path: root/kdeui/keditcl1.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'kdeui/keditcl1.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 718 deletions
diff --git a/kdeui/keditcl1.cpp b/kdeui/keditcl1.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fe886f434..000000000
--- a/kdeui/keditcl1.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
- Copyright (C) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben <[email protected]>
- Copyright (C) 2000 Waldo Bastian <[email protected]>
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
- along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-#include <tqdragobject.h>
-#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
-#include <tqtextstream.h>
-#include <tqtimer.h>
-#include <kapplication.h>
-#include <kcursor.h>
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <kcmenumngr.h>
-#include <kfontdialog.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
-#include <kmessagebox.h>
-#include <kstdaccel.h>
-#include <kurldrag.h>
-#include "keditcl.h"
-#include "keditcl.moc"
-class KEdit::KEditPrivate
- bool overwriteEnabled:1;
- bool posDirty:1;
- bool autoUpdate:1;
-KEdit::KEdit(TQWidget *_parent, const char *name)
- : TQMultiLineEdit(_parent, name)
- d = new KEditPrivate;
- d->overwriteEnabled = false;
- d->posDirty = true;
- d->autoUpdate = true;
- parent = _parent;
- // set some defaults
- line_pos = col_pos = 0;
- srchdialog = NULL;
- replace_dialog= NULL;
- gotodialog = NULL;
- setAcceptDrops(true);
- KCursor::setAutoHideCursor( this, true );
- connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(cursorPositionChanged(int,int)),
- this, TQT_SLOT(slotCursorPositionChanged()));
- delete d;
-KEdit::setAutoUpdate(bool b)
- d->autoUpdate = b;
-KEdit::insertText(TQTextStream *stream)
-// setAutoUpdate(false);
- int line, col;
- getCursorPosition(&line, &col);
- int saveline = line;
- int savecol = col;
- TQString textLine;
- // MS: Patch by Martin Schenk <[email protected]>
- // MS: disable UNDO, or TQMultiLineEdit remembers every textLine !!!
- // memory usage is:
- // textLine: 2*size rounded up to nearest power of 2 (520Kb -> 1024Kb)
- // widget: about (2*size + 60bytes*lines)
- // -> without disabling undo, it often needs almost 8*size
- int oldUndoDepth = undoDepth();
- setUndoDepth( 0 ); // ### -1?
- // MS: read everything at once if file <= 1MB,
- // else read in 5000-line chunks to keep memory usage acceptable.
- TQIODevice *dev=stream->tqdevice();
- if (dev && dev->size()>(1024*1024)) {
- while(1) {
- int i;
- textLine="";
- for (i=0; i<5000; i++) {
- TQString line=stream->readLine();
- if (line.isNull()) break; // EOF
- textLine+=line+'\n';
- }
- insertAt(textLine, line, col);
- line+=i; col=0;
- if (i!=5000) break;
- }
- }
- else {
- textLine = stream->read(); // Read all !
- insertAt( textLine, line, col);
- }
- setUndoDepth( oldUndoDepth );
- setCursorPosition(saveline, savecol);
-// setAutoUpdate(true);
-// tqrepaint();
- setModified(true);
- setFocus();
- // Bernd: Please don't leave debug message like that lying around
- // they cause ENORMOUSE performance hits. Once upon a day
- // kedit used to be really really fast using memmap etc .....
- // oh well ....
- // TQString str = text();
- // for (int i = 0; i < (int) str.length(); i++)
- // printf("KEdit: U+%04X\n", str[i].tqunicode());
- d->autoUpdate = false;
- if (!hasMarkedText())
- selectAll();
- TQString oldText = markedText();
- TQString newText;
- TQStringList lines = TQStringList::split('\n', oldText, true);
- bool addSpace = false;
- bool firstLine = true;
- TQChar lastChar = oldText[oldText.length()-1];
- TQChar firstChar = oldText[0];
- for(TQStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin();
- it != lines.end();)
- {
- TQString line = (*it).simplifyWhiteSpace();
- if (line.isEmpty())
- {
- if (addSpace)
- newText += TQString::tqfromLatin1("\n\n");
- if (firstLine)
- {
- if (firstChar.isSpace())
- newText += '\n';
- firstLine = false;
- }
- addSpace = false;
- }
- else
- {
- if (addSpace)
- newText += ' ';
- if (firstLine)
- {
- if (firstChar.isSpace())
- newText += ' ';
- firstLine = false;
- }
- newText += line;
- addSpace = true;
- }
- it = lines.remove(it);
- }
- if (addSpace)
- {
- if (lastChar == '\n')
- newText += '\n';
- else if (lastChar.isSpace())
- newText += ' ';
- }
- if (oldText == newText)
- {
- deselect();
- d->autoUpdate = true;
- tqrepaint();
- return;
- }
- if (wordWrap() == NoWrap)
- {
- // If wordwrap is off, we have to do some line-wrapping ourselves now
- // We use another TQMultiLineEdit for this, so that we get nice undo
- // behavior.
- TQMultiLineEdit *we = new TQMultiLineEdit();
- we->setWordWrap(FixedColumnWidth);
- we->setWrapColumnOrWidth(78);
- we->setText(newText);
- newText = TQString::null;
- for(int i = 0; i < we->numLines(); i++)
- {
- TQString line = we->textLine(i);
- if (line.right(1) != "\n")
- line += '\n';
- newText += line;
- }
- delete we;
- }
- insert(newText);
- d->autoUpdate = true;
- tqrepaint();
- setModified(true);
- setFocus();
-KEdit::saveText(TQTextStream *stream)
- saveText(stream, false);
-KEdit::saveText(TQTextStream *stream, bool softWrap)
- int line_count = numLines()-1;
- if (line_count < 0)
- return;
- if (softWrap || (wordWrap() == NoWrap))
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < line_count; i++)
- {
- (*stream) << textLine(i) << '\n';
- }
- (*stream) << textLine(line_count);
- }
- else
- {
- for(int i = 0; i <= line_count; i++)
- {
- int lines_in_parag = linesOfParagraph(i);
- if (lines_in_parag == 1)
- {
- (*stream) << textLine(i);
- }
- else
- {
- TQString parag_text = textLine(i);
- int pos = 0;
- int first_pos = 0;
- int current_line = 0;
- while(true) {
- while(lineOfChar(i, pos) == current_line) pos++;
- (*stream) << parag_text.mid(first_pos, pos - first_pos - 1) << '\n';
- current_line++;
- first_pos = pos;
- if (current_line+1 == lines_in_parag)
- {
- // Last line
- (*stream) << parag_text.mid(pos);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i < line_count)
- (*stream) << '\n';
- }
- }
-int KEdit::currentLine(){
- computePosition();
- return line_pos;
-int KEdit::currentColumn(){
- computePosition();
- return col_pos;
-void KEdit::slotCursorPositionChanged()
- d->posDirty = true;
- emit CursorPositionChanged();
-void KEdit::computePosition()
- if (!d->posDirty) return;
- d->posDirty = false;
- int line, col;
- getCursorPosition(&line,&col);
- // line is expressed in paragraphs, we now need to convert to lines
- line_pos = 0;
- if (wordWrap() == NoWrap)
- {
- line_pos = line;
- }
- else
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < line; i++)
- line_pos += linesOfParagraph(i);
- }
- int line_offset = lineOfChar(line, col);
- line_pos += line_offset;
- // We now calculate where the current line starts in the paragraph.
- TQString linetext = textLine(line);
- int start_of_line = 0;
- if (line_offset > 0)
- {
- start_of_line = col;
- while(lineOfChar(line, --start_of_line) == line_offset);
- start_of_line++;
- }
- // O.K here is the deal: The function getCursorPositoin returns the character
- // position of the cursor, not the screenposition. I.e,. assume the line
- // consists of ab\tc then the character c will be on the screen on position 8
- // whereas getCursorPosition will return 3 if the cursors is on the character c.
- // Therefore we need to compute the screen position from the character position.
- // That's what all the following trouble is all about:
- int coltemp = col-start_of_line;
- int pos = 0;
- int find = 0;
- int mem = 0;
- bool found_one = false;
- // if you understand the following algorithm you are worthy to look at the
- // kedit+ sources -- if not, go away ;-)
- while(find >=0 && find <= coltemp- 1 ){
- find = linetext.find('\t', find+start_of_line, true )-start_of_line;
- if( find >=0 && find <= coltemp - 1 ){
- found_one = true;
- pos = pos + find - mem;
- pos = pos + 8 - pos % 8;
- mem = find;
- find ++;
- }
- }
- pos = pos + coltemp - mem; // add the number of characters behind the
- // last tab on the line.
- if (found_one){
- pos = pos - 1;
- }
- col_pos = pos;
-void KEdit::keyPressEvent ( TQKeyEvent *e)
- // ignore Ctrl-Return so that KDialogBase can catch them
- if ( e->key() == Key_Return && e->state() == ControlButton ) {
- e->ignore();
- return;
- }
- KKey key(e);
- int keyQt = key.keyCodeQt();
- if ( keyQt == CTRL+Key_K ){
- int line = 0;
- int col = 0;
- TQString killstring;
- if(!killing){
- killbufferstring = "";
- killtrue = false;
- lastwasanewline = false;
- }
- if(!atEnd()){
- getCursorPosition(&line,&col);
- killstring = textLine(line);
- killstring = killstring.mid(col,killstring.length());
- if(!killbufferstring.isEmpty() && !killtrue && !lastwasanewline){
- killbufferstring += '\n';
- }
- if( (killstring.length() == 0) && !killtrue){
- killbufferstring += '\n';
- lastwasanewline = true;
- }
- if(killstring.length() > 0){
- killbufferstring += killstring;
- lastwasanewline = false;
- killtrue = true;
- }else{
- lastwasanewline = false;
- killtrue = !killtrue;
- }
- }else{
- if(killbufferstring.isEmpty() && !killtrue && !lastwasanewline){
- killtrue = true;
- }
- }
- killing = true;
- TQMultiLineEdit::keyPressEvent(e);
- setModified(true);
- return;
- }
- else if ( keyQt == CTRL+Key_Y ){
- int line = 0;
- int col = 0;
- getCursorPosition(&line,&col);
- TQString tmpstring = killbufferstring;
- if(!killtrue)
- tmpstring += '\n';
- insertAt(tmpstring,line,col);
- killing = false;
- setModified(true);
- return;
- }
- killing = false;
- if ( KStdAccel::copy().contains( key ) )
- copy();
- else if ( isReadOnly() )
- TQMultiLineEdit::keyPressEvent( e );
- // If this is an unmodified printable key, send it directly to TQMultiLineEdit.
- else if ( !(key.keyCodeQt() & (CTRL | ALT)) && !e->text().isEmpty() && TQString(e->text()).tqunicode()->isPrint() )
- TQMultiLineEdit::keyPressEvent( e );
- else if ( KStdAccel::paste().contains( key ) ) {
- paste();
- setModified(true);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::cut().contains( key ) ) {
- cut();
- setModified(true);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::undo().contains( key ) ) {
- undo();
- setModified(true);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::redo().contains( key ) ) {
- redo();
- setModified(true);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::deleteWordBack().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor(MoveWordBackward, true);
- if (hasSelectedText())
- del();
- setModified(true);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::deleteWordForward().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor(MoveWordForward, true);
- if (hasSelectedText())
- del();
- setModified(true);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::backwardWord().contains( key ) ) {
- CursorAction action = MoveWordBackward;
- int para, index;
- getCursorPosition( &para, & index );
- if (text(para).isRightToLeft())
- action = MoveWordForward;
- moveCursor(action, false );
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::forwardWord().contains( key ) ) {
- CursorAction action = MoveWordForward;
- int para, index;
- getCursorPosition( &para, & index );
- if (text(para).isRightToLeft())
- action = MoveWordBackward;
- moveCursor( action, false );
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::next().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor( MovePgDown, false );
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::prior().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor( MovePgUp, false );
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::home().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor( MoveHome, false );
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::end().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor( MoveEnd, false );
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::beginningOfLine().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor( MoveLineStart, false);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( KStdAccel::endOfLine().contains( key ) ) {
- moveCursor( MoveLineEnd, false);
- slotCursorPositionChanged();
- }
- else if ( key == Key_Insert ) {
- if (d->overwriteEnabled)
- {
- this->setOverwriteMode(!this->isOverwriteMode());
- emit toggle_overwrite_signal();
- }
- }
- else
- TQMultiLineEdit::keyPressEvent(e);
-void KEdit::installRBPopup(TQPopupMenu *p) {
- KContextMenuManager::insert( this, p );
-void KEdit::selectFont(){
- TQFont font = this->font();
- KFontDialog::getFont(font);
- this->setFont(font);
-void KEdit::doGotoLine() {
- if( !gotodialog )
- gotodialog = new KEdGotoLine( parent, "gotodialog" );
- this->clearFocus();
- gotodialog->exec();
- // this seems to be not necessary
- // gotodialog->setFocus();
- if( gotodialog->result() != KEdGotoLine::Accepted)
- return;
- int target_line = gotodialog->getLineNumber()-1;
- if (wordWrap() == NoWrap)
- {
- setCursorPosition( target_line, 0 );
- setFocus();
- return;
- }
- int max_parag = paragraphs();
- int line = 0;
- int parag = -1;
- int lines_in_parag = 0;
- while ((++parag < max_parag) && (line + lines_in_parag < target_line))
- {
- line += lines_in_parag;
- lines_in_parag = linesOfParagraph(parag);
- }
- int col = 0;
- if (parag >= max_parag)
- {
- target_line = line + lines_in_parag - 1;
- parag = max_parag-1;
- }
- while(1+line+lineOfChar(parag,col) < target_line) col++;
- setCursorPosition( parag, col );
- setFocus();
-void KEdit::dragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent* e) {
- if(KURLDrag::canDecode(e))
- e->accept();
- else if(TQTextDrag::canDecode(e))
- TQMultiLineEdit::dragMoveEvent(e);
-void KEdit::contentsDragMoveEvent(TQDragMoveEvent* e) {
- if(KURLDrag::canDecode(e))
- e->accept();
- else if(TQTextDrag::canDecode(e))
- TQMultiLineEdit::contentsDragMoveEvent(e);
-void KEdit::dragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* e) {
- kdDebug() << "KEdit::dragEnterEvent()" << endl;
- e->accept(KURLDrag::canDecode(e) || TQTextDrag::canDecode(e));
-void KEdit::contentsDragEnterEvent(TQDragEnterEvent* e) {
- kdDebug() << "KEdit::contentsDragEnterEvent()" << endl;
- e->accept(KURLDrag::canDecode(e) || TQTextDrag::canDecode(e));
-void KEdit::dropEvent(TQDropEvent* e) {
- kdDebug() << "KEdit::dropEvent()" << endl;
- if(KURLDrag::canDecode(e)) {
- emit gotUrlDrop(e);
- }
- else if(TQTextDrag::canDecode(e))
- TQMultiLineEdit::dropEvent(e);
-void KEdit::contentsDropEvent(TQDropEvent* e) {
- kdDebug() << "KEdit::contentsDropEvent()" << endl;
- if(KURLDrag::canDecode(e)) {
- emit gotUrlDrop(e);
- }
- else if(TQTextDrag::canDecode(e))
- TQMultiLineEdit::contentsDropEvent(e);
-void KEdit::setOverwriteEnabled(bool b)
- d->overwriteEnabled = b;
-// TQWidget::create() turns off mouse-Tracking which would break auto-hiding
-void KEdit::create( WId id, bool initializeWindow, bool destroyOldWindow )
- TQMultiLineEdit::create( id, initializeWindow, destroyOldWindow );
- KCursor::setAutoHideCursor( this, true );
-void KEdit::ensureCursorVisible()
- if (!d->autoUpdate)
- return;
- TQMultiLineEdit::ensureCursorVisible();
-void KEdit::setCursor( const TQCursor &c )
- if (!d->autoUpdate)
- return;
- TQMultiLineEdit::setCursor(c);
-void KEdit::viewportPaintEvent( TQPaintEvent*pe )
- if (!d->autoUpdate)
- return;
- TQMultiLineEdit::viewportPaintEvent(pe);
-void KEdGotoLine::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
-{ KDialogBase::virtual_hook( id, data ); }
-void KEdFind::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
-{ KDialogBase::virtual_hook( id, data ); }
-void KEdReplace::virtual_hook( int id, void* data )
-{ KDialogBase::virtual_hook( id, data ); }
-void KEdit::virtual_hook( int, void* )
-{ /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ }