path: root/kate/data/praat.xml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/data/praat.xml')
1 files changed, 510 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/data/praat.xml b/kate/data/praat.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39084ba2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/data/praat.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"
+ <!ENTITY B '([^a-zA-Z0-9\._"&apos;\$#\[:\(]|\s|^|$)'>
+ This file is part of the TDE project
+ Copyright (C) 2016 José Joaquín Atria <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+<language name="Praat" version="1-1" kateversion="2.4" section="Scripts" extensions="*.Praat;*.praat;*.psc;*.praat-script;*.praatscript;*.proc" author="Jose Joaquín Atria ([email protected])" license="LGPL">
+ <highlighting>
+ <list name="keywords">
+ <item>assert</item>
+ <item>clearinfo</item>
+ <item>demo</item>
+ <item>elif</item>
+ <item>else</item>
+ <item>elsif</item>
+ <item>from</item>
+ <item>minus</item>
+ <item>nocheck</item>
+ <item>noprogress</item>
+ <item>nowarn</item>
+ <item>plus</item>
+ <item>select</item>
+ <item>stopwatch</item>
+ <item>then</item>
+ <item>to</item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="functions_string">
+ <item>backslashTrigraphsToUnicode$</item>
+ <item>chooseDirectory$</item>
+ <item>chooseReadFile$</item>
+ <item>chooseWriteFile$</item>
+ <item>date$</item>
+ <item>demoKey$</item>
+ <item>do$</item>
+ <item>environment$</item>
+ <item>extractLine$</item>
+ <item>extractWord$</item>
+ <item>fixed$</item>
+ <item>info$</item>
+ <item>left$</item>
+ <item>mid$</item>
+ <item>percent$</item>
+ <item>readFile$</item>
+ <item>replace$</item>
+ <item>replace_regex$</item>
+ <item>right$</item>
+ <item>selected$</item>
+ <item>string$</item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="functions_numeric">
+ <item>abs</item>
+ <item>appendFile</item>
+ <item>appendFileLine</item>
+ <item>appendInfo</item>
+ <item>appendInfoLine</item>
+ <item>arccos</item>
+ <item>arccosh</item>
+ <item>arcsin</item>
+ <item>arcsinh</item>
+ <item>arctan</item>
+ <item>arctan2</item>
+ <item>arctanh</item>
+ <item>barkToHertz</item>
+ <item>beginPause</item>
+ <item>beginSendPraat</item>
+ <item>besselI</item>
+ <item>besselK</item>
+ <item>beta</item>
+ <item>beta2</item>
+ <item>binomialP</item>
+ <item>binomialQ</item>
+ <item>boolean</item>
+ <item>ceiling</item>
+ <item>chiSquareP</item>
+ <item>chiSquareQ</item>
+ <item>choice</item>
+ <item>comment</item>
+ <item>cos</item>
+ <item>cosh</item>
+ <item>createDirectory</item>
+ <item>deleteFile</item>
+ <item>demoClicked</item>
+ <item>demoClickedIn</item>
+ <item>demoCommandKeyPressed</item>
+ <item>demoExtraControlKeyPressed</item>
+ <item>demoInput</item>
+ <item>demoKeyPressed</item>
+ <item>demoOptionKeyPressed</item>
+ <item>demoShiftKeyPressed</item>
+ <item>demoShow</item>
+ <item>demoWaitForInput</item>
+ <item>demoWindowTitle</item>
+ <item>demoX</item>
+ <item>demoY</item>
+ <item>differenceLimensToPhon</item>
+ <item>do</item>
+ <item>editor</item>
+ <item>endPause</item>
+ <item>endSendPraat</item>
+ <item>endsWith</item>
+ <item>erb</item>
+ <item>erbToHertz</item>
+ <item>erf</item>
+ <item>erfc</item>
+ <item>exitScript</item>
+ <item>exp</item>
+ <item>extractNumber</item>
+ <item>fileReadable</item>
+ <item>fisherP</item>
+ <item>fisherQ</item>
+ <item>floor</item>
+ <item>gaussP</item>
+ <item>gaussQ</item>
+ <item>hash</item>
+ <item>hertzToBark</item>
+ <item>hertzToErb</item>
+ <item>hertzToMel</item>
+ <item>hertzToSemitones</item>
+ <item>imax</item>
+ <item>imin</item>
+ <item>incompleteBeta</item>
+ <item>incompleteGammaP</item>
+ <item>index</item>
+ <item>index_regex</item>
+ <item>integer</item>
+ <item>invBinomialP</item>
+ <item>invBinomialQ</item>
+ <item>invChiSquareQ</item>
+ <item>invFisherQ</item>
+ <item>invGaussQ</item>
+ <item>invSigmoid</item>
+ <item>invStudentQ</item>
+ <item>length</item>
+ <item>ln</item>
+ <item>lnBeta</item>
+ <item>lnGamma</item>
+ <item>log10</item>
+ <item>log2</item>
+ <item>max</item>
+ <item>melToHertz</item>
+ <item>min</item>
+ <item>minusObject</item>
+ <item>natural</item>
+ <item>number</item>
+ <item>numberOfColumns</item>
+ <item>numberOfRows</item>
+ <item>numberOfSelected</item>
+ <item>objectsAreIdentical</item>
+ <item>option</item>
+ <item>optionMenu</item>
+ <item>pauseScript</item>
+ <item>phonToDifferenceLimens</item>
+ <item>plusObject</item>
+ <item>positive</item>
+ <item>randomBinomial</item>
+ <item>randomGauss</item>
+ <item>randomInteger</item>
+ <item>randomPoisson</item>
+ <item>randomUniform</item>
+ <item>real</item>
+ <item>readFile</item>
+ <item>removeObject</item>
+ <item>rindex</item>
+ <item>rindex_regex</item>
+ <item>round</item>
+ <item>runScript</item>
+ <item>runSystem</item>
+ <item>runSystem_nocheck</item>
+ <item>selectObject</item>
+ <item>selected</item>
+ <item>semitonesToHertz</item>
+ <item>sentence</item>
+ <item>sentencetext</item>
+ <item>sigmoid</item>
+ <item>sin</item>
+ <item>sinc</item>
+ <item>sincpi</item>
+ <item>sinh</item>
