path: root/src/renderer.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/renderer.cpp')
1 files changed, 1028 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/renderer.cpp b/src/renderer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79a38d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/renderer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1028 @@
+ File: renderer.cpp
+ Project: Kio-Sword -- An ioslave for SWORD and KDE
+ Copyright: Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Luke Plant
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// Mine
+#include "renderer.h"
+#include "swordoptions.h"
+#include "ks_osishtml.h"
+#include "ks_gbfhtml.h"
+#include "ks_thmlhtml.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "swordutils.h"
+#include "template.h"
+// Sword
+#include <swmgr.h>
+#include <swkey.h>
+#include <versekey.h>
+#include <treekey.h>
+#include <treekeyidx.h>
+#include <plainhtml.h>
+#include <rtfhtml.h>
+#include <encfiltmgr.h>
+#include <localemgr.h>
+#include <regex.h>
+// KDE
+#include <klocale.h>
+// QT
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+// Standard C/C++
+#include <vector>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <set>
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+using std::set;
+using std::list;
+using namespace sword;
+namespace KioSword
+ static const QString prev(" <li><a href=\"%2\" accesskey=\"p\">&laquo %1</a>");
+ static QString makePrevLink(const QString& caption, const QString& url)
+ {
+ return prev.arg(caption).arg(url);
+ }
+ static const QString next(" <li><a href=\"%2\" accesskey=\"n\">%1 &raquo</a>");
+ static QString makeNextLink(const QString& caption, const QString& url)
+ {
+ return next.arg(caption).arg(url);
+ }
+ static const QString treeup(" <li><a href=\"%3\" accesskey=\"u\">%1 %2</a>");
+ static QString makeTreeUpLink(const QString& caption1, const QString& caption2, const QString& url)
+ {
+ return treeup.arg(caption1).arg(caption2).arg(url);
+ }
+ static const QString bibleup(" <li><a href=\"%2\" accesskey=\"u\">%1</a>");
+ static QString makeBibleUpLink(const QString& caption, const QString& url)
+ {
+ return bibleup.arg(caption).arg(url);
+ }
+ static const QString genlink(" <li><a href=\"%2\">%1</a>");
+ static QString makeGeneralLink(const QString& caption, const QString& url)
+ {
+ return genlink.arg(caption).arg(url);
+ }
+ Renderer::Renderer() :
+ sword::SWMgr(0, 0, true, new sword::EncodingFilterMgr(sword::ENC_UTF8)),
+ m_osisfilter(0),
+ m_gbffilter(0),
+ m_thmlfilter(0),
+ m_plainfilter(0),
+ m_rtffilter(0)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MODULE_TYPES; i++) {
+ m_moduleTypes.push_back("");
+ m_moduleTypeNames.push_back(QString(""));
+ }
+ m_moduleTypes[BIBLE] = "Biblical Texts";
+ m_moduleTypes[COMMENTARY] = "Commentaries";
+ m_moduleTypes[LEXDICT] = "Lexicons / Dictionaries";
+ m_moduleTypes[GENERIC] = "Generic Books";
+ m_moduleTypeNames[BIBLE] = i18n("Bibles");
+ m_moduleTypeNames[COMMENTARY] = i18n("Commentaries");
+ m_moduleTypeNames[LEXDICT] = i18n("Lexicons & Dictionaries");
+ m_moduleTypeNames[GENERIC] = i18n("Other Books");
+ }
+ Renderer::~Renderer() {
+ delete m_osisfilter;
+ delete m_gbffilter;
+ delete m_thmlfilter;
+ delete m_plainfilter;
+ delete m_rtffilter;
+ }
+ void Renderer::setOptions(const SwordOptions& options) {
