 *   Copyright (C) 2003 by Sylvain Joyeux                                  *
 *   sylvain.joyeux@m4x.org                                                *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
#include "aptcache.h"
#include "apt.h"
#include "debug.h"

#include "regexps.h"

#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>

#include <kdebug.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>

  connect(&m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStderr(TDEProcess*, char*, int)),
    this, TQT_SLOT(receivedStdErr(TDEProcess*, char*, int )));
  connect(&m_process, TQT_SIGNAL(receivedStdout(TDEProcess*, char*, int)),
    this, TQT_SLOT(receivedStdOut(TDEProcess*, char*, int )));
AptCache::~AptCache() {}

static TQStringList received(TQString& buffer, char* input, int input_len)
  buffer += TQString::fromLatin1(input, input_len);
  TQStringList ret = TQStringList::split('\n', buffer, true);
  if (!buffer.endsWith("\n"))
    buffer = ret.last();
    buffer = "";

  return ret;
void AptCache::receivedStdErr( TDEProcess * /*process*/, char * buffer, int len )
  static TQRegExp rx_we("(W|E):\\s+(.*)");

  TQStringList lines = received(m_received_err, buffer, len);
  for (TQStringList::ConstIterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i)
    if (rx_we.exactMatch(*i))
      if (rx_we.cap(1) == "E") emit token("error", rx_we.cap(2));
      else emit token("warning", rx_we.cap(2));
      kdDebug() << "Unmatched error : " << *i << endl;
void AptCache::receivedStdOut( TDEProcess * /*process*/, char * buffer, int len )
  TQStringList lines = received(m_received_out, buffer, len);

void AptCache::clear()
  m_attribute = "";
  m_received_err = "";
  m_received_out = "";

bool AptCache::search(const TQString& expression)

  m_process.setEnvironment("LANGUAGE", "C");
  m_process << "apt-cache" << "search";
  m_process << TQStringList::split(" ", expression);
  m_receive = &AptCache::receiveSearch;
  return m_process.start(TDEProcess::Block, TDEProcess::Stdout );

void AptCache::receiveSearch(const TQStringList& lines)
  static TQRegExp rx_parse("([^ ]+) - (.*)");

  TQStringList::ConstIterator i;
  for (i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i)
    if ((*i).isEmpty()) continue;

    if (!rx_parse.exactMatch(*i))
      kdDebug(DEBUG_ZONE) << "Parsing error. Line is " << *i << endl;

    emit token("package", rx_parse.cap(1));
      emit token("short_desc", rx_parse.cap(2));

    kdDebug(DEBUG_ZONE) << "Found package : " << rx_parse.cap(1) << " - " << rx_parse.cap(2) << endl;

bool AptCache::show(const TQString& package)

  m_process.setEnvironment("LANGUAGE", "C");
  m_process << "apt-cache" << "show" << package;
  m_receive = &AptCache::receiveShow;
  return m_process.start(TDEProcess::Block, TDEProcess::Stdout );

void AptCache::receiveShow(const TQStringList& lines)
  static bool pkgfield = false, insert_newline = false;
  static int indent = 0;

  static TQRegExp rx_attribute("([\\w-]+): (.*)");
  static const TQString pkg_fields[] =
    { "Suggests", "Replaces", "Depends", "Conflicts", TQString() };

  TQStringList::ConstIterator i;
  for (i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i)
    TQString data(*i);
    if (data.isEmpty()) continue;

    if (rx_attribute.exactMatch(*i))
      m_attribute = rx_attribute.cap(1);
      data = rx_attribute.cap(2);

      if (m_attribute != "Package")
        emit token("field", m_attribute);

      insert_newline = pkgfield = false;
      indent = 0;

      const TQString * test_field;
      for (test_field = pkg_fields; !test_field -> isNull(); ++test_field)
        if (*test_field == m_attribute)
          pkgfield = true;

    if (m_attribute == "Package")
      emit token("package", data);
    else if (pkgfield)
      int new_indent = data.find( TQRegExp("[^\\s]") );

      // new_indent > 0 means that we are in a multi-line
      // field. Those lines always begin with " ", so we want
      // to drop it.
      if (new_indent > 0) --new_indent;

      if (new_indent != indent)
        emit token("indent", TQString::number(new_indent) );
        indent = new_indent;
        insert_newline = false;

      if (data == " .")
        if (insert_newline)
          emit token("data", "\n");
        if (insert_newline)
          emit token("data", "\n" + data);
          emit token("data", data);

      insert_newline = true;

void AptCache::parse_pkgfield(const TQString& data)
  TQStringList split(TQStringList::split(",", data));
  for (TQStringList::ConstIterator i = split.begin(); i != split.end(); ++i)
    if (i != split.begin()) emit token("data", ", ");

    TQStringList bar(TQStringList::split("|", *i));
    for (TQStringList::ConstIterator j = bar.begin(); j != bar.end(); ++j)
      if (j != bar.begin()) emit token("data", " | ");
      TQString pkg, remaining;

      int paren = (*j).find('(');
      if (paren != -1)
        pkg = (*j).left(paren - 1);
        remaining = (*j).right((*j).length() - paren + 1);
        pkg = (*j);

      pkg = pkg.stripWhiteSpace();
      remaining = remaining.stripWhiteSpace();

      emit token("package_link", pkg);
      if (!remaining.isEmpty()) emit token("data", " " + remaining);

bool AptCache::policy( const TQString & package )

  m_process.setEnvironment("LANGUAGE", "C");
  m_process << "apt-cache" << "policy" << package;
  m_receive = &AptCache::receivePolicy;
  return m_process.start(TDEProcess::Block, TDEProcess::Stdout );

void AptCache::receivePolicy(const TQStringList& lines)
  static TQRegExp rx_pkgname("(\\w[\\w+-.]+):");
  static TQRegExp rx_location("^\\s*\\d+\\s[^\\d]");

  for(TQStringList::ConstIterator l = lines.begin(); l != lines.end(); ++l)
    if ((*l).isEmpty()) continue;

    TQString data( (*l).stripWhiteSpace() );
    if (rx_pkgname.exactMatch(*l))
      emit token("package", rx_pkgname.cap(1));
    else if (data.startsWith("Installed:", false))
      data = data.right(data.length() - 11);
      emit token("installed", data);
      m_installed = data;
    else if (data.startsWith("Candidate:", false))
      data = data.right(data.length() - 11);
      emit token("candidate", data);
      m_candidate = data;
    else if (data.startsWith("Version table:", false))
      emit token("version_table", TQString());
    else if (rx_location.search(data) > -1)
      emit token("location", data);
      if (data.startsWith("*** "))
        data = data.right( data.length() - 4 );

      if (match_dversion(data.section(' ', 0, 0)))
        emit token("version", data);

TQString AptCache::policy_installed() const
{ return m_installed; }
TQString AptCache::policy_candidate() const
{ return m_candidate; }

#include "aptcache.moc"