path: root/kdeui/kmainwindow.h
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1 files changed, 1067 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kdeui/kmainwindow.h b/kdeui/kmainwindow.h
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index 000000000..00d3aaee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kdeui/kmainwindow.h
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+ This file is part of the KDE libraries
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "kxmlguifactory.h"
+#include "kxmlguiclient.h"
+#include "kxmlguibuilder.h"
+#include <qmainwindow.h>
+#include <qmetaobject.h>
+#include <ktoolbar.h>
+class KPopupMenu;
+class KXMLGUIFactory;
+class KConfig;
+class KHelpMenu;
+class KStatusBar;
+class QStatusBar;
+class KMenuBar;
+class KMWSessionManaged;
+class KMainWindowPrivate;
+class KAccel;
+class KToolBarMenuAction;
+class DCOPObject;
+#define KDE_DEFAULT_WINDOWFLAGS WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose
+ * @short %KDE top level main window
+ *
+ * Top level widget that provides toolbars, a status line and a frame.
+ *
+ * It should be used as a top level (parent-less) widget.
+ * It manages the geometry for all its children, including your
+ * main widget.
+ *
+ * Normally, you will inherit from KMainWindow,
+ * then construct (or use some existing) widget as
+ * your main view. You can set only one main view.
+ *
+ * You can add as many toolbars as you like. There can be only one menubar
+ * and only one statusbar.
+ *
+ * The toolbars, menubar, and statusbar can be created by the
+ * KMainWindow and - unlike the old KMainWindow - may, but do not
+ * have to, be deleted by you. KMainWindow will handle that internally.
+ *
+ * Height and width can be operated independently from each other. Simply
+ * define the minimum/maximum height/width of your main widget and
+ * KMainWindow will take this into account. For fixed size windows set
+ * your main widget to a fixed size.
+ *
+ * Fixed aspect ratios (heightForWidth()) and fixed width widgets are
+ * not supported.
+ * KMainWindow will set icon, mini icon and caption, which it gets
+ * from KApplication. It provides full session management, and
+ * will save its position, geometry and positions of toolbars and
+ * menubar on logout. If you want to save additional data, reimplement
+ * saveProperties() and (to read them again on next login)
+ * readProperties(). To save special data about your data, reimplement
+ * saveGlobalProperties(). To warn user that application or
+ * windows have unsaved data on close or logout, reimplement
+ * queryClose() and/or queryExit().
+ *
+ * There are also kRestoreMainWindows convenience functions which
+ * can restore all your windows on next login.
+ *
+ * Note that a KMainWindow per-default is created with the
+ * WDestructiveClose flag, i.e. it is automatically destroyed when the
+ * window is closed. If you do not want this behavior, specify 0 as
+ * widget flag in the constructor.
+ *
+ * @see KApplication
+ * @author Reginald Stadlbauer ([email protected]) Stephan Kulow ([email protected]), Matthias Ettrich ([email protected]), Chris Schlaeger ([email protected]), Sven Radej ([email protected]). Maintained by Sven Radej ([email protected])
+ */
+class KDEUI_EXPORT KMainWindow : public QMainWindow, public KXMLGUIBuilder, virtual public KXMLGUIClient
+ friend class KMWSessionManaged;
+ /**
+ * Construct a main window.
+ *
+ * @param parent The widget parent. This is usually 0 but it may also be the window
+ * group leader. In that case, the KMainWindow becomes sort of a
+ * secondary window.
+ *
+ * @param name The object name. For session management and window management to work
+ * properly, all main windows in the application should have a
+ * different name. When passing 0 (the default), KMainWindow will create
+ * a unique name, but it's recommended to explicitly pass a window name that will
+ * also describe the type of the window. If there can be several windows of the same
+ * type, append '#' (hash) to the name, and KMainWindow will append numbers to make
+ * the names unique. For example, for a mail client which has one main window showing
+ * the mails and folders, and which can also have one or more windows for composing
+ * mails, the name for the folders window should be e.g. "mainwindow" and
+ * for the composer windows "composer#".
+ *
+ * @param f Specify the widget flags. The default is
+ * WType_TopLevel and WDestructiveClose. TopLevel indicates that a
+ * main window is a toplevel window, regardless of whether it has a
+ * parent or not. DestructiveClose indicates that a main window is
+ * automatically destroyed when its window is closed. Pass 0 if
+ * you do not want this behavior.
