path: root/tdenewstuff/security.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tdenewstuff/security.cpp')
1 files changed, 344 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tdenewstuff/security.cpp b/tdenewstuff/security.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d161c2969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tdenewstuff/security.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+ security.cpp - description
+ -------------------
+ begin : Thu Jun 24 11:22:12 2004
+ copyright : (C) 2004, 2005 by Andras Mantia <[email protected]>
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as *
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
+ * *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+ //qt includes
+#include <tqfile.h>
+#include <tqfileinfo.h>
+#include <tqstringlist.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+ //kde includes
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kinputdialog.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <kmdcodec.h>
+#include <tdemessagebox.h>
+#include <kpassdlg.h>
+#include <kprocio.h>
+ //app includes
+#include "security.h"
+using namespace KNS;
+ m_keysRead = false;
+ m_gpgRunning = false;
+ readKeys();
+ readSecretKeys();
+void Security::readKeys()
+ if (m_gpgRunning)
+ {
+ TQTimer::singleShot(5, this, TQT_SLOT(readKeys()));
+ return;
+ }
+ m_runMode = List;
+ m_keys.clear();
+ KProcIO *readProcess=new KProcIO();
+ *readProcess << "gpg"<<"--no-secmem-warning"<<"--no-tty"<<"--with-colon"<<"--list-keys";
+ connect(readProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(TDEProcess *)));
+ connect(readProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(readReady(KProcIO *)) ,this, TQT_SLOT(slotDataArrived(KProcIO *)));
+ if (!readProcess->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, true))
+ KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("<qt>Cannot start <i>gpg</i> and retrieve the available keys. Make sure that <i>gpg</i> is installed, otherwise verification of downloaded resources will not be possible.</qt>"));
+ else
+ m_gpgRunning = true;
+void Security::readSecretKeys()
+ if (m_gpgRunning)
+ {
+ TQTimer::singleShot(5, this, TQT_SLOT(readSecretKeys()));
+ return;
+ }
+ m_runMode = ListSecret;
+ KProcIO *readProcess=new KProcIO();
+ *readProcess << "gpg"<<"--no-secmem-warning"<<"--no-tty"<<"--with-colon"<<"--list-secret-keys";
+ connect(readProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(TDEProcess *)));
+ connect(readProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(readReady(KProcIO *)) ,this, TQT_SLOT(slotDataArrived(KProcIO *)));
+ if (readProcess->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit, true))
+ m_gpgRunning = true;
+void Security::slotProcessExited(TDEProcess *process)
+ switch (m_runMode)
+ {
+ case ListSecret:
+ m_keysRead = true;
+ break;
+ case Verify: emit validityResult(m_result);
+ break;
+ case Sign: emit fileSigned(m_result);
+ break;
+ }
+ m_gpgRunning = false;
+ delete process;
+void Security::slotDataArrived(KProcIO *procIO)
+ TQString data;
+ while (procIO->readln(data, true) != -1)
+ {
+ switch (m_runMode)
+ {
+ case List:
+ case ListSecret:
+ if (data.startsWith("pub") || data.startsWith("sec"))
+ {
+ KeyStruct key;
+ if (data.startsWith("pub"))
+ key.secret = false;
+ else
+ key.secret = true;
+ TQStringList line = TQStringList::split(":", data, true);
+ = line[4];
+ TQString shortId =;
+ TQString trustStr = line[1];
+ key.trusted = false;
+ if (trustStr == "u" || trustStr == "f")
+ key.trusted = true;
+ data = line[9];
+ key.mail=data.section('<', -1, -1);
+ key.mail.truncate(key.mail.length() - 1);
+ if ("(")!=-1)
+ m_keys[shortId] = key;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Verify:
+ data = TQString(data.section("]",1,-1)).stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (data.startsWith("GOODSIG"))
+ {
+ m_result &= SIGNED_BAD_CLEAR;
+ m_result |= SIGNED_OK;
+ TQString id = data.section(" ", 1 , 1).right(8);
+ if (!m_keys.contains(id))
+ {
+ m_result |= UNKNOWN;
+ } else
+ {
+ m_signatureKey = m_keys[id];
+ }
+ } else
+ if (data.startsWith("NO_PUBKEY"))
+ {
+ m_result &= SIGNED_BAD_CLEAR;
+ m_result |= UNKNOWN;
+ } else
+ if (data.startsWith("BADSIG"))
+ {
+ m_result |= SIGNED_BAD;
+ TQString id = data.section(" ", 1 , 1).right(8);
+ if (!m_keys.contains(id))
+ {
+ m_result |= UNKNOWN;
+ } else
+ {
+ m_signatureKey = m_keys[id];
+ }
+ } else
+ if (data.startsWith("TRUST_ULTIMATE"))
+ {
+ m_result &= SIGNED_BAD_CLEAR;
+ m_result |= TRUSTED;
+ }
+ break;
+ case Sign:
+ if (data.find("passphrase.enter") != -1)
+ {
+ TQCString password;
+ KeyStruct key = m_keys[m_secretKey];
