path: root/kate/data/logtalk.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/data/logtalk.xml')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/data/logtalk.xml b/kate/data/logtalk.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..17e130c8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/data/logtalk.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd">
+<language name="Logtalk" version="1.51" kateversion="2.4" section="Sources" extensions="*.lgt;*.config" mimetype="text/x-logtalk" author="Paulo Moura ([email protected])" license="Artistic License 2.0">
+ <highlighting>
+ <contexts>
+ <context name = "normal" attribute = "Normal" lineEndContext = "#stay" >
+ <!-- Directives -->
+ <RegExpr String = "^\s*:-" attribute = "Normal" context = "directive" />
+ <!-- Event handlers -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(after|before)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Method execution context -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(parameter|this|se(lf|nder))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Reflection -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(current_predicate|predicate_property)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- DCGs -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(expand_term|term_expansion|phrase)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Entity -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(abolish|c(reate|urrent))_(object|protocol|category)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(object|protocol|category)_property(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Entity relations -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\bextends_(object|protocol)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bimplements_protocol(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(instantiates|specializes)_class(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bimports_category(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Events -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(current_event|(abolish|define)_events)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Flags -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(current|set)_logtalk_flag(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Compiling, loading, and library paths -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\blogtalk_(compile|l(ibrary_path|oad))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Database -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(clause|retract(all)?)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\ba(bolish|ssert(a|z))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Control -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(ca(ll|tch)|throw)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(fail|true)\b" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- All solutions -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b((bag|set)of|f(ind|or)all)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term unification -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\bunify_with_occurs_check(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term creation and decomposition -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(functor|arg|copy_term)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Evaluable functors -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(rem|mod|abs|sign)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bfloat(_(integer|fractional)_part)?(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(floor|truncate|round|ceiling)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Other arithmetic functors -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(cos|atan|exp|log|s(in|qrt))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term testing -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(var|atom(ic)?|integer|float|compound|n(onvar|umber))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Stream selection and control -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(current|set)_(in|out)put(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(open|close)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bflush_output(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bflush_output\b" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(stream_property|at_end_of_stream|set_stream_position)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Character and byte input/output -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(nl|(get|peek|put)_(byte|c(har|ode)))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bnl\b" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term input/output -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\bread(_term)?(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bwrite(q|_(canonical|term))?(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(current_)?op(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(current_)?char_conversion(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Atomic term processing -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\batom_(length|c(hars|o(ncat|des)))(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(char_code|sub_atom)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bnumber_c(hars|odes)(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Implementation defined hooks functions -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(set|current)_prolog_flag(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bhalt\b" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bhalt(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Variables -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b[A-Z_]\w*" attribute = "Variable" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Comments -->
+ <DetectChar char = "%" attribute = "Comment" context = "single line comment" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "/" char1 = "*" attribute = "Comment" context = "multiline comment" beginRegion = "Comment" />
+ <!-- Strings and quoted atoms -->
+ <DetectChar char = "&quot;" attribute = "String" context = "string" />
+ <DetectChar char = "'" attribute = "String" context = "atom" />
+ <!-- Numbers -->
+ <RegExpr String = "0'." attribute = "Number" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "0b[0-1]+" attribute = "Number" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "0o[0-7]+" attribute = "Number" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "0x[0-9a-fA-F]+" attribute = "Number" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\d+(\.\d+)?([eE]([-+])?\d+)?" attribute = "Number" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Message sending operators -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = ":" char1 = ":" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "^" char1 = "^" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- External call -->
+ <DetectChar char = "{" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" beginRegion="external" />
+ <DetectChar char = "}" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" endRegion="external" />
+ <!-- Logic and control -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\bonce(?=[(])" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\brepeat\b" attribute = "Built-in" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Bitwise functors -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = "&gt;" char1 = "&gt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "&lt;" char1 = "&lt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "/" char1 = "\" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "\" char1 = "/" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "\" char1 = "\" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Arithemtic evaluation -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\bis\b" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Arithemtic comparison -->
+ <StringDetect String = "=:=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <StringDetect String = "=\=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <DetectChar char = "&lt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "=" char1 = "&lt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <DetectChar char = "&gt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "&gt;" char1 = "=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term creation and decomposition -->
+ <StringDetect String = "=.." attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term unification -->
+ <DetectChar char = "=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "\" char1 = "=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Term comparison -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = "=" char1 = "=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <StringDetect String = "\==" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <StringDetect String = "@=&lt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "@" char1 = "&lt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <StringDetect String = "@&gt;=" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "@" char1 = "&gt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Evaluable functors -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = "/" char1 = "/" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <AnyChar String = "+-*/" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(mod|rem)\b" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Other arithemtic functors -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = "*" char1 = "*" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- DCG rules -->
+ <StringDetect String = "--&gt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Control constructs -->
+ <AnyChar String = "!;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars char = "-" char1 = "&gt;" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Logic and control -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = "\" char1 = "+" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Mode operators -->
+ <AnyChar String = "?@" attribute = "Operator" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Clause operator -->
+ <Detect2Chars char = ":" char1 = "-" firstNonSpace = "false" attribute = "Normal" context = "#stay" />
+ <!-- Atoms -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b[a-z]\w*" attribute = "Normal" context = "#stay" />
+ </context>
+ <context name = "directive" attribute = "Directive" lineEndContext = "#stay" >
+ <!-- Entity directives -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(category|object|protocol)(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "entityrelations" beginRegion = "Entity"/>
+ <RegExpr String = "\bend_(category|object|protocol)[.]" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" endRegion = "Entity" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bmodule(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop"/>
+ <!-- Predicate scope directives -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\bp(ublic|r(otected|ivate))(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ <!-- Other directives -->
+ <RegExpr String = "\be(ncoding|xport)(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bin(fo|itialization)(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bdynamic[.]" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(alias|d(ynamic|iscontiguous)|meta_predicate|m(etapredicate|ode|ultifile))(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\bop(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(calls|use(s|_module))(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name = "entityrelations" attribute = "Normal" lineEndContext = "#stay" >
+ <RegExpr String = "\b(extends|i(nstantiates|mp(lements|orts))|specializes)(?=[(])" attribute = "Directive" context = "#stay" />
+ <Detect2Chars attribute = "Normal" context = "normal" char = ")" char1 = "." />
+ </context>
+ <context name = "single line comment" attribute = "Comment" lineEndContext = "#pop" />
+ <context name = "multiline comment" attribute = "Comment" lineEndContext = "#stay" >
+ <Detect2Chars char = "*" char1 = "/" attribute = "Comment" context = "#pop" endRegion = "Comment" />
+ </context>
+ <context name = "string" attribute = "String" lineEndContext = "#stay" >
+ <DetectChar char = "&quot;" attribute = "String" context = "#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name = "atom" attribute = "String" lineEndContext = "#stay" >
+ <DetectChar char = "'" attribute = "String" context = "#pop" />
+ </context>
+ </contexts>
+ <itemDatas>
+ <itemData name = "Normal" defStyleNum = "dsNormal" />
+ <itemData name = "Directive" defStyleNum = "dsKeyword" />
+ <itemData name = "Built-in" defStyleNum = "dsKeyword" />
+ <itemData name = "Operator" defStyleNum = "dsDataType" />
+ <itemData name = "Comment" defStyleNum = "dsComment" />
+ <itemData name = "Number" defStyleNum = "dsDecVal" />
+ <itemData name = "String" defStyleNum = "dsString" />
+ <itemData name = "Variable" defStyleNum = "dsOthers" />
+ </itemDatas>
+ </highlighting>
+ <general>
+ <comments>
+ <comment name = "singleLine" start = "%" />
+ <comment name = "multiLine" start = "/*" end = "*/" region = "Comment" />
+ </comments>
+ <keywords casesensitive="true" />
+ </general>