+ *
+ * @see
+ *
+ * KMainWindows must be created on the heap with 'new', like:
+ * \code
+ * KMainWindow *kmw = new KMainWindow (...);
+ * \endcode
+ **/
+ KMainWindow( QWidget* parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose );
+ /**
+ * Flags that can be passed in an argument to the constructor to
+ * change the behavior.
+ *
+ * NoDCOPObject tells KMainWindow not to create a KMainWindowInterface.
+ * This can be useful in particular for inherited classes, which
+ * might want to create more specific dcop interfaces. It's a good
+ * idea to use KMainWindowInterface as the base class for such interfaces
+ * though (to provide the standard mainwindow functionality via DCOP).
+ */
+ enum CreationFlags
+ {
+ NoDCOPObject = 1
+ };
+ /**
+ * Overloaded constructor which allows passing some KMainWindow::CreationFlags.
+ *
+ * @since 3.2
+ */
+ KMainWindow( int cflags, QWidget* parent = 0, const char *name = 0, WFlags f = WType_TopLevel | WDestructiveClose );
+ /**
+ * \brief Destructor.
+ *
+ * Will also destroy the toolbars, and menubar if
+ * needed.
+ */
+ virtual ~KMainWindow();
+ /**
+ * Retrieve the standard help menu.
+ *
+ * It contains entires for the
+ * help system (activated by F1), an optional "What's This?" entry
+ * (activated by Shift F1), an application specific dialog box,
+ * and an "About KDE" dialog box.
+ *
+ * Example (adding a standard help menu to your application):
+ * \code
+ * KPopupMenu *help = helpMenu( <myTextString> );
+ * menuBar()->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), help );
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @param aboutAppText The string that is used in the application
+ * specific dialog box. If you leave this string empty the
+ * information in the global KAboutData of the
+ * application will be used to make a standard dialog box.
+ *
+ * @param showWhatsThis Set this to false if you do not want to include
+ * the "What's This" menu entry.
+ *
+ * @return A standard help menu.
+ */
+ KPopupMenu* helpMenu( const QString &aboutAppText = QString::null,
+ bool showWhatsThis = true );
+ /**
+ * Returns the help menu. Creates a standard help menu if none exists yet.
+ *
+ * It contains entries for the
+ * help system (activated by F1), an optional "What's This?" entry
+ * (activated by Shift F1), an application specific dialog box,
+ * and an "About KDE" dialog box. You must create the application
+ * specific dialog box yourself. When the "About application"
+ * menu entry is activated, a signal will trigger the
+ * showAboutApplication slot. See showAboutApplication for more
+ * information.
+ *
+ * Example (adding a help menu to your application):
+ * \code
+ * menuBar()->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), customHelpMenu() );
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @param showWhatsThis Set this to @p false if you do not want to include
+ * the "What's This" menu entry.
+ *
+ * @return A standard help menu.
+ */
+ KPopupMenu* customHelpMenu( bool showWhatsThis = true );
+ /**
+ * <b>Session Management</b>
+ *
+ * Try to restore the toplevel widget as defined by the number (1..X).
+ *
+ * If the session did not contain so high a number, the configuration
+ * is not changed and @p false returned.
+ *
+ * That means clients could simply do the following:
+ * \code
+ * if (kapp->isRestored()){
+ * int n = 1;
+ * while (KMainWindow::canBeRestored(n)){
+ * (new childMW)->restore(n);
+ * n++;
+ * }
+ * } else {
+ * // create default application as usual
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ * Note that QWidget::show() is called implicitly in restore.
+ *
+ * With this you can easily restore all toplevel windows of your
+ * application.
+ *
+ * If your application uses different kinds of toplevel
+ * windows, then you can use KMainWindow::classNameOfToplevel(n)
+ * to determine the exact type before calling the childMW
+ * constructor in the example from above.
+ *
+ * If your client has only one kind of toplevel widgets (which
+ * should be pretty usual) then you should use the RESTORE-macro
+ * for backwards compatibility with 3.1 and 3.0 branches:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if (kapp->isRestored())
+ * RESTORE(childMW)
+ * else {
+ * // create default application as usual
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * The macro expands to the term above but is easier to use and
+ * less code to write.
