path: root/kate/plugins
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kate/plugins')
26 files changed, 3438 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kate/plugins/ b/kate/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb3b91ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+SUBDIRS = isearch insertfile kdatatool wordcompletion
diff --git a/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..748dbb2e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/interfaces $(all_includes)
+# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+ktexteditor_autobookmarker_la_SOURCES = autobookmarker.cpp
+ktexteditor_autobookmarker_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/interfaces/ktexteditor/
+ktexteditor_autobookmarker_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+kde_services_DATA = ktexteditor_autobookmarker.desktop
+conf_DATA = ktexteditor_autobookmarkerrc
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp *.h -o $(podir)/ktexteditor_autobookmarker.pot
diff --git a/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/autobookmarker.cpp b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/autobookmarker.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af3acbc32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/autobookmarker.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+ This library is free software you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ ---
+ file: autobookmarker.cpp
+ KTextEditor plugin to add bookmarks to documents.
+ Copyright Anders Lund <[email protected]>, 2003
+//BEGIN includes
+#include "autobookmarker.h"
+#include <ktexteditor/markinterfaceextension.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/documentinfo.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <klistview.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmimetype.h>
+#include <kmimetypechooser.h>
+#include <kprocess.h>
+#include <krun.h>
+#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qlineedit.h>
+#include <qlistview.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <qpushbutton.h>
+#include <qtoolbutton.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+//#include <kdebug.h>
+//END includes
+//BEGIN AutoBookmarker
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( ktexteditor_autobookmarker, KGenericFactory<AutoBookmarker>( "ktexteditor_autobookmarker" ) )
+AutoBookmarker::AutoBookmarker( QObject *parent,
+ const char* name,
+ const QStringList& /*args*/ )
+ : KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name ),
+ KTextEditor::ConfigInterfaceExtension()
+ if ( parent )
+ connect( parent, SIGNAL( completed() ), this, SLOT( slotCompleted() ) );
+void AutoBookmarker::addView(KTextEditor::View */*view*/)
+void AutoBookmarker::removeView(KTextEditor::View */*view*/)
+KTextEditor::ConfigPage * AutoBookmarker::configPage( uint /*number*/, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ return new AutoBookmarkerConfigPage( parent, name );
+QString AutoBookmarker::configPageName( uint /*p*/ ) const
+// switch (p)
+// {
+// case 0:
+ return i18n("AutoBookmarks");
+// default:
+// return "";
+// }
+QString AutoBookmarker::configPageFullName( uint /*p*/ ) const
+// switch (p)
+// {
+// case 0:
+ return i18n("Configure AutoBookmarks");
+// default:
+// return "";
+// }
+QPixmap AutoBookmarker::configPagePixmap( uint /*p*/, int size ) const
+ return UserIcon("kte_bookmark", size);
+void AutoBookmarker::slotCompleted()
+ // get the document info
+ KTextEditor::DocumentInfoInterface *di =
+ static_cast<KTextEditor::DocumentInfoInterface*>(document()->
+ qt_cast("KTextEditor::DocumentInfoInterface"));
+ QString mt;
+ if ( di ) // we can still try match the URL otherwise
+ mt = di->mimeType();
+ QString fileName;
+ if ( document()->url().isValid() )
+ fileName = document()->url().fileName();
+ ABEntityList *l = ABGlobal::self()->entities();
+ // for each item, if either mask matches
+ // * apply if onLoad is true
+ ABEntityListIterator it( *l );
+ int n( 0 );
+ bool found;
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e;
+ while ( ( e = it.current() ) != 0 )
+ {
+ found = ( !e->mimemask.count() && !e->filemask.count() ); // no preferences
+ if ( ! found )
+ found = ( ! mt.isEmpty() && e->mimemask.contains( mt ) );
+ if ( ! found )
+ for( QStringList::Iterator it1 = e->filemask.begin(); it1 != e->filemask.end(); ++it1 )
+ {
+ QRegExp re(*it1, true, true);
+ if ( ( found = ( ( fileName ) > -1 ) && ( re.matchedLength() == (int)fileName.length() ) ) ) )
+ break;
+ }
+ if ( found )
+ applyEntity( e );
+ n++;
+ ++it;
+ }
+void AutoBookmarker::applyEntity( AutoBookmarkEnt *e )
+ KTextEditor::Document *doc = document();
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( doc );
+ KTextEditor::MarkInterface *mi = KTextEditor::markInterface( doc );
+ if ( ! ( ei && mi ) ) return;
+ QRegExp re( e->pattern, e->flags & AutoBookmarkEnt::CaseSensitive );
+ re.setMinimal( e->flags & AutoBookmarkEnt::MinimalMatching );
+ for ( uint l( 0 ); l < ei->numLines(); l++ )
+ if ( ei->textLine( l ) ) > -1 )
+ mi->setMark( l, KTextEditor::MarkInterface::Bookmark );
+//BEGIN ABGlobal
+ABGlobal *ABGlobal::s_self = 0;
+ m_ents = new ABEntityList;
+ readConfig();
+ delete m_ents;
+static KStaticDeleter<ABGlobal> sdSelf;
+ABGlobal *ABGlobal::self()
+ if ( ! s_self )
+ sdSelf.setObject(s_self, new ABGlobal());
+ return s_self;
+void ABGlobal::readConfig()
+ if ( ! m_ents )
+ m_ents = new ABEntityList;
+ else
+ m_ents->clear();
+ KConfig *config = new KConfig("ktexteditor_autobookmarkerrc");
+ uint n( 0 );
+ while ( config->hasGroup( QString("autobookmark%1").arg( n ) ) )
+ {
+ config->setGroup( QString("autobookmark%1").arg( n ) );
+ QStringList filemask = config->readListEntry( "filemask", ';' );
+ QStringList mimemask = config->readListEntry( "mimemask", ';' );
+ int flags = config->readNumEntry( "flags", 1 );
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e = new AutoBookmarkEnt(
+ config->readEntry( "pattern", "" ),
+ filemask,
+ mimemask,
+ flags
+ );
+ m_ents->append( e );
+ ++n;
+ }
+ delete config;
+void ABGlobal::writeConfig()
+ KConfig *config = new KConfig("ktexteditor_autobookmarkerrc");
+ // clean the config object
+ QStringList l = config->groupList();
+ for ( QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
+ config->deleteGroup( *it );
+ // fill in the current list
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < m_ents->count(); i++ )
+ {
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e = m_ents->at( i );
+ config->setGroup( QString("autobookmark%1").arg( i ) );
+ config->writeEntry( "pattern", e->pattern );
+ config->writeEntry( "filemask", e->filemask, ';' );
+ config->writeEntry( "mimemask", e->mimemask, ';' );
+ config->writeEntry( "flags", e->flags );
+ }
+ config->sync(); // explicit -- this is supposedly handled by the d'tor
+ delete config;
+//END ABGlobal
+//BEGIN AutoBookmarkEntItem
+// A QListviewItem which can hold a AutoBookmarkEnt pointer
+class AutoBookmarkEntItem : public QListViewItem
+ public:
+ AutoBookmarkEntItem( KListView *lv, AutoBookmarkEnt *e )
+ : QListViewItem( lv ),
+ ent( e )
+ {
+ redo();
+ };
+ ~AutoBookmarkEntItem(){};
+ void redo()
+ {
+ setText( 0, ent->pattern );
+ setText( 1, ent->mimemask.join("; ") );
+ setText( 2, ent->filemask.join("; ") );
+ }
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *ent;
+//BEGIN AutoBookmarkerEntEditor
+// Dialog for editing a single autobookmark entity
+// * edit the pattern
+// * set the file/mime type masks
+AutoBookmarkerEntEditor::AutoBookmarkerEntEditor( QWidget *parent, AutoBookmarkEnt *e )
+ : KDialogBase( parent, "autobookmark_ent_editor",
+ true, i18n("Edit Entry"),
+ KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel ),
+ e( e )
+ QFrame *w = makeMainWidget();
+ QGridLayout * lo = new QGridLayout( w, 5, 3 );
+ lo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
+ QLabel *l = new QLabel( i18n("&Pattern:"), w );
+ lePattern = new QLineEdit( e->pattern, w );
+ l->setBuddy( lePattern );
+ lo->addWidget( l, 0, 0 );
+ lo->addMultiCellWidget( lePattern, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
+ QWhatsThis::add( lePattern, i18n(
+ "<p>A regular expression. Matching lines will be bookmarked.</p>" ) );
+ connect( lePattern, SIGNAL(textChanged ( const QString & ) ),this, SLOT( slotPatternChanged( const QString& ) ) );
+ cbCS = new QCheckBox( i18n("Case &sensitive"), w );
+ lo->addMultiCellWidget( cbCS, 1, 1, 0, 2 );
+ cbCS->setChecked( e->flags & AutoBookmarkEnt::CaseSensitive );
+ QWhatsThis::add( cbCS, i18n(
+ "<p>If enabled, the pattern matching will be case sensitive, otherwise "
+ "not.</p>") );
+ cbMM = new QCheckBox( i18n("&Minimal matching"), w );
+ lo->addMultiCellWidget( cbMM, 2, 2, 0 ,2 );
+ cbMM->setChecked( e->flags & AutoBookmarkEnt::MinimalMatching );
+ QWhatsThis::add( cbMM, i18n(
+ "<p>If enabled, the pattern matching will use minimal matching; if you "
+ "do not know what that is, please read the appendix on regular expressions "
+ "in the kate manual.</p>") );
+ l = new QLabel( i18n("&File mask:"), w );
+ leFileMask = new QLineEdit( e->filemask.join( "; " ), w );
+ l->setBuddy( leFileMask );
+ lo->addWidget( l, 3, 0 );
+ lo->addMultiCellWidget( leFileMask, 3, 3, 1, 2 );
+ QWhatsThis::add( leFileMask, i18n(
+ "<p>A list of filename masks, separated by semicolons. This can be used "
+ "to limit the usage of this entity to files with matching names.</p>"
+ "<p>Use the wizard button to the right of the mimetype entry below to "
+ "easily fill out both lists.</p>" ) );
+ l = new QLabel( i18n("MIME &types:"), w );
+ leMimeTypes = new QLineEdit( e->mimemask.join( "; " ), w );
+ l->setBuddy( leMimeTypes );
+ lo->addWidget( l, 4, 0 );
+ lo->addWidget( leMimeTypes, 4, 1 );
+ QWhatsThis::add( leMimeTypes, i18n(
+ "<p>A list of mime types, separated by semicolon. This can be used to "
+ "limit the usage of this entity to files with matching mime types.</p>"
+ "<p>Use the wizard button on the right to get a list of existing file "
+ "types to choose from, using it will fill in the file masks as well.</p>" ) );
+ QToolButton *btnMTW = new QToolButton(w);
+ lo->addWidget( btnMTW, 4, 2 );
+ btnMTW->setIconSet(QIconSet(SmallIcon("wizard")));
+ connect(btnMTW, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(showMTDlg()));
+ QWhatsThis::add( btnMTW, i18n(
+ "<p>Click this button to display a checkable list of mimetypes available "
+ "on your system. When used, the file masks entry above will be filled in "
+ "with the corresponding masks.</p>") );
+ slotPatternChanged( lePattern->text() );
+void AutoBookmarkerEntEditor::slotPatternChanged( const QString&_pattern )
+ enableButtonOK( !_pattern.isEmpty() );
+void AutoBookmarkerEntEditor::apply()
+ if ( lePattern->text().isEmpty() ) return;
+ e->pattern = lePattern->text();
+ e->filemask = QStringList::split( QRegExp("\\s*;\\s*"), leFileMask->text() );
+ e->mimemask = QStringList::split( QRegExp("\\s*;\\s*"), leMimeTypes->text() );
+ e->flags = 0;
+ if ( cbCS->isOn() ) e->flags |= AutoBookmarkEnt::CaseSensitive;
+ if ( cbMM->isOn() ) e->flags |= AutoBookmarkEnt::MinimalMatching;
+void AutoBookmarkerEntEditor::showMTDlg()
+ QString text = i18n("Select the MimeTypes for this pattern.\nPlease note that this will automatically edit the associated file extensions as well.");
+ QStringList list = QStringList::split( QRegExp("\\s*;\\s*"), leMimeTypes->text() );
+ KMimeTypeChooserDialog d( i18n("Select Mime Types"), text, list, "text", this );
+ if ( d.exec() == KDialogBase::Accepted ) {
+ // do some checking, warn user if mime types or patterns are removed.
+ // if the lists are empty, and the fields not, warn.
+ leFileMask->setText(d.chooser()->patterns().join("; "));
+ leMimeTypes->setText(d.chooser()->mimeTypes().join("; "));
+ }
+//BEGIN AutoBookmarkerConfigPage
+// TODO allow custom mark types with icons
+AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::AutoBookmarkerConfigPage( QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : KTextEditor::ConfigPage( parent, name )
+ QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout( this );
+ lo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
+ QLabel *l = new QLabel( i18n("&Patterns"), this );
+ lo->addWidget( l );
+ lvPatterns = new KListView( this );
+ lvPatterns->addColumn( i18n("Pattern") );
+ lvPatterns->addColumn( i18n("Mime Types") );
+ lvPatterns->addColumn( i18n("File Masks") );
+ lo->addWidget( lvPatterns );
+ l->setBuddy( lvPatterns );
+ QWhatsThis::add( lvPatterns, i18n(
+ "<p>This list shows your configured autobookmark entities. When a document "
+ "is opened, each entity is used in the following way: "
+ "<ol>"
+ "<li>The entity is dismissed, if a mime and/or filename mask is defined, "
+ "and neither matches the document.</li>"
+ "<li>Otherwise each line of the document is tried against the pattern, "
+ "and a bookmark is set on matching lines.</li></ul>"
+ "<p>Use the buttons below to manage your collection of entities.</p>") );
+ QHBoxLayout *lo1 = new QHBoxLayout ( lo );
+ lo1->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
+ btnNew = new QPushButton( i18n("&New..."), this );
+ lo1->addWidget( btnNew );
+ QWhatsThis::add( btnNew, i18n(
+ "Press this button to create a new autobookmark entity.") );
+ btnDel = new QPushButton( i18n("&Delete"), this );
+ lo1->addWidget( btnDel );
+ QWhatsThis::add( btnDel, i18n(
+ "Press this button to delete the currently selected entity.") );
+ btnEdit = new QPushButton( i18n("&Edit..."), this );
+ lo1->addWidget( btnEdit );
+ QWhatsThis::add( btnEdit, i18n(
+ "Press this button to edit the currently selected entity.") );
+ lo1->addStretch( 1 );
+ connect( btnNew, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotNew()) );
+ connect( btnDel, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotDel()) );
+ connect( btnEdit, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotEdit()) );
+ connect( lvPatterns, SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this, SLOT(slotEdit()) );
+ m_ents = new ABEntityList();
+ m_ents->setAutoDelete( true );
+ reset();
+// replace the global list with the new one
+void AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::apply()
+ ABGlobal::self()->entities()->clear();
+ ABEntityListIterator it ( *m_ents );
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e;
+ while ( (e = it.current()) != 0 )
+ {
+ ABGlobal::self()->entities()->append( e );
+ ++it;
+ }
+ ABGlobal::self()->writeConfig();
+ // TODO -- how do i refresh all the view menus
+// renew our copy of the global list
+void AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::reset()
+ m_ents->clear(); // unused - no reset button currently
+ ABEntityListIterator it ( *ABGlobal::self()->entities() );
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e;
+ while ( (e = it.current()) != 0 )
+ {
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *me = new AutoBookmarkEnt( *e );
+ m_ents->append( me );
+ new AutoBookmarkEntItem( lvPatterns, me );
+ ++it;
+ }
+// TODO (so far not used) we have no defaults (except deleting all items??)
+void AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::defaults()
+ // if KMessageBox::warningYesNo()
+ // clear all
+// open the edit dialog with a new entity,
+// and add it if the dialog is accepted
+void AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::slotNew()
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e = new AutoBookmarkEnt();
+ AutoBookmarkerEntEditor dlg( this, e );
+ if ( dlg.exec() )
+ {
+ dlg.apply();
+ new AutoBookmarkEntItem( lvPatterns, e );
+ m_ents->append( e );
+ }
+// delete the selected item and remove it from the list view and internal list
+void AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::slotDel()
+ AutoBookmarkEntItem *i = (AutoBookmarkEntItem*)lvPatterns->currentItem();
+ int idx = m_ents->findRef( i->ent );
+ m_ents->remove( idx );
+ delete i;
+// open the edit dialog with the selected item
+void AutoBookmarkerConfigPage::slotEdit()
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e = ((AutoBookmarkEntItem*)lvPatterns->currentItem())->ent;
+ AutoBookmarkerEntEditor dlg( this, e );
+ if ( dlg.exec() )
+ {
+ dlg.apply();
+ ((AutoBookmarkEntItem*)lvPatterns->currentItem())->redo();
+ }
+//END AutoBookmarkerConfigPage
+//BEGIN AutoBookmarkEnt
+AutoBookmarkEnt::AutoBookmarkEnt( const QString &p, const QStringList &f, const QStringList &m, int fl )
+ : pattern( p ),
+ filemask( f ),
+ mimemask( m ),
+ flags( fl )
+#include "autobookmarker.moc"
diff --git a/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/autobookmarker.h b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/autobookmarker.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..188c8a360
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/autobookmarker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ This library is free software you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ ---
+ file: autobookmarker.h
+ KTextEditor plugin to add bookmarks to documents.
