* kio-locate: KDE I/O Slave for the locate command *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2005 by Tobi Vollebregt *
* tobivollebregt@gmail.com *
* *
* Thanks to Google's Summer Of Code Program! *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2004 by Armin Straub *
* linux@arminstraub.de *
* *
* This program was initially written by Michael Schuerig. *
* Although I have completely rewritten it, most ideas are adopted *
* from his original work. *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2002 by Michael Schuerig *
* michael@schuerig.de *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* \mainpage KDE I/O Slave for the locate command
* \section intro_sec What is kio-locate?
* kio-locate is a KDE I/O Slave for the locate command.
This means that you can use kio-locate by simply typing in konquerors
* address box. You can e.g. type "locate:index.html" to find all files that
* contain "index.html" in their name.
There's even more: You can use kio-locate in all KDE applications, that
* accept URLs.
To find out more about kio-locate and to look for new versions, you
* should take a look at
* arminstraub.de.
* \todo Implement locater:help.
* \todo If a directory matches then don't add its childs.\ At least make
* this configurable.
* \todo Use different icons for collapsed directories and make this
* configurable.
* \todo After updating the settings show a success html message instead
* of a blank page.
* \todo Check if locate's databases are outdated and warn about that.
* \todo Provide a means of updating the locate database (configurable
* of course).
#ifndef _kio_locate_H_
#define _kio_locate_H_
#include "locater.h"
#include "pattern.h"
class TQCString;
class KURL;
class LocateItem;
class LocateDirectory;
typedef TQValueList LocateItems;
typedef TQDict LocateDirectories;
typedef TQDictIterator LocateDirectoriesIterator;
enum LocateCaseSensitivity { caseAuto, caseSensitive, caseInsensitive };
enum LocateCollapsedIcon { iconBlue, iconGreen, iconGrey, iconOrange, iconRed, iconViolet, iconYellow };
* Implementation of the kioslave for the locate protocol.
* Enables you to enter "locate:pattern" wherever an URL can be used
* in KDE.
class LocateProtocol : public TQObject, public KIO::SlaveBase
* Constructor
LocateProtocol(const TQCString &pool_socket, const TQCString &app_socket);
virtual ~LocateProtocol();
* Returns the mimetype "inode/directory".
* @param url the url to work on
virtual void mimetype(const KURL& url);
* Raises an error so that eyerone notes we are dealing with
* directories only.
* @param url the url to work on
virtual void get(const KURL& url);
* Marks the url as a directory.
* @param url the url to work on
virtual void stat(const KURL& url);
* Searches for the pattern specified in the url.
* Every file found is listed.
* @param url the url to work on
virtual void listDir(const KURL& url);
* Actually report a hit.
* If subItems > 0 then this hit is a "directory subsearch".
* @param path the path of the hit
* @param subItems the number of hits beneath this one
* (or 0 for a regular hit)
virtual void addHit(const TQString& path, int subItems = 0);
const LocateRegExp& getRegExp() const;
int getCollapseDirectoryThreshold() const;
private slots:
void processLocateOutput(const TQStringList& items);
void locateFinished();
void configFinished();
void updateConfig();
Locater m_locater;
KURL m_url;
TQString m_locatePattern;
LocateRegExp m_locateRegExp; // Equals m_locatePattern, but regexp.
TQString m_locateDirectory; // Includes a trailing slash.
LocateRegExpList m_regExps; // List of extra filtering regexps.
LocateCaseSensitivity m_caseSensitivity; // For current search.
bool m_useRegExp;
// Options
LocateCaseSensitivity m_caseSensitivity; // Default case sensitivity.
int m_collapseDirectoryThreshold; // Maximum number of hits in a directory
// before a directory search is created
TQString m_collapsedDisplay; // Format string used for collapsed directories.
LocateCollapsedIcon m_collapsedIcon; // Icon used for collapsed directories.
LocateRegExpList m_whiteList; // Path must match at least one regexp in this list.
LocateRegExpList m_blackList; // Path may not match any regexp in this list.
} m_config;
bool m_configUpdated; // Used in config methods to check if config was cancelled or okay'ed.
TQString m_pendingPath; // Must be processed as soon as new output becomes available.
LocateDirectory *m_baseDir; // The toplevel directory, e.g. "/usr/".
LocateDirectory *m_curDir; // The current directory (while locating).
KIO::UDSEntryList m_entries; // Used to cache a lot of hits and list them all at once.
TQString partToPattern(const TQString& part, bool forLocate);
bool isMatching(const TQString& file);
TQString pathToDisplay(const TQString& path, int subItems = 0);
void addPreviousLocateOutput();
void processPath(const TQString &path, const TQString &nextPath);
bool isSearchRequest();
bool isConfigRequest();
bool isHelpRequest();
void searchRequest();
void configRequest();
void helpRequest();
bool isCaseSensitive(const TQString& text);
* Composes a locater:... url for the current search parameters
* bound to a given directory.
* @param directory the directory in which we should be searched
* @return the url that envokes the specified search
TQString makeLocaterUrl(const TQString& dir);
* This function has to check whether we are accessed via the standard
* locater protocol. If this is not the case we have to redirect
* this access to an access via the locater protocol.
* There are other ways, that I have tried to achieve this:
* - Use a search provider. This works perfectly for konqueror but
* not for any other KDE application.
* - Really use redirection. But this turned out not to be a good
* solution. Seemed not to work from OpenDialogs ...
* - So no we just internally redirect... Works, isn't it?
void setUrl(const KURL& url);
void outputHtml(const TQString& body);
* Internally used class to represent a hit as kio-locate will
* report.
* This may either be a path as given by locate or a directory
* search (if the number of subItems is set to a positive number).
class LocateItem
LocateItem(const TQString& path, int subItems);
TQString m_path;
int m_subItems;
* Internally used class to represent a directory while kio-locate
* gathers data from locate.
* Each directory has a list of files found in just that directory
* and a list of all subdirectories.
class LocateDirectory
LocateDirectory(LocateDirectory *tqparent, const TQString& path);
LocateDirectory *addPath(const TQString& path);
void prepareListing(const LocateProtocol* protocol, int skip);
void listItems(LocateProtocol *protocol);
void debugTrace(int level = 0);
TQString m_path; // Including trailing slash.
LocateDirectory *m_parent;
LocateDirectories m_childs;
LocateItems m_items;
int m_itemsCount;
int m_fullCount;
LocateDirectory *getSubDirectory(const TQString& relPath);
void addItem(const TQString& path);
int countMatchingItems(const LocateProtocol *protocol, int skip);