+ setGlobalOption("Footnotes", (options.footnotes() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Headings", (options.headings() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Strong's Numbers", (options.strongs() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Morphological Tags", (options.morph() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Hebrew Cantillation", (options.cantillation() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Hebrew Vowel Points", (options.hebrewVowelPoints() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Greek Accents", (options.greekAccents() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Lemmas", (options.lemmas() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Cross-references", (options.crossRefs() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ setGlobalOption("Words of Christ in Red",(options.redWords() ? "On" : "Off"));
+ if (options.variants() == -1)
+ setGlobalOption("Variants", "All Readings");
+ else if (options.variants() == 1)
+ setGlobalOption("Variants", "Secondary Readings");
+ else
+ setGlobalOption("Variants", "Primary Readings");
+ LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.setDefaultLocaleName(options.locale());
+ }
+ /** Return an HTML hyperlinked list of all modules,
+ * categorised, and including descriptions
+ */
+ QString Renderer::listModules(const SwordOptions &options) {
+ QString output;
+ QString temp;
+ ModMap::iterator it;
+ vector<const char *>::size_type i;
+ SWModule *curMod;
+ setOptions(options);
+ if (Modules.empty()) {
+ output += ("<p>" + i18n("No modules installed!") + "</p>\n");
+ return output;
+ }
+ output += QString("<div class='moduleslist'><h1>%1</h1>")
+ .arg(i18n("Modules"));
+ for (i = 0; i < m_moduleTypes.size(); i++) {
+ output += QString("<h2 class='moduletype'>%1</h2>\n"
+ "<ul>\n").arg(m_moduleTypeNames[i]);
+ for (it = Modules.begin(); it != Modules.end(); it++) {
+ curMod = (*it).second;
+ if (!strcmp(curMod->Type(), m_moduleTypes[i])) {
+ output += QString("<li class='module'><a class='module' href=\"%3\">%1</a> : %2\n")
+ .arg(curMod->Name())
+ .arg(curMod->Description())
+ .arg(swordUrl(curMod->Name(), options));
+ }
+ }
+ output += "</ul>";
+ }
+ output += "</div>";
+ return output;
+ }
+ /** Return a sorted list of all module names
+ *
+ */
+ QStringList Renderer::moduleList() {
+ QStringList output;
+ ModMap::iterator it;
+ SWModule *curMod;
+ for (it = Modules.begin(); it != Modules.end(); it++) {
+ curMod = (*it).second;
+ output += QString(curMod->Name());
+ }
+ output.sort();
+ return output;
+ }
+ Renderer::ModuleType Renderer::getModuleType(sword::SWModule *module) {
+ ModuleType modtype;
+ vector<const char *>::size_type i;
+ modtype = GENERIC; // default
+ for (i = 0; i < m_moduleTypes.size(); i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(module->Type(), m_moduleTypes[i])) {
+ modtype = (ModuleType)i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return modtype;
+ }
+ /** Add the relevant filter to a module
+ *
+ * This method checks to see whether we've already added
+ * the Render filter to a module. If so, then don't
+ * create or attach another, but ensure the options used
+ *
+ */
+ void Renderer::setModuleFilter(SWModule *module, const SwordOptions* options) {
+ SectionMap::iterator sit;
+ ConfigEntMap::iterator eit;
+ SWTextMarkup modformat = FMT_UNKNOWN;
+ SWBuf encoding;
+ SWFilter *filter = 0;
+ if (m_modset.find(module) != m_modset.end())
+ // already added
+ return;
+ // From corediatheke.cpp
+ if ((sit = config->Sections.find(module->Name())) != config->Sections.end()) {
+ if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("SourceType")) != (*sit).second.end()) {
+ if (!strcasecmp((char *)(*eit).second.c_str(), "GBF"))
+ modformat = FMT_GBF;
+ else if (!strcasecmp((char *)(*eit).second.c_str(), "ThML"))
