp, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", width, height); if (bwide > 0) { buf = malloc(bwide); for (row=0; row < height; row++) { fread (buf, 1, bwide, ifp); fwrite (buf, 3, width, tfp); } free (buf); return; } for (i=0; i < 256; i++) huff[i] = get4(); memset (first_decode, 0, sizeof first_decode); free_decode = first_decode; foveon_tree (huff, 0); for (row=0; row < height; row++) { memset (pred, 0, sizeof pred); if (!bit) get4(); for (col=bit=0; col < width; col++) { for (c=0; c < 3; c++) { for (dindex=first_decode; dindex->branch[0]; ) { if ((bit = (bit-1) & 31) == 31) for (i=0; i < 4; i++) bitbuf = (bitbuf << 8) + fgetc(ifp); dindex = dindex->branch[bitbuf >> bit & 1]; } pred[c] += dindex->leaf; fputc (pred[c], tfp); } } } } void kodak_yuv_decode (FILE *tfp) { uchar c, blen[384]; unsigned row, col, len, bits=0; INT64 bitbuf=0; int i, li=0, si, diff, six[6], y[4], cb=0, cr=0, rgb[3]; ushort *out, *op; fseek (ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET); width = (width+1) & -2; height = (height+1) & -2; fprintf (tfp, "P6\n%d %d\n65535\n", width, height); out = malloc (width * 12); if (!out) { fprintf (stderr, "kodak_yuv_decode() malloc failed!\n"); exit(1); } for (row=0; row < height; row+=2) { for (col=0; col < width; col+=2) { if ((col & 127) == 0) { len = (width - col + 1) * 3 & -4; if (len > 384) len = 384; for (i=0; i < len; ) { c = fgetc(ifp); blen[i++] = c & 15; blen[i++] = c >> 4; } li = bitbuf = bits = y[1] = y[3] = cb = cr = 0; if (len % 8 == 4) { bitbuf = fgetc(ifp) << 8; bitbuf += fgetc(ifp); bits = 16; } } for (si=0; si < 6; si++) { len = blen[li++]; if (bits < len) { for (i=0; i < 32; i+=8) bitbuf += (INT64) fgetc(ifp) << (bits+(i^8)); bits += 32; } diff = bitbuf & (0xffff >> (16-len)); bitbuf >>= len; bits -= len; if ((diff & (1 << (len-1))) == 0) diff -= (1 << len) - 1; six[si] = diff; } y[0] = six[0] + y[1]; y[1] = six[1] + y[0]; y[2] = six[2] + y[3]; y[3] = six[3] + y[2]; cb += six[4]; cr += six[5]; for (i=0; i < 4; i++) { op = out + ((i >> 1)*width + col+(i & 1)) * 3; rgb[0] = y[i] + 1.40200/2 * cr; rgb[1] = y[i] - 0.34414/2 * cb - 0.71414/2 * cr; rgb[2] = y[i] + 1.77200/2 * cb; for (c=0; c < 3; c++) if (rgb[c] > 0) op[c] = htons(rgb[c]); } } fwrite (out, sizeof *out, width*6, tfp); } free(out); } void parse_phase_one (int base) { unsigned entries, tag, type, len, data, save; char str[256]; fseek (ifp, base + 8, SEEK_SET); fseek (ifp, base + get4(), SEEK_SET); entries = get4(); get4(); while (entries--) { tag = get4(); type = get4(); len = get4(); data = get4(); save = ftell(ifp); printf ("Phase One tag=0x%x, type=%d, len=%2d, data = 0x%x\n", tag, type, len, data); if (type == 1 && len < 256) { fseek (ifp, base + data, SEEK_SET); fread (str, 256, 1, ifp); puts (str); } if (tag == 0x110) { thumb_offset = data + base; thumb_length = len; } fseek (ifp, save, SEEK_SET); } strcpy (make, "Phase One"); strcpy (model, "unknown"); } void parse_jpeg (int offset) { int len, save, hlen; fseek (ifp, offset, SEEK_SET); if (fgetc(ifp) != 0xff || fgetc(ifp) != 0xd8) return; while (fgetc(ifp) == 0xff && fgetc(ifp) >> 4 != 0xd) { order = 0x4d4d; len = get2() - 2; save = ftell(ifp); order = get2(); hlen = get4(); if (get4() == 0x48454150) /* "HEAP" */ parse_ciff (save+hlen, len-hlen, 0); parse_tiff (save+6); fseek (ifp, save+len, SEEK_SET); } } char *raw_memmem (char *haystack, size_t haystacklen, char *needle, size_t needlelen) { char *c; for (c = haystack; c <= haystack + haystacklen - needlelen; c++) if (!memcmp (c, needle, needlelen)) return c; return NULL; } /* Identify which camera created this file, and set global variables accordingly. Return nonzero if the file cannot be decoded or no thumbnail is found */ int identify(FILE* tfp) { char head[32], *thumb, *rgb, *cp; unsigned hlen, fsize, toff, tlen, lsize, i; make[0] = model[0] = model2[0] = is_dng = 0; thumb_head[0] = thumb_offset = thumb_length = thumb_layers = 0; order = get2(); hlen = get4(); fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_SET); fread (head, 1, 32, ifp); fseek (ifp, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(ifp); if ((cp = raw_memmem (head, 32, "MMMMRawT", 8)) || (cp = raw_memmem (head, 32, "IIIITwaR", 8))) parse_phase_one (cp - head); else if (order == 0x4949 || order == 0x4d4d) { if (!memcmp(head+6,"HEAPCCDR",8)) { parse_ciff (hlen, fsize - hlen, 0); fseek (ifp, hlen, SEEK_SET); } else parse_tiff (0); } else if (!memcmp (head, "\0MRM", 4)) parse_minolta(); else if (!memcmp (head, "\xff\xd8\xff\xe1", 4) && !memcmp (head+6, "Exif", 4)) { parse_tiff (12); thumb_length = 0; } else if (!memcmp (head, "FUJIFILM", 8)) { fseek (ifp, 84, SEEK_SET); toff = get4(); tlen = get4(); thumb_offset = toff; thumb_length = tlen; } else if (!memcmp (head, "DSC-Image", 9)) parse_rollei(); else if (!memcmp (head, "FOVb", 4)) parse_foveon(); fseek (ifp, 8, SEEK_SET); parse_mos(0); fseek (ifp, 3472, SEEK_SET); parse_mos(0); parse_jpeg(0); if (!thumb_length) { fprintf (stderr, "Thumbnail image not found\n"); return -1; } if (is_dng) goto dng_skip; if (!strncmp(model,"DCS Pro",7)) { kodak_yuv_decode (tfp); goto done; } if (!strcmp(make,"Rollei")) { rollei_decode (tfp); goto done; } if (!strcmp(make,"SIGMA")) { foveon_decode (tfp); goto done; } dng_skip: thumb = (char *) malloc(thumb_length); if (!thumb) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot allocate %d bytes!!\n", thumb_length); exit(1); } fseek (ifp, thumb_offset, SEEK_SET); fread (thumb, 1, thumb_length, ifp); if (thumb_layers && !is_dng) { rgb = (char *) malloc(thumb_length); if (!rgb) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot allocate %d bytes!!\n", thumb_length); return -1; } lsize = thumb_length/3; for (i=0; i < thumb_length; i++) rgb[(i%lsize)*3 + i/lsize] = thumb[i]; free(thumb); thumb = rgb; } fputs (thumb_head, tfp); fwrite(thumb, 1, thumb_length, tfp); free (thumb); done: fprintf (stderr, "Thumbnail image written, make=%s, model=%s\n",&(make[0]),&(model[0])); return 0; } int extract_thumbnail( FILE* input, FILE* output, int* orientation ) { /* Coffin's code has different meaning for orientation values than TIFF, so we map them to TIFF values */ static const int flip_map[] = { 0,1,3,2,4,7,5,6 }; int rc; ifp = input; rc = identify(output); switch ((flip+3600) % 360) { case 270: flip = 5; break; case 180: flip = 3; break; case 90: flip = 6; } if( orientation ) *orientation = flip_map[flip%7]; return rc; }