+ *
+ * For new code or if you have more than one kind of toplevel
+ * widget (each derived from KMainWindow, of course), you can
+ * use the templated kRestoreMainWindows global functions:
+ *
+ * \code
+ * if (kapp->isRestored())
+ * kRestoreMainWindows< childMW1, childMW2, childMW3 >();
+ * else {
+ * // create default application as usual
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * Currently, these functions are provided for up to three
+ * template arguments. If you need more, tell us. To help you in
+ * deciding whether or not you can use kRestoreMainWindows, a
+ *
+ * @see restore()
+ * @see classNameOfToplevel()
+ *
+ **/
+ static bool canBeRestored( int number );
+ /**
+ * Returns the className() of the @p number of the toplevel window which
+ * should be restored.
+ *
+ * This is only useful if your application uses
+ * different kinds of toplevel windows.
+ */
+ // KDE 4 return QCString - QObject::className() returns const char*
+ static const QString classNameOfToplevel( int number );
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation of QMainWindow::show()
+ */
+ // KDE4 remove this method if this has been fixed in Qt
+ virtual void show();
+ /**
+ * Reimplementation of QMainWindow::hide()
+ */
+ // KDE4 remove this method if this has been fixed in Qt
+ virtual void hide();
+ /**
+ * Restore the session specified by @p number.
+ *
+ * Returns @p false if this
+ * fails, otherwise returns @p true and shows the window.
+ * You should call canBeRestored() first.
+ * If @p show is true (default), this widget will be shown automatically.
+ */
+ bool restore( int number, bool show = true );
+ virtual KXMLGUIFactory *guiFactory();
+ /**
+ * Create a GUI given a local XML file.
+ *
+ * If @p xmlfile is NULL,
+ * then it will try to construct a local XML filename like
+ * appnameui.rc where 'appname' is your app's name. If that file
+ * does not exist, then the XML UI code will only use the global
+ * (standard) XML file for the layout purposes.
+ *
+ * Note that when passing true for the conserveMemory argument subsequent
+ * calls to guiFactory()->addClient/removeClient may not work as expected.
+ * Also retrieving references to containers like popup menus or toolbars using
+ * the container method will not work.
+ *
+ * @param xmlfile The local xmlfile (relative or absolute)
+ * @param _conserveMemory Specify whether createGUI() should call
+ * KXMLGUIClient::conserveMemory() to free all memory
+ * allocated by the QDomDocument and by the KXMLGUIFactory.
+ */
+ void createGUI( const QString &xmlfile = QString::null, bool _conserveMemory = true );
+ /**
+ * Enables the build of a standard help menu when calling createGUI().
+ *
+ * The default behavior is to build one, you must call this function
+ * to disable it
+ */
+ void setHelpMenuEnabled(bool showHelpMenu = true);
+ /**
+ * Return @p true when the help menu is enabled
+ */
+ bool isHelpMenuEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns true, if there is a menubar
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ bool hasMenuBar();
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer to the menu bar.
+ *
+ * If there is no menu bar yet one will be created.
+ **/
+ KMenuBar *menuBar();
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer to the status bar.
+ *
+ * If there is no status bar yet, one will be created.
+ *
+ * Note that tooltips for kactions in actionCollection() are not
+ * automatically connected to this statusBar.
+ * See the KActionCollection documentation for more details.
+ *
+ * @see KActionCollection
+ */
+ KStatusBar *statusBar();
+ /**
+ * List of members of KMainWindow class.
+ */
+ static QPtrList<KMainWindow>* memberList;
+ //KDE4: replace with memberList() and make memberList member private
+ /**
+ * List of members of KMainWindow class.
+ * @since 3.4
+ */
+ static QPtrList<KMainWindow>* getMemberList();
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer to the toolbar with the specified name.
+ * This refers to toolbars created dynamically from the XML UI
+ * framework. If the toolbar does not exist one will be created.
+ *
+ * @param name The internal name of the toolbar. If no name is
+ * specified "mainToolBar" is assumed.
+ *
+ * @return A pointer to the toolbar
+ **/
+ KToolBar *toolBar( const char *name=0 );
+ /**
+ * @return An iterator over the list of all toolbars for this window.
+ */
+ QPtrListIterator<KToolBar> toolBarIterator();
+ /**
+ * @return A KAccel instance bound to this mainwindow. Used automatically
+ * by KAction to make keybindings work in all cases.
