path: root/kate/part/kateviewinternal.h
diff options
authortoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
committertoma <toma@283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da>2009-11-25 17:56:58 +0000
commitce4a32fe52ef09d8f5ff1dd22c001110902b60a2 (patch)
tree5ac38a06f3dde268dc7927dc155896926aaf7012 /kate/part/kateviewinternal.h
Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features.
BUG:215923 git-svn-id: svn:// 283d02a7-25f6-0310-bc7c-ecb5cbfe19da
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/part/kateviewinternal.h')
1 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/part/kateviewinternal.h b/kate/part/kateviewinternal.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5004d6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/part/kateviewinternal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 John Firebaugh <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Christoph Cullmann <[email protected]>
+ Based on:
+ KWriteView : Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Wilhelmy <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "katecursor.h"
+#include "katesupercursor.h"
+#include "katelinerange.h"
+#include "katetextline.h"
+#include "katedocument.h"
+#include <qpoint.h>
+#include <qtimer.h>
+#include <qintdict.h>
+class KateView;
+class KateIconBorder;
+class KateScrollBar;
+class QHBoxLayout;
+class QVBoxLayout;
+class QScrollBar;
+enum Bias
+ left = -1,
+ none = 0,
+ right = 1
+class KateViewInternal : public QWidget
+ friend class KateView;
+ friend class KateIconBorder;
+ friend class KateScrollBar;
+ friend class CalculatingCursor;
+ friend class BoundedCursor;
+ friend class WrappingCursor;
+ public:
+ KateViewInternal ( KateView *view, KateDocument *doc );
+ ~KateViewInternal ();
+ public:
+ void editStart ();
+ void editEnd (int editTagLineStart, int editTagLineEnd, bool tagFrom);
+ void editSetCursor (const KateTextCursor &cursor);
+ private:
+ uint editSessionNumber;
+ bool editIsRunning;
+ KateTextCursor editOldCursor;
+ //END
+ public:
+ bool tagLine (const KateTextCursor& virtualCursor);
+ bool tagLines (int start, int end, bool realLines = false);
+ bool tagLines (KateTextCursor start, KateTextCursor end, bool realCursors = false);
+ void tagAll ();
+ void clear ();
+ //END
+ private:
+ void updateView (bool changed = false, int viewLinesScrolled = 0);
+ void makeVisible (const KateTextCursor& c, uint endCol, bool force = false, bool center = false, bool calledExternally = false);
+ public:
+ inline const KateTextCursor& startPos() const { return m_startPos; }
+ inline uint startLine () const { return m_startPos.line(); }
+ inline uint startX () const { return m_startX; }
+ KateTextCursor endPos () const;
+ uint endLine () const;
+ KateLineRange yToKateLineRange(uint y) const;
+ void prepareForDynWrapChange();
+ void dynWrapChanged();
+ KateView *view () { return m_view; }
+ public slots:
+ void slotIncFontSizes();
+ void slotDecFontSizes();
+ private slots:
+ void scrollLines(int line); // connected to the sliderMoved of the m_lineScroll
+ void scrollViewLines(int offset);
+ void scrollNextPage();
+ void scrollPrevPage();
+ void scrollPrevLine();
+ void scrollNextLine();
+ void scrollColumns (int x); // connected to the valueChanged of the m_columnScroll
+ void viewSelectionChanged ();
+ public:
+ void doReturn();
+ void doDelete();
+ void doBackspace();
+ void doTranspose();
+ void doDeleteWordLeft();
+ void doDeleteWordRight();
+ void cursorLeft(bool sel=false);
+ void cursorRight(bool sel=false);
+ void wordLeft(bool sel=false);
+ void wordRight(bool sel=false);
+ void home(bool sel=false);
+ void end(bool sel=false);
+ void cursorUp(bool sel=false);
+ void cursorDown(bool sel=false);
+ void cursorToMatchingBracket(bool sel=false);
+ void scrollUp();
+ void scrollDown();
+ void topOfView(bool sel=false);
+ void bottomOfView(bool sel=false);
+ void pageUp(bool sel=false);
+ void pageDown(bool sel=false);
+ void top(bool sel=false);
+ void bottom(bool sel=false);
+ void top_home(bool sel=false);
+ void bottom_end(bool sel=false);
+ inline const KateTextCursor& getCursor() { return cursor; }
+ QPoint cursorCoordinates();
+ void paintText (int x, int y, int width, int height, bool paintOnlyDirty = false);
+ protected:
+ void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e);
+ bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *e );
+ void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent* );
+ void keyReleaseEvent( QKeyEvent* );
+ void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* );
+ void mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent* );
+ void mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent* );
+ void mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* );
+ void mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent* );
+ void dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent* );
+ void dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent* );
+ void dropEvent( QDropEvent* );
+ void showEvent ( QShowEvent *);
+ void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* e);
+ void focusInEvent (QFocusEvent *);
+ void focusOutEvent (QFocusEvent *);
+ void contextMenuEvent ( QContextMenuEvent * e );
+ private slots:
+ void tripleClickTimeout();
+ signals:
+ // emitted when KateViewInternal is not handling its own URI drops
+ void dropEventPass(QDropEvent*);
+ private slots:
+ void slotRegionVisibilityChangedAt(unsigned int);
+ void slotRegionBeginEndAddedRemoved(unsigned int);
+ void slotCodeFoldingChanged();
+ private:
+ void moveChar( Bias bias, bool sel );
+ void moveEdge( Bias bias, bool sel );
+ KateTextCursor maxStartPos(bool changed = false);
+ void scrollPos(KateTextCursor& c, bool force = false, bool calledExternally = false);
+ void scrollLines( int lines, bool sel );
+ uint linesDisplayed() const;
+ int lineToY(uint viewLine) const;
+ void updateSelection( const KateTextCursor&, bool keepSel );
+ void updateCursor( const KateTextCursor& newCursor, bool force = false, bool center = false, bool calledExternally = false );
+ void updateBracketMarks();
+ void paintCursor();
+ void updateMicroFocusHint();
+ void placeCursor( const QPoint& p, bool keepSelection = false, bool updateSelection = true );
+ bool isTargetSelected( const QPoint& p );
+ void doDrag();
+ KateView *m_view;
+ KateDocument* m_doc;
+ class KateIconBorder *leftBorder;
+ int mouseX;
+ int mouseY;
+ int scrollX;
+ int scrollY;
+ Qt::CursorShape m_mouseCursor;
+ KateSuperCursor cursor;
+ KateTextCursor displayCursor;
+ int cXPos;
+ bool possibleTripleClick;
+ // Bracket mark
+ KateBracketRange bm;
+ enum DragState { diNone, diPending, diDragging };
+ struct _dragInfo {
+ DragState state;
+ QPoint start;
+ QTextDrag* dragObject;
+ } dragInfo;
+ uint iconBorderHeight;
+ //
+ // line scrollbar + first visible (virtual) line in the current view
+ //
+ KateScrollBar *m_lineScroll;
+ QWidget* m_dummy;
+ QVBoxLayout* m_lineLayout;
+ QHBoxLayout* m_colLayout;
+ // These are now cursors to account for word-wrap.
+ KateSuperCursor m_startPos;
+ // This is set to false on resize or scroll (other than that called by makeVisible),
+ // so that makeVisible is again called when a key is pressed and the cursor is in the same spot
+ bool m_madeVisible;
+ bool m_shiftKeyPressed;
+ // How many lines to should be kept visible above/below the cursor when possible
+ void setAutoCenterLines(int viewLines, bool updateView = true);
+ int m_autoCenterLines;
+ int m_minLinesVisible;
+ //
+ // column scrollbar + x position
+ //
+ QScrollBar *m_columnScroll;
+ int m_startX;
+ // has selection changed while your mouse or shift key is pressed
+ bool m_selChangedByUser;
+ KateTextCursor selectAnchor;
+ enum SelectionMode { Default=0, Word, Line, Mouse }; ///< for drag selection. @since 2.3
+ uint m_selectionMode;
+ // when drag selecting after double/triple click, keep the initial selected
+ // word/line independant of direction.
+ // They get set in the event of a double click, and is used with mouse move + leftbutton
+ KateTextCursor selStartCached;
+ KateTextCursor selEndCached;
+ //
+ // lines Ranges, mostly useful to speedup + dyn. word wrap
+ //
+ QMemArray<KateLineRange> lineRanges;
+ // maximal lenght of textlines visible from given startLine
+ int maxLen(uint startLine);
+ // are we allowed to scroll columns?
+ bool columnScrollingPossible ();
+ // returns the maximum X value / col value a cursor can take for a specific line range
+ int lineMaxCursorX(const KateLineRange& range);
+ int lineMaxCol(const KateLineRange& range);
+ // get the values for a specific range.
+ // specify lastLine to get the next line of a range.
+ KateLineRange range(int realLine, const KateLineRange* previous = 0L);
+ KateLineRange currentRange();
+ KateLineRange previousRange();
+ KateLineRange nextRange();
+ // Finds the lineRange currently occupied by the cursor.
+ KateLineRange range(const KateTextCursor& realCursor);
+ // Returns the lineRange of the specified realLine + viewLine.
+ KateLineRange range(uint realLine, int viewLine);
+ // find the view line of cursor c (0 = same line, 1 = down one, etc.)
+ uint viewLine(const KateTextCursor& realCursor);
+ // find the view line of the cursor, relative to the display (0 = top line of view, 1 = second line, etc.)
+ // if limitToVisible is true, only lines which are currently visible will be searched for, and -1 returned if the line is not visible.
+ int displayViewLine(const KateTextCursor& virtualCursor, bool limitToVisible = false);
+ // find the index of the last view line for a specific line
+ uint lastViewLine(uint realLine);
+ // count the number of view lines for a real line
+ uint viewLineCount(uint realLine);
+ // find the cursor offset by (offset) view lines from a cursor.
+ // when keepX is true, the column position will be calculated based on the x
+ // position of the specified cursor.
+ KateTextCursor viewLineOffset(const KateTextCursor& virtualCursor, int offset, bool keepX = false);
+ // These variable holds the most recent maximum real & visible column number
+ bool m_preserveMaxX;
+ int m_currentMaxX;
+ bool m_usePlainLines; // accept non-highlighted lines if this is set
+ inline KateTextLine::Ptr textLine( int realLine )
+ {
+ if (m_usePlainLines)
+ return m_doc->plainKateTextLine(realLine);
+ else
+ return m_doc->kateTextLine(realLine);
+ }
+ bool m_updatingView;
+ int m_wrapChangeViewLine;
+ KateTextCursor m_cachedMaxStartPos;
+ private slots:
+ void doDragScroll();
+ void startDragScroll();
+ void stopDragScroll();
+ private:
+ // Timers
+ QTimer m_dragScrollTimer;
+ QTimer m_scrollTimer;
+ QTimer m_cursorTimer;
+ QTimer m_textHintTimer;
+ static const int scrollTime = 30;
+ static const int scrollMargin = 16;
+ private slots:
+ void scrollTimeout ();
+ void cursorTimeout ();
+ void textHintTimeout ();
+ //TextHint
+ public:
+ void enableTextHints(int timeout);
+ void disableTextHints();
+ private:
+ bool m_textHintEnabled;
+ int m_textHintTimeout;
+ int m_textHintMouseX;
+ int m_textHintMouseY;
+ /**
+ * IM input stuff
+ */
+ protected:
+ void imStartEvent( QIMEvent *e );
+ void imComposeEvent( QIMEvent *e );
+ void imEndEvent( QIMEvent *e );
+ private:
+ int m_imPreeditStartLine;
+ int m_imPreeditStart;
+ int m_imPreeditLength;
+ int m_imPreeditSelStart;
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;