path: root/tdeabc/address.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tdeabc/address.cpp')
1 files changed, 592 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdeabc/address.cpp b/tdeabc/address.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..112a70617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdeabc/address.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+ This file is part of libkabc.
+ Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <[email protected]>
+ This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+ License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ Library General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
+ along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+ Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#include "address.h"
+#include <tdeapplication.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
+#include <tqfile.h>
+using namespace KABC;
+TQMap<TQString, TQString> *Address::mISOMap = 0;
+static KStaticDeleter< TQMap<TQString, TQString> > isoMapDeleter;
+Address::Address() :
+ mEmpty( true ), mType( 0 )
+ mId = TDEApplication::randomString( 10 );
+Address::Address( int type ) :
+ mEmpty( true ), mType( type )
+ mId = TDEApplication::randomString( 10 );
+bool Address::operator==( const Address &a ) const
+ if ( mPostOfficeBox != a.mPostOfficeBox ) return false;
+ if ( mExtended != a.mExtended ) return false;
+ if ( mStreet != a.mStreet ) return false;
+ if ( mLocality != a.mLocality ) return false;
+ if ( mRegion != a.mRegion ) return false;
+ if ( mPostalCode != a.mPostalCode ) return false;
+ if ( mCountry != a.mCountry ) return false;
+ if ( mLabel != a.mLabel ) return false;
+ return true;
+bool Address::operator!=( const Address &a ) const
+ return !( a == *this );
+bool Address::isEmpty() const
+ if ( mPostOfficeBox.isEmpty() &&
+ mExtended.isEmpty() &&
+ mStreet.isEmpty() &&
+ mLocality.isEmpty() &&
+ mRegion.isEmpty() &&
+ mPostalCode.isEmpty() &&
+ mCountry.isEmpty() &&
+ mLabel.isEmpty() ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void Address::clear()
+ *this = Address();
+void Address::setId( const TQString &id )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mId = id;
+TQString Address::id() const
+ return mId;
+void Address::setType( int type )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mType = type;
+int Address::type() const
+ return mType;
+TQString Address::typeLabel() const
+ TQString label;
+ bool first = true;
+ const TypeList list = typeList();
+ TypeList::ConstIterator it;
+ for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
+ if ( ( type() & (*it) ) && ( (*it) != Pref ) ) {
+ label.append( ( first ? "" : "/" ) + typeLabel( *it ) );
+ if ( first )
+ first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return label;
+void Address::setPostOfficeBox( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mPostOfficeBox = s;
+TQString Address::postOfficeBox() const
+ return mPostOfficeBox;
+TQString Address::postOfficeBoxLabel()
+ return i18n("Post Office Box");
+void Address::setExtended( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mExtended = s;
+TQString Address::extended() const
+ return mExtended;
+TQString Address::extendedLabel()
+ return i18n("Extended Address Information");
+void Address::setStreet( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mStreet = s;
+TQString Address::street() const
+ return mStreet;
+TQString Address::streetLabel()
+ return i18n("Street");
+void Address::setLocality( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mLocality = s;
+TQString Address::locality() const
+ return mLocality;
+TQString Address::localityLabel()
+ return i18n("Locality");
+void Address::setRegion( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mRegion = s;
+TQString Address::region() const
+ return mRegion;
+TQString Address::regionLabel()
+ return i18n("Region");
+void Address::setPostalCode( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mPostalCode = s;
+TQString Address::postalCode() const
+ return mPostalCode;
+TQString Address::postalCodeLabel()
+ return i18n("Postal Code");
+void Address::setCountry( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mCountry = s;
+TQString Address::country() const
+ return mCountry;
+TQString Address::countryLabel()
+ return i18n("Country");
+void Address::setLabel( const TQString &s )
+ mEmpty = false;
+ mLabel = s;
+TQString Address::label() const
+ return mLabel;
+TQString Address::labelLabel()
+ return i18n("Delivery Label");
+Address::TypeList Address::typeList()
+ static TypeList list;
+ if ( list.isEmpty() )
+ list << Dom << Intl << Postal << Parcel << Home << Work << Pref;
+ return list;
+TQString Address::typeLabel( int type )
+ if ( type & Pref )
+ return i18n( "Preferred address", "Preferred" );