+ */
+ KAccel *accel();
+ void setFrameBorderWidth( int ) {}
+ /**
+ * Call this to enable "auto-save" of toolbar/menubar/statusbar settings
+ * (and optionally window size).
+ * If the *bars were moved around/shown/hidden when the window is closed,
+ * saveMainWindowSettings( KGlobal::config(), groupName ) will be called.
+ *
+ * @param groupName a name that identifies this "type of window".
+ * You can have several types of window in the same application.
+ *
+ * @param saveWindowSize set it to true to include the window size
+ * when saving.
+ *
+ * Typically, you will call setAutoSaveSettings() in your
+ * KMainWindow-inherited class constructor, and it will take care
+ * of restoring and saving automatically. Make sure you call this
+ * _after all_ your *bars have been created.
+ *
+ * To make sure that KMainWindow propertly obtains the default
+ * size of the window you should do the following:
+ * - Remove hard coded resize() calls in the constructor or main, they
+ * should be removed in favor of letting the automatic resizing
+ * determine the default window size. Hard coded window sizes will
+ * be wrong for users that have big fonts, use different styles,
+ * long/small translations, large toolbars, and other factors.
+ * - Put the setAutoSaveSettings ( or setupGUI() ) call after all widgets
+ * have been created and placed inside the main window (i.e. for 99% of
+ * apps setCentralWidget())
+ * - Widgets that inherit from QWidget (like game boards) should overload
+ * "virtual QSize sizeHint() const;" to specify a default size rather
+ * than letting QWidget::adjust use the default size of 0x0.
+ */
+ void setAutoSaveSettings( const QString & groupName = QString::fromLatin1("MainWindow"),
+ bool saveWindowSize = true );
+ /**
+ * Disable the auto-save-settings feature.
+ * You don't normally need to call this, ever.
+ */
+ void resetAutoSaveSettings();
+ /**
+ * @return the current autosave setting, i.e. true if setAutoSaveSettings() was called,
+ * false by default or if resetAutoSaveSettings() was called.
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ bool autoSaveSettings() const;
+ /**
+ * @return the group used for setting-autosaving.
+ * Only meaningful if setAutoSaveSettings() was called.
+ * This can be useful for forcing a save or an apply, e.g. before and after
+ * using KEditToolbar.
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ QString autoSaveGroup() const;
+ /**
+ * Read settings for statusbar, menubar and toolbar from their respective
+ * groups in the config file and apply them.
+ *
+ * @param config Config file to read the settings from.
+ * @param groupName Group name to use. If not specified, the last used
+ * group name is used.
+ * @param force if set, even default settings are re-applied
+ */
+ void applyMainWindowSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &groupName, bool force);
+ // KDE4 merge with force=false
+ void applyMainWindowSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &groupName = QString::null);
+ /**
+ * Save settings for statusbar, menubar and toolbar to their respective
+ * groups in the config file @p config.
+ *
+ * @param config Config file to save the settings to.
+ * @param groupName Group name to use. If not specified, the last used
+ * group name is used
+ */
+ void saveMainWindowSettings(KConfig *config, const QString &groupName = QString::null);
+ /**
+ * Sets whether KMainWindow should provide a menu that allows showing/hiding
+ * the available toolbars ( using KToggleToolBarAction ) . In case there
+ * is only one toolbar configured a simple 'Show \<toolbar name here\>' menu item
+ * is shown.
+ *
+ * The menu / menu item is implemented using xmlgui. It will be inserted in your
+ * menu structure in the 'Settings' menu.
+ *
+ * If your application uses a non-standard xmlgui resource file then you can
+ * specify the exact position of the menu / menu item by adding a
+ * &lt;Merge name="StandardToolBarMenuHandler" /&gt;
+ * line to the settings menu section of your resource file ( usually appname.rc ).
+ *
+ * Note that you should enable this feature before calling createGUI() ( or similar ) .
+ * You enable/disable it anytime if you pass false to the conserveMemory argument of createGUI.
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ void setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled( bool enable );
+ /// @since 3.1
+ bool isStandardToolBarMenuEnabled() const;
+ /**
+ * Sets whether KMainWindow should provide a menu that allows showing/hiding
+ * of the statusbar ( using KToggleStatusBarAction ).
