path: root/kab/
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitce4a32fe52ef09d8f5ff1dd22c001110902b60a2 (patch)
tree5ac38a06f3dde268dc7927dc155896926aaf7012 /kab/
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kab/')
1 files changed, 2547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kab/ b/kab/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d6a92261f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kab/
@@ -0,0 +1,2547 @@
+/* the Configuration Database library, Version II
+ the KDE addressbook
+ $ Author: Mirko Boehm $
+ $ Copyright: (C) 1996-2001, Mirko Boehm $
+ $ Contact: [email protected]
+ $
+ $ License: GPL with the following explicit clarification:
+ This code may be linked against any version of the Qt toolkit
+ from Troll Tech, Norway. $
+ $Id$
+#include "qconfigDB.h"
+// #include "debug.h"
+extern "C" {
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+// #include <qstring.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include "qconfigDB.moc"
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#define KAB_KDEBUG_AREA 800
+static bool isComment(QCString line)
+ // ############################################################################
+ line=line.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if(line.isEmpty())
+ {
+ return false; // line is empty but not a comment
+ } else {
+ return(line[0]=='#');
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+static void tokenize(list<QCString>& res, const QCString& text, char tr, bool strict=false)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "tokenize: called." << endl;
+ int eins=0, zwei=0;
+ QCString teil;
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "tokenize: partening -->%" << << "<--." << endl;
+ res.erase(res.begin(), res.end());
+ // -----
+ if(text.isEmpty())
+ {
+ "tokenize: text is an empty string, done." << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ while(zwei!=-1)
+ {
+ teil="";
+ zwei=text.find(tr, eins);
+ if(zwei!=-1)
+ {
+ teil=text.mid(eins, zwei-eins);
+ res.push_back(teil);
+ } else { // last element
+ if(!strict) // nur wenn dazwischen Zeichen sind
+ {
+ teil=text.mid(eins, text.length()-eins);
+ res.push_back(teil);
+ }
+ }
+ eins=zwei+1;
+ // if((unsigned)eins>=text.length()) break;
+ }
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "tokenize: partened in "
+ << res.size() << " parts.\n";
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "tokenize: done." << endl;
+ // ############################################################################
+// QCString AuthorEmailAddress; // assign your email address to this string
+static QCString ReadLineFromStream(QTextStream& stream)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "ReadLineFromStream:: reading line." << endl;
+ QCString line;
+ // -----
+ while(!stream.eof())
+ {
+ line=stream.readLine().ascii();
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(isComment(line))
+ {
+ line="";
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "ReadLineFromStream:: line \"" << << "\" read.\n";
+ return line;
+ // ############################################################################
+// class implementations:
+list<QString> QConfigDB::LockFiles; // the lockfiles created by this session
+ : data(new StringStringMap)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::KeyValueMap(const KeyValueMap& orig)
+ : data(new StringStringMap(*
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ delete data;
+ // ###########################################################################
+bool KeyValueMap::invariant()
+ return true;
+StringStringMap::iterator KeyValueMap::begin()
+ return data->begin();
+StringStringMap::iterator KeyValueMap::end()
+ return data->end();
+unsigned int
+KeyValueMap::size() const
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return data->size();
+ // ###########################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::clear: erasing map contents ... " << endl;
+ // -----
+ if(!data->empty()) // erase fails on empty containers!
+ {
+ data->erase(data->begin(), data->end());
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "done." << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::fill(const QString& filename, bool force, bool relax)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ QFile file(filename);
+ QCString line;
+ // -----
+ if(
+ {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ // We read/write utf8 strings, so we don't want that QTextStream uses local8bit
+ // Latin1 means : no conversion, when giving char*s to a QTextStream. (DF)
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1);
+ // -----
+ while(!stream.eof())
+ {
+ line=stream.readLine().ascii();
+ if(!line.isEmpty() /* && !stream.eof() */ && !isComment(line))
+ {
+ if(!insertLine(line, force, relax, false))
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::fill: could not insert line "
+ << line << ".\n"; // ignore this case further
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ file.close();
+ // -----
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ "KeyValueMap::fill: cannot open file " <<
+ filename << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::save(const QString& filename, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::save: saving data to -->" <<
+ filename << "<--.\n";
+ StringStringMap::iterator pos;
+ QFile file(filename);
+ // ----- open file, regarding existence:
+ if(!force)
+ {
+ if(file.exists())
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::save: file exists but may not." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(
+ {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); // no conversion
+ stream << "# saved by KeyValueMap object ($Revision$)" << endl;
+ for(pos=data->begin(); pos!=data->end(); ++pos)
+ { // values do not get coded here
+ stream << (*pos).first << '=' << (*pos).second << endl;
+ }
+ file.close();
+ } else {
+ "KeyValueMap::save: could not open file -->%s<-- for saving." <<
+ filename.utf8() << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return true;
+KeyValueMap::save(QTextStream& file, int count)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::save: saving data to given output stream." << endl;
+ StringStringMap::iterator pos;
+ bool ret=true;
+ char* prefix=new char[count+1];
+ memset(prefix, ' ', count);
+ prefix[count]=0;
+ // -----
+ for(pos=data->begin(); pos!=data->end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ file << prefix << (*pos).first << '=' << (*pos).second << endl;
+ }
+ delete [] prefix;
+ // -----
+ return ret;
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::erase(const QCString& key)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ bool rc=(data->erase(key)>0);
+ return rc;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return data->empty();
+ // ###########################################################################
+(const QCString& orig,
+ int index, // first char to parse
+ QCString& result, // string without leading and trailing ".."
+ int& noOfChars) // no of chars that represented the
+ const // complex string in the original
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ int first;
+ QCString temp(2*orig.length());
+ QCString mod;
+ int count=1;
+ "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: parsing the string -->"
+ << orig << "<--.\n";
+ // -----
+ if(orig.isEmpty())
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: string is empty.\n"
+ " "
+ "This is no valid complex string." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ----- prepare the string:
+ temp=orig.mid(index, orig.length()-index); // remove everything before index
+ mod=temp.stripWhiteSpace(); // remove leading and trailing white spaces
+ // ----- test some conditions:
+ if(mod.length()<2)
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: no pair of brackets " << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(mod[0]!='"')
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: no opening bracket." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ----- now parse it:
+ first=1; // first character after opening bracket
+ temp="";
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ if(mod[first]=='\\')
+ { // handle special characters
+ ++first;
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: found "
+ "a special character \"%c\".", mod[first]) << endl;
+ if((unsigned)first==mod.length())
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: "
+ "string lacks the closing \".\n "
+ " This is no valid "
+ "complex string." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch(mod[first])
+ {
+ case 't': temp+='\t'; break;
+ case 'n': temp+='\n'; break;
+ case '"': temp+='"'; break;
+ case 'e': temp+="\\e"; break;
+ case '\\': temp+='\\'; break;
+ default:
+ // WORK_TO_DO: implement octal coding here!
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: "
+ "invalid control character.\n "
+ " This is no valid complex string." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ count+=2; // this took 2 characters
+ ++first;
+ } else { // it is a character
+ ++count;
+ if(mod[first]=='"') // end of coded string?
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ temp+=mod[first];
+ ++first;
+ }
+ if((unsigned)first>=mod.length())
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: "
+ "string lacks the closing \".\n "
+ " This is no valid complex string.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form(
+ "KeyValueMap::parseComplexString: finished parsing, no errors, "
+ "%i characters, %i in string.", count, temp.length()) << endl;
+ noOfChars=count;
+ result=temp;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return true;
+KeyValueMap::makeComplexString(const QCString& orig)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::makeComplexString: coding the string\n -->"
+ << orig <<
+ "<--\n into a complex string.\n";
+ QCString temp(2*orig.length());
+ unsigned int count;
+ // -----
+ temp+='"'; // opening bracket
+ for(count=0; count<orig.length(); count++)
+ {
+ switch(orig[count])
+ { // catch all special characters:
+ case '"':
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("KeyValueMap::makeComplexString: "
+ "found the special char \"%c\".", orig[count]) << endl;
+ temp+='\\';
+ temp+='"';
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("KeyValueMap::makeComplexString: "
+ "found the special char \"%c\".", orig[count]) << endl;
+ temp+='\\';
+ temp+='n';
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("KeyValueMap::makeComplexString: "
+ "found the special char \"%c\".", orig[count]) << endl;
+ temp+='\\';
+ temp+='t';
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("KeyValueMap::makeComplexString: "
+ "found the special char \"%c\".", orig[count]) << endl;
+ temp+='\\';
+ temp+='\\';
+ break;
+ default: temp+=orig[count];
+ }
+ }
+ temp+='"'; // closing bracket
+ // -----
+ "KeyValueMap::makeComplexString: result is\n -->"
+ <<temp<<"<--.\n";
+ return temp;
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::getRaw(const QCString& key, QCString& value) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::getRaw: trying to get raw value for key \"" << key << "\" ...\n";
+ StringStringMap::iterator pos=data->find(key);
+ // -----
+ if(pos==data->end())
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "not in KeyValueMap." << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ value=(*pos).second;
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "in KeyValueMap, value is "
+ << value << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::insertRaw(const QCString& key, const QCString& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::insertRaw: inserting uncoded value "
+ << value <<
+ " for key " << key << endl;
+ int n=0;
+ // -----
+ if(key.isEmpty()) // empty KEYS are errors:
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::insertRaw: tried to insert empty key." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(force) // entry will be replaced
+ {
+ n=data->erase(key);
+ }
+ if(data->insert(StringStringMap::value_type(key, value)).second)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insertRaw: success"
+ << (n==0 ? "" : " (forced)") << endl;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insertRaw: failed, "
+ "key already in KeyValueMap." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/* The following functions are the pairs of insert-get-methods for different
+ * data types. See keyvaluemap.h for the declarations. */
+// ascii strings:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const QCString& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::insert: inserting value\n -->"
+ << value <<
+ "<-- \""
+ " for key\n -->"
+ << key <<
+ "<--.\n";
+ return insertRaw(key, makeComplexString(value), force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+/* Attention:
+ * This is another insert function that partens lines like "key=value"!
+ * It is used for reading files and command line parameters easily.
+ */
+KeyValueMap::insertLine(QCString line, bool force, bool relax, bool encode)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::insertLine: inserting line -->"<<line<<"<--.\n";
+ int index;
+ QCString key;
+ QCString value;
+ // ----- is the line empty or does it contain only whitespaces?
+ uint len = line.length();
+ for(index=0; isspace(line[index]) && (unsigned)index<len; ++index);
+ if(line.isEmpty() || (unsigned)index==len)
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::insertLine: line is empty." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ index=line.find('=');
+ if(index==-1) // not found
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::insertLine: no \"=\" found in \""<<line<<"\".\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ key=line.mid(0, index); // copy from start to '='
+ value=line.mid(index+1, line.length()-1-index); // copy the rest
+ // ----- only alphanumerical characters are allowed in the keys:
+ for(index=key.length()-1; index>-1; /* nothing */)
+ {
+ if(!(isalnum(key[index]) || ispunct(key[index])))
+ {
+ key=key.remove(index, 1); // WORK_TO_DO: optimize this (very slow)!
+ }
+ --index;
+ }
+ // ----- now insert it if key is still valid:
+ if(!key.isEmpty() && (relax==true ? 1 : !value.isEmpty() ) )
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insertLine: done." << endl;
+ if(encode)
+ { // the usual way:
+ return insert(key, value, force);
+ } else { // while loading from a already coded file:
+ return insertRaw(key, value, force);
+ }
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::insertLine: key " << (relax ? "" : "or value ") << " is empty." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, QCString& value) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[string]: "
+ "trying to get value for key \"" << key << "\" ... " << endl;
+ QCString raw;
+ QCString temp;
+ // -----
+ if(!getRaw(key, raw))
+ {
+ return false; // key does not exist
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[string]: checking "
+ "wether this is a complex string." << endl;
+ {
+ int count;
+ if(parseComplexString(raw, 0, temp, count))
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[string]: complex string found." << endl;
+ value=temp;
+ } else {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[string]: this is no complex string." << endl;
+ // disabled this strong check:
+ // CHECK(false); // kill debug version
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ^^^^^^
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ ascii strings)
+// UNICODE strings:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const QString& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ QCString v;
+ // -----
+ v=value.utf8();
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[QString]: trying to "
+ "insert \"" << (!value.isNull() ? "true" : "false")
+ << "\" for key\n -->"
+ << v
+ << "<--.\n";
+ return insert(key, v, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, QString& value) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QString]: trying to get "
+ "a QString value for key " << key << endl;
+ QCString v;
+ // ----- get string representation:
+ if(!get(key, v))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QString]: key "
+ << key << " not in KeyValueMap.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ----- find its state:
+ value=QString::fromUtf8(v); // is there a better way?
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QString]: success, value"
+ " (in UTF8) is " << v << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ UNICODE strings)
+// bool:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const bool& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[bool]: trying to "
+ "insert \""
+ << (value==true ? "true" : "false")
+ <<"\" for key\n -->"
+ << key << "<--.\n";
+ return insert(key, value==true ? "true" : "false", force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, bool& value) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[bool]: trying to get "
+ "BOOL value for key " << key << endl;
+ QCString v;
+ // ----- get string representation:
+ if(!get(key, v))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[bool]: key "
+ << key << " not in KeyValueMap.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ----- find its state:
+ v=v.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if(v=="true")
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[bool]: success, "
+ "value is true." << endl;
+ value=true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(v=="false")
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[bool]: success, "
+ "value is false." << endl;
+ value=false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ "KeyValueMap::get[bool]: failure, unknown value." << endl;
+ // -----
+ return false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ bool)
+// long:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const long& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[int]: trying to "
+ "insert value \""<<value << "\" for key\n -->"<<key<<"<--.\n";
+ QCString temp;
+ // -----
+ temp.setNum(value);
+ return insert(key, temp, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, long& value) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[int]: trying to get "
+ "INTEGER value for key " << key << endl;
+ QCString v;
+ bool ok;
+ long temp;
+ // -----
+ if(!get(key, v))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[int]: key "
+ << key <<" not in KeyValueMap.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ temp=v.toLong(&ok);
+ if(ok)
+ {
+ value=temp;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ long)
+// long int lists:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const list<long>& values, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[long int list]: "
+ "trying to insert long int list into map." << endl;
+ QCString temp;
+ QCString value;
+ list<long>::const_iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ for(pos=values.begin(); pos!=values.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ temp.setNum(*pos);
+ value=value+temp+", ";
+ }
+ if(!value.isEmpty())
+ { // remove last comma and space:
+ value.remove(value.length()-2, 2);
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[long int list]: "
+ "constructed string value is " << value << endl;
+ return insert(key, value, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, list<long>& values) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]: trying "
+ "to decode int list for key " << key << endl;
+ kdDebug(!values.empty(), KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]"
+ ": attention - list should be empty but is not.\n";
+ QCString value;
+ list<QCString> tokens;
+ list<QCString>::iterator pos;
+ long temp;
+ bool ok;
+ // -----
+ if(!get(key, value))
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]: no such key." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ tokenize(tokens, value, ',');
+ if(tokens.empty())
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]: no tokens." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ for(pos=tokens.begin(); pos!=tokens.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ temp=(*pos).toLong(&ok);
+ if(ok)
+ {
+ values.push_back(temp);
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]: conversion error for " << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]: done." << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return true;
+// (^^^ long int lists)
+// int lists:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const list<int>& values, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[int list]: trying to "
+ "insert int list into map." << endl;
+ QCString temp;
+ QCString value;
+ list<int>::const_iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ for(pos=values.begin(); pos!=values.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ temp.setNum(*pos);
+ value=value+temp+", ";
+ }
+ if(!value.isEmpty())
+ { // remove last comma and space:
+ value.remove(value.length()-2, 2);
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[int list]: "
+ "constructed string value is " << value << endl;
+ return insert(key, value, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, list<int>& values) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[int list]: trying to "
+ "decode int list for key " << key << endl;
+ kdDebug(!values.empty(), KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[int list]: "
+ "attention - list should be empty but is not.\n";
+ QCString value;
+ list<QCString> tokens;
+ list<QCString>::iterator pos;
+ int temp;
+ bool ok;
+ // -----
+ if(!get(key, value))
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[int list]: no such key." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ tokenize(tokens, value, ',');
+ if(tokens.empty())
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[int list]: no tokens." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ for(pos=tokens.begin(); pos!=tokens.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ temp=(*pos).toInt(&ok);
+ if(ok)
+ {
+ values.push_back(temp);
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::get[int list]: conversion error for " << *pos << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[long int list]: done." << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return true;
+// (^^^ int lists)
+// doubles:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const double& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("KeyValueMap::insert[double]: trying to "
+ "insert value \"%f\" for key\n -->", value) << key << "<--.\n";
+ QCString temp;
+ // -----
+ temp.setNum(value);
+ return insert(key, temp, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, double& value) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[double]: trying to get "
+ "FLOAT value for key " << key << endl;
+ QCString v;
+ bool ok;
+ double temp;
+ // -----
+ if(!get(key, v))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[int]: key "
+ <<key<<" not in "
+ "KeyValueMap." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ temp=v.toDouble(&ok);
+ if(ok)
+ {
+ value=temp;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ doubles)
+// lists of strings:
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, list<QCString>& values) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ kdDebug(!values.empty(), KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[string list]: "
+ "attention!\n \"values\" list reference is not "
+ "empty!" << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[string list]: trying to "
+ "decode string list for key " << key << endl;
+ QCString raw, part, value;
+ int first=1, second=1, i;
+ // ----- get the string value as a whole:
+ if(!getRaw(key, raw))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[list<string>]: key "
+ << key << " not in KeyValueMap." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ for(;;)
+ { // ----- parten the string down into a list, find special characters:
+ second=first;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ second=raw.find('\\', second);
+ // ----- this may never be the last and also not the second last
+ // character in a complex string:
+ if(second!=-1)
+ { // ----- check for string end:
+ // we use "\e" as token for the string-delimiter
+ if(raw[second+1]=='e' // the right character
+ && raw[second-1]!='\\') // not escaped
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get"
+ "[list<string>]: found string end at pos " <<
+ second << endl;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ++second;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(second!=-1)
+ {
+ // ----- now second points to the end of the substring:
+ part="\""+raw.mid(first, second-first)+"\"";
+ // ----- insert decoded value into the list:
+ if(parseComplexString(part, 0, value, i))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get"
+ "[list<string>]: found item " << value << endl;
+ values.push_back(value);
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::get[list<string>]: parse error." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if((unsigned)second<raw.length()-3)
+ { // ----- there may be another string
+ first=second+2;
+ } else { // ----- we are completely finished
+ "KeyValueMap::get[list<string>]: list end found." << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else { // ----- finished:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[list<string>]: done." << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const list<QCString>& values, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[string list]: "
+ "coding string list." << endl;
+ QCString value="\"";
+ QCString temp;
+ list<QCString>::const_iterator pos;
+ // ----- create coded string list:
+ for(pos=values.begin();
+ pos!=values.end();
+ pos++)
+ { // create strings like "abc\efgh\eijk":
+ temp=makeComplexString(*pos);
+ temp.remove(0, 1); // remove the leading "\""
+ temp.remove(temp.length()-1, 1); // the trailing "\""
+ value+=temp;
+ value+="\\e";
+ }
+ value+="\""; // finish the string
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[string list]: result "
+ "of coding is " << value << endl;
+ // ----- insert it without coding:
+ return insertRaw(key, value, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ lists of strings)
+// QStrList-s:
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, QStrList& values) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ kdDebug(!values.isEmpty(), KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: "
+ "attention!\n \"values\" list reference is not "
+ "empty!" << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: trying to "
+ "decode string list for key " << key << endl;
+ QCString raw, part, value;
+ int first=1, second=1, i;
+ // ----- get the string value as a whole:
+ if(!getRaw(key, raw))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: key "
+ << key <<" not in KeyValueMap." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ for(;;)
+ { // ----- parten the string down into a list, find special characters:
+ second=first;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ second=raw.find('\\', second);
+ // ----- this may never be the last and also not the second last
+ // character in a complex string:
+ if(second!=-1)
+ { // ----- check for string end:
+ // we use "\e" as token for the string-delimiter
+ if(raw[second+1]=='e' // the right character
+ && raw[second-1]!='\\') // not escaped
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]:"
+ " found string end at pos %i." << second << endl;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ++second;
+ }
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(second!=-1)
+ {
+ // ----- now second points to the end of the substring:
+ part="\""+raw.mid(first, second-first)+"\"";
+ // ----- insert decoded value into the list:
+ if(parseComplexString(part, 0, value, i))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: "
+ "found item " << value << endl;
+ values.append(value);
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: parse error." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if((unsigned)second<raw.length()-3)
+ { // ----- there may be another string
+ first=second+2;
+ } else { // ----- we are completely finished
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: "
+ "list end found." << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else { // ----- finished:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStrList]: done." << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const QStrList& values, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::insert[QStrList]: coding string list." << endl;
+ QCString value="\"";
+ QCString temp;
+ unsigned int count;
+ // ----- create coded string list:
+ for(count=0; count<values.count(); ++count)
+ { // create strings like "abc\efgh\eijk":
+ temp=makeComplexString(((QStrList)values).at(count));
+ temp.remove(0, 1); // remove the leading "\""
+ temp.remove(temp.length()-1, 1); // the trailing "\""
+ value+=temp;
+ value+="\\e";
+ }
+ value+="\""; // finish the string
+ "KeyValueMap::insert[QStrList]: result of coding is %s." <<
+ value << endl;
+ // ----- insert it without coding:
+ return insertRaw(key, value, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ QStrList-s)
+// QStringList-s:
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, QStringList& values) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ kdDebug(!values.isEmpty(), KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get"
+ "[QStringList]: attention!\n \"values\" list reference"
+ " is not empty!" << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ /* The values are stored in a utf8-coded set of QCStrings.
+ This list is retrieved and converted back to Unicode strings. */
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStringList]: trying to "
+ "decode QStringList for key " << key << endl;
+ QStrList temp;
+ unsigned int count;
+ // ----- get the plain C strings:
+ if(!get(key, temp))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStringList]: key "
+ << key <<
+ " not in KeyValueMap." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ----- do the conversion:
+ for(count=0; count<temp.count(); ++count)
+ {
+ values.append(QString::fromUtf8(;
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QStringList]: done." << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const QStringList& values, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ "KeyValueMap::insert[QStringList]: coding QStringList." << endl;
+ // The method simply creates a list of utf8-coded strings and inserts it.
+ QStrList utf8strings;
+ unsigned int count;
+ // ----- create QCString list:
+ for(count=0; count<values.count(); ++count)
+ {
+ utf8strings.append((*;
+ }
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[QStringList]: done." << endl;
+ return insert(key, utf8strings, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ QStringList-s)
+// lists of doubles:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const list<double>& values, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[double list]: trying "
+ "to insert double list into map." << endl;
+ QCString buffer;
+ // QCString value(30*values.size()); // not usable with Qt 2
+ QCString value; // WORK_TO_DO: how to reserve enough space to avoid growing?
+ list<double>::const_iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ for(pos=values.begin(); pos!=values.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ buffer.setNum(*pos);
+ value=value+buffer+", ";
+ }
+ if(!value.isEmpty())
+ { // remove last comma and space:
+ value.remove(value.length()-2, 2);
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[double list]: "
+ "constructed string value is " << value << endl;
+ return insert(key, value, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, list<double>& values) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[double list]: trying to "
+ "decode double list for key " << key << endl;
+ kdDebug(!values.empty(), KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[double list]: "
+ "attention - list should be empty but is not." << endl;
+ QCString value;
+ list<QCString> tokens;
+ list<QCString>::iterator pos;
+ double temp;
+ bool ok;
+ // -----
+ if(!get(key, value))
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[double list]: no such key." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ tokenize(tokens, value, ',');
+ for(pos=tokens.begin(); pos!=tokens.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ temp=(*pos).toDouble(&ok);
+ if(ok)
+ {
+ values.push_back(temp);
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "KeyValueMap::get[double list]: conversion error for "
+ << *pos << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[int list]: done." << endl;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return true;
+// (^^^ lists of doubles)
+// QDates:
+KeyValueMap::insert(const QCString& key, const QDate& value, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[QDate]: trying to "
+ "insert QDate into map." << endl;
+ list<long> values;
+ // -----
+ if(!value.isValid())
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::insert[QDate]: invalid "
+ "date, inserting a null date." << endl;
+ for(int i=0; i<3; ++i) values.push_back(0);
+ } else {
+ values.push_back(value.year());
+ values.push_back(value.month());
+ values.push_back(;
+ }
+ // -----
+ return insert(key, values, force);
+ // ###########################################################################
+KeyValueMap::get(const QCString& key, QDate& date) const
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "KeyValueMap::get[QDate]: trying to decode"
+ " QDate for key " << key << endl;
+ list<long> values;
+ long y, m, d;
+ QDate temp;
+ // -----
+ if(!get(key, values))
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[QDate]: no such key." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(values.size()!=3)
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[QDate]: more or less than 3 values." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ y=values.front(); values.pop_front();
+ m=values.front(); values.pop_front();
+ d=values.front();
+ // -----
+ if(y!=0 || m!=0 || d!=0) temp.setYMD(y, m, d); // avoid QDate messages
+ if(!temp.isValid() && !temp.isNull())
+ {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[QDate]: no valid date." << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ "KeyValueMap::get[QDate]: done." << endl;
+ date=temp;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+// (^^^ QDates)
+// Section class:
+const int Section::indent_width=2;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::Section(const KeyValueMap& contents)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ keys=contents;
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::add(const QCString& name)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::add: adding section \""
+ <<name<<"\" to "
+ "this section ..." << endl;
+ Section* section;
+ bool rc;
+ // -----
+ if(name.isEmpty())
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::add: empty key." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ section=new Section; // create an empty section
+ if(section==0)
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Section::add: out of memory." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ rc=add(name, section);
+ if(!rc)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD && !rc, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << " failed.\n";
+ delete section;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD && rc, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << " success.\n";
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::add(const QCString& name, Section* section)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ if(sections.insert(StringSectionMap::value_type(name, section)).second)
+ {
+ "Section::add: added section "<<name<<" successfully.\n";
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::add: failed to add section "
+ << name << ", section already exists.\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::find(const QCString& name, StringSectionMap::iterator& result)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::find: trying to get section "
+ "\""<<name<<"\" ... \n";
+ StringSectionMap::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ pos=sections.find(name);
+ if(pos==sections.end())
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "failed, no such section." << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "success." << endl;
+ result=pos;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::remove(const QCString& name)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ StringSectionMap::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ if(!find(name, pos))
+ {
+ return false; // no such section
+ } else {
+ sections.erase(pos);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::find(const QCString& name, Section*& section)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ StringSectionMap::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ if(!find(name, pos))
+ {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ section=(*pos).second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return &keys;
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::insertIndentSpace(QTextStream& file, int level)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ int i, j;
+ // -----
+ for(i=0; i<level; i++)
+ {
+ for(j=0; j<indent_width; j++)
+ file << ' ';
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::save(QTextStream& stream, int level)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ StringSectionMap::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ if(!sections.empty())
+ { // ----- insert a comment:
+ insertIndentSpace(stream, level);
+ stream << "# subsections:" << endl;
+ }
+ for(pos=sections.begin(); pos!=sections.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ insertIndentSpace(stream, level);
+ stream << '[' << (*pos).first << ']' << endl;
+ if(!(*pos).second->save(stream, level+1))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Section::save: error saving child section \"" << (*pos) << "\"." << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::save: saved section \""
+ << (*pos).first
+ << "\".\n";
+ }
+ insertIndentSpace(stream, level);
+ stream << "[END " << (*pos).first << ']' << endl;
+ }
+ if(!keys.empty())
+ {
+ insertIndentSpace(stream, level);
+ stream << "# key-value-pairs:" << endl;
+ if(!, level*indent_width))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Section::save: error saving key-value-pairs." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ return true;
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::readSection(QTextStream& file, bool finish)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::readSection: reading section." << endl;
+ QCString line;
+ QCString name;
+ Section* temp;
+ // -----
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ line="";
+ line=ReadLineFromStream(file);
+ if(isEndOfSection(line))
+ { // ----- eof does not matter:
+ return true;
+ } else { // ----- verify it:
+ if(file.eof())
+ {
+ "Section::readSection: EOF, line is \""<<line<<"\".\n";
+ if(!line.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if(!keys.insertLine(line, false, true, false))
+ {
+ kdWarning() << "Attention: unable to parse key-value-pair "
+ << endl << "\t\"" << line << "\"," << endl
+ << "ignoring and continuing (maybe duplicate "
+ << "declaration of the key)."
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ if(finish==true)
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Section::readSection: missing end of section." << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ "Section::readSection: EOF (no error)." << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(isBeginOfSection(line))
+ {
+ name=nameOfSection(line);
+ add(name);
+ find(name, temp);
+ if(!temp->readSection(file))
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Section::readSection: unable to read "
+ "subsection \"" << name << "\".\n";
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else { // ----- it has to be a key-value-pair:
+ if(!keys.insertLine(line, false, true, false))
+ {
+ kdWarning() << "Attention: unable to parse key-value-pair " << endl
+ << "\t\"" << line << "\"," << endl
+ << "ignoring and continuing (maybe duplicate declaration of"
+ << " the key)."
+ << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::isBeginOfSection(QCString line)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ line=line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+ if(line.isEmpty() || line.length()<2)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::isBeginOfSection: too short "
+ "or empty line." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(line[0]!='[' || line[line.length()-1]!=']')
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -----
+ if(line.contains("END"))
+ {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::isEndOfSection(QCString line)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::isEndOfSection: is "
+ << line <<" the end of"
+ " a section?" << endl;
+ int first=1, second;
+ QCString temp;
+ // -----
+ line=line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+ if(line.isEmpty() || line.length()<2)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "Section::isBeginOfSection: too short "
+ "or empty line." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(line[0]!='[' || line[line.length()-1]!=']')
+ {
+ "Section::isBeginOfSection: does not match." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ----- find the word inside the brackets:
+ for(first=1; line[first]==' '; ++first); // find first non-whitespace character
+ for(second=first; line[second]!=' ' && line[second]!=']'; ++second);
+ temp=line.mid(first, second-first);
+ if(temp=="END")
+ {
+ "Section::isBeginOfSection: yes, it is." << endl;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ "Section::isBeginOfSection: no, it is not." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+Section::nameOfSection(const QCString& line)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ int first=1, second;
+ QCString temp;
+ // -----
+ temp=line.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+ if(temp.isEmpty() || temp.length()<=2)
+ { // empty section names are not allowed
+ "Section::isBeginOfSection: too short or empty line." << endl;
+ return "";
+ }
+ if(temp[0]!='[' || temp[temp.length()-1]!=']')
+ {
+ return "";
+ }
+ // ----- find the word inside the brackets:
+ for(first=1; temp[first]==' '; ++first); // find first non-whitespace character
+ for(second=first; temp[second]!=' ' && temp[second]!=']'; ++second);
+ temp=temp.mid(first, second-first);
+ if(temp=="END")
+ {
+ return "";
+ } else {
+ return temp;
+ }
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ StringSectionMap::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ for(pos=sections.begin(); pos!=sections.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ if(!(*pos).second->clear()) return false;
+ delete(*pos).second;
+ }
+ // sections.clear(); // seems to be not implemented
+ sections.erase(sections.begin(), sections.end());
+ keys.clear();
+ // -----
+ return true;
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return keys.empty() && sections.empty();
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return sections.begin();
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return sections.end();
+ // ###########################################################################
+unsigned int
+ // ###########################################################################
+ return sections.size();
+ // ###########################################################################
+QConfigDB::QConfigDB(QWidget* parent, const char* name)
+ : QWidget(parent, name),
+ timer(0),
+ readonly(true),
+ locked(false),
+ mtime(new QDateTime)
+ // ###########################################################################
+ hide();
+ // ###########################################################################
+ // ############################################################################
+ // disconnect();
+ // -----
+ if(timer!=0)
+ {
+ delete timer; timer=0;
+ }
+ if(!clear()) // this will emit changed() a last time
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "QConfigDB destructor: cannot remove me." << endl;
+ }
+ if(locked)
+ {
+ unlock();
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+bool QConfigDB::invariant()
+ return true;
+QConfigDB::get(const list<QCString>& key, KeyValueMap*& map)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::get: trying to get keys ... " << endl;
+ Section* section=&top;
+ list<QCString>::const_iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ if(key.empty())
+ {
+ "ConfigDB::get: path is empty, returning toplevel section." << endl;
+ map=top.getKeys();
+ return true;
+ }
+ for(pos=key.begin(); pos!=key.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ if(!section->find(*pos, section))
+ {
+ "failed,\n at least the element \""
+ << *pos <<
+ "\" of "
+ "the key-list is not declared." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ map=section->getKeys();
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "success." << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ############################################################################
+ // ############################################################################
+ return top.getKeys();
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::createSection(const list<QCString>& key)
+ // ############################################################################
+ Section* section=&top;
+ unsigned int index;
+ list<QCString>::const_iterator pos;
+ Section* thenewone;
+ bool rc;
+ // -----
+ pos=key.begin();
+ for(index=0; index<key.size()-1; index++)
+ {
+ if(!section->find(*pos, section))
+ { // this section is not declared
+ Section* temp=new Section; // WORK_TO_DO: memory hole?
+ if(section->add(*pos, temp))
+ {
+ section=temp;
+ } else {
+ delete temp;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++pos;
+ }
+ // pos now points to the last element of key,
+ // section to the parent of the section that will be inserted
+ thenewone=new Section;
+ rc=section->add(*pos, thenewone);
+ return rc; // missing error report! WORK_TO_DO
+ // ############################################################################
+ // ############################################################################
+ bool rc=top.clear();
+ emit(changed(this));
+ return rc;
+ // ############################################################################
+ // ############################################################################
+ return top.empty();
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::createSection(const QCString& desc)
+ // ############################################################################
+ return createSection(stringToKeylist(desc));
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::get(const QCString& key, KeyValueMap*& map)
+ // ############################################################################
+ return get(stringToKeylist(key), map);
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::stringToKeylist(const QCString& desc)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::stringToKeylist: parsing path " << desc << endl;
+ // ############################################################################
+ list<QCString> key;
+ int first=0, second;
+ QCString temp;
+ // -----
+ if(desc.isEmpty())
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::stringToKeylist: path is empty." << endl;
+ return key;
+ }
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ second=desc.find('/', first);
+ if(second==-1)
+ {
+ if((unsigned)first<desc.length()+1)
+ {
+ temp=desc.mid(first, desc.length()-first);
+ "QConfigDB::stringToKeylist: found last part "
+ << temp << endl;
+ key.push_back(temp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ temp=desc.mid(first, second-first);
+ "QConfigDB::stringToKeylist: found part " << temp << endl;
+ key.push_back(temp);
+ first=second+1;
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::stringToKeylist: done." << endl;
+ return key;
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::get(const QCString& key, Section*& section)
+ // ############################################################################
+ return get(stringToKeylist(key), section);
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::get(const list<QCString>& key, Section*& section)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::get: searching section ... " << endl;
+ Section* temp=&top;
+ list<QCString>::const_iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ for(pos=key.begin(); pos!=key.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ if(!temp->find(*pos, temp))
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "failure, no such section.";
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ section=temp;
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "success, section found." << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ############################################################################
+ // ############################################################################
+ return readonly;
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::IsLocked(const QString& file)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ QString lockfile=file+".lock";
+ int pid=-1;
+ // -----
+ if(access(QFile::encodeName(lockfile), F_OK)==0)
+ {
+ QFile f(lockfile);
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::IsLocked: the file\n"
+ << file <<
+ "\nhas a lockfile.\n";
+ if(
+ {
+ QTextStream stream(&f);
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); // no conversion
+ // -----
+ stream >> pid;
+ if(pid==-1)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::IsLocked: the file "
+ "does not contain the ID\n of the process that "
+ "created it." << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ f.close();
+ } else {
+ "QConfigDB::IsLocked: cannot open the lockfile." << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return pid;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::IsLocked: the file\n"
+ << file << "\nhas no lockfile.\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ if(locked)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::lock (current file): file "
+ "is already locked by this object." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(lock(filename))
+ {
+ locked=true;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::lock(const QString& file)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::lock: locking the file "
+ << file << endl;
+ QString lockfile=file+".lock";
+ QFile f(lockfile);
+ // -----
+ if(access(QFile::encodeName(lockfile), F_OK)==0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::lock: the file is locked by"
+ " another process." << endl;
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if(
+ {
+ QTextStream stream(&f);
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); // no conversion
+ // -----
+ stream << getpid() << endl;
+ f.close();
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::lock: unable to create"
+ " lockfile." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ LockFiles.push_back(lockfile);
+ return true;
+ // ############################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::unlock: unlocking the file "
+ << filename << endl;
+ QString lockfile=filename+".lock";
+ list<QString>::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ if(!locked)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::unlock: this app did not "
+ "lock the file!" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(access(QFile::encodeName(lockfile), F_OK | W_OK)==0)
+ {
+ if(::remove(QFile::encodeName(lockfile))==0)
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::unlock: lockfile deleted." << endl;
+ for(pos=LockFiles.begin(); pos!=LockFiles.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ if((*pos)==lockfile) break;
+ }
+ if(pos!=LockFiles.end())
+ {
+ LockFiles.erase(pos); --pos;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "QConfigDB::unlock: file not mentioned in lockfile" << endl;
+ }
+ locked=false;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::unlock: unable to "
+ "delete lockfile.n" << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::unlock: the file is not"
+ " locked or permission has been denied." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ list<QString>::iterator pos;
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA).form("QConfigDB::CleanLockFiles: removing %i "
+ "remaining lockfiles.", LockFiles.size()) << endl;
+ for(pos=LockFiles.begin(); pos!=LockFiles.end(); ++pos)
+ {
+ if(::remove(QFile::encodeName(*pos))==0)
+ {
+ " " << *pos << " removed.\n";
+ LockFiles.erase(pos); --pos;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << " could not remove " << *pos << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::CleanLockFiles: done." << endl;
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::watch(bool state)
+ // ############################################################################
+ if(state)
+ { // start timer
+ if(timer==0)
+ {
+ timer=new QTimer(this);
+ connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(checkFileChanged()));
+ }
+ timer->start(1000);
+ } else { // stop timer
+ if(timer!=0)
+ {
+ timer->stop();
+ }
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::CheckLockFile(const QString& file)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::CheckLockFile: called." << endl;
+ int pid;
+ // -----
+ pid=IsLocked(file);
+ if(pid==0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::CheckLockFile: the file is "
+ "not locked." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(pid>0)
+ {
+ if(kill(pid, 0)!=0)
+ { // ----- no such process, we may remove the lockfile:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if(pid<0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::CheckLockFile: the file has "
+ "not been created by QConfigDB::lock." << endl;
+ }
+ // ----- check system time and creation time of lockfile:
+ // WORK_TO_DO: not implemented
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::CheckLockFile: done." << endl;
+ return true;
+ // ############################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ // kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::checkFileChanged: called." << endl;
+ if(filename.isEmpty())
+ { // ----- false, as file does not exist and thus may be stored anyway
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::checkFileChanged: no filename." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ QFileInfo file(filename);
+ // -----
+ if(file.exists())
+ {
+ if(file.lastModified() > *mtime)
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::checkFileChanged: file has been changed.n" << endl;
+ emit(fileChanged());
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::checkFileChanged: could "
+ "not stat file, file does not exist." << endl;
+ if(!mtime->isValid())
+ { // the file did never exist for us:
+ return false; // ... so it has not changed
+ } else { // it existed, and now it does no more
+ emit(fileChanged());
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::storeFileAge: called." << endl;
+ QFileInfo file(filename);
+ // -----
+ if(file.exists())
+ {
+ *mtime=file.lastModified();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::save: could not stat file." << endl;
+ *mtime=QDateTime(); // a null date
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::setFileName(const QString& filename_, bool mustexist, bool readonly_)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false;
+ // ############################################################################
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::setFileName: setting filename "
+ "to \""
+ << filename_ <<"\"" << (readonly_ ? " (read only)" : "") << endl;
+ // ----- remove previous lock:
+ if(locked)
+ {
+ if(!unlock())
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::setFileName: cannot "
+ "release previous lock." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ----- remove possible stale lockfile:
+ if(IsLocked(filename_)!=0 && !CheckLockFile(filename_))
+ { // ----- it is stale:
+ if(::remove(QFile::encodeName(filename_+".lock"))==0)
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::setFileName: removed stale lockfile." << endl;
+ } else {
+ "QConfigDB::setFileName: cannot remove stale lockfile." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ if(mustexist)
+ {
+ if(access(QFile::encodeName(filename_), readonly_==true ? R_OK : W_OK | R_OK)==0)
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::setFileName: permission granted." << endl;
+ if(!readonly_)
+ { // we need r/w access:
+ if(lock(filename_))
+ {
+ locked=true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::setFileName: "
+ "could not lock the file." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ readonly=readonly_;
+ filename=filename_;
+ storeFileAge();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "QConfigDB::setFileName: permission denied, " << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(access(QFile::encodeName(filename_), F_OK)==0)
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::setFileName: file exists." << endl;
+ if(access(QFile::encodeName(filename_), W_OK | R_OK)==0)
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::setFileName: permission granted." << endl;
+ if(!readonly_)
+ { // we need r/w access:
+ if(lock(filename_))
+ {
+ locked=true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::setFileName: "
+ "could not lock the file." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ readonly=readonly_;
+ filename=filename_;
+ storeFileAge();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::setFileName: "
+ "permission denied, filename not set." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ "QConfigDB::setFileName: permission granted, new file." << endl;
+ readonly=readonly_;
+ filename=filename_;
+ if(!readonly)
+ {
+ if(!lock())
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::setFileName: could not lock the file." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ storeFileAge();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // ############################################################################
+ // ############################################################################
+ return filename;
+ // ############################################################################
+QConfigDB::save(const char* header, bool force)
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=true;
+ // ############################################################################
+ "QConfigDB::save: saving database -->" << filename << "<--.\n";
+ bool wasRO=false;
+ bool rc;
+ // -----
+ if(checkFileChanged())
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::save: file is newer, not saving." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(force && isRO())
+ {
+ if(setFileName(fileName(), true, false))
+ {
+ wasRO=true;
+ "QConfigDB::save: switched to (forced) r/w mode." << endl;
+ } else {
+ "QConfigDB::save: cannot switch to (forced) r/w mode." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // ----- now save it:
+ if(!isRO())
+ {
+ QFile file(filename);
+ if(
+ {
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); // no conversion
+ // -----
+ if(header!=0)
+ {
+ stream << "# " << header << endl;
+ }
+ stream << '#' << " [File created by QConfigDB object "
+ << version() << "]" << endl;
+ if(! // traverse tree
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::save: error saving subsections." << endl;
+ }
+ storeFileAge();
+ file.close();
+ rc=true;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "QConfigDB::save: error opening file \""
+ << filename <<
+ "\" for writing.\n";
+ rc=false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ rc=false;
+ }
+ // ----- reset r/o mode:
+ if(wasRO) // only true if we switched to forced r/w mode here
+ {
+ if(setFileName(fileName(), false, true))
+ {
+ "QConfigDB::save: reset (forced) r/w mode." << endl;
+ } else {
+ "QConfigDB::save: cannot reset (forced) r/w mode." << endl;
+ rc=false;
+ }
+ }
+ // -----
+ return rc;
+ // ############################################################################
+ register bool GUARD; GUARD=false ;
+ // ############################################################################
+ QFile file(filename);
+ // -----
+ if(
+ {
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::load: file access OK." << endl;
+ QTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1); // no conversion
+ // -----
+ clear();
+ bool rc=top.readSection(stream, false);
+ storeFileAge();
+ file.close();
+ emit(changed(this));
+ kdDebug(GUARD, KAB_KDEBUG_AREA) << "QConfigDB::load: done." << endl;
+ return rc;
+ } else {
+ kdDebug() << "QConfigDB::load: error opening file \"" << filename << "\" for reading." << endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // ############################################################################