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case Dom:
+ return i18n("Domestic");
+ break;
+ case Intl:
+ return i18n("International");
+ break;
+ case Postal:
+ return i18n("Postal");
+ break;
+ case Parcel:
+ return i18n("Parcel");
+ break;
+ case Home:
+ return i18n("Home Address", "Home");
+ break;
+ case Work:
+ return i18n("Work Address", "Work");
+ break;
+ case Pref:
+ return i18n("Preferred Address");
+ break;
+ default:
+ return i18n("Other");
+ break;
+ }
+void Address::dump() const
+ kdDebug(5700) << " Address {" << endl;
+ kdDebug(5700) << " Id: " << id() << endl;
+ kdDebug(5700) << " Extended: " << extended() << endl;
+ kdDebug(5700) << " Street: " << street() << endl;
+ kdDebug(5700) << " Postal Code: " << postalCode() << endl;
+ kdDebug(5700) << " Locality: " << locality() << endl;
+ kdDebug(5700) << " }" << endl;
+TQString Address::formattedAddress( const TQString &realName,
+ const TQString &orgaName ) const
+ TQString ciso;
+ TQString addrTemplate;
+ TQString ret;
+ // FIXME: first check for iso-country-field and prefer that one
+ if ( !country().isEmpty() ) {
+ ciso = countryToISO( country() );
+ } else {
+ // fall back to our own country
+ ciso = TDEGlobal::locale()->country();
+ }
+ KSimpleConfig entry( locate( "locale",
+ TQString( "l10n/" ) + ciso + TQString( "/entry.desktop" ) ) );
+ entry.setGroup( "KCM Locale" );
+ // decide whether this needs special business address formatting
+ if ( orgaName.isEmpty() ) {
+ addrTemplate = entry.readEntry( "AddressFormat" );
+ } else {
+ addrTemplate = entry.readEntry( "BusinessAddressFormat" );
+ if ( addrTemplate.isEmpty() )
+ addrTemplate = entry.readEntry( "AddressFormat" );
+ }
+ // in the case there's no format found at all, default to what we've always
+ // used:
+ if ( addrTemplate.isEmpty() ) {
+ kdWarning(5700) << "address format database incomplete "
+ << "(no format for locale " << ciso
+ << " found). Using default address formatting." << endl;
+ addrTemplate = "%0(%n\\n)%0(%cm\\n)%0(%s\\n)%0(PO BOX %p\\n)%0(%l%w%r)%,%z";
+ }
+ // scan
+ parseAddressTemplateSection( addrTemplate, ret, realName, orgaName );
+ // now add the country line if needed (formatting this time according to
+ // the rules of our own system country )
+ if ( !country().isEmpty() ) {
+ KSimpleConfig entry( locate( "locale", TQString( "l10n/" )
+ + TDEGlobal::locale()->country() + TQString( "/entry.desktop" ) ) );
+ entry.setGroup( "KCM Locale" );
+ TQString cpos = entry.readEntry( "AddressCountryPosition" );
+ if ( "BELOW" == cpos || cpos.isEmpty() ) {
+ ret = ret + "\n\n" + country().upper();
+ } else if ( "below" == cpos ) {
+ ret = ret + "\n\n" + country();
+ } else if ( "ABOVE" == cpos ) {
+ ret = country().upper() + "\n\n" + ret;
+ } else if ( "above" == cpos ) {
+ ret = country() + "\n\n" + ret;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+bool Address::parseAddressTemplateSection( const TQString &tsection,
+ TQString &result, const TQString &realName, const TQString &orgaName ) const
+ // This method first parses and substitutes any bracketed sections and
+ // after that replaces any tags with their values. If a bracketed section
+ // or a tag evaluate to zero, they are not just removed but replaced
+ // with a placeholder. This is because in the last step conditionals are
+ // resolved which depend on information about zero-evaluations.
+ result = tsection;
+ int stpos = 0;
+ bool ret = false;
+ // first check for brackets that have to be evaluated first
+ int fpos = result.find( KABC_FMTTAG_purgeempty, stpos );
+ while ( -1 != fpos ) {
+ int bpos1 = fpos + KABC_FMTTAG_purgeempty.length();
+ int bpos2;
+ // expect opening bracket and find next balanced closing bracket. If
+ // next char is no opening bracket, continue parsing (no valid tag)
+ if ( '(' == result[bpos1] ) {
+ bpos2 = findBalancedBracket( result, bpos1 );
+ if ( -1 != bpos2 ) {
+ // we have balanced brackets, recursively parse:
+ TQString rplstr;
+ bool purge = !parseAddressTemplateSection( result.mid( bpos1+1,
+ bpos2-bpos1-1 ), rplstr,
+ realName, orgaName );
+ if ( purge ) {
+ // purge -> remove all
+ // replace with !_P_!, so conditional tags work later
+ result.replace( fpos, bpos2 - fpos + 1, "!_P_!" );
+ // leave stpos as it is
+ } else {
+ // no purge -> replace with recursively parsed string
+ result.replace( fpos, bpos2 - fpos + 1, rplstr );
+ ret = true;
+ stpos = fpos + rplstr.length();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // unbalanced brackets: keep on parsing (should not happen
+ // and will result in bad formatting)
+ stpos = bpos1;
+ }
+ }
+ fpos = result.find( KABC_FMTTAG_purgeempty, stpos );
+ }
+ // after sorting out all purge tags, we just search'n'replace the rest,
+ // keeping track of whether at least one tag evaluates to something.
+ // The following macro needs TQString for R_FIELD
+ // It substitutes !_P_! for empty fields so conditional tags work later
+ if ( result.find(R_TAG, false) != -1 ) { \
+ TQString rpl = R_FIELD.isEmpty() ? TQString("!_P_!") : R_FIELD; \
+ result.replace( R_TAG, rpl ); \
+ if ( !R_FIELD.isEmpty() ) { \
+ ret = true; \
+ } \
+ }
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_realname, realName );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_REALNAME, realName.upper() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_company, orgaName );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_COMPANY, orgaName.upper() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_pobox, postOfficeBox() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_street, street() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_STREET, street().upper() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_zipcode, postalCode() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_location, locality() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_LOCATION, locality().upper() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_region, region() );
+ REPLTAG( KABC_FMTTAG_REGION, region().upper() );
+ result.replace( KABC_FMTTAG_newline, "\n" );
+#undef REPLTAG
+ // conditional comma
+ fpos = result.find( KABC_FMTTAG_condcomma, 0 );
+ while ( -1 != fpos ) {
+ TQString str1 = result.mid( fpos - 5, 5 );
+ TQString str2 = result.mid( fpos + 2, 5 );
+ if ( str1 != "!_P_!" && str2 != "!_P_!" ) {
+ result.replace( fpos, 2, ", " );
+ } else {
+ result.remove( fpos, 2 );
+ }
+ fpos = result.find( KABC_FMTTAG_condcomma, fpos );
+ }
+ // conditional whitespace
+ fpos = result.find( KABC_FMTTAG_condwhite, 0 );
+ while ( -1 != fpos ) {
+ TQString str1 = result.mid( fpos - 5, 5 );
+ TQString str2 = result.mid( fpos + 2, 5 );
+ if ( str1 != "!_P_!" && str2 != "!_P_!" ) {
+ result.replace( fpos, 2, " " );
+ } else {
+ result.remove( fpos, 2 );
+ }
+ fpos = result.find( KABC_FMTTAG_condwhite, fpos );
+ }
+ // remove purged:
+ result.remove( "!_P_!" );
+ return ret;
+int Address::findBalancedBracket( const TQString &tsection, int pos ) const
+ int balancecounter = 0;
+ for( unsigned int i = pos + 1; i < tsection.length(); i++ ) {
+ if ( ')' == tsection[i] && 0 == balancecounter ) {
+ // found end of brackets
+ return i;
+ } else
+ if ( '(' == tsection[i] ) {
+ // nested brackets
+ balancecounter++;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+TQString Address::countryToISO( const TQString &cname )
+ // we search a map file for translations from country names to
+ // iso codes, storing caching things in a TQMap for faster future
+ // access.
+ if ( !mISOMap )
+ isoMapDeleter.setObject( mISOMap, new TQMap<TQString, TQString>() );
+ TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator it;
+ it = mISOMap->find( cname );
+ if ( it != mISOMap->end() )
+ return;
+ TQString mapfile = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data",
+ TQString::fromLatin1( "tdeabc/" ) );
+ TQFile file( mapfile );
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
+ TQTextStream s( &file );
+ TQString strbuf = s.readLine();
+ while( !strbuf.isEmpty() ) {
+ TQStringList countryInfo = TQStringList::split( '\t', strbuf, true );
+ if ( countryInfo[ 0 ] == cname ) {
+ file.close();
+ mISOMap->insert( cname, countryInfo[ 1 ] );
+ return countryInfo[ 1 ];
+ }
+ strbuf = s.readLine();
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ // fall back to system country
+ mISOMap->insert( cname, TDEGlobal::locale()->country() );
+ return TDEGlobal::locale()->country();
+TQString Address::ISOtoCountry( const TQString &ISOname )
+ // get country name from ISO country code (e.g. "no" -> i18n("Norway"))
+ if ( ISOname.simplifyWhiteSpace().isEmpty() )
+ return TQString::null;
+ TQString mapfile = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findResource( "data",
+ TQString::fromLatin1( "tdeabc/" ) );
+ TQFile file( mapfile );
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
+ TQTextStream s( &file );
+ TQString searchStr = "\t" + ISOname.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower();
+ TQString strbuf = s.readLine();
+ int pos;
+ while ( !strbuf.isEmpty() ) {
+ if ( (pos = strbuf.find( searchStr )) != -1 ) {
+ file.close();
+ return i18n( strbuf.left( pos ).utf8() );
+ }
+ strbuf = s.readLine();
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ return ISOname;
+TQDataStream &KABC::operator<<( TQDataStream &s, const Address &addr )
+ return s << addr.mId << addr.mType << addr.mPostOfficeBox <<
+ addr.mExtended << addr.mStreet << addr.mLocality <<
+ addr.mRegion << addr.mPostalCode << addr.mCountry <<
+ addr.mLabel;
+TQDataStream &KABC::operator>>( TQDataStream &s, Address &addr )
+ s >> addr.mId >> addr.mType >> addr.mPostOfficeBox >> addr.mExtended >>
+ addr.mStreet >> addr.mLocality >> addr.mRegion >>
+ addr.mPostalCode >> addr.mCountry >> addr.mLabel;
+ addr.mEmpty = false;
+ return s;