+ *
+ * The menu / menu item is implemented using xmlgui. It will be inserted
+ * in your menu structure in the 'Settings' menu.
+ *
+ * Note that you should enable this feature before calling createGUI()
+ * ( or similar ).
+ *
+ * If an application maintains the action on its own (i.e. never calls
+ * this function) a connection needs to be made to let KMainWindow
+ * know when that status (hidden/shown) of the statusbar has changed.
+ * For example:
+ * connect(action, SIGNAL(activated()),
+ * kmainwindow, SLOT(setSettingsDirty()));
+ * Otherwise the status (hidden/show) of the statusbar might not be saved
+ * by KMainWindow.
+ * @since 3.2
+ */
+ void createStandardStatusBarAction();
+ /**
+ * @see setupGUI()
+ */
+ enum StandardWindowOptions
+ {
+ /**
+ * adds action to show/hide the toolbar(s) and adds
+ * action to configure the toolbar(s).
+ * @see setStandardToolBarMenuEnabled
+ */
+ ToolBar = 1,
+ /**
+ * adds action to show the key configure action.
+ */
+ Keys = 2,
+ /**
+ * adds action to show/hide the statusbar if the
+ * statusbar exists. See createStandardStatusBarAction
+ */
+ StatusBar = 4,
+ /**
+ * auto-saves (and loads) the toolbar/menubar/statusbar settings and
+ * window size using the default name. See setAutoSaveSettings
+ *
+ * Typically you want to let the default window size be determined by
+ * the widgets size hints. Make sure that setupGUI() is called after
+ * all the widgets are created ( including setCentralWidget ) so the
+ * default size's will be correct. See setAutoSaveSettings for
+ * more information on this topic.
+ */
+ Save = 8,
+ /**
+ * calls createGUI() once ToolBar, Keys and Statusbar have been
+ * taken care of. See createGUI
+ */
+ Create = 16
+ };
+ /**
+ * Configures the current windows and its actions in the typical KDE
+ * fashion. The options are all enabled by default but can be turned
+ * off if desired through the params or if the prereqs don't exists.
+ *
+ * Typically this function replaces createGUI().
+ *
+ * @see StandardWindowOptions
+ *
+ * @since 3.3
+ */
+ void setupGUI( int options = ToolBar | Keys | StatusBar | Save | Create, const QString& xmlfile = QString::null );
+ /**
+ * Configures the current windows and its actions in the typical KDE
+ * fashion. The options are all enabled by default but can be turned
+ * off if desired through the params or if the prereqs don't exists.
+ *
+ * @p defaultSize The default size of the window
+ *
+ * Typically this function replaces createGUI().
+ *
+ * @see StandardWindowOptions
+ *
+ * @since 3.5
+ */
+ void setupGUI( QSize defaultSize, int options = ToolBar | Keys | StatusBar | Save | Create, const QString& xmlfile = QString::null );
+ /**
+ * Returns a pointer to the mainwindows action responsible for the toolbars menu
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ KAction *toolBarMenuAction();
+ /**
+ * @internal for KToolBar
+ * @since 3.3.1
+ */
+ void setupToolbarMenuActions();
+ // why do we support old gcc versions? using KXMLGUIBuilder::finalizeGUI;
+ /// @since 3.1
+ virtual void finalizeGUI( KXMLGUIClient *client );
+ /**
+ * @internal
+ */
+ void finalizeGUI( bool force );
+ /**
+ * @return true if a -geometry argument was given on the command line,
+ * and this is the first window created (the one on which this option applies)
+ */
+ bool initialGeometrySet() const;
+ /**
+ * @internal
+ * Used from Konqueror when reusing the main window.
+ */
+ void ignoreInitialGeometry();
+ /**
+ * @return the size the mainwindow should have so that the central
+ * widget will be of @p size.
+ *
+ * @deprecated You normally don't need this, the recommended way to achieve a
+ * certain central widget size is as follows:
+ * @li Override sizeHint() in the central widget so that it
+ * returns the desired size.
+ * @li Call updateGeometry() in the central widget whenever the
+ * desired size changes. This ensures that the new sizeHint() is properly
+ * propagated to any parent layout.
+ * @li Now call adjustSize() in the mainwindow to resize the
+ * mainwindow such that the central widget will become the desired size.