+ <item>soundPressureToPhon</item>
+ <item>sqrt</item>
+ <item>startsWith</item>
+ <item>studentP</item>
+ <item>studentQ</item>
+ <item>tan</item>
+ <item>tanh</item>
+ <item>text</item>
+ <item>variableExists</item>
+ <item>word</item>
+ <item>writeFile</item>
+ <item>writeFileLine</item>
+ <item>writeInfo</item>
+ <item>writeInfoLine</item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="functions_array">
+ <item>linear#</item>
+ <item>randomGauss#</item>
+ <item>randomInteger#</item>
+ <item>randomUniform#</item>
+ <item>zero#</item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="variables_numeric">
+ <item>all</item>
+ <item>average</item>
+ <item>e</item>
+ <item>left</item>
+ <item>macintosh</item>
+ <item>mono</item>
+ <item>pi</item>
+ <item>praatVersion</item>
+ <item>right</item>
+ <item>stereo</item>
+ <item>undefined</item>
+ <item>unix</item>
+ <item>windows</item>
+ </list>
+ <list name="variables_string">
+ <item>praatVersion$</item>
+ <item>tab$</item>
+ <item>shellDirectory$</item>
+ <item>homeDirectory$</item>
+ <item>preferencesDirectory$</item>
+ <item>newline$</item>
+ <item>temporaryDirectory$</item>
+ <item>defaultDirectory$</item>
+ </list>
+ <contexts>
+ <context name="normal" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <DetectChar char='#' attribute="comment" context="comment" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <IncludeRules context="function check" />
+ <DetectChar char='@' attribute="function" context="procedure name" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="call&B;" attribute="keyword" context="function word to shorthand arguments" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="include&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;?if&B;" attribute="keyword" beginRegion="if" />
+ <RegExpr String="endif&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="if" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;?fi&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="if" />
+ <RegExpr String="for&B;" attribute="keyword" beginRegion="for" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="endfor&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="for" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="while&B;" attribute="keyword" beginRegion="while" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="endwhile&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="while" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="repeat&B;" attribute="keyword" beginRegion="repeat" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="until&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="repeat" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="procedure&B;" attribute="keyword" context="procedure name" beginRegion="procedure" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="endproc&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="procedure" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <StringDetect String="select all" attribute="keyword" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <keyword String="keywords" attribute="keyword" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;print(line|tab)?&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;echo&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;exit&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;asserterror&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;pause&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;send(praat|socket)&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;execute&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;editor&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" beginRegion="editor" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;endeditor&B;" attribute="keyword" endRegion="editor" />
+ <RegExpr String="form&B;" attribute="keyword" context="old form definition" firstNonSpace="true" beginRegion="form" />
+ <RegExpr String="goto&B;" attribute="keyword" context="label" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="label&B;" attribute="keyword" context="label" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <DetectChar char='"' attribute="string" context="quoted string" />
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <IncludeRules context="operator" />
+ <IncludeRules context="variable name" />
+ <IncludeRules context="number" />
+ <RegExpr String="\b[A-Z]" attribute="command" context="command" />
+ <DetectChar char=';' attribute="comment" context="comment" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="label" attribute="variable" lineEndContext="#pop" />
+ <context name="old form definition" attribute="string" lineEndContext="#pop!old form" />
+ <context name="old form" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#stay">