+ modformat = FMT_THML;
+ else if (!strcasecmp((char *)(*eit).second.c_str(), "OSIS"))
+ modformat = FMT_OSIS;
+ }
+ // FIXME - do something with this
+ if ((eit = (*sit).second.find("Encoding")) != (*sit).second.end())
+ encoding = (*eit).second;
+ else
+ encoding = (SWBuf)"";
+ }
+ switch (modformat)
+ {
+ // TODO - all filters used should subclass
+ // FilterBase and know how to write
+ // KioSword urls correctly using SwordOptions
+ case FMT_UNKNOWN :
+ case FMT_PLAIN :
+ if (!m_plainfilter)
+ m_plainfilter = new PLAINHTML();
+ filter = m_plainfilter;
+ break;
+ case FMT_THML :
+ if (!m_thmlfilter)
+ m_thmlfilter = new ThMLHTML();
+ m_thmlfilter->setSwordOptions(options);
+ filter = m_thmlfilter;
+ break;
+ case FMT_GBF:
+ if (!m_gbffilter)
+ m_gbffilter = new GBFHTML();
+ m_gbffilter->setSwordOptions(options);
+ filter = m_gbffilter;
+ break;
+ case FMT_HTML:
+ break;
+ break;
+ case FMT_RTF:
+ if (!m_rtffilter)
+ m_rtffilter = new RTFHTML();
+ filter = m_rtffilter;
+ break;
+ case FMT_OSIS:
+ if (!m_osisfilter)
+ m_osisfilter = new OSISHTML();
+ m_osisfilter->setSwordOptions(options);
+ filter = m_osisfilter;
+ break;
+ case FMT_WEBIF:
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (filter) {
+ module->AddRenderFilter(filter);
+ m_modset.insert(m_modset.begin(), module);
+ }
+ }
+ void Renderer::moduleQuery(const QString &modname, const QString &ref, const SwordOptions &options, Template* tmplt) {
+ QString nav;
+ SWModule *module = 0;
+ SWKey *skey = 0;
+ KeyType keyt = SWKEY;
+ VerseKey *vk;
+ TreeKey *tk;
+ ModuleType modtype;
+ // Set the sword::Mgr options
+ setOptions(options);
+ // Find the module
+ module = getModule(modname.latin1());
+ if (module == 0) {
+ QString output;
+ output += "<p><span class='error'>"
+ + i18n("The module '%1' could not be found.").arg(modname)
+ + "</span></p><hr/>";
+ output += listModules(options);
+ tmplt->setContent(output);
+ tmplt->setTitle(i18n("Module not found - Kio-Sword"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ setModuleFilter(module, &options);
+ // Determine key type.
+ skey = module->getKey();
+ if (!(vk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(skey))) {
+ if (!(tk = dynamic_cast<TreeKey*>(skey))) {
+ keyt = SWKEY;
+ } else {
+ keyt = TREEKEY;
+ }
+ } else {
+ keyt = VERSEKEY;
+ }
+ modtype = getModuleType(module);
+ nav += QString("<li class='first'>%1 <a href=\"%3\">%2</a></li>")
+ .arg(i18n("Module:"))
+ .arg(modname)
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, options));
+ if (keyt == VERSEKEY) { // Should be just bibles and commentaries
+ verseQuery(module, ref, options, modtype, tmplt, nav);
+ } else if (keyt == TREEKEY) {
+ treeQuery(module, ref, options, modtype, tmplt, nav);
+ } else if (keyt == SWKEY) {
+ normalQuery(module, ref, options, modtype, tmplt, nav);
+ }
+ tmplt->setNav("<ul>" + nav + "</ul>");
+ tmplt->setShowToggles(true);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::search(const QString &modname, const QString &query, const SearchType searchType, const SwordOptions &options) {
+ SWModule *module = 0;
+ QString output;
+ ListKey lk;
+ int stype = SEARCH_WORDS;
+ QString stypename;
+ ModuleType modtype;
+ setOptions(options);
+ // Find the module
+ module = getModule(modname.latin1());
+ if (module == 0) {
+ output += "<p><span class='error'>"
+ + i18n("The module '%1' could not be found.").arg(modname)
+ + "</span></p>";
+ output += listModules(options);
+ return output;
+ }
+ modtype = getModuleType(module);
+ if (searchType == SEARCH_WORDS) {
+ stype = -2;
+ stypename = i18n("Word");