+ Copyright Anders Lund <[email protected]>, 2003
+#include <ktexteditor/plugin.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/configinterfaceextension.h>
+#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
+class AutoBookmarkEnt
+ public:
+ enum REFlags { CaseSensitive=1, MinimalMatching=2 };
+ AutoBookmarkEnt(const QString &p=QString::null,
+ const QStringList &f=QStringList(),
+ const QStringList &m=QStringList(),
+ int flags=1 );
+ ~AutoBookmarkEnt(){};
+ QString pattern;
+ QStringList filemask;
+ QStringList mimemask;
+ int flags;
+class AutoBookmarker
+ : public KTextEditor::Plugin, public KTextEditor::PluginViewInterface,
+ public KTextEditor::ConfigInterfaceExtension
+ public:
+ AutoBookmarker( QObject *parent = 0,
+ const char* name = 0,
+ const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
+ virtual ~AutoBookmarker() {};
+ void addView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ void removeView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ // ConfigInterfaceExtention
+ uint configPages() const { return 1; };
+ KTextEditor::ConfigPage * configPage( uint number, QWidget *parent, const char *name );
+ QString configPageName( uint ) const;
+ QString configPageFullName( uint ) const;
+ QPixmap configPagePixmap( uint, int ) const;
+ bool abDone;
+ private slots:
+ void slotCompleted();
+ void applyEntity( AutoBookmarkEnt *e );
+typedef QPtrList<AutoBookmarkEnt> ABEntityList;
+typedef QPtrListIterator<AutoBookmarkEnt> ABEntityListIterator;
+/* singleton to keep the data */
+class ABGlobal
+ public:
+ ABGlobal();
+ ~ABGlobal();
+ static ABGlobal* self();
+ ABEntityList* entities() { return m_ents; };
+ void readConfig();
+ void writeConfig();
+ private:
+ ABEntityList *m_ents;
+ static ABGlobal *s_self;
+class AutoBookmarkerConfigPage : public KTextEditor::ConfigPage
+ public:
+ AutoBookmarkerConfigPage( QWidget *parent, const char *name );
+ virtual ~AutoBookmarkerConfigPage() {};
+ virtual void apply();
+ virtual void reset();
+ virtual void defaults();
+ private slots:
+ void slotNew();
+ void slotDel();
+ void slotEdit();
+ private:
+ class KListView *lvPatterns;
+ class QPushButton *btnNew, *btnDel, *btnEdit;
+ ABEntityList *m_ents;
+class AutoBookmarkerEntEditor : public KDialogBase
+ public:
+ AutoBookmarkerEntEditor( QWidget *parent, AutoBookmarkEnt *e );
+ ~AutoBookmarkerEntEditor(){};
+ void apply();
+ private slots:
+ void showMTDlg();
+ void slotPatternChanged( const QString& );
+ private:
+ class QLineEdit *lePattern, *leMimeTypes, *leFileMask;
+ class QCheckBox *cbCS, *cbMM;
+ AutoBookmarkEnt *e;
diff --git a/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ktexteditor_autobookmarker.desktop b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ktexteditor_autobookmarker.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a71dbc6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ktexteditor_autobookmarker.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=KTextEditor Autobookmarker
+Name[af]=KTextEditor OutoBoekmerker
+Name[be]=Аўтаматычны закладкі
+Name[bn]=কে-টেক্সট-এডিটর অটো-মুকমার্কার
+Name[br]=Sinedoù emgefreek evit KTextEditor
+Name[bs]=KTextEditor automatske zabilješke
+Name[ca]=Punts automàtics per al KTextEditor
+Name[cs]=Modul automatických odkazů
+Name[csb]=Aùtomatné wstôwianié załóżków dlô KTextEditor
+Name[de]=KTextEditor: Autom. Lesezeichenmarkierung
+Name[el]=Πρόσθετο αυτόματων σελιδοδεικτών του KTextEditor
+Name[eo]=KTextEditor Aŭtomata legosignigilo
+Name[es]=Automarcadores de KTextEditor
+Name[et]=KTextEditori järjehoidjate märkija
+Name[eu]=KTextEditor-en laster-markatzaile automatikoa
+Name[fa]=چوب الف خودکار KTextEditor
+Name[fi]=KTextEditorin automaattinen kirjanmerkkien tekijä
+Name[fr]=Signets automatiques KTextEditor
+Name[fy]=Automatyske blêdwizer foar de KTekstbewurker
+Name[ga]=Leabharmharcálaí Uathoibríoch KTextEditor
+Name[gl]=Auto-marcador de KTextEditor
+Name[he]= תוסף סימניות אוטומטיות של KTextEditor
+Name[hi]=के-टेक्स्ट-एडिटर ऑटोबुकमार्कर
+Name[hr]=KTextEditor automatske oznake
+Name[hu]=KTextEditor automatikus könyvjelzők
+Name[id]=Penandabuku Otomatis KTextEditor
+Name[is]=KTextEditor sjálfvirkur bókamerkjari
+Name[it]=Segnalibri automatici di KTextEditor
+Name[ja]=KTextEditor 自動ブックマーク
+Name[ka]=KTextEditor-ის ავტოსანიშნე
+Name[kk]=KTextEditor автобетбелгігіші
+Name[km]=វត្ថុ​ចំណាំ​ស្វ័យ​ប្រវត្តិ KTextEditor
+Name[lb]=Automateschen Lieszeechesetzer fir den KTextEditor
+Name[lt]=KTextEditor automatinis žymelių įterpėjas
+Name[lv]=KTextEditor automātiskais grāmatzīmju licējs
+Name[mk]=KTextEditor Автообележувач
+Name[ms]=Penanda buku auto KTextEditor
+Name[nb]=Automatisk bokmerke for KTextEditor
+Name[nds]=KTextEditor -Leestekensetter
+Name[nl]=KTextEditor Autobladwijzers
+Name[nn]=Automatisk bokmerke for KTextEditor
+Name[pa]=ਕੇਪਾਠਸੰਪਾਦਕ ਸਵੈਬੁੱਕਮਾਰਕਰ
+Name[pl]=Automatyczne wstawianie zakładek dla KTextEditor
+Name[pt]=Auto-favoritos do KTextEditor
+Name[pt_BR]=Marca favoritos automático para Editor de textos
+Name[ro]=Semne de carte automate pentru KTextEditor
+Name[ru]=Автозакладки KTextEditor
+Name[rw]=Mushyirahokimenyetsoyikoresha ya KMuhinduziMwandiko
+Name[se]=KTextEditor:a automáhtalaš girjemerkejeaddji
+Name[sk]=Automatické záložky pre KTextEditor
+Name[sl]=Samodejni zaznamki za KTextEditor
+Name[sr]=KTextEditor-ов аутомаркер
+Name[sr@Latn]=KTextEditor-ov automarker
+Name[sv]=Automatiska bokmärken för Ktexteditor
+Name[ta]=கேஉரைதொகுப்பாளர் தானியக்க புத்தக உருவாக்கி
+Name[te]=కెటెక్స్ట్ ఎడిటర్ ఆటొబుక్ మార్కర్
+Name[tg]=Хатчӯбмонии худкори KTextEditor
+Name[th]=ตั้งที่คั่นหน้าอัตโนมัติ ของ KTextEditor
+Name[tr]=KTextEditor Otomatik Sıkkullanılanlar Ekleyici
+Name[tt]=KTextEditor'nıñ Aqıllı Bitbilge
+Name[uk]=Втулок автоматичних закладок KTextEditor
+Name[vi]=Bộ Tự động Đánh dấu KTextEditor
+Name[zh_CN]=KTextEditor 自动书签器
+Comment=Set bookmarks on lines matching a pattern when documents are loaded
+Comment[af]=Stel boekmerke op lyne wat met 'n patroon ooreenstem wanneer dokumente gelaai word.
+Comment[be]=Стварае закладкі для радкоў, якія адпавядаюць шаблону
+Comment[bg]=Установяване на отметки на редовете, които отговарят на зададен шаблон по време на зареждане на файла
+Comment[bn]=ডকুমেন্ট লোড করাকালীন প্রদত্ত নকশার সাথে মেলে এমন সমস্ত লাইন বুকমার্ক করে
+Comment[bs]=Podešava zabilješke na linijama koje odgovaraju uzorku pri učitavanju dokumenta
+Comment[ca]=Estableix punts a les línies coincidents amb un patró quan es carreguen documents
+Comment[cs]=Nastavení záložek do řádek vyhovujících vzoru po nahrání dokumentu
+Comment[csb]=Wstôwiô, òb czas wczëtëwaniô, załóżczi w pasownëch liniach do dónegò mùstra
+Comment[da]=Sæt bogmærker på linjer der matcher et mønster når dokumenter er indlæst
+Comment[de]=Lesezeichen nach bestimmten Mustern auf Zeilen setzen, sobald ein Dokument geladen wird
+Comment[el]=Ορίζει σελιδοδείκτες σε γραμμές που ταιριάζουν σε ένα μοτίβο όταν τα έγγραφα φορτώνονται
+Comment[eo]=Igas legosignojn en linioj, kiuj konvenas ŝablonon, kiam dokumentoj estas ŝarĝataj
+Comment[es]=Pone marcadores en las líneas que coinciden con un patrón definido al cargar documentos.
+Comment[et]=Määrab dokumendi avamisel vastavalt mustrile ridadele järjehoidjad
+Comment[eu]=Eredu batekin bat datozen lerroen laster-markak ezartzen ditu dokumentuak kargatzean
+Comment[fa]=وقتی که مستندات بار می‌شود، چوب الفها را روی خطوط مطابق با الگو تنظیم کنید
+Comment[fi]=Määrittele kirjanmerkkejä riveille, jotka vastaavat kuviota, kun asiakirjoja avataan
+Comment[fr]=Positionne des signets sur les lignes qui correspondent à un motif quand les documents sont chargés
+Comment[fy]=Blêdwizer ynstelle om by it laden fan dokuminten oerienkomstige patroanen
+Comment[ga]=Cruthaigh leabharmharcanna ar línte a mheaitseálann patrún nuair a luchtaítear cáipéisí
+Comment[gl]=Pon marcadores en liñas que se axusten a un patrón durante a carga de documentos
+Comment[he]=קובע סימניות בשורות המתאים לתבנית מסוימת בעת טעינת מסמך
+Comment[hi]=जब दस्तावेज़ लोड हों तो किसी पैटर्न से मेल खाती पंक्तियो में पुस्तचिह्न सेट करें
+Comment[hr]=Pri učitavanju dokumenta postavlja oznake na redovima koji odgovaraju određenom uzorku.
+Comment[hsb]=Staja při začitanju dokumenta znamjenja na linki, kiž wěstemu mustrej wotpowěduja,
+Comment[hu]=Fájl betöltésekor könyvjelzők automatikus létrehozása minta alapján
+Comment[id]=Set bookmark in baris yang cocok dengan sebuah pola jika dokumen dimuatkan
+Comment[is]=Setur bókamerki á línur sem passa ákveðnu mynstri, þegar skjöl eru lesin
+Comment[it]=Imposta dei segnalibri sulle righe corrispondenti a uno schema quando si caricano dei documenti
+Comment[ka]=დოკუმენტის ჩატვირთვისას სანიშნეების ნიმუშის მიხედვით მითითება
+Comment[kk]=Құжатта үлгі бойынша бетбелгілерді кояды
+Comment[km]=កំណត់​ការចំណាំ​ត្រង់​បន្ទាត់​ដែល​ដូច​នឹង​ឃ្លា ពេល​ឯកសារ​ត្រូវ​បាន​ផ្ទុក
+Comment[lb]=Setzt Lieszeechen op d'Zeilen, déi ee bestëmmtent Muster enthalen, wann d'Dokument geluede gëtt
+Comment[lt]=Įterpia žymeles eilutėse, kurios atitinka tam tikrą derinį, dokumento įkėlimo metu
+Comment[lv]=Ielādējot dokumentu, liek grāmatzīmes rindām, kuras atbilst norādītajam paraugam
+Comment[mk]=Постава обележувачи на линиите кои се поклопуваат со шема кога документите се вчитуваат
+Comment[ms]=Tetapkan penanda buku pada baris yang padan dengan paten apabila dokumen dimuatkan
+Comment[nb]=Bestem bokmerke på linjer som passer til et mønster når dokument blir åpnet
+Comment[nds]=Sett al bi't Laden Leestekens för Regen, op de en Muster passt
+Comment[ne]=कागजात लोड हुँदा बाँन्की मिल्दो पुस्तकचिनोहरू लाइनमा सेट गर्नुहोस्
+Comment[nl]=Plaatsen van bladwijzers op regels die voldoen aan een bepaald patroon zodra het document geopend wordt
+Comment[nn]=Set bokmerke på linjer som passar til eit mønster når dokument vert opna
+Comment[pa]=ਜਦੋਂ ਵੀ ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਨੂੰ ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਬੁੱਕਮਾਰਕ ਨੂੰ ਸਤਰ-ਮੇਲ ਤਰਤੀਬ ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ ਕਰੋ
+Comment[pl]=W czasie wczytywanie dokumentu ustawia zakładki w liniach pasujących do podanego wzorca
+Comment[pt]=Coloca favoritos em linhas que condizem com um padrão quando os documentos são carregados.
+Comment[pt_BR]=Configura os favoritos em linhas que combinam com um padrão, quando os documentos forem carregados
+Comment[ro]=La încărcarea documentului setează semne de carte la liniile care se potrivesc cu un model de text
+Comment[ru]=Установка закладок в текстовом документе по шаблону
+Comment[rw]=Gushyiraho ibimenyetso ku mirongo mu guhuza ishusho igihe inyandiko zitangizwa
+Comment[se]=Bidjá girjemearkkaid linnjáide mat heivehit dihto minsttáriid go dokumeanttat rahpejuvvot.
+Comment[sk]=Nastavuje záložky pri načítaní dokumentu na riadky zodpovedajúce vzorke
+Comment[sl]=Nastavi zaznamke v vrsticah, ki se ujemajo vzorcu, ko so dokumenti naloženi
+Comment[sr]=Поставља маркере на линијама које се уклапају у узорак када се учитавају документи
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Postavlja markere na linijama koje se uklapaju u uzorak kada se učitavaju dokumenti
+Comment[sv]=Lägg till bokmärken på rader som motsvarar ett mönster när dokument laddas
+Comment[ta]= ஆவணங்கள் பதிவாகும் போது அமைப்பு புத்தகக்குறிப்பு கோடுகள் பொருத்தும் மாதிரி
+Comment[te]=పత్రాలు ఎక్కించిన తరువాత బాణీకి సరిపొయిన వరుసల మీద బుక్ మార్కులను ఏర్పరుచును
+Comment[tg]=Хатчӯбмонӣ дар старҳои мувофиқи қолиб ҳангоми боркунии ҳуҷҷати матнӣ
+Comment[th]=ตั้งที่คั่นหน้าที่การจับคู่บรรทัดและรูปแบบ เมื่อมีการโหลดเอกสาร
+Comment[tt]=İstälek açqan çaqta sözgeçkä kileşkän yullarına bitbilgelär quya
+Comment[uk]=Встановлює закладки на рядках, що відповідають взірцю, під час завантаження документів
+Comment[vi]=Đặt đánh dấu trên các dòng khớp một mẫu nào đó khi tải tài liệu.
