path: root/kate/data/prolog.xml
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2014-01-09 00:24:34 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2014-01-09 00:24:34 +0100
commitbf4e405e03859bf383f55715944f4f71bd338c34 (patch)
tree293783d05c079b477b9ef396bbd851ca01714e2d /kate/data/prolog.xml
parentc5189a79b8621b38b53e3cec952d49630e16dd3a (diff)
Update kate syntax highlight files
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/data/prolog.xml')
1 files changed, 1094 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/kate/data/prolog.xml b/kate/data/prolog.xml
index 732048845..e7fdde3db 100644
--- a/kate/data/prolog.xml
+++ b/kate/data/prolog.xml
@@ -1,232 +1,1112 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd">
-<language name="Prolog" version="1.05" kateversion="2.1" section="Sources" extensions="*.prolog" mimetype="text/x-prolog">
+<!-- [Purpose & Copyright]
+ Highlight ISO-Prolog texts or template/include for Prolog dialects
+ based on the ISO standard.
+ Includes detection of DCG since it is 'hooked' in the ISO standard.
+ Uses text style "Warning/ISO-bogus" where portability is likely to
+ fail.
+ This file is part of TDE's kate project.
+ copyright : (C) 2012 by Torsten Eichstädt
+ **********************************************************************
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
+ * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * Library General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public *
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the *
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, *
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
+ **********************************************************************
+<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"
+[<!-- [Regular Expressions, Character Classes & Important Tokens]
+E.g. the dot "." has so many different meanings (i.e. in an RegExpr 'any char',
+'fullstop' of a clause, etc. pp.) that I decided it's usefull to write these out
+to make the rules more expressive. -->
+<!-- RegExpr for graphic tokens. Comment start "/*" is catched earlier. -->
+ <!ENTITY gr_char_iso "[#$&amp;*+\-./:&lt;=>?@^~\\]">
+<!-- RegExpr: The highlighting engine always strips newline, so this ok: -->
+ <!ENTITY any_nw "[^ \t]">
+ <!ENTITY any ".">
+<!-- RegExpr: we want to highlight some graphic tokens: Logic & Control
+ fullstop shall not be falsely detected if it is actually a list functor
+ comma is catched extra to highlight it as "Normal Text" in an arg_seq
+ (and the cut "!" is NOT an op) -->
+ <!ENTITY fullstop_iso "\.(?!(\(|&gr_char_iso;))">
+ <!ENTITY logic_control_ops_iso "(;|->|\\\+|:-|=|\\=)(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!-- RegExpr: DCG (not my idea it is not reversed and named 'reduction') -->
+ <!ENTITY dcg_production_iso "-->(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!-- RegExpr: partitioning of arithmetic operators:
+ - the 1st "arith_compare" always demand arithmetic evaluation
+ => highlight as "Arithmetics".
+ - the 2nd only at the right side of "is" or when an arith_compare applies.
+ They are used in other contexts as well, e.g. traditionally A-B is used
+ for 'a pair of something', the "^" in bagof/3 and setof/3.
+ => highlight as "Arithmetics" only in an arith_expr.
+ - the 3rd are true ISO bogus: it is not specified whether it is arithmetic
+ or logical shift, and for bitwise AND, OR and NEG the integer format is
+ unspecified => not portable, depend on Prolog implementation. -->
+ <!ENTITY arith_compare_iso "(=:=|=\\=|=&lt;|&lt;|>=|>)(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!ENTITY arith_ops_mixed_iso "(\+|-|\*|\^)(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!ENTITY arith_ops_int_iso "//(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!ENTITY arith_ops_float_iso "(/|\*\*)(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!ENTITY arith_bogus_iso "(/\\|\\/|\\|&lt;&lt;|>>)(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!-- RegExpr: other predefined operators -->
+ <!ENTITY predefined_ops_iso "(\?-|==|\\==|@=&lt;|@&lt;|@>=|@>|=\.\.|@|:)(?!&gr_char_iso;)">
+ <!-- We treat a number as float if it includes a decimal dot or exponent -->
+ <!ENTITY float3_iso "[0-9]+E[+\-]?[0-9]+">
+ <!ENTITY float2_iso "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+">
+ <!ENTITY float1_iso "[0-9]+\.[0-9]+E[+\-]?[0-9]+">
+<!-- RegExpr for esc'd char code in quoted 'strings' e.g. "\007\" -->
+ <!ENTITY esc_oct_iso "\\[0-7]+\\">
+ <!ENTITY esc_hex_iso "\\x[a-fA-F0-9]+\\">
+<!-- Char classes for AnyChar, NOT RegExpr: no esc seqs, ranges, etc. pp. here!
+ Used to avoid expensive RegExpr whenever possible. -->
+ <!-- Not needed: any_alnum_under_iso: use "DetectIdentifier" instead -->
+ <!ENTITY any_lower_iso "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz">
+ <!ENTITY any_bin_iso "01">
+ <!ENTITY any_oct_iso "01234567">
+ <!ENTITY any_dec_iso "0123456789">
+ <!ENTITY any_hex_iso "0123456789abcdefABCDEF">
+ <!ENTITY any_graphic_iso "#$&amp;*+-./:&lt;=>?@^~\">
+ <!-- Common esc seq in quoted & char code (after "0'").
+ Tab is handled extra. Esc'd newline is catched earlier. -->
+ <!ENTITY any_esc_iso "abfnrtv\'`&quot;]">
+ <!ENTITY dot ".">
+ <!-- Some solo chars for DetectChar -->
+ <!ENTITY comma ",">
+ <!ENTITY cut "!">
+ <!ENTITY bar "|">
+ <!ENTITY tab " ">
+ <!ENTITY bs "\">
+<language name="Prolog" section="Sources"
+ version="1.2" kateversion="2.5"
+ mimetype="text/x-prolog"
+ extensions="*.prolog;*.dcg;*.pro"
+ author="Torsten Eichstädt ([email protected])"
+ license="LGPL">
+<!-- [Terminology & Abbreviations In The Comments]
+ - Literal text is in double quotes "like this", single quotes sometimes used
+ for a 'terminus technicus'.
+ - "w/", "w/o", "s/t" mean 'with', 'without', and "sometimes" resp.
+ - Use "brace" instead of 'bracket'/'parenthesis' for any of "()[]{}"
+ - Specify "round", "list/squared", "curly", "opening" and "closing" brace.
+ - "quote/quoted/string" mean any of single-, double-, or back-quote(d)
+ - "seq" sequence, "nl" newline, "bs" backslash, "q" quote(d), "cc" char code
+ - "KISS" Keep it simple, stupid! (be pragmatic)
+ - "style" = "attribute" (the applied text style)
+ - Keep comments as short as possible and as descriptive as neccessary LOL
+<!-- [Documentation, Bugs, Limitations & Solutions, TODOs]
+All bugs except three by the author. !FOLD THIS AWAY if long comments annoy you.
+BUG - Nobody's perfect - If I knew about the bug you found, it would have been
+ fixed already.
+ one- Takes a "shebang" at the start of text on other than the 1st line (Kate).
+ two- Indentation-based folding is not reliable.
+ three- Folding is sometimes broken (Kate?). See SOLUTIONS below.
+ 4 - An optional leading sign is not highlighted as part of the number.
+ 5 - A float w/o fractional part and exponent is highlighted as an integer.
+ 6 - Detection of whitespace may not be 100% correct, only space/tab/newline.
+ 7 - Handling inside arithmetic expressions might not be 100%. See "AL GUSTO".
+ inf- see TODOs below.
+LIMITS of this parser
+ - Highlighting of syntax errors is as intuitive as possible, i.e. for an
+ invalid newline highlight the last token before and leading white of the
+ next line - but that's not always possible. Use your built-in problem
+ solver (between your ears) when you do not know what the exact error is.
+ - The parser knows nothing about currently defined dynamic ops, but has to
+ respect possible definitions of dynamic ops. That's why:
+ - Any sequence of 'graphic chars' (_incl. those containing a dot_) is taken
+ as _one_ graphic token, and not - as you might expect - your user-defined
+ operator followed by fullstop (or sequence of ops).
+ - A single dot in the outmost term of a clause is taken as a fullstop, even
+ if it is actually a user-defined operator.
+ - Else, a single dot is highlighted as "Warning" because it might be a
+ user-def'd op (usually an error, but can not decide w/o current_op/3).
+ - Detection of the fullstop relies upon the usual semantics of braces.
+ - Axioms of folding capabilities are: the literal fullstop as stop symbol
+ and the usual semantics of braces w/ pairs of opening and closing brace.
+ ?- period.
+uncaught exception: error(existence_error(procedure,current_op/3),highlight/2)
+ - Help the parser by puting whitespace (space/tab/nl) here and there, espc.
+ after the fullstop, or use quotes; e.g. '/*' does not begin a comment,
+ neither does '%', and ***'.' can be two operators.
+ Functored syntax should always do, e.g. */*(X,Y) is valid (and does not
+ begin a comment).
+ - Folding: s/t moving the mouse slightly below the marker shows what you
+ want, s/t an empty line helps (or removing an empty line), when it's
+ removed regions stay ok, or break auto-folding w/ non-white @begin of
+ line. Try a newer kate version.
+AL GUSTO (simple changes):
+ - Change classification of built-in predicates: adjust the <list> below.
+ - Reminder for other changes: solo chars - DetectChar, graphic - RegExpr.
+ - bar "|" (solo) is highlighted as "other built-in operator" in lists, else
+ "Normal Text". You may safely remove/comment out the rules in contexts
+ "term/list/curly" below if you add in in context "operator" or "atomic".
+ If it shall be part of user-defined ops, it has to be added to "gr_char",
+ and a few rules need adjustment. Search for "&bar;". You may then safely
+ add it to "predefined_ops" above (don't forget to escape it).
+ - cut "!" (solo) can be adjusted like the bar.
+ - comma "," (solo) is "Normal Text" in lists, else "Logic & Control". You
+ may safely remove/comment out the rules in "term/nested/list/curly" below
+ and handle it in the context "operator".
+ - Disable arith_expr: replace "context="arith_expr"" w/ "context="#stay""
+ in the rules in contexts "atomic" and "operator" (two or three occurences).
+ - Disable indentation-based folding: in the section "general"@EOF:"folding".
+ - General guidelines: Be nice to slow/old hardware: avoid RegExpr (start w/
+ a RegExpr, test, then find a replacement), else match a RegExpr as late as
+ possible - it's expensive, a context switch is relatively cheap.
+ Eat as much text as possible in one run, e.g. in comments and quoted we
+ use "DetectIdentifier", else the engine would try all rules of the context
+ (w/ failure) and eat only one char on each run.
+ If your modification is kind of general, upload it and drop me a note.
+ The simplified syntax below should highlight 99.999% of ISO-Prolog texts
+correctly, as well as many non-ISO Prolog texts.
+ Else modify this file. Save with new name in your HOME directory to
+.kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/prolog-xy.xml You may read the NOTE at the end
+of this file. WARNING: Be careful, though: the highlighting works according to
+it's program code, not neccessarily it's documentation...
+DONE- Parse (m)any (!) conforming Prolog texts w/ correct highlighting (LIMITS)
+ - Parse any erratic text w/o crash or endless loops and highlight errors
+ - Folding for multiline comments, clauses, nested terms, and quoted (LIMITS)
+ - Folding inside comments and of 1-line comments and clauses: indentation-
+ based like in Python, e.g.
+ my_pred(a). % w/ marker@left (western style; depends on your settings)
+ my_pred(b). % you can fold
+ my_pred(c). % these lines
+ Inside clauses (i.e. context "term" and below) only explicit folding for
+ braces and quotes applies, except comments. I did not find a better
+ solution, since the engine does not provide lookahead to the next line.
+ - Additionally, folding with %BEGIN ... %END (iff 1st nonwhite of the line).
+ - Classify built-ins (YMMV) for different highlighting, mainly:
+ - w/ side effects from 'outside world' (arithmetics, stream I/O,...)
+ - w/o side effects, only depend on user's program ('internal world')
+ - program logic & control constructs
+ - altering the clause knowledge base or Prolog state
+ - integer/float/mixed arithmetics, so one can see the type of the result
+ - Iff it's an arithmetic expression; else arith ops and built-ins
+ are highlighted normal.
+ - Incl. Sep2012 DRAFT Technical Corrigendum 2: Prolog - Part 1: General Core
+ - Incl. honourable Richard O'Keefe's remarks as warnings as "ISO bogus".
+ - Detect 'shebang' shell scripts, see BUGs
+ - Includes alert_indent.xml to highlight alert keywords in comments.
+ - Dot "." may be an _unquoted_ user-defined operator in nested terms (but is
+ highlighted as "Warning" 'cause it's more likely a typo than an user-def'd
+ op) and is only taken as fullstop and highlighted as "Logic & Control" in
+ the outmost term of a clause.
+ - Über-correct handling of quoted, escape seqs and "0'" (char code integer):
+ - detection of valid/invalid newline in quoted 'strings'.
+ - highlight whitespace after esc'd newline in quoted so it differs from
+ whitespace contained in the quoted 'string'.
+ - Highlight esc'd tab and tab in quoted as "Warning" because some text
+ editors may convert them to space and it is easy to use "\t" instead.
+ - Preliminary: most names end w/ ISO; prepared to be included in syntax
+ files adapted for Prolog dialects.
+FIXME When katepart can supply line numbers, fix the "shebang" rule.
+TODO sorted by priority
+ 1 - [always] Cruise over all FIXMEs.
+ 2 - Check if comma, cut & bar are really solo chars (where's the red book?).
+ 3 - Check final Technical Corrigendum 2: Prolog - Part 1: General Core
+ 4 - Buy ISO Prolog standard - Part 2: Modules. Likely only keywords. Need it
+ anyway.
+ 5 - Make this strict-ISO and a "Prolog (portable)" that includes this file.
+ 6 - Likewise, adopt for GNU & SWI Prolog and others.
+ 8 - keywords 'phrase', streams depricated, etc.pp. ==> Prolog (portable).
+ 9 - Likewise: shebang ==> Prolog (portable).
+ 10 - Check if shebang can span multiple (escaped) lines.
+ 11 - Check: all KB altering preds can have side effects (via resource_error)?
+ 12 - For next two TODOs: ask katepart dev to provide lookahead to the next line
+ 13 - Folding for consecutive one-line comments [easy? HARD! Impossible.]
+ 14 - Likewise, folding for consecutive clauses [HARD! Impossible.]