+ *
+ */
+ // KDE4 to be removed
+ QSize sizeForCentralWidgetSize(QSize size) KDE_DEPRECATED;
+ /**
+ * @internal
+ */
+ // KDE4 remove
+ virtual void setIcon( const QPixmap & );
+public slots:
+ /**
+ * Show a standard configure toolbar dialog.
+ *
+ * This slot can be connected dirrectly to the action to configure shortcuts.
+ * This is very simple to do that by adding a single line
+ * \code
+ * KStdAction::configureToolbars( guiFactory(), SLOT( configureToolbars() ),
+ * actionCollection() );
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * @since 3.3
+ */
+ int configureToolbars(); // TODO KDE4: make virtual and reimplement in KParts::MainWindow
+ /**
+ * Makes a KDE compliant caption.
+ *
+ * @param caption Your caption. @em Do @em not include the application name
+ * in this string. It will be added automatically according to the KDE
+ * standard.
+ */
+ virtual void setCaption( const QString &caption );
+ /**
+ * Makes a KDE compliant caption.
+ *
+ * @param caption Your caption. @em Do @em not include the application name
+ * in this string. It will be added automatically according to the KDE
+ * standard.
+ * @param modified Specify whether the document is modified. This displays
+ * an additional sign in the title bar, usually "**".
+ */
+ virtual void setCaption( const QString &caption, bool modified );
+ /**
+ * Make a plain caption without any modifications.
+ *
+ * @param caption Your caption. This is the string that will be
+ * displayed in the window title.
+ */
+ virtual void setPlainCaption( const QString &caption );
+ /**
+ * Open the help page for the application.
+ *
+ * The application name is
+ * used as a key to determine what to display and the system will attempt
+ * to open \<appName\>/index.html.
+ *
+ * This method is intended for use by a help button in the toolbar or
+ * components outside the regular help menu. Use helpMenu() when you
+ * want to provide access to the help system from the help menu.
+ *
+ * Example (adding a help button to the first toolbar):
+ *
+ * \code
+ * KIconLoader &loader = *KGlobal::iconLoader();
+ * QPixmap pixmap = loader.loadIcon( "help" );
+ * toolBar(0)->insertButton( pixmap, 0, SIGNAL(clicked()),
+ * this, SLOT(appHelpActivated()), true, i18n("Help") );
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ */
+ void appHelpActivated( void );
+ /**
+ * Apply a state change
+ *
+ * Enable and disable actions as defined in the XML rc file
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ virtual void slotStateChanged(const QString &newstate);
+ /**
+ * Apply a state change
+ *
+ * Enable and disable actions as defined in the XML rc file,
+ * can "reverse" the state (disable the actions which should be
+ * enabled, and vice-versa) if specified.
+ * @since 3.1
+ */
+ void slotStateChanged(const QString &newstate,
+ KXMLGUIClient::ReverseStateChange); // KDE 4.0: remove this
+ /**
+ * Apply a state change
+ *
+ * Enable and disable actions as defined in the XML rc file,
+ * can "reverse" the state (disable the actions which should be
+ * enabled, and vice-versa) if specified.
+ */
+// void slotStateChanged(const QString &newstate,
+// bool reverse); // KDE 4.0: enable this
+ /**
+ * Tell the main window that it should save its settings when being closed.
+ * This is part of the auto-save-settings feature.
+ * For everything related to toolbars this happens automatically,
+ * but you have to call setSettingsDirty() in the slot that toggles
+ * the visibility of the statusbar.
+ */
+ void setSettingsDirty();
+ void paintEvent( QPaintEvent* e );
+ void childEvent( QChildEvent* e);
+ void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent* e);
+ /**
+ * Reimplemented to call the queryClose() and queryExit() handlers.
+ *
+ * We recommend that you reimplement the handlers rather than closeEvent().
+ * If you do it anyway, ensure to call the base implementation to keep
+ * queryExit() running.
+ */
+ virtual void closeEvent ( QCloseEvent *);
+ // KDE4 This seems to be flawed to me. Either the app has only one
+ // mainwindow, so queryClose() is enough, or if it can have more of them,
+ // then the windows should take care of themselves, and queryExit()
+ // would be useful only for the annoying 'really quit' dialog, which
+ // also doesn't make sense in apps with multiple mainwindows.