diff --git a/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ktexteditor_autobookmarkerrc b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ktexteditor_autobookmarkerrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ed8fe8c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/autobookmarker/ktexteditor_autobookmarkerrc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+pattern=sub \\w+
diff --git a/kate/plugins/insertfile/ b/kate/plugins/insertfile/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..783e93e0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/insertfile/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/interfaces $(all_includes)
+# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+ktexteditor_insertfile_la_SOURCES = insertfileplugin.cpp
+ktexteditor_insertfile_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/interfaces/ktexteditor/
+ktexteditor_insertfile_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+insertfiledatadir = $(kde_datadir)/ktexteditor_insertfile
+insertfiledata_DATA = ktexteditor_insertfileui.rc
+kde_services_DATA = ktexteditor_insertfile.desktop
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp *.h -o $(podir)/ktexteditor_insertfile.pot
diff --git a/kate/plugins/insertfile/insertfileplugin.cpp b/kate/plugins/insertfile/insertfileplugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e25df8bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/insertfile/insertfileplugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Anders Lund <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "insertfileplugin.h"
+#include "insertfileplugin.moc"
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <kio/job.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kfiledialog.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+#include <kpushbutton.h>
+#include <ktempfile.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( ktexteditor_insertfile, KGenericFactory<InsertFilePlugin>( "ktexteditor_insertfile" ) )
+//BEGIN InsertFilePlugin
+InsertFilePlugin::InsertFilePlugin( QObject *parent, const char* name, const QStringList& )
+ : KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name )
+void InsertFilePlugin::addView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ InsertFilePluginView *nview = new InsertFilePluginView (view, "Insert File Plugin");
+ m_views.append (nview);
+void InsertFilePlugin::removeView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++)
+ if (>parentClient() == view)
+ {
+ InsertFilePluginView *nview =;
+ m_views.remove (nview);
+ delete nview;
+ }
+//END InsertFilePlugin
+//BEGIN InsertFilePluginView
+InsertFilePluginView::InsertFilePluginView( KTextEditor::View *view, const char *name )
+ : QObject( view, name ),
+ KXMLGUIClient( view )
+ view->insertChildClient( this );
+ setInstance( KGenericFactory<InsertFilePlugin>::instance() );
+ _job = 0;
+ (void) new KAction( i18n("Insert File..."), 0, this, SLOT(slotInsertFile()), actionCollection(), "tools_insert_file" );
+ setXMLFile( "ktexteditor_insertfileui.rc" );
+void InsertFilePluginView::slotInsertFile()
+ KFileDialog dlg("::insertfile", "", (QWidget*)parent(), "filedialog", true);
+ dlg.setOperationMode( KFileDialog::Opening );
+ dlg.setCaption(i18n("Choose File to Insert"));
+ dlg.okButton()->setText(i18n("&Insert"));
+ dlg.setMode( KFile::File );
+ dlg.exec();
+ _file = dlg.selectedURL().url();
+ if ( _file.isEmpty() ) return;
+ if ( _file.isLocalFile() ) {
+ _tmpfile = _file.path();
+ insertFile();
+ }
+ else {
+ KTempFile tempFile( QString::null );
+ _tmpfile =;
+ KURL destURL;
+ destURL.setPath( _tmpfile );
+ _job = KIO::file_copy( _file, destURL, 0600, true, false, true );
+ connect( _job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, SLOT( slotFinished ( KIO::Job * ) ) );
+ }
+void InsertFilePluginView::slotFinished( KIO::Job *job )
+ assert( job == _job );
+ _job = 0;
+ if ( job->error() )
+ KMessageBox::error( (QWidget*)parent(), i18n("Failed to load file:\n\n") + job->errorString(), i18n("Insert File Error") );
+ else
+ insertFile();
+void InsertFilePluginView::insertFile()
+ QString error;
+ if ( _tmpfile.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ QFileInfo fi;
+ fi.setFile( _tmpfile );
+ if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isReadable())
+ error = i18n("<p>The file <strong>%1</strong> does not exist or is not readable, aborting.").arg(_file.fileName());
+ QFile f( _tmpfile );
+ if ( ! )
+ error = i18n("<p>Unable to open file <strong>%1</strong>, aborting.").arg(_file.fileName());
+ if ( ! error.isEmpty() ) {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( (QWidget*)parent(), error, i18n("Insert File Error") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // now grab file contents
+ QTextStream stream(&f);
+ QString str, tmp;
+ uint numlines = 0;
+ uint len = 0;
+ while (!stream.eof()) {
+ if ( numlines )
+ str += "\n";
+ tmp = stream.readLine();
+ str += tmp;
+ len = tmp.length();
+ numlines++;
+ }
+ f.close();
+ if ( str.isEmpty() )
+ error = i18n("<p>File <strong>%1</strong> had no contents.").arg(_file.fileName());
+ if ( ! error.isEmpty() ) {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( (QWidget*)parent(), error, i18n("Insert File Error") );
+ return;
+ }
+ // insert !!
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei;
+ KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *ci;
+ KTextEditor::View *v = (KTextEditor::View*)parent();
+ ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( v->document() );
+ ci = KTextEditor::viewCursorInterface( v );
+ uint line, col;
+ ci->cursorPositionReal( &line, &col );
+ ei->insertText( line, col, str );
+ // move the cursor
+ ci->setCursorPositionReal( line + numlines - 1, numlines > 1 ? len : col + len );
+ // clean up
+ _file = KURL ();
+ _tmpfile.truncate( 0 );
+ v = 0;
+ ei = 0;
+ ci = 0;
+//END InsertFilePluginView
diff --git a/kate/plugins/insertfile/insertfileplugin.h b/kate/plugins/insertfile/insertfileplugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e882416c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/insertfile/insertfileplugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Anders Lund <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ $Id$
+#include <ktexteditor/plugin.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <jobclasses.h>
+#include <kurl.h>
+class InsertFilePlugin : public KTextEditor::Plugin, public KTextEditor::PluginViewInterface
+ public:
+ InsertFilePlugin( QObject *parent = 0,
+ const char* name = 0,
+ const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
+ virtual ~InsertFilePlugin();
+ void addView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ void removeView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ private:
+ QPtrList<class InsertFilePluginView> m_views;
+class InsertFilePluginView : public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient
+ public:
+ InsertFilePluginView( KTextEditor::View *view, const char *name=0 );
+ ~InsertFilePluginView() {};
+ public slots:
+ /* display a file dialog, and insert the chosen file */
+ void slotInsertFile();
+ private slots:
+ void slotFinished( KIO::Job *job );
+ //slotAborted( KIO::Job *job );
+ private:
+ void insertFile();
+ KURL _file;
+ QString _tmpfile;
+ KIO::FileCopyJob *_job;
diff --git a/kate/plugins/insertfile/ktexteditor_insertfile.desktop b/kate/plugins/insertfile/ktexteditor_insertfile.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1854ea95f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/insertfile/ktexteditor_insertfile.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=KTextEditor Insert File Plugin
+Name[af]=KTextEditor Voeg Lêer Inprop Module
+Name[ar]=ملحق إدراج ملف لمحرر النصوص
+Name[az]=KTextEditor Fayl Əlavəsi Daxil El
+Name[be]=Модуль устаўкі файла
+Name[bn]=কে-টেক্সট-এডিটর ফাইল অন্তর্ভুক্তি প্লাগ-ইন
+Name[bs]=KTextEditor dodatak za ubacivanje datoteke
+Name[ca]=Connector del KTextEditor per a inserir fitxers
+Name[cs]=Modul pro vkládání souborů
+Name[csb]=Plugins editorë wstôwianiô lopków
+Name[cy]=Ategyn Mewnosod Ffeil KTextEditor
+Name[da]=KTextEditor 'indsæt fil'-plugin
+Name[de]=KTextEditor-Erweiterung zum Einfügen von Dateien
+Name[el]=Πρόσθετο εισαγωγής αρχείου του KTextEditor
+Name[eo]=KTextEditor Enmeti-Dosieron-kromaĵeto
+Name[es]=Plugin de inserción de archivos de KTextEditor
+Name[et]=KTextEditori faili lisamise plugin
+Name[eu]=Fitxategiak txertatzeko KTextEditor-en plugin-a
+Name[fa]=وصلۀ پروندۀ درج KTextEditor
+Name[fi]=KTextEditorin 'Lisää tiedosto'-laajennus
+Name[fr]=Module externe du fichier d'insertion de KTextEditor
+Name[fy]=KTextEditor-plugin foar it ynfoegjen fan triemmen
+Name[ga]=Breiseán KTextEditor chun comhad a ionsá
+Name[gl]=Plugin de Inserción de Ficheiro de KTextEditor
+Name[he]=תוסף הוספת קובץ ל־KTextEditor
+Name[hi]=के-टेक्स्ट-एडिटर फ़ाइल घुसाने का प्लगिन
+Name[hr]=KTextEditor dodatak za umetanje datoteka
+Name[hu]=KTextEditor fájlbeszúró bővítőmodul
+Name[id]=Plugin Penyisipan Berkas KTextEditor
+Name[is]=KTextEditor setja inn skrá íforrit
+Name[it]=Plugin inserimento file di KTextEditor
+Name[ja]=KTextEditor ファイル挿入プラグイン
+Name[ka]=ფაილის ჩადგმის KTextEditor-ის მოდული
+Name[kk]=KTextEditor файлды ендіру модулі
+Name[km]=កម្មវិធី​ជំនួយ​របស់ KTextEditor Insert File
+Name[ko]=K글월편집기 파일 끼워넣는 플러그인
+Name[lb]=KTextEditor-Plugin fir Dateien anzefügen
+Name[lt]=KTextEditor bylos įterpimo priedas
+Name[lv]=KTextEditor faila ievietošanas spraudnis
+Name[mk]=KTextEditor приклучок за внес на датотеки
+Name[mn]=XML-Plugin Залгаас файлуудын хувьд
+Name[ms]=Plug masuk Fail KTextEditor
+Name[mt]=Plagin ta' KTextEditor biex iddaħħal fajl
+Name[nb]=Programtillegg for 'sett inn fil' i KTextEditor
+Name[nds]=KTextEditor-Plugin för't Datei-Infögen
+Name[ne]=KTextEditor घुसाउने फाइल प्लगइन
+Name[nl]=KTextEditor-plugin voor het invoegen van bestanden
+Name[nn]=Programtillegg for innsetjing av fil i skriveprogram
+Name[nso]=Tsenyo ya Faele ya Mofetosi wa Sengwalwana sa K
+Name[pa]=KTextEditor ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਫਾਇਲ ਪਲੱਗਿੰਨ
+Name[pl]=Wtyczka edytora wstawiania plików
+Name[pt]='Plugin' de Inserção de Ficheiros do KTextEditor
+Name[pt_BR]=Plug-in de Inserção de Arquivos para o Editor de textos
+Name[ro]=Modul inserare fişier pentru KTextEditor
+Name[ru]=Модуль вставки файла KTextEditor
+Name[rw]=Icomeka ryo Kongeramo Idosiye rya KMuhinduziMwandiko
+Name[se]=KTextEditor-fiillalasiheami lassemoduvla
+Name[sk]=Module pre vloženie súboru KTextEditor
+Name[sl]=Vstavek KTextEditor za vstavljanje datotek
+Name[sq]=KTextEditor Shtojca: Fute skedën
+Name[sr]=KTextEditor прикључак за уметање фајла
+Name[sr@Latn]=KTextEditor priključak za umetanje fajla
+Name[ss]=I-KTextEditor yingenisa i-plugin yelifayela
+Name[sv]=Ktexteditor-insticksprogram för att infoga filer
+Name[ta]=கேஉரைதொகுப்பாளர் கோப்பு உள்ளீட்டுச் சொருகுப்பொருள்
+Name[te]=కెటెక్స్ట్ ఎడిటర్ దస్త్రాన్ని దూర్చు ప్లగిన్
+Name[tg]=Пуркунандаи KTextEditor барои дарҷи файлҳо
+Name[th]=ปลักอินการแทรกแฟ้มของ KTextEditor
+Name[tr]=KTextEditor Dosya Yerleştirme Eklentisi
+Name[tt]=KTextEditor'nıñ Birem Tığu Quşılması
+Name[uk]=Втулок KTextEditor для вставлення файла
+Name[uz]=KTextEditor uchun fayldan qoʻyish plagin
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=KTextEditor учун файлдан қўйиш плагин
+Name[ven]=Musengulusi wa manwalwa K i dzhenisa pulagini ya faela
+Name[vi]=Bộ cầm phít Chèn Tập tin KTextEditor
+Name[wa]=Tchôke-divins di KTextEditor po stitchî des fitchîs
+Name[xh]=KTextEditor Faka Ifayile ye Plagi efakiweyo
+Name[zh_CN]=KTextEditor 插入文件插件
+Name[zu]=Faka Ifayela Lokungena ngaphakathi le-KTextEditor
+Comment=Insert any readable file at cursor position
+Comment[af]=Voeg enige leesbare lêer in by die merker posisie
+Comment[be]=Устаўляе файл у пазіцыю курсора
+Comment[bg]=Вмъкване на файл от мястото на курсора
+Comment[bn]=কার্সার অবস্থানে যে কোনো (পাঠযোগ্য) ফাইল অন্তর্ভুক্ত করতে পারে
+Comment[bs]=Ubacuje bilo koju čitljivu datoteku na poziciju kursora
+Comment[ca]=Inserir qualsevol fitxer llegible en la posició del cursor
+Comment[cs]=Vloží jakýkoliv čitelný soubor na místo kurzoru
+Comment[csb]=Wstôwiô zamkłosc lopkù przë kursorze
+Comment[da]=Indsæt en vilkårlig læsbar fil ved markørens position
+Comment[de]=Beliebige lesbare Datei an Cursor-Position einfügen
+Comment[el]=Εισαγωγή οποιουδήποτε αναγνώσιμου αρχείου στη θέση του δρομέα
+Comment[eo]=Enmeti iun legeblan dosieron ĉe la pozicio de la kursoro
+Comment[es]=Insertar cualquier archivo legible en la posición del cursor
+Comment[et]=Suvalise loetava faili lisamine kursori asukohta
+Comment[eu]=Kurtsorearen posizioan fitxategi irakurgarri bat txertatzen du
+Comment[fa]=درج هر پروندۀ قابل خواندن در موقعیت مکان‌نما
+Comment[fi]=Lisää mikä tahansa luettava tiedosto kursorin kohdalle
+Comment[fr]=Insérer tout fichier lisible à la position du curseur
+Comment[fy]=Els lêsber triem by it rinnerke ynfoegje
+Comment[gl]=Inserir calquera ficheiro lexíbel na posición do cursor
+Comment[he]=מוסיף כל קובץ בר קיראה במיקום הסמן
+Comment[hr]=Na položaju pokazivača umetnite bilo koju čitljivu datoteku
+Comment[hsb]=Zasunje lubowólnu čitajomnu dataju na poziciji cursora
+Comment[hu]=Tetszőleges olvasható fájl beszúrása a kurzorpozíciónál
+Comment[id]=Sisipkan berkas apa saja yang bisa dibaca ke posisi kursor
+Comment[is]=Setur inn hvaða lesanlegu skrá sem er í stöðu bendilsins
+Comment[it]=Inserisce un qualsiasi file leggibile alla posizione del cursore
+Comment[ka]=ნებისმიერი კითხვადი ფაილის კურსორის ადგილას ჩამატება
+Comment[kk]=Меңзер көрсететін орынға кез-келген оқылатын файлды ендіру
+Comment[ko]=커서가 있는 곳에 읽을 수 있는 파일을 끼워 넣습니다
+Comment[lb]=Setzt eng liesbar Datei bei der Cursorpositioun an
+Comment[lt]=Įterpią bet kokią skaitomą bylą ties žymekliu
+Comment[lv]=Ievieto jebkuru lasāmu failu kursora atrašanās vietā
+Comment[mk]=Внесува било која читлива датотека на позицијата на курсорот
+Comment[ms]=Sisipkan sebarang fail boleh baca di posisi kursor
+Comment[nb]=Sett inn en lesbar fil ved skrivemerket
+Comment[nds]=Jichtenseen leesbore Datei bi'n Blinker infögen
+Comment[ne]=कर्सर स्थितिमा कुनै पनि पढ्नयोग्य फाइल घुसाउनुहोस्
+Comment[nl]=Voeg een willekeurig leesbaar bestand in op de cursorpositie
+Comment[nn]=Set inn ei lesbar fil ved skrivemerket
+Comment[pa]=ਕੋਈ ਪੜਨਯੋਗ ਫਾਇਲ ਕਰਸਰ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਤੇ ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਕਰੋ
+Comment[pl]=Wstawia zawartość pliku w pozycji kursora
+Comment[pt]=Insira qualquer ficheiro legível na posição do cursor
+Comment[pt_BR]=Insere qualquer arquivo com permissões de leitura na posição do cursor
+Comment[ro]=Inserează la poziţia cursorului orice fişier citibil
+Comment[ru]=вставка любого читаемого файла в позиции курсора
+Comment[rw]=Kongeramo idosiye isomeka ibonetse ku mwanya w'inyoboranyandiko
+Comment[se]=Lasiha logahahtti fiilla čállinmearkka sajádahkii
+Comment[sk]=Vloží ľubovoľný súbor na pozíciu kurzora
+Comment[sl]=Vstavi katerokoli berljivo datoteko na položaju kazalca
+Comment[sr]=Убаците било који читљиви фајл на положају курсора
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Ubacite bilo koji čitljivi fajl na položaju kursora
+Comment[sv]=Infoga vilken läsbar fil som helst vid markörens plats
+Comment[ta]=சுட்டும் இடத்தில் படிக்கக்கூடிய கோப்பினை உள்ளிடு
+Comment[te]=ములుకు వున్న చోట చదవగలిగే దస్త్రాన్ని దూర్చును
+Comment[tg]=Файли хондашавандаи ҳеҷгуна дар мавқеъи курсор ҷойгир мекунад
+Comment[tr]=İmleç konumunda herhangi bir dosyanın içeriğini ekle
+Comment[tt]=Kürsär urınına, uqıp bulğan birem eçtälegen tığıp östi
+Comment[uk]=Вставляє вміст будь-якого файла, який можна прочитати, у позицію курсора
+Comment[uz]=Har qanday oʻqib boʻladigan faylni kursorning joyidan qoʻyish
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Ҳар қандай ўқиб бўладиган файлни курсорнинг жойидан қўйиш
+Comment[vi]=Chèn bất kỳ tập tin có khả năng đọc tại vị trí của con chạy.