+ } else if (searchType == SEARCH_PHRASE) {
+ stype = -1;
+ stypename = i18n("Phrase");
+ } else if (searchType == SEARCH_REGEX) {
+ stype = 0;
+ stypename = i18n("Regular expression");
+ }
+ output += "<div class='searchresults'><h1>" + i18n("Search results:") + "</h1>";
+ output += QString("<table><tr><td>%1</td><td><b>%2</b></td></tr><tr><td>%3</td><td><b>%4</b></td></tr><tr><td>%5</td><td><b>%6</b></td></tr></table>")
+ .arg(i18n("Module:"))
+ .arg(modname)
+ .arg(i18n("Query:"))
+ .arg(query)
+ .arg(i18n("Search type:"))
+ .arg(stypename);
+ lk = module->search(query.utf8(), stype, REG_ICASE);
+ if (lk.Count() == 0) {
+ output += "<p>" +i18n("No matches returned.");
+ } else {
+ output += "<p>" + i18n("1 match returned:", "%1 matches returned:", lk.Count()).arg(lk.Count());
+ output += "<ul>";
+ for (int i = 0; i < lk.Count(); ++i) {
+ QString ref;
+ ref = QString::fromUtf8(lk.getElement(i)->getText());
+ if (modtype == BIBLE) {
+ module->setKey(lk.getElement(i));
+ output += QString("<li><a href=\"%3\">%1</a>: %2</li>")
+ .arg(ref)
+ .arg(renderText(module))
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, ref, options));
+ } else {
+ output += QString("<li><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></li>")
+ .arg(ref)
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, ref, options));
+ }
+ }
+ output += "</ul>";
+ }
+ output += "</div>";
+ return output;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::renderText(SWModule *module) {
+ return QString::fromUtf8(module->RenderText());
+ }
+ /** Fill in template with formatted text for the query of a verse based module
+ * Links are appended to navlinks.
+ */
+ void Renderer::verseQuery(SWModule *module, const QString &ref, const SwordOptions &options,
+ ModuleType modtype, Template* tmplt, QString &navlinks) {
+ QString modname(module->Name());
+ QString text;
+ bool doindex = false;
+ const char* modtextdir; // text direction of the module
+ ListKey lk;
+ VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(module->getKey());
+ if (!vk)
+ return;
+ // FIXME - why do I need this call to setLocale()?
+ vk->setLocale(LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.getDefaultLocaleName());
+ modtextdir = textDirection(module);
+ vk->AutoNormalize(0);
+ do { // dummy loop
+ if (ref.isEmpty()) {
+ doindex = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ lk = vk->ParseVerseList(ref, "Genesis 1:1", true);
+ if (lk.Count() == 0) {
+ text += "<p class=\"error\">" + i18n("Couldn't find reference '%1'.").arg(ref) + "</p>";
+ doindex = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ char book = 0;
+ char testament = 0;
+ int chapter = 0;
+ bool upToBookListShown = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < lk.Count(); ++i) {
+ VerseKey *element = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(lk.GetElement(i));
+ if (element) {
+ // Multiple verses
+ char err = 0;
+ // Check whether we have an entire book selected
+ // (but treat single chapter books as if they were just
+ // one chapter from a book)
+ if (element->UpperBound().Chapter() > 1 &&
+ isEntireBook(element) && !options.wholeBook()) {
+ // List books and link for viewing entire book
+ SwordOptions options_wholebook(options);
+ options_wholebook.wholeBook.set(true); // set just for creating the URL
+ text += QString("<h2>%1</h2>"
+ "<p>%2</p>"
+ "<p class='chapterlist'>%3</p>")
+ .arg(element->getBookName())
+ .arg(i18n("Chapters:"))
+ .arg(chapterList(modname, element, options))
+ + QString("<p><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></p>")
+ .arg(i18n("View entire book."))