+ <DetectChar char='#' attribute="comment" context="comment" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="choice&B;" attribute="keyword" context="normal word with colon to number" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="optionmenu&B;" attribute="keyword" context="normal word with colon to number" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="option&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="button&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="sentence&B;" attribute="keyword" context="normal word to string" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="text&B;" attribute="keyword" context="normal word to string" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="word&B;" attribute="keyword" context="normal word to string word" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="comment&B;" attribute="keyword" context="unquoted string" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="real&B;" attribute="keyword" context="number" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="natural&B;" attribute="keyword" context="number" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="positive&B;" attribute="keyword" context="number" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="integer&B;" attribute="keyword" context="number" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="boolean&B;" attribute="keyword" context="normal word to variable" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="endform&B;" attribute="keyword" context="#pop" endRegion="form" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="operator" attribute="operator" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="([+\/*&lt;>=!-]=?|[&amp;*|][&amp;*|]?|\^|&lt;>)" attribute="operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.(and|or|not|div|mod)" attribute="normal" />
+ <RegExpr String="(and|or|not|div|mod)\." attribute="normal" />
+ <WordDetect String="and" attribute="operator" />
+ <WordDetect String="or" attribute="operator" />
+ <WordDetect String="not" attribute="operator" />
+ <WordDetect String="div" attribute="operator" />
+ <WordDetect String="mod" attribute="operator" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="command" attribute="command" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <StringDetect String="..." attribute="command" context="shorthand arguments" />
+ <DetectChar char=":" attribute="command" context="#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="shorthand arguments" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop#pop" >
+ <IncludeRules context="variable name" />
+ <IncludeRules context="operator" />
+ <IncludeRules context="number" />
+ <DetectChar char='"' attribute="string" context="quoted string" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="variable name" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <IncludeRules context="operator" />
+ <IncludeRules context="number" />
+ <keyword String="variables_numeric" attribute="variable" />
+ <keyword String="variables_string" attribute="variable" />
+ <RegExpr String="\b[A-Z][a-zA-Z]+_" attribute="object.attribute" context="object reference" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="object reference" attribute="object.attribute" lineEndContext="#pop#pop" >
+ <DetectChar char="." attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop#pop!object attributes" lookAhead="true" />
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <DetectChar char="$" attribute="object.attribute" />
+ <DetectChar char="[" attribute="normal" context="#pop#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="object attributes" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="\.ncol&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.nrow&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.xmin&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.ymin&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.xmax&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.ymax&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.nx&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.ny&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.dx&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ <RegExpr String="\.dy&B;" attribute="object.attribute" context="#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="normal word with colon to number" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <DetectChar char=":" attribute="normal" context="number" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="normal word to variable" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="\b\w+\b" attribute="normal" context="variable" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="variable" attribute="variable" lineEndContext="#pop" />
+ <context name="number" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <IncludeRules context="operator" />
+ <RegExpr String="\b\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][-+]?\d+)?%?" attribute="number" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="normal word to string word" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="\b\w+\b" attribute="normal" context="string word" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="normal word to string" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="\b\w+\b" attribute="normal" context="unquoted string" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="string word" attribute="string" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="\b\w+\b" attribute="string" context="ignore" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="ignore" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" />
+ <context name="comment" attribute="comment" lineEndContext="#pop" />
+ <context name="quoted string" attribute="string" lineEndContext="broken quoted string" >
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <DetectChar char='"' attribute="string" context="#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="unquoted string" attribute="string" lineEndContext="broken unquoted string" >
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="expansion" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="'[^\[\]'&quot;]+(\[([\w\d,]+|&quot;[\w\d,]+&quot;)\])?'" attribute="expansion" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="broken unquoted string" attribute="string" lineEndContext="#stay" >
+ <DetectSpaces attribute="normal" />
+ <StringDetect String="..." attribute="normal" context="#pop" firstNonSpace="true" />
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <RegExpr String="[\w\d#@;.]" context="#pop#pop" firstNonSpace="true" lookAhead="true" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="broken quoted string" attribute="string" lineEndContext="#stay" >
+ <IncludeRules context="broken unquoted string" />
+ <DetectChar char='"' attribute="string" context="#pop#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="function check" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <keyword String="functions_numeric" attribute="normal" context="numeric function check" lookAhead="true" />
+ <keyword String="functions_string" attribute="normal" context="string function check" lookAhead="true" />
+ <keyword String="functions_array" attribute="normal" context="array function check" lookAhead="true" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="array function check" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="[a-zA-Z0-9_]+# *[:(]" attribute="normal" context="function call" lookAhead="true" />
+ <DetectChar char=" " context="#pop#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="string function check" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\$ *[:(]" attribute="normal" context="function call" lookAhead="true" />
+ <DetectChar char=" " context="#pop#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="numeric function check" attribute="normal" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="[a-zA-Z0-9_]+ *[:(]" attribute="normal" context="function call" lookAhead="true" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;editor&B;" attribute="keyword" context="#pop#pop!unquoted string" beginRegion="editor" />
+ <DetectChar char=" " context="#pop#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="function call" attribute="function" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <RegExpr String="&B;beginSendPraat&B;" beginRegion="sendpraat" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;endSendPraat&B;" endRegion="sendpraat" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;beginPause&B;" beginRegion="pause" />
+ <RegExpr String="&B;endPause&B;" endRegion="pause" />
+ <DetectSpaces attribute="normal" />
+ <DetectChar char=":" attribute="normal" context="#pop#pop#pop" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" attribute="normal" context="#pop#pop#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="procedure name" attribute="function" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <DetectChar char=":" attribute="normal" context="#pop" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" attribute="normal" context="#pop" />
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <DetectSpaces attribute="normal" context="#pop" />
+ </context>
+ <context name="function word to shorthand arguments" attribute="function" lineEndContext="#pop" >
+ <DetectChar char=":" attribute="normal" context="#pop" />
+ <DetectChar char="(" attribute="normal" context="#pop" />
+ <IncludeRules context="expansion" />
+ <DetectSpaces attribute="normal" context="#pop!shorthand arguments" />
+ </context>
+ </contexts>
+ <itemDatas>
+ <itemData name="normal" defStyleNum="dsNormal" />
+ <itemData name="number" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" />
+ <itemData name="object.attribute" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" />
+ <itemData name="variable" defStyleNum="dsDataType" />
+ <itemData name="keyword" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" />
+ <itemData name="expansion" defStyleNum="dsSpecialString" />
+ <itemData name="string" defStyleNum="dsString" />
+ <itemData name="command" defStyleNum="dsFunction" />
+ <itemData name="function" defStyleNum="dsFunction" />
+ <itemData name="operator" defStyleNum="dsOperator" />
+ <itemData name="comment" defStyleNum="dsComment" />
+ </itemDatas>
+ </highlighting>
+ <general>
+ <comments>
+ <comment name="singleLine" start="#" />
+ </comments>
+ <keywords casesensitive="true" weakDeliminator="._#$" />
+ </general>