diff --git a/kate/plugins/insertfile/ktexteditor_insertfileui.rc b/kate/plugins/insertfile/ktexteditor_insertfileui.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36ac0916f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/insertfile/ktexteditor_insertfileui.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
+<kpartplugin name="ktexteditor_insertfile" library="ktexteditor_insertfile" version="2">
+ <Menu name="tools"><Text>&amp;Tools</Text>
+ <separator group="tools_operations" />
+ <Action name="tools_insert_file" group="tools_operations"/>
+ </Menu>
diff --git a/kate/plugins/isearch/ISearchPlugin.cpp b/kate/plugins/isearch/ISearchPlugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9a790a3ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/isearch/ISearchPlugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 by John Firebaugh <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qstyle.h>
+#include <qpopupmenu.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include "ISearchPlugin.h"
+#include "ISearchPlugin.moc"
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( ktexteditor_isearch, KGenericFactory<ISearchPlugin>( "ktexteditor_isearch" ) )
+ISearchPluginView::ISearchPluginView( KTextEditor::View *view )
+ : QObject ( view ), KXMLGUIClient (view)
+ , m_view( 0L )
+ , m_doc( 0L )
+ , m_searchIF( 0L )
+ , m_cursorIF( 0L )
+ , m_selectIF( 0L )
+// , m_toolBarAction( 0L )
+ , m_searchForwardAction( 0L )
+ , m_searchBackwardAction( 0L )
+ , m_label( 0L )
+ , m_combo( 0L )
+ , m_lastString( "" )
+ , m_searchBackward( false )
+ , m_caseSensitive( false )
+ , m_fromBeginning( false )
+ , m_regExp( false )
+ , m_autoWrap( false )
+ , m_wrapped( false )
+ , m_startLine( 0 )
+ , m_startCol( 0 )
+ , m_searchLine( 0 )
+ , m_searchCol( 0 )
+ , m_foundLine( 0 )
+ , m_foundCol( 0 )
+ , m_matchLen( 0 )
+ , m_toolBarWasHidden( false )
+ view->insertChildClient (this);
+ setInstance( KGenericFactory<ISearchPlugin>::instance() );
+ m_searchForwardAction = new KAction(
+ i18n("Search Incrementally"), CTRL+ALT+Key_F,
+ this, SLOT(slotSearchForwardAction()),
+ actionCollection(), "edit_isearch" );
+ m_searchBackwardAction = new KAction(
+ i18n("Search Incrementally Backwards"), CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Key_F,
+ this, SLOT(slotSearchBackwardAction()),
+ actionCollection(), "edit_isearch_reverse" );
+ m_label = new QLabel( i18n("I-Search:"), 0L, "kde toolbar widget" );
+ KWidgetAction* labelAction = new KWidgetAction(
+ m_label,
+ i18n("I-Search:"), 0, 0, 0,
+ actionCollection(), "isearch_label" );
+ labelAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
+ m_combo = new KHistoryCombo();
+ m_combo->setDuplicatesEnabled( false );
+ m_combo->setMaximumWidth( 300 );
+ m_combo->lineEdit()->installEventFilter( this );
+ connect( m_combo, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(slotTextChanged(const QString&)) );
+ connect( m_combo, SIGNAL(returnPressed(const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(slotReturnPressed(const QString&)) );
+ connect( m_combo, SIGNAL(aboutToShowContextMenu(QPopupMenu*)),
+ this, SLOT(slotAddContextMenuItems(QPopupMenu*)) );
+ m_comboAction = new KWidgetAction(
+ m_combo,
+ i18n("Search"), 0, 0, 0,
+ actionCollection(), "isearch_combo" );
+ m_comboAction->setAutoSized( true );
+ m_comboAction->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
+ KActionMenu* optionMenu = new KActionMenu(
+ i18n("Search Options"), "configure",
+ actionCollection(), "isearch_options" );
+ optionMenu->setDelayed( false );
+ KToggleAction* action = new KToggleAction(
+ i18n("Case Sensitive"), KShortcut(),
+ actionCollection(), "isearch_case_sensitive" );
+ action->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
+ connect( action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setCaseSensitive(bool)) );
+ action->setChecked( m_caseSensitive );
+ optionMenu->insert( action );
+ action = new KToggleAction(
+ i18n("From Beginning"), KShortcut(),
+ actionCollection(), "isearch_from_beginning" );
+ action->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
+ connect( action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setFromBeginning(bool)) );
+ action->setChecked( m_fromBeginning );
+ optionMenu->insert( action );
+ action = new KToggleAction(
+ i18n("Regular Expression"), KShortcut(),
+ actionCollection(), "isearch_reg_exp" );
+ action->setShortcutConfigurable( false );
+ connect( action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+ this, SLOT(setRegExp(bool)) );
+ action->setChecked( m_regExp );
+ optionMenu->insert( action );
+// optionMenu->insert( new KActionSeparator() );
+// action = new KToggleAction(
+// i18n("Auto-Wrap Search"), KShortcut(),
+// actionCollection(), "isearch_auto_wrap" );
+// connect( action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
+// this, SLOT(setAutoWrap(bool)) );
+// action->setChecked( m_autoWrap );
+// optionMenu->insert( action );
+ setXMLFile( "ktexteditor_isearchui.rc" );
+ writeConfig();
+ m_combo->lineEdit()->removeEventFilter( this );
+ delete m_combo;
+ delete m_label;
+void ISearchPluginView::setView( KTextEditor::View* view )
+ m_view = view;
+ m_doc = m_view->document();
+ m_searchIF = KTextEditor::searchInterface ( m_doc );
+ m_cursorIF = KTextEditor::viewCursorInterface ( m_view );
+ m_selectIF = KTextEditor::selectionInterface ( m_doc );
+ if( !m_doc || !m_cursorIF || !m_selectIF ) {
+ m_view = 0L;
+ m_doc = 0L;
+ m_searchIF = 0L;
+ m_cursorIF = 0L;
+ m_selectIF = 0L;
+ }
+ readConfig();
+void ISearchPluginView::readConfig()
+ // KConfig* config = instance()->config();
+void ISearchPluginView::writeConfig()
+ // KConfig* config = instance()->config();
+void ISearchPluginView::setCaseSensitive( bool caseSensitive )
+ m_caseSensitive = caseSensitive;
+void ISearchPluginView::setFromBeginning( bool fromBeginning )
+ m_fromBeginning = fromBeginning;
+ if( m_fromBeginning ) {
+ m_searchLine = m_searchCol = 0;
+ }
+void ISearchPluginView::setRegExp( bool regExp )
+ m_regExp = regExp;
+void ISearchPluginView::setAutoWrap( bool autoWrap )
+ m_autoWrap = autoWrap;
+bool ISearchPluginView::eventFilter( QObject* o, QEvent* e )
+ if( o != m_combo->lineEdit() )
+ return false;
+ if( e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) {
+ QFocusEvent* focusEvent = (QFocusEvent*)e;
+ if( focusEvent->reason() == QFocusEvent::ActiveWindow ||
+ focusEvent->reason() == QFocusEvent::Popup )
+ return false;
+ startSearch();
+ }
+ if( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) {
+ QFocusEvent* focusEvent = (QFocusEvent*)e;
+ if( focusEvent->reason() == QFocusEvent::ActiveWindow ||
+ focusEvent->reason() == QFocusEvent::Popup )
+ return false;
+ endSearch();
+ }
+ if( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress ) {
+ QKeyEvent *keyEvent = (QKeyEvent*)e;
+ if( keyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_Escape )
+ quitToView( QString::null );
+ }
+ return false;
+// Sigh... i18n hell.
+void ISearchPluginView::updateLabelText(
+ bool failing /* = false */, bool reverse /* = false */,
+ bool wrapped /* = false */, bool overwrapped /* = false */ )
+ QString text;
+ // Reverse binary:
+ // 0000
+ if( !failing && !reverse && !wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Incremental Search", "I-Search:");
+ // 1000
+ } else if ( failing && !reverse && !wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Incremental Search found no match", "Failing I-Search:");
+ // 0100
+ } else if ( !failing && reverse && !wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Incremental Search in the reverse direction", "I-Search Backward:");
+ // 1100
+ } else if ( failing && reverse && !wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Failing I-Search Backward:");
+ // 0010
+ } else if ( !failing && !reverse && wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Incremental Search has passed the end of the document", "Wrapped I-Search:");
+ // 1010
+ } else if ( failing && !reverse && wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Failing Wrapped I-Search:");
+ // 0110
+ } else if ( !failing && reverse && wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Wrapped I-Search Backward:");
+ // 1110
+ } else if ( failing && reverse && wrapped && !overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Failing Wrapped I-Search Backward:");
+ // 0011
+ } else if ( !failing && !reverse && overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Incremental Search has passed both the end of the document "
+ "and the original starting position", "Overwrapped I-Search:");
+ // 1011
+ } else if ( failing && !reverse && overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Failing Overwrapped I-Search:");
+ // 0111
+ } else if ( !failing && reverse && overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Overwrapped I-Search Backwards:");
+ // 1111
+ } else if ( failing && reverse && overwrapped ) {
+ text = i18n("Failing Overwrapped I-Search Backward:");
+ } else {
+ text = i18n("Error: unknown i-search state!");
+ }
+ m_label->setText( text );
+void ISearchPluginView::slotSearchForwardAction()
+ slotSearchAction( false );
+void ISearchPluginView::slotSearchBackwardAction()
+ slotSearchAction( true );
+void ISearchPluginView::slotSearchAction( bool reverse )
+ if( !m_combo->hasFocus() ) {
+ if( m_comboAction->container(0) && m_comboAction->container(0)->isHidden() ) {
+ m_toolBarWasHidden = true;
+ m_comboAction->container(0)->setHidden( false );
+ } else {
+ m_toolBarWasHidden = false;
+ }
+ m_combo->setFocus(); // Will call startSearch()
+ } else {
+ nextMatch( reverse );
+ }
+void ISearchPluginView::nextMatch( bool reverse )
+ QString text = m_combo->currentText();
+ if( text.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ if( state != MatchSearch ) {
+ // Last search was performed by typing, start from that match.
+ if( !reverse ) {
+ m_searchLine = m_foundLine;
+ m_searchCol = m_foundCol + m_matchLen;
+ } else {
+ m_searchLine = m_foundLine;
+ m_searchCol = m_foundCol;
+ }
+ state = MatchSearch;
+ }
+ bool found = iSearch( m_searchLine, m_searchCol, text, reverse, m_autoWrap );
+ if( found ) {
+ m_searchLine = m_foundLine;
+ m_searchCol = m_foundCol + m_matchLen;
+ } else {
+ m_wrapped = true;
+ m_searchLine = m_searchCol = 0;
+ }
+void ISearchPluginView::startSearch()
+ if( !m_view ) return;
+ m_searchForwardAction->setText( i18n("Next Incremental Search Match") );
+ m_searchBackwardAction->setText( i18n("Previous Incremental Search Match") );
+ m_wrapped = false;
+ if( m_fromBeginning ) {
+ m_startLine = m_startCol = 0;
+ } else {
+ m_cursorIF->cursorPositionReal( &m_startLine, &m_startCol );
+ }
+ m_searchLine = m_startLine;
+ m_searchCol = m_startCol;
+ updateLabelText( false, m_searchBackward );
+ m_combo->blockSignals( true );
+ QString text = m_selectIF->selection();
+ if( text.isEmpty() )
+ text = m_lastString;
+ m_combo->setCurrentText( text );
+ m_combo->blockSignals( false );
+ m_combo->lineEdit()->selectAll();
+// kdDebug() << "Starting search at " << m_startLine << ", " << m_startCol << endl;
+void ISearchPluginView::endSearch()
+ m_searchForwardAction->setText( i18n("Search Incrementally") );
+ m_searchBackwardAction->setText( i18n("Search Incrementally Backwards") );
+ updateLabelText();
+ if( m_toolBarWasHidden && m_comboAction->containerCount() > 0 ) {
+ m_comboAction->container(0)->setHidden( true );
+ }
+void ISearchPluginView::quitToView( const QString &text )
+ if( !text.isNull() && !text.isEmpty() ) {
+ m_combo->addToHistory( text );
+ m_lastString = text;
+ }
+ if( m_view ) {
+ m_view->setFocus(); // Will call endSearch()
+ }
+void ISearchPluginView::slotTextChanged( const QString& text )
+ state = TextSearch;
+ if( text.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ iSearch( m_searchLine, m_searchCol, text, m_searchBackward, m_autoWrap );
+void ISearchPluginView::slotReturnPressed( const QString& text )
+ quitToView( text );
+void ISearchPluginView::slotAddContextMenuItems( QPopupMenu *menu )
+ if( menu ) {
+ menu->insertSeparator();
+ menu->insertItem( i18n("Case Sensitive"), this,
+ SLOT(setCaseSensitive(bool)));
+ menu->insertItem( i18n("From Beginning"), this,
+ SLOT(setFromBeginning(bool)));
+ menu->insertItem( i18n("Regular Expression"), this,
+ SLOT(setRegExp(bool)));
+ //menu->insertItem( i18n("Auto-Wrap Search"), this,
+ // SLOT(setAutoWrap(bool)));
+ }
+bool ISearchPluginView::iSearch(
+ uint startLine, uint startCol,
+ const QString& text, bool reverse,
+ bool autoWrap )
+ if( !m_view ) return false;
+// kdDebug() << "Searching for " << text << " at " << startLine << ", " << startCol << endl;
+ bool found = false;
+ if( !m_regExp ) {
+ found = m_searchIF->searchText( startLine,
+ startCol,
+ text,
+ &m_foundLine,
+ &m_foundCol,
+ &m_matchLen,
+ m_caseSensitive,
+ reverse );
+ } else {
+ found = m_searchIF->searchText( startLine,
+ startCol,
+ QRegExp( text ),
+ &m_foundLine,
+ &m_foundCol,
+ &m_matchLen,
+ reverse );
+ }
+ if( found ) {
+// kdDebug() << "Found '" << text << "' at " << m_foundLine << ", " << m_foundCol << endl;
+// v->gotoLineNumber( m_foundLine );
+ m_cursorIF->setCursorPositionReal( m_foundLine, m_foundCol + m_matchLen );
+ m_selectIF->setSelection( m_foundLine, m_foundCol, m_foundLine, m_foundCol + m_matchLen );
+ } else if ( autoWrap ) {
+ m_wrapped = true;
+ found = iSearch( 0, 0, text, reverse, false );
+ }
+ // FIXME
+ bool overwrapped = ( m_wrapped &&
+ ((m_foundLine > m_startLine ) ||
+ (m_foundLine == m_startLine && m_foundCol >= m_startCol)) );
+// kdDebug() << "Overwrap = " << overwrapped << ". Start was " << m_startLine << ", " << m_startCol << endl;
+ updateLabelText( !found, reverse, m_wrapped, overwrapped );
+ return found;
+ISearchPlugin::ISearchPlugin( QObject *parent, const char* name, const QStringList& )
+ : KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name )
+void ISearchPlugin::addView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ ISearchPluginView *nview = new ISearchPluginView (view);
+ nview->setView (view);
+ m_views.append (nview);
+void ISearchPlugin::removeView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++)
+ {
+ if (>parentClient() == view)
+ {
+ ISearchPluginView *nview =;
+ m_views.remove (nview);
+ delete nview;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/kate/plugins/isearch/ISearchPlugin.h b/kate/plugins/isearch/ISearchPlugin.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d2f603fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/isearch/ISearchPlugin.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ /* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 by John Firebaugh <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef _ISearchPlugin_H_
+#define _ISearchPlugin_H_
+#include <ktexteditor/plugin.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/searchinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/selectioninterface.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+class QLabel;
+class ISearchPlugin : public KTextEditor::Plugin, public KTextEditor::PluginViewInterface
+ ISearchPlugin( QObject *parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
+ virtual ~ISearchPlugin();
+ void addView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ void removeView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ QPtrList<class ISearchPluginView> m_views;
+class ISearchPluginView : public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient
+ ISearchPluginView( KTextEditor::View *view );
+ virtual ~ISearchPluginView();
+ virtual bool eventFilter( QObject*, QEvent* );
+ void setView( KTextEditor::View* view );
+public slots:
+ void setCaseSensitive( bool );
+ void setFromBeginning( bool );
+ void setRegExp( bool );
+ void setAutoWrap( bool );
+private slots:
+ void slotSearchForwardAction();
+ void slotSearchBackwardAction();