+ .arg(swordUrl(module->Name(), element->getBookName(), options_wholebook));
+ if (!upToBookListShown)
+ {
+ navlinks += makeBibleUpLink(i18n("Books"),
+ swordUrl(modname, options));
+ upToBookListShown = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // chapter or verse range selected
+ module->Key(element->LowerBound());
+ if (lk.Count() == 1) {
+ // add some navigation links
+ if (isSingleChapter(element)) {
+ // get link to previous chapter
+ module->decrement();
+ if (!module->Error()) {
+ navlinks += makePrevLink(bookChapter(module->getKey()),
+ chapterLink(modname, module->getKey(), options));
+ }
+ // get link to book
+ module->Key(element->LowerBound());
+ navlinks += makeBibleUpLink(bookName(element),
+ bookLink(modname, element, options));
+ } else {
+ // less than a single chapter
+ // get link to book
+ navlinks += makeGeneralLink(bookName(element),
+ bookLink(modname, element, options));
+ // get link to chapter
+ navlinks += makeBibleUpLink(bookChapter(element),
+ chapterLink(modname, element, options));
+ }
+ }
+ // Headings plus text itself
+ bool inDirectionedDiv = false;
+ do {
+ VerseKey *curvk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(module->getKey());
+ if (curvk->Book() != book || curvk->Testament() != testament) {
+ if (inDirectionedDiv)
+ {
+ // close it before carrying on
+ text += "</div>";
+ inDirectionedDiv = false;
+ }
+ text += "<h2>" + QString(curvk->getBookName()) + "</h2>";
+ chapter = 0;
+ }
+ if (curvk->Chapter() != chapter) {
+ if (inDirectionedDiv)
+ {
+ // close it before carrying on
+ text += "</div>";
+ inDirectionedDiv = false;
+ }
+ text += "<h3>" + i18n("Chapter %1").arg(curvk->Chapter()) + "</h3>";
+ }
+ if (!inDirectionedDiv) {
+ text += QString("<div dir='%1'>").arg(modtextdir);
+ inDirectionedDiv = true;
+ }
+ if (options.verseNumbers() && modtype == BIBLE) {
+ text += QString("<a class=\"versenumber\" href=\"%2\">%1</a> ")
+ .arg(curvk->Verse())
+ .arg(swordUrl(module->Name(), module->KeyText(), options));
+ }
+ text += renderText(module);
+ text += " ";
+ if (options.verseLineBreaks())
+ text += "<br />";
+ book = curvk->Book();
+ testament = curvk->Testament();
+ chapter = curvk->Chapter();
+ module->increment(1);
+ } while (module->Key() <= element->UpperBound() && !(err = module->Error()));
+ // Close the final div
+ if (inDirectionedDiv)
+ {
+ text += "</div>";
+ inDirectionedDiv = false;
+ }
+ if (lk.Count() == 1) {
+ if (isSingleChapter(element)) {
+ // add some navigation links
+ if (!err) {
+ navlinks += makeNextLink(bookChapter(module->getKey()),
+ chapterLink(modname, module->getKey(), options));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Reset flags used by the multiple verse path
+ book = 0;
+ testament = 0;
+ chapter = 0;
+ // Single verse
+ module->Key(*lk.GetElement(i));
+ element = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(module->getKey());
+ text += QString("<h3>%1</h3>").arg(module->KeyText());
+ text += QString("<div dir='%1'>").arg(modtextdir);
+ text += renderText(module);
+ text += "</div>";
+ if (lk.Count() == 1)
+ navlinks += makeBibleUpLink(bookChapter(element),
+ chapterLink(modname, element, options));
+ }
+ if (i+1 != lk.Count())
+ text += "<br />";
+ }
+ } while (false);
+ // Title: depends on what got printed above
+ QString title;
+ if (doindex) {
+ if (!text.isEmpty()) { // an error message was printed
+ text = QString("<h1 class=\"moduletitle\">%1</h1>").arg(module->Description()).arg(ref)