+ int result = KPasswordDialog::getPassword(password, i18n("<qt>Enter passphrase for key <b>0x%1</b>, belonging to<br><i>%2&lt;%3&gt;</i>:</qt>").arg(m_secretKey).arg(;
+ if (result == KPasswordDialog::Accepted)
+ {
+ procIO->writeStdin(password, true);
+ password.fill(' ');
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_result |= BAD_PASSPHRASE;
+ slotProcessExited(procIO);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ if (data.find("BAD_PASSPHRASE") != -1)
+ {
+ m_result |= BAD_PASSPHRASE;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void Security::checkValidity(const TQString& filename)
+ m_fileName = filename;
+ slotCheckValidity();
+void Security::slotCheckValidity()
+ if (!m_keysRead || m_gpgRunning)
+ {
+ TQTimer::singleShot(5, this, TQT_SLOT(slotCheckValidity()));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_keys.count() == 0)
+ {
+ emit validityResult(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_result = 0;
+ m_runMode = Verify;
+ TQFileInfo f(m_fileName);
+ //check the MD5 sum
+ TQString md5sum;
+ const char* c = "";
+ KMD5 context(c);
+ TQFile file(m_fileName);
+ if (
+ {
+ context.reset();
+ context.update(TQT_TQIODEVICE_OBJECT(file));
+ md5sum = context.hexDigest();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ file.setName(f.dirPath() + "/md5sum");
+ if (
+ {
+ TQString md5sum_file;
+ file.readLine(md5sum_file, 50);
+ if (!md5sum.isEmpty() && !md5sum_file.isEmpty() && md5sum_file.startsWith(md5sum))
+ m_result |= MD5_OK;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ m_result |= SIGNED_BAD;
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ m_signatureKey.mail = "";
+ m_signatureKey.trusted = false;
+ //verify the signature
+ KProcIO *verifyProcess=new KProcIO();
+ *verifyProcess<<"gpg"<<"--no-secmem-warning"<<"--status-fd=2"<<"--command-fd=0"<<"--verify" << f.dirPath() + "/signature"<< m_fileName;
+ connect(verifyProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)),this, TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(TDEProcess *)));
+ connect(verifyProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(readReady(KProcIO *)),this, TQT_SLOT(slotDataArrived(KProcIO *)));
+ if (verifyProcess->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit,true))
+ m_gpgRunning = true;
+ else
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("<qt>Cannot start <i>gpg</i> and check the validity of the file. Make sure that <i>gpg</i> is installed, otherwise verification of downloaded resources will not be possible.</qt>"));
+ emit validityResult(0);
+ delete verifyProcess;
+ }
+void Security::signFile(const TQString &fileName)
+ m_fileName = fileName;
+ slotSignFile();
+void Security::slotSignFile()
+ if (!m_keysRead || m_gpgRunning)
+ {
+ TQTimer::singleShot(5, this, TQT_SLOT(slotSignFile()));
+ return;
+ }
+ TQStringList secretKeys;
+ for (TQMap<TQString, KeyStruct>::Iterator it = m_keys.begin(); it != m_keys.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ if (
+ secretKeys.append(it.key());
+ }
+ if (secretKeys.count() == 0)
+ {
+ emit fileSigned(-1);
+ return;
+ }
+ m_result = 0;
+ TQFileInfo f(m_fileName);
+ //create the MD5 sum
+ TQString md5sum;
+ const char* c = "";
+ KMD5 context(c);
+ TQFile file(m_fileName);
+ if (
+ {
+ context.reset();
+ context.update(TQT_TQIODEVICE_OBJECT(file));
+ md5sum = context.hexDigest();
+ file.close();
+ }
+ file.setName(f.dirPath() + "/md5sum");
+ if (
+ {
+ TQTextStream stream(&file);
+ stream << md5sum;
+ m_result |= MD5_OK;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ if (secretKeys.count() > 1)
+ {
+ bool ok;
+ secretKeys = KInputDialog::getItemList(i18n("Select Signing Key"), i18n("Key used for signing:"), secretKeys, secretKeys[0], false, &ok);
+ if (ok)
+ m_secretKey = secretKeys[0];
+ else
+ {
+ emit fileSigned(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else
+ m_secretKey = secretKeys[0];
+ //verify the signature
+ KProcIO *signProcess=new KProcIO();
+ *signProcess<<"gpg"<<"--no-secmem-warning"<<"--status-fd=2"<<"--command-fd=0"<<"--no-tty"<<"--detach-sign" << "-u" << m_secretKey << "-o" << f.dirPath() + "/signature" << m_fileName;
+ connect(signProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(processExited(TDEProcess *)),this, TQT_SLOT(slotProcessExited(TDEProcess *)));
+ connect(signProcess, TQT_SIGNAL(readReady(KProcIO *)),this, TQT_SLOT(slotDataArrived(KProcIO *)));
+ m_runMode = Sign;
+ if (signProcess->start(TDEProcess::NotifyOnExit,true))
+ m_gpgRunning = true;
+ else
+ {
+ KMessageBox::error(0L, i18n("<qt>Cannot start <i>gpg</i> and sign the file. Make sure that <i>gpg</i> is installed, otherwise signing of the resources will not be possible.</qt>"));
+ emit fileSigned(0);
+ delete signProcess;
+ }
+#include "security.moc"