+ void slotSearchAction( bool reverse );
+ void slotTextChanged( const QString& text );
+ void slotReturnPressed( const QString& text );
+ void slotAddContextMenuItems( QPopupMenu *menu);
+ void readConfig();
+ void writeConfig();
+ void updateLabelText( bool failing = false, bool reverse = false,
+ bool wrapped = false, bool overwrapped = false );
+ void startSearch();
+ void endSearch();
+ void quitToView( const QString &text );
+ void nextMatch( bool reverse );
+ bool iSearch( uint startLine, uint startCol,
+ const QString& text, bool reverse, bool autoWrap );
+ KTextEditor::View* m_view;
+ KTextEditor::Document* m_doc;
+ KTextEditor::SearchInterface* m_searchIF;
+ KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface* m_cursorIF;
+ KTextEditor::SelectionInterface* m_selectIF;
+ KAction* m_searchForwardAction;
+ KAction* m_searchBackwardAction;
+ KWidgetAction* m_comboAction;
+ QGuardedPtr<QLabel> m_label;
+ QGuardedPtr<KHistoryCombo> m_combo;
+ QString m_lastString;
+ bool m_searchBackward;
+ bool m_caseSensitive;
+ bool m_fromBeginning;
+ bool m_regExp;
+ bool m_autoWrap;
+ bool m_wrapped;
+ uint m_startLine, m_startCol;
+ uint m_searchLine, m_searchCol;
+ uint m_foundLine, m_foundCol, m_matchLen;
+ bool m_toolBarWasHidden;
+ enum { NoSearch, TextSearch, MatchSearch } state;
+#endif // _ISearchPlugin_H_
diff --git a/kate/plugins/isearch/ b/kate/plugins/isearch/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70327218e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/isearch/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/interfaces $(all_includes)
+# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+ktexteditor_isearch_la_SOURCES = ISearchPlugin.cpp
+ktexteditor_isearch_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/interfaces/ktexteditor/
+ktexteditor_isearch_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+isearchdatadir = $(kde_datadir)/ktexteditor_isearch
+isearchdata_DATA = ktexteditor_isearchui.rc
+kde_services_DATA = ktexteditor_isearch.desktop
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp *.h -o $(podir)/ktexteditor_isearch.pot
diff --git a/kate/plugins/isearch/ktexteditor_isearch.desktop b/kate/plugins/isearch/ktexteditor_isearch.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0a345495e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/isearch/ktexteditor_isearch.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=KTextEditor Incremental Search Plugin
+Name[af]=KTextEditor Inkrementele Soektog Inprop Module
+Name[ar]=ملحق بحث تزايدي لمحرر نصوص كيدي
+Name[az]=KTextEditor Artan Axtarış Əlavəsi
+Name[be]=Модуль паступовага пошуку
+Name[bn]=কে-টেক্সট-এডিটর ধারাবাহিক সন্ধান প্লাগ-ইন
+Name[bs]=KTextEditor dodatak za inkrementalnu pretragu
+Name[ca]=Connector del KTextEditor per a la recerca incremental
+Name[cs]=Modul pro postupné vyhledávání
+Name[csb]=Pligins editorë do przërostowi szëkbë
+Name[cy]=Ategyn Chwiliad Cynyddol KGolyguTestun
+Name[da]=KTextEditor inkrementel søgnings-plugin
+Name[de]=KTextEditor-Erweiterung zur einengenden Suche
+Name[el]=Πρόσθετο αυξητικής αναζήτησης KTextEditor
+Name[eo]=KTextEditor Iom-post-Ioma-Serĉo-kromaĵeto
+Name[es]=Plugin de búsqueda incremental de KTextEditor
+Name[et]=KTextEditori täpsustava otsingu plugin
+Name[eu]=KTextEditor-en bilaketa inkrementalerako plugin-a
+Name[fa]=وصلۀ جستجوی نموی KTextEditor
+Name[fi]=KTextEditorin tarkentuvan haun laajennus
+Name[fr]=Module externe de recherche incrémentale pour KTextEditor
+Name[fy]=KTextEditor-plugin foar sykaksjes yn meardere stappen
+Name[ga]=Breiseán KTextEditor do chuardach incriminteach
+Name[gl]=Plugin de Procura Incremental de KTextEditor
+Name[he]=תוסף חיפוש חלקי ל־KTextEditor
+Name[hi]=के-टेक्स्ट-एडिटर इंक्रीमेंटल सर्च प्लगइन
+Name[hr]=KTextEditor dodatak za traženje u koracima
+Name[hsb]=KTextEditor Plugin za inkrementelne pytanje
+Name[hu]=KTextEditor inkrementális keresési bővítőmodul
+Name[id]=Plugin Pencarian Bertahap KTextEditor
+Name[is]=KTextEditor þrepaleitar-íforrit
+Name[it]=Plugin ricerca incrementale di KTextEditor
+Name[ja]=KTextEditor インクリメンタル検索プラグイン
+Name[ka]=ნამატი ძიების KTextEditor მოდული
+Name[kk]=KTextEditor инкременттік іздеу модулі
+Name[km]=កម្មវិធី​ជំនួយ​ខាង​ក្នុង KTextEditor Incremental Search
+Name[lb]=Inkrementellen Sich-Plugin fir de KTextEditor
+Name[lt]=KTextEditor augančios paieškos priedas
+Name[lv]=KTextEditor "meklē kamēr raksti" spraudnis
+Name[mk]=KTextEditor приклучок за инкрементално пребарување
+Name[mn]=Текст боловсруулагчийн нэмэлт хайлтын плугин
+Name[ms]=Plug masuk Carian Meningkat KTextEditor
+Name[mt]=Plagin ta' KTextEditor għal tfittix inkrementali
+Name[nb]=Programtillegg for 'fortløpende søk' i KTextEditor
+Name[nds]=KTextEditor-Plugin för "Tast för Tast"-Söök
+Name[ne]=KTextEditor बढोत्तरीत खोजी प्लगइन
+Name[nl]=KTextEditor-plugin voor incrementele zoekacties
+Name[nn]=Programtillegg for inkrementelt søk i skriveprogram
+Name[nso]=Tsenyo ya Nyako ya Koketso ya Mofetosi wa Sengwalwana sa K
+Name[pa]=KTextEditor ਲਗਾਤਾਰ ਖੋਜ ਪਲੱਗਿੰਨ
+Name[pl]=Wtyczka edytora do szukania przyrostowego
+Name[pt]='Plugin' de Procura Incremental do KTextEditor
+Name[pt_BR]=Plug-in de Busca Incremental para o Editor de textos
+Name[ro]=Modul de căutare incrementală pentru KTextEditor
+Name[ru]=Модуль поиска по набору KTextEditor
+Name[rw]=Icomeka Nyongeragaciro ryo Gushakisha rya KMuhinduziMwandiko
+Name[se]=KTextEditor lassáneaddji-ohcan lassemoduvla
+Name[sk]=Modul pre inkrementálne hľadanie KTextEditor
+Name[sl]=Vstavek KTextEditor za postopno iskanje
+Name[sq]=KTextEditor Shtojca: Kërkim përmes Numrimit
+Name[sr]=KTextEditor прикључак за инкрементално претраживање
+Name[sr@Latn]=KTextEditor priključak za inkrementalno pretraživanje
+Name[ss]=I-plugin yekusesha lokungetekako kwe KTextEditor
+Name[sv]=Ktexteditor-insticksprogram för inkrementell sökning
+Name[ta]=கேஉரை தொகுப்பாளர் படிப்படியான தேடற் சொருகுப்பொருள்
+Name[te]=కెటెక్స్ట్ ఎడిటర్ హెచ్చించి వెతుకుటకు ప్లగిన్
+Name[tg]=Пуркунандаи KTextEditor барои ҷустуҷӯи афзоиш
+Name[th]=ปลักอินการค้นหาแบบทบเพิ่มของ KTextEditor
+Name[tr]=KTextEditor Artımsal Arama Eklentisi
+Name[tt]=KTextEditor'nıñ Artıp Ezläw Quşılması
+Name[uk]=Втулок KTextEditor для покрокового пошуку
+Name[uz]=KTextEditor ketma-ket qidirish plagini
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=KTextEditor кетма-кет қидириш плагини
+Name[ven]=Pulagini yau toda yo engedzeaho ya musengulusi wa manwalwa a K
+Name[vi]=Bộ cầm phít Tìm kiếm Dần dần KTextEditor
+Name[xh]=KTextEditor Iplagi yangaphakathi Yokuphendla Ngokunyukayo
+Name[zh_CN]=KTextEditor 增量搜索插件
+Name[zh_HK]=KTextEditor 漸進式搜尋外掛程式
+Name[zh_TW]=KTextEditor 漸進式搜尋外掛程式
+Name[zu]=I-Plugin Yosesho Lokwenyuka ngezigaba ze-KTextEditor
+Comment=Also known as "As you type search"
+Comment[af]=Ook bekend as "Soos jy tik soektog"
+Comment[be]=Другая назва "пошук пры набіранні"
+Comment[bg]=Последователно търсене, известно още като търсене по време на въвеждане на низа
+Comment[bn]="টাইপ করাকালীন সন্ধান" হিসাবেও পরিচিত
+Comment[bs]=Takođe poznat kao "Pretraga dok kucate"
+Comment[ca]=També es coneix com a "Cerca en teclejar"
+Comment[cs]=Známý také "Hledání jak napíšete"
+Comment[csb]=Tzw. "szëkba òb czas pisaniô"
+Comment[da]=Også kendt som "Søg mens du skriver"
+Comment[de]=Suchvorgänge beim Tippen
+Comment[el]=Επίσης γνωστή και ως "Αναζήτηση κατά την πληκτρολόγηση"
+Comment[eo]=Ankaŭ konata kiel "Dumtajpa serĉo"
+Comment[es]=También conocido como "Búsqueda mientras teclea"
+Comment[et]=Tuntud ka kui "otsimine vastavalt kirjutamisele"
+Comment[eu]="Idaztean bilatu" bezala ere ezaguna
+Comment[fa]=همچنین شناخته‌شده به عنوان »وقتی که جستجو را تحریر می‌کنید«
+Comment[fi]=Tunnetaan myös nimellä "Hae kun kirjoitat"
+Comment[fr]=Aussi connu comme « Recherche pendant la saisie »
+Comment[fy]=Ek bekend as"ûnder it typen sykje"
+Comment[ga]=Darbh ainm "Cuardach Beo" freisin
+Comment[gl]=Tamén coñecido como "Busca mentres escrebes"
+Comment[he]=ידוע גם בתור "חיפוש תוך כדי כתיבה"
+Comment[hi]=ऐसे भी जाना जाता है "जैसे जैसे टाइप करते जाएँ- ढूंढते जाएँ"
+Comment[hr]=Poznat i kao "As you type search"
+Comment[hsb]=Tež znate jako "pytanje při zapodawanju"
+Comment[hu]=Más néven "Beírásos keresés"
+Comment[id]=Dikenal juga sebagai "Cari sembari mengetik"
+Comment[is]=Einnig þekkt sem "Leita meðan þú pikkar"
+Comment[it]=Noto anche come "Ricerca mentre scrivi"
+Comment[ka]=იგივეა, რაც ძიება აკრეფის პროცესში
+Comment[kk]=Басқаша "Теруге қарай іздеу" деп аталатын
+Comment[km]=​ក៏​ស្គាល់​ជា "ស្វែងរក ពេល​អ្នក​វាយ"
+Comment[lb]=Och bekannt als "Sichen, wärend dir antippt"
+Comment[lt]=Taip pat žinomas kaip „paieška spausdinimo metu“
+Comment[lv]=Meklē tekstu kamēr Jūs to rakstat
+Comment[mk]=Познато и како "пребарување додека куцате"
+Comment[ms]=Juga dikenali sebagai "Apabila nada taip cari"
+Comment[nb]=Også kjent som søk «etterhvert som du skriver»
+Comment[nds]=Direktemang bi't Tippen söken
+Comment[ne]="तपाईँले खोजी टाइप गरे जस्तै" को रूपमा पनि चिनिन्छ
+Comment[nl]=Ook bekend als "Zoeken terwijl u typt"
+Comment[nn]=Òg kjend som søk «etter kvart som du skriv»
+Comment[pa]=ਇਸ ਤਰਾਂ ਵੀ ਜਾਣੋ ਕਿ "ਜਿਵੇਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਖੋਜ ਲਿਖੀ"
+Comment[pl]=Tzw. "wyszukiwanie podczas pisania"
+Comment[pt]=Também conhecida como "Procura enquanto escreve"
+Comment[pt_BR]=Conhecido também como "Busca como você digitar"
+Comment[ro]=Căutare instantanee, pe măsură ce scrieţi modelul de text căutat
+Comment[ru]=Поиск по набору символов
+Comment[rw]=Nanone bizwi nka "Nk'iyo wanditse ishakisha"
+Comment[se]=Maiddái dovddus «oza dađistaga go čálát» namas.
+Comment[sk]=Známe aj ako "Hľadanie podľa napísaného textu"
+Comment[sl]=Znano tudi kot »Iskanje med tipkanjem«
+Comment[sr]=Познато и као „претрага док куцате“
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Poznato i kao „pretraga dok kucate“
+Comment[sv]=Också känt som "Sök medan du skriver"
+Comment[ta]="தேடு என்று தட்டச்சிட்டவுடன்" என்றும் அழைக்கப்படும்
+Comment[te]="టైపు చెస్తుండగా వెతుకుట "అని కూడా అందురురు
+Comment[tg]=Ҳамчун "Ҷустуҷӯи ҳарфчинӣ" машҳур аст
+Comment[th]=หรือรู้จักกันอีกอย่างว่า "ค้นหาขณะพิมพ์"
+Comment[tr]=Ayrıca "Yazarken ararsın" olarak da bilinir
+Comment[tt]=Cıyılu belän beryulı ezli
+Comment[uk]=Також відомий як "Пошук за вводом"
+Comment[vi]=Cũng được biết như là « Tìm kiếm trong khi gõ ».
diff --git a/kate/plugins/isearch/ktexteditor_isearchui.rc b/kate/plugins/isearch/ktexteditor_isearchui.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8fc6b5dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/isearch/ktexteditor_isearchui.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
+<kpartplugin name="ktexteditor_isearch" library="ktexteditor_isearch" version="4">
+ <Menu name="edit"><text>&amp;Edit</text>
+ <Action name="edit_isearch" group="edit_find_merge"/>
+ <Action name="edit_isearch_reverse" group="edit_find_merge"/>
+ </Menu>
+<ToolBar name="isearchToolBar" hidden="true"><text>Search Toolbar</text>
+ <Action name="isearch_label"/>
+ <Action name="isearch_combo"/>
+ <Action name="isearch_options"/>
diff --git a/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..115391ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/interfaces -I$(top_srcdir)/kdefx $(all_includes)
+# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+ktexteditor_kdatatool_la_SOURCES = kate_kdatatool.cpp
+ktexteditor_kdatatool_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/interfaces/ktexteditor/
+ktexteditor_kdatatool_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+kdatatooldatadir = $(kde_datadir)/ktexteditor_kdatatool
+kdatatooldata_DATA = ktexteditor_kdatatoolui.rc
+kde_services_DATA = ktexteditor_kdatatool.desktop
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp *.h -o $(podir)/ktexteditor_kdatatool.pot
diff --git a/kate/plugins/kdatatool/kate_kdatatool.cpp b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/kate_kdatatool.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c63bcb4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/kate_kdatatool.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger <[email protected]> and Daniel Naber <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+//BEGIN includes
+#include "kate_kdatatool.h"
+#include "kate_kdatatool.moc"
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kdatatool.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/selectioninterface.h>
+#include <kpopupmenu.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
+//END includes
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( ktexteditor_kdatatool, KGenericFactory<KTextEditor::KDataToolPlugin>( "ktexteditor_kdatatool" ) )
+namespace KTextEditor {
+KDataToolPlugin::KDataToolPlugin( QObject *parent, const char* name, const QStringList& )
+ : KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name )
+KDataToolPlugin::~KDataToolPlugin ()
+void KDataToolPlugin::addView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ KDataToolPluginView *nview = new KDataToolPluginView (view);
+ nview->setView (view);
+ m_views.append (nview);
+void KDataToolPlugin::removeView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++)
+ {
+ if (>parentClient() == view)
+ {
+ KDataToolPluginView *nview =;
+ m_views.remove (nview);
+ delete nview;
+ }
+ }
+KDataToolPluginView::KDataToolPluginView( KTextEditor::View *view )
+ :m_menu(0),m_notAvailable(0)
+ view->insertChildClient (this);
+ setInstance( KGenericFactory<KDataToolPlugin>::instance() );
+ m_menu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Data Tools"), actionCollection(), "popup_dataTool");
+ connect(m_menu->popupMenu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShow()));
+ setXMLFile("ktexteditor_kdatatoolui.rc");
+ m_view = view;
+ m_view->removeChildClient (this);
+ delete m_menu;
+void KDataToolPluginView::aboutToShow()
+ kdDebug()<<"KTextEditor::KDataToolPluginView::aboutToShow"<<endl;
+ QString word;
+ m_singleWord = false;
+ m_wordUnderCursor = QString::null;
+ // unplug old actions, if any:
+ KAction *ac;
+ for ( ac = m_actionList.first(); ac; ac = ) {
+ m_menu->remove(ac);
+ }
+ if (m_notAvailable) {
+ m_menu->remove(m_notAvailable);
+ delete m_notAvailable;
+ m_notAvailable=0;
+ }
+ if ( selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
+ {
+ word = selectionInterface(m_view->document())->selection();
+ if ( word.find(' ') == -1 && word.find('\t') == -1 && word.find('\n') == -1 )
+ m_singleWord = true;
+ else
+ m_singleWord = false;
+ } else {
+ // No selection -> use word under cursor
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei;
+ KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface *ci;
+ KTextEditor::View *v = (KTextEditor::View*)m_view;
+ ei = KTextEditor::editInterface(v->document());
+ ci = KTextEditor::viewCursorInterface(v);
+ uint line, col;
+ ci->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ QString tmp_line = ei->textLine(line);
+ m_wordUnderCursor = "";
+ // find begin of word:
+ m_singleWord_start = 0;
+ for(int i = col; i >= 0; i--) {
+ QChar ch =;
+ if( ! (ch.isLetter() || ch == '-' || ch == '\'') )
+ {
+ m_singleWord_start = i+1;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_wordUnderCursor = ch + m_wordUnderCursor;
+ }
+ // find end of word:
+ m_singleWord_end = tmp_line.length();
+ for(uint i = col+1; i < tmp_line.length(); i++) {
+ QChar ch =;
+ if( ! (ch.isLetter() || ch == '-' || ch == '\'') )
+ {
+ m_singleWord_end = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_wordUnderCursor += ch;
+ }
+ if( ! m_wordUnderCursor.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ m_singleWord = true;
+ m_singleWord_line = line;
+ } else {
+ m_notAvailable = new KAction(i18n("(not available)"), QString::null, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotNotAvailable()), actionCollection(),"dt_n_av");
+ m_menu->insert(m_notAvailable);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ KInstance *inst=instance();
+ QValueList<KDataToolInfo> tools;
+ tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "QString", "text/plain", inst );
+ if( m_singleWord )
+ tools += KDataToolInfo::query( "QString", "application/x-singleword", inst );
+ m_actionList = KDataToolAction::dataToolActionList( tools, this,
+ SLOT( slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &, const QString & ) ) );
+ for ( ac = m_actionList.first(); ac; ac = ) {
+ m_menu->insert(ac);
+ }
+ if( m_actionList.isEmpty() ) {
+ m_notAvailable = new KAction(i18n("(not available)"), QString::null, 0, this,
+ SLOT(slotNotAvailable()), actionCollection(),"dt_n_av");
+ m_menu->insert(m_notAvailable);
+ }
+void KDataToolPluginView::slotNotAvailable()
+ KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("Data tools are only available when text is selected, "
+ "or when the right mouse button is clicked over a word. If no data tools are offered "
+ "even when text is selected, you need to install them. Some data tools are part "
+ "of the KOffice package."));
+void KDataToolPluginView::slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &info, const QString &command )
+ KDataTool* tool = info.createTool( );
+ if ( !tool )
+ {
+ kdWarning() << "Could not create Tool !" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ QString text;
+ if ( selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
+ text = selectionInterface(m_view->document())->selection();
+ else
+ text = m_wordUnderCursor;
+ QString mimetype = "text/plain";
+ QString datatype = "QString";
+ // If unsupported (and if we have a single word indeed), try application/x-singleword
+ if ( !info.mimeTypes().contains( mimetype ) && m_singleWord )
+ mimetype = "application/x-singleword";
+ kdDebug() << "Running tool with datatype=" << datatype << " mimetype=" << mimetype << endl;
+ QString origText = text;
+ if ( tool->run( command, &text, datatype, mimetype) )
+ {
+ kdDebug() << "Tool ran. Text is now " << text << endl;
+ if ( origText != text )
+ {
+ uint line, col;
+ viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ if ( ! selectionInterface(m_view->document())->hasSelection() )
+ {
+ KTextEditor::SelectionInterface *si;
+ si = KTextEditor::selectionInterface(m_view->document());
+ si->setSelection(m_singleWord_line, m_singleWord_start, m_singleWord_line, m_singleWord_end);
+ }
+ // replace selection with 'text'
+ selectionInterface(m_view->document())->removeSelectedText();
+ viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorPositionReal(&line, &col);
+ editInterface(m_view->document())->insertText(line, col, text);
+ // fixme: place cursor at the end:
+ /* No idea yet (Joseph Wenninger)
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ ) {
+ viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorRight();
+ } */
+ }
+ }
+ delete tool;
diff --git a/kate/plugins/kdatatool/kate_kdatatool.h b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/kate_kdatatool.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bde5d70b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/kate_kdatatool.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ Copyright (C) 2002 Joseph Wenninger <[email protected]> and Daniel Naber <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+// $Id$
+#include <ktexteditor/plugin.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+#include <qguardedptr.h>
+class KActionMenu;
+class KDataToolInfo;
+namespace KTextEditor
+class View;
+class KDataToolPlugin : public KTextEditor::Plugin, public KTextEditor::PluginViewInterface
+ KDataToolPlugin( QObject *parent = 0, const char* name = 0, const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
+ virtual ~KDataToolPlugin();
+ void addView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ void removeView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ private:
+ QPtrList<class KDataToolPluginView> m_views;
+class KDataToolPluginView : public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient
+ KDataToolPluginView( KTextEditor::View *view );
+ virtual ~KDataToolPluginView();
+ void setView( KTextEditor::View* ){;}
+ View *m_view;
+ bool m_singleWord;
+ int m_singleWord_line, m_singleWord_start, m_singleWord_end;
+ QString m_wordUnderCursor;
+ QPtrList<KAction> m_actionList;
+ QGuardedPtr<KActionMenu> m_menu;
+ KAction *m_notAvailable;
+protected slots:
+ void aboutToShow();
+ void slotToolActivated( const KDataToolInfo &datatoolinfo, const QString &string );
+ void slotNotAvailable();
diff --git a/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ktexteditor_kdatatool.desktop b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ktexteditor_kdatatool.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..66bb095d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ktexteditor_kdatatool.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=KTextEditor KDataTool Plugin
+Name[af]=KTextEditor KDataTool Inprop Module
+Name[ar]=ملحق KDataTool لـ KTextEditor
+Name[az]=KTextEditor KDataVasitəsi Əlavəsi
+Name[be]=Модуль KDataTool
+Name[bn]=কে-টেক্সট-এডিটর কে-ডেটা-টুল প্লাগ-ইন
+Name[br]=Lugent KTextEditor KDataTool
+Name[bs]=KTextEditor KDataTool dodatak
+Name[ca]=Connector KDataTool per al KTextEditor
+Name[cs]=Modul datového nástroje
+Name[csb]=Pligins editorë do òbsłużënkù pòdôwków
+Name[cy]=Ategyn KErfynData KGolyguTestun
+Name[da]=KTextEditor KDataTool-plugin
+Name[de]=KTextEditor-Erweiterung für KDataTool
+Name[el]=Πρόσθετο KTextEditor KDataTool
+Name[eo]=KTextEditor KDataTool Kromaĵo
+Name[es]=Plugin KDataTool de KTextEditor
+Name[et]=KTextEditori KDataTool plugin
+Name[eu]=KTextEditor-en KDataTool plugin-a
+Name[fa]=وصلۀ ابزار KTextEditor KData
+Name[fi]=KTextEditor KDataTool -lisäosa
+Name[fr]=Module externe KDataTool pour KTextEditor
+Name[fy]=KTextEditor-plugin foar KDatatool
+Name[ga]=Breiseán KDataTool do KTextEditor
+Name[gl]=Plugin KDataTool de KTextEditor
+Name[he]=תוסף כלי נתונים ל־KTextEditor
+Name[hi]=के-टेक्स्ट-एडिटर के-डाटा-टूल प्लगइन
+Name[hr]=KTextEditor dodatak za KDataTool
+Name[hu]=KTextEditor KDataTool bővítőmodul
+Name[id]=Plugin KDataTool untuk KTextEditor
+Name[is]=KTextEditor KDataTool íforrit
+Name[it]=Plugin KDataTool di KTextEditor
+Name[ja]=KTextEditor KDataTool プラグイン
+Name[ka]=მონაცემთა დამუშავების KTextEditor-ის მოდული
+Name[kk]=KTextEditor KDataTool модулі
+Name[km]=កម្មវិធី​ជំនួយ​ខាង​ក្នុង KDataTool KTextEditor
+Name[lt]=KTextEditor KDataTool priedas
+Name[lv]=KTextEditor KDataTool spraudnis
+Name[mk]=KTextEditor KDataTool приклучок
+Name[mn]=Текст боловсруулагчийн өгөгдлийн хэрэгслийн плугин
+Name[ms]=Plug masuk KDataTool KTextEditor
+Name[mt]=Name=Plagin ta' KTextEditor - KDataTool
+Name[nb]=KTextEditor KDataTool-programtillegg
+Name[nds]=KTextEditor-Plugin för KDataTool
+Name[ne]=KTextEditor KDataTool प्लगइन
+Name[nl]=KTextEditor-plugin voor KDatatool
+Name[nn]=KDataTool-programtillegg for skriveprogram
+Name[nso]=Tsenyo ya Sebereka sa Data ya K ya Mofetosi wa Sengwalwana sa K
+Name[pa]=KTextEditor KDataTool ਪਲੱਗਿੰਨ
+Name[pl]=Wtyczka edytora do obsługi danych
+Name[pt]='Plugin' do KDataTool do KTextEditor
+Name[pt_BR]=Plug-in de Ferramenta de Dados para o Editor de textos
+Name[ro]=Modul KDataTool pentru KTextEditor
+Name[ru]=Модуль обработки данных KTextEditor
+Name[rw]=Icyomeka ry'Igikoresho KIbyatanzwe rya KMuhinduziMwandiko
+Name[se]=KDataTool-lassemoduvla čállinprográmmaid várás
+Name[sk]=Module KDataTool KTextEditor
+Name[sl]=Vstavek KTextEditor KDataTool
+Name[sq]=KTextEditor Shtojca: KDataTool
+Name[sr]=KTextEditor KDataTool прикључак
+Name[sr@Latn]=KTextEditor KDataTool priključak
+Name[ss]=I-plugin KDataTool ku KTextEditor
+Name[sv]=Ktexteditor-insticksprogram med dataverktyg
+Name[ta]=கேஉரைதொகுப்பாளர் கேதகவல் கருவி சொருகுப்பொருள்
+Name[te]=కెటెక్స్ట్ ఎడిటర్ కెడాటాటూల్ ప్లగిన్
+Name[tg]=Пуркунандаи KTextEditor барои таҳрири додаҳо
+Name[th]=ปลักอินเครื่องมือ KData ของ KTextEditor
+Name[tr]=KTextEditor KDataTool Eklentisi
+Name[tt]=KTextEditor'nıñ Eşkärtü Quşılması
+Name[uk]=Втулок KTextEditor KDataTool
+Name[uz]=KTextEditor KDataTool plagini
+Name[uz@cyrillic]=KTextEditor KDataTool плагини
+Name[ven]=Pulagini ya tshishumiswa tsha data ya K ya musengulusi wa manwalwa a K
+Name[vi]=Bộ cầm phít Công cụ KData KTextEditor
+Name[wa]=Tchôke-divins KDataTool po KTextEditor
+Name[xh]=KTextEditor KDataTool Iplagi yangaphakathi
+Name[zh_CN]=KTextEditor KDataTool 插件
+Name[zh_HK]=KTextEditor KDataTool 外掛程式
+Name[zh_TW]=KTextEditor KDataTool 外排程式
+Name[zu]=I-Plugin ye-KDataTool ye-KTextEditor
+Comment=Enable data tools like thesaurus and spell check (if installed)
+Comment[af]=Aktiveer data nutsprogramme soos thesaurus en spel bevestig (as geïnstalleer)
+Comment[ar]=قم بتفعيل أدوات البيانات مثل المترادفات والتدقيق اﻹملائي (إذا كان منصبا)
+Comment[az]=Tezaurus və imla yoxlaması kimi data vasitələrini fəallaşdır (quruludursa)
+Comment[be]=Інструменты працы з даннямі: тэзаўрус, спраўджванне правапісу і інш. (калі яны ўстаноўленыя)
+Comment[bg]=Поддръжка на текстообработващи инструменти, като проверка на правописа и синонимен речник
+Comment[bn]=থিসরার বা বানান পরীক্ষক ইত্যাদি সক্রিয় করে (যদি পাওয়া যায়)
+Comment[bs]=Uključi alate za podatke kao što su thesaurus i provjera pravopisa (ako su instalirani)
+Comment[ca]=Habilita les eines per a la gestió de dades, com ara el thesaurus i el corrector ortogràfic (si estan instal·lats)
+Comment[cs]=Povolí datové nástroje jako tezaurus nebo kontrolu pravopisu, pokud jsou nainstalovány
+Comment[csb]=Òbsłużënk nôrzãdzów ôrtu tezaurus ë sprôwdzanié pisënkù
+Comment[cy]=Alluogi offer data fel theawrws a cywirydd sillafu (os maent wedi'u gosod)
+Comment[da]=Aktivér dataværktøjer som begrebsordbog og stavekontrol (hvis installeret)
+Comment[de]=Aktivierung von Dienstprogrammen wie Thesaurus und Rechtschreibprüfung (falls installiert)
+Comment[el]=Ενεργοποίηση εργαλείων δεδομένων όπως ο θησαυρός λέξεων και ο ορθογραφικός έλεγχος (αν είναι εγκατεστημένα)
+Comment[eo]=Enŝalti ilojn kiel samsignifilon kaj literumilon (se instalitaj)
+Comment[es]=Activa herramientas como el thesaurus y el corrector ortográfico (si instalados)
+Comment[et]=Andmete tööriistad, näiteks thesaurus ja õigekirja kontroll
+Comment[eu]=Gaitu thesaurus-a eta ortografia zuzentzailea bezalako tresnak (instalatua badaude)
+Comment[fa]=فعال‌سازی ابزارهای داده مانند واژه‌نامه و غلط‌گیر (در صورت نصب)
+Comment[fi]=Käytä datatyökaluja, kuten oikolukua ja sanakirjaa (jos asennettuna)
+Comment[fr]=Activer les outils de données comme le thésaurus et la correction orthographique (s'ils sont installés)
+Comment[fy]=Aktivearjen fan dataprogramma's, lykas de tesaurus en stavering (wannear't dy ynstallearre binne)
+Comment[ga]=Cumasaigh uirlisí mar litreoir agus foclóir (má tá siad ar fáil)
+Comment[gl]=Habilitar ferramentas de dados como sinónimos e corrección ortográfica (se están instalados)
+Comment[he]=אפשר שימוש בכלי נתונים כגון איגרון ובדיקת איות (אם מותקנים כלים כאלה)
+Comment[hi]= डाटा टूल्स जैसे शब्दकोश व वर्तनी जांच को सक्षम करें(यदि स्थापित हों)
+Comment[hr]=Omogućavanje alata poput tezaurusa i provjere pravopisa (ako su instalirani)
+Comment[hsb]=Staja graty kaž tezawrus abo prawopisnu kontrolu k dispoziciji (jeli instalowane)
+Comment[hu]=Adatkezelési eszközök (pl. szinonimaszótár, helyesírás-ellenőrző) támogatása
+Comment[id]=Aktifkan perangkat bantu data seperi thesaurus dan pemeriksa ejaan (bila terpasang)
+Comment[is]=Virkir gagnatól eins og stafsetningaforrit og leiðréttingar (ef uppsett)
+Comment[it]=Abilita gli strumenti per i dati come il dizionario dei sinonimi e il controllo ortografico (se installati)
+Comment[ja]=同義語ツールやスペルチェックなどのデータツールを有効にします (インストールされている場合)
+Comment[ka]=Warktüüch as Thesaurus oder Klookschriever anmaken (wenn op dien Reekner)
+Comment[kk]=Теузаурус пен емле тексеру секілді (егер орнатылған болса) деректерді өңдеу құралдарды пайдалануға мүмкіншілік береді
+Comment[km]=ធ្វើ​ឲ្យ​ឧបករណ៍​ទិន្នន័យ​ប្រើ​បាន ដូច​ជា​កម្រង​វេវចនសព្ទ និង​ពិនិត្យ​អក្ខរាវិរុទ្ធ​ជា​ដើម (បើ​បាន​ដំឡើង)
+Comment[ko]=(깔려 있다면) 비슷한 말 사전과 맞춤법 검사기 같은 도구를 씁니다
+Comment[lb]=Hëllefsprogrammer, wéi Thésaurus an Rechtschreifkontroll, uschalten (wann installéiert)
+Comment[lt]=Įjungia duomenų įrankius, tokius kaip sinonimų žodynas ir rašybos tikrinimas (jei įdiegta)
+Comment[lv]=Ieslēdz instalētos datu rīkus kā tēzaurs un pareizrakstības pārbaudītājs
+Comment[mk]=Овозможување на алатки како енциклопедија или проверка на правопис (ако се инсталирани)
+Comment[mn]=thesaurus and spell check (хэрвээ суусан бол) гэх мэт өгөгдлийн хэрэгслүүдийг нээнэ.
+Comment[ms]=Membolehkan alatan data seperti tesaurus dan periksa ejaan(jika dipasang)
+Comment[mt]=Ippermetti l-użu ta' għodda bħat-teżawru u spell check (jekk installati)
+Comment[nb]=Skru på dataverktøy som ordbok og stavekontroll (hvis det er installert)
+Comment[nds]=Warktüüch as Thesaurus oder Klookschriever anmaken (wenn installeert)
+Comment[ne]=पर्यायकोष र हिज्जे परीक्षण जस्तै डेटा उपकरणहरू सक्षम पार्नुहोस् (यदि स्थापना भएमा)
+Comment[nl]=Activering van hulpprogramma's, zoals de thesaurus en spellingcontrole (indien geïnstalleerd)
+Comment[nn]=Tilgang til dataverktøy som ordliste og stavekontroll
+Comment[nso]=Kgontsha dibereka tsa data goswana le thesaurus le tebelelo yamongwalo (ge di tsentswe)
+Comment[pa]=ਡਾਟਾ ਸੰਦ ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਥੀਸਾਰਾਉਸ ਤੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ-ਜੋੜ ਆਦਿ ਯੋਗ(ਜੇਕਰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਹੋਵੇ)
+Comment[pl]=Obsługa narzędzi typu tezaurus i sprawdzanie pisowni
+Comment[pt]=Activa as ferramentas de dados como os sinónimos e a verificação ortográfica (se estiverem instalados)
+Comment[pt_BR]=Habilita as ferramentas de dados, como o Thesaurus e a verificação ortográfica (se instalados)
+Comment[ro]=Activează utilitare de date precum dicţionarul şi verificarea ortografică (dacă sînt instalate)
+Comment[ru]=позволяет использовать утилиты словаря и проверки орфографии (если они установлены)
+Comment[rw]=Gushoboza ibikoresho by'ibyatanzwe nk'impuzansobanuro n'igenzuranyuguti (niba byarakorewe iyinjizaporogaramu)
+Comment[se]=Geavat diehtoreaidduid nugo synonymasátnelisttu ja čállindárkkisteami (jos leat sajáiduhttojuvvon)
+Comment[sk]=Podpora dátových nástrojov, ako je thesaurus a kontrola pravopisu (ak sú nainštalované)
+Comment[sl]=Omogoči orodja za podatke, kot so slovar sopomenk in preverjanje črkovanja (če je nameščen)
+Comment[sq]=Lejo veglat për të dhënat sikurse fjalori i sinonimeve dhe korigjuesi i fjalëve (nëse janë të instaluara)
+Comment[sr]=Укључије алате као што су ризница и провера правописа (ако су инсталирани)
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Uključije alate kao što su riznica i provera pravopisa (ako su instalirani)
+Comment[sv]=Aktivera dataverktyg som synonymordlista och stavningskontroll (om installerade)
+Comment[ta]=அகராதி, எழுத்துப்பிழை திருத்தி போன்ற தகவல் கருவிகளை இயக்கும் (நிறுவப்பட்டிருந்தால்)
+Comment[te]=పదకోశం మరయూ అక్షర తప్పులను పట్టుకొను పనిముట్లను ఉపయోగించు (ఇంస్టాల్ చేసిన పనిచేయును)
+Comment[tg]=Иҷозаи истифодаи утилитаи луғат ва тафтиши имлоро (агар онҳо сабт карда шуда бошанд) медиҳад
+Comment[th]=เปิดใช้งานเครื่องมือจัดการข้อมูลอย่างเช่น พจนานุกรมคำคล้าย หรือ ตรวจคำสะกด (ถ้าได้ติดตั้งไว้)
+Comment[tr]=Thesaurus ve imla denetimi gibi araçları etkinleştir
+Comment[tt]=Süznämä belän imla tikşerü kebek qorallar eşlätä (quyılğan bulsalar)
+Comment[uk]=Надає доступ до засобів на кшталт словників та перевірки правопису (якщо встановлені)
+Comment[uz]=Lugʻat va imloni tekshirish vositalarni yoqish (agar oʻrnatilgan boʻlsa)
+Comment[uz@cyrillic]=Луғат ва имлони текшириш воситаларни ёқиш (агар ўрнатилган бўлса)
+Comment[ven]=U konisa zwishumiswa zwa data sa bugu nau sedza ha tshipelini (arali zwo dzheniswa)
+Comment[vi]=Hiệu lực công cụ dữ liệu như từ điển đồng nghĩa và bộ bắt lỗi chính tả (nếu được cài đặt).
+Comment[wa]=Mete en alaedje les usteyes po manaedjî les dnêyes, come les diccionaires ou les coridjreces (si astalés)
+Comment[xh]=Yenza izixhobo ze data ezinjenge thesaurus nomkhangeli wopelo (ukuba ifakelwe)
+Comment[zh_CN]=启用像辞典(thesaurus)和拼写检查(spell check)这样的数据工具(如果安装了的话)
+Comment[zh_TW]=打開資料工具如同義字典與拼字檢查 (如果有安裝的話)
+Comment[zu]=Nika amandla amathuluzi edata anjenge thesaurus kanye nokubheka ukubhalwa kwamagama (uma kufakiwe)
diff --git a/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ktexteditor_kdatatoolui.rc b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ktexteditor_kdatatoolui.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b98806200
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/kdatatool/ktexteditor_kdatatoolui.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
+<kpartplugin name="ktexteditor_kdatatoolui" library="ktexteditor_kdatatool" version="2">
+<Menu name="ktexteditor_popup" noMerge="1">
+ <Action name="popup_dataTool" group="popup_operations"/>
diff --git a/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/ b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bddb895e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+INCLUDES = -I$(top_srcdir)/interfaces $(all_includes)
+# Install this plugin in the KDE modules directory
+kde_module_LTLIBRARIES =
+ktexteditor_docwordcompletion_la_SOURCES = docwordcompletion.cpp
+ktexteditor_docwordcompletion_la_LIBADD = $(top_builddir)/interfaces/ktexteditor/
+ktexteditor_docwordcompletion_la_LDFLAGS = -module $(KDE_PLUGIN) $(all_libraries)
+docwordcompletiondatadir = $(kde_datadir)/ktexteditor_docwordcompletion
+docwordcompletiondata_DATA = docwordcompletionui.rc
+kde_services_DATA = ktexteditor_docwordcompletion.desktop
+messages: rc.cpp
+ $(XGETTEXT) *.cpp *.h -o $(podir)/ktexteditor_docwordcompletion.pot
diff --git a/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletion.cpp b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletion.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9fb7f4844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletion.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ ---
+ file: docwordcompletion.cpp
+ KTextEditor plugin to autocompletion with document words.
+ Copyright Anders Lund <[email protected]>, 2003
+ The following completion methods are supported:
+ * Completion with bigger matching words in
+ either direction (backward/forward).
+ * NOT YET Pop up a list of all bigger matching words in document
+//BEGIN includes
+#include "docwordcompletion.h"
+#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/variableinterface.h>
+#include <kapplication.h>
+#include <kconfig.h>
+#include <kdialog.h>
+#include <kgenericfactory.h>
+#include <klocale.h>
+#include <kaction.h>
+#include <knotifyclient.h>
+#include <kparts/part.h>
+#include <kiconloader.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qstring.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include <qspinbox.h>
+#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qlayout.h>
+#include <qhbox.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
+#include <qcheckbox.h>
+// #include <kdebug.h>
+//BEGIN DocWordCompletionPlugin
+K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( ktexteditor_docwordcompletion, KGenericFactory<DocWordCompletionPlugin>( "ktexteditor_docwordcompletion" ) )
+DocWordCompletionPlugin::DocWordCompletionPlugin( QObject *parent,
+ const char* name,
+ const QStringList& /*args*/ )
+ : KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name )
+ readConfig();
+void DocWordCompletionPlugin::readConfig()
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup( "DocWordCompletion Plugin" );
+ m_treshold = config->readNumEntry( "treshold", 3 );
+ m_autopopup = config->readBoolEntry( "autopopup", true );
+void DocWordCompletionPlugin::writeConfig()
+ KConfig *config = kapp->config();
+ config->setGroup("DocWordCompletion Plugin");
+ config->writeEntry("autopopup", m_autopopup );
+ config->writeEntry("treshold", m_treshold );
+void DocWordCompletionPlugin::addView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ DocWordCompletionPluginView *nview = new DocWordCompletionPluginView (m_treshold, m_autopopup, view, "Document word completion");
+ m_views.append (nview);
+void DocWordCompletionPlugin::removeView(KTextEditor::View *view)
+ for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++)
+ if (>parentClient() == view)
+ {
+ DocWordCompletionPluginView *nview =;
+ m_views.remove (nview);
+ delete nview;
+ }
+KTextEditor::ConfigPage* DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPage( uint, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ return new DocWordCompletionConfigPage( this, parent, name );
+QString DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPageName( uint ) const
+ return i18n("Word Completion Plugin");
+QString DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPageFullName( uint ) const
+ return i18n("Configure the Word Completion Plugin");
+// FIXME provide sucn a icon
+ QPixmap DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPagePixmap( uint, int size ) const
+ return UserIcon( "kte_wordcompletion", size );
+//BEGIN DocWordCompletionPluginView
+struct DocWordCompletionPluginViewPrivate
+ uint line, col; // start position of last match (where to search from)
+ uint cline, ccol; // cursor position
+ uint lilen; // length of last insertion
+ QString last; // last word we were trying to match
+ QString lastIns; // latest applied completion
+ QRegExp re; // hrm
+ KToggleAction *autopopup; // for accessing state
+ uint treshold; // the required length of a word before popping up the completion list automatically
+ int directionalPos; // be able to insert "" at the correct time
+DocWordCompletionPluginView::DocWordCompletionPluginView( uint treshold, bool autopopup, KTextEditor::View *view, const char *name )
+ : QObject( view, name ),
+ KXMLGUIClient( view ),
+ m_view( view ),
+ d( new DocWordCompletionPluginViewPrivate )
+ d->treshold = treshold;
+ view->insertChildClient( this );
+ setInstance( KGenericFactory<DocWordCompletionPlugin>::instance() );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n("Reuse Word Above"), CTRL+Key_8, this,
+ SLOT(completeBackwards()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_bw" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n("Reuse Word Below"), CTRL+Key_9, this,
+ SLOT(completeForwards()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_fw" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n("Pop Up Completion List"), 0, this,
+ SLOT(popupCompletionList()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_pu" );
+ (void) new KAction( i18n("Shell Completion"), 0, this,
+ SLOT(shellComplete()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_sh" );
+ d->autopopup = new KToggleAction( i18n("Automatic Completion Popup"), 0, this,
+ SLOT(toggleAutoPopup()), actionCollection(), "enable_autopopup" );
+ d->autopopup->setChecked( autopopup );
+ toggleAutoPopup();
+ setXMLFile("docwordcompletionui.rc");
+ KTextEditor::VariableInterface *vi = KTextEditor::variableInterface( view->document() );
+ if ( vi )
+ {
+ QString e = vi->variable("wordcompletion-autopopup");
+ if ( ! e.isEmpty() )
+ d->autopopup->setEnabled( e == "true" );
+ connect( view->document(), SIGNAL(variableChanged(const QString &, const QString &)),
+ this, SLOT(slotVariableChanged(const QString &, const QString &)) );
+ }
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::settreshold( uint t )
+ d->treshold = t;
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::completeBackwards()
+ complete( false );
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::completeForwards()
+ complete();
+// Pop up the editors completion list if applicable
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::popupCompletionList( QString w )
+ if ( w.isEmpty() )
+ w = word();
+ if ( w.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ KTextEditor::CodeCompletionInterface *cci = codeCompletionInterface( m_view );
+ cci->showCompletionBox( allMatches( w ), w.length() );
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::toggleAutoPopup()
+ if ( d->autopopup->isChecked() ) {
+ if ( ! connect( m_view->document(), SIGNAL(charactersInteractivelyInserted(int ,int ,const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) ))
+ {
+ connect( m_view->document(), SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) );
+ }
+ } else {
+ disconnect( m_view->document(), SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) );
+ disconnect( m_view->document(), SIGNAL(charactersInteractivelyInserted(int ,int ,const QString&)),
+ this, SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) );
+ }
+// for autopopup FIXME - don't pop up if reuse word is inserting
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::autoPopupCompletionList()
+ if ( ! m_view->hasFocus() ) return;
+ QString w = word();
+ if ( w.length() >= d->treshold )
+ {
+ popupCompletionList( w );
+ }
+// Contributed by <[email protected]>
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::shellComplete()
+ // setup
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface * ei = KTextEditor::editInterface(m_view->document());
+ // find the word we are typing
+ uint cline, ccol;
+ viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorPositionReal(&cline, &ccol);
+ QString wrd = word();
+ if (wrd.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ QValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry > matches = allMatches(wrd);
+ if (matches.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ QString partial = findLongestUnique(matches);
+ if (partial.length() == wrd.length())
+ {
+ KTextEditor::CodeCompletionInterface * cci = codeCompletionInterface(m_view);
+ cci->showCompletionBox(matches, wrd.length());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ partial.remove(0, wrd.length());
+ ei->insertText(cline, ccol, partial);
+ }
+// Do one completion, searching in the desired direction,
+// if possible
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::complete( bool fw )
+ // setup
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( m_view->document() );
+ // find the word we are typing
+ uint cline, ccol;
+ viewCursorInterface( m_view )->cursorPositionReal( &cline, &ccol );
+ QString wrd = word();
+ if ( wrd.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ int inc = fw ? 1 : -1;
+ /* IF the current line is equal to the previous line
+ AND the position - the length of the last inserted string
+ is equal to the old position
+ AND the lastinsertedlength last characters of the word is
+ equal to the last inserted string
+ */
+ if ( cline == d-> cline &&
+ ccol - d->lilen == d->ccol &&
+ wrd.endsWith( d->lastIns ) )
+ {
+ // this is a repeted activation
+ // if we are back to where we started, reset.
+ if ( ( fw && d->directionalPos == -1 ) ||
+ ( !fw && d->directionalPos == 1 ) )
+ {
+ if ( d->lilen )
+ ei->removeText( d->cline, d->ccol, d->cline, d->ccol + d->lilen );
+ d->lastIns = "";
+ d->lilen = 0;
+ d->line = d->cline;
+ d->col = d->ccol;
+ d->directionalPos = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( fw )
+ d->col += d->lilen;
+ ccol = d->ccol;
+ wrd = d->last;
+ d->directionalPos += inc;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d->cline = cline;
+ d->ccol = ccol;
+ d->last = wrd;
+ d->lastIns = "";
+ d->line = cline;
+ d->col = ccol - wrd.length();
+ d->lilen = 0;
+ d->directionalPos = inc;
+ }
+ d->re.setPattern( "\\b" + wrd + "(\\w+)" );
+ int pos ( 0 );
+ QString ln = ei->textLine( d->line );
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ pos = fw ?
+ d-> ln, d->col ) :
+ d->re.searchRev( ln, d->col );
+ if ( pos > -1 ) // we matched a word
+ {
+ QString m = d->re.cap( 1 );
+ if ( m != d->lastIns )
+ {
+ // we got good a match! replace text and return.
+ if ( d->lilen )
+ ei->removeText( d->cline, d->ccol, d->cline, d->ccol + d->lilen );
+ ei->insertText( d->cline, d->ccol, m );
+ d->lastIns = m;
+ d->lilen = m.length();
+ d->col = pos; // for next try
+ return;
+ }
+ // equal to last one, continue
+ else
+ {
+ d->col = pos; // for next try
+ if ( fw )
+ d->col += d->re.matchedLength();
+ else
+ {
+ if ( pos == 0 )
+ {
+ if ( d->line > 0 )
+ {
+ d->line += inc;
+ ln = ei->textLine( d->line );
+ d->col = ln.length();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KNotifyClient::beep();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ d->col--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // no match
+ {
+ if ( (! fw && d->line == 0 ) || ( fw && d->line >= (uint)ei->numLines() ) )
+ {
+ KNotifyClient::beep();
+ return;
+ }
+ d->line += inc;
+ ln = ei->textLine( d->line );
+ d->col = fw ? 0 : ln.length();
+ }
+ } // while true
+// Contributed by <[email protected]>
+QString DocWordCompletionPluginView::findLongestUnique(const QValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry > &matches)
+ QString partial = matches.front().text;
+ QValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry >::const_iterator i = matches.begin();
+ for (++i; i != matches.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (!(*i).text.startsWith(partial))
+ {
+ while(partial.length() > 0)
+ {
+ partial.remove(partial.length() - 1, 1);
+ if ((*i).text.startsWith(partial))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (partial.length() == 0)
+ return QString();
+ }
+ }
+ return partial;
+// Return the string to complete (the letters behind the cursor)
+QString DocWordCompletionPluginView::word()
+ uint cline, ccol;
+ viewCursorInterface( m_view )->cursorPositionReal( &cline, &ccol );
+ if ( ! ccol ) return QString::null; // no word
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( m_view->document() );
+ d->re.setPattern( "\\b(\\w+)$" );
+ if ( d->re.searchRev(
+ ei->text( cline, 0, cline, ccol )
+ ) < 0 )
+ return QString::null; // no word
+ return d->re.cap( 1 );
+// Scan throught the entire document for possible completions,
+// ignoring any dublets
+QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> DocWordCompletionPluginView::allMatches( const QString &word )
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> l;
+ uint i( 0 );
+ int pos( 0 );
+ d->re.setPattern( "\\b("+word+"\\w+)" );
+ QString s, m;
+ KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( m_view->document() );
+ QDict<int> seen; // maybe slow with > 17 matches
+ int sawit(1); // to ref for the dict
+ uint cline, ccol;// needed to avoid constructing a word at cursor position
+ viewCursorInterface( m_view )->cursorPositionReal( &cline, &ccol );
+ while( i < ei->numLines() )
+ {
+ s = ei->textLine( i );
+ pos = 0;
+ while ( pos >= 0 )
+ {
+ pos = d-> s, pos );
+ if ( pos >= 0 )
+ {
+ // do not construct a new word!
+ if ( i == cline && pos + word.length() == ccol )
+ {
+ pos += word.length();
+ continue;
+ }
+ m = d->re.cap( 1 );
+ if ( ! seen[ m ] ) {
+ seen.insert( m, &sawit );
+ KTextEditor::CompletionEntry e;
+ e.text = m;
+ l.append( e );
+ }
+ pos += d->re.matchedLength();
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return l;
+void DocWordCompletionPluginView::slotVariableChanged( const QString &var, const QString &val )
+ if ( var == "wordcompletion-autopopup" )
+ d->autopopup->setEnabled( val == "true" );
+ else if ( var == "wordcompletion-treshold" )
+ d->treshold = val.toInt();
+//BEGIN DocWordCompletionConfigPage
+DocWordCompletionConfigPage::DocWordCompletionConfigPage( DocWordCompletionPlugin *completion, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
+ : KTextEditor::ConfigPage( parent, name )
+ , m_completion( completion )
+ QVBoxLayout *lo = new QVBoxLayout( this );
+ lo->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ cbAutoPopup = new QCheckBox( i18n("Automatically &show completion list"), this );
+ lo->addWidget( cbAutoPopup );
+ QHBox *hb = new QHBox( this );
+ hb->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
+ lo->addWidget( hb );
+ QLabel *l = new QLabel( i18n(
+ "Translators: This is the first part of two strings wich will comprise the "
+ "sentence 'Show completions when a word is at least N characters'. The first "
+ "part is on the right side of the N, which is represented by a spinbox "
+ "widget, followed by the second part: 'characters long'. Characters is a "
+ "ingeger number between and including 1 and 30. Feel free to leave the "
+ "second part of the sentence blank if it suits your language better. ",
+ "Show completions &when a word is at least"), hb );
+ sbAutoPopup = new QSpinBox( 1, 30, 1, hb );
+ l->setBuddy( sbAutoPopup );
+ lSbRight = new QLabel( i18n(
+ "This is the second part of two strings that will comprise teh sentence "
+ "'Show completions when a word is at least N characters'",
+ "characters long."), hb );
+ QWhatsThis::add( cbAutoPopup, i18n(
+ "Enable the automatic completion list popup as default. The popup can "
+ "be disabled on a view basis from the 'Tools' menu.") );
+ QWhatsThis::add( sbAutoPopup, i18n(
+ "Define the length a word should have before the completion list "
+ "is displayed.") );
+ cbAutoPopup->setChecked( m_completion->autoPopupEnabled() );
+ sbAutoPopup->setValue( m_completion->treshold() );
+ lo->addStretch();
+void DocWordCompletionConfigPage::apply()
+ m_completion->setAutoPopupEnabled( cbAutoPopup->isChecked() );
+ m_completion->setTreshold( sbAutoPopup->value() );
+ m_completion->writeConfig();
+void DocWordCompletionConfigPage::reset()
+ cbAutoPopup->setChecked( m_completion->autoPopupEnabled() );
+ sbAutoPopup->setValue( m_completion->treshold() );
+void DocWordCompletionConfigPage::defaults()
+ cbAutoPopup->setChecked( true );
+ sbAutoPopup->setValue( 3 );
+//END DocWordCompletionConfigPage
+#include "docwordcompletion.moc"
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; mixed-indent off;
diff --git a/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletion.h b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletion.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b42560fca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ ---
+ file: docwordcompletion.h
+ KTextEditor plugin to autocompletion with document words.
+ Copyright Anders Lund <[email protected]>, 2003
+ The following completion methods are supported:
+ * Completion with bigger matching words in
+ either direction (backward/forward).
+ * NOT YET Pop up a list of all bigger matching words in document
+#ifndef _DocWordCompletionPlugin_h_
+#define _DocWordCompletionPlugin_h_
+#include <ktexteditor/plugin.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/codecompletioninterface.h>
+#include <ktexteditor/configinterfaceextension.h>
+#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
+#include <qevent.h>
+#include <qobject.h>
+#include <qvaluelist.h>
+class DocWordCompletionPlugin
+ : public KTextEditor::Plugin
+ , public KTextEditor::PluginViewInterface
+ , public KTextEditor::ConfigInterfaceExtension
+ public:
+ DocWordCompletionPlugin( QObject *parent = 0,
+ const char* name = 0,
+ const QStringList &args = QStringList() );
+ virtual ~DocWordCompletionPlugin() {};
+ void addView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ void removeView (KTextEditor::View *view);
+ void readConfig();
+ void writeConfig();
+ // ConfigInterfaceExtention
+ uint configPages() const { return 1; };
+ KTextEditor::ConfigPage * configPage( uint number, QWidget *parent, const char *name );
+ QString configPageName( uint ) const;
+ QString configPageFullName( uint ) const;
+ QPixmap configPagePixmap( uint, int ) const;
+ uint treshold() const { return m_treshold; };
+ void setTreshold( uint t ) { m_treshold = t; };
+ bool autoPopupEnabled() const { return m_autopopup; };
+ void setAutoPopupEnabled( bool enable ) { m_autopopup = enable; };
+ private:
+ QPtrList<class DocWordCompletionPluginView> m_views;
+ uint m_treshold;
+ bool m_autopopup;
+class DocWordCompletionPluginView
+ : public QObject, public KXMLGUIClient
+ public:
+ DocWordCompletionPluginView( uint treshold=3, bool autopopup=true, KTextEditor::View *view=0,
+ const char *name=0 );
+ ~DocWordCompletionPluginView() {};
+ void settreshold( uint treshold );
+ private slots:
+ void completeBackwards();
+ void completeForwards();
+ void shellComplete();
+ void popupCompletionList( QString word=QString::null );
+ void autoPopupCompletionList();
+ void toggleAutoPopup();
+ void slotVariableChanged( const QString &, const QString & );
+ private:
+ void complete( bool fw=true );
+ QString word();
+ QValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> allMatches( const QString &word );
+ QString findLongestUnique(const QValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry > &matches);
+ KTextEditor::View *m_view;
+ struct DocWordCompletionPluginViewPrivate *d;
+class DocWordCompletionConfigPage : public KTextEditor::ConfigPage
+ public:
+ DocWordCompletionConfigPage( DocWordCompletionPlugin *completion, QWidget *parent, const char *name );
+ virtual ~DocWordCompletionConfigPage() {};
+ virtual void apply();
+ virtual void reset();
+ virtual void defaults();
+ private:
+ DocWordCompletionPlugin *m_completion;
+ class QCheckBox *cbAutoPopup;
+ class QSpinBox *sbAutoPopup;
+ class QLabel *lSbRight;
+#endif // _DocWordCompletionPlugin_h_
+// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; mixed-indent off;
diff --git a/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletionui.rc b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletionui.rc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f8095e128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/docwordcompletionui.rc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
+<kpartplugin name="ktexteditor_docwordcompletion" library="ktexteditor_docwordcompletion" version="4">
+ <Menu name="tools"><Text>&amp;Tools</Text>
+ <separator group="tools_operations" />
+ <menu name="wordcompletion" group="tools_operations"><text>Word Completion</text>
+ <Action name="doccomplete_fw" />
+ <Action name="doccomplete_bw" />
+ <Action name="doccomplete_pu" />
+ <Action name="doccomplete_sh" />
+ <separator />
+ <action name="enable_autopopup" />
+ </menu>
+ </Menu>
diff --git a/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/ktexteditor_docwordcompletion.desktop b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/ktexteditor_docwordcompletion.desktop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd2a5e8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kate/plugins/wordcompletion/ktexteditor_docwordcompletion.desktop
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=KTextEditor Word Completion Plugin
+Name[af]=KTextEditor Woord Voltooiïng Inprop Module
+Name[be]=Модуль заканчэння словаў
+Name[bn]=কে-টেক্সট-এডিটর শব্দ পরিপূরণ প্লাগ-ইন
+Name[bs]=KTextEditor dodatak za dovršavanje riječi
+Name[ca]=Endollable de completar paraules del KTextEditor
+Name[cs]=Modul pro doplňování slov
+Name[csb]=Plugins editorë do dofùlowaniô słowów
+Name[da]=KTextEditor 'ord-kompletterings'-plugin
+Name[de]=KTextEditor-Erweiterung für Wortergänzungen
+Name[el]=Πρόσθετο συμπλήρωσης λέξεων του KTextEditor
+Name[eo]=KTextEditor Vortkompletiga kromaĵo
+Name[es]=Plugin de completado de palabras de KTextEditor
+Name[et]=KTextEditori sõna lõpetamise plugin
+Name[eu]=KTextEditor-en hitzen osaketarako plugin-a
+Name[fa]=وصلۀ تکمیل واژۀ KTextEditor
+Name[fi]=KTextEditorin sanojen täydennyslaajennus
+Name[fr]=Module externe de complètement des mots de KTextEditor
+Name[fy]=KTextEditor plugin foar it kompleet meitje fan wurden
+Name[ga]=Breiseán Comhlánaithe Focal KTextEditor
+Name[gl]=Plugin de Completado de Palabras de KTextEditor
+Name[he]=תוסף השלמה אוטומטית של מילים עבור KTextEditor
+Name[hi]=के-टेक्स्ट-एडिटर वर्ड कम्प्लीशन प्लगिन
+Name[hr]=KTextEditor dodatak za dopunjavanje riječi
+Name[hsb]=KTextEditor Plugin za wudospołnjenje słowow
+Name[hu]=KTextEditor szókiegészítő bővítőmodul
+Name[id]=Plugin Pelengkapan Kata KTextEditor
+Name[is]=KTextEditor íforrit til að klára orð
+Name[it]=Plugin completamento parole di KTextEditor
+Name[ja]=KTextEditor 単語補完プラグイン
+Name[ka]=სიტყვების თვითშევსების KTextEditor-ის მოდული
+Name[kk]=KTextEditor сөздерді аяқтау модулі
+Name[km]=កម្មវិធី​ជំនួយ​បំពេញ​ពាក្យ​របស់ KTextEditor
+Name[ko]=K글월편집기 낱말 완성 플러그인
+Name[lt]=KTextEditor žodžio užbaigimo priedas
+Name[lv]=KTextEditor vārdu pabeigšanas spraudnis
+Name[mk]=KTextEditor приклучок за довршување на зборови
+Name[ms]=Plug masuk Penyudah Kata Fail KTextEditor
+Name[nb]=Programtillegg for ordfullføring i KTextEditor
+Name[nds]=KTextEditor-Plugin för Woort-Kompletteren
+Name[ne]=KTextEditor शब्द समाप्ति प्लगइन
+Name[nl]=KTextEditor-plugin voor het aanvullen van woorden
+Name[nn]=Programtillegg for ordfullføring i KTextEditor
+Name[pa]=KTextEditor ਪਾਠ ਪੂਰਨ ਪਲੱਗਿੰਨ
+Name[pl]=Wtyczka edytora do dopełniania słów
+Name[pt]='Plugin' de Completação de Palavras do KTextEditor
+Name[pt_BR]=Plug-in de Complementação de Palavras para Editor de textos
+Name[ro]=Modul completare cuvinte pentru KTextEditor
+Name[ru]=Модуль автодополнения слов KTextEditor
+Name[rw]=Icomeka ry'Iyuzuza Jambo rya KMuhinduziUmwandiko
+Name[se]=KTextEditor:a sátneollašuhttinlassemoduvla
+Name[sk]=Modul pre doplnenie slov pre KTextEditor
+Name[sl]=Vstavek KTextEditor za dopolnjevanje besed
+Name[sr]=KTextEditor прикључак за довршавање речи
+Name[sr@Latn]=KTextEditor priključak za dovršavanje reči
+Name[sv]=Ktexteditor-insticksprogram för att komplettera ord
+Name[ta]=கேஉரைதொகுப்பாளர் கோப்பு உள்ளீட்டுச் சொருகுப்பொருள்
+Name[te]=కెటెక్స్ట్ ఎడిటర్ పద పూరణ ప్లగిన్
+Name[tg]=Модули худиловакунандаи калимаҳои KTextEditor
+Name[th]=ปลักอินการเติมคำให้สมบูรณ์ของ KTextEditor
+Name[tr]=KTextEditor Kelime Tamamlama Eklentisi
+Name[tt]=KTextEditor'nıñ Süz Tulılandıru Östämäse
+Name[uk]=Втулок KTextEditor для завершення слів
+Name[vi]=Bộ cầm phít Nhập xong Từ KTextEditor
+Name[zh_CN]=KTextEditor 单词补全插件
+Name[zh_HK]=KTextEditor 文字自動補齊外掛程式
+Name[zh_TW]=KTextEditor 單字補完外掛程式
+Comment=Directional or popup-based completion from words in the document
+Comment[af]=Direksionele of opspring gebaseerde woord voltooiïng van woorde in die dokument
+Comment[be]=Простае заканчэнне словаў ці выплыўнае вакно з варыянтамі заканчэння
+Comment[bg]=Автоматично завършване на думи, базирано на използваните вече думи в документа
+Comment[bn]=ডকুমেন্ট-এর অন্যান্য শব্দের উপর ভিত্তি করে পরিপূরণ
+Comment[bs]=Direkcionalno ili popup-bazirano dovršavanje za riječi u dokumentu
+Comment[ca]=Compleció de paraules del document dirigida o basada en emergents
+Comment[cs]=Přímé nebo vyskakovací doplňování slov v dokumentu
+Comment[csb]=Dofùlowanié na spòdlëm lëstë słowów w dokùmence
+Comment[da]=Retnings- eller popop-baseret fuldstændiggørelse ud fra ord i dokumentet
+Comment[de]=Richtungs- oder über Aufklappfenstergesteuerte automatische Vervollständigung von Wörtern in Dokumenten
+Comment[el]=Κατευθυντική ή μέσω αναδυόμενων μενού συμπλήρωση από λέξεις μέσα στο έγγραφο
+Comment[eo]=Regula aŭ ŝprucbazita kompletigo de vortoj en la dokumento
+Comment[es]=Completado de palabras direccional o de menú emergente en el documento.
+Comment[et]=Lõpetamine vastavalt suunale või hüpikvariantide alusel dokumendi sõnade põhjal
+Comment[eu]=Dokumentuko hitzen osaketarako plugin-a
+Comment[fa]=تکمیل جهت‌دار یا مبنی بر بالاپر از کلمات موجود در سند
+Comment[fi]=Asiakirjasta löytyvillä sanoilla täydentäminen
+Comment[fr]=Complètement utilisant la direction ou un menu à partir des mots du document
+Comment[fy]=kompleet meitsje fan wurden yn it dokumint op Direktsjeneel of popup-basearje
+Comment[gl]=Completado direccional ou baseada en popup a partir de palabras no documento
+Comment[he]=השלמת מילים כיווניות או מבוססת תיבת מוקפצות של מילים מהמסמך
+Comment[hi]=डायरेक्शनल या पॉपअप-आधारित दस्तावेज़ में शब्द से कम्पलीशन.
+Comment[hr]=Usmjereno ili pop-up zasnovano dovršavanje iz riječi u dokumentu
+Comment[hsb]=Direktionalne abo na pop-up bazowace wudospołnjowanje za słowa w dokumenće
+Comment[hu]=Irány szerinti vagy felbukkanó kiegészítés dokumentum szavai alapján
+Comment[id]=Pelengkapan arahan atau popup dari kata di dalam dokumen
+Comment[is]=Áttvíst forrit sem getur líka opnað glugga með orðatillögum
+Comment[it]=Completamento direzionale o con finestre a comparsa di parole nel documento
+Comment[ka]=დოკუმენტში სიტყვების პირდაპირი მეთოდით ან ჩამოშლადი მენიუთი თვითშევსება
+Comment[kk]=Құжаттағы сөздерді аяқтау модулі
+Comment[km]=ការបំពេញ​ពាក្យ​ដោយ​ផ្ទាល់ ឬ តាម​រយៈ​ការលេចឡើង​នៃ​ពាក្យ​ដែល​មាន​ក្នុង​ឯកសារ
+Comment[lb]=Direktional oder Opklapp-Fënster-baséiert Vervollstännegung vu Wierder am Dokument
+Comment[lt]=Žodžių pabaigimas rašant dokumente pasiūlymus teikiant eilutėje arba iššokančiame meniu
+Comment[lv]=Vārdu automātiska pabeigšana izmantojot dokumentā jau esošos vārdus
+Comment[mk]=Насочено или скок-базирано довршување од зборови во документот
+Comment[ms]=Penyelesaian berarah atau berasaskan popup daripada perkataan dalam dokumen
+Comment[nb]=Retningsbestemt eller sprettopp-basert fullføring av ord i dokumentet
+Comment[nds]=Richten- oder Opdukbaseert Kompletteren vun Wöör binnen dat Dokment
+Comment[ne]=कागजातमा शब्दहरूबाट दिशानिर्देशित वा पपअपमा आधारित समाप्ति
+Comment[nl]=Voor het aanvullen van woorden in het document door middel van onder meer pop-ups
+Comment[nn]=Retningsbestemt eller sprettopp-basert fullføring av ord i dokumentet
+Comment[pa]=ਦਸਤਾਵੇਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਿਸ਼ਾਵੀ ਜਾਂ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਆਧਾਰਿਤ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਪੂਰਨ
+Comment[pl]=Dopełnianie na podstawie listy słów w dokumencie
+Comment[pt]=Completação direccional ou por lista de palavras no documento
+Comment[pt_BR]=Complementação direcional, ou baseada em popup, de palavras do documento
+Comment[ro]=Propune completarea cuvintelor din document dintr-o listă popup sau direcţională
+Comment[ru]=Автодополнение слов в документе
+Comment[rw]=Irangiza mfatacyerekezo cyangwa rishingiye-kwirambura biva ku magambo yo mu nyandiko
+Comment[sk]=Dopĺňanie slov v dokumente priame alebo pomocou dialógu
+Comment[sl]=Neposredno ali pojavno dopolnjevanje iz besed v dokumentu
+Comment[sr]=Директна или искачућа допуна од речи у документу
+Comment[sr@Latn]=Direktna ili iskačuća dopuna od reči u dokumentu
+Comment[sv]=Komplettering av ord i dokumentet baserad på ordlista eller dialogruta
+Comment[ta]=ஆவணத்திலுள்ள வார்த்தைகளிலிருந்து திசைகள் அல்லது மேல்விரி-சார்ந்த நிறைவு
+Comment[te]=పత్రం లోని పదాలు వాడె, దిశా లేక పాప్ అప్ ఆధారిత పద పూరణ
+Comment[tg]=Худиловакунандаи калима дар ҳуҷҷат
+Comment[th]=การเติมคำให้สมบูรณ์โดยการชี้นำหรือ popup ขึ้นมา จากคำต่างๆ ในเอกสาร
+Comment[tr]=Doğrusal veya açılır-kuttu abanlı kelime tamamlama
+Comment[tt]=İstälek süzlärenä azaqlarnı yözep çığarıp kürsätä torğan närsä
+Comment[uk]=Завершення слів у документі. Пряме або на основі вигулькного меню
+Comment[vi]=Khả năng nhập xong từ trong tài liệu, đựa vào chiều hoặc vào bộ bật lên.