path: root/kdeui/kpanelapplet.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/kdeui/kpanelapplet.h b/kdeui/kpanelapplet.h
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index 34adf910a..000000000
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-Copyright (c) 2000 Matthias Elter
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#ifndef __kpanelapplet_h__
-#define __kpanelapplet_h__
-#include <tqframe.h>
-#include <kconfig.h>
-class KConfig;
-class TQPopupMenu;
- * @short %KDE Panel Applet class
- *
- * Panel applets
- * @li Are small applications living in the %KDE panel.
- * @li Are implemented as DSOs (Dynamic Shared Objects).
- *
- * Note: For security and stability reasons the panel won't load
- * untrusted third party applets directly into its namespace but via an
- * external wrapper process.
- *
- * The panel locates available applets by searching for applet desktop
- * files in (ALL_DIRS)/share/apps/kicker/applets. Every panel applet should
- * install a desktop file there to be recognized by the panel.
- *
- * Besides standard keys like "Name", "Comment" and "Icon" there are
- * two panel applet specific keys:
- *
- * \b X-KDE-Library \n
- *
- * Used by the panel to locate the applet DSO (Dynamic Shared Object)
- * Example: X-KDE-Library=libexampleapplet
- *
- * \b X-KDE-UniqueApplet \n
- *
- * Similar to KApplication and KUniqueApplication there are
- * two types of panel applets. Use unique applets when it makes no
- * sence to run more than one instance of a applet in the panel. A
- * good example for unique applets is the taskbar applet. Use normal
- * applets when you need instance specific configuration. An example
- * is the koolclock applet where you might want to run two instances
- * in your panel, one configured as analog clock, the other one as
- * digital clock. X-KDE-UniqueApplet is a boolean key which defaults
- * to "false". Example: X-KDE-UniqueApplet=true
- *
- * Back to panel applet DSOs, the following conventions are used for %KDE:
- * Name: lib<appletname>
- * LDFLAGS: -module -no-undefined
- *
- * To implement a panel applet it is not enough to write a class
- * inheriting from KPanelApplet but you also have to provide a
- * factory function in your DSO. A sample factory function could look
- * like this:
- *
- * \code
- *
- * extern "C"
- * {
- * KPanelApplet* init(TQWidget *parent, const TQString& configFile)
- * {
- * KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("exampleapplet");
- * return new ExampleApplet(configFile, KPanelApplet::Normal,
- * KPanelApplet::About | KPanelApplet::Help | KPanelApplet::Preferences,
- * parent, "exampleapplet");
- * }
- * }
- *
- * \endcode
- *
- * Note: Don't change the factory function signature or the panel will
- * fail to load your applet.
- *
- * @author Matthias Elter <[email protected]>
- **/
-class KDEUI_EXPORT KPanelApplet : public TQFrame
- /**
- * This enum describes the type of the applet.
- */
- enum Type { Normal = 0, Stretch };
- /**
- * This enum holds flags which can be ORed together to describe
- * which items the context menu over the applet handle contains.
- */
- // KDE4: Merge these with KPanelExtension's enums
- enum Action { About = 1, Help = 2, Preferences = 4, ReportBug = 8 };
- enum Position { pLeft = 0, pRight, pTop, pBottom };
- enum Alignment { LeftTop = 0, Center, RightBottom };
- enum Direction { Up = 0, Down, Left, Right };
- /**
- * Constructs a KPanelApplet just like any other widget.
- *
- * @param configFile The configFile handed over in the factory function.
- * @param t The applet type().
- * @param actions Standard RMB menu actions supported by the applet (see action() ).
- * @param parent The pointer to the parent widget handed over in the factory function.
- * @param name A Qt object name for your applet.
- * @param f Window control flags
- **/
- KPanelApplet(const TQString& configFile, Type t = Normal,
- int actions = 0, TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0,
- WFlags f = 0);
- /**
- * Destructor.
- **/
- ~KPanelApplet();
- /**
- * Returns a suggested width for a given height.
- *
- * Every applet should reimplement this function.
- *
- * Depending on the panel orientation the height (horizontal panel) or the
- * width (vertical panel) of the applets is fixed.
- * The exact values of the fixed size component depend on the panel size.
- *
- * On a horizontal panel the applet height is fixed, the panel will
- * call widthForHeight(int height) with @p height
- * equal to 'the fixed applet height'
- * when laying out the applets.
- *
- * The applet can now choose the other size component (width)
- * based on the given height.
- *
- * The width you return is granted.
- **/
- virtual int widthForHeight(int height) const { return height; }
- /**
- * @return A suggested height for a given width.
- *
- * Every applet should reimplement this function.
- *
- * Depending on the panel orientation the height (horizontal panel) or the
- * width (vertical panel) of the applets is fixed.
- * The exact values of the fixed size component depend on the panel size.
- *
- * On a vertical panel the applet width is fixed, the panel will
- * call heightForWidth(int width) with @p width
- * equal to 'the fixed applet width'
- * when laying out the applets.
- *
- * The applet can now choose the other size component (height)
- * based on the given width.
- *
- * The height you return is granted.
- **/
- virtual int heightForWidth(int width) const { return width; }
- /**
- * Always use this KConfig object to save/load your applet's configuration.
- *
- * For unique applets this config object will write to a config file called
- * \<appletname\>rc in the user's local %KDE directory.
- *
- * For normal applets this config object will write to a instance specific config file
- * called \<appletname\>\<instanceid\>rc in the user's local %KDE directory.
- **/
- KConfig* config() const { return _config; }
- KSharedConfig::Ptr sharedConfig() const;
- /**
- * @return Type indicating the applet's type.
- * Type
- **/
- Type type() const { return _type; }
- /**
- * @return int indicating the supported RMB menu actions.
- * Action
- **/
- int actions() const { return _actions; }
- /**
- * Generic action dispatcher. Called when the user selects an item
- * from the applet's RMB menu.
- *
- * Reimplement this function to handle actions.
- *
- * For About, Help, Preferences and ReportBug, use the convenience handlers
- * ref about(), help(), preferences(), reportBug()
- *
- **/
- virtual void action( Action a );
- /**
- * @return the applet's custom menu, usually the same as the context menu, or 0 if none
- * see setCustomMenu(TQPopupMenu*)
- */
- const TQPopupMenu* customMenu() const;
- /**
- * @internal
- **/
- void setPosition( Position p );
- /**
- * @internal
- **/
- void tqsetAlignment( Alignment a );
- /**
- * Emit this signal to make the panel relayout all applets, when
- * you want to change your width (horizontal panel) or
- * height (vertical panel).
- *
- * The panel is going to relayout all applets based on their
- * widthForHeight(int height) (horizontal panel) or
- * heightForWidth(int width) (vertical panel).
- *
- * Please note that the panel may change the applet's location
- * if the new widthForHeight(int height) (horizontal panel) or
- * heightForWidth(int width) (vertical panel) does not fit into the
- * current panel layout.
- **/
- void updateLayout();
- /**
- * Request keyboard focus from the panel.
- * @deprecated
- **/
- void requestFocus();
- /**
- * Request keyboard focus from the panel. Applets should never call this directly
- * but rather call needsFocus(bool)
- * @see needsFocus
- * @param focus activate the window and ensure the panel remains visible when true
- * Each and ever time a requestFocus(true) is emitted, it MUST be paired eventually
- * with a requestFocus(false) otherwise the panel may end up never hiding
- * @since 3.4
- **/
- void requestFocus(bool focus);
- /**
- * Is called when the user selects "About" from the applet's RMB menu.
- * Reimplement this function to launch a about dialog.
- *
- * Note that this is called only when your applet supports the About action.
- * See Action and KPanelApplet().
- **/
- virtual void about() {}
- /**
- * Is called when the user selects "Help" from the applet's RMB menu.
- * Reimplement this function to launch a manual or help page.
- *
- * Note that this is called only when your applet supports the Help action.
- * See Action and KPanelApplet().
- **/
- virtual void help() {}
- /**
- * Is called when the user selects "Preferences" from the applet's RMB menu.
- * Reimplement this function to launch a preferences dialog or kcontrol module.
- *
- * Note that this is called only when your applet supports the preferences action.
- * See Action and KPanelApplet().
- **/
- virtual void preferences() {}
- /**
- * Is called when the user selects "Report bug" from the applet's RMB menu.
- * Reimplement this function to launch a bug reporting dialog.
- *
- * Note that this is called only when your applet supports the ReportBug
- * action.
- * See Action and KPanelApplet()
- **/
- virtual void reportBug() {}
- /**
- * @return the applet's orientation. (horizontal or vertical)
- **/
- Orientation orientation() const;
- /**
- * @return the applet's position. (top, left, bottom, or right)
- **/
- Position position() const { return _position; }
- /**
- * @return the applet's tqalignment. (top/left, center, or bottom/right)
- **/
- Alignment tqalignment() const { return _tqalignment; }
- /**
- * The panel on which this applet resides has changed its position.
- * Reimplement this change handler in order to adjust the look of your
- * applet.
- **/
- virtual void positionChange( Position p );
- /**
- * The panel on which this applet resides has changed its tqalignment.
- * Reimplement this change handler in order to adjust the look of your
- * applet.
- **/
- virtual void alignmentChange( Alignment /*a*/ ) {}
- /**
- * Use this method to set the custom menu for this applet so that it can be shown
- * in the applet handle menu and other appropriate places that the applet many not itself
- * be aware of. The applet itself is still responsible for deleting and managing the
- * the menu.
- *
- * If the menu is deleted during the life of the applet, be sure to call this method again
- * with the new menu (or 0) to avoid crashes
- */
- void setCustomMenu(const TQPopupMenu*);
- /**
- * Register widgets that can receive keyboard focus with this this method
- * This call results in an eventFilter being places on the widget.
- * @param widget the widget to watch for keyboard focus
- * @param watch whether to start watching the widget, or to stop doing so
- * @since 3.4
- */
- void watchForFocus(TQWidget* widget, bool watch = true);
- /**
- * Call this whenever focus is needed or not needed. You do not have to call this method
- * for widgets that have been registered with watchForFocus
- * @param focus whether to or not to request focus
- * @since 3.4
- */
- void needsFocus(bool focus);
- /**
- * The orientation changed to @p orientation. Reimplement this
- * change handler in order to adjust the look of your applet.
- *
- * @deprecated Reimplement positionChange instead.
- **/
- // FIXME: Remove for KDE 4
- virtual KDE_DEPRECATED void orientationChange( Orientation /* orientation*/) {}
- /**
- * A convenience method that translates the position of the applet into which
- * direction to show a popup.
- **/
- Direction popupDirection();
- /**
- * The popup direction changed to @p direction. Reimplement this
- * change handler in order to adjust the look of your applet.
- *
- * @deprecated Reimplement positionChange instead.
- **/
- // FIXME: Remove for KDE 4
- virtual KDE_DEPRECATED void popupDirectionChange( Direction /*direction*/ ) {}
- bool eventFilter(TQObject *, TQEvent *);
- Type _type;
- Position _position;
- Alignment _tqalignment;
- KConfig* _config;
- int _actions;
- virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
- class KPanelAppletPrivate;
- KPanelAppletPrivate *d;