+ + text;
+ title = "Error - Kio-Sword";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ title = QString("%1 - Kio-Sword").arg(module->Name());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (modtype == COMMENTARY) {
+ text = QString("<h1 class=\"moduletitle\">%1</h1>").arg(module->Description())
+ + text;
+ title = QString("%1 - %2 - Kio-Sword")
+ .arg(lk.getShortText())
+ .arg(module->Name());
+ } else if (modtype == BIBLE) {
+ text += QString("<div class=\"biblename\">(%1)</div>").arg(module->Description());
+ title = QString("%1 - %2 - Kio-Sword")
+ .arg(lk.getShortText())
+ .arg(module->Name());
+ }
+ }
+ tmplt->setTitle(title);
+ if (doindex) {
+ if (!text.isEmpty())
+ text += "<hr/>\n";
+ if (options.doBibleIndex()) {
+ text += "<h2>" + i18n("Books:") + "</h2>";
+ text += indexBible(module, options);
+ } else {
+ SwordOptions options_doindex(options);
+ options_doindex.doBibleIndex.set(true);
+ text += QString("<p><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></p>")
+ .arg(i18n("Index of books"))
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, options_doindex));
+ }
+ }
+ tmplt->setContent(text);
+ }
+ void Renderer::treeQuery(SWModule *module, const QString &ref, const SwordOptions &options,
+ ModuleType modtype, Template* tmplt, QString &navlinks) {
+ QString output;
+ QString modname(module->Name());
+ bool doindex;
+ TreeKey *tk = dynamic_cast<TreeKey*>(module->getKey());
+ if (!tk)
+ return;
+ output += QString("<h1 class=\"moduletitle\">%1</h1>").arg(module->Description());
+ if (ref.isEmpty()) {
+ doindex = true;
+ } else {
+ tk->Error(); // clear
+ tk->setText(ref.utf8());
+ doindex = false;
+ if (tk->Error()) {
+ output += "<p class=\"error\">" + i18n("Couldn't find section '%1'.").arg(ref) + "</p>";
+ output += "<hr/>";
+ doindex = true;
+ } else {
+ QString link;
+ output += renderText(module);
+ if (tk->previousSibling()) {
+ link = QString::fromUtf8(module->KeyText()); // FIXME ? local8Bit or utf8
+ navlinks += makePrevLink(shorten(link.section('/', -1, -1), 20),
+ swordUrl(modname, link, options));
+ tk->nextSibling();
+ }
+ SWKey *saved = tk->clone();
+ if (tk->parent()) {
+ link = QString::fromUtf8(module->KeyText());
+ navlinks += makeTreeUpLink(i18n("Up:"),
+ shorten(link.section('/', -1, -1), 20),
+ swordUrl(modname, link, options));
+ tk->copyFrom(*saved);
+ }
+ delete saved;
+ if (tk->nextSibling()) {
+ link = QString::fromUtf8(module->KeyText());
+ navlinks += makeNextLink(shorten(link.section('/', -1, -1), 20),
+ swordUrl(modname, link, options));
+ tk->previousSibling();
+ }
+ if (tk->hasChildren()) {
+ if (tk->firstChild());
+ output += "<hr/>";
+ output += indexTree(module, options, false, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (doindex) {
+ output += "<h2>" + i18n("Contents:") + "</h2>";
+ SwordOptions options_doindex(options);
+ if (options.doFullTreeIndex()) {
+ options_doindex.doFullTreeIndex.set(false);
+ output += indexTree(module, options, true, -1);
+ output += QString("<p><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></p>")
+ .arg(i18n("View simple index"))
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, options_doindex));
+ } else {
+ options_doindex.doFullTreeIndex.set(true);
+ output += indexTree(module, options, true, 1);
+ output += QString("<p><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></p>")
+ .arg(i18n("View full index"))
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, options_doindex));
+ }
+ tmplt->setTitle(QString("%1 - %2 - Kio-Sword").arg(tk->getShortText()).arg(module->Name()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmplt->setTitle(QString("%1 - Kio-Sword").arg(module->Name()));
+ }
+ tmplt->setContent(output);
+ }
+ void Renderer::normalQuery(SWModule *module, const QString &ref, const SwordOptions &options,
+ ModuleType modtype, Template* tmplt, QString &navlinks) {
+ QString output;
+ QString modname(module->Name());
+ bool doindex;
+ SWKey *skey = module->getKey();
+ output += QString("<h1 class=\"moduletitle\">%1</h1>").arg(module->Description());
+ if (ref.isEmpty()) {
+ doindex = true;
+ } else {
+ skey->Error(); // clear
+ skey->setText(ref.utf8());
+ doindex = false;
+ if (skey->Error()) {
+ output += "<p class=\"error\">" + QString(i18n("Couldn't find reference '%1'.")).arg(ref) + "</p>";
+ output += "<hr>";
+ doindex = true;
+ } else {
+ output += QString("<h3>%1</h3>").arg(module->KeyText());
+ output += renderText(module);
+ module->decrement();
+ QString link;
+ if (!module->Error()) {
+ link = module->KeyText();
+ navlinks += makePrevLink(link, swordUrl(modname, link, options));
+ module->increment();
+ }
+ module->increment();
+ if (!module->Error()) {
+ link = module->KeyText();
+ navlinks += makeNextLink(link, swordUrl(modname, link, options));
+ module->decrement();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (doindex) {
+ if (((modtype == LEXDICT) && options.doDictIndex()) ||
+ ((modtype == GENERIC) && options.doOtherIndex())) {
+ output += "<h2>" + i18n("Index:") + "</h2>";
+ output += indexBook(module, options);
+ } else {
+ output += QString("<form action='%2' method='get'>"
+ "%1 <input type='text' name='query'>"
+ "</form>")
+ .arg(i18n("Enter query term: "))
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, options));
+ SwordOptions options_doindex(options);
+ options_doindex.doDictIndex.set(true);
+ options_doindex.doOtherIndex.set(true);
+ output += QString("<p><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></p>")
+ .arg(i18n("View complete index"))
+ .arg(swordUrl(modname, options_doindex));
+ }
+ tmplt->setTitle(QString("%1 - Kio-Sword").arg(module->Name()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmplt->setTitle(QString("%1 - %2 - Kio-Sword").arg(skey->getShortText()).arg(module->Name()));
+ }
+ tmplt->setContent(output);
+ }
+ /** Retrieves an HTML list of all the books in the module
+ *
+ * @param module The module to retrieve. Must be a Bible/commentary
+ */
+ QString Renderer::indexBible(SWModule *module, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ QString output;
+ char book;
+ char testament;
+ VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<VerseKey*>(module->getKey());
+ if (!vk)
+ return output;
+ vk->setLocale(LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.getDefaultLocaleName());
+ module->setSkipConsecutiveLinks(true);
+ vk->AutoNormalize(1);
+ module->setPosition(sword::TOP);
+ book = vk->Book();
+ testament = vk->Testament();
+ output += "<ul>\n";
+ while (vk->Testament() == testament) {
+ while (vk->Book() == book && !module->Error()) {
+ output += QString("<li><a href=\"%2\">%1</a>\n")
+ .arg(vk->getBookName())
+ .arg(swordUrl(module->Name(), vk->getBookName(), options));
+ vk->Book(++book);
+ };
+ // Move to new testament, if not there already.
+ ++testament;
+ module->setPosition(sword::BOTTOM);
+ book = 1;
+ vk->Book(book);
+ };
+ output += "</ul>\n";
+ module->setSkipConsecutiveLinks(false);
+ return output;
+ }
+ /** Retrieves an HTML list of all the keys in a module
+ *
+ * @param module The module to retrieve. Must have key type SWKey
+ */
+ QString Renderer::indexBook(SWModule *module, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ QString output;
+ QString ref;
+ module->setPosition(sword::TOP);
+ output += "<ul>\n";
+ do {
+ ref = QString::fromUtf8(module->KeyText());
+ output += QString("<li><a href=\"%2\">%1</a></li>")
+ .arg(ref)
+ .arg(swordUrl(module->Name(), ref, options));
+ (*module)++;
+ } while(!module->Error()) ;
+ output += "</ul>\n";
+ return output;
+ }
+ /** Return the index of a tree-key based module
+ *
+ * @param module The module to scan
+ * @param fromTop If true, get the index from the top level
+ * @param depth How many levels to scan, -1 for all
+ */
+ QString Renderer::indexTree(SWModule *module, const SwordOptions& options, bool fromTop, const int depth) {
+ QString output;
+ QString ref;
+ bool gonext;
+ bool cont;
+ TreeKey *tk = dynamic_cast<TreeKey*>(module->getKey());
+ int mydepth = 1;
+ if (!tk)
+ return output;
+ if (fromTop) {
+ tk->root();
+ tk->firstChild();
+ }
+ output += "<ul>";
+ cont = true;
+ gonext = false;
+ do {
+ if (!gonext) {
+ ref = QString::fromUtf8(module->KeyText());
+ output += QString("<li><a href=\"%2\">%1</a>\n")
+ .arg(ref.section('/', -1))
+ .arg(swordUrl(module->Name(), ref, options));
+ }
+ if (!gonext && tk->hasChildren() && (mydepth < depth || depth == -1) ) {
+ if (tk->firstChild()) {
+ mydepth++;
+ output += "<ul>";
+ cont = true;
+ } else {
+ cont = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (tk->nextSibling()) {
+ gonext = false;
+ cont = true;
+ } else {
+ // try to go up a level
+ cont = false;
+ if (mydepth > 1) {
+ if (tk->parent()) {
+ mydepth--;
+ output += "</ul>";
+ cont = true;
+ gonext = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (cont);
+ output += "</ul>";
+ return output;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::chapterList(const QString &modname, const VerseKey *vk, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ VerseKey cp(vk->LowerBound());
+ QString output;
+ do {
+ cp.Verse(0);
+ if (!output.isNull()) output += " | ";
+ output += QString("<a href=\"%2\">%1</a>")
+ .arg(cp.Chapter())
+ .arg(chapterLink(modname, &cp, options));
+ cp.Chapter(cp.Chapter()+1);
+ } while (cp.Chapter() <= vk->UpperBound().Chapter()) ;
+ return output;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::chapterLink(const QString &modname, const VerseKey *vk, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ return swordUrl(modname, bookChapter(vk), options);
+ }
+ QString Renderer::chapterLink(const QString &modname, const SWKey *sk, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ const VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<const VerseKey*>(sk);
+ if (vk)
+ return chapterLink(modname, vk, options);
+ else
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::bookLink(const QString &modname, const VerseKey *vk, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ return swordUrl(modname, bookName(vk), options);
+ }
+ QString Renderer::bookLink(const QString &modname, const SWKey *sk, const SwordOptions& options) {
+ const VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<const VerseKey*>(sk);
+ if (vk)
+ return bookLink(modname, vk, options);
+ else
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::bookChapter(const VerseKey *vk) {
+ return QString("%1 %2").arg(vk->getBookName()).arg(vk->Chapter());
+ }
+ QString Renderer::bookChapter(const SWKey *sk) {
+ const VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<const VerseKey*>(sk);
+ if (vk)
+ return bookChapter(vk);
+ else
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ QString Renderer::bookName(const VerseKey *vk) {
+ return QString(vk->getBookName());
+ }
+ QString Renderer::bookName(const SWKey *sk) {
+ const VerseKey *vk = dynamic_cast<const VerseKey*>(sk);
+ if (vk)
+ return bookName(vk);
+ else
+ return QString::null;
+ }
+ QStringList Renderer::availableLocales()
+ {
+ list<SWBuf> locales = LocaleMgr::systemLocaleMgr.getAvailableLocales();
+ list<SWBuf>::const_iterator it;
+ list<SWBuf>::const_iterator it_end = locales.end();
+ QStringList output;
+ for (it = locales.begin(); it != it_end; it++)
+ {
+ output.append(QString((*it).c_str()));
+ }
+ return output;
+ }