+ // And saving configuration in something called queryExit()? IMHO
+ // one can e.g. use KApplication::shutDown(), which if nothing else
+ // has at least better fitting name.
+ // See also KApplication::sessionSaving().
+ // This stuff should get changed somehow, so that it at least doesn't
+ // mess with session management.
+ /**
+ Called before the very last window is closed, either by the
+ user or indirectly by the session manager.
+ It is not recommended to do any user interaction in this
+ function other than indicating severe errors. Better ask the
+ user on queryClose() (see below).
+ A typical usage of queryExit() is to write configuration data back.
+ Note that the application may continue to run after queryExit()
+ (the user may have canceled a shutdown), so you should not do any cleanups
+ here. The purpose of queryExit() is purely to prepare the application
+ (with possible user interaction) so it can safely be closed later (without
+ user interaction).
+ If you need to do serious things on exit (like shutting a
+ dial-up connection down), connect to the signal
+ KApplication::shutDown().
+ Default implementation returns @p true. Returning @p false will
+ cancel the exiting. In the latter case, the last window will
+ remain visible. If KApplication::sessionSaving() is true, refusing
+ the exit will also cancel KDE logout.
+ @see queryClose()
+ @see KApplication::sessionSaving()
+ */
+ virtual bool queryExit();
+ /**
+ Called before the window is closed, either by the user or indirectly by
+ the session manager.
+ The purpose of this function is to prepare the window in a way that it is
+ safe to close it, i.e. without the user losing some data.
+ Default implementation returns true. Returning @p false will cancel
+ the closing, and, if KApplication::sessionSaving() is true, it will also
+ cancel KDE logout.
+ Reimplement this function to prevent the user from losing data.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ switch ( KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel( this,
+ i18n("Save changes to document foo?")) ) {
+ case KMessageBox::Yes :
+ // save document here. If saving fails, return false;
+ return true;
+ case KMessageBox::No :
+ return true;
+ default: // cancel
+ return false;
+ \endcode
+ Note that you should probably @em not actually close the document from
+ within this method, as it may be called by the session manager before the
+ session is saved. If the document is closed before the session save occurs,
+ its location might not be properly saved. In addition, the session shutdown
+ may be canceled, in which case the document should remain open.
+ @see queryExit()
+ @see KApplication::sessionSaving()
+ */
+ virtual bool queryClose();
+ /**
+ * Save your instance-specific properties. The function is
+ * invoked when the session manager requests your application
+ * to save its state.
+ *
+ * You @em must @em not change the group of the @p kconfig object, since
+ * KMainWindow uses one group for each window. Please
+ * reimplement these function in childclasses.
+ *
+ * Note: No user interaction is allowed
+ * in this function!
+ *
+ */
+ virtual void saveProperties( KConfig* ) {}
+ /**
+ * Read your instance-specific properties.
+ */
+ virtual void readProperties( KConfig* ) {}
+ /**
+ * Save your application-wide properties. The function is
+ * invoked when the session manager requests your application
+ * to save its state.
+ *
+ * This function is similar to saveProperties() but is only called for
+ * the very first main window, regardless how many main window are open.
+ * Override it if you need to save other data about your documents on
+ * session end. sessionConfig is a config to which that data should be
+ * saved. Normally, you don't need this function. But if you want to save
+ * data about your documents that are not in opened windows you might need
+ * it.
+ *
+ * Default implementation does nothing.
+ */
+ virtual void saveGlobalProperties( KConfig* sessionConfig );
+ /**
+ * The counterpart of saveGlobalProperties().
+ *
+ * Read the application-specific properties in again.
+ */
+ virtual void readGlobalProperties( KConfig* sessionConfig );
+ void savePropertiesInternal( KConfig*, int );
+ bool readPropertiesInternal( KConfig*, int );
+ /**
+ * For inherited classes
+ */
+ bool settingsDirty() const;
+ /**
+ * For inherited classes
+ */
+ QString settingsGroup() const;
+ /**
+ * For inherited classes
+ * Note that the group must be set before calling
+ */
+ void saveWindowSize( KConfig * config ) const;
+ /**
+ * For inherited classes
+ * Note that the group must be set before calling, and that
+ * a -geometry on the command line has priority.