+ I can live w/ indentation-based folding as a workaround. Not 100%, but ok.
+ 15 - +arg_seq (and list): "," as normal text: Detect name( [no layout; easy]
+ 16 - +Classify meta predicates.
+ 18 - The dollar "$" is commonly used as the 1st char of (unquoted?) atoms to
+ indicate 'internal mode', e.g. to declare a predicate as compile-in.
+ Does this mean the dollar is used as if it were a prefix op or is it part
+ of the atom? Would be easy to implement.
+ 19 - Bug #4: could be partly fixed, some built-ins take only float not integer.
+ 20 - Bug them to better document weakDeliminators (and rename to delimiter ;)
+ 21 - Adjust doxygen syntax for Prolog (e.g. adapt doxygen-lua), and include it.
+ 22 - Check if vertical tab is white/layout; are there more non-printables?
+<!-- [Facts & Implications Of The ISO Standard, as a reminder]
+ - 'layout' is whitespace (space/tab/newline) and/or comments.
+ - Braces (any of "(){}[]"), exclamation "!" (aka 'cut'), 'bar' "|", degree "°",
+ paragraph "§" and percent "%" are NOT 'graphic' chars, but 'solo' chars.
+ - The 'bar' "|" may be a predefined operator, and then a user-def'd op, too.
+ - There can only be (at most) one bar "|" in a list (written inside "[]"), and
+ no commata after it (after the bar).
+ - Graphic tokens are atoms (and solo chars are one-char atoms?).
+ - "{}" and "[]" are 'special atoms' (likewise "()"?).
+ - "{}" and "[]" shall not be operators (but round or single braces may be?).
+ - The fullstop "." is not a predefined postfix operator, and
+ - the list functor "." is not a predefined prefix operator.
+ - An unquoted graphic token shall not begin with "/*".
+ - Multiline comments shall not be nested.
+ - Floats are NOT written with lowercase "e" (i.e. not neccessarily an error if
+ e.g. "e" is a pre- or user-defined expr or op and the whole term is valid),
+ - and the fractional part and exponent of floats are optional (any and both).
+ - A leading minus immediately preceding a number is optional for all numbers
+ and then part of the number and not a prefix operator (currently beeing
+ clarified by the standard commitee if "immediately" includes layout, only
+ comments, or none of these at all ;) but
+ - the minus "-" is a predefined prefix- and infix operator...
+ - Terms are rewritten when read in, extendable by user-def'd rules (and these
+ may be dynamic), i.e. clauses are not restricted to the standard forms
+ (to the extent that the fullstop ending a clause may be omited at all) and
+ - the dot "." may be (solo or part of) an user-defined operator.
+ - A Prolog processor may use any character set, e.g. (multi-byte) Unicode.
+ - Virtually every token may be an (user- or predefined) operator, except a few
+ specifically excluded tokens (i.e. NOT just graphic and 'standard' atoms).
+ - All operators except the comma are dynamic (although the standard denotes
+ atoms as 'constants' ;), and
+ - (the comma may appear in a user-defined operator (beeing part of it)?).
+ (Now try to write syntax highlighting for Prolog w/o Prolog HAHAHA ;)
- <list name="keywordl">
- <item> abstract </item>
- <item> align </item>
- <item> as </item>
- <item> and </item>
- <item> class </item>
- <item> clauses </item>
- <item> constants </item>
- <item> database </item>
- <item> determ </item>
- <item> domains </item>
- <item> elsedef </item>
- <item> endclass </item>
- <item> enddef </item>
- <item> erroneous </item>
- <item> facts </item>
- <item> failure </item>
- <item> global </item>
- <item> goal </item>
- <item> if </item>
- <item> ifdef </item>
- <item> ifndef </item>
- <item> implement </item>
- <item> include </item>
- <item> language </item>
- <item> multi </item>
- <item> nocopy </item>
- <item> nondeterm </item>
- <item> object </item>
- <item> or </item>
- <item> procedure </item>
- <item> protected </item>
- <item> predicates </item>
- <item> reference </item>
- <item> single </item>
- <item> static </item>
- <item> struct </item>
- <item> this </item>
- </list>
+ <!-- aka "guru meditation trigger" -->
+ <list name="error term ISO">
+ <item> error </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="guru meditation terms ISO">
+ <item> instantiation_error </item>
+ <item> uninstantiation_error </item>
+ <item> type_error </item>
+ <item> domain_error </item>
+ <item> existence_error </item>
+ <item> permission_error </item>
+ <item> representation_error </item>
+ <item> evaluation_error </item>
+ <item> resource_error </item>
+ <item> syntax_error </item>
+ <item> system_error </item>
+ </list>
- <list name="keywordu">
- <item> ABSTRACT </item>
- <item> ALIGN </item>
- <item> AS </item>
- <item> AND </item>
- <item> CLASS </item>
- <item> CLAUSES </item>
- <item> CONSTANTS </item>
- <item> DATABASE </item>
- <item> DETERM </item>
- <item> DOMAINS </item>
- <item> ELSEDEF </item>
- <item> ENDCLASS </item>
- <item> ENDDEF </item>
- <item> ERRONEOUS </item>
- <item> FACTS </item>
- <item> FAILURE </item>
- <item> GLOBAL </item>
- <item> GOAL </item>
- <item> IF </item>
- <item> IFDEF </item>
- <item> IFNDEF </item>
- <item> IMPLEMENT </item>
- <item> INCLUDE </item>
- <item> LANGUAGE </item>
- <item> MULTI </item>
- <item> NOCOPY </item>
- <item> NONDETERM </item>
- <item> OBJECT </item>
- <item> OR </item>
- <item> PROCEDURE </item>
- <item> PROTECTED </item>
- <item> PREDICATES </item>
- <item> REFERENCE </item>
- <item> SINGLE </item>
- <item> STATIC </item>
- <item> STRUCT </item>
- <item> THIS </item>
+ <!-- These are in fact bogus, DO NOT USE them and bug the ISO standard
+ commitee to abandon char_conversion/2 and to apply common sense to the
+ semantics of include/1 and ensure_loaded/1, i.e. to handle recursion.
+ Bomb them w/ e-mails! It's not the purpose of a standard to fixate
+ errors till eternity. -->
+ <list name="bogus ISO">
+ <item> char_conversion </item>
+ <item> current_char_conversion </item>
+ <item> include </item>
+ <item> ensure_loaded </item>
+ <!-- Use atan2 instead -->
+ <item> atan </item>
+ <!-- Unspecified integer representation/format -->
+ <item> xor </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="directives non-ISO">
+ <!-- FIXME is this a top_level goal only? (consult :- include) -->
+ <item> consult </item>
+ <item> built_in </item>
+<!--GNU <item> foreign </item> -->
+<!--GNU <item> ensure_linked </item> -->
+<!--GNU <item> built_in_fd </item> -->
+<!-- <item> if </item> -->
+<!-- <item> else </item> -->
+<!-- <item> endif </item> -->
+<!-- <item> elif </item> -->
+ <!-- including directive "initialization" -->
+ <list name="logic+control ISO">
+ <item> initialization </item>
+<!-- <item> ! </item> -->
+ <item> fail </item>
+ <item> repeat </item>
+ <item> call </item>
+ <item> catch </item>
+ <item> throw </item>
+ <item> true </item>
+ <item> false </item>
+ <item> once </item>
+ </list>
- <list name="special">
- <item> assert </item>
- <item> asserta </item>
+ <!-- including directive "dynamic" -->
+ <list name="dyn clause mgmt ISO">
+ <item> dynamic </item>
+ <item> asserta </item>
<item> assertz </item>
- <item> bound </item>
- <item> chain_inserta </item>
- <item> chain_insertafter </item>
- <item> chain_insertz </item>
- <item> chain_terms </item>
- <item> consult </item>
- <item> db_btrees </item>
- <item> db_chains </item>
- <item> fail </item>
- <item> findall </item>
- <item> format </item>
- <item> free </item>
- <item> msgrecv </item>
- <item> msgsend </item>
- <item> nl </item>
- <item> not </item>
- <item> readterm </item>
- <item> ref_term </item>
- <item> retract </item>
<item> retractall </item>
- <item> save </item>
- <item> term_bin </item>
- <item> term_replace </item>
- <item> term_str </item>
- <item> trap </item>
- <item> write </item>
- <item> writef </item>
- </list>
+ <item> retract </item>
+ <item> abolish </item>
+ <item> clause </item>
+<!-- <item> numbervars </item> -->
+<!-- <item> current_predicate </item> -->
+ </list>
+ <list name="listing non-ISO">
+ <!-- FIXME is this a top_level goal? -->
+ <item> listing </item>
+<!-- standard/compatible <item> public </item> -->
+ </list>
+ <list name="terms ISO">
+ <!-- keep tokens with same prefix sorted by length? -->
+ <item> atom_concat </item>
+ <item> atom_length </item>
+ <item> atom_chars </item>
+ <item> atom_codes </item>
+ <item> arg </item>
+ <item> subsumes_term </item>
+ <item> acyclic_term </item>
+ <item> char_code </item>
+ <item> compare </item>
+ <item> copy_term </item>
+ <item> functor </item>
+ <item> number_chars </item>
+ <item> number_codes </item>
+<!--FIXME check if GNU or ISO <item> sub_atom </item> -->
+ <item> term_variables </item>
+ <item> unify_with_occurs_check </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="terms non-ISO">
+ <!-- keep tokens with same prefix sorted by length? -->
+ <item> number_atom </item>
+ <item> expand_term </item>
+ <item> term_expansion </item>
- <list name="compiler">
- <item> bgidriver </item>
- <item> bgifont </item>
- <item> check_determ </item>
- <item> code </item>
- <item> config </item>
- <item> diagnostics </item>
- <item> error </item>
- <item> errorlevel </item>
- <item> heap </item>
- <item> gstacksize </item>
- <item> nobreak </item>
- <item> nowarnings </item>
- <item> printermenu </item>
- <item> project </item>
- </list>
+ <!--FIXME These go to streams non-ISO: -->
+ <item> display </item>
+ <item> print </item>
+ <item> format </item>
+ <item> portray_clause </item>
+ <item> portray </item>
+ <item> term_expansion </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="DCG non-ISO">
+ <item> phrase </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="lists ISO">
+ <item> sort </item>
+ <item> keysort </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="lists non-ISO">
+ <item> append </item>
+ <item> delete </item>
+ <item> length </item>
+ <item> last </item>
+ <item> map_list </item>
+ <item> min_list </item>
+ <item> maplist </item>
+ <item> msort </item>
+ <item> memberchk </item>
+ <item> member </item>
+ <item> nth </item>
+ <item> permutation </item>
+ <item> reverse </item>
+ <item> select </item>
+ <item> prefix </item>
+ <item> suffix </item>
+ <item> sublist </item>
+ <item> sum_list </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="streams ISO">
+ <item> open </item>
+<!--GNU <item> current_stream </item>-->
+ <item> set_stream_position </item>
+ <item> get_char </item>
+ <item> get_code </item>
+ <item> peek_char </item>
+ <item> peek_code </item>
+ <item> get_byte </item>
+ <item> peek_byte </item>
- <list name="arith">
- <item> mod </item>
- <item> div </item>
- <item> abs </item>
- <item> exp </item>
- <item> ln </item>
+ <item> put_char </item>
+ <item> put_code </item>
+ <item> put_byte </item>
+ <item> nl </item>
+ <item> read_term </item>
+ <item> read </item>
+ <item> write_canonical </item>
+ <item> writeq </item>
+ <item> write </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="streams deprecated">
+ <item> append </item>
+ <item> seeing </item>
+ <item> seen </item>
+ <item> see </item>
+ <item> telling </item>
+ <item> tell </item>
+ <item> told </item>
+ <item> get0 </item>
+ <item> get </item>
+ <item> skip </item>
+ <item> put </item>
+ <item> tab </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="arith eval ISO">
+ <item> is </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="arith ops int ISO">
+ <item> rem </item>
+ <item> mod </item>
+ <item> div </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="arith expr mixed ISO">
+<!--GNU arith IF expr <item> inc </item> -->
+<!--GNU arith IF expr <item> dec </item> -->
+ <item> abs </item>
+ <item> sign </item>
+ <item> min </item>
+ <item> max </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="arith expr int ISO">
+<!--GNU arith IF expr <item> inc </item> -->
+<!--GNU arith IF expr <item> dec </item> -->
+ <item> ceiling </item>
+ <item> floor </item>
+ <item> round </item>
+ <item> truncate </item>
+<!-- ISO bogus <item> xor </item> -->
+ </list>
+ <list name="arith expr float ISO">
+ <item> pi </item>
+<!--GNU (see pi) <item> e </item> -->
+<!--GNU (see pi) <item> epsilon </item> -->
+ <item> sqrt </item>
+ <item> tan </item>
+ <item> cos </item>
+ <item> sin </item>
+ <item> atan2 </item>
+ <item> acos </item>
+ <item> asin </item>
+ <item> exp </item>
<item> log </item>
- <item> sqrt </item>
- <item> round </item>
- <item> trunc </item>
- <item> val </item>
- <item> cos </item>
- <item> sin </item>
- <item> tan </item>
- <item> arctan </item>
- <item> random </item>
- <item> randominit </item>
+ <item> float </item>
+ <item> float_fractional_part </item>
+ <item> float_integer_part </item>
- <list name="basetype">
- <item> char </item>
- <item> real </item>
- <item> string </item>
- <item> symbol </item>
- <item> byte </item>
- <item> sbyte </item>
- <item> short </item>
- <item> ushort </item>
- <item> word </item>
- <item> integer </item>
- <item> unsigned </item>
- <item> dword </item>
- <item> long </item>
- <item> ulong </item>
- <item> binary </item>
- <item> ref </item>
- </list>
+ <!-- including directives "op/multifile/discontigous" -->
+ <list name="prolog state ISO">
+ <item> multifile </item>
+ <item> discontigous </item>
+ <item> op </item>
+ <item> set_prolog_flag </item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="types ISO">
+ <item> var </item>
+ <item> nonvar </item>
+ <item> atom </item>
+ <item> integer </item>
+ <item> float </item>
+ <item> number </item>
+ <item> atomic </item>
+ <item> compound </item>
+ <item> callable </item>
+ <item> ground </item>
+ </list>
+ <!-- FIXME rename to "types non-ISO"? -->
+ <list name="list+is_list non-ISO">
+ <item> list </item>
+ <item> is_list </item>
+ <!--GNU <item> partial_list </item> -->
+ <!--GNU <item> list_or_partial_list </item> -->
+ </list>
+ <list name="built-ins ISO">
+ <item> current_op </item>
+ <item> current_prolog_flag </item>
+ <item> current_input </item>
+ <item> current_output </item>
- <list name="keywords">
- <item> true </item>
- <item> false </item>
- </list>
+ <!-- These act on streams, but the permission_error is only thrown
+ if the programmer tries to set_input(S) when S is alread an output
+ stream and vice versa; so: not affected by 'outside world' -->
+ <item> set_input </item>
+ <item> set_output </item>
+ <!-- may throw a system_error in GNU -->
+ <item> close </item>
+ <item> flush_output </item>
+ <!-- may throw permission_error in GNU if S is an output stream -->
+ <item> at_end_of_stream </item>
+ <item> stream_property </item>
+ </list>
+ <!-- !FOLD the <context> rules & comments for an overview, then it's no magic. -->
+ <contexts>
+ <!-- Catch typos: style="Syntax Error" for all rules except comments and
+ quoted. This helps to catch bugs in the rules itself, too. Nice
+ debuging aid. Note that (naturally) some of the syntax rules given in
+ EBNF are simplified and do not describe 100% valid Prolog.
+ prolog text := shebang clause_seq | clause_seq
+ clause_seq := clause clause_seq | empty
+ clause := layout term_seq fullstop | term_seq fullstop
+ -->
+ <!-- shebang: ("#!") Detect shebang and fallthrough to clause_seq -->
+ <context name="shebang" lineEndContext="clause" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <!-- no way: fallthrough="1" fallthroughContext="clause_seq" > -->
+ <Detect2Chars column="0" char="#" char1="!" context="1-comment" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" />
+ <!-- else fallthrough (workaround broken fallthrough) -->
+ <RegExpr String="&any;" lookAhead="true" context="clause" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- syntax error (Test & Debug Aid, too): it's enough to highlight next token -->
+ <context name="syntax_error" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <DetectSpaces context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectIdentifier context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <RegExpr String="&any;" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ </context>
- <contexts>
- <context name="normal" attribute="Symbol" lineEndContext="#stay">
- <keyword attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="keywordl"/>
- <keyword attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="keywordu"/>
- <keyword attribute="Arithmetic" context="#stay" String="arith"/>
- <keyword attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="compiler"/>
- <keyword attribute="Keyword" context="#stay" String="special"/>
- <keyword attribute="Data Type" context="#stay" String="basetype"/>
- <RegExpr String = "[A-Z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*" attribute = "Variable" context="#stay"/>
- <RegExpr String = "[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*" attribute = "Identifier" context="#stay"/>
- <DetectChar attribute="Comment" context="comment" char="%"/>
- <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="comment region" char="/" char1="*"/>
- <Int attribute="Integer" context="#stay" />
- <DetectChar attribute="String" context="string" char="&quot;" />
- <DetectChar attribute="String" context="string2" char="'" />
- <AnyChar attribute="Symbol" context="#stay" String="~!^*()-+=[]|\:;,./?&amp;&lt;&gt;" />
- </context>
- <context name="comment" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#pop" />
- <context name="string" attribute="String" lineEndContext="#stay" >
- <HlCStringChar attribute="String" context="#stay" />
- <DetectChar attribute="String" context="#pop" char="&quot;" />
- </context>
- <context name="string2" attribute="String" lineEndContext="#stay">
- <HlCChar attribute="String" context="#stay" />
- <DetectChar attribute="String" context="#pop" char="'" />
- </context>
- <context name="comment region" attribute="Comment" lineEndContext="#stay">
- <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="#pop" char="*" char1="/" />
- </context>
- </contexts>
- <itemDatas>
- <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" />
- <itemData name="Keyword" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" />
- <itemData name="Data Type" defStyleNum="dsDataType" />
- <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment" />
- <itemData name="Integer" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" />
- <itemData name="Symbol" defStyleNum="dsNormal" />
- <itemData name="String" defStyleNum="dsString"/>
- <itemData name="Identifier" defStyleNum="dsNormal"/>
- <itemData name="Variable" defStyleNum="dsOthers"/>
- <itemData name="Arithmetic" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" />
- </itemDatas>
+ <!-- clause: Start a region for code folding and switch to term -->
+<!-- <context name="clause" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" > -->
+ <context name="clause" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <IncludeRules context="layout" />
+ <!-- KISS: do not force term to detect an empty clause as syntax error -->
+ <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+<!-- <RegExpr lookAhead="true" String="&any;" context="term" attribute="Syntax Error" /> -->
+ <RegExpr lookAhead="true" String="&any;" context="term" beginRegion="clause" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ </context>
+ <!--term/nested/list/curly: the master/dispatcher -->
+ <!-- (abbreviated): term := var | atomic | compound | "(" term ")"
+ (term_seq := term "," term_seq | term Not needed: comma is an op)
+ term := layout solo layout | layout solo | solo layout | solo
+ solo := var | atomic | compound | "(" term ")"
+ compound := op term | term op | term op term | functored | list
+ functored := atom "(" arg_seq ")" | op "(" arg_seq ")"
+ list := "[" l_arg_seq "]" | double_quoted | "." "(" arg_seq ")"
+ (if semantics of double_quoted not changed by set_prolog_flag/2)
+ sorry I forgot curly: the DCG term but can not contain the fullstop.
+ Comments in 'term' apply to the others as well.
+ Note that eating layout once is enough, since we come back here.
+ Only end the clause in the outmost term, which can only be term. -->
+ <context name="term" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <IncludeRules context="layout" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" context="nested" beginRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="[" context="list" beginRegion="list" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="{" context="curly" beginRegion="curly" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <DetectChar char="&comma;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar char="&cut;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar char="&bar;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <!-- lookAhead to give different style to the dot and the brace -->
+ <Detect2Chars lookAhead="true" char="&dot;" char1="(" context="list_functor" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+<!-- <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#pop" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" /> -->
+ <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#pop" endRegion="clause" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <IncludeRules context="atomic" />
+ <!-- Default: anything not eaten here is a syntax error -->
+ </context>
+ <context name="nested" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <IncludeRules context="layout" />
+ <DetectChar char=")" context="#pop" endRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" context="nested" beginRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="[" context="list" beginRegion="list" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="{" context="curly" beginRegion="curly" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <DetectChar char="&cut;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar char="&comma;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar char="&bar;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <Detect2Chars lookAhead="true" char="&dot;" char1="(" context="list_functor" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <IncludeRules context="atomic" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="list" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <IncludeRules context="layout" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" context="nested" beginRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="]" context="#pop" endRegion="list" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="[" context="list" beginRegion="list" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="{" context="curly" beginRegion="curly" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="&comma;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <DetectChar char="&cut;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <DetectChar char="&bar;" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <Detect2Chars lookAhead="true" char="&dot;" char1="(" context="list_functor" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <IncludeRules context="atomic" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="curly" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <IncludeRules context="layout" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" context="nested" beginRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="[" context="list" beginRegion="list" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char="}" context="#pop" endRegion="curly" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <DetectChar char="{" context="curly" beginRegion="curly" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <DetectChar char="&comma;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar char="&cut;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar char="&bar;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <Detect2Chars lookAhead="true" char="&dot;" char1="(" context="list_functor" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <IncludeRules context="atomic" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- arith_expr := expr op expr | op expr | expr op | "(" expr ")"
+ expr := number_expr | var | arith_expr
+ This is only a goody to highlight arith ops and detect syntax errors.
+ If it causes problems, disable it: exchange context="arith_expr" in
+ "atomic" and "operator" below with context="#stay" (two or three occurences) -->
+ <context name="arith_expr" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <DetectChar char="(" context="nested_expr" beginRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char=")" context="#pop" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="}" context="#pop" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="]" context="#pop" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <!-- FIXME check if cut may be an op, else (and in any case 99.9% likely) it's a usual cut here -->
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="&cut;" context="#pop" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="&comma;" context="#pop" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <!-- bar & dot could be a user-def'd op, pre-def'd ops could be
+ redef'd; but let's assume the default and just end the expr -->
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="&bar;" context="#pop" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <RegExpr lookAhead="true" String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#pop" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <RegExpr lookAhead="true" String="&logic_control_ops_iso;" context="#pop" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <IncludeRules context="arith_expr_common" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="nested_expr" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <DetectChar char="(" context="nested_expr" beginRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <DetectChar char=")" context="#pop" endRegion="nested" attribute="( ) [ ]" />
+ <!-- FIXME check if cut may be an op, else it's a syntax error here -->
+ <DetectChar char="&cut;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <DetectChar char="&comma;" context="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <!-- bar & dot could be a user-def'd op, pre-def'd ops could be redef'd; else these were errors -->
+ <DetectChar char="&bar;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <RegExpr String="&fullstop_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <RegExpr String="&logic_control_ops_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <IncludeRules context="arith_expr_common" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- list functor: assign style to the dot and let term/list/curly take the brace
+ (We have no style "built-in term", so take "Normal text" or "built-in predicate")
+ ASSERT 1st is the dot, else "Syntax Error" INTENTIONALLY -->
+ <context name="list_functor" lineEndContext="syntax_error" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectChar char="&dot;" context="#pop" attribute="other built-in predicate" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- single/double/back-quoted: handle esc seq and closing quote
+ Comments in single-quoted apply to the others as well.
+ Entry point is single/double/back-quoted (only to handle syntax error:
+ nl after opening quote), sq/dq/bq is inside the string.
+ lineEndContext should be "syntax_error", but then we couldn't handle
+ a valid esc'd line continuation. So we do that 'in vitro' (took me
+ 2 days w/ a plethora of useless rules to solve that puzzle LOL).
+ On error must not #stay, else the error isn't shown iff white or empty -->
+ <context name="sq" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="'quo Ted'" noIndentationBasedFolding="true">
+<!-- <context name="single-quoted" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="'quo Ted'" > -->
+ <IncludeRules context="quoted_1st"/>
+ <!-- un-esc'd nl is a syntax error; match max seq (+), else the
+ error is only shown in the next line -->
+ <RegExpr String="(''|&esc_oct_iso;|&esc_hex_iso;|\\&any;|[^'\\]+)$"
+ context="syntax_error_sq" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <!-- Usual handling: -->
+ <Detect2Chars char="'" char1="'" context="#stay" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ <DetectChar char="'" context="#pop#pop" endRegion="quoted" attribute="'quo Ted'" />
+ <IncludeRules context="quoted_last"/>
+ <!-- Default: literal content of the quoted string, context's style applies -->
+ </context>
+ <context name="dq" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+<!-- <context name="double-quoted" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" > -->
+ <IncludeRules context="quoted_1st"/>
+ <RegExpr String="(&quot;&quot;|&esc_oct_iso;|&esc_hex_iso;|\\&any;|[^&quot;\\]+)$"
+ context="syntax_error_dq" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="&quot;" char1="&quot;" context="#stay" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ <DetectChar char="&quot;" context="#pop#pop" endRegion="quoted" attribute="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" />
+ <IncludeRules context="quoted_last"/>
+ </context>
+ <context name="bq" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="`back-quoted`" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+<!-- <context name="back-quoted" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="`back-quoted`" > -->
+ <IncludeRules context="quoted_1st"/>
+ <RegExpr String="(``|&esc_oct_iso;|&esc_hex_iso;|\\&any;|[^`\\]+)$"
+ context="syntax_error_bq" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="`" char1="`" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ <DetectChar char="`" context="#pop#pop" endRegion="quoted" attribute="`back-quoted`" />
+ <IncludeRules context="quoted_last"/>
+ </context>
+ <context name="single-quoted" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="'quo Ted'" >
+ <RegExpr String="'$" context="sq" beginRegion="quoted" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="'" context="sq" beginRegion="quoted" attribute="'quo Ted'" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="double-quoted" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" >
+ <RegExpr String="&quot;$" context="dq" beginRegion="quoted" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="&quot;" context="dq" beginRegion="quoted" attribute="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="back-quoted" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="`back-quoted`" >
+ <RegExpr String="`$" context="bq" beginRegion="quoted" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="`" context="bq" beginRegion="quoted" attribute="`back-quoted`" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- syntax_error_q: highlight next token and proceed normal afterwards -->
+ <context name="syntax_error_sq" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <Detect2Chars char="\" char1="'" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="'" char1="'" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="'" context="#pop#pop#pop" endRegion="quoted" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <IncludeRules context="syntax_error"/>
+ </context>
+ <context name="syntax_error_dq" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <Detect2Chars char="\" char1="&quot;" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="&quot;" char1="&quot;" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="&quot;" context="#pop#pop#pop" endRegion="quoted" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <IncludeRules context="syntax_error"/>
+ </context>
+ <context name="syntax_error_bq" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <Detect2Chars char="\" char1="`" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="`" char1="`" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="`" context="#pop#pop#pop" endRegion="quoted" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <IncludeRules context="syntax_error"/>
+ </context>
+ <!-- char_code (after "0'"): esc seq, singleq twice, or any other -->
+ <context name="char_code" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <Detect2Chars char="'" char1="'" context="#pop" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ <DetectChar char="'" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="&bs;" context="esc_seq_cc" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ <DetectChar char="&tab;" context="#pop" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <!-- Default _AND IF_ esc_seq #pops back here; we need this to #pop out -->
+ <RegExpr String="&any;" context="#pop" attribute="0'a (!use background)" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- "0'" or "0'\" at EOL is a syntax error, catched below. If
+ possible, highlight white @next line to make clear error is the nl -->
+ <context name="syntax_error_cc" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error"
+ fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop" >
+ <DetectSpaces context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- esc_seq: it's not worth it to handle common for quoted and cc
+ esc_seq_q: handle only cc in bs (e.g. "\007\"), else -> esc_seq_q2
+ ASSERT esc'd newline is handled by the calling context
+ ASSERT we get the leading bs here to highlight the whole thing -->
+ <context name="esc_seq_q" lineEndContext="syntax_error" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <RegExpr String="&esc_oct_iso;" context="#pop" attribute="0'a (!use background)" />
+ <RegExpr String="&esc_hex_iso;" context="#pop" attribute="0'a (!use background)" />
+ <DetectChar char="&bs;" context="esc_seq_q2" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- esc_seq_cc: #pop#pop out of cc on std esc seq, else pass char back
+ ASSERT we do NOT need the leading bs here anymore -->
+ <context name="esc_seq_cc" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop"
+ lineEndContext="#pop#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectChar char="&tab;" context="#pop#pop" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <AnyChar String="&any_esc_iso;" context="#pop#pop" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- esc_seq_q2: Handle standard esc seq in quoted else pass char back
+ ASSERT we do NOT need the leading bs here anymore -->
+ <context name="esc_seq_q2" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop#pop"
+ lineEndContext="syntax_error" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectChar char="&tab;" context="#pop#pop" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <AnyChar String="&any_esc_iso;" context="#pop#pop" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- id,var,graphic: ASSERT calling context ashured 1st char is ok
+ ASSERT we get the 1st char for id & var -->
+ <context name="id" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectIdentifier context="#pop" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="var" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectIdentifier context="#pop" attribute="_VARIABLE" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="graphic" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop" >
+ <AnyChar String="&any_graphic_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- numbers (after "0[box]") -->
+ <context name="bin" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop" >
+ <AnyChar String="&any_bin_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="oct" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop" >
+ <AnyChar String="&any_oct_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="hex" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop" >
+ <AnyChar String="&any_hex_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- comment-iso: multi-line comment, handle closing "*/" -->
+ <context name="comment-iso" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" >
+ <!-- Nested comments are not allowed in strict ISO-Prolog - - >
+ <Detect2Chars char="/" char1="*" context="comment" beginRegion="comment"
+ attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" />-->
+ <Detect2Chars char="*" char1="/" context="#pop" endRegion="comment"
+ attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" />
+ <DetectSpaces />
+ <IncludeRules context="##Alerts_indent" />
+ <DetectIdentifier />
+ </context>
+ <!-- 1-line comment: #pop@EOL -->
+ <!-- Folding for consecutive 1-line comments: let indentation-based auto-folding work -->
+ <context name="1-comment" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" >
+ <DetectSpaces />
+ <IncludeRules context="##Alerts_indent" />
+ <DetectIdentifier />
+ </context>
+ <context name="region_marker" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="%BEGIN folding region" noIndentationBasedFolding="true" >
+ <IncludeRules context="1-comment" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="layout_fold" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error"
+ fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="#pop" >
+ <DetectSpaces attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <StringDetect String="%BEGIN" context="region_marker" attribute="%BEGIN folding region"
+ firstNonSpace="true" beginRegion="user_region" />
+ <StringDetect String="%END" context="region_marker" attribute="%BEGIN folding region"
+ firstNonSpace="true" endRegion="user_region" />
+ <DetectChar firstNonSpace="true" char="%" context="1-comment" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" />
+ </context>
+<!--####### BEGIN sub rules to be included - <context> never taken -->
+ <!-- Common for all quoted: Handle line continuation, esc seq, and most other input efficiently -->
+ <context name="quoted_1st" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <LineContinue attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ <DetectSpaces column="0" attribute="escaped (!use background)" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="quoted_last" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="&bs;" context="esc_seq_q" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <DetectChar char="&tab;" attribute="Warning (!use background)" />
+ <DetectIdentifier />
+ <DetectSpaces />
+ </context>
+ <!-- layout_seq := layout layout_seq
+ layout := " " | tab | nl | comment -->
+ <context name="layout" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <DetectSpaces attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="/" char1="*" context="comment-iso" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects"
+ beginRegion="comment" />
+ <StringDetect String="%BEGIN" context="region_marker" attribute="%BEGIN folding region"
+ firstNonSpace="true" beginRegion="user_region" />
+ <StringDetect String="%END" context="region_marker" attribute="%BEGIN folding region"
+ firstNonSpace="true" endRegion="user_region" />
+ <DetectChar firstNonSpace="true" char="%" context="layout_fold" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects"
+ lookAhead="true" />
+ <DetectChar firstNonSpace="false" char="%" context="1-comment" attribute="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" />
+ </context>
+ <!--atomic: the work horse -->
+ <!-- (simplified) atomic := atom | number | op | var -->
+ <context name="atomic" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <!-- NOTE the order of rules is important... (as always)
+ Predefined 1st, unknown (user defined) last -->
+ <keyword String="logic+control ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <keyword String="types ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Type Checking" />
+ <keyword String="dyn clause mgmt ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Dynamic Clause Management" />
+ <keyword String="streams ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Stream I/O" />
+ <keyword String="terms ISO" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in predicate" />
+ <keyword String="prolog state ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Prolog State" />
+ <keyword String="DCG non-ISO" context="#stay" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <keyword String="arith eval ISO" context="arith_expr" attribute="Arithmetics" />
+ <!-- These are user predicates outside arit_expr -->
+<!-- <keyword String="arith expr mixed ISO" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in predicate" /> -->
+<!-- <keyword String="arith expr int ISO" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in predicate" /> -->
+<!-- <keyword String="arith expr float ISO" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in predicate" /> -->
+ <keyword String="built-ins ISO" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in predicate" />
+ <keyword String="error term ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Guru Meditation" />
+ <keyword String="guru meditation terms ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Guru Meditation Terms" />
+ <keyword String="bogus ISO" context="#stay" attribute="ISO Bogus" />
+ <!-- Match char code before quoted and ops... -->
+ <IncludeRules context="number" />
+ <!-- these depend on current_prolog_flag/2 so can all return a term i.e. a list (of char codes) -->
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="'" context="single-quoted" attribute="'quo Ted'" />
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="`" context="back-quoted" attribute="`back-quoted`" />
+ <DetectChar lookAhead="true" char="&quot;" context="double-quoted" attribute="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" />
+ <!-- ...and ops before atoms, else "div", "is" etc. are usual atoms -->
+ <IncludeRules context="operator" />
+ <AnyChar lookAhead="true" String="&any_lower_iso;" context="id" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <AnyChar lookAhead="true" String="&any_upper_under_iso;" context="var" attribute="_VARIABLE" />
+ <AnyChar String="&any_graphic_iso;" context="graphic" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ </context> <!-- atomic -->
+ <!-- [(mostly) "atomic" for] arith_expr := arith_op | number_expr | var
+ number_expr := number | built-in | user-def
+ This is only a goody to highlight arith ops and detect syntax errors.
+ If it causes problems, disable it: exchange context="arith_expr" in
+ contexts "atomic" and "operator" with context="#stay" -->
+ <context name="arith_expr_common" lineEndContext="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <IncludeRules context="layout" />
+ <IncludeRules context="number" />
+ <keyword String="arith eval ISO" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <keyword String="bogus ISO" context="#stay" attribute="ISO bogus" />
+ <keyword String="arith expr mixed ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Arithmetics" />
+ <keyword String="arith expr int ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Integer Arithmetics" />
+ <keyword String="arith expr float ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Float Arithmetics" />
+ <keyword String="arith ops int ISO" context="#stay" attribute="Integer Arithmetics" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_compare_iso;" context="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_ops_mixed_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Arithmetics" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_ops_int_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Integer Arithmetics" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_ops_float_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Float Arithmetics" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_bogus_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="ISO bogus" />
+ <!-- do not miss user-def'd arithmetic expr and number expr-->
+ <IncludeRules context="operator" />
+ <AnyChar lookAhead="true" String="&any_lower_iso;" context="id" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ <AnyChar lookAhead="true" String="&any_upper_under_iso;" context="var" attribute="_VARIABLE" />
+ <AnyChar String="&any_graphic_iso;" context="graphic" attribute="Normal Text" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- number := float | integer
+ integer := decimal | baseN | "0'" char_code
+ baseN := "0b" [01]+ | "0o" [0-7]+ | "0x" [0-9a-fA-F]+ -->
+ <context name="number" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <!-- Match integers after other numbers -->
+ <!-- FIXME a minus may precede all numbers and is part of the number! -->
+ <RegExpr String="0'\\?$" context="syntax_error_cc" attribute="Syntax Error" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="0" char1="'" context="char_code" attribute="0'a (!use background)" />
+<!-- NOT: [box] could be a postfix op <RegExpr String="0[box]$" context="#stay" attribute="Syntax Error" /> -->
+ <Detect2Chars char="0" char1="b" context="bin" attribute="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="0" char1="o" context="oct" attribute="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" />
+ <Detect2Chars char="0" char1="x" context="hex" attribute="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" />
+ <RegExpr String="&float1_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="2.718281E-9" />
+ <RegExpr String="&float2_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="2.718281E-9" />
+ <RegExpr String="&float3_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="2.718281E-9" />
+ <Int context="#stay" attribute="1 2 3 42" />
+ </context>
+ <!-- operator := predefined_op | dynamic_op (which we can not detect)
+ comma, single dot & bar are catched earlier above in term/list/curly -->
+ <context name="operator" lineEndContext="#pop" attribute="Syntax Error" >
+ <keyword String="arith eval ISO" context="arith_expr" attribute="Arithmetics" />
+ <keyword String="arith ops int ISO" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="&logic_control_ops_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="Logic &amp; Control" />
+ <RegExpr String="&predefined_ops_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="&dcg_production_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="{ DCG }" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_compare_iso;" context="arith_expr" attribute="Arithmetics" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_ops_mixed_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_ops_int_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_ops_float_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="other built-in operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="&arith_bogus_iso;" context="#stay" attribute="ISO bogus" />
+ </context>
+<!--####### END sub rules to be included - <context> never taken -->
+ </contexts>
+ <!-- The idea is to give all predicates that may be affected by the
+ "outside world" a common style (italic). I.e. these can throw a
+ permission, evaluation, representation or resource_error, even though
+ the program itself is 100% correct. E.g. you get_char/2 a char code 1
+ from a text stream (representation_error): not your mistake, but you
+ have to deal with that, too. -->
+ <itemDatas>
+ <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="_VARIABLE" defStyleNum="dsDataType" bold="false" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="'quo Ted'" defStyleNum="dsString" />
+ <itemData name="`back-quoted`" defStyleNum="dsString" italic="true" />
+ <!-- The standard wants double-quoted to be a list of char codes, but
+ e.g. GNU Prolog allows that to be set with set_prolog_flag/2 -->
+ <itemData name="&quot;double-quoted&quot;" defStyleNum="dsOthers" />
+ <itemData name="escaped (!use background)" defStyleNum="dsChar" spellChecking="false"
+ backgroundColor="#0C0C0C" selBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" />
+ <!-- Numbers -->
+ <itemData name="2.718281E-9" defStyleNum="dsFloat" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="1 2 3 42" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="0b1001 0o007 0xF1" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="0'a (!use background)" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false"
+ backgroundColor="#0C0C0C" selBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF" />
+ <itemData name="( ) [ ]" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="{ DCG }" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Prolog State" defStyleNum="dsFunction" bold="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Type Checking" defStyleNum="dsDataType" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Logic &amp; Control" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="other built-in operator" defStyleNum="dsFunction" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="other built-in predicate" defStyleNum="dsFunction" spellChecking="false" />
+ <!-- Comments (2nd not used, just a hint) -->
+ <itemData name="% italic predicates: w/ side effects" defStyleNum="dsComment" />
+ <itemData name="/* !avoid leading * to have folding */" defStyleNum="dsComment" />
+ <!-- Predicates affected by 'outside world' -->
+ <itemData name="Dynamic Clause Management" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" italic="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Stream I/O" defStyleNum="dsFunction" italic="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <!-- arithmetics: get the color of ints/floats; includes ops & expressions like pi -->
+ <itemData name="Arithmetics" defStyleNum="dsDataType" bold="true" italic="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Integer Arithmetics" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" bold="true" italic="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Float Arithmetics" defStyleNum="dsFloat" bold="true" italic="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="ISO Bogus" defStyleNum="dsAlert" bold="true" italic="true" spellChecking="false" />
+ <!-- no way w/ buggy kate 3.8.5: get the color of default style dsError for error and terms -->
+ <itemData name="Guru Meditation" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false"
+ bold="true" italic="false" underline="false" color="#FF0000" selColor="#00FFFF" />
+ <itemData name="Guru Meditation Terms" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false"
+ bold="false" italic="true" underline="false" color="#FF0000" selColor="#00FFFF" />
+ <itemData name="Syntax Error" defStyleNum="dsError" spellChecking="false" />
+ <itemData name="Warning (!use background)" defStyleNum="dsAlert" spellChecking="false"
+ backgroundColor="#FC000C" selBackgroundColor="#03FFF3" />
+ <itemData name="%BEGIN folding region" defStyleNum="dsRegionMarker" spellChecking="false" />
+ </itemDatas>
- <general>
- <keywords casesensitive="1" />
- <comments>
- <comment name="singleLine" start="%" />
- <comment name="multiLine" start="/*" end="*/" />
- </comments>
- </general>
+ <general>
+ <keywords casesensitive="true" additionalDeliminator="$#'&quot;`" />
+ <!-- let indentationsensitive folding provide it's magic -->
+ <folding indentationsensitive="true" />
+<!-- <EmptyLines> -->
+<!-- <EmptyLine regexpr="^[ /t]*(?!%).*$" /> -->
+<!-- </EmptyLines> -->
+ <comments>
+ <comment name="singleLine" start="%" position="afterwhitespace" />
+ <comment name="multiLine" start="/*" end="*/" region="comment" />
+ </comments>
+ </general>
+<!--##### NOTE [HOWTO check your syntax file, extracted from language.dtd] #####
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Joseph Wenninger <[email protected]>
+ modified (c) 2002 Anders Lund <[email protected]>
+ modified (c) 2003 Simon Huerlimann <[email protected]>
+ modified (c) 2005 Dominik Haumann <[email protected]>
+ modified (c) 2008 Wilbert Berendsen <[email protected]>
+ You can validate your syntax files using checkXML from the development
+ package of tdelibs [author: i.e. tdelibs-dev]:
+ checkXML yourSyntax.xml [author: | grep -v 'no template matches']
+ If you see any 'validity error' lines, you should fix them. If you get
+ a lot of 'No template matches' lines, everything's just fine. You've
+ produced a valid syntax file!
+ It's also possible to use the (much faster) xmllint which comes with the
+ GNOME (oops:-) XML Library libxml2:
+ xmllint - -dtdvalid language.dtd yourSyntax.xml
+ (don't use a space between the two - [author: dashes/minus]
+ That's just because XML comments don't allow that:-(
+ To use your syntax file, copy it to .kde/share/apps/katepart/syntax/ in
+ your home directory. You have to open a new instance of kwrite/kate to use
+ the new syntax file.