path: root/tderandr/libtderandr.h
diff options
authorTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-01-26 13:17:21 -0600
committerTimothy Pearson <[email protected]>2013-01-26 13:17:21 -0600
commitdfe289850f068f19ba4a83ab4e7e22a7e09c13c9 (patch)
treec297348a55df66c571de4525646e0b9762427353 /tderandr/libtderandr.h
parentb7658a0d5eca24a9d37c6e04f88298ef02389db0 (diff)
Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4
Diffstat (limited to 'tderandr/libtderandr.h')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tderandr/libtderandr.h b/tderandr/libtderandr.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2b362a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tderandr/libtderandr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+/* libtderandr.h - class KRandr that makes it easy to use XRandr in KDE
+ This file is part of KRandr 0.9.5
+ Copyright (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson
+ LibKRandr's homepage :
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ Send comments and bug fixes to Timothy Pearson <[email protected]>
+#ifndef _LIBKRANDR_H
+#define _LIBKRANDR_H
+#include "randr.h"
+#include "lowlevel_randr.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <tdelibs_export.h>
+#define ROTATION_0_DEGREES_STRING "0 degrees"
+#define ROTATION_90_DEGREES_STRING "90 degrees"
+#define ROTATION_180_DEGREES_STRING "180 degrees"
+#define ROTATION_270_DEGREES_STRING "270 degrees"
+ * Simple API covering most of the uses of libtderandr.
+ *
+ * You can use the members of this class in pure C applications, just by using
+ * the same name as the corresponding function member.
+ *
+ * @short A simple API around the rest of libtderandr.
+ * @version 0.9.5 27/04/2010
+ * @author Timothy Pearson <[email protected]>
+ */
+class KRANDR_EXPORT KRandrSimpleAPI : public RandRDisplay
+ private:
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Retrieves the specificed ICC profile filename from the configuration database
+ */
+ TQString getIccFileName(TQString profileName, TQString screenName, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Applies the specificed ICC profile filename to the specified RandR output
+ * If RandR is not available, the specified file is applied to the current display
+ */
+ TQString applyIccFile(TQString screenName, TQString fileName);
+ /**
+ * Applies all saved ICC profile settings to all RandR outputs
+ * If RandR is not available, the settings are applied to the current display
+ */
+ TQString applyIccConfiguration(TQString profileName, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Applies saved system wide settings to the current display
+ */
+ TQString applySystemWideIccConfiguration(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Resets the current display
+ */
+ TQString clearIccConfiguration(void);
+ /**
+ * Retrieves current profile name
+ */
+ TQString getCurrentProfile(void);
+ /**
+ * Reads current screen information.
+ * NOTE: The caller is responsible for calling freeScreenInfoStructure() when done
+ */
+ ScreenInfo* read_screen_info(Display *display);
+ /**
+ * Frees the ScreenInfo structure
+ */
+ void freeScreenInfoStructure(ScreenInfo* screen_info);
+ /**
+ * Sets the screen size.
+ */
+ int set_screen_size (ScreenInfo *screen_info);
+ /**
+ * Automatically selects an output port.
+ */
+ void output_auto (ScreenInfo *screen_info, OutputInfo *output_info);
+ /**
+ * Turns off a specified output on a specified screen.
+ */
+ void output_off(ScreenInfo *screen_info, OutputInfo *output);
+ /**
+ * Automatically finds the CRTC structure.
+ */
+ CrtcInfo* auto_find_crtc (ScreenInfo *screen_info, OutputInfo *output_info);
+ /**
+ * Finds a mode by XID.
+ */
+ XRRModeInfo *find_mode_by_xid (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RRMode mode_id);
+ /**
+ * Returns specified mode height in pixels.
+ */
+ int mode_height (XRRModeInfo *mode_info, Rotation rotation);
+ /**
+ * Returns specified mode width in pixels.
+ */
+ int mode_width (XRRModeInfo *mode_info, Rotation rotation);
+ /**
+ * Returns specified output width in pixels.
+ */
+ int get_width_by_output_id (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput output_id);
+ /**
+ * Returns specified output height in pixels.
+ */
+ int get_height_by_output_id (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput output_id);
+ /**
+ * Returns output name.
+ */
+ char *get_output_name (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput id);
+ /**
+ * Applies specified CRTC.
+ */
+ Status crtc_apply (CrtcInfo *crtc_info);
+ /**
+ * Disables specificed CRTC
+ */
+ Status crtc_disable (CrtcInfo *crtc);
+ /**
+ * Applies all previously configured settings to the specified screen.
+ */
+ int main_low_apply (ScreenInfo *screen_info);
+ /**
+ * Sets the primary output device to the specified output_id
+ */
+ void set_primary_output (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput output_id);
+ /**
+ * Gets the binary monitor EDID for the specified card and display
+ */
+ TQByteArray getEDID(int card, TQString displayname);
+ /**
+ * Gets the monitor EDID name for the specified card and display
+ */
+ TQString getEDIDMonitorName(int card, TQString displayname);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the specified configuration directory has enabled display configuration
+ */
+ bool getDisplayConfigurationEnabled(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the specified configuration directory has enabled automatic profile application on startup
+ */
+ bool getDisplayConfigurationStartupAutoApplyEnabled(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Returns the name of the automatically applied startup profile in the specified configuration directory
+ */
+ TQString getDisplayConfigurationStartupAutoApplyName(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Returns a HotPlugRulesList containing all hotplug rules from the specified configuration directory
+ */
+ HotPlugRulesList getHotplugRules(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Saves a HotPlugRulesList containing all hotplug rules to the specified configuration directory
+ */
+ void saveHotplugRules(HotPlugRulesList rules, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Applies all hotplug rules in the specified configuration directory to the current display configuration
+ */
+ void applyHotplugRules(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of all profiles available in the specified configuration directory
+ * This list does not include the default ("") profile
+ */
+ TQStringList getDisplayConfigurationProfiles(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Deletes the specified profile from the specified configuration directory
+ * Returns true on success, false on failure
+ */
+ bool deleteDisplayConfiguration(TQString profilename, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Renames the specified profile in the specified configuration directory
+ * Returns true on success, false on failure
+ */
+ bool renameDisplayConfiguration(TQString profilename, TQString newprofilename, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Saves the systemwide display configuration screenInfoArray to the specified profile
+ * If profilename is empty, the default profile is utilized
+ * If enable is set to true, the default profile will be applied at system startup
+ */
+ void saveDisplayConfiguration(bool enable, bool applyonstart, TQString profilename, TQString defaultprofilename, TQString kde_confdir, TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Reads the systemwide display configuration screenInfoArray from the specified profile
+ * If profilename is empty, the default profile is utilized
+ * WARNING: The calling application must free the returned objects when it is done using them
+ */
+ TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> loadDisplayConfiguration(TQString profilename, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Applies the startup display configuration profile if enabled
+ * Returns the offset of the primary screen's top left corner
+ */
+ TQPoint applyStartupDisplayConfiguration(TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Applies the systemwide display configuration screenInfoArray from the specified profile
+ * If profilename is empty, the default profile is utilized
+ * Returns the offset of the primary screen's top left corner
+ */
+ TQPoint applyDisplayConfiguration(TQString profilename, TQString kde_confdir);
+ /**
+ * Applies the systemwide display configuration screenInfoArray to the hardware
+ * If test is true, the new configuration will be loaded for a short period of time, then reverted automatically
+ * Returns true if configuration was accepted; false if not
+ */
+ bool applyDisplayConfiguration(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray, bool test=TRUE, TQString kde_confdir="");
+ /**
+ * Applies the gamma contained within the systemwide display configuration screenInfoArray to the hardware
+ */
+ void applyDisplayGamma(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Applies the DPMS settings contained within the systemwide display configuration screenInfoArray to the hardware
+ */
+ void applyDisplayDPMS(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Copies a screen information object
+ */
+ TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> copyScreenInformationObject(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Destroys a screen information object
+ */
+ void destroyScreenInformationObject(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Returns the offset of the primary screen's Top Left Corner
+ */
+ TQPoint primaryScreenOffsetFromTLC(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Ensures that the data contained within screenInfoArray is self consistent
+ */
+ void ensureMonitorDataConsistency(TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> screenInfoArray);
+ /**
+ * Reads the current display configuration screenInfoArray from the hardware
+ */
+ TQPtrList<SingleScreenData> readCurrentDisplayConfiguration();
+ /**
+ * Returns the hardware rotation flags given a valid SingleScreenData structure
+ */
+ int getHardwareRotationFlags(SingleScreenData*);
+ /**
+ * Returns whether or not the system supports XRandR
+ */
+ bool kRandrHasRandr();
+ /**
+ * Returns the version number of libtderandr, i.e. "0.9.5" or "1.0 Beta"
+ */
+ static const char *kRandrVersion(void);
+ /**
+ * Returns the copyright notice that applications using libtderandr should print
+ * to the user in an about box or somewhere visible.
+ * I.e.
+ *
+ * "LibKRandr 0.9.5 (C) 2010 Timothy Pearson <[email protected]>. U.S.A."
+ */
+ static const char *kRandrCopyright(void);
+extern "C" {
+// KRANDR_EXPORT ScreenInfo* read_screen_info(Display *);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT int set_screen_size (ScreenInfo *screen_info);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT void output_auto (ScreenInfo *screen_info, OutputInfo *output_info);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT void output_off(ScreenInfo *screen_info, OutputInfo *output);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT CrtcInfo* auto_find_crtc (ScreenInfo *screen_info, OutputInfo *output_info);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT XRRModeInfo *find_mode_by_xid (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RRMode mode_id);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT int mode_height (XRRModeInfo *mode_info, Rotation rotation);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT int mode_width (XRRModeInfo *mode_info, Rotation rotation);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT int get_width_by_output_id (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput output_id);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT int get_height_by_output_id (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput output_id);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT char *get_output_name (ScreenInfo *screen_info, RROutput id);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT Status crtc_apply (CrtcInfo *crtc_info);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT Status crtc_disable (CrtcInfo *crtc);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT int main_low_apply (ScreenInfo *screen_info);
+// KRANDR_EXPORT bool kRandrHasRandr();
+KRANDR_EXPORT const char *kRandrVersion(void);
+KRANDR_EXPORT const char *kRandrCopyright(void);
+#ifdef __cplusplus