+ */
+ void restoreWindowSize( KConfig * config );
+ /// parse the geometry from the geometry command line argument
+ void parseGeometry(bool parsewidth);
+protected slots:
+ /**
+ * Rebuilds the GUI after KEditToolbar changed the toolbar layout.
+ * @see configureToolbars()
+ */
+ void saveNewToolbarConfig(); // TODO KDE4: make virtual and reimplement in KParts::MainWindow
+ /**
+ * This slot does nothing.
+ *
+ * It must be reimplemented if you want
+ * to use a custom About Application dialog box. This slot is
+ * connected to the About Application entry in the menu returned
+ * by customHelpMenu.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * \code
+ *
+ * void MyMainLevel::setupInterface()
+ * {
+ * ..
+ * menuBar()->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), customHelpMenu() );
+ * ..
+ * }
+ *
+ * void MyMainLevel::showAboutApplication()
+ * {
+ * <activate your custom dialog>
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ */
+ virtual void showAboutApplication();
+ /**
+ * This slot should only be called in case you reimplement closeEvent() and
+ * if you are using the "auto-save" feature. In all other cases,
+ * setSettingsDirty() should be called instead to benefit from the delayed
+ * saving.
+ *
+ * @see setAutoSaveSettings
+ * @see setSettingsDirty
+ *
+ * @since 3.2
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * \code
+ *
+ * void MyMainWindow::closeEvent( QCloseEvent *e )
+ * {
+ * // Save settings if auto-save is enabled, and settings have changed
+ * if ( settingsDirty() && autoSaveSettings() )
+ * saveAutoSaveSettings();
+ * ..
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ */
+ void saveAutoSaveSettings();
+private slots:
+ /**
+ * Called when the app is shutting down.
+ */
+ void shuttingDown();
+ KMenuBar *internalMenuBar();
+ KStatusBar *internalStatusBar();
+ KHelpMenu *mHelpMenu, *helpMenu2;
+ KXMLGUIFactory *factory_;
+ QPtrList<KToolBar> toolbarList;
+ virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
+ KMainWindowPrivate *d;
+ void initKMainWindow(const char *name, int cflags);
+#define RESTORE(type) { int n = 1;\
+ while (KMainWindow::canBeRestored(n)){\
+ (new type)->restore(n);\
+ n++;}}
+ * These global convenience functions (that come with a varying
+ * number of template arguments) are a replacement for the RESTORE
+ * macro provided in earlier versions of KDE. The old RESTORE macro
+ * is still provided for backwards compatibility. See
+ * KMainWindow documentation for more.
+ *
+ * \since KDE 3.2
+ *
+ **/
+template <typename T>
+inline void kRestoreMainWindows() {
+ for ( int n = 1 ; KMainWindow::canBeRestored( n ) ; ++n ) {
+ const QString className = KMainWindow::classNameOfToplevel( n );
+ if ( className == QString::fromLatin1( T::staticMetaObject()->className() ) )
+ (new T)->restore( n );
+ }
+template <typename T0, typename T1>
+inline void kRestoreMainWindows() {
+ const char * classNames[2];
+ classNames[0] = T0::staticMetaObject()->className();
+ classNames[1] = T1::staticMetaObject()->className();
+ for ( int n = 1 ; KMainWindow::canBeRestored( n ) ; ++n ) {
+ const QString className = KMainWindow::classNameOfToplevel( n );
+ if ( className == QString::fromLatin1( classNames[0] ) )
+ (new T0)->restore( n );
+ else if ( className == QString::fromLatin1( classNames[1] ) )
+ (new T1)->restore( n );
+ }
+template <typename T0, typename T1, typename T2>
+inline void kRestoreMainWindows() {
+ const char * classNames[3];
+ classNames[0] = T0::staticMetaObject()->className();
+ classNames[1] = T1::staticMetaObject()->className();
+ classNames[2] = T2::staticMetaObject()->className();
+ for ( int n = 1 ; KMainWindow::canBeRestored( n ) ; ++n ) {
+ const QString className = KMainWindow::classNameOfToplevel( n );
+ if ( className == QString::fromLatin1( classNames[0] ) )
+ (new T0)->restore( n );
+ else if ( className == QString::fromLatin1( classNames[1] ) )
+ (new T1)->restore( n );
+ else if ( className == QString::fromLatin1( classNames[2] ) )
+ (new T2)